Duncan research files of |
1840 Scott Co. IA Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Scott Co. IA Census
District 4
Pg.212, #622-660, Alexander BROWNLIE 45 SCT farmer $1800
Agnes 39 SCT
Christien (f) 8, James 6 IA
Jennet (f) 4, Isabella 2 IA
William DUNCAN 23 SCT farmer $125
(MAD: no Margaret Brownlee in nearby household)
Pg.212, #623-661, John B. ALLEN 34 SCT farmer $1200
Isabella 29 SCT
Elizabeth 5 SCT
Jesse Ross (f) 11 CAN
A. McNAUGHTEN (m) 34 SCT laborer
George DUNCAN 23 SCT laborer
1860 Scott Co. IA Census
Winfield Twp.
Pg.25, #167-168, Wm. DUNCAN 31 SCT farmer $3500-$700
Margaret 28 CAN
Franklin 7, Agness 5, James 3, Christina 1 IA
Wm. PALNER (sic) 21 Frolistin? farm laborer
(MAD: William Duncan & wife Margaret Brownlee to Tehama Co. CA 1875)
LeClaire Twp. (pg.96 faint)
Pg.96, #648-638, James DUNCAN 45 PA farmer $1450-$415
Jane 40 PA
James C. 19, Anna 15, Catherine 13 PA
Wm. W. 11, Martha E. 9, George 6 PA
John 2?, Thomas H. 1 IA
James? MILLER? 23 PA farm laborer
(MAD: 1850 Allegheny Co. PA census, W.Deer Twp)
Davenport City
Pg.355, #1797-1724, Mrs. DUNCAN 40 IRE wash woman $0-$0
Mary 17 NY
Pg.377, #1992-1906, Adeline POWERS 30 NY (blank) $0-$300
Charles 1 IA
Catharine DUNCAN 26 IRE servant
Margaret McGRAW 13 IRE
1870 Scott Co. IA Census
Butler Twp.
Pg.78, #157-158, DUNCAN, James 55 PA farmer $0-$0 (parents of foreign birth)
Jane 50? PA keep house
William 21 PA farm hand
Martha 19, John 16 PA at home
George 14 IA at home
Thomas 11, Joseph 9 IA
Davenport, Ward 4
Pg.308, #579-598, MARTIN, Isaac 38 PA life ins. agt. $500-$800
parents of foreign birth
Adele 26 WI keeping house
Mary 3, Raymond 1 IA
REDFIELD, Emma 36 PA domestic servant
EAGAN, Mary 17 ENG domestic servant
DUNCAN, Archeld (m) 25 CAN clerk in store
RACE, Charles 18 KY clerk in store
Davenport, Ward 5
Pg.336, #354-366, DUNCAN, Thomas 33 PA carpenter $2000-$200
Elizabeth 33 CT keeping house
Nelson? (m) 14 IL at home
Belle (f) 4, William 1 IA
Pg.354-5, #617-639, HIGGINS, Thimothy (m) 52 IRE laborer $1000-$200
(parents of entire household of foreign birth)
Hanora (f) 47 IRE keeping house
Thimothy (m) 10, Mary 6, Dennis (m) 10 IA
Margret (f) 20 IRE at home
Kate 16 IRE
???, John 21 NY works RR
DUNCAN, Michael 22 IRE works RR
Princeton (faint)
Pg.472, #96-96, DUNCAN, James C. 30 PA cattle dealer $2600-$3000
Nancy J. 30 PA keeps housse
Ella 4, Evard H. (m) 2 IA
Vila? J. (f) 3/12 IA Feb.
(MAD: James C. Duncan mar. Nancy J. McConnell 5/28/1862)
Sheridan Twp.
Pg.488, #35-36, DUNCAN, William 50 SCT farmer $10,000-$2000, parents of foreign birth
Elizabeth 37 CANada keeps house, parents of foreign birth
Pearbilia?? (f) 17, Isabella 15 IA, parents of foreign birth
James 13, Christina (f) 11 IA, parents of foreign birth
Mary 9, Hanna 6 IA, parents of foreign birth
Willys (m) 4, Florence? (f) 2 IA, parents of foreign birth
Baby (m) 2/12 IA b.April, parents of foreign birth
1910 Scott Co. IA Census (from Kathy Cawley 4/2001)
Davenport Township, Page 91B, E.D.#can't read
#140-141, DUNCAN, James D., head 35 mar. IA PA PA Credit man in Dept. store
Bessie C., wife 35 mar. IA MD PA
Dorothy L., dau. 11 single IA IA IA
James L. Jr., son 6 single IA IA IA
James C., father 69 mar. PA PA PA
Nancy J., mother 69 mar. PA PA PA
Ella M., sister 43 single IA PA PA Teacher
Violet J., sister 40 single IA PA PA
Charles, brother 33 single IA PA PA Partner whse. Grocer
Laura E., sister 27 single IA PA PA Dept. store
Leclaire Township, Page 126B, E.D.#can't read
#85-84, DUNCAN, Mary A., head 64 widow PA IRE IRE none
Jane, dau. 32 single IA PA PA none
Margaret, dau. 29 single IA PA PA Teacher/Bus. College
Henry, son 27 single IA PA PA Farmer
Catherine, dau. 24 single IA PA PA Bookeeper
2nd Precinct, Page 190B, E.D.#can't read, (address-west 8th)
#149-188, DUNCAN, John V., head 65 mar. NY IRE IRE coal miner
Hanora, wife 60 mar. NY IRE IRE
Minnie, dau. 27 single IL NY NY milliner store
John, son 24 single IL NY NY machinist helper
Agnes, dau. 22 single IL NY NY dressmaker
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, James C.; G 20 Iowa Inf.; 1892 Aug. 19, Invalid Appl. #1126947, Cert. #949991, Iowa. (MAD: enlisted 15 August 1862, Private, age 22, Union; Resided in Princeton; 1860-1870 Scott Co. IA)
Duncan, John, widow Duncan, Honora; G 151 Ill. Inf.; 1890 July 16, Invalid Appl. #826109, Cert. #585892, Ill.; 1924 March 5, Widow Appl. #1216422, Cert. #947870, Iowa. (MAD: 1870-1900 Bureau Co. IL, b.1844 NY, she in 1910 Scott Co. IA)
1895 "Biographical History and Portrait Gallery of Scott Co. IA" pub. by American Biog. Pub. Co. (Los Angeles Public Library book R977.71 S42Bi; FHL film 1,000,018 item 2)
Pg.228: JAMES C. DUNCAN. The subject of this biography was born in Allegheny Co. PA, December 14, 1840, and for thirty-six years followed the life of a farmer. ... In the year 1855 his parents removed to Scott County, and here he has resided ever since. Becoming somewhat tired of farm life ... in 1859 he went to Kansas, where he remained one year. In 1860 he went to the mountains during the Pike's Peak gold excitement, crossing the American Desert with an ox team. He remained there 'prospecting' ... for a year, when he returned to Davenport, ... August 15, 1862, he enlisted in Company G., Twentieth Iowa, ... Mr. Duncan was married on May 28, 1862 (not quite three months before he enlisted in the army), to Nancy J. McConnell, a native of Scott County. ...
1882 "History of Scott County, Iowa : together with sketches of its cities, villages and townships and biographies of representative citizens; history of Iowa" pub. by Inter-State Pub. Co. (Los Angeles Public Library book R977.71 S42Hi; FHL book 977.769 H2h and films 1,000,018 item 1 and 908,992 item 1)
Pg.821: James C. Duncan was born near Pittsburg [Allegheny Co.], PA, Dec. 4, 1840. His parents were James and Jane Duncan, nee Wilson. ... When he was 15 years old his father moved to Le Claire township, and settled upon a farm. James here took up the studies ... On May 28, 1862, he was married to Nancy J., daughter of James and Mary J. McConnell. ....
1910 "History of Davenport and Scott Co. IA" by Harry E. Downer, Vol.II (Los Angeles Public Library book R977.71 S42Do V.2; FHL book 977.769 H2d and film 1,000,019)
Pg.622: J.C. DUNCAN. ... was born in Allegheny Co. PA, December 14, 1840, of Scotch ancestors, for his grandfather, James Duncan, came from the land of hills and heather in the latter part of the eighteenth century. His son, James Duncan, was born in Virginia, but was reared by a farmer in Allegheny Co. PA, where he made his home until 1855, when he came to Iowa, locating near Le Claire, Scott Co. There he lived throughout the remainder of his life and there died at the age of sixty-nine years. His wife, who had been Miss Jane Wilson, before her marriage, was a native of Allegheny Co. PA, and lived to the ripe age of sixty-eight years. Eleven children were born to them, all of whom grew to maturity and eight are still living. The second in this family and the eldest son, J.C. Duncan grew to manhood ... He was about fourteen when his parents came to Iowa and can well remember the tedious trip ... In 1862, Mr. Duncan wedded Miss Nancy McConnell, who like her husband was born in Allegheny Co. PA.
"Recollections and sketches of notable lawyers and public men of early Iowa : belonging to the first and second generations, with anecdotes and incidents illustrative of the times" by Edward Holcomb Stiles; pub. Des Moines: Homestead Pub. Co., 1916, 993 pgs. (LH10678, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; FHL film 934,927 item 1)
Pg.751-752: CHARLES E. PUTNAM, ... lawyer, native of New York, to Davenport in 1853, ... his wife was Mary Louisa Duncan, a daughter of Joseph Duncan, once Governor of Illinois, ... Their sons Joseph Duncan Putnam and William Clement Putnam ... (MAD: Davenport, Scott Co. IA; see Jackson Co. IL)
"A Memorial and biographical history of Northern California : containing a history of this important section of the Pacific coast from the earliest period of its occupancy to the present time : together with glimpses of its prospective future, full-page portraits of its most eminent men, and biographical mention of many of its pioneers and also of prominent citizens of to-day." by John B Montgomery, W A Bartlett, J S Missroon, Wm L Todd; pub. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1891, 871 pgs. (LH10557, HeritageQuest images 4/2007; also FHL films 1,598,152 item 2 and 468,756 item 3 and 1,000,098 item 1; CA State Library book qc979.41 M5a; also Placerville library)
Pg.571: WILLIAM DUNCAN came to Red Bluff [Tehama Co. CA] in 1875, and is a prominent horticulturist of this place. He is one of the many intelligent and thrifty sons whom Scotland has furnished the United States to develop her resources ... Mr. Duncan's parents, George and Christina Duncan, were natives of Scotland, and the father was a gardener. To this business William was reared, working at it first in Scotland and afterward in England. Mr. Duncan emigrated to the United States in 1848, and located in Iowa, where he purchased a farm of two hundred acres. This he improved by building, etc., and resided there until 1875, carrying on gardening, raising stock, and also keeping a dairy. Mr. Duncan had made a visit to Tehama County, California, in 1870, and was much pleased with the country and the climate. In 1875, as already stated at the beginning of this sketch, he came to Red Bluff, and has since made it his home. He purchased 300 acres of land adjoining the city, and for three years conducted a dairy. He planted sixty acres of the rich bottom land ... set out a vineyard ... His shipment this year (1890) amounts to two tons of dried seedless Sultana grapes and ten tons of raisins. ... He has built a large residence, overlooking Red Bluff and affording a fine view of the Sacramento River. In 1852 Mr. Duncan married Miss Margaret Brownlee, a native of Canada. Their union has been blessed with ten children, five sons and five daughters, namely: Frank W., who is at present in the employ of the Rock Island Railway Company; Isabel, wife of W.R. Hall, the efficient County Clerk of Tehama County; Christiana M., wife of Thomas Hardie, resides in Iowa; Mary, who lived to be twenty-seven years of age and died at the home of her parents in Red Bluff; James Brownlee; Minnie; Will E., who resides in Sanger, California, and is superintendent of the sash and door department in the Sanger mill; George W., Florence E. and Maurice W. Mrs. Hall, before her marriage, was an accomplished school-teacher and held a life diploma. Miss Florence is the affable and obliging deputy at the Red Bluff postoffice. The family are members of the Christian Church. Mr. Duncan has been a life-long Republican. .... (MAD: 1850 and 1860 Scott Co. IA census)
1916 "Buffalo County, Nebraska, and its people : a record of settlement, organization, progress and achievement" by Samuel Clay Bassett; pub. Chicago: S.J. Clarke Pub. Co., 1916 (HeritageQuest image 3/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Numbers 12248 and 12403; FHL film 1,000,185 items 1 and 2)
Vol.2, pg.399-400: GEORGE W. DUNCAN has been identified with business interests of Poole for many years ... His birth occurred on the 10th of August, 1855, in LeClaire, Iowa, to which place his parents, James and Jane (Wilson) Duncan, had removed on the 5th of April, 1855. They were both natives of Pennsylvania. The father became the owner of a valuable tract of land in Scott county and engaged in its cultivation and improvement until he was called by death in October, 1877. His wife survived him for more than nine years, dying in January, 1887.
George W. Duncan .. in 1878 he was appointed administrator for his father's estate and performed the duties devolving upon him in a very efficient manner. About that time he came to Buffalo county, Nebraska, to see a sister who was living here and ... took up a homestead in Cedar township. ... In Dec. 1891 he came to Poole. ... Mr. Duncan was married on the 19th of August, 1885, to Miss Susie Pool, whose parents, A.H. and Gertrude (Tilson) Pool, were natives respectively of New York and Michigan, but took up their residence in Buffalo County in 1876. (more on Pool family). Mr. Duncan ... democratic party, Loyal Mystic Legion, United Presbyterian Church.
"History of Fillmore County, Minnesota" by Franklyn Curtiss-Wedge; pub. Chicago: H.C. Cooper, Jr. & Co., 1912, 1398 pgs. (LH12889; HeritageQuest 5/2007; FHL film 1,000,256 items 2-3)
Vol.2, Pg.975: WILSON H. CULBERTSON brought his family from Pennsylvania in 1849, and settled in Scott county, Iowa, where he was employed seven years as a farmer. In June, 1856, he moved the family to Minnesota, and took a claim near St. Charles in Olmsted county. He traded this claim for fourteen yoke of oxen, which he disposed of, and then went to work for the Transit Railroad Company. Subsequently, he purchased 160 acres in Winona county, where he farmed the remainder of his life, dying December 16, 1878, at the age of fifty-four. His wife, who before her marriage was Mary Ann Duncan, died March 25, 1877.
Vol.2, pg.976-979: ALBERT CULBERTSON, mayor of Whalan, was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, February 14, 1847, son of Wilson H. and Mary Ann (Duncan) Culbertson. He spent his youth in Iowa and Minnesota, and in the spring of 1878 moved to Mower county and purchased a quarter section on which he started farming. Owing to the failure of crops, he left this farm and went to Winona county. December 31, 1878, he came to Whalan, where he has since resided. ... May 8, 1872, he married Jennie Canfield, a native of Jackson county, Iowa. She died July 8, 1912. An adopted son, R.W., lives with his father and attends the Toland Business College at LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
"Records of Stark - Hamilton - Duncan - Crooks - McConnell - Freytag - Seaver - Brandt Families" by Evelyn Potter Freytag and Frederick Clark Freytag, 1973 (Los Angeles Public Library book R929.2 S7952-1, and from Alta Sue Duncan 1/1986)
MAD: This book includes the descendants of James Duncan, born May 1766, died 11/11/1850, married 5/14/1795 to Rebecca Hamilton; he settled for a short time near Petersburg, VA, then moved to Allegheny Co. PA; he had a brother William Duncan. The book gives descendants of James and Rebecca, including James Wiley Duncan, b. 1814-1815, d. 1877, bur. Scott Co. IA, mar. Jane Wilson 4/5/1838.
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