Duncan research files of |
1830 Marion Co. IL Census Pg.193 Letty Dunkin 0101,2 - 0110,01 (MAD: Charles Duncan mar. Lettice Shelton 8/21/1798 Lincoln Co. KY; he died 1814 Lincoln Co. TN) 194 James YOUNG 1211,01 - 1110,01 Jane WARE 0 - 0010,0001 Henry WARE 1001 - 1000,1 Nathan Waldren, Ann Waldren (next to each other) Matthew YOUNG 2200,1 - 1000,1 197 James YOUNG 1110,1 - 0000,01 200 John MALCOM 1000,1 - 0000,1 Abraham DANIEL 0000,001 - 0200,01 202 Gelham Duncan 1000,1 - 0000,1 203 William BOYLE 0000,1 - 0001 203 Cornelius Dunham 1000,02 - 1010,2 1840 Marion Co. IL Census Pg.160 Letty Duncan 0001,01 - 1000,1001 161 James Duncan 0010,0100,1 - 0000,1 (MAD: James Duncan 47 TN, married, d. Jan. 1850; from mortality schedule; one James Duncan mar. Serena Charlton 10/20/1835; one Anna or Orena Duncan mar. James B. Charlton 4/8/1840) 162 Green Duncan 0100,01 - 0000,1 (MAD: 1850 Clay Co. IL census) Rutherford Duncan 0000,1 - 0000,1 163 John MALCOM 1210,01 - 2000,01 167 Geo. W. Duncan 1000,01 - 0100,1 178 Gilham Duncan 2210,01 - 1000,01 180 Edward DANIEL 0120,01 - 0000,1 Jesse DANIEL 1001,2 - 0000,1 James YOUNG 0012,1 - 0012 William BOYLES 2000,01 - 1300,1 (above were next to each other) 184 George DANIEL 3000,001 - 0200,1 (1 name) Stephen DANIEL 1100,011 - 1103,1 James DANIEL 1100,001 - 3110,01
1850 Marion Co. IL Census
Pg.23, #322-329, Giliem DUNCIN 44 KY carpenter $500
Nancy 44 TN
John 18 IL farmer
Mathew 17, Emily 15, Josiah 13 IL
Amanda 6, Willm. 2 IL
(MAD: Gillum Duncan mar. Nancy Walters or Wooters 1/28/1828)
Pg.23, #323-330, Charles DUNCIN 21 IL farmer $0
Martha 19 IL
Mary 2/12 IL
(MAD: Charles W. Duncan mar. Martha A. Shelton 8/14/1848)
Pg.52, #736-756, Charles DUNCAN 38 KY farmer $0
Louisa 29 TN
Henry 2 IL
(MAD: Charles B. Duncan mar. Elizabeth Mahon 11/7/1839 Fayette Co. IL; 2nd wife Louisa Ann Howell per unknown source; son of Nimrod Duncan & Lucy Browning; 1860 Erath Co. TX census)
Pg.71, #998-1028, Rutherford DUNCAN 35 TN farmer $0
Rhoda 32 OH
William ALLMAN 12 IL, Marion (m) 5 IL
(MAD: Rutherford Duncan mar. Rhoda Allman 4/12/1836; one Emily C. Duncan mar. Richard S. Allman 3/18/1852)
1860 Marion Co. IL Census
Twp.3 Range 4, P.O. Kinmundy
Pg.722, #657-664, Rutherford DUNCAN 48 IL (blank?) $4500-$500
Rhoda 40 IL
Thomas? COLEMAN? 18 IL
Francis (f) 12 IL
Twp.2 Range 3, P.O. Greendale
Pg.741, #785-792, Hail S\T?. DUNCAN (m) 40 KY (blank) $700-$200
Mary 34 TN
Linda F. 8, Mary J. 6, John O. 2 IL
(MAD: Hale T. Duncan mar. Mary Howard 4/11/1844 Fayette Co. IL; 1850 Fayette Co. IL census, age 40)
Twp.1N Range 1E, P.O. Centralia
Pg.780, #140-140, Joseph DUNCAN 26 IL farmer $0-$20
James 56 TN farmer $200-$50
Francis (f) 46 TN
Nathaniel 14, Jesse 6 IL
(MAD: 1850 Madison Co. IL census)
Twp.1N Range 1E, P.O. Central City
Pg.830, #516-520, Deborah WOOTERS 45 TN (blank) $1000-$200
John 20, Pricella (f) 18 TN
Lenora 16, Ester 14 TN
Gillmer DUNCAN 34 KY farmer $2400-$250
(MAD: should be Gillum Duncan age 54)
Pg.831, #517-521, Nancy DUNCAN 50 TN (blank)
Isaiah 21 IL farmer
Gillum 12, Nancy 16, Eastin E. (m) 7 IL
Pg.831, #518-522, Charles W. DUNCAN 30 IL farmer $800-$100
Martha 28 IL
Austin (m) 8, Stephen 6 IL
Pg.831, #519-523, John R. DUNCAN 26 IL farmer $0-$0
Lucinda 24 IL
Granville (m) 7 IL
Adolphus (m) 5, Jane 2/12 IL
Twp.1N Range 2E, P.O. Raccoon
Pg.847, #629-635, Wm. M. DUNCAN 25 IL farmer $0-$0
Sarah 7/12 IL
(MAD: Wm. M. Duncan mar. Sarah E. Fowler 8/7/1856)
1870 Marion Co. IL Census
Centralia Ward 1
Pg.11, #106-112, DUNKIN, Nathan 24 IL works on R.R. $0-$0
Frances (f) 20 IL keeps house
Mary 3 IL
Minnie 8/12 IL (month of birth not filled in)
McK?AME, Wilson (m) 27 IL works for R.R. Co.
Central City Precinct
Pg.51, #66-52, DUNCAN, John 37 IL farmer $1800-$400
Lucinda 34 IL keeping house
Pearson (m) 16 IL works on farm
Labner (m) 14 IL works on farm
Jane 9 IL
Odin Precinct
Pg.74, #135-96, DUNKIN, Gilon (m) 54 KY carpenter $400-$0
Nancy 63 TN keeping house
Millon? (m) 22 IL artist
Josiah 28 IL works on farm
OLMAN, Coda (f) 14 IL
Amanda 7 IL
Pg.74, #134-97, DUNKIN, Charles 40 IL laborer $0-$100
Martha 36 TN keeping house
Austin (m) 12, Duglas (m) 10 IL
Nathan 7, Charles 3 IL
Raccoon Precinct
Pg.88, #161-149, DUNKIN, William 33 IL works on farm $0-$0
Sarah 33 IL keeping house
Josiah 10, John 7 IL
William 5, Mary 1 IL
MASON, John 65 NC (blank)
Romine Precinct
Pg.103, #159-150, DUNCAN, Hale T. 59 KY farmer $800-$300
Mary 47 TN keeping house
Mary 15 IL at home
John 12 IL
James 7 IL
Twp.2N Range 5E, Salem P.O.
Pg.140, #180-182, DUNCAN, Coleman 37 IN Agt. Life Ins. Co. $0-$100
Elizabeth 32 IN keeping house
Walter (m) 15, William 12, Mary 7, Frank 1 IL
Twp.4N Range "N4", P.O. Iuka
Pg.256, #13-13, DUNCAN, R. (m) 57 TN farmer $2200-$600
Rhoda 52 OH keeping house
ALLMON, Marian 24 (m/f written over) IL farm laborer
Frances (f) 21 IL
Almeda (f) 7 IL
Twp.4N Range 4E, P.O. Kenmandy (indexed Oskaloosa P.O.)
Pg.268, #148-151, ROLLINS, Catherine 58 IN MULATTO keeping house $0-$0
George H. 21 IN farmer MULATTO (M same as Male)
Margaret A. 17, Charles S. 12 IN MULATTOS
(MAD: James A. Duncan indexed as white)
Pg.268, #149-152, HIGGANBOTHAM, J.W. (m) 43 KY MULATTO Miller $0-$0
Mary E. 37 IN keeping house MULATTO
Robert H. 11, Joseph D.P. 9, John F. 8 IL MULATTOS
Nancy E. 6, Joanna E. (f) 5, Joshua 3 IL MULATTOS
William P. 2, James Thos. 3/12 b.May b. IL, MULATTOS
DUNCAN, Mary C. 16 IN (white)
Marion Co. IL Marriages (FHL film 1,010,514 Index 1821-1910)
No Malachi Ware to Jane Duncan to Book D
No bride index
Book A-B, 1821-1855 (FHL film 1,010,515)
A-23: Charles W. Duncan to Miss Martha A. Shelton, Aug. 10, 1848, m. Aug. 14, 1848 by Alfred Ray, JP, #575
No Polk groom
Book C (FHL film 1,010,515)
C-87: Wm. M. Duncan to Sarah E. Fowler, lic. 8/7/1856, m. same date by J.A. Tyler? JP
Book D, 1859-1887 (FHL film 1,010,515)
D-6: General J. Duncan to Mrs. Martha J. Polk, Dec. 22? 1860 (faded), lic. #196; mar. by F.J. Johnson Dec. 22, 1860, returned 12/31/1860 (MAD: per Debra Schulte, General Joseph Duncan, she of Jefferson Co. IL; she in 1880 Clinton Co. IL)
D-33: Josiah Duncan to Miss Sophronia Duncan, lic. 2/12/1866, #1129; no return. (index: Joseph Duncan to Sophronia Duncan)
D-37: Nathaniel Duncan to Miss Fannie J. McNanse, lic. 8/29/1866; m. 8/30/1866 by John Van Clive MG, #1286 (index: Nathaniel Duncan to Fannie McNarrie)
D-40: Josiah A. Duncan to Mrs. Francis Stone, lic. #1383 12/17/1866, m. 12/22/1866 by E. Martin, JP
D-72: Gillum W. Duncan to Miss Sarah Odelf, lic. #547 3/23/1871, m. 3/23 by William Olive JP.
Marion Co. IL Marriage Record Book B (FHL film 1,010,515; from Dorothy Franks 7/1992)
B-2, #26, Mr. William Gilty to Miss Stacy Duncan, lic. July 21, 1827, mar. July 26 1827 by Joseph Hensley JP
B-3, #32, Edward Young to Miss Sally Duncan, lic. Jan. 1, 1828, mar. January 10, 1828 by Joseph Hensley JP
B-3, #35, William Duncan to Nancy Walters (printed: Wooters), lic. ?April 1828, mar. January 28, 1828 by David R. Chance. (MAD: Gillam Duncan)
B-4, #65, Green Darkin to Elizabeth Griffin, lic. bet. June 5 and June 13, 1830; mar. "1830" by David R. Chance, MG (DF: Green ?Duncan?)
B-8, #211, Mr. Greenbury Duncan to Miss Ovinbry (Ovintry?), lic. March 11, 1835, mar. March 12, 1835, by Wm. W. Pace JP, ret. March 14, 1835
B-9, #232, Mr. Rutherford Duncan to Miss Rhoda Allman, lic. (light spot on copy) 1836, mar. April 12, 1836 by Thos. L. Middleton, ret. April 15, 1836.
B-12, #335, Mr. F.C. Beeman to Miss Mary Duncan, lic. Sept. 11, 1839, mar. Sept. 12, 1839 by James Manshall JP, ret. Sept. 14, 1839
B-13, #352, Mr. James B. Charlton to Miss Orena Duncan, lic. April 8, 1840, mar. April 9, 1840 by Thos. L. Middleton.
Marion Co. IL Deeds (FHL film 1,010,392 grantor index 1824-1857; FHL film 1,010,520 grantee index 1823-1857)
A-140: 9 July 1831, Leven (X) Wooters and wife Sally (X) to Gillum Duncan, all Marion Co. IL, $150, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 17, Twp 1 North, Range 2 East, 80 acres. Wit. J.N. Oglesby, Rufus Ricker. (FHL film 1,010,398)
A-212: 20 May 1833, Gilliam (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) to Josiah Fyke, all Marion Co. IL, $150, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 17, T1N R2E, 80 acres. Wit. Samuel Tate, John R. Wooters. (FHL film 1,010,398)
A-440: 9 July 1831, Lionel? Wooters & wife to Gillum Duncan, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec. 17, T1N, R2E, 80 acres. (FHL film 1,010,398)
C-72: 10 July 1840, Gilliam (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) to Josiah A. Fyke, $100, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 17, T1N, R2E, 40 acres. No wit. (FHL film 1,010,398)
D-76: 19 Aug. 1842, Greenberry Duncan and wife Rhoda (X) to Richard Hults, all Marion Co. IL, $500, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 26, T3N, R3E, 40 acres reserving 3 acres in SE corner. Wit. W.W. Pace, Thomas Beathard/Brothard. /s/ Green B. (X) Duncan. (FHL film 1,010,399)
E-180: 20 Sept. 1845, Gilham (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) to Josiah A. Fyke, all Marion Co., $250, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 8, T1N, R2E, 40 acres. Wit. Millartun Couch, Johnathon Ogdon. (FHL film 1,010,399)
F-431: 30 July 1848, John B. Dunn and wife Mary (X) of Fayette Co. IL to Charles B. Duncan of "said" Co., for $25, E 1/2 SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 4, T5N, R2E, 20 acres. Wit. W.D. Brown. Appeared in Fayette Co. (FHL film 1,011,001)
G-81: 12 Oct. 1852, Isham M. Hayme and wife to Charles B. Duncan, W 1/2 Lot 2, NE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.3 R3E (35-22/100) and W 1/2 Lot 1 NE 1/4 Sec.5 T&R (40 acres); from index only
G-82: 2 Feb. 1852, John A. Cole and wife Syrena to Charles B. Duncan, all Marion Co. IL, $75 ($25?), S 1/2 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 30 T4N R3E 20 acres. (FHL film 1,011,001)
G-84: 29 Sept. 1852, Rutherford (X) Duncan and wife Rhoda (X) to John Bass, all Marion Co. IL, (blank dollars), SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 30, and 18 acres off SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 30, all T3N, R4E, 78 acres. Wit. Howard Badollet, G.M. Pace. (FHL film 1,011,001)
G-239: 22 Jan. 1853, John King & wife to Charles B. Duncan, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.3 Range 3E, 40 acres; from index only
G-302: 27 Jan. 1853, Charles B. Duncan and wife Louisa Ann (X) of Marion Co. IL to IL Central RR, $25, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.3N Range 3E, right of way 200 ft. wide. (FHL film 1,011,001 and from index)
G-415: 15 Feb. 1853, Charles B. Duncan & wife Louisa Ann (+) to Hezekiah Rockhold, (no locality), $100, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 30, T4N, R4E, 40 acres. Wit. William T. Eastland (JP). Appeared in Marion Co. IL. (FHL film 1,011,001)
J-207: 12 Oct. 1854, Gillum Duncan & wife to Josiah A. Fyke, mortgage, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.1N Range 2E, 27 acres; rec. 20 Jan. 1855; from index only
J-274: 10 Oct. 1854, S. Berry Wyatt to Gillum Duncan, NW 1/4 Sec.19 T1N Range 2E, 172 acres; rec. 5 Feb. 1855; from index only
J-339: 2 Feb. 1855, Gillum Duncan & wife to Thomas Henry, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.17 Twp.1N Range 2E, 82-50/100 acres, and N? 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.19 Twp.1N Range 2E, 55-21/100 acres; from index only
K-152: 28 May 1855, Geo. S. Wooters & wife to Gillum Duncan, 20 acres off W.side NW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.1N Range 1E, and 20 acres off N.end W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.13?, Twp.1N Range 1E; rec. 31 July 1855; from index only
L-177: 31 July 1854, Charles B. Duncan and wife to John T. Wadsworth and others, deed, S 1/2 SW 1/4 aand SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.28 and W 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.33 Twp.4N Range 4E, 160 acres, and 40 acres heretofore conveyed, and also NE 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.4N Range 3E, 160 acres; rec. 28 March 1856; from index only
M-219: 31 Oct. 1856, Charles Duncum to Jess Tyler, mortgage, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.21, Twp.3N Range 4E, rec. 4 Nov. 1856; satisfied; from index only
M-224: 31 Oct. 1854, Jesse Tyler & wife to Charles Duncan, lot 16 Sec.16 Twp.3N Range 4E, 39 acres, and parat Lot 15 Sec.6 Sd.&R(?), 26 acres, 14 acres hereafter conveyed, and SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.22 Twp.3R Range 4E, 40 acres, and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.? Twp.3N Range 4E, 80 acres; rec. Nov. 1854; from index only
Marion Co. IL Deed Indexes
Grantees, V.1, 1823-1857 (FHL film 1,010,520)
Grantees, V.2, 1857-1861 (FHL film 1,010,520)
Grantors, V.1, 1824-1857 (FHL film 1,010,392 item 2)
No Ware, Weir, Wear, etc.
Marion Co. IL Estate Index 1850-1973, Vol.2 (no Vol.1; FHL film 1,011,196)
#33 Duncan, Jno. R. - adm. Minnie M. Dunn; Admr. Record G-102, 295
#33 Duncan, Judson - Hester Duncan; Estate rec. H-39, 21.
#34 Duncan, Waverly - Hester Duncan; Admr. record E-281
#34 Duncan, G.P. - Jennie Duncan; Admr. Rec. C-126
#40 Duncan, Rhoda - B.E. Siple; Admr. rec. D-199
#41 Duncan, W.P. - Nancy E. Duncan. (no additional rec.)
#41 Duncan, N.W. - Belle Duncan; Admr. Rec. D-15
Quit; probate packets not cataloged on film
Marion Co. IL Probate Books
Book A, 1823-1836 - no Duncan in direct index, no Ware indexed (FHL film 1,010,803)
A-189: Margaret B. White vs. Rutherford Duncan, action in debt on promissory note due 12/25/1838, she granted judgement by default 1/18/1839, owed $5.
Vol. "A" 1837 - no Ware (poor index; FHL film 1,010,803)
Pg.26. 20 June 1838, admin. of estate of Lewis Pritchett vs. G.B. Duncin and Rutherford Duncin, action in debt. 24 July 1838, Promissory note by Green B. Duncan and Rutherford Duncan payable to plaintiffs for $8.91 dated April 11, 1837, due in 12 months with interest; summons served, defendants failed to appear, plaintiff to recover sum and interest.
Pg.189. 18 Jan. 1839, Margaret B. White vs. Rutherford Duncan, debt. Note for $5 due 25 Dec. 1838; judgement entered 18 Jan. 1839.
Vol. B, 1835-1838 - no Duncan, no Ware
Vol. C, 1837-1844 - no Duncan, no Ware
Vol. "C" 1838-1839 - no Duncan, no Ware
Vol. D, 1839-1841 - no Duncan, no Ware
Book E, 1841-1844 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,010,804)
Book F, 1845-1848 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,010,805)
Vol. G, 1847-1849 - no index
Marion Co. IL Probate Book (FHL film 1,010,807; from Dorothy Franks 7/1992)
I-91/2: 18 Dec. 1860, estate of James Duncan; appointment &c; Whereas that on 24 Nov. 1860, during the vacation of this court, it was reported to the clerk that James Duncan, late of Marion Co. IL, departed this life intestate on or about 10 Nov. 1860; the clerk being satisfied by proof of the death intestate and of the value of the estate and there being no widow and the children of the decd. who were eligible to administration having renounced their right, the clerk appointed one Thomas G. Sanders to that trust and took his bond for $1,000 with E.K. Ray and Saml. Hull as security; the court has examined the papers and files and finds them regular and in due form; it is ordered that granting letters of administration to said Thomas G. Sanders is approved. Ordered appointment of appraisers.
I-126: 19 March 1861, Estate of James Duncan, Filing papers; came the administrator of the estate and presented the appraisal and sale bill, which is ordered recorded.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, John R., widow Duncan, Lucinda; A 111 Ill. Inf.; 1866 Oct. 17, Invalid Appl. #117565, Cert. #92904; 1913 Jan. 20, Widow Appl. #1000143, Cert. #755995, Ill. (MAD: of Salem [Marion Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, Joseph, widow Duncan, Martha; G 49 Ill. Inf.; 1897 April 3, Widow Appl. #651554, no cert., Ill. (MAD: of Edwardsville [Madison Co.] IL per IL Civil War database; born Greene Co. IL per muster roll)
Duncan, Josiah J., widow Duncan, Frances L.; A 111 Ill. Inf., K? 60 Ill. Inf.; 1872 Sept. 25, Invalid Appl. #178312, Cert. #133863; 1894 March 16, Widow Appl. #592429, Cert. #420738, Iowa. (MAD: B 60 per IL Sec.St. database; Marion Co. IL, b.1842 IL; Josiah A. Duncan mar. Mrs. Francis Stone 1866 in Marion Co. IL)
1881 "History of Marion and Clinton Counties, Illinois : with illustrations descriptive of the scenery, and biographical sketches of some of the prominent men and pioneers" pub. by Brink, McDonough & Co. (FHL book 977.3 H2ma and film 928,184 item 5)
No Duncan biography
Pg.43: Malachi Ware removed from KY to this county in 1818. He had a family of 7 children, of whom 3 are still living, viz: Mrs. Matthew Young, near Salem; Rhoda Malcom, in Salem; and Mahala Boyles in Romine Twp.
(MAD: per Mary C. Sweetman 6/1980, Malachi Ware's wife was Jane Duncan, who had a twin sister Moley Duncan Daniels and one known brother Steaven Duncan. MAD: Have been unable to obtain further info; one Polly Duncan mar. Vivian Daniel 2/23/1806 Pendleton Co. KY; one Steph. C. Duncan in 1810 Garrard Co. KY census, 1830 Gallatin Co. IL census; one Markaham Ware in 1810 Madison Co. KY pg.240 10101 - 00100; one Michael Waren in 1810 Gerrard Co. KY pg.232 20010 - x0010)
Pg.66: Heads of families, Autumn 1825: Malachi Ware, ... Lethe Dunkin.
Pg.73: Marriages: 1824, Henry Ware and Catherine Albert, Jan. 8
1st Circuit Court, 1823 - grand jurors incl. Malachiah Ware.
Oct. 1823 bastardy case, Sally Duncan vs. J.W. Taylor; he to pay $70 to support child.
(MAD: no mention that Malachi Ware married Jane Duncan, nor mention of her twin sister Molly Duncan Daniels and brother Steaven Duncan, referred to by Mary Sweetman 6/1980)
Pg.290, Alma Twp, Marion Co.: Early Settlements: Letitia Duncan, who was a native of TN, came and stopped for a time previous to 1825 on Tennessee Prairie. Her husband was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died in a hospital after the battle of New Orleans. She moved her family of ten children to this township, locating on Sec. 35, in 1833 or 1834. She died in 1846. One son, Gillem, is now living in Odin. (MAD: from Lincoln Co. TN)
... Rutherford, Gillem and James Duncan improved the first farms.
Pg.293, Partial List of Patrons, Marion Co., City of Centralia: Duncan, John B., P.O. Centralia, Resid. Centralia, Constable, Nativity Marion Co. IL; Lucina Bundy, same, wife of J.R. Duncan, nativity Marion Co. IL.
Pg.298, Partial List of Patrons, Clinton Co., City of Carlyle, 2N R2W: Wightman, James, P.O. Carlyle, Resid. Carlyle, Farmer and Stock Raiser, Nativity Chesterfield Co. VA; Amelia Duncan, same, wife of Jas. Wightman, nativity Shelby Co. KY.
1894 "Portrait and Biographical Record of Clinton, Washington, Marion and Jefferson Cos. IL" by Chapman Bros. Pub. (FHL book 977.3 D3; Los Angeles Public Library book 977.3 P8525; good index)
No Duncan, Ware biography
Pg.63-4 & 214: Black Hawk War, June 1, 1832: Green Duncan. List of men charged for items in Black Hawk War: Green R. Dunkin lost U.S. kettle.
Pg.92: Civil war list: Josiah Duncan, discharged 18 March 1863; John R. Duncan mustered out 6 June 1865.
Pg.131: Attorneys ca 1863: G. Pierce Duncan (& two others) practiced short time but removal or death made their connection with Marion Co. Bar too brief to require more than passing notice.
Pg.829: Mention of James Knox Polk Harmon who entered ministry of Methodist Episcopal Church South under Bishop William Wallace Duncan of GA.
"Biographical and reminiscent history of Richland, Clay and Marion Counties, Illinois" by J.H.G. Brinkerhoff; pub. Indianapolis, Ind.: B.F. Bowen & Co., 1909, 653 pgs. (LH4517, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 825,601 and 1,000,511 item 3)
Pg.157: William Jasper Young was born in Marion county, Illinois, June 21, 1826, in Centralia township, the son of Edward and Sarah C. (Duncan) Young, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Tennessee. Edward Young grew up in Virginia, and when he reached maturity he moved to KY, later came to Indiana, and prior to 1826 settled in Marion Co. IL. He was a plasterer and bricklayer, ... Edward Young was born June 8, 1803, and died June 9, 1876. He was a soldier in the Black Hawk war. ... Sarah C. Duncan, mother of the subject, was born July 22, 1808, and died November 9, 1886. She was a woman of many beautiful traits of character. ... (MAD: she perhaps born Lincoln Co. TN, perhaps to Lincoln Co. KY)
1909 "Brinkerhoff's history of Marion County, Illinois" by J.H.G. Brinkerhoff, pub. by B.F. Brown (Los Angeles Public Library book 977.31 M34Br2; FHL film 1,000,502 item 3; other minor or late references not copied)
Pg.41: Population, November 26, 1825, included 104 heads of families, including five widows. The heads of families in the county were as follows: ... Lethe Dunkin.
Pg.124: (early settlers) Cornelius Dunham, of NY, William Tulley, of VA, David Fulton of TN, and Letitia Duncan all came to the county before 1824, as did also John W. Nichols and Robert Nichols.
Pg.198. Alma Township. Mrs. Letitia Duncan, the widow of a soldier under Jackson at New Orleans, who died in the hospital after the battle, brought her ten children, settled in Tennessee Prairie about 1818, but in 1833 she located in Alma, where she died in 1846.
Pg.208. Village of Omega. A frame school-house was built in 1856 and William Duncan taught the winter term and Kate Elder the spring term.
Pg.322-4. WILLIAM JASPER YOUNG. The subject of this biographical review is among the pioneer farmers of Iuka township. ... William Jasper Young was born in Marion county, Illinois, June 21, 1826, in Centralia township, the son of Edward and Sarah C. (Duncan) Young, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Tennessee. Edward Young grew up in VA, and when he reached maturity he moved to KY, later came to IN and prior to 1826 settled in Marion Co. IL. He was a plasterer and bricklayer, and made his home in several different places after coming to IL, among them being Alton, St. Louis, Belleville, Centralia and Salem. Edward Young was born June 8, 1803, and died June 9, 1876. He was a soldier in the Black Hawk War. ... Children: Lysander Franklin, William Jasper our subject, Julia Ann deceased, Letta Jane deceased, James deceased, Harriet deceased, Edward living in MN, Sarah also lives in MN. Sarah C. Duncan, mother of the subject, was born July 22, 1808 and died November 9, 1886. ...
Pg.810-2: JOHN A. KILPATRICK. Among the ... citizens of Centralia ... John A. Kilpatrick was born in Jackson Co. IL March 27, 1843, the son of Alfred and Martha (Duncan) Kilpatrick, the former a native of TN who came to Jackson Co. IL when a young man. He was born in 1811 and after devoting his life to farming and rearing a family of 5 children, passed to the silent land in 1856. There were 3 boys and 2 girls in his family of whom John A. our subject is the only survivor. All lived to be married but one child. Alfred Kilpatrick served in the Black Hawk war of 1832, having been in the army about 13 months. Our subject was 3 months old when his mother died and he was reared by an uncle, William Duncan, with whom he remained until he was ten years old. He then lived with another uncle, John Kilpatrick, until he was 19 years old. ... (subject moved to Centralia 1900)
1887 "Portrait and Biographical Album of Coles Co. IL" by Chapman Bros. (FHL film 825,562)
Pg.221: DR. W.S. DUNCAN, of Hutton Twp., spent his childhood and youth in Greene Co. IN, where he was born Feb. 26, 1825; his grandfather having been Isaiah Duncan, an enterprising Southern farmer who was born, reared and spent his entire life in SC (MAD: Newberry Co. per Eli's 1850 census); he married and became the father of a family, including five sons and two daughters. The sons were Isaiah, George, John, Eli and Joshua. Of these, the father of our subject was next to the youngest. He received a common school education and remained with his father on the farm until reaching manhood. He then migrated North and, locating in Greene Co. IN, was married to Miss Rebecca Stevens in the spring of 1822. Mrs. Duncan was born Feb. 28, 1801, in KY, and was the dau. of William Stevens, who emigrated from the Blue Grass regions to Harrison Co. IN. After marriage, Mr. Duncan rented a tract of land and farmed until the spring of 1835; he then came to Edgar Co., this State, secured possession of 40 acres of timber land, part of which he cleared and occupied until spring of 1853; he then removed with his family to Laclede Co. MO and died there in 1856, leaving a family of seven children. While a resident of IN he and his wife had become members of the Dunkard Church, but after coming to IL united with the Christian Church. The mother survived her husband about 23 years, making her home with her children, and died Dec. 10, 1881. The parental family included the following children: Isaiah who died in infancy; W.S. of our sketch; John who died in infancy; George now a minister of the Christian Church at AR; Joshua; Marion who died when 20 years of age; Obadiah a resident of Piatt Co. IL; Jane; Elizabeth a widow, now residing in Marion Co., and Polly A. who has carried on a millinery establishment in Bement [Piatt Co.], IL, for the last 20 years.
Dr. Duncan was the 2nd child of his parents and received but a common-school education; when 18, he commenced working in a tanyard for 3 years, then enlisted in Co. H, 4th IL Vol. Inf., started on 16 June 1846 by wagon to Springfield, IL, bound for Mexico; after reaching the seat of war, he found that the precarious state of his health would prevent him from continuing in the ranks, and in Dec. received his discharge on account of disability, the result of measels contracted at Matamoras, Mex. Upon returning to Edgar Co., he began teaching school, ... worked on farm, ... in about 1853 began practicing (as doctor) in Coles Co. The marriage of Dr. Duncan and Miss Charlotte W. Elsbury was celebrated at the home of the bride, Dec. 3, 1847; Mrs. Duncan was born March 13, 1826, and is the dau. of John and Charlotte (Winters) Elsbury, natives of IN. Dr. Duncan continued teaching for about 3 years after his marriage, ... located at Strington, ... until 1860, that spring he took up residence at Sidney, Champaign Co. In Jan. 1864 during progress of Civil War, he enlisted in Co. I, 10th IL Vol. Cav., and was appointed Assistant Surgeon, receiving his commission 18 March ... until Oct. 13 following, when he resigned, returned to Sidney, continued practice until 1868. Health compelled him to leave prairie country so he moved to Farmersburg [Sullivan Co.], IN; until Aug. 1884, then returned to Sidney, then to Hutton Twp. in Oct. 1886, where still lives. Mrs. Charlotte Duncan died at Farmersburg, IN, in Oct. 1874; member of Christian Church; bore nine children, recorded as follows: Minerva P. born Oct. 3, 1848, is the wife of John W. Payne, of Evansville, IN; Melissa C. born June 11, 1850, is the wife of Alfred Duncan of Fulton Co. MO; Mary E. born Sept. 12, 1852, died 13 days later; Minnie C. born May 10, 1854, is the wife of Joab Patton of IN; Laura B. born Jan. 14, 1857, died when 18 months old; Josephine F.P. born May 15, 1860, is the wife of Dr. George H. Bogart, of IN; Rebecca D. born July 12, 1863, died Aug. 15 following; her twin brother, William M., died Aug. 5 following. Nora, born July 10, 1865, became the wife of Lester E. Foulke and is a resident of Champaign Co.
The present wife of our subject, whom he married Jan. 5, 1875, was formerly Miss Elizabeth Johns, a native of Boone Co. IN, and born June 29, 1846; she is the dau. of Hardin W. and Charlotte T. Johns, natives of KY; two children: William O. born Sept. 25, 1875, died Sept. 15, 1878; and Blach G. (MAD: sic) born April 16, 1883; the Dr. and Mrs. Duncan members of 7th Day Adventist Church; while resident of IN, Dr. Duncan identified himself with the Sullivan Co. Medical Assn, ... Fairbanks IN Lodge A.F.&A.M., Terre Haute Chap.; Republican.
"Pioneer Families of Miller County, Missouri; Journey to the Past" by Peggy Smith Hake, no date (FHL book 977.856 D2h; from Donald G. Musick to Jeannine Wright to MAD 10/2001)
Pgs.45-47 contain a sketch of the Duncan and Workman Families; the earliest generations are unproven, but the book contains information on the families of Greenberry and Gillam Duncan, from Marion Co. IL.
"Footprints in Marion Co. (IL)" Vol.16#1 Summer 1991 (FHL book 977.3794 D25f)
Pg.87-88 of this issue of the periodical contain information by Maxine Wormer on the family of Gillum Duncan, b. 4/6/1806 KY, d. 7/14/1884 Marion Co. IL, and his family.
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