Duncan research files of |
1820 Pittsylvania Co. VA Census Pg. 47 William Duncan 000010 - 40010 48 Nathan Duncan 110001 - 00201 1830 Pittsylvania Co. VA Census Pg.344 Sarah Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,1100,01 Nathl. Duncan 0000,01 - 2000,01 1840 Pittsylvania Co. VA Census Pg.113 Nathaniel Duncan 1100,01 - 1020,01 (MAD: Madison Co. TN 1850)
1850 Pittsylvania Co. VA Census
Northern Dist.
Pg.203, #482, Elizabeth DUNCAN 40 VA
Celia 17, Martha 13 VA
Mary 8, Daniel 5 VA
William 7/12 VA
(neighbors Sharp, Pickerel, Toler, Myers, James)
1860 Pittsylvania Co. VA Census
Chatham P.O.
Pg.310, #1149, Paulina J. DUNCAN 30 VA (blank) $0-$3000
Genia (m) 5, William D. 3 VA
(MAD: Fluvanna Co. VA 1850 census; Paulina the widow of James B.)
Laurel Grove P.O.
Pg.591-2, #1739, Charles W. FLIPPO 56 VA merchant $10,000-$15,000
Nancy S. 37 VA
John W. CRAWHILL? 15 VA, Martha 13 VA
William FLIPPO 11, Charles? 7 VA
Harriet 5, Joshua 2? VA
James H. BABER?? 34 VA clerk
Th...? BOLARD 36 SCT machinest
Wm. S. ALLEN 30 VA machinest
John FIRHAS? 35 VA machinest
Martha FINCH? 22? SCT
William 13, Charles 11 VA
1870 Pittsylvania Co. VA Census
Subdivision North of Dan River
Pg.193, #2304-2316, DUNCAN, William E. 42 VA farmer $0-$300
Sallie E. 32 VA keeping house
Catharine L. 14 VA at home
Asa L. 12 VA farm laborer
Sallie W. 8, Evelina M. 5 VA at home
Martha B. 3, Annie 1 VA at home
Pg.268, #3586-3604, DUNCAN, Edward 38 VA farmer $500-$150
Elizabeth 34 VA keeping house
Letitia (f) 13, Lewis T. 11, Andrew 9 VA at home
Mariah B. 5, Martha H. 3, James 1 VA at home
Pg.331, #4704-4728, DUNCAN, Daniel 25 VA farmer $0-$0
Elizabeth 60 VA keeping house
William 19 VA at home
Town of Danville
Pg.438, #844-844, BUMHART, Frederick 39 BAVaria teamster $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Lucy A. 27 NC keeping house
DUNCAN, Nancy A. 72 NC at home
Danville, VA, marriage records (independent city; see Pittsylvania Co. VA) (indexes 1841-1965 A-K, males on FHL film 870,570; females on FHL film 870,572)
Duncan grooms after 1900; Duncan brides start 1883, Dunkins brides 1886
Oliver Duncombes to Lucy Coleman, 1876, #717
Pittsylvania Co. VA Wills, 1767-1948
Index: 9-72 (ca 1900); 2-270 (1858) (FHL film 33,258)
Book 1, 1814-1845 - none page 133 (FHL film 33,258)
2-270: 20 April 1858, James B. Duncan; wife Paulina J. Duncan and her two children Eugene C. and William D. Duncan, negroes; remainder to be sold; land I purchased from Wm. Rison and upon which I presently reside to be sold; land from C. Dodson to be sold; wife Paulina 1/3 part, remainder 2/3 between all my children, viz., Jas. B., John Andrew, Ann E., Eugene C., and William Duncan. Exec. friend Thomas P. Hoge. Wit. Samuel G. Williams, Hugh H. Tallen. Prob. 17 May 1858. (FHL film 33,258) (MAD: from Fluvanna Co. VA 1850)
Pittsylvania Co. VA Will Index 1767-1948 (FHL film 33,258)
WB 11-145: Will of John Pigg of Pittsylvania Co. VA, 10 Oct. 1782, sick and weak ... (FHL film 33,268)
WB 11-147: Will of Hezekiah Pigg of Pittsylvania Co., 2 July 1784, weak in body ... (FHL film 33,268)
DB 11-429: Will of John Pigg of Pittsylvania Co. VA, 2 Nov. 1815; weak in body; wife Polly Pigg have exclusive (use) of her thirds, the household and kitchen furniture and all my stock of every description and my present crop of every description to be kept under her direction for the support of her and family, also two negroes Sile? & Wise, during her life; to eldest son Peyton a negro boy George when he comes of age; to my second son Clemans a negro boy Randle when he comes of age; to my third son Hesekiah a negro boy Majer when he comes of age; to my only daughter Elizabeth a negro girl at her marriage or coming of age named Sindy; to William my fourth son a negro girl when he comes of age named Chaney?; to my fifth son John Walker a negro girl named Patty. All my children to have a good liberal english education. In case either of the before mentioned legacies die before coming of age of the legatee, then they be made equal before the general division of my estate. The balance, land and negroes, equally divided between my six children before mentioned and paid to them as they come of age. Appoint wife and Alin? Gray exec. Wit. W. Nash, Adam Gray, Clement Pigg. Proved 19 Feb. 1816, securities James Adams?, Samuel Colland, Nathan Hutcherson, James Hart and Clement Pigg. (FHL film 33,290; Deed Book 11)
VA State Land Office Surveys
Book 1, 1779-1782 (FHL film 29,544)
1-399: Pittsylvania Co., 17 March 1779, surveyed for Charles Dunkin, 390 acres on branches of Sandy River adj. Constant Perkins line, Gammons line, Chadwell's corner. Assignment of land to George Sutherlin, /s/ Charles (+) Dunkin, wit. George Brooke. Grant issued 1 Sept. 1780.
Book 2, 1779-1782 (FHL film 29,545)
2-245: Pittsylvania Co., 6 Nov. 1778, surveyed for (Benjamin Duncan crossed out) Leonard Delosure (written above) 134 acres on N.branch Tomahawk Creek, adj. George Smith's corner and new lines, crossing Buckhorn Creek, James Smith's line, John Balls line. 20 Dec. 1778 the above land was transferred to Leod. Delosure to whom let a patent issue. Grant issued 8 July 1780.
2-507: Pittsylvania Co., 5 April 1770, surveyed for (William Dunkin crossed out) William Sutton (written above) 743 acres on branches of Dan River, adj. Nicholas Perkins corner, Snowden Kirtland's line, William York's line, Samuel Harris's line, Sweeting's line, John Cargill's line. 17 March 1779 above mentioned land transferred to William Sutton to whom let a patent issue. Grant issued 1 Sept. 1780.
Book 4, 1780-1785 (FHL film 29,547)
4-475: Pittsylvania Co., Nov. 7, 1780, surveyed for Thomas Duncan by an entry, 215 acres on both sides Hughes Creek, adj. Sparks corner, John Yates line, Watts line, said Duncan's corner. The above assigned by Thomas Duncan to Slylvester Adims (sic). Rec. 16 Oct. 1783. Grant issued 1 June 1784.
Book 5, 1782-1786 (FHL film 29,548)
5-156: Pittsylvania Co., 23 Jan. 1781, surveyed for Charles Duncan, 447 acres on waters of Sandy River by virtue of an old entry, beg. Nelson's corner in Davis's line, W.A. Lewis's corner and line, Givins line, assigned to Samuel Lewis. Rec. 23 Nov. 1782, Grant issd. 18 June 1783.
Book 6, 1782-1786 (FHL film 29,549)
6-29: Pittsylvania Co., 18 March 1779, surveyed for Charles Dunkin, 282 acres on branches of open ground fork of Beens Creek adj. James Dunkin's line, McGuff's line, Perkins's line, said Dunkin's former line, said Dunkin's old line. Rec. 8 June '80, Grant issd. 1 Feb. 1781.
VA State Land Grants, Upper Valley (index on FHL film 29,315)
42-869: Dec. 7, 1774, Thomas Duncan, Pittsylvania Co., 713 acres on both sides Racoon Branch.
E-597: Sept. 1, 1780, Charles Dunkin, Pittsylvania Co., 390 acres on branches of Sandy River adj. Perkins, Gammon, etc.
Pittsylvania Co. VA Old Surveys, 1746-1782, Vol. #1 (FHL film 33,324)
No Duncan to page 239, no index
Pittsylvania Co. VA Record Book 1737-1770 (FHL film 33,325)
Pg. 179: 1762, 24 March: John Rice, 400 Acs. beg. at pine on John Russells line,l mark R 1&2 on a branch of Cascade Cr. Also 400 Acs. So. Fork of Russells Cr. of Mayo River beg. at a white oak markt R &2, the. up & down sd. crk. on each side for 2 ty.
John Dunkin 400 Acs. beg. at the upper line of the Last Mentioned entry when run The. up both sides.
Pg. 276: 1762, 4 March: Thomas Duncan 400 Acs. L. on the So. Side Blackwater River Between Stephen Harth and Col. Whittons Lines.
Pg. 276: 1762, 4 March: Benjamin Duncan 400 Acs. L. on So. Side Blackwater River Between the Lines of ---- Harth and Stephen Hard (Hand?). (have copy page)
Pg. 291: 1762, 5 Oct?: Martin Dunkin 400 Acs. on S. Side Dan Rr. beg. on Mrs. Perkin's lower line the. down for 2 ty?.
Pg. 291: 1762, 5 Oct?: William Dunkin 400 Acs. land ag. Jno. Hardemans west line of his new survey on Mountain Cr. Also 400 Acs. land on the head of the No. fork of Runnetbrg? Cr. on Mavin Moris? land including the branches of Little Rr.
Pg. 294: 1762, 17 Nov.: Thomas Dunkin 400 Acs. L. adj. his upper line on Raccoon br. of Bearskin including the head brs. thereof and the brs. of bearskin Exdg. towards Banister.
Pg. 315: 1763, 2 Dec.: Chars. Dunkin 400 Acs. "on Moblys Cr. beg. at a W.O. with 3 chops. Also 400 ac on Dann? Rr. adj. James Dunkins lines."
Pg. 315: 1764, 9th Jan.: James Dunkin 400 Acs. on the No. side Dan Rr. adj. Chars. Dunkins lower? line when run the. down for 2 ty?.
Pg. 333: 1764, 15th Nov.: Charles Dunkin 400 Acs. beg at a Hickory in his (?) line thence extending Each way.
Pg. 359: 1766, 18 Apr.: Peter Dunkin 400 Acs. on the br. of Sandy Rr. on the So. side Piney Mountain beg. at a W.O. (white oak) near a bt.? mark & wt. (with) 2 blazes the. (thence) each way.
Pg. 365: 1766, 17th July: John Dunkin 400 Acs. on upper side of Sandy River Beg. at a White Oak mark "I" (with a center line across the "I") near the (?) of a branch the. (?) the River and Branches.
Pg. 365: 1766, 17th July: Ambrose Harrison Dunken, 400 Acs. Beg. at a Hickory mark "A" standing near the Zorkey? Cr. The. adjg. Cottons Lines when run.
Pg. 367: 1766, 22 July: Johnny Dunkin 200 Acs. land on Sandy River beg. at a white oak mark "I" (with a center line across the "I") near the mouth of a branch, The. up the river and branch.
Pg. 389: 1767, 3 Jany.: William Duncan 400 Acs. on the So. fork of Russells Cr. Beg. at a w.o. mark "W" the. up and down on both sides. Also 400 Acs. on the No. fork of Russells Cr. Beg at a chestnut tree mark "W" the. up and down on both sides.
Pg. 436: 1768, 18 Oct.: Charles Duncan 400 Acs. beg. on his lines thence to the open ground No? or fk.? for 2 ty?. Also 400 Acs. Beginning at the s. Duncans Beginning lines running up Georges Cr. for 2 ty.?
Pittsylvania Co. VA Deeds
Grantor Deed Index, next deeds 1868, not copied (FHL film 33,259)
Grantee Index; next deeds 1855 (FHL film 33,260)
No deed indexed from Robert Dunkins to Davis Betty, recorded June 1810 (per County Court RB 14-253), nor recorded with other deeds in June, 1810 in Vol.17 (FHL film 33,271).
1-104: 27 May 1768, Stephen Heard to Benjamin Dunking, both Pittsylvania Co., for £30, 229 acres on Black Water River. No. wit. (FHL film 33,262)
1-352: 23 Aug. 1769, Benjamin (B) Dunkin to William Beams, for £40, 229 acres on Black Water River, being land said Benjamin bought of Stephen Hard? and granted to Herd 31 Oct. 1765. Wit. John Ford Junr, John Cook?, Joseph Cook? (FHL film 33,262)
2-137: 22 Nov. 1770, James (X) Dunkin to Thomas Owen, for £150, 103 acres on north side of Dan River, Henry Hanes line. Wit. Elizabey (X) Yates, Thos. (X) Shelton, Martha (X) Yates, William (W) Shelton, Benjamin (B) Gwillams. No wife mentioned. (FHL film 33,262)
2-378: 26 Sept. 1771, James Duncan by his certain indenture of feoffment conveyed to Thomas Owen 103 acres; Elizabeth, wife of James, examined. (FHL film 33,262)
3-59: 28 Aug. 1772, William Neally to Benjamin Duncan, for £100, 200 acres on Pye Creek at Tomahawk Branch on Robert Neally's line. No wit. (FHL film 33,263)
3-249: 8 Dec. 1772, Charles (X) Duncan of Pitts. Co. to Field & Call, merchants, of Prince George Co., for £21 10s, mortgage cattle and hogs. Wit. John Wilson, John Dickinson. (FHL film 33,263)
5-158: 24 Feb. 1779, Thomas Duncan to John Smith, for £370, 713 acres on both sides of Racoon Branch. Wit. Charles Burton, William (M) Billins, Thomas Billing, Franes (X) Ross. No wife mentioned. (FHL film 33,264)
6-27: 15 Dec. 1779, Hugh Armstrong of Surry Co. NC, planter, to William Duncan of Pittsylvania Co., for £1000, 135 acres on south side Dan River. Wit. John (X) McMillon, Thomas (X) Duncan., Geo. H. Givin, Richard Ardin. Reg. on oath of witnesses. (FHL film 33,265)
6-85: 20 March 1781, Daniel McKinsey and wife Sarah to Jesse Duncan, for £600, 100 acres on both sides of Bear Skin Creek, part of greater tract to John Rigg, to McKinsey by deed 27 Nov. 1773. No wit. (FHL film 33,265)
7-12: 15 April 1783, Killin Kreek to Samuel Duncan, for £10, 172 acres on Tomahawk Creek. No wit. (FHL film 33,265)
7-135: 19 Aug. 1783, Samuel Duncan to Benjamin Duncan, both Pitts. Co., for £30, 182 acres on Tomahawk Creek. Wit. John Campbell, Hugh Reynolds, Nolon Dickinson. (FHL film 33,265)
7-167: 16 Dec. 1783, John Duncan son of the late Charles Dunkin of Pitts. Co., to Thomas Casy of Guilford Co. NC, for £20, 282 acres (no waterway), grant to Charles Dunkin decd on branches of the open ground fork of Beens Creek. /s/ John Duncan, Sarah Duncan. No wit. (FHL film 33,265)
7-184: 10 Dec. 1783, John (X) Duncan to George Sutherland, for £60, 390 acres on branches of Sandy River. Wit. Rich. C. Harrison, Sylvester Adams, John Ross, George Southerland. No wife mentioned. (FHL film 33,265)
7-217: 16 Dec. 1783, Benjamin Duncan to Joseph Atkins, for £80, 100 acres, part of land which William Neely now lives on, on Tomahawk Creek, across the creek from George Smith's line, part of 200 acres obtained from Col. John Chiswell & Co. by deed. No wit., no wife. (FHL film 33,265)
7-631: 4 April 1786, Jesse Robinson and wife Elizabeth (signed Bettey) to Jesse Duncan, for £250, 252 acres on Strawberry Creek. Wit. Jos. Akin, Edward Possejou?, Thos. Price. (FHL film 33,265)
8-2: 15 Jan. 1787, Jesse Duncan of Pitts. Co., planter, to George Herndon of same, planter, for £250, 252 acres on both sides Strawberry Creek, corner Thomas Harget, land which Jesse Duncan purchased of Jesse Robinson on 4 April 1786. /s/ Jesse Duncan, Nancy Duncan. No wit. (FHL film 33,266; indexed as book 9)
8-65: 10 Dec. 1786, Alexander Robertson of Cheron? Dist. SC, to John Duncan of Pitts. Co. VA, for £140, 322 acres, Peyton Smith's line, on Pigg River. Wit. S. Tuggle, Peyton Smith, Payn. T. Smith. Elizabeth Robertson examination recorded book 11, pg. 358. (FHL film 33,266)
8-178: 24 Sept. 1784, Benjamin Duncan to Jeremiah Hezee, for £100, 182 acres on branches of Tomahawk Creek. /s/ Benjamin Duncan, Elizabeth (X) Duncan. Wit. Nolon (Noton?) Dickinson, James (X) Dyer, George Smith, John Ball. (FHL film 33,266)
8-196: 9 Nov. 1787, Joseph King to F. Allen Dunkan, both Pitts. Co., for £100, (said Field Allen Duncan), 185 acres on north side Pigg River. Wit. John Bobbitt, Peyn. Smith, William Young, John Duncan, Joseph King Jr. (FHL film 33,266)
8-333: 14 Feb. 1789, Joshua Welch and wife Jemima to Jesse Duncan, for £38 15s, 62 acres on waters of Cherry Stone, beg. post oak in Jesse Duncans line. Wit. Joseph Carter, John Chattin, Elisha Nickles?. (FHL film 33,266)
8-352: 12 April 1784, Jesse Duncan to John Dyer, both Pitts. Co., for £40, 100 acres on both sides Bearskin Creek, part of 400 acre grant to John Pigg, from Pigg to David McKinsey 22 Nov. 1773. No wife mentioned. Wit. Jos. Akin, Will Shelton, Thos. Terry. (FHL film 33,266)
9-2: Indexed from Jesse and Nancy Duncan to George Herndon, 15 Jan. 1787; see 8-2 (FHL film 33,267)
9-162: 29 Aug. 1791, Emanuel Payne of Lincoln Co. KY to Benjamin Duncan of Culpeper Co. VA, for £500, land on Panter? Creek in Pitts. Co., 390 acres. (no wife). Wit. Thos. H. Woodring, John Davis, Danl. Bradley. Proved by wit. (FHL film 33,267)
9-203: 16 Dec. 1791, Daniel Wilcher to Field Allen Duncan, both Pitts. Co., for £400, 100 acres north side Pigg River. Wit. John Bobbett, Isaac Ramsey. No wife mentioned. (FHL film 33,267)
9-348: 18 Feb. 1793, John Davis of Pitts. Co. appoint friend Frederick Duncan of Culpeper Co. attorney to receive from persons in King William Co. .... No wit. (FHL film 33,267)
9-420: 9 Feb. 1793, John Duncan of Pitts. Co. to John Smith, merchant, of same, for £79 10s, mortgage of cattle, etc. Wit. P.H. Stockton, Daniel Welcher Junr, Uriah Bobbitt. (FHL film 33,267)
9-485: 17 Aug. 1793, Gideon Roach of Pitts. Co. to John Duncan of Franklin Co. (no state), for £100, 275 acres on Harping? Creek in Pitts. Co. Wit. Wm. Witcher, Abraham Razor, Daniel Witcher junr. (FHL film 33,267)
9-531: 2 April 1794, John Duncan and wife Frances of Pitts. Co. to John Smith of same, for £135, 275 acres on Harper Creek whereon the said John Duncan now lives. Wit. Edwd. C. Vanmeter, Joseph (X) Polley, John Ward, William (X) Thompson. (Frances did not sign). (FHL film 33,267)
9-553: 2 April 1794, John Smith to John Duncan, both Pitts. Co., for £120, 277 acres corner Peter Burnett, Cleeck? Watson?. Wit. Edwd. C. Vanmeter, Joseph Polley?, William (X) Thompson, John Ward. (FHL film 33,267)
10-369: 16 May 1796, "Whereas being wickedly and maliciously inflamed I did assert at the house of John Mullins of Charlotte that Thomas H. Wooding of this County was a hogg theaf and that I could prove it, Now being conscious of the groundlessness of that assertion and being willing to attone for the wanton injury offered to the reputation of the said Thomas H. Wooding, I do confess and acknowledge that the assertion by me made is false and groundless and therefore hope that the suite brought by the said Wooding against me may be dismissed at my cost." /s/ Jesse Duncan. Witness: Thos. Smithicum?, John Hodges, Joseph Wright. "N.B. Being supported by conscious integrity and ever firm against a wicked attack of envious slander I consent that my sute against Jesse Dunking for speaking slanderous words against my reputation be dismissed at his cost." Thomas H. Wooding, 16 May 1796. Wit. Thos. Sinthinom?, John Hodges, Joseph Wright. Court dismissed suit. (FHL film 33,267)
11-61: 22 Dec. 1796, Field Allen Duncan to John Smith, trust deed to secure debt, 100 acres on Pigg River. Wit. John Thomson, Solomon (X) Hinsley, Abraham (X) Deboe?. (FHL film 33,267)
11-292: 20 June 1786, Charles Wright of Henrico Co. to Jesse Duncan of Pitts. Co., for £60, 160 acres on Cherrystone Creek. Wit. Thos. Hardey, Joshua Welch, John Chatton. (FHL film 33,267)
12-233: 15 Dec. 1800, John Duncan and wife Fanney to Stephen Fowler, both Pitts Co., and George Backer? of Franklin Co., for £307, 277 acres on Stanton River, deed from John Smith to Duncan. Wit. William Anderson, Thos. Leftwich, Thos. Adams, William Adams, Joseph Hundley. (FHL film 33,267)
12-240: 14 Dec. 1800, John Smith to John Duncan, for £15, 30 acres on the draft of Stanton River. No Wit. (FHL film 33,267)
14-344: 21 June 1805, Jesse Duncan (no wife mentioned) to William Tunstall, for £212, 2 tracts both sides Big Ch...shaul? Creek, 212 acres, bounded said Duncan and Thomas Hardey's former lines joined the creek, Hardy sold to Thomas H. Woodinan?, Francis Allen's former line now said Tunstall, Duncans spring branch, Piggs Road, John Chattins corner, Cherry Stone Creek, Mrs. Welches spring. Wit. Tho. B. Tunstall, Will P. Harrison. (FHL film 33,269)
20-146: 9 July 1814, Sarah Lessly and Nathaniel Duncan (1st part) to William Ferguson (2nd part), John Wadding (3rd part), mortgage of animals. Wit. Augustin L. Thom?, William (X) Shelton, William (X) Madding, Geo. (X) Duncan. (FHL film 33,272) (MAD: see marriage in Prince Edward Co. VA)
33-144: 17 Dec. 1831, Sandy (X) Duncan in trust to David W. Nowlin, Duncan owes Nowlin Berger & c., trust deed for slave. Wit. Abram Hendrick, John Edwards, James N. Berger. (FHL film 33,278)
38-230: 18 Jan. 1835, Wm. H. Wooding and wife Jane W. to Nathaniel Duncan, both Pittsylvania Co., for $100, 88 acres adj. land of Ro. Hutchings & others (no watercourse). No wit. (FHL film 33,280)
42-61: 8 Sept. 1838, Richard Turner and Celia his wife formerly Celia George of Pittsylvania Co., now of Patrick Co. VA; Elizabeth (X) Duncan of Pittsylvania Co. VA, formerly Elizabeth George; Ellis George; William A. Lacky and wife Martha Lacky formerly Martha George, of Patrick Co.; to William West, for $200, 208 acres south side of Staunton River. (no mention how the land came to them) (FHL film 33,281) (MAD: Elizabeth wife of Alexander)
48-311: 20 April 1843, We, James Snead and wife Francis of St. Charles Co. MO appoint our friend John S. Duncan of Lincoln Co. MO, our attorney as heir of our deceased father Jacob Anderson, late of Pittsylvania; also as attorney for James Snead as heir of my deceased father Evin or Evan Snead late of Halifax Co. VA. No Wit. (FHL film 33,283)
48-349: 29 May 1844, John S. Duncan as attorney for James Snead and Frances Snead his wife (formerly Frances Anderson), all of Lincoln Co. MO, to E.Y. Wimbish of Pitts. Co. VA, for $400, sell the right to estate both real and personal of Jacob Anderson who was the father of the said Frances and also estate of Frances Anderson widow of said Jacob Anderson. John S. Duncan appeared in Pittsylvania Co. to acknowledge deed. (FHL film 33,283)
49-319: 13 Aug. 1845, Nathaniel (+) Duncan and Lucy (+) his wife to David F. Sanier, for $176, 88 acres on the white oak mountain adj. said Sanier & others. No wit. (FHL film 33,283)
Go to the Pittsylvania Co. VA Court Records 1767-1860
Richmond, VA, Death Certificate File #27178, Certificate #340 (from Jeff Propst 11/2003)
Polly Copeland, Date of Death: 11/15/1913, Birth: 5/12/1831; Father: Stephen Duncan, born SC; Mother: Martha Boatwright, born SC; cause of death: Died of pneumonia following a fracture of right thigh from an accidental fall; Information given by son William G. Benefield. (Jeff Propst: died Danville, Pittsylvania Co. VA; MAD: see 1850 Campbell Co. GA census)
Culpeper Co. VA Deed (FHL film 30,955)
EE-499: -- day of June 1811, Elizabeth Duncan widow of Benjamin Duncan late of Fayette Co. KY, decd, appoint friend James Duncan of Logan Co. attorney re property in State of VA by virtue of last will of William Duncan late of Culpeper, or any dues ... I may have on any person in "Potsylvania" Co., State of VA, or any county in VA. Wit. Reuben Browning, Abner Browning. Recorded Logan Co. KY.
Logan Co. KY Deed (FHL film 364,582)
C-268: (blank) June 1811, Elizabeth Duncan, widow and exec. of Benjamin Duncan late of Fayette Co. KY, decd, for diverse good causes, appoint friend James Duncan of Logan Co. KY to receive for me or the heirs of said Benjamin Duncan decd. anything coming in the State of VA from the will of William Duncan late of Culpeper Co. VA or by virtue of any dues or amounts I may have on any person in Pitsylvania Co. VA. Wit. Reuben Browning, Abner Browning.
Franklin Co. VA Deeds from deed books (book numbers not given, added by MAD from index) (copies from Charles O. Duncan 1985 with permission to share)
Book 2, pg. 207: 25 Sept. 1790, Ledwick Tuggle of Pittsylvania Co. to John Duncan of Franklin Co., for £100 money of VA, 215 acres by estimation in Franklin Co., on Snow Creek, on Saml. Colland's line, William Young's line, Allin Ridley Young's line, crossing Snow Creek, by the Ridge Road. Wit. Arche? Weatherford, Field Allen Duncan, John Milner? (Muse?), Robert Tuggle; witnesses to receipt of money also included Thomas Tuggle, Jas. Cowell?, Ben Colter.
Pg. 100: 4 Dec. 1790, John Duncan and Francis his wife to Tarlton Brown, for £150, 322 acres by estimation in the county of Pittsylvania and Franklin, beg. pointers in Peyton Smith's line formerly John Kirbyes?, on Pigg River, to corner where the road crosses said river, along the road. Wit. Robt. Tuggle, Robt. Napier Jr., Ashford Napier, Lodok. Tuggle. Rec. 18 April 1791; release of dower by Frances Duncan.
Pg. 41: 17 Aug. 1793, John Dunkan of Pittsylvania Co. to Gideon Roach of Franklin Co., for £200 current money of VA, 215 acres by estimation in Franklin Co., on Snow Creek adj. Samuel Culland's line, along William Young's line; Allen Ridly Young's line; the Ridge Road. Wit. Wm. Wilcher, Abraham Rogers, Daniel Wilcher Junr (Witcher?), David Graves, John (Joche?) Weatherford, William Swanson, John Mine? (Miner? or Muse?). Proved by oath of witnesses Oct. 1793; Tammy? (Fannay?) the wife being previously examined to relinquish her dower; proved Jan. 1794 on oath of witness.
Fluvanna Co. VA Deed (FHL film 31,474)
17-222: 28 March 1855, Andrew B. Duncan and wife Sarah E. to trustee of county, 157-1/2 acres on Brown's Creek; Edward B. Fugua trustee; A.B. Duncan owes two notes to James B. Duncan of Pittsylvania Co. VA (no amounts given).
JOHN DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application R-3125 (FHL film 970,864; from National Archives; part from Sammie Duncan)
Born June 10, 1755, Pittsylvania Co. VA; d. May 3, 1844, Jackson Co. AL. Applied 1834 in Jackson Co. AL; enlisted early 1776 in Camden [Co.], SC, under Gen. Lincoln, Col. Thompson, Maj. Perdue, Capt. Hopkins, served 18 months; volunteered again under Gen. Morgan, Col. Shelby, Capt. Small in VA and served 6 months; entered again under Col. Preston and Capt. Chadwell for 3 months; entered again under Pickens, Col. Anderson, Capt. Key; age in father's family bible burned with house shortly after war before he married; lived in Camden Dist. SC about 10 years after end of war; moved to Hawkins Co. TN; then to Greene (now Adair) Co. KY; then to Jackson Co. AL. Married 1780-81 Ann, who d. Nov. 23, 1846. Witnesses Rev. Steven Donathan and Jesse McElyea of Jackson Co. AL. Listed in 1841 census of pensioners age 83, Jackson Co. AL residing with Robert Duncan. Affidavit of Peter Duncan and David Chadwell 20 Feb. 1835 in Jackson Co. AL re service. Deposition of brother Peter Duncan of Marshall Co. AL on 8 April 1843, age ca 77; home in Hawkins Co. TN burned 47-48 years before; Peter age 10-11 when John entered service, age ca 13 when discharged. Deposition of Greenbury Middleton 27/29 March 1843, age ca 1868, of Jackson Co. AL; knew John Duncan ca 40 years ago in Adair Co. KY. Deposition by Absalom Coffee on 28 March 1843, age ca 55, knew John more than 20 years, later 30 years; mentions John and aged wife. Witnesses Daniel M. Martin and Philip Henry Armbruster. Deposition by John Duncan on 30 Sept. 1843, age ca 88.
Children: David, Robert, Peter. There were other children but all died before their parents. Aug. 17, 1854, Absolum Coffee testified his wife Jane was a granddau. of John Duncan. William Duncan of Jackson Co. AL filed power of attorney 9 June 1854. Deposition by Absalom Coffee, adm. of estate, that when Ann d. 23 Nov. 1846 she left survivors David, Robert and Peter her only legal heirs; since her death David and Robert are both dead.
Statement by SC on 25 July 1857 of copy from Indent and account No. 84, Book R: payment 9 May 1785 to John Dunkin Senr. for 526 days duty in 1781-82; note by John Duncan 14 Sept. 1784 of Broad River asking for indent, wit. Amos Davis JP; statement by John Dunkin 3 June 1784 before Camden Dist. JP
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SAMUEL DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-12812 (FHL film 970,864; from National Archives)
Applied 24 Dec. 1832, age 72, in Lincoln Co. KY; volunteered in 1777 in Pittsylvania Co. VA under Capt. Wilcher, Lt. Morton, for 6 months; volunteered Dec. 1780 in Pittsylvania Co. VA under Capt. Brewer, Genl. Saml. Edmondston, Col. Lee, for 6 months; volunteered in 1781 in Pittsylvania Co. VA under Capt. Spilton, Maj. Rose, for 6 months; b. in 1760 in Pittsylvania Co. VA; to Lincoln Co. KY in 1796 where he since lived; wit. James Divers? of Lincoln Co. for service, Joseph Hall and Alfred Hocker for character, and Nathan Waters clergyman, all Lincoln Co. KY.
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THOMAS DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application W-1577 (FHL film 970,864; from National Archives)
Applied 19 Sept. 1832 in Monroe Co. TN, age 68 lacking 1-2 months, where he had lived a little over a year. Born 1765 Pittsylvania Co. VA; volunteered 1781 age 17, under Capt. Wm. Dix for 3 months; witness Rev. John Selvidge of Roane Co. TN; and Charles Price, age 60, of Monroe Co. TN who knew Thomas in Caswell Co. NC and knew Wm. Dix. After war, at age 21 to Caswell Co. NC, 1803 (30 years bef. 3 June 1833) to Anderson Co. TN, then about 22 years ago to Roane Co. TN, then to Monroe Co. TN ca 1832.
Declaration of Rhoda Duncan on 5 May 1849, age 78, in Monroe Co. TN; m. 23 July 1786 to Thomas Duncan in Pittsylvania Co. VA; statement by Beryman Duncan 5 May 1849 in Monroe Co. TN; Thomas d. 28 Dec. 1845 in Monroe Co.; declaration of Rhoda 8 March 1850, m. by Rev. Roberts, record of birth of first and only child Berriman Duncan, b. 24 Oct. 1787, made by her father George Whitten in a hymn book, Berriman's wife's age below it (illeg.); statement by Rhoda 24 Aug. 1850; Rhoda d. 31 March 1852.
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