Duncan, S - Revolutionary War Pensions


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised September 23, 2000

Revolutionary War
Pension Applications

Revolutionary War Pensions, Bounty Land Warrant Application Files; National Archives Microfilm Publication, Microcopy 804, Roll 863 and 864 and 867
      Duncan, Alexander to Duncan, Jesse (FHL film 970,863; National Archives Roll 863)
      Duncan, John to Dungan, Thomas (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      Dunikin to Dunlap (FHL film 970,867; National Archives Roll 867)
      Did not copy envelopes or most requests for copies of documents.

SAMUEL DUNCAN, S-12812, VA, KY: (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      Samuel Duncan, of Lincoln Co. KY, who was a private in company commanded by Captain Brewer of Regt. commanded by Col. Shelby in the VA and Continental Line for 18 months from 1777; Inscribed on roll of KY at rate of $60 per annum to commence on 4 March 1831; Certificate of Pension issued 19 Jan. 1833 and sent Hon. R.P. Litcher, H.R.; Act June 7, 1832.
      Declaration of Samuel (X) Duncan, 24 Dec. 1832, before County Court of Lincoln Co. KY; resident of said county aged 72 years; to obtain benefit of Act 7 June 1832. That he entered service of US under the following named officers and served as hereinafter stated. That he entered the service in the VA Militia in the year 1777 from Pitsylvania Co. VA as a volunteer under command of Capt. Wilcher, the Lieutenant was by the name of Morton; they marched from Pitsylvania Co. to what was called the Long Island where Col. Shelby took the command and commanded until the end of the campaign; nothing extraordinary occured during this campaign except that a spy was killed by the Indians some distance from Long Island; Col. Shelby took too? (100?) men of whom this declarant was one and went & buried the spy. He served 6 months and was discharged by Capt. Wilcher; he has lost his discharge. He states that he again entered the service as a volunteer from Pitsylvania Co. VA in the year 1780 in the month of December he thinks under the command of Capt. Brewer and marched from Pitsylvania Co. to the Dan River, which the crossed and joined Col. Lee of the Light horse; that at that place one of the waggoners fell sick and this applicant was ordered by his Capt. to take charge of the waggon & team which he did under the direction of a waggon master Genl. by the name of Saml. Edmondston; he was in the engagement at White Sells Mills, or hanging Rock, Col. Lee was the commanding officer, he recollects that he was between the fire of the enemy and our own troops with his waggon when the action commenced; during the same tour he was present at the Battle of Guilford Court House, still in charge of his waggon; Genl. Nathaniel Green commanded the Americans, that Cols. Lee & Washington of the Light horse were in the engagement; the reason why this declarant took charge of the waggons after he had volunteered was because he was ordered so to do by Capt. Brewer; this was a tour of 6 months; he was discharged by Col. Perkins the Col. of his regiment in Pitsylvania Co. VA, to which place by orders he had returned the learn to its award? James George; he has lost his discharge; he does not recollect the number of the regiment. That he again entered the service as a volunteer from Pitsylvania Co. VA in the year 1781, the month he does not recollect, under the command of Capt. Spilton, Rose was the major; he was present at the siege of Ninety Six where he continued untill the place was relieved by the enemy under Lord Rawdon, when they retreated across broad River in SC where they halted to give the enemy battle, but they did not come up; that Col. Lee then drafted 100 select men of whom this applicant was one and that he served under Lee the balance of the campaign; they had no further engagements with the enemy but on account of their weak force were compelled once or twice to avoid a battle; he states that before the end of the campaign he was marched to the high Hills of Santee where they joined Genl. Greene and he was then discharged by Major Alexander Rose, a regular officer; he has lost his discharge; he served a tour of 6 months. That he marched from Pytsylvania Co. VA to the State of NC and through that state in different directions, then through different parts of SC in and about the Post? of Ninety Six untill he was finally discharged among the high hills of Santee. He states that he was born in Pitsylvania Co. VA in the year 1760; he states that has no record of his age, it has been lost; that he removed to Lincoln Co. KY in the year 1796 where he has resided ever since; he states that he can prove part of his service by James Divers? of Lincoln Co.; that he has no documentary evidence of his services nor can he prove them except as above. He states that he is known in his present neighbourhood to Joseph Hall and Alfred Hocker who can testify to his character for veracity and their belief as to his services as a soldier of the Rev. He hereby relinquishes every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the agency of any state.
         Statement by Nathan Waters, a clergyman residing in Lincoln Co. KY, and Joseph Hall & Alfred Hocker & James (X) Divers? (Divin?) (signed Divin) residents of the same county, certify that we are well acquainted with Samuel Duncan who has sworn to the above declaration; that we believe him to be 72 years of age and that he is reputed & believed in the neighbourhood in which he resides to have been a soldier of the rev. and that we concur in that opinion; and the Deponent James Divin? states that he knows of the applicant Samuel Duncan having served the tour of 6 months & having been present at the Siege of Ninety Six as he has above stated in his declaration as this Deponent was an Ensign on that tour.
         Certification by court, after investigation of the whole matter and after putting the interrogatories prescribed by the War Department; that the applicant was a Rev. soldier and served as he states and that it appears to them that Nathan Waters is a clergyman resident in Lincoln Co. KY and that Joseph Hall, Alfred Hocker & James Divine are residents of Lincoln Co., that they are credible persons and their statements are entitled to full credit.
      Form letter, reply to request for military history of Samuel Duncan ... Battles engaged in, Hanging Rock (crossed out) written above Wetzell's Mill ... "Office note. Could not have been Hanging Rock Aug. 6, 1780, must have been Wetzell's Mills, Mch. 6, 1781. (Brief in Case shows Hanging Rock as one of battles)
      Letter Oct. 26, 1926, to Mrs. Linnie W. Barrett in reply to her request for information relative to Benjamin Duncan of Culpeper Co. VA, wife Elizabeth, ch. John, Benjamin, Samuel & Elizabeth Arnett, d. in KY, prob. Madison Co.; also Samuel Duncan, b. in Culpeper Co. VA, son of Robert & Ann Gallop Duncan who d. in Lincoln Co. KY. Record has been found of a Samuel Duncan who served from VA and later settled in Lincoln Co. KY ... (also handwritten note Ltr ret. to conder? in re. Benj.) JESSE DUNCAN Pension file: (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      Transmittal letter from H. Wilson, McAlistersville?, 5 May 1842. Inclosed I send you a power of attorney certificate for ballance of James Divine deceased pension. If it meets your approbation please include the amount and direct to this office. (MAD: apparently in wrong file??; see Samuel's pension file above, which had affidavit from James Divin)

SAMUEL DUNCAN, widow Catherine, R-3128, VA, KY, MO: (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      Samuel Duncan, Rejected, 3128; List of rejected claims printed in 1852 shows cause of rejection as follows: "not six months' service".
      Declaration by Samuel Duncan, 9 Oct. 1832, before 4th Judicial Circuit, Scott Co. MO; resident of Matthews Prairie, aged 67 on 19 May last; to obtain benefit of Act 7 June 1832; that he entered service of US under following named officers and served as herein stated. That he entered into the US service under Genl. George Rodgers Clark in Col. Simms? Battalion and Major Bulger under John Askins Captain and John Handly Lieutenant in August 1780 and left the service in the same year in September, and was engaged in a battle with the Indians at Pickaway in the Northwestern Territory now state of OH, and that in the fall of the year 1782 he entered again into the service under Genl. George Rodgers Clark, Charles Polk Captain, McDaniel Lieutenant and continued in the service one month; that he resided at the time of his engaging in the above two trips at the town of Louisville, Jefferson Co. KY; that in the campaign of 1780 aforesaid he was drafted and in 1782 volunteered; that he marched in what is now called the State of OH, crossing at the mouth of Licking river in State of KY; he has no documentary evidence and he knows of no person whose testimony he can procure to testify to his service. I hereby relinquish every claim whatever to a pension or annuity except the present and declare that my name is not on the pension roll of agency of any state.
         Question by the court: Where and in what year were you born? In Culpepper Co. VA in the year 1764. Have you any record of your age and if so where is it? I have a record in the Bible at my house, taken from the record kept by my fathers family. Where were you living when called into service, and where have you lived since the rev. war, and where do you now live? At Louisville, Jefferson Co. KY, since which time I lived in KY until the year 1828 when I removed to Scott Co. MO where I have since resided. How were you called into service, were you drafted or did you volunteer, or where you a substitute? In the first campaign I was drafted; in the second aforesaid I volunteered; I was no substitute in either. State the names of some of the Regular officers who were with the troops when you served, such Continental and militia Regiments as you can recollect, and the general circumstances of your services. The officers I recollect in the Campaign of 1780 were Genl. Clark, Col. Lynn, Major Bulger, Captain Askins, and Lieutenant John Hanley. In the campaign of 1782 I was with Genl. Geo. R. Clark and Captain Charles Polk, there was no other serious engagement except at Picaway during my service but frequent skirmishes with the Indians by scouting parties. Did you ever receive a discharge from the service? I did not receive a written but a verbal discharge. State the names of persons to whom you are known in your present neighborhood who can testify to your character for veracity and good behaviour, your service as a soldier of the Rev. Washington Orr, Christopher G. Houts, James Matthews & George Hacker.
         Statement by Washington Orr, a clergyman residing in Scott Co., and Christopher G. Houts, James Matthews (signed James F. Matthews), and George Hacker, residing in same; we are well acquainted with Samuel Duncan; we believe him to be 67 years of age; that he is reputed and believed in the neighborhood where he resides to have been a Soldier of the Rev., and that we concur in that opinion.
         Statement by court; after the investigation of the matter and after putting the interogatories prescribed by the war department, that the above named applicant was a revolutionary soldier and served as he states; it appears that Washington Orr who has signed the preceeding certificate is a clergyman resident in Scott Co. MO, and that Christopher G. Houts, Geo. Hacker and James F. Matthews are residents of Scott Co. and are creditable persons and that their statement is entitled to credit.
         Certification by Clerk of Circuit Court of Scott Co. MO that above is true and perfect transcript of record ... 14 Feb. 1833.
      Complete declaration identical in wording to above, certified by same Clerk of Court on 16 Feb. 1833.
      Certification by John D. Cook, Presiding Judge of 4th Judicial Circuit, 18 Dec. 1833, that the certification by Clerk of Court is in due form.
      Undated transmittal letter from L.F. Linn?. I send you a paper on which a pension is claimed. Please inform me if the gentleman is entitled to one. (Envelope, Jackson MO, Apl. 4)
      Small paper: Rejected, Act 7 June 1832, see letter to Samuel Duncan, 24 May 1833. Montevallo, Alabama.
      Small paper: 30,209: Act 7 June 1832, disallowed; service less than 6 mos. See letter to Hon. L.F. Linn, Senate US. 5 April 1834. Not found.
      Power of Attorney, Catharine (X) Duncan, 24 Oct. 1852, widow of Samuel Duncan deceased, resident of Scott Co. MO, appoint Charles C. Hicks? of Washington City D.C. attorney to prosecute claim of Catherine Duncan who is widow of Samuel Duncan deceased for any amount of Rev. pension or increase of pension that may be due under provisions of act of (blank) or any other Act of Congress, to examine all papers & documents in relation to said claim ... Wit. J.H/N. Bonefield.
      Statement by Catharine (X) Duncan, 23 Oct. 1854, before JP of Scott Co. MO; resident of said county; she is the widow of Samuel Duncan decd. who executed the foregoing power of attorney and that she is directly interested in said claim ...
         Certification by Isaac Hunter, JP of Scott Co. MO, 23 Oct. 1854; that Catharine Duncan appeared before him.

SIMEON DUNCAN, S-12827, MA (FHL film 970,864; National Archives Roll 864)
      Simeon Duncan of Worcester, MA, ... inscribed on roll 4 March 1831; cert. of pension issued 28 Dec. 1832; "died Feb. 22, 1836"
      Brief: Declaration before Open Court; age 76 years; served 1776, July, 5 months, as Private under Capt. Wm. Gates, Col. Holman; 1776 Dec., 6 months, private under Capt. David Hinshaw, Col. Craffts; 1777 Aug., 3 months, private under Capt. Danl. Hubbard, Col. Seth Cushing; engaged in battles of White Plains and Saratoga; resided in Worcester when entered service; statement supported by traditionary evidence and living witnesses; papers defective, not properly connected.
      14 Aug. 1832, Worcester Co. MA, Declaration of Simeon Duncan, resident of Worcester, Worcester Co. MA, age 76; that he entered service as a volunteer in company commanded by Capt. Wm. Gates, Lieut. Cunningham, Ensign Jonas Walker of Rutland, in Col. Holman's Regiment, in July 1776 for 5 months, when he was discharged on 1 Dec. 1776; that he resided in Worcester at time of enlistment and thence to New Haven, there he took shipping and sailed through Hell Gate up to NY City where he served about 3 weeks, then retreated from British Forces and passed to a place called Chelsea, about 30 miles from NY and tarried there about 2 months, then returned? (Retreated?) to Harlem heights and continued there, and in that vicinity, until the end of his enlistment when he was discharged and returned home to Worcester, where he ... on or about 15 Dec. 1776, that he was in Battle at the White Plains and received a wound in his right arm from an enemy's ball. A few days after his return home he enlisted as a substitute in place of his brother Saml. Duncan in the Co. of Capt. David Henshaw of Leicester, Lieut. Nathl. Narro? of Worcester in the Regiment of Col. Crafts of the Artillery service for 6 months, and ... was then regularly discharged, having been engaged as a bombardier during this second service. He then returned home to Worcester on or about the last day of May, 1777, his said brother having enlisted about the 1st of December 1776 for 6 months, and Simeon took his place as a substitute about 15 Dec. and completed the service and was paid for the whole 6 months service.
         Statements by Aaron Bancroft, Clergyman, and Artemas Ward, Esq., of Worcester; they believe Simeon Duncan age 76, and was in Rev.
      (apparently page 2 and 3 of statement, does not seem to fit other documents) that he again entered on being drafted therefor, into the service under Capt. Saml. Hubbard of Molders, Lieut. Holbrook of Worcester and Ensign Jonh. Stone of Ward, in Reg. commanded by Col. Seth Cushing, for 3 months and did duty until within a few days of end of his term, when he quit service under a permit from his physician on account of his being taken sick. He resided in Worcester when he entered this last service, which was about 1st Aug. 1777, ... being on his return home on account of his old sickness he heard of the final surrender of Burgoyne in Oct. 1777 ... (more on his service, not copied here). I was born at Worcester on 23 October 1755; I have no record of my age excepting a memorandum in a leaf of my family bible but I believe it may be found in the town records; I was living in Worcester at every time that I went into the service, have lived there ever since and am now living there; 1st time volunteer, 2nd time substitute for my brother Samuel Duncan, 3rd time drafted by the arbitrary and illegal conduct (as I supposed) of the Captain by name of Winters whose daughter I was then paying attention to against the will of her father, on account of my whiggism; (names of some officers, never received written discharge); I am known to Rev. Dr. Aaron Bancroft, Artemas Ward, Benjamin Butman (Butenam?) Esq. (no date).
      Transmittal letter to Secretary of War dated Aug. 1832.
      Statement 15 June 1832 by William Stone of Enfield, Hampshire Co. MA, physician, age 72, formerly resided in Ward, Worcester Co.; was in War of Rev. and was private soldier ... recollect perfectly well that Simeon Duncan of Worcester was a private soldier in the same company with me and served for the full term of five months, having enlisted and entered the service in July 1776 ... till the end of our service in December of the same year.
      Statement 1 August 1832 by Paul Gates of Worcester, who was in same service with Simeon Duncan and William Stone; similar statements by William Stearns and by Daniel Stearns.
      Statement 10 Aug. 1832 by Jabez Paine of Westminster, Windham Co. VT, age 76, who is well acquainted with Simeon Duncan, who is now present; he knew said Duncan was a member of the Artillery Co. ... discharged May 7, 1777, as a bombadier, cannot state when he joined the company though I should think as early as December 1776, and I recolect that he took the place of his brother ...
      Statement 14 Aug. 1832 by Jarael? Keyes of Princeton, Worcester Co. MA, aged 72, who served with Simeon Duncan in Captain David Henshaw's Company of Artillery in Col. Croft's Regiment in Rev. War; that Duncan joined the company in Dec. 1776, and took the place of his brother as his substitute, his brother being obliged to leave the service on account of the situation of his family; Duncan continued to do duty until May 1777.
      Inquiry in 1900 about Simon Duncan; letter states his first wife was Mary Blair and second was Lucy Amy. Letter not copied.
      (MAD: Samuel married 1772 Betsey Stearns in Worcester Co. MA; parents Simon & Bridget (Richardson); Note wit. --- Stearns)


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