Duncan research files of |
1830 Anderson Co. SC Census Pg.115 Robert Duncan Sr. 0121,2001 - 0101,01 Robert Duncan Jr. 0000,1 - 1001 John Duncan 0100,0001 - 0120,001 152 Turner Duncan 0100,1 - 2000,1 170 David Duncan 2100,11 - 1210,01 William L. Duncan 0000,1 - 1000,1 (MAD: 1850 Pickens Co. AL census) George A. Duncan 0020,0000,1 - 0101,001 (MAD: wife Martha; 1820 Pendleton Co. SC census; not 1840 Perry Co. AL) George W. Duncan 2000,1 - 0000,1 (MAD: wife Senetta) 1840 Anderson Co. SC Census Pg.109 John Duncan 0000,0000,1 - 0001,1001 (MAD: ? 1850 Murray Co. GA census) Thos. Duncan 1000,1 - 2000,1 117 Robt. Duncan Jr. 0000,01 - 2110,1 (MAD: ? 1850 Murray Co. GA census) 124 Robert Duncan Sr. 0001,1001 - 0001 Washington Duncan 0000,01 - 1001 133 David Duncan 1211,101 - 0120,001 145 Turner Duncan 2001,0010,1 - 0310,01
1850 Anderson Co. SC Census (and from Vivian Biddle 7/1983)
Pg.193, #531-535, Benjamin F. DUNCAN 29 SC farmer $0
Tabettie E. 25 SC
Elizabeth I. 5, James L. 2 SC
(MAD: James Samuel age 2)
Pg.195, #552-556, Mary MATTISON 41 SC (blank) $5000
Charles 19 SC farmer
Frances Ann 17, Emily R. 15 SC
(MAD: may ?? be a dau. of Hugh Duncan; Mary Mattison had land adj. Robert Duncan Sr. on Rockey River in 1849)
Pg.202, #646-650, Stephen LIVENETT Junr. 50 SC Campbelite clergyman $1200
John McCARLEY 22 SC farmer
Jackson SMITH 23 SC Campbelite Preacher
(MAD: looking for John McCarley, son-in-law of Nathaniel Duncan and wife Kesiah Kilby; none indexed 1860 census)
Pg.205, #709-713, John TATE 45 SC farmer $1700
Sarah M. 45 SC
William P. 22 SC farmer
Elizabeth 20 SC
David 18, Amaziah (m) 16 SC farmers
Uann (Vann?) (m) 14, Milly 12 SC
John M. 10, Columbus M. 6 SC
Sarah Ann 8, Jesse W.N. 4 SC
John FINLEY 25 SC farmer
(MAD: Sarah Manson Duncan, dau. of Robert, mar. John Andrew Tate 12/14/1826; bur. Walker Co. GA)
Pg.206, #711-715, Martha M. DUNCAN 37 SC
Sarah J. 14, Thomas N. 12 SC
Elizabeth 10, Ealinor 8 SC
Benjamin F. 7, Robert E. 6 SC
John C. 3 SC
(MAD: 1860 Gwinnett Co. GA census)
East Subdivision
Pg.241, #38-38, Daniel F. LUCIUS 50 SC farmer $900
Katharine 21 SC
Martha 12, Lancil (m) 10 SC
Lucinda 10 SC
John DUNKIN 23 SC farmer
Acksan 18 SC mar/in/yr
Pg.259, #295-296, Benjamin LOW 50 SC carpenter $0
Elizabeth 50 SC
Thomas 18 SC, John C. 18 SC laborers
Sarah A. 17, Emaline C. 6 SC
Hannah DUNKIN 25 SC
Margaret 70 SC
Pg.264, #364-365, John DUNKIN 41 SC farmer $0
Hester 32 SC
Pierce B. 14, Sarah E. 11 SC
Elvira 10, Newton L. 7 SC
Sidi H. (m) 3, Nanna A. (f) 10/12 SC
Jasper BROWN 25 SC physician $0
Sarah Ann 11, John W. 7 SC
(MAD: John Duncan mar. Hester Mary Brown 5/12/1835; Pierce B. in Civil War in AR?; 1860 Ouchita Co. AR census)
Pg.266, #392-393, David DUNKIN 60 VA farmer $2000
Lucy 48 SC
Joseph 22 SC
(MAD: wife Lucy Eddington from Fairfield Co. SC; 1860 Fayette Co. AL census)
Pg.267, #415-416, David DUNKIN Jr. 32 SC farmer $250
Huldy 29 SC
Mary Jane 4, Nancy C. 3 SC
Pg.275, #528-529, William DUNKIN 21 SC farmer
Nancy 25 SC
General (m) 6/12 SC
(MAD: 1860 Pickens Co. AL census)
Pg.303, #916-917, Elizabeth HILL 60 SC (blank)
Matilda 33 SC
Elizabeth DUNKIN 23 SC
Elvira 3 SC
1860 Anderson Co. SC Census
4th Reg., P.O. Anderson
Pg.187, #505-494, David DUNCAN 44 SC farmer $600-$150
Huldah 39 SC
Mary J. 15, Nancy 14 SC
Major J. (m) 9, Newton (m) 4 SC
George 3, Lucy 2 SC
Pg.187, #508-497, W.L. DAVIS 38 SC farmer $1500-$500
Caroline 34 SC
Hannah 10, Manerva 8, Charles P. 7 SC
Hezekiah (m) 5, Martha 4, Louisa 2 SC
(MAD: Caroline Duncan, wife of William L. Davis, dau. of David Duncan d. 1862 Fayette Co. AL)
Pg.207, #822-805, John DUNCAN 35 SC farmer $0-$150
Mary 34 SC
Helen 9, James 7 SC
George 5, Isabella 4 SC
Elizabeth 3, John 6/12 SC
Pg.218, #978-964, Benjn. DUNCAN 39 SC farmer $400-$300
Emeline 34 SC
Elizabeth 15, James T. 12 SC
John W. 10, Mary F. 5 SC
William P. 2, Hester M. 1 SC
(MAD: James Samuel age 12)
Pg.219, #1004-990, Richard DUNCAN 25 SC farmer $0-$50
Lucinda 21 SC
Martha 2, Samuel W. 4/12 SC
(MAD: 1850 Abbeville Co. SC census with John D. & Eliz.; Samuel W. Duncan 1860-1937 bur. Greenwood Co. SC)
1870 Anderson Co. SC Census
Broadway Twp.
Pg.424, #102-102, DUNKIN, David 53 SC farmer $250-$125
Hulda 46 SC keeping house
Mary J. 23 SC keeping house
N.K. (f) 21 SC farm laborer
Newton 15, G.W. (m) 12 SC farm laborers
L.A. (f) 10, M.B. (m) 7 SC farm laborers
Pg.424, #103-103, DUNKIN, J.T. (m) 18 SC R.R. Laborer $0-$0
Emerilia (f) 24 SC keeping house
Magnolia (f) 1 SC at home
Hall Twp.
Pg.539, #1-1, DUNCAN, B.F. (m) 47 SC farmer $700-$0
T.E. (f) 44 SC keeping house
E.G. (f) 25 SC keeping house
J.S. (m) 22 SC farm laborer
I?.W. (m) 20 SC attending school
M.F. (f) 16, W.P. (m) 14 SC (blank)
H.M. (f) 11, B.F. (m) 8 SC attending school
R.B. (m) 5, W.T. (m) 3 SC at home
B.A. (m) 4 SC at home
Hopewell Twp.
Pg.588, #132-127, DUNCAN, John 37 SC farm laborer $0-$0
Malissa 33 SC keeping house
Bettie 9, Manda (f) 11, John 6 SC at home
Ivy (m) 4, Jane 2 SC at home
Martin Twp.
Pg.611, #201-196, ALEWINE, Jacob 63 SC farmer $1000-$500
Margaret 58 SC keeping house
DUNCAN, Mary 28 SC keeping house
Jacob 8 SC at home
ALEWINE, Lena (f) 19 SC at home
Sopia (f) 17, Emeline 15 SC at home
Clara 10 SC attending school
SMITH, Gerome (m) 12 SC BLACK day laborer
Pg.612, #224-222, DUNCAN, Saml. 67 SC BLACK farm laborer $0-$200
Eliza 51 SC BLACK keeping house
Hannah 20 SC BLACK at home
Belton (m) 14 SC BLACK at home
Margaret 5 SC MULATTO at home
S.D.# 1, E.D.# 20, PAGE 47D-48A, IMAGE 16 & 17 OF 45
COKE M., W/M, AGE 6, SON, S.C./S.C./S.C.
ROBERT F., W/M, AGE 1, S.C./S.C./S.C.
(KDC: Coke M. Duncan "Cope Dunkin" in 1900 Smith Co. TX census)
S.D.# 1, E.D.# 20, PAGE 54B, IMAGE 30 OF 45
Anderson (& Pendleton) Co. SC Index to Estate Papers, Probate Court (FHL film 1,025,488)
Roll 1151, Thomas Duncan, intestate, 1848
Roll 1181, Robert Duncan, intestate, 1849
Roll 1255, David Duncan guardian James Woodward, 1851 (not #1255 on film 22,973)
(MAD 1994: These rolls are not on film 22,971 & 22,973 Court of Common Pleas, Judgments, probate records; not on film 23,067 Court of Common Pleas Process Papers; not on film 23,145 Court of Common Pleas decrees; not on film 23,222 Judgment Rolls; nothing else in FHL catalog has roll numbers; apparently these estate papers are not available on microfilm)
Anderson Co. SC Record of Wills, Vol.1, 1791-1834 (original typescript, FHL film 22,858)
No Duncan
A-1: Will of Peter Leboon, of Pendleton Co. SC, sick and weak; to Hannah Leboon my wife 1/3 of all moveable effects and my present dwelling house, lands, messuages and tenements for life, then equally divided between my daus. Catharine and Elizabeth Leboon; to my two daus Catharine and Elizabeth Leboon at my decease 2/3 all my moveable effects and whom I likewise constitute my sole execs; also my son Peter Leboon 1 sh. to be raised of my moveable effects; also my dau. Mary Water 1 sh. to be levied out of my estate, and utterly disallow, revoke and disannul every other former testament etc., (blank) Oct. (blank year), Court 7 June 1800, proven on oath of James Head who saw Peter Leboon sign the will, and James Head signed his name as witness, and he saw John Terrall and Willm. Terrall sign their names, as is recorded in Minute Book I?&2 page ?, at the same time qualified Eben Light exec. (FHL film 22,860) (MAD: Catharine married ---- Duncan & had son Benjamin Culpeper Duncan by 1808)
Anderson Co. SC Wills (from mention in Leonardo Andrea file on Massey-Duncan-Sims)
Will Book C, 1793-1798 - no index (FHL film 22,859)
Will Book 1, 1835-1857 - no Kilby (FHL film 22,859)
Will Book 1791-1834 (FHL film 22,860)
Pg.271: Will of Adam (x) Kilby of Pendleton Dist. dated 5 Sept. 1819; being now in the evening of life and frail in body; to my daughter Sarath (sic) Kilby $300 in money and two beds and all the furniture belonging and two cows & their calves; to Nathaniel Duncan $100 and my black mare except my maintainance out of it which I live and one cow & her calf and all my farming utensils and one bed and furniture belonging; balance of my furniture equally divided between Sarah Kilby and Kisseah Duncan; my three sons William Edward and James Kilby $1; to my daughters Fanny White $1 and my daughter Nancy Harris $1; appoint Daniel Duncan and John Morris Jr. executors; disallow revoke etc. all other settlements wills. Wit. John Morris Jr., Daniel Duncan. Produced in court by Daniel Duncan 11 April 1823.
Anderson Co. SC Will
Vol. 1791-1819 - no Matthew Russell (FHL film 22,859, item 1)
Vol. 1800-1834 (FHL film 22,860 item 1)
Pg.154: Will of Mathew Russel Sr., Pendleton Dist. SC, weak state of body; to wife Verlinda all my household furniture ... to be entirely at her disposal, also 1/2 my stock of cattle and sheep, all my cocks unconditionally forever, and to be handsomely supported for life off the income of my plantation; to my two sons Ozburn and Josiah the whole of my lands to be equally divided between them; to my son Ozburn all my plantation tools and 1/2 my stock of cattle and sheep; the rest of my children, viz, Thomas, Elizabeth, David, Martha, Mathew, Sarah, James, Jane and Jenny each 5 shillings to be paid by Oszburn out of his part. Appoint wife Verlinda and son Thomas Russel sole executors; 25 July 1812. /s/ Mathew Russel Senr. Wit. Thomas Russel, Ozburn Russel, Nancey (+) Haney. Proved by oaths of Nancey Haney; at the same time Thomas Russel qualified as exor., 1 March 1813. (see Jackson Co. AL)
Vol. 1, 1835-57 - no Matthew Russell (FHL film 22,859 item 2)
Anderson Co. Court of Ordinary, Administrators & guardians records, 1840-1869
Bond books v. 1, 1840-1853 (FHL film 22,862)
1-217: Thomas Duncan decd, admins. Martha M. Duncan (X), B.F. Duncan; sec. Robert Duncan, 28 April 1848; wit. Elijah Webb.
1-242: Robert Duncan decd, admin. John Duncan (X); sec. Jeremiah M. Brown, 6 Aug. 1849, wit. Peter McPhail.
1-302: David Duncan, guardian of estate and effects of James P. Woodward a minor under 21, sec. John Gabrell, 27 Jan. 1851; wit. J.W. Greyton.
Letters, v. 1, 1840-1853 (FHL film 22,863)
1-310: 28 April 1848, Letters of administration issued to Martha M. Duncan and B.F. Duncan on estate of Thomas Duncan, late of Anderson Dist. SC, decd.
1-352: 6 Aug. 1849, letters of admin. issued to John Duncan, admin. of Robert Duncan late of Anderson Co. SC.
1-421: 29 Jan. 1851, letters of guardianship issued to David Duncan for James P. Woodward per Woodward's petition.
Guardians accounts v. 1-3, 1843-1869 (FHL film 22,861)
Vol.1, 1843-1847 - no Duncan
Vol.2, 1847-1859 - no Duncan
Go to the Anderson Co. SC Court Records
Go to the Anderson Co. SC Land Records
Greenville Co. SC Deed (FHL film 24,022)
X-733: 15 Jan. 1857, A.S. Duncan; that my father Robert B. Duncan for himself and on my behalf during my minority, with my grandmother Mrs. E.D. Slone and other heirs of Alexander Sloan decd, deeded land of Alexander Sloan decd; and that R.B. Duncan received part of the money belonging to me as a minor; I have recently attained age; I, Alexander Sloan Duncan, for $2,000, in order that the deeds be good and "affectual", convey to said Robert B. Duncan, all my right etc. to lots in Greenville Town and District, etc., in Pickens Dist., and Anderson Dist. Wit. T.B. Roberts, A.R. McDavid.
Fayette Co. AL Probate Court Records, Vol.11, 1861-1864 (FHL film 1,704,234)
11-28: 19 June 1862, petition by Jasper N. Duncan for probate of will of David Duncan, that David Duncan was resident of this county at time of his death, he died on or about 10 June 1862, leaving property and a will witnessed by Green T. Haston, George W. Eaton and N.J. Dyer, all residents of said county, that in the will Lucinda Duncan widow is named exec. and petitioner is one of heirs, that the heirs or distributees of said estate are Lucinda Duncan widow of decd. who resides at the late residence of decd in this county, and David Duncan Junior who resides in Anderson Dist. SC, Emeline Lollis wife of Calaway Lollis who resides with her husband in Pickens Co. AL, Mary Woodward wife of James P. Woodward who resides with her husband in Pickens Co. AL, William Duncan who resides in Pickens Co. AL, John Duncan resident of this county, Drucilla Todd who resides with her husband Elisha Todd in this county, Matilda Payne wife of Anderson Payne who is supposed to be living in Maddison Co. TX, Caroline Davis wife of William L. Davis who resides with her husband in Anderson Dist. SC, and petitioner Jasper N. Duncan who resides in this county, all of full age and sound mind; petition to give notice to heirs and to subscribing witnesses. (MAD: more in Fayette Co. AL file)
Revolutionary War Pension W-2700, Thomas Russell (FHL film 972,104)
MAD: see Anderson Co. SC and Jackson Co. AL; two of his children married Duncans ca 1820-25; following is very brief extract from pension.
Pension granted to Tabitha Russell, widow of Thomas, 1850-1858, pension #26,258; she applied for bounty land 29 March 1855 in Jackson Co. AL.
Original pension application 14 Aug. 1832 by Thomas Russell, resident of Jackson Co. AL; he had enlisted 1781 in Mecklenburg Co. NC, left service 7 April 1782 (did not copy officers); discharged at Orangeburg, SC. He was born in Cumberland Co. PA 1761, proof of age in the family Bible. He lived in Mecklenburg Co. NC when called into service, lived in York Co. SC about 7 or 8 years, in Pendleton District SC upwards of 22 years, about 3 years in Franklin Co. TN, since which time he has lived in Jackson Co. AL. (skipped some)
Dates of birth of thirteen children given without names in a statement of James Russell Jr. on 5 Dec. 1851; Thomas's wife was Tobitha Jenkins, born 18 June 1770. Children born from 1786 to 1810.
Statement 5 Dec. 1851 by James Russell who was present at their marriage in York Co. SC; James was raised by them from age about 5 or 6 or 7. Thomas Russell Sr. died July 1850. Thomas Russell Sr. was James Russell's eldest brother.
(MAD: ?? 1781-82 Mecklenburg Co. NC; 1782-1790 York Co. SC; 1790-1812 Pendleton-Anderson Co. SC; 1812-1815 Franklin Co. TN; 1815-1832 Jackson Co. AL)
Index to War of 1812 Pension Applications and Bounty Land Warrant Applications; National Archives Film (FHL film 840,458)
Duncan, David, widow Lucy; WO 35139, WC 27754; BL 38299-40-50, 67439- 120-55; Private in Capt. Stewarts Co. KY Mil. 9/1/1812 to 12/25/1812, soldier was in Battle of Tippecanoe; sol. res. 1850 Anderson Co. SC, 1855 Pickens Co. AL; widow res. 1879 Pickens Co. (PO Carrollton) AL; maiden name Lucy Eddington mar. June 10, 1813, Fairfield Co. SC; soldier d. June 8, 1862, Fayette Co. AL.
MAD: the pension was abstracted and published on pgs.118-120 of Vol.VI, surnames D, "AL Soldiers of the Revolution, War of 1812, and Indian Wars" by Grandrud, 1979; David Duncan Sr. was age 58 on 6 Dec. 1850, was a second sergeant in the Co. commanded by Capt. Alexander Stewart in the Regt. of Inf. commanded by Colonel Miller, in the War with Great Britain - that he volunteered at the Dripping Springs in Warren Co., Kentucky on or about the 15th day of August 1812 an(d) was mustered into service on 1 Sept. 1812, for the term of six months, discharged at Vincen's in the State of Ohio; his discharge is lost. David Duncan was age 63 on 13 August 1855, had legally disposed of his land warrant for 40 acres, petitioned for additional bounty land. His widow Lucy Duncan age 83 when she applied for a pension in 1880, resides at Pickens Co., AL and has so resided for 27 yrs. She married (as Lucy Eddington) said David Duncan, in the month of June 1813 in Fairfield District, SC; he died at Fayette Co. AL on 8 June 1862; they had 11 children:
First, Betsey was born on 9 June 1814 and died on 9 June 1830, these dates were shown by a family record kept by my said husband which was destroyed by robbers, who came to my house during the late war between the states, and destroyed my family Bible and other valuable books and papers. And then the fact that her death occured (sic) on her 16th birthday has never been effaced from my memory. Second, Emeline was born in Aug. 1815 and died on 10 August 1876. Third, David Duncan born Dec. 26, 1816 and is still living. Fourth, Caroline born in Nov. 1818 and is still living. Fifth, Mary born Jan. 1823 died Dec. 12, 1879. Sixth, John born in Sept. 1825 and is still living. Seventh, William born in July 1827, died July 22, 1867. Eighth, Drucilla born in 1829 and is still living. Ninth, Jasper born June 1833 and is still living. Tenth, twins born in 1835 and died in infancy. All of said children except Betsy were born in Anderson District, SC.
She further declares that her oldest child Betsey was born on 9 June 1814 in Fairfield District, SC where they then resided and that in the fall of said year her said husband returned from the War a short time and removed her and her child to the home of his relatives in Anderson District, SC, and left us there and returned to the Army, and all our other children were born in Anderson District, SC. ... (On margin - In a former affidavid (sic) filed by applicant she may have reversed the order of the births of Drucilla and Jasper. If so it was a mistake of the draftsman and not observed by affiant (sic) at the time. This is correct.) Dated 18 May 1880.
Confederate Pension Application of James Samuel Duncan, from holdings of TX State Archives (from Sarah Beene 2/1986)
#49784, James Samuel Duncan of Smith Co. TX, filed May 23, 1931, dead 2-1-40. Application 20 May 1931: Discharged April 1865, ending of war; resident of state since 27 Dec. 1888;; age 84, reside Smith Co. 43 years; enlisted Anderson Co. SC Jan. or Feb. 1865 in Co. Org. by Capt. Tom Russell.
Application of J.S. Duncan on 11 Jan. 1927, Smith Co. TX; discharged close of war 1865; age 79 years on 7 Feb. 1927, b. Anderson Co. SC, resided TX 38 years in Smith Co.; ... Own home valued at $1080, other property $480.
Application for Mortuary Warrant, Smith Co. TX, by C.L. Duncan, son, for James S. Duncan who d. 28 Jan. 1940 in Lindale, Smith Co. TX.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, David, Pickens Co. AL, Private Co.F, 2nd SC Inf. Appl. 18 March 1893, Pickens Co. AL, David (X) Duncan, private in Co.F, 2nd SC Inf., wounded May 1863 at Wilderness, VA; farmer. Appl. 15 Jan. 1894, appl. 1 April 1896.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Adolphus A.; C 1 S.C. Inf.; filed 1926 Nov. 15, Invalid(S) Appl. #1561219, Cert. #A-8-4-27, SC; remarks: C2309474. (MAD: ?? see Anderson Co. SC Spanish War 1898)
1878 "History of Jackson County, Illinois : with illustrations descriptive of its scenery and biographical sketches of some of its prominent men and pioneers" by R. Allyn, pub. by Brink, McDonald & Co. (FHL book Q 977.3994 H2b and FHL film 962,314 item 1)
Pg.81: Andrew D. Duff, 11th child of Philip Duff and Mary Duncan his wife, and only child living, born 24 Jan. 1820 in Bond Co. IL. Philip and Mary Duff were married in South Carolina in 1801, moved to territory of IL in 1809, and settled in St. Clair Co. and subsequently moved to Bond Co. where they resided a number of years, afterwards located in Franklin Co. IL until their deaths. (MAD: nothing more about the parents; see Greenville Co. SC query mention of Bond Co. IL; see James Duff in Pendleton/Anderson Co. SC 1795 deed with Robert Duncan of Greenville Co. SC; see Pike Co. IL)
"Methodist Episcopal Church South General Minutes - Annual Conferences, 1919" (from Jean Walker 7/1984)
Pg.100-1: Upper SC Conference, 1919, Held at Greenwood, SC, November 5-10, 1919: Waddy Thompson Duncan (preacher died during the past year) finished his work and passed to the home above on March 27, 1919. On April 20, 1919, his wife, Mrs. Rebecca Green Duncan, fell on sleep and joined him in the city of God. Both were buried at Fountain Inn, SC. Waddy Thompson Duncan, son of Benjamin Franklin and Emiline Duncan, was born in Anderson Co. SC, May 18, 1867; was brought up ... Our brother married early; first to Miss McDonald, of Anderson Co., in 1894, and after her death to Miss Rebecca Green, of Sumter County, on December 15, 1898. ... A son and two daughters survive them. ...
Biographical Questionnaires in GA Dept. of Archives & History, alphabetically arranged, incl. biographies of those who served in Public Office in GA and those who fought in the war between the states; data gathered by Mrs. Mary Givins Bryan in 1926, per "GA Gen. Magazine" 1984, Vol.20
Isaac Franklin Duncan, died Oct. 27, 1929, born June 8, 1859 at country home in Gwinnett Co., GA; father William Washington Duncan born Jan. 27, 1817 in Anderson Co. SC, lived at Gwinnett Co. near Sardis Church. Father died 1894, Dec. 24. He was son of Robert Duncan, and his wife (a couple of words had been written in and then scratched out). Full name of mother: Sarah C. Wright, born Aug. 29, 1820 in Anderson, SC. Mother died Aug. 31, 1901. I.F. Duncan only went to a common country school, Sardis academy in Gwinnett Co. GA. Profession or occupation: farmer as well as political leader. Date and place of marriage: Sept. 30, 1877, country home in Hall Co.; wife's maiden name Johannah Tuggle, born Jan. 23, 1862, dau. of John Wilson Tuggle, born Oct. 1830 and died 1897, and wife Janette Pirkle Tuggle, born 1828 and died Jan. 23, 1903. Methodist, Democrat, Mason. Civil office held: In House of Representatives 1922 - 1923 - 1924 - 1925; State Senator 1927-1928 from 33rd District. (FHL film 288,172; printed form filled in by handwriting)
Isaac F. Duncan, Senator, 33rd Dist., P.O. Flowery Branch, GA, died Oct. 27, 1929, born 1859, June 8th at Canes District in Gwinnett Co. GA. Father: Washington W. Duncan b. 1821 in Anderson Co. SC, lived in GA about 60 years, he served in the Confederate Army short time and was discharged on account of his age & health. He died Dec. 1898. He was the son of Joel Duncan and his wife Margaret Wright who lived at Anderson SC. Mother Sarah C., born Scotland (dates and places blank). Educated at Sardis Academy, Gwinnett Co. GA in 1875, entered business late 1877, farmer, merchant & banker. Married Sept. 30, 1876, Hall Co. GA to Joanna Tuggle, dau. of John W. Tuggle, born 1830, died Oct. 16, 1897, and his wife Jeannettie Pirkle Tuggle, born 1828, died June 22, 1903. Children: D.C. Duncan, Mae Duncan, Flora Duncan, Onie Duncan, Eula Duncan, Lucius Dean Duncan. Methodist, Democrat, Masons, K.K.K. No military record. Civil office held: Board of Education of Hall Co., County Commissioner, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee, Member of General Assembly 1919 - 1920 - 1921 - 1922. "Miscellaneous" Always been very active in business succeeded well now. At this time one of the largest farmers in Hall Co., made 1000 bushels wheat in 1926 - 1200 bushels of oats in 1926. Has made as high as 250 bales of cotten in one year. Canes 3000 acres of land in Hall & Guinett Countys. Very strong Methodist liberal with his church. Always been prompt to pay debts has a fine rating with Bradstreet & Dun at this time. /s/ Yours Respectfully, I.F. Duncan. Signature: I.F. Duncan, Flowery Branch, GA, 11-1926. (printed form, mostly filled in by typing but some handwritten additions and the "Misc." note at the end is handwritten.)
Isaac F. Duncan, Representative Hall Co., born June 8th 1859 Guinett Co.; residence Hall Co. F. Branch, GA; father's name William W. Duncan; Mother's name Sarah C. Duncan. Where educated: Educated at Buford, GA, High School. Date and place of marriage: Sept. 3, 1877. Wife's maiden name: Miss Johanna Tuggel. Children: 4 girls & 2 boys. Methodist, "allways Democrat", Masonic Order. Public Offices Held: County Com. & Board of Education, other County Offices, Business mercantile, farming, milling, manufacturing fertilizer. /s/ Yours Truly, I.F. Duncan. Miscellaneous (in different handwriting): This is all I can find out about my fathers people. I tried to answer as near as I could. The old Bible don't give much & I never hearad my father say anything about his grandfather or mother, only when they were small they came to this country from Ireland. I hope you can understand my answers. Respt, Mrs. Tyler E. Peeples, Lawrenceville, GA. (FHL film 288,172; printed form filled in by handwriting; different handwriting on last page with "Misc.")
Newspaper clippings copied at bottom of "Misc." page of Mrs. Tyler E. Peeples, handnoted "Constitution, Oct. 28, 1929" I. Frank Duncan, Former Solon, Passes Sunday. Lawrenceville, GA, Oct. 27-- I. Frank Duncan, 70, died Sunday afternoon at his home after an illness of 10 days from typhoid fever. His father was one of the pioneers of Gwinnett county and one of the founders of Sardis Methodist church near the Duncan homestead. He was a member of the Hall county commissioners for a number of years and represented Hall county in the legislature two terms and was state senator from the 33rd senatorial district. Mr. Duncan leaves a widow and the following children: Mrs. Green Braselton, Mrs. S.J. Roberts of Atlanta; Mrs. A.E. Ewing and Mrs. T.E. Peeples of Lawrenceville; Cleveland (nothing further.)
(second clipping) "Oct. 28, 1929" Mr. Frank Duncan, Ex-Legislator of Hall Co., Dead. Former Legislator was Pillar in Church and Large Landholder. Lawrenceville, GA, Oct. 28-- Mr. Frank Duncan, 70, one of the best known men of this section of the state, died Sunday afternoon at his home in Hall Co. after an illness of ten days from typhoid fever. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Washington Duncan, being the youngest of eleven children. His father was one of the pioneers of Gwinnett Co., and one of the founders of Sardis Methodist Church, near the Duncan homestead. Uncle Frank, as he was familiarly known ... Mr. Duncan leaves his widow and the following children: Mrs. Green Braselton, of Braselton; Mrs. S.J. Roberts, of Atlanta; Mrs. A.E. Ewing and Mrs. T.E. Peeples of Lawrenceville; Cleveland and Lucius Duncan, of Hall Co.; one brother, John Duncan, of Gwinnett Co.; two sisters, Mrs. Katherine Davis, of Atlanta, and Mrs. J.A. Cain of Gwinnett Co.; also a large number of grandchildren, nephews and nieces. Funeral will be held at Sardis Methodist Church, of which Mr. Duncan had been a lifelong member, Tuesday morning ... Burial will be in the churchyard.
According to Leonardo Andrea, SC genealogist, in his "Counties in SC" (FHL film 954,248, and from Louis Boone)
Extinct counties after the Revolution included:
Washington County or District. Was formed for a time and included parts of Greenville, Pickens and Oconee. It was not in existence for very long. Records for lands granted are in Columbia. Other records scattered in Spartanburg, Greenville, Anderson & Pickens, S.C.
Pendleton County was formed in 1789 from Abbeville. Records are in Anderson S.C. Pendleton was done away with circa 1820 and new counties of Anderson and Pickens were formed. Later Oconee was cut off from Pickens.
"Pendleton District & Anderson Co. SC; Wills, Estates, Inventories, Tax Returns and Census Records" compiled by Virginia Alexander, Colleen Morse Elliott, Betty Willie (FHL book 975.72 P2a, and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
Among many other probate records which mention Duncans, this book also includes Anderson Co. SC Inventories, Appraisements and Sales, Book 1, 1839-1845, which includes the estates of Ephraim Cannon in 1842 (purchasers include John and Robert Dunkin), James B. Fant in 1842 (purchasers include David Duncan), Isaac Elrod in 1843 (purchasers include Larkin Rains), David Watson in 1844 (purchasers include Robert Dunkin), and Robert Todd in 1844 (purchasers include Robt. Duncan, Robert Duncan Jr., John Duncan, Thos. Duncan, Benj. F. Duncan).
Anderson Co. Inventories, Appraisements and Sales, Book 2, 1845-1851, includes the estate of Thomas Duncan in 1848 and sales to Martha Duncan, John McPhail, John Herron, David McConnel, Robert Duncan, D.H. Cochran, John Tate, B.C. Haynie, Drew Hall, David Tate, B.F. Duncan, Manning Belcher. The inventory of Robert Duncan was sold in 1849 to John Duncan, B.F. Duncan, Martha Duncan, and others.
This volume should be consulted for more in the early estates.
"A Collection of Upper SC Genealogical & Family Records" Vol.II, by James E. Wooley (FHL book 975.7 D2c)
This volume includes a document dated 25 March 1817 in Pack 6, Clerk of Court Office, Anderson, SC Pendleton Dist., from William Duncan Senr. for $140.00 paid by John Davis, sold 212 acres lying on Hencoop Creek waters of Rockey River, it being part of a tract granted to William Benneson on 21 Jan. 1790; Nancy (x) Duncan, wife of William Duncan, released her interest 17 Nov. 1822.
MAD: one John Daves, widow Elizabeth, was a pensioner for service in the War of 1812, WO 8987, WC 6241; Corp. in Capt. James Thompson's SC Militia; enlisted Jan. 25, 1814; discharged Aug. 9, 1814. Res. 1850-55 Lowndes Co. MS. Res. of widow, 1872 Lowndes Co. MS. Maiden name: Elizabeth (Betsy) Duncan; mar. 27 March 1805 Anderson Co. SC. Soldier d. 11 Jan. 1863 or 64 in Lowndes Co. MS. (From "MS Genealogical Exchange" Vol.10, 1964)
"A Collection of Upper SC Genealogical & Family Records" Vol.III, by James E. Wooley (FHL book 975.7 D2c and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984)
This volume contains an extract from Box 3, #84, Probate Judge Office, Anderson, SC, estate of Thomas Cooper, will dated 2 April 1821, and a petition about the estate dated 23 Aug. 1829, the buyers of his estate included Turner Duncan and others. Deed Book 5, pg.640, Clerk of Court Office, deed from James Fant Jr. 9 March 1830 to David Duncan for $450 to be paid by 25 Dec. 1833, 140 acres on Little Browdaway waters of Rockey River, witnessed by George A. Duncan and William B. Fant.
Marriage and death notices from newspapers have been abstracted and published:
"Marriages & Death Notices from Pendleton (Anderson Co. SC) SC Messenger 1807-1851" (Memphis Public Library book 929.357 H725; from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"SC Marriage Notices in Pendleton Messenger 1826-1848" by Janie Revill, 1933 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,229; from index on FHL fiche 6,052,835; MAD: town of Pendleton now in Anderson Co. SC)
"'The Pendleton Messenger' Abstract Data from the Marriage and Death Notices 1826 to 1851" by Janie Revill, 1956 (copy of page 24 from Donald Duncan 5/1991)
"Marriages & Death Notices from Pendleton (Anderson Co. SC) SC Messenger 1807-1851" (from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"SC Marriage Notices in Pendleton Messenger 1826-1848" by Janie Revill, 1933 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,229; from index on FHL fiche 6,052,835; MAD: town of Pendleton now in Anderson Co. SC)
"Marriage & Death Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate" Vol.1, 1837-1860, by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975 B38h; SUTRO book F208 H62? 1993, CA State Library, Sutro Branch; and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984 and Marion H. Duncan 3/1983)
Cemetery Records have been published in "Book of the Dead, an Alphabetical Arrangement of Dead Buried in Cemeteries of Anderson Co. SC" by Ross M. Smith, 1967 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,211) and other volumes
"Jackson Co. AL Records" Vol.146, by Pauline Jones Gandrud, originally pub. in the 1930's
Pg.85 contains the Bible of John Wesley Russell, b. Feb. 6, 1813, mar. Temptest, b. Nov. 24, 1814. The Thomas Russell Bible Records were copied half a century ago in SC. and Burned. Father Matthew Russell will in Anderson Co. SC. Thomas Russell was Rev. Sol., b. June 17, 1761, Cumberland Co. PA; d. Jackson Co. AL July 11, 1850; mar. Dec. 2, 1784, Tabitha Jenkins, who was b. June 14, 1770 SC, d. Jan. 13, 1861 Jackson Co. AL. Children include Polly Russell, b. Aug. 9, 1796 SC, mar. Thomas Duncan; Lorenzo Russell, b. Apr. 22, 1800, d. 1844, mar. Eleaner Duncan.
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