Duncan research files of |
1878 "History of Jackson County, Illinois : with biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers" ed. by J.H. Brownlee and R. Allyn, pub. by Brink, McDonough & Co. (FHL book Q 977.3994 H2b and FHL film 962,314 item 1)
Pg.81: Andrew D. Duff, 11th child of Philip Duff and Mary Duncan his wife, and only child living, born 24 Jan. 1820 in Bond Co. IL. Philip and Mary Duff were married in South Carolina in 1801, moved to territory of IL in 1809, and settled in St. Clair Co. and subsequently moved to Bond Co. where they resided a number of years, afterwards located in Franklin Co. IL until their deaths. (MAD: nothing more about the parents; see Greenville Co. SC query mention of Bond Co. IL; see James Duff in Pendleton/Anderson Co. SC 1795 deed with Robert Duncan of Greenville Co. SC; see Pike Co. IL)
Pg.86: William Montgomery Duncan was born in Lancaster Dist. SC, 1 Nov. 1815, 8th of 10 children of Pierson and Sarah Duncan. Family to Jackson Co. GA when William age about 8, in fall of 1827 to IL with wife and children, arriving Christmas day in Jefferson Co. Fall of 1829 to Randolph Co., about 8 miles above Kaskaskia; spring 1831 to Jackson Co. about 1/2 mile from home place of William Duncan. Father died about 1843, widow survived him 3 or 4 years. Wm. M. Duncan married June 22, 1835, to Sarah Atkins of Randolph Co.; 10 children, 5 yet living; she died 25 Nov. 1854, and he m. 8 July 1855 to Caroline Tyndall; 4 children, 3 yet living. Mrs. Duncan died 30 April 1865, he married on 5 Sept. following to Mrs. Marilla Hobbs; 4 children, two boys yet living. Mrs. D. died 6 Sept. 1875, and on 28 Jan. 1876, he mar. a sister to his former wife, Mrs. N. Hobbs, who is still living. Democrat, enjoying good health, is among the old residents of his township.
1894 "Historical sketches of Jackson County, Illinois : giving some account of the early settlement of the county, and of every town and city in the county; together with a description of the physical geography of the county, and the navigation of its principal river by steam" by Ben Boone, pub. by E. Newsome (FHL film 969,494 item 5)
Pg.59: In 1814, there was quite a large accession to the county. Samuel Cochran and family bought out Ben. Walker at the Backbone. Pete Hammond and Richard Lee, a local Methodist preacher, and family, Giles and Benjamin Henson and St.Clair Manson, all these settled at the Big Hill. Joseph Duncan, Dr. John S. Duncan, Polly Ann Duncan, Old Mrs. Moore, their mother, and her son, Ben, with several blacks, settled here. Joe Duncan built the best house in the country, near the river and under the bluff, and it was called the "White House" as long as it stood.* He renovated the mill, and it did considerable business.# The Duncans lived there several years. Dr. Duncan died and was buried there.
Footnote: * The "White House" has long since disappeared, though I have often seen it. It stood near to where the rail-road track is, just south of Fountain Bluff Station, and on the river bank.
Footnote: # Where the road running westward from the Big Hill crosses Duncan's Mill Slough, are still to be seen the stones that formed the mill-dam.
"The frontier state, 1818-1848" (Illinois) by Theodore Calvin Pease; pub. Springfield: Illinois Centennial Commission, 1918, 493 pgs. (LH9878, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL book 977.3 B4ic v.2 1987 and film 2,055,558 item 3 as Vol.2 of "Centennial History of Illinois")
Pg.108: A second vulnerable point in Cook's position was reached by the cry that the Edwards-Cook connection formed a reigning family. The public land vote of 1820 was brought out for use against both Cook and his father-in-law. To this charge Cook's supporters replied by attempting to demonstrate in the family relations of James M. and Joseph Duncan, their uncle R.K. McLaughlin, and David Blackwell a family dynasty similar to the Cook-Edwards-Pope alliance; but the attack was hardly as successful as that of their opponents, who could point to the fact as a graphic demonstration of their charge that while Cook was running for congress, Edwards was running for Governor.
1909 "Brinkerhoff's history of Marion County, Illinois" by J.H.G. Brinkerhoff, pub. by B.F. Brown (Los Angeles Public Library book 977.31 M34Br2; FHL film 1,000,502 item 3; other minor or late references not copied)
Pg.810-2: JOHN A. KILPATRICK. Among the ... citizens of Centralia ... John A. Kilpatrick was born in Jackson Co. IL March 27, 1843, the son of Alfred and Martha (Duncan) Kilpatrick, the former a native of TN who came to Jackson Co. IL when a young man. He was born in 1811 and after devoting his life to farming and rearing a family of 5 children, passed to the silent land in 1856. There were 3 boys and 2 girls in his family of whom John A. our subject is the only survivor. All lived to be married but one child. Alfred Kilpatrick served in the Black Hawk war of 1832, having been in the army about 13 months. Our subject was 3 months old when his mother died and he was reared by an uncle, William Duncan, with whom he remained until he was ten years old. He then lived with another uncle, John Kilpatrick, until he was 19 years old. ... (subject moved to Centralia 1900)
1894 "Portrait & Biographical Record of Clinton, Washington, Marion & Jefferson Cos. IL" by Chapman Bros. Pub. (FHL book 977.3 D3; Los Angeles Public Library book 977.3 P8525; good index)
Pg.131: JOSEPH DUNCAN, Governor 1834-8, born Paris [Bourbon Co.], KY, Feb. 23, 1794. Age 19 in war against Great Britain, Ensign at Lower Sandusky or Fort Stephenson; IL a Major-General of Militia; State Senator from Jackson Co. in 1826; elected Governor Aug. 1834. Ran again in 1842, defeated. Died Jan. 15, 1844, leaving a wife but no children. Two children born to them had died in infancy.
"Historical encyclopedia of Illinois and history of St. Clair Co." ed. by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby; Hist. of St.Clair Co. ed. by A.S. Wilderman, A.A. Wilderman.; pub. Chicago: Munsell Pub. Co., 1907, 1284 pgs. (LH8178, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 1,000,513 items 2-3 and v.2 on 825,603)
"Historical encyclopedia of Illinois and history of Boone Co." ed. by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby; Boone Co. hist. ed. by Richard V. Carpenter; pub. Chicago: Munsell Pub. Co., 1909, 1019 pgs. (LH4506, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL fiche 6,334,303)
Vol.I, pg.141: DUNCAN, JOSEPH, Congressman and Governor, was born at Paris, Ky., Feb. 22, 1794; emigrated to Illinois in 1818, having previously served with distinction in the War of 1812, and been presented with a sword, by vote of Congress, for gallant conduct in the defense of Fort Stephenson. He was commissioned Major-General of Illinois militia in 1823 and elected State Senator from Jackson County in 1824. He served in the lower house of Congress from 1827 to 1834, when he resigned his seat to occupy the gubernatorial chair, to which he was elected the latter year. He was the author of the first free-school law, adopted in 1825. His executive policy was conservative and consistent, and his administration successful. He erected the first frame building at Jacksonville, in 1834, and was a liberal friend of Illinois College at that place. In his personal character he was kindly, genial and unassuming, although fearless in the expression of his convictions. He was the Whig candidate for Governor in 1842, when he met with his first political defeat. Died, at Jacksonville, Jan. 15, 1844, mourned by men of all parties. (MAD: Paris, Bourbon Co. KY)
(MAD: text is identical to both books, same page number)
1904 "History of Cherokee Co. KS and representative citizens" by Nathaniel Thompson Allison, pub. by Biographical Publ. Co. (FHL book 978.199 H2a and FHL film 1,000,034 item 3)
Pg.280: THOMAS R. DUNCAN, one of the pioneer settlers of Cherokee Co., a substantial and representative farmer of Lyon township, owns (dark edge) acres of highly cultivated land, NE quarter Sec. 27, Twp. 34, range (dark edge). He was born at Martinsville [Morgan Co.], IN, February 10, 1839, and is a son of William and Amanda M. (Hutsel) Duncan.
Robert Duncan, the grandfather of Thomas R., was born in Scotland and accompanied his two brothers to America, all probably settling in the State of NY. There William Duncan was born and learned the cabinet making trade before going to Indiana. Failing health caused him to remove in 1856 to IL where his sons could engage in farming. He took part in the Black Hawk War. In early days he was a Whig, but afterwards voted for Stephen A. Douglas and was subsequently identified with the Republican party. He died in IL, in 1879, at the age of 72 years. His wife was born September 20, 1815, near Lexington, KY, and died at Martinsville, IN, November 22, 1847, when Thomas R. was not quite nine years old. Their children were: Thomas R., who weighed but two and a half pounds at birth; Peter, a farmer of Mineral Spring [Barry Co.], MO, who belonged to Co. H, 27th Reg., IL Vol. Inf., in the late? (dark) War; Giles, who belonged to Co. D, 1st Reg., IL Vol. Inf., and died in the service in February, 1863; and Jesse H., who resides near Murphysboro, IL. The father married three times, and three children of each wife still survive.
Thomas R. Duncan was 17 years of age when his parents moved to Jackson Co. IL, and he was engaged in farming there from 1856 to 1862, when he enlisted on Aug. 12 in Co. D, 81st Reg., IL Vol. Inf., under Captain Ward and Col. James (dark) Dollins. ... Mr. Duncan was captured with 700 of his comrads and was confined in Andersonville Prison for two and a half months, at Savannah for one month, and at another point, for a month and a half, and was then paroled. ... (Rejoined regiment Jan. 1865 after absence 6 months; honorably discharged shortly afterwards, now receives pension $6 a month; returned to IL in 1865.)
In the spring of 1869, Mr. Duncan started for Kansas, with his wife, two children and his brother. Each of the brothers took up 160 acres of "Joy" land ... Republican, Missionary Baptist. On October 22, 1866, Mr. Duncan was married to Sarah A. McClure, who was born in Jackson Co. IL August 5, 1840, and is a daughter of John A. and Clarinda (Nace) McClure. Mrs. Duncan's father was born in Ohio, and her mother in PA. The children of this marriage were as follows: Clarinda, wife of Allen Jarrett, who has two sons, Robert and Estel; Maria, who died aged two years; John A., of Columbus, who has four children; Edward H., of Lyon township, who has three children; Kate, wife of Robert Rogers, of West Mineral, who has one child; Laura, wife of James A. Sizemore, of Lyon township, who has five children; Dora, wife of Frederick Divens, of Washington; and Jarretta, wife of Jesse Roper, of Lyon township, who has one child. ... (MAD: Thomas R. Duncan mar. Sarah A.L. McClure 10/24/1866 Jackson Co. IL)
1894 "A Reminiscent history of the Ozark region (AR & MO): comprising a brief descriptive history of each county and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of each county" by Goodspeed (FHL book 973 D3oz and films 1,000,278 item 3 and 973,030 item 1; from Evelyn Sigler 11/1983)
Pg.647: [Boone Co. AR] J.A. Weatherly, dealer in fine groceries at Harrison, AR, b. in Maury Co. TN, Jan. 27, 1844, the third of nine children born to Samuel M. and Eliza J. (Duncan) Weatherly, the former of who was a native of VA, an early pioneer of TN from which state he moved to IL about 1853 and settled in Union Co., then to Jackson Co., d. ca 1880. Served as Lt. during the Civil War in 109th IL Vol. Inf.; wounded at Vicksburg. His wife a native of TN, she died shortly after her husband. Baptist.
"Recollections and sketches of notable lawyers and public men of early Iowa : belonging to the first and second generations, with anecdotes and incidents illustrative of the times" by Edward Holcomb Stiles; pub. Des Moines: Homestead Pub. Co., 1916, 993 pgs. (LH10678, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 934,927 item 1)
Pg.751-752: CHARLES E. PUTNAM, ... lawyer, native of New York, to Davenport in 1853, ... his wife was Mary Louisa Duncan, a daughter of Joseph Duncan, once Governor of Illinois, ... Their sons Joseph Duncan Putnam and William Clement Putnam ... (MAD: Davenport, Scott Co. IA; see Jackson Co. IL)
1888 "Biographical Sketch of Joseph Duncan, Fifth Governor of Illinois" Read before the Historical Society of Jacksonville, IL, May 7, 1885, by Julia Duncan Kirby; Fergus' Historical Series, No. 29 (several pages from S. Howard Dreelan 12/1995, from a file at the IL State Historical Society in Springfield, IL)
SHD's summary: Family moved from Paris, KY, to Fountain Bluff, Jackson Co. IL, sometime before 1820; Gov. Joseph Duncan's children: Smith, James Caldwell, Joseph Jr., Mary Louise mar. Chas. E. Putnam, Nannie (Hannah), Henry St. Clair (d. young, cholera), Catherine Clay, Marian, Julia, Anna E. Children of Matthew: Gen. Thomas, Wilson. Only three of Gov. Joseph's children lived to grow up and marry: (1) Mary Louise mar. Charles E. Putnam of Saratoga Springs, NY, lived Davenport, IA; (2) Julia mar. Judge Edward P. Kirby, Jacksonville, IL; (3) Joseph mar. Harriet Stevens of New Milford, CT. Only Mary Louise had any children.
Pg.7-9: Maj. Joseph Duncan, of Scotch ancestry, to KY and then returned to his native state, VA, and soon after married a lady of culture and refinement from PA. In 1790 he removed with his family from VA to KY, and on Feb. 22, 1794, his son, Joseph Duncan, subject of this sketch, was born in Paris, Bourbon Co. KY. ... Maj. Duncan died in 1806 when Joseph was but 12 years of age. There were six children in the family, Mathew and James being older, Polly Ann, Thomas, and John being younger than Joseph.
In 1809, 3 years after his father's death, his mother married Capt. Benjamin Moore of the regular army, who died in 1811. One son, Benjamin Duncan Moore, served 4 years in navy, in 1833 entered army and was killed in Mexican War Dec. 6, 1846, at San Pascual, CA, leaving one son, Mathew Moore, now in the western army.
In Sept. 1815, shortly after attaining the age of 21, Joseph Duncan was appointed guardian of his sister and his two younger brothers. Capt. Mathew Duncan, the eldest son, was educated at Yale College, returned to his native state, edited paper in Russellville, KY; on moving to IL in 1814, he edited and published at Kaskaskia "The Illinois Hearld". In Dec. 1814 he published ... in 1817 Mathew Duncan sold his paper to Daniel P. Cook and Robert Blackwell; entered the army, made captain of Rangers Oct. 4, 1832; in 1833 made captain of the First Dragoons. Resigned after 4 years, engaged in business in Shelbyville, IL, where he died Jan. 16, 1844, only a few hours after Gov. Duncan; his wife died Jan. 11. ... His aged mother, in a few months, passed away. Matthew Duncan left one son, Gen. Thomas Duncan, of the regular army, who died at Washington, D.C., Jan. 7, 1887. His son, Wilson Duncan, represents the family in the army as a Lt. of Infantry, married and stationed at Fort Sidney, NE. (MAD: Brig. Gen. Thomas Duncan mar. Mary "Swelson" or Mary Shields Wilson 8/25/1852 in Washington, DC, she & ch. in 1860 Mora Co. NM census; Thomas Duncan was the son of Capt. Matthew Duncan of 1820 Jackson Co. IL and 1830 Fayette Co. IL and 1840 Shelby Co. IL censuses)
Gen. James M. Duncan, second brother of Joseph Duncan, graduated at Transylvania College in Lexington, now merged in the State University. He was made captain of the Seventeenth Infantry, March 12, 1812; he returned home when the army was disbanded, May, 1814. On moving to IL, he settled in Vandalia ... when the capital was removed to Springfield, Dec. 9, 1839, he removed with it. He afterward removed to Jacksonville and engaged in business as a merchant. ... He died in Berlin, Sangamon Co., in 1856. He had five daughters, but only one, Mrs. Jane Snow, still survives.
Thomas Duncan, the third brother, was also a graduate of Transylvania University. He studied law, settled and practised his profession at Nashville, TN, with success. He married Miss Jane Stoddard, sister of Mrs. James Bell. He had two children, a son and a daughter. He was accidentally killed at Iberville, LA, while still a young man - 1831.
John, the youngest brother, was a promising graduate of Rush Medical College of Philadelphia, but lost his life during the first year of his practice. ...
Polly Ann, the only sister, was married when quite young to William Linn, a lawyer by profession, ...
In 1812, ... Joseph Duncan, only seventeen years of age, enlisted as a private in the Seventeenth regiment of the US Infantry, and before he left Lexington, was promoted to the rank of ensign. ...
Pg.56-57: After a short acquaintance and shorter engagement, Joseph Duncan and Elizabeth C. Smith were married, May 13, 1828, by Rev. Ruben Post. Condensed from Mrs. Duncan's reminiscence is a brief account of their wedding journey and early-married life in Jacksonville, ... "we were glad to take the little steamboat (from St.Louis) for Kaskaskia, where Mr. Duncan's mother, Mrs. Capt. Benj. Moore, met us; also his sister, Mrs. Wm. Linn, who lived at Fountain Bluff ... (MAD: Joseph Duncan mar. Elizabeth Smith 5/13/1828 in Washington, DC)
Pg.62-67: "In the fall, we returned to Washington, Mr. Duncan in Congress. In 1834, Mr. Duncan was elected governor of Illinois. We came West to remain. ... I was in delicate health ... Another carriage followed with my three children, St.Clair, Mary and Nannie, Cousin Ann Caldwell, ... October 1835, Joseph Duncan Jr. was born, baptized Nov. 5, 1835, gave him his father's name. ... In June, 1837, having a little baby girl three weeks old, I did not ... Will of her father, James R. Smith, Governor Duncan was trustee for his wife and children ... Gov. Duncan died at his home in Jacksonville, Jan. 15, 1844, leaving a widow, 35 years of age, and 7 children, but 3 of whom now survive, Mary L., wife of Charles E. Putnam of Davenport, IA, Joseph Duncan of Chicago, and the writer (MAD: Julia Duncan Kirby).
Pg.75: Appendix. Thomas Duncan, (SHD: son of Matthew), born in Kaskaskia, IL, April 14, 1819, appointed a First Lt. in Mounted Rifles (now Third Cavalry) May 27, 1846, ... 1861 in N.M., (etc.) MAD: nothing said of a wife. Military career until 1873 when he retired; died in Washington, DC, Jan. 7, 1887.
(MAD: one J.I. Duncan, brother of Gen. Duncan, IL congressman, was killed in 1830 at Iberville, [Par. LA] where his wife's kin Mr. Ball lived, leaving wife and two children; from "American Vital Records from the Baptist Register, 1824-1829, and the NY Baptist Register, 1829-1834" [published Utica, Oneida Co. NY] by Elizabeth Hayward, 1991; FHL book 974.762/U1 V22h, Newspaper Vol.VII Issue #1 pg.3)
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