Duncan research files of |
1830 Shelby Co. IL Census Pg.150 Robert Dunkum 1200,01 - 1000,1 (MAD: 1820, 1840-1850 Bond Co. IL census; William Whitley mar. Sealy Duncan 9/18/1828, consent by gdn.) 1840 Shelby Co. IL Census Pg.174 Matthew Duncan 0000,101 - 0000,001 (MAD: 1830 Fayette Co. IL census) 177 Joseph M. Duncan 0011,001 - 0 185 James Duncan 0101,001 - 1011,01
1850 Shelby Co. IL Census
Pg.180, #1233, James DUNKIN 57 PA farming $3000
Polly 40 PA
Alexander 16, Jane 14 OH
William 9, Sarah? 9 IL
Samuel 6, Thomas 4 IL
(MAD: James Duncan mar. Mary McKever of Kirkwood 5/26/1831 Belmont Co. OH)
Wabash Dist.
Pg.189, #1364, Amos DUNKEN 46 KY farming $800
Elizabeth 39 OH
(no children, ?not mar/in/year)
(MAD: ?? 1870 Van Buren Co. AR census)
1860 Shelby Co. IL Census
South District, P.O. Oconee
Pg.414, #138-138, Absolom CONNER 50 NC farmer $2000-$900
Margaret 48 KY
Madison 18, Mary Anne 16 IL
Wm. 14, Sarah M. 9 IL
James DUNCAN 16 KY farm laborer
South Division "(Bd. tp.)", P.O. Windsor
Pg.550, #1070-1070, Alex DUNCAN 25 OH farmer $1600-$595
Jane 20 IL
Jno. T. 7/12 IL
Jefferson FARLEY 10 IL
(MAD: ?? one James A. Duncan mar. Nancy Jane Evans 9/16/1858; one James A. Duncan mar. Hannah A. Stephens 1/27/1869)
Pg.550, #1071-1071, James DUNCAN 66 PA farmer $12000-$1565
Mary 53 PA
Sarah E. 19, Wm. 19 IL (twins)
Saml. 16, Thos. 14 IL
Subdivision 66, P.O. Shelbyville
Pg.733, #1045-1045, James DUCAN 28 Iris? (written over) plasterer $0-$2500
Elizabeth 22 IL "Illinois"
no children
1870 Shelby Co. IL Census
Big Spring Twp
Pg.22, #40-41, SWEADY?, R.S. (m) 45 IN farmer $12600-$1440
Elizabeth A. Mrs. 38 IL housekeeper
Nancy M. 10, Evan B. (m) 8 IL
John W. 6, Alvin W. 1 IL
DOBBS, W.F. (m) 22 KY farmer
CARTER, John T. 21 KY farmer
DUNCAN, L.C. (f) 22 VA
Pg.42, #324-323, KELLER, Nancy 57 NC housekeeper $600-$230
Ellen 23 IL working at home
Geo. Washington 21 IL farmer
DUNKER, Mary 35 IN house keeping
Isaac 1 IL, Ila? (Ida?) (f) 1 IL
DRUSEN, Rufus M?. 7 IL
Holland Twp.
Pg.112, #142-141, DUNCAN, Thos. 45 IN M.D. $700-$1000
Thos. 8 IL
Oconee Twp.
Pg.138, #93-97, COWER?, H. 62 NC farmer $2400-$600
Mrs. 58 KY house keeper
Martha A. 25 IL domestic
Sarah 20 IL
Wm. 8 IL
DUNCAN, James 25 KY brakesman (white)
Pg.144, #169-177, DUNCAN, John 45 IL works on farm $0-$0
Mrs. 38 IL keeping house
Susan 20 IL
James 21 IL farmer $0-$250
(MAD: John indexed as age 35, but "4" written over; probably age 45)
Richland Twp.
Pg.206, #28-28, DUNCAN, Saml. 27 IL farmer $5200-$775
Mrs. 26 IL keeping house
Mary E. 4, Ida 2 IL
Thomas 25 IL
LEATHERS, Jeffris (m) 16 IL
Sarah Ann 19 IL
Pg.211, #116-112, DUNCAN, J.A. 35 IL farmer $3000-$900
Mrs. 30 IL keeping house
John T. 10, Robt. 8, Caley (f) 6 IL
S.E. (m) 4, Sarah 2 IL
SMITH, Hurry (m) 7 IL (white)
Illinois, Probate Records, 1819-1970, Shelby County, Administrators record v.A 1859-1865, 320 images, from www.FamilySearch.org images (FamilySearch.org webpage, 1/14/2011 to 1/19/2011)
Index: Duncan, James, estate of, 195 (image 6)
A-195: (printed form filled in with handwriting) Shelby County Court, in Probate, 18 April 1864, petition of James A. Duncan in the matter of the estate of James Duncan decd. for letters of administration on said estate, that on 10 April 1864 James Duncan late of Shelby Co. IL died, that said deceased left surviving him no one as his widow but Ruth Leathers, James A. Duncan, Mary J. Shaw, Sarah E. Duncan, Samuel Duncan & Thomas Duncan his children as heirs, that James A. Duncan presented his bond for $2500, security John Leathers and Peter A. Vanardell, and took the oath, and was appointed administrator.
Administrators' bond, James A. Duncan principal and John Leathers and Peter A. Vanardel securities, of Shelby Co. IL, for $2500, 18 April 1864, for James A. Duncan, administrator of estate of James Duncan. /s/ James A. Duncan, John Leathers, Peter A. Vanardell. Wit. B. Roberts.
Letters of Administration, Shelby Co. IL, that James Duncan late of Shelby Co. IL died intestate on or about 10 April 1864, having personal property in this state, appoint James A. Duncan of Shelby Co. IL administrator. /s/ Burnee Roberts, Clerk of County Court, 18 April 1864. (image 220)
Shelby Co. IL Deed Index (1828-1873 grantee FHL film 1,009,141; 1828-1869 grantor FHL film 1,009,144)
Most of following from index only, unless film number noted
1-21: 11 Aug. 1828, James M. Duncan and wife Margraret T. (sic), Robert K. McLaughlin and wife Isabella B., and James T.B. Stapp, all of Vandalia in Fayette Co. IL, to Live? Casey, John Whitley Jr.?, and William E. Megar, County Commissioners for Shelby Co., $100?, 20 acres, part of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 7, Twp 11N Range 4E. (deed dark) (FHL film 1,009,147)
1-26: 6 Jan. 1829, James M. Duncan and wife Margert T. (sic) of town of Vandalia, to Joseph Oliver, $35, an equal undivided third part of SE 1/4 Sec.7 T11N R4E, 80 acres, except 20 acres given Shelby Co. upon which the county seat is laid. Wit. James W. Derry. (FHL film 1,009,147)
1-51: 4 Dec. 1829, Mathew Duncan and James T.B. Stapp of Vandalia to John Wegan of Shelby Co. IL, $150, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.33 T12N R5E. Wit. Chs. Prentice. (FHL film 1,009,147)
2-501: 3 Oct. 1836, Franklin Frasure and wife Mary of Shelby Co. IL to Amos Dunkin of Adams Co. OH, $300, 40 acres on the head of the Little Wabash River held by Cert. No. 3421 in T11 R6E and Sec. 5, being the SE 1/4 SE 1/4. Signed B.F. Frazier, Mary (X) Frazier; wit. Greenbury Frazier, John Frazier. Recorded 7 Nov. 1836. (FHL film 1,009,147)
3-124: 15 July 1837, John Waggoner and wife Emsy to Robert Duncan, both Shelby Co. IL, $60, N 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.5 T12N R6E, being 39-1/2 acres. No wit; recorded 22 Aug. 1837. (FHL film 1,009,148)
3-217: 25 Sept. 1837, Robert (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) of Shelby Co. IL to Joseph Hendricks of same, $100, E 1/2 NW 1/4 of Sec. 10, Twp 12N Range 6E, 80 acres. No wit. (FHL film 1,009,148)
3-274: 10 Oct. 1837, Robert (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) of Shelby Co. IL to William Petty of same, $800.33, N 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 of Sec.5, 39-1/2 acres, and SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of Sec.8, "9" acres, and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.8, 40 acres, and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.8, 80 acres, all Twp 12N R6E. No wit. (FHL film 1,009,148)
3-276: 20 March 1838, M. Duncan to Thomas Housh; many lots; recorded 21 March 1838.
3-310: 20 March 1838, Thos. Housh to M. Duncan, part NW 1/4 Sec.2, part SW 1/4 Sec.2, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.3, SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.2, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.3, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.2, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.2, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.3, part SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.2, and SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.2, all T11 R3E; recorded 31 March 1838.
3-323: 4 April 1838, Elliott Hugh to M. Duncan, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.17 T10 R4E; recorded 5 April 1838.
3-328: 3 March 1838, Amos Dunkin and wife Keziah of Adams Co. OH to Jacob Dressler of same, $1300, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 and (SW?) NW 1/4 and W 1/2 SE 1/4 and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 and W 1/2 NE 1/4, all Sec.8 T11N R6, being 400 acres. Wit. Daniel Busley, Samuel Trefsler; recorded Adams Co. OH; recorded Shelby Co. IL on 29 May 1838. (FHL film 1,009,148)
3-407: 25 Sept. 1838, M. Duncan to Charles Beeler, part W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.17 T11 R4; recorded 24 Sept. 1838.
3-436: 1 March 1838, William Linn to Joseph Duncan (land description not copied, many parcels)
3-452: 16 Oct. 1835, B.W. Douthit to Jas. Duncan, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.15 T11 R5E, and N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.23 T11 R5E; recorded 20 Oct. 1838.
3-494: 25 Oct. 1838, A. Thornton to M. Duncan, Lot 3, Block 10; recorded 26 Oct. 1838.
3-547: 13 April 1839, Elliott Hugh to M. Duncan, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.17 T10 R4E; recorded 1 May 1839.
3-548: 13 April 1839, Matthew Duncan to Charles Beeler, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.17 T10 R4; recorded 1 May 1839.
3-631: 26 Aug. 1839, Matthew Duncan to ...
Book 4 & later, copied only Duncan grantor's name and date of deed
4-20: 3 Sept. 1839, Matthew Duncan grantor
4-36: 2 Sept. 1839, J.M. Duncan grantor
4-39, 49, 62, 64, 74, 79, 80: 6 June to Dec. 1839, James Poor to Joseph M. Duncan, G.W. Duncan, J.M. Duncan, J.J. Duncan; not copied
4-42: 18 Oct. 1839, Matthew Duncan grantor
4-61: 30 Nov. 1839, George Munson to G.W. Duncan, Lots 5&6, Block 10; recorded 24 Dec. 1839.
4-65: 13 Nov. 1839, Isaac Walker to J.M. Duncan, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 and SW 1/4 NW 1/4, both Sec.21 T13 R6E; recorded 24 Dec. 1839.
4-76: 13 Nov. 1839, Isaac Walker to J.M. Duncan, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.21 T13 R6E; recorded 24 Dec. 1839.
4-77: 13 Nov. 1839, George Munson to G.W. Duncan, Lots 5&6, Block 10; recorded 24 Dec. 1839.
4-91: 13 Oct. 1838, John Vanderpool to M. Duncan, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.22 T11 R3E; recorded 12 Oct. 1839.
4-150: 10 Feb. 1840, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
4-151: 17 Feb. 1840, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
4-196: 9 April 1840, N.B. Lurdam to Thomas Duncan, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.36 T11 R3E; recorded 28 April 1840.
4-331: 20 April 1840, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
4-332: 3 April 1840, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
4-349: 17 Dec. 1840, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
4-356: 17 Oct. 1840, Matthew Duncan grantor
4-410: 3 Jan. 1840, James Duncan to James Poor
4-410: 5 Jan. 1840, G.W. Duncan to J.M. Duncan, power of attorney.
4-411: 4 April 1840, James Elder to J.M. Duncan, town lots; recorded 29 Jan. 1841.
4-513: 25 March 1841, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
4-535: 4 April 1841, Joseph M. Duncan grantor
5-2: 7 Oct. 1840, J.M. Duncan grantor
5-42: 21 Sept. 1841, J.M. Duncan grantor
5-128: 9 March 1840, Phillip Vadakin to M. Duncan, Lot 4, Block 11; recorded 1 Sept. 1841.
5-166: 8 April 1838, Francis Inman to M. Duncan, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.2 T13 R4E; recorded 1 Sept. 1841.
5-230: 24 Nov. 1838, Andrew E. Park to James Duncan, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.22 T11 R5E; recorded 9 Dec. 1841.
5-323: 27 Nov. 1841, J.M. Duncan grantor
5-381: 18 March 1841, Joshua Duncan Snr. of Fountain Co. IN to Nancy Duncan of same, $2400, NE 1/4 Sec.30 T11N R5E and NW 1/4 Sec.28 T11N R5E and NW 1/4 Sec.29 T11N R5E, all in the district of lands sold at Vandalia IL. Wit. Jos. Poole, Joseph Morrison; ack. in Fountain Co. IN 18 March 1841; recorded Shelby Co. IL 1 April 1842. (FHL film 1,009,149)
5-382: 18 March 1837, Joshua Duncan and wife Nancy of Fountain Co. IN to Margret Duncan Junr of same, $1,000, SW 1/4 Sec.29 T11N R5E containing 160 acres and NE 1/4 Sec. 29 T11N R5E containing 160 acres, also E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.28 T11N R5E containing 80 acres, all in the district of lands sold at Vandalia IL. Wit. William Worthington, Reasin Duncan; ack. in Fountain Co. IN 18 March 1842; recorded Shelby Co. IL 1 April 1842. (FHL film 1,009,149)
5-384: 21 Oct. 1840, Elijah Funk and wife Hester of Fountain Co. IN to Joshua Duncan Jnr. of same, for $600, SE 1/4 Sec.3 T13N R5E, containing 160 acres; also SE 1/4 NW 1/4 and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 21 T13N R5E, containing 80 acres, all in the district of lands sold at Vandalia IL. Wit. Herculez Duncan, Jos. Poole. Ack. in Fountain Co. IN 21 Oct. 1840; recorded 1 April 1842. (FHL film 1,009,149)
5-386: 1 Nov. 1840, Joshua Duncan Jnr. of Fountain Co. IN to Samuel Whitlatch of Shelby Co. IL, $1200, E 1/2 SE 1/4 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 and E 1/2 NE 1/4 and W 1/2 NW 1/4 in Sec.33 T11N R5E containing 320 acres more or less, in the district of lands sold at Vandalia IL. Wit. William Chezum, Jos. Poole; Ack. Fountain Co. IN 21 November 1840; filed 1 April 1842 in Shelby Co. IL. (FHL film 1,009,149)
5-450: 6 May 1842, Joseph C. Duncan mortgage to William Kellar, $130, all the type stands, cases, materials and printing presses and all fixtures belonging to and now in the office of the Shelbyville Herald; Joseph C. Duncan and Thomas Duncan had note to W.W. Bishop who assigned to Kellar. (FHL film 1,009,149) (MAD: ?? see Joseph C. Duncan of San Francisco, CA, who was said to be editor of New Orleans "Crescent" newspaper 1848, mar. Eliza H. Hill 12/4/1843 Sangamon Co. IL)
5-479: 23 July 1842, Matthew Duncan grantor
5-526: 7 Nov. 1842, J.C. Duncan grantor
6-9: 4 July 1837, H.M. Elder and wife Margaret to Thomas Dunn (indexed Duncan), all State of IL, $6, lot #15 in town of E. Nelson, Shelby Co. IL. (FHL film 1,009,149)
6-115: 17 June 1843, Thomas Duncan to Relby? Maddison and Young Lee McNiel, all Shelby Co. IL, $600, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.36 T11N R3E, 40 acres, the undivided 2/3 of this tract hereby conveyed, they to erect a sawmill and damm, etc. (FHL film 1,009,149)
6-343: 7 Oct. 1843, A. Thornton to James Duncan, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.22 T11 R5E; recorded 19 May 1844.
6-427: 21 Sept. 1838, Chas. Beeler to M. Duncan, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.17 T11 R4E; rec. 10 Dec. 1845.
7-99: 17 Nov. 1845, Thomas Duncan admin. of Matthew Duncan decd. of Shelby Co. IL to Charles A. Sackit of same; Thomas Duncan had petitioned the circuit court Aug. 1845 to sell the land, permission given, sell SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.36 T11N R3E, 40 acres, and lot 3 in block 10 in Cutter & Renshaw's addition to town of Shelbyville ... (FHL film 1,009,150)
7-101: Similar to 7-99, 17 Nov. 1845, Thomas Duncan grantor, not copied. (FHL film 1,009,150)
7-148: 3 Dec?. 1845, C.A. Fackett to Thomas Duncan, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.36 T11 R?E; recorded 5 Dec. 1845.
7-167: 10 Nov. 1845, Aron Shay to James Duncan, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.22 T11 R5E; recorded 14 Jan. 1846.
7-190: 25 March 1846, Thomas Duncan of Shelby Co. IL to Joseph C. Duncan of McLean Co. IL, $363, mortgage, undivided half of SW 1/4 and whole of SE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec.36 T11 R3E; Thomas to pay $363 to said Joseph C. Duncan by 23 March 1848. Recorded 24 March 1846. (FHL film 1,009,150)
8-33: 4 June 1846, James M. Duncan grantor
8-255: 2 Oct. 1847, Samuel Duncan and wife Susanna of Moultrie Co. IL to David Trewitt of Shelby Co. IL, $425, SW 1/4 Sec.15 T12N R4E containing 160 acres and also N end of NW 1/4 Sec.27 T12N R4E containing 40 acres. (FHL film 1,009,150)
8-281: 6 Oct. 1847, Samuel Duncan and wife Susanna of Moultrie Co. IL to Henry C. Cassey? of same, $360, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.27 T12N R4E containing 80 acres, and NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.27 T12N R4E containing 40 acres, and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.22 T12N R4E containing 40 acres. (FHL film 1,009,150)
9-287: 1 Jan. 1848, James Duncan grantor
10-403: 24 June 1850, Phillips & Watkins to Jas. Duncan, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.21 T11 R5E; recorded 24 June 1850.
Did not copy most grantors or grantees in Book 13 & later.
14-455: 30 Jan. 1846, George Rouser to James Duncan, part NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.28 T11 R5E; recorded 7 April 1854.
Shelby Co. IL Deeds (SLC 2009)
4-36: 2 Sept. 1839, Joseph M. Duncan of town of East Nelson in Shelby Co. IL to William Linn in town of Vandalia, Fayette Co. IL, for $300, 4 lots in town of East Nelson, Shelby Co. IL, being lots 3, 4, 5 & 6 in block 2 with good substantial dwelling house, stable & smoke house thereon erected, also lot 6 in block 6 with the new frame store house (mortgage). No wife. (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
4-37: 10 June 1839, James Poor of town of East Nelson, Shelby Co. IL, and wife Sarah, to Joseph M. Duncan of same, for $20, lot 6 in block 6 in East Nelson. /s/ James Poor, Sarah Poor, Lurah (X) Poor. (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
4-42: 18 Oct. 1839, Matthew Duncan and wife Susan C. Duncan to William Elder, for $3,538, interest in several tracts (MAD: not copied), in all containing 402-3/4 acres. (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
4-39, 49, 62, 64, 74, 79, 80: 6 June to Dec. 1839, James Poor to Joseph M. Duncan, G.W. Duncan, J.M. Duncan, J.J. Duncan; not copied
4-61: 13 Nov. 1839, George Monson and wife Louisa to George W. Duncan of city of Philadelphia, PA, for $40, 4 lots or parcels in East Nelson, lots 5 & 6 in Block 10. Wit. James Elder, Samuel Elason. Recorded 24 Dec. 1839. (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
4-62: 12 Nov. 1839, James Poor & wife Sarah (X) of East Nelson, Shelby Co. IL, to George W. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, for $100, lots 3, 4 and 6 in block 7. Wit. G. Bonham, Samuel Poor. (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
4-63: 12 Nov. 1839, James Poor & wife Sarah (X) of East Nelson, Shelby Co. IL, to James J. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, for $200, lots 3, 4, 5, and 6 in block 1 and lots 1, 2, 7, and 8 in block 2 and lots 3, 4, and 6 in block 4 (& more lots not copied). Wit. G. Bonham, Samuel Poor. (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
4-64: 21 Nov. 1839, James Poor & wife Sarah (X) of East Nelson, Shelby Co. IL, to Joseph M. Duncan of same place, $200, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.20 T13N R6E (more not copied). (FHL film 1,009,148; SLC 2/2009)
Clay Co. IL Deeds 1826-1878 (from grantor index on FHL film 1,008,797; grantee index on FHL film 1,008,799; SLC 6/19/2008)
B-103: Mortgage, 1 March 1838, William Linn & wife Polly Ann Linn of town of Vandalia, IL, to Joseph Duncan of Morgan Co. IL, land (many tracts, not copied) in Counties of McLean, Shelby, Fayette, Effingham and Clay; Joseph Duncan is security for Wm. Linn as receiver of public moneys. Wit. J.M. Duncan. /s/ William Linn, Polly Ann Duncan Linn. Acknowledged as Mary Ann Duncan Linn. (FHL film 1,008,801)
Monroe Co. IL Deed (SLC 9/12/2013)
E-442: 4 March 1840, Matthew Duncan and Susan C. his wife of Town of Shelbyville, Shelby Co. IL, to Edward W. Morrison and Edwin Coolidge (trading under the name and style of E.W. Morrison & Co.) of the City of Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co. PA, for the sum of "four hundred & forty eight" dollars 75/100 "(445 75/100)" dollars paid, sell real estate in Monroe Co. IL, the undivided 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.12?S Range 9W containing 160 acres more or less, being his undivided equal interest in the same, with appurtenances, provided if the said Matthew Duncan shall pay a certain promissory note given by said Duncan to E.W. Morrison & Co. bearing same date with this indenture, payable 2 years from date, for $448.75 with 6% interest until paid, then this indenture to be void ... /s/ M. Duncan, Susan C. Duncan. Wit. J. Perryman. They ack. deed of mortgage 9? April 1840 before John Perryman, Clerk of Shelby Co. IL County Court. (FHL film 1,317,837)
Moultrie Co. IL Deeds (SLC 2009)
E-465: 6 April 1853, John J. Dunkin to Joseph Clark, for $230, real estate in Moultrie Co. and Shelby Co. IL, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.13N Range 5E and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.12N Range 5E. /s/ J.J. Dunkin, Ann Dunkin. Ack. in Fountain Co. IN. Anna Dunkin released her interest. Filed June 4, 1855, recorded Aug. 16, 1855. (FHL film 1,313,220, SLC 2009; indexed John H. Duncan)
K-79: 3 Feb. 1857, Hercules Y. Dunkin (body of deed: Harkless Duncan) to Joseph Clark, for $80, land in Moultrie Co. IL, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.13N Range 5E, and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.12N Range 5E in Shelby Co. IL. Ack. Moultrie Co. IL. (FHL film 1,313,221; SLC 2009)
K-80: 26 Jan. 1856, Nancy Carney and Young M. Dunkin of Moultrie Co. IL to Joseph Clark of Moultrie Co. IL, for $160, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.13N Range 5E, and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.12N Range 5E in Shelby Co. IL. Ack. Moultrie Co. IL. (FHL film 1,313,221; SLC 2009)
K-81: 14 Feb. 1856, John Y. Dunkin and wife Sarah T. (X) Dunkin, to Joseph Clark, all Moultrie Co. IL, for $80, undivided 1/6 part W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.34 Twp.13N Range 5E, and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.12N Range 5E in Shelby Co. IL. Ack. Moultrie Co. IL. (FHL film 1,313,221; SLC 2009)
Moultrie Co. IL Deeds (Book S and S2 on FHL film 1,313,222; SLC 1992)
S-92: 15 July 1837, John Waggoner & Emsley Waggoner of Shelby Co. IL to Robert Duncan, of same, $60, (indexed as quit claim) N 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.5 T12N R6E in Shelby Co., 37-1/2 acres.
S-138: 25 Sept. 1837, Robert (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) of Shelby Co. IL to Joseph Hendricks of same, (indexed as quit claim), $100, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10 T12N R6E, 80 acres in Shelby Co.
S1-151: 10 Oct. 1837, Robert (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) of Shelby Co. IL to William Petty of Shelby Co. IL, for $800.33, land in Shelby Co. IL, (1) N 1/2 E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.5 Twp.12N Range 6E, 39-1/2 acres; (2) SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp. and Range afsd, 9 acres; (3) SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.8, Twp. and Range afsd, 40 acres; (4) E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp. and Range afsd, 80 acres. Ack. Shelby Co. IL. Recorded 9 April 1838. (FHL film 1,313,222; SLC 2009)
S-372: 3 Jan. 1840, Power of Attorney, James J. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, appoint my brother Joseph M. Duncan my lawful attorney to sell my right ... to land in town of East Nelson in Shelby Co. IL conveyed to me by indenture 3 Dec. 1839 by James Poor & wife Sarah. Wit. M. Mifts? (Missts?), Jno. B. Kenney.
S-373: 3 Jan. 1840, Power of Attorney, George W. Duncan of City of Philadelphia, merchant, appoint my brother Joseph M. Duncan my lawful attorney to sell my right ... to land in town of East Nelson in Shelby Co. IL conveyed to me by indenture 12 Nov. 1839 by James Poor & wife Sarah and 13 Nov. 1839 by George Monson and wife Levisy. Wit. Jno. Swift, Jno. Kennedy. (MAD: deeds of Joseph M. Duncan selling land as attorney for George W. Duncan not copied.)
S-409: 24 April 1841, James J. Duncan of City of Philadelphia by Joseph M. Duncan of Coles Co. IL, attorney in fact by Power of Attorney 4-535, to Charles H. Morton of Shelby Co. IL, $110, lots in town of East Wilson, Shelby Co. IL, Lots 2, 7 and 8 in Block 7, and lots 3 and 4 in Block 9, and lot 4 in Block 9, and lot 4 in Block 12. Rec. 24 April 1841. (indexed James J. Duncan and Mary S. Duncan)
S2-30: 9 March 1840, Philip Vadakin & wife Lidia Ann of town of East Nelson, Shelby Co. IL, to Matthew Duncan, of Town of Shelbyville, Shelby Co. IL, $84, house and lot #4 in Block 11, town of E. Nelson.
Pike Co. IL Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
15-204: Duncan, William to Joseph M. Duncan. 15 Feb. 1839, William Duncan of Philadelphia Co. PA, appoint my son Joseph M. Duncan of Shelbyville, IL, my attorney to sell three tracts or quarter sections of Military Bounty Lands, being one tract of 160 acres being the SW 1/4 Sec.17 T4S R5W granted and patented to Henry Harbinger on 14 Nov. 1818, one tract of 160 acres being the SW 1/4 Sec.4 T9N R3E granted and patented to William Lewis 8 July 1815, and one tract of 160 acres being the SE 1/4 Sec.12 T13N R8E granted and patented to John Scott on 2 March 1818. /s/ Wm. Duncan. Wit. Jas. J. Duncan, Geo. W. Duncan. Ack. in City of Philadelphia, PA, 18 Feb. 1839. Recorded June 28, 1839. (MAD: Shelbyville, Shelby Co. IL) (FHL film 1,313,485)
18-77: Duncan, J.M. 2 Sept. 1839, Joseph M. Duncan of Shelby Co. IL, attorney in fact for William Duncan of City of Philadelphia, PA, sell land ... (MAD: more not copied) (FHL film 1,313,486)
De Kalb Co. MO Deed (SLC 7/22/2014; have JPG images)
C-24/25: 17 May 1852, Amelia Allen of Buchanan Co. MO to Thomas Duncan of Shelby Co. IL, for $500 paid and promissory note of second party to her for $646.25 due 1 Aug. next, sell parcels of land in DeKalb Co. MO, the W 1/2 of NW fract. 1/4 Sec.2 Twp.57 Range 32 containing 74 acres and 25/100, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.3 in same twp. & range containing 75 acres and 2 hundredths of an acre, and W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.35 Twp.58 Range 32 containing 80 acres, in all about the amount of 229 acres and a quarter of an acre. /s/ Arnelia (?Amelia?) Allen. Ack. 17 May 1852 by Amelia M. Allen (her) before William Fowler, Clerk of Circuit Court of Buchanan Co. MO. Filed for record 25 May 1852. (FHL film 1,005,479)
Hardin Co. OH Deed Records v.K-L, 1850-1852 (FHL film 913,868; SLC 9/12/2012)
L-324/326: 20 Dec. 1849, James Duncan and wife Polly Duncan of Shelby Co. IL to Jesse Sharp of Hardin Co. OH, for $450 paid, sell land in Hardin Co. OH, NE 1/4 Sec.5 Fract. Twp.5S Range 9 containing 160 acres, together with appurtenances, warrant title, Polly Duncan relinquishes all right of dower. /s/ James (X) Duncan, Polly (X) Duncan. Wit. Jas. M. Brown, Garfifir? L. Robison. They appeared 24 Jan. 1850 before James M. Brown, J.P. of Shelby Co. IL. Certification by Burrel Roberts, Clerk of Shelby Co. Court, for Jas. M. Brown, 21 Jan. 1850. Recorded May 25, 1852. (FHL film 913,868)
"History, 31st Regiment, Illinois Volunteers : organized by John A. Logan." by W.S. Morris; pub. Evansville, Ind.: Keller Print. and Pub. Co., c1902, 263 pgs. (LH8188, HeritageQuest images 4/2007)
Pg.201: Roster. Company F. Drafted and Substitute Recruits: Duncan, John; Residence: Holland; Date of rank or enlistment: Oct. 19, 1864; Date of muster: Oct. 19, 1864; Remarks: Drafted, M.O. July 19, '65. (MAD: Holland, Shelby Co. IL)
1881 "Combined History of Shelby & Moultrie Counties, Illinois : and biographical sketches of some of their prominent men and pioneers" pub. by Brink, McDonough and Co. (FHL film 1,000,516 item 1, and SUTRO book F547 S6 C7, CA State Library, Sutro Branch; and from Iris Grimmett and Lois Cruitt 1994)
Pg.297: Shelby Co. IL, Holland Twp. John Duncan, M.D. Dr. Duncan is among old practitioners of Shelby Co. He was born in Parke Co. IN in 1826. His parents, Nathan and Elizabeth Lavinia Duncan, were natives of NC. They emigrated to IN about 1820, and remained in that state until 1834, when they removed to Macoupin Co. IL and settled near Clyde, where Nathan Duncan still resides. They were among the first settlers and pioneers of both IN and IL. When the subject of this biog. reached his ninth year, afflicted with terrible disease known as the white swelling in his right leg, which rendered him a cripple and incapacitated him from performing active or manual labor. He decided to adopt profession of medicine; commenced study under tuition of his father who was a practicing physician, then commenced practice in connection with his father until June 20, 1865, when he came to Shelby Co. and settled in village of Mode in Holland Twp. A few years ago, from sympathetic action, his sound limb became diseased and had to be amputated above the knee. Then he opened small drug, dry goods and general notion store. In March 1858 he married Nancy Jane Jones, native of Macoupin Co. By this marriage there were three children, one living named Zachariah Turner Duncan. His wife died in 1866. In 1871 he married Catherine M., widow of Jefferson Hidden, nee Kerns. By her former husband she had two children, and by Dr. Duncan, five, two of whom are living. Dr. Duncan a democrat, United Brethren Church.
Pg.315: REZIN WHITLATCH is a native of Shelby Co. IL. Robert Whitlatch, his paternal grandfather, removed from OH to Fountain Co. IN. Samuel, his son, and father of Rezin, was born in OH in 1813. He came with his father to IN and in the spring of 1838 removed to Shelby Co. IL and settled in Richland Township, and farmed here until 1847, when he moved back to Fountain Co., and died there in 1852. He married Margaret Dunkin, daughter of Joshua Dunkin. She was born in PA in 1813, and moved to OH, afterward to IN, where she married. In 1852, after her husband's death, she came back to Shelby Co. and is yet a resident of Richland township. There were six sons. Rezin is the third in the family. He was born on section 29, Richland township, Shelby Co. IL, January 9th, 1842. He received in his youth a fair education in the common schools of Shelby Co. IL and Fountain Co. IN. He remained at home until he married, which was 30 Dec. 1866. He married Miss Mary Gilfilan. She was born in Fountain Co. IN Feb. 4, 1844. Her parents, John and Mary Gilfilan, were both natives of OH. There have been born to Rezin and Mary Whitlatch six children, four of whom are living. The names of those living, in the order of their birth, are as follows: Robert Manford, Jesse Wilber, William Henry and Rezin Walter Whitlatch. Both Mr. and Mrs. Whitlatch are members of the Missionary Baptist Church. Politically he is a democrat, and an advocate of temperance. After Mr. W's marriage, he went to farming on land that he purchased in 1865; he remained on it for seven years and improved it, and then sold and bought where he now lives. ...
Partial List of Patrons, Shelby Co.:
Pg.321, Moawequa Twp; Name; Francis, N., P.O. Moawequa, resided M'qua, lumber dealer, nativity Monmouth Co. NJ, settled '67; Mary C. Duncan, wife of N. Francis, nativity Washington Co. TN, settled '67.
Partial List of Patrons, Moultrie Co.:
Pg.329, Sullivan Twp. 13 Ranges 4 & 5 E; Name: Baker, Joseph, PO Sullivan, resided Sec.35, Farmer & Stock Raiser, nativity Shelby Co. IL, settled '48; Mary J. Brown, died Aug. 3, '56, first wife of Joseph Baker, nativity KY; Mary Carney nee Duncan, died Nov. 4, '64, second wife of Joseph Baker, nativity IN; Mary C. Miller, PO Sullivan, Sec.35, present wife of Joseph Baker, b.OH, settled '43.
1881 "Combined History of Shelby & Moultrie Counties IL" pub. Philadelphia : Brink, McDonough (FHL film 1,000,516 item 1; SLC 9/2007; from info of Carol Todd 8/2006)
Pg.42: "In the fall of 1825, Samuel Little, a native of Illinois, born on the frontier in the southern part of the State, built a cabin in the west part of Ash Grove township. In the spring following, his brother John and his brother-in-law, Robert Duncan, came and built cabins near by. They were regular frontier-men, and delighted to hunt and have sport with the neighboring Indians. When the Indians left the state, the Littles moved to Texas. Duncan remained in this state, and died in Bond County, where he accumulated considerable property."
1891 "Portrait & Biographical Record Shelby & Moultrie Cos. IL" by Biographical Publ. Co. (FHL book 977.3 D3ps)
Pg.430-1: Samuel Duncan, resides on Sec. 22 of Richland Twp, Shelby Co.; native of this State, of American parentage although his ancestors were probably Scotch. His father was James Duncan, who was born in Delaware Co. PA. His mother, who was before her marriage a Miss Mary McKeever, lived to see her son take an honorable position in life. They died in Richland Twp. Six children were permitted to grow up around them; four sons and two daughters, the subject being 5th child in order of birth. Samuel Duncan born Richland Twp, May 8, 1842; to manhood on father's farm, enlisted Sept. 18, 1864, in Co. B of 12th IL Inf, served until July 1865, received discharge at Washington DC. ... Married in Richland Twp. on Oct. 9, 1864, to Miss Harriet C. Balch, who was born in Coles Co. IL. Three children: Mary E. wife of Samuel Richards, Ida A., and Retta O. Mrs. Duncan's parents were Jonathan J.P. and Elizabeth (Nicholson) Balch, former probably b. IN, latter native of TN; to Shelby Co. on Sand Creek, returned to Coles Co. where mother died. At the date of this writing (May, 1891) the father still survives. Mrs. Duncan is one of 12 children, she the third in order of birth, born Coles Co. IL on Nov. 14, 1844. ...
Pg.535-6: James A. Duncan ... Doubtless of Scotch descent, our subject's father was born in Delaware Co. PA in 1788; his mother who in her maidenhood was Mary E. McKeever was a native of VA. After marriage, they first settled in Belmont Co. OH, then to Shelby Co. this state, to Richland Twp. in 1838 where both parents passed away. The mother died April 30, 1862; the father survivied her two years, dying April 10, 1864. Mrs. Duncan, our subject's mother, was of Irish ancestry. James Duncan Sr. was the father of six children, including four sons and two daughters. Our subject was eldest, born in Belmont Co. OH on Aug. 27, 1834. When the subject was four, his parents to Shelby Co., where he grew to manhood in Richland Twp. In 1859 Mr. Duncan was married in Ash Grove Twp. to Miss Nancy J. Evans, a native of Shelby Co. She was mother of three children: John, Robert and Caledonia. John married Miss Lillie Wilhite and made a home of his own. Caledonia is wife of Charles Rubel. Mrs. Nancy J. Duncan died in Richland Twp. on Aug. 25, 1867. Two years later, Jan. 27, 1869, he was married to Mrs. Hannah Stevens, the widow of Lowrey Stevens and a daughter of Isaac and Rebecca Jones, born in Butler Co. OH on Aug. 21, 1836; by this marriage our subject is father of one child, James O. ....
1910 "Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois : and History of Shelby County" ed. by Newton Bateman, Paul Selby; Shelby Co. history edited by George D. Chafee; pub. by Munsell Pub. (FHL film 825,605; from Sue Monaghan 4/1986)
Pg.321: Mowequa Twp, Illinois Patrons: MARY C. DUNCAN, residence P.O. Mowequa, wife of N. Francis Duncan, lumber dealer; born Washington Co. TN, arrived Shelby Co. IL 1867.
Pg.856-7: DUNCAN, JAMES ALEXANDER ... now living retired at Windsor, Shelby Co. IL, born in Belmont Co. OH, August 27, 1834, son of James and Mary (McKever) Duncan, he a native of Delaware Co. PA, she of VA although reared in OH. The Duncan family comes of Scotch ancestry, and the McKever family from Irish stock. James Duncan's father served under Washington in the Rev. War, and died when James was two years old.
James Duncan settled in OH right after the War of 1812, in which he had served, and in 1838 he came to Shelby Co. with others, and settled among those who had come before him. James Duncan secured land in Sec. 22 of Richland twp, owning eventually 590 acres, ... Some of the land was entered from the Government, but his home place had been originally secured by Ben Douthit. He lived there from 1838 until 1858, when he moved 1/2 mile north. Some of the early pioneers of Richland Twp were: George Rouse and family, Tobias Shay and family, John McFadden, John Brown, Michael Brown, James Griffin and family, and Tobias Renner, all from OH; the Kinzie Robinson family from KY, who settled there in 1830, the McCoy family, and several Parks families. ... McCoy Spring was named after Pioneer McCoy, who was one of the early settlers of this locality, but he left here before James Alexander Duncan was old enough to remember him.
The old Duncan house stood near the present site of the residence of Thomas Duncan. Later James Duncan built a house on the present site of the residence of George Row, and here he spent his declining years, dying in it April 15, 1864, when he was 72 years old. His wife died two years before him, and was ten years his junior, being his second wife. His first wife was a McFadden, sister of John McFadden and of Mrs. John Brown. By his first wife James Duncan had the following children: John, who died at the age of 28, came to IL with his family; Margaret, who married John Pfieffer, died at the age of 30, leaving no issue; and Ruth, who married John Leathers, died in Prairie Twp, at the age of 45. By his second wife James Duncan had these children: James Alexander; Mary Jane, who married Caleb Shaw, died at the age of 69, near Wichita, KS; Sarah who married William Nichols, died near Wichita, KS, aged 35, and her husband also died at the same place; William who was in Co. G, 115th IL Volunteer Infantry, was killed at Chickamauga when 23; Samuel who lives on the old homestead, served in Co. B, 12th IL Volunteer Infantry; and Thomas, who is on the old homestead. James Duncan was a shoemaker and worked at his trade in conjunction with his farming.
James Alexander Duncan ... remained on his father's farm until his marriage to Jane Evans ... Mrs. Duncan died in 1866, leaving the following children: John, who is on the farm in Ash Grove Twp, married Lillie Wilhite and they have 4 children; Robert, who is on the old homestead, married Mrs. Lena (Brandon) Zimmerman, a widow; and Callie, who lives on the old homestead, married Charles Ruble and they have five sons. On January 27, 1869, Mr. Duncan married Mrs. Hannah Jones Stevens, widow of Lowry Stevens and daughter of Isaiah and Rebecca (Applegate) Jones. Her father dying, her mother married Samuel Richmond, who owned a farm adj. that of Mr. Duncan. Mrs. Duncan's mother died when 80 years of age. The children by Mrs. Duncan's first marriage were Joseph Stevens who d. age 47; Elizabeth ...; Sarah Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan have had one son, Oliver, who died when he was 23; he had married Addie Gallagher, daughter of Henry Gallagher of Holland Twp, and they had a daughter Retha Olive. Mr. Duncan ... Prohibitionist, Mason, Eastern Star, Grand Army of Republic, enlisted Co. B, 12th IL Volunteer Infantry ...
Pg.858: DUNCAN, THOMAS ... of Sec. 15, Richland Twp. ... belongs to the Duncan family which has been intimately associated with the pioneer history of the county, being born on his present farm, August 26, 1844, a son of James and Mary (McKever) Duncan, who settled on this place 75 years ago (about 1834) and there spent the rest of their lives. ... He also owns 80 acres of improved land in Keith Co. NE. His son Bert also owns 460 acres in the same county. This Nebraska property has more than doubled in value in two years. Mr. Duncan was the youngest of his father's family and has always lived on his present farm, ... When he was 27 years old, Mr. Duncan married Miss Sarah Richardson, who had been taken in charge by his parents when she was a child of 8 or 10 years, and reared as their own. She was 24 years old at the time of her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duncan have had two sons, Bert who m. Dora Durst of Richland, has two children Edith and Zola; and Edward who is unmarried. Mr. Duncan Republican; Mrs. Duncan Methodist.
Pg.869: NATHAN FRANCIS. In September 1865 Mr. Francis married in Macoupin Co. Mary C. Duncan, born near Jonesboro, Washington Co. TN, February 24, 1844, a daughter of Joseph and Susannah C. (DeVault) Duncan. Joseph Duncan was born February 27, 1817 near Jonesboro, Washington Co. TN, and moved to Illinois in the fall of 1851, settling in Jacksonville and later buying a farm near Fayette, Greene Co., on which he resided only a few years. He then purchased a farm near Moweaqua in Shelby Co., where he lived until locating in the city where he became Senior Deacon of the Baptist Church. After the death of his wife, he made his home with his daughter Mrs. Nathan Francis until his own death occurred March 30, 1905, when over 88 years of age. In 1842 he was married to Susannah C. DeVault and this union lasted about 57 years, her death occurring at the family home in Moweaqua, February 1, 1899, when she was nearly 75 years old. Joseph and Susannah C. (DeVault) Duncan had 8 children: Martyn, Sarah, Jennie, James, Robert, Joseph, Mary C. and a son who died in infancy.
1898 "Portrait and Biographical Record of Denver and Vicinity, CO" by Chapman Pub. Co. (from Bruce Chapin Duncan 3/1993; and CA State Library, Sutro Branch, San Francisco)
Pg.461: ELISHA DUNCAN, decd, one of representative pioneers of CO, was very closely identified with founding of Weld and Boulder Cos. ... aided in establishment of schools and churches, construction of roads, instituting local law and order, ... The founder of this branch of the Duncan family in America was Col. James Duncan, who was a native of Scotland. Early in the 17th century he resigned his commission in the army and settled in VA. His son, John Duncan, was born in Scotland and with his parents took up his permanent residence in the Old Dominion. John married Miss Sarah Anderson, and their son Robert, born in 1795, was the father of the subject of this article. He became one of the first settlers in IL, his home being in Shelby Co. Besides cultivating a farm, he was interested in the Galena lead mines, in the northern part of the state and in Wisconsin. During the Black Hawk war he was one of the settlers who fought against the Indians, finally subduing them. He died Oct. 19, 1868, near Greenville, Bond Co. IL. His wife, Nancy, born in VA Jan. 26, 1805, was a dau. of Abraham and Mary (Whitley) Bateman and granddau. of Col. William Whitley, a native of England. Mrs. Nancy Duncan died Oct. 1, 1851, in IL. One of her sons, John, now of CA, came to CO in 1860. Another son, James, fought in the Mexican war.
Elisha Duncan, the eldest of his father's family, was born near Greenville, Bond Co. IL, Sept. 13, 1822. ... started farming, later went to Clinton Co. IL. In 1850 he started for CA across the plains by ox teams and was nearly six months on the journey ... two years at Mud Springs [El Dorado Co. CA], then returned home by way of Isthmus of Panama and New York CIty, resumed agricultural pursuits in Prairie state. In 1860, to CO, where he and Alfred Tucker an old schoolmate engaged in constructing Golden Gate toll-road in Jefferson and Gilpin Cos. ... For part of the time he was also interested in mining in Boulder Co. at Gold Hill. In winter following, Mr. Duncan returned home, and the next spring his family accompanied him ... June 9, 1861, he arrived in Golden Gate with his family. ... Mrs. Mary Duncan, widow of our subject, became his wife Aug. 9, 1849, in Bond Co. IL; she bore the girlhood name of Mary W. Myatt, born in Pocohontas, Bond Co. IL, March 27, 1832. Her father, Judge Alexander Myatt, born in TN Feb. 9, 1802, of Welsh extraction; settled in IL at early date, county judge of Bond Co. for years; he died Sept. 4, 1861 at his home in Prairie state; his wife who was Miss Mary W. Chisenhall d. March 27, 1832; two of their sons, Edward Wesley and Wiley, fought in the Mexican War and of their entire family of 4 girls and 2 boys, only three survive. Since the death of her husband, Mrs. Duncan has lived in Boulder ...
1883 "The History of Henry and St. Clair Counties, Missouri : containing a history of these counties, their cities, towns ... biographical sketches ... statistics ..." pub. by National Historical Co. (FHL films 908,587 item 2 and 1,000,291 item 3; from Ernie Perry 10/1999)
Also see the Internet website https://sites.rootsweb.com/~mohenry/henryco.html
and the biographies at:https://sites.rootsweb.com/~mohenry/biography/bioD3.html
Pgs.844-848: ... a story of the first steamboat on the Osage River. In that story the author states, "Among the number was Uncle John Whitley, who had seen service at New Orleans, and Uncle James Breckenridge."
(Ernie Perry: The "Uncle John Whitley" mentioned in the story is one of my Whitleys and is related to William Whitley who married Seely Duncan in Shelby Co. IL)
Go to the Shelby Co. IL Other Records
1983 "Jackson Co. IL Formation and Early Settlement" by John W.D. Wright, pub. by Jackson Co. Historical Society (FHL book 977.3994 h2w)
This book contains on pg.102-4 information about Matthew Duncan, b.1790 Bourbon Co. KY, d.1844, and his brothers Gov. Joseph Duncan and John S. Duncan, sons of Major Joseph Duncan and Anna Maria McLaughlin. He indicates that Matthew may have moved to Shelbyville, Shelby Co. IL, by 1830; he died in Shelby Co. in 1844. He cites the 1894 "Historic Sketches of Jackson Co. IL" by Ben Boone (FHL film 969,494 item 5, pg.59) as one of his sources.
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