Duncan research files of |
1830 Prince Edward Co. VA Census Pg.103 Jacob A. Duncan 1000,1 - 0001 110 Jacob A. Duncan 1000,1 - 0001 Different neighbors (MAD: Charlotte Co. VA 1840-1850, b. Albemarle Co. VA)
1840-1850 Prince Edward Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Prince Edward Co. VA Census
Meherrin Depot
Pg.878, #202-202, H.E. DUNCAN 50 (f) VA (blank) $1700-$10,000
E.M. (f) 21, J.A. (m) 17 VA
L.T. (f) 11, Jos. 7 VA
George F. 5 VA
Pg.888, #272-273, Edward B. COLEMAN 26 VA carpenter $0-$10,000
& family
Alfred J. DUNKUM 32 VA journeyman carpenter
& other journeymen carpenters
(MAD: 1870 Richmond, Henrico Co. VA census)
Prospect Point
Pg.937, #584-589, Daniel DUNCON 36 VA overseer $0-$0
Emily 36 VA
Thomas M. 4, Melissa A. ("m") 2 VA
George D. 2/12 VA
1870 Prince Edward Co. VA Census
Hampden Twp.
Pg.90, #211-234, WOMACK, A.C. (m) 30 VA farmer $0-$400
Sally C. 67 VA no occupation $5000-$0
CARY, Sarah A. 37 VA keeping house
DUNCAN, G.D. (m) 8 VA at home
Pg.110, #505-550, DUNKUM, Moses J. 48 VA carries US Mail $0-$500
Mary D. 48 VA keeping house
Daniel M. 16 VA farm laborer
William C. 12, James A. 10, Virginia H. 9 VA at home
WISE, Robert 14 VA BLACK farm laborer
Lee Twp.
Pg.138, #793-884, DUNCAN, Wm. 45 VA BLACK farm laborer $0-$0
Julina (f) 30 VA BLACK keeping house
Sandy (m) 7? VA BLACK
Wm. E. 3, Elizabeth 1 VA BLACK
Prince Edward Co. VA Marriage Bonds 1754-1850; index (FHL film 33,254; typed book; no Duncan grooms)
Duncan, Sarah, widow of Jas. Duncan, to Leslie, Alexander, lic. 8/15/1808; surety William Tyree Sr., married 9/8/1808.
Prince Edward Co. VA Deed Index (FHL film 33,222 grantor index 1754-1916; FHL film 33,223 grantee)
4-1: Duncannon, Thomas to Duncannon, James, power of attorney, Oct. 21, 1771
7-206: Duncan, James from Bibb, Wm., Sept. 15, 1785
7-302: Duncan, James to Williamson, Micajah, power of attorney, Nov. 19, 1787
11-324: Duncan, James from Arnold, John Jr., Feb. 18, 1799
12-142: Duncan, James et al to Palmer, John, 107a & 14-1/2a, Feb. 12, 1801
15-41: Duncan, Joseph C. from Worsham, Wm. H. et ux, Jan. 2, 1813
15-367: Duncan, Joseph C. from Black, Wm., March 20, 1815
16-255: Duncan, Joseph L. to Land, Robert L., 145a Vaughans Creek, Aug. 26, 1817
20-364: Duncan, Gabriel et al, to Perkins, Elijah, ins. est. Ann Davenport, Oct. 12, 1830
21-495: Dungan, George from Doswell, David M., Dec. 28, 1835
24-420: Dungan, Johnson M. from Pool, Edward A., Sept. 25, 1844
23-241: Dungan, Joshua M. from Fowlkes, Robert et ux, Oct. 14, 1838
Prince Edward Co. VA Deeds
4-1: 7 July 1764, Thomas Duncanson, surgeon, of the town parish of Torrass?, county of Murray/Mevray, North Brittain, brother german to decd. Robert Duncanson, merchant in Fredericksburg, Rappahannock River, VA, late of said town of Fredericksburg, who died sometime since in Fredericksburg without leaving a will; appoint James Duncanson merchant in Fredericksburg attorney to handle the estate. Wit. Alexr. Gordon, John Duncanson. Statement from people in Forres? (FHL film 33,225)
7-206: 15 Sept. 1785, William Bibb to James Duncan, both Prince Edward Co., for £100, 107 acres on south side of Appomatoc River, purchased by Bibb of James Wood. No wife; no wit. (FHL film 33,226)
7-302: 19 Nov. 1787, James (+) Dunkin appoint Micajah Williamson of Wilkes Co. GA to sell all the lands to which I am entitled under the laws of that county granting bounty of lands to soldiers in the service of the state, and give deed under the laws of GA. /s/ County of Prince Edward, State of VA. Wit. Fath? Cason, Richard Millinton Memley. Rec. 19 Nov. 1787. (FHL film 33,226)
11-324: 18 Feb. 1799, John (+) Arnold Jr. to James Duncan, both Prince Edward Co. VA, for £160, 185 acres on both sides of Rough Creek by survey 1777, adj. Charles Simmons line. No wit. Mary Arnold relinquished dower. (FHL film 33,227)
12-142: 12 Feb. 1801, James (X) Duncan to John Palmer, both Prince Edward Co., for £125, 109 acres on south side of Appomattox River, purchased of William Bibb. No wife. Wit. Massanello Womack, Bryan McDearmanroe, Daniel Kelley. Proved on oath of wit. Apr. 18, 1803. (FHL film 33,228)
15-41: 2 Jan. 1813, William H. Worsham and wife Elizabeth A. of Prince Edward Co. VA, to Joseph C. Duncan of Buckingham Co. VA, for £120, 100 acres on Vaughans Creek adj. William Price's line, James Black's line, Martin Smith's line, James McNeale & Dungey's corner. Wit. J. Maddox, Charles Maddox, Mi. Maddox. (FHL film 33,229)
15-367: 20 March 1815, Wm. Black, admr. of James Black decd, appointed to sell 45 acres land, sold to Joseph C. Duncan for £45, 45 acres corner said Duncan. Wit. B.T. Pryor, Robert Kelso, Thomas Williams. (FHL film 33,229)
16-255: 26 Aug. 1817, Joseph C. Duncan and wife Nancy (X) to Robert C. Land (no localities), for $575, 145 acres on Wm. Price's line, Smith's line, crossing Cedar branch, etc. Wit. Jacob Woodson, Ryan Porter, E.A. Ainduck as to Joseph C. Duncan. Dower relinquished. (FHL film 33,230) (MAD: Joseph Curd Duncan & wife Nancy Madox)
20-364: 12 Oct. 1830, received of Elijah Perkins $80.53 in full payment of our right to estate of Ann Davenport willed to her by her father during natural life or any or all estate coming to us from Ann Davenport. /s/ Gabriel (x) Duncun, Asenath Duncan. Wit. Wm. Mathews & Sam. W. Mathews as to G. Duncan, Mary A. Perkins & Wm. L. Conner as to Asenath Duncan; also wit. Isham Gilliam. (FHL film 33,231) (MAD: 1820 Buckingham Co. VA; 1840-50 Washington Co. VA)
Prince Edward Co. VA Will Book (FHL film 33,219)
7-198: 4 Oct. 1830, will of James S. Davenport; if I should die without purchasing a tract of land, my exec. should purchase land; lent to my wife Judith Davenport all personal property and everything during natural life, then to son John B?. Davenport negro man, to son James A?. Davenport negro man Dick; to dau. Mary E. negros, and to heirs of her body; if she should get married my black man that I purchased of Jno. Slegan? to her & her heirs; to dau. Mary E. my cubbord and clock; the $47.94 I have paid for my son John B. Davenport that he account paid in the general division; if any children die leaving no lawful heirs, their part to go to surviving children or heirs; appoint wife Judith Davenport executrix. Wit. Jno. Whitehead, Wyatt? Whitehead, William B. Baker, John Baker. Proved Oct. 18, 1830; Judith Davenport executrix; no security being required by the will, she entered bond of $6000 according to law.
GABRIEL DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-10588 (FHL film 970,863; from National Archives)
Applied 3 Aug. 1832, age 74, in Madison Co. KY; enlisted for 3 months in spring 1777? in Bedford Co. VA under Col. James Dixon; (immediately?) enlisted for 6 months under Capt. Isaac Shelby; then enlisted for 2 months in Prince Edward Co. VA ca 1780 under Capt. Allen, Gen. Lauson; witnesses (neighbors) Jacob Dooley and Richard Oldhouse of Madison Co. KY who knew Gabriel 30-40 years; Gabriel b. 24 Aug. 1758 in Bedford Co. VA; after Rev. lived in Prince Edward Co. VA until he moved to Madison Co. KY 30-40 years ago.
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