Surnames B: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Surnames Beginning with B

Baalun, Adeliza Lucia de     (1099-)     I14794  413-34, 871-39, 872-38
Baalun, Eunice de            (1036-)     I6562   63-40, 63-39, 215-39
Bachiler, Stephen            (1561-1660) I1792   891-19, 1015-20, 1016-19
Bachiler, Theodate           (1596-1649) I1794   1015-20
Badiscroff, Beatrix          (1544-1597) I5531   1003-20, 1004-19
Badiscroff, Richard                      I8812   1003-20
Badlesmere, Bartholomew de               I5882   475-36
Badlesmere, Bartholomew de   (-1248)     I5876   475-34, 652-33
Badlesmere, Bartolomew de    (1275-1322) I3952   4-31, 14-31, 21-28, 203-32, 
       211-32, 475-32, 476-31, 653-31
Badlesmere, Elizabeth de     (1313-1356) I12134  4-31, 16-32, 21-28, 44-28, 
       52-30, 186-28, 211-32, 475-32, 476-31, 653-31
Badlesmere, Giles de         (1314-1338) I3956   211-32, 475-32
Badlesmere, Guncelin de      (1232-1301) I3958   211-32, 475-33
Badlesmere, Gunceline de     (-1205)     I5880   475-35
Badlesmere, Joan                         I5877   162-28, 475-34, 652-33
Badlesmere, Margaret de      (1315-1344) I13704  211-32, 475-32
Badlesmere, Margery de       (1306-1363) I3954   14-31, 67-30, 168-27, 211-31, 
       475-32, 613-28
Badlesmere, Maud de          (1310-1366) I3955   38-31, 153-29, 203-32, 211-32, 
Baedolf, William             (-1289)     I10686  218-31, 387-32, 466-36, 649-35
Bagot, Hervey                (-1214)     I6102   157-33, 414-33, 482-34, 871-32
Bailey, Abigail              (1753-)     I872    1-11, 1045-11
Bailey, Abner                (1751-1803) I193    1-10, 874-10, 1032-9, 1045-11
Bailey, Abner Jr.            (1776-)     I187    1-9, 41-13, 874-10, 1032-9
Bailey, Amasa                            I870    1-11, 1045-11
Bailey, Amasa                            I249    1-11, 874-10, 1045-11, 1063-12
Bailey, Becky                (1789-)     I198    1-10, 874-10
Bailey, Benjamin             (1682-)     I847    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Elizabeth                        I850    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Elizabeth            (1774-)     I196    1-10, 874-10
Bailey, Esther                           I1092   1051-15
Bailey, George Little        (1809-)     I192    1-9, 1032-9
Bailey, Hannah               (1688-)     I848    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Hepsibah             (1784-1809) I197    1-10, 874-10
Bailey, Job                              I871    1-11, 1045-11
Bailey, Job                              I248    1045-12, 1063-12
Bailey, John                 (1673-1752) I843    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, John                 (-1718)     I841    1045-13, 1051-13, 1063-12
Bailey, Joseph               (1679-1747) I846    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Judith               (-1803)     I242    1032-10, 1045-12, 1046-11, 1059-11, 
Bailey, Judith               (1757-)     I874    1-11, 1045-11
Bailey, Martin               (1801-)     I190    1-9, 1032-9
Bailey, Mary                             I251    1045-12, 1063-12
Bailey, Mary                 (1677-)     I845    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Mercy                (1755-1826) I873    1-11, 1045-11
Bailey, Polley Otis          (1802-1838) I45     1-8, 41-13, 56-11, 1032-9
Bailey, Rowland              (1792-1829) I199    1-10, 874-10
Bailey, Rufus Clapp          (1799-)     I189    1-9, 1032-9
Bailey, Sally                (1773-1802) I195    1-10, 874-10
Bailey, Samuel               (1690-)     I849    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Samuel                           I1091   1051-15
Bailey, Samuel Hatch         (1805-)     I191    1-9, 1032-9
Bailey, Sarah                (1675-)     I844    1045-13, 1051-13
Bailey, Susanna                          I250    1045-12, 1063-12
Bailey, Thomas               (-1690)     I1090   1051-15
Bailey, Thomas                           I1087   1051-14
Bailey, William                          I247    1045-12, 1063-12
Bailey, William              (1685-1745) I245    1-11, 1045-12, 1046-11, 1051-13, 
       1059-11, 1063-12
Baillol, (Miss)                          I7983   871-36
Baillol, Reginald                        I8035   871-36
Bakepuiz, Elizabeth          (-1268)     I8062   927-32, 949-32
Bakepuiz, John de                        I8064   927-32, 949-33
Bakepuiz, Ralph de           (-1067)     I8073   949-35
Bakepuiz, Robert de                      I8066   949-34
Baker, Mary                              I14497  1054-13
Baker, Mary                  (1640-)     I260    1059-13
Baker, Nicholas              (1610-1678) I1143   1059-13
Baldock, Cecily de                       I5696   539-28
Baldock, Margery             (1552-1610) I9492   1017-17
Baldock, Thomas              (1530-1571) I9479   1017-18
Baldock, Thomas de                       I5697   539-28
Baliol, Ada de               (-1251)     I3746   109-35, 348-34, 399-32, 638-31
Baliol, Cecily               (-1273)     I8129   62-35, 143-30, 399-31, 428-29
Baliol, Eleanor de                       I5289   132-30, 143-31, 399-30, 671-33
Baliol, Ellen de             (1200-1281) I5304   120-35, 326-31, 912-35, 913-36
Baliol, Hugh de                          I5315   143-31, 348-34, 399-32, 638-31
Baliol, Hugh de                          I14017  912-39
Baliol, Ingram de            (-1244)     I8467   120-35, 912-36, 913-36
Baliol, John de                          I5291   143-31, 326-32, 399-31, 536-32
Baliol, John de              (-1269)     I5290   78-35, 143-31, 399-31, 428-29, 
Balliol, Guy de              (-1122)     I8354   912-38
Balliol, Joscelin de         (-1168)     I8356   912-37, 913-36
Balsareny, Ermesenda de                  I10493  274-39, 736-40
Balts, Athelaise de          (1040-)     I8847   24-38, 35-35, 160-36, 426-35
Banaster, Maud               (1134-)     I14369  360-33, 859-34
Banaster, Thurstan           (1108-)     I14372  360-33, 859-34
Banbury, Gilbert                         I4836   955-26
Banbury, Jane                            I4829   955-26
Bangs, Edward                (1591-1677) I9555   1006-25
Bar zu Commercy, Stephanie of(-1178)     I5197   264-37, 284-38
Bar, Agnes de                (1082-1147) I5188   82-38, 290-38
Bar, Agnes of                (-1185)     I5196   264-37, 284-38
Bar-le-Duc, (Miss) de        (1127-)     I5195   264-37, 284-38
Bar-le-Duc, (Miss) von                   I9870   556-40
Bar-sur-Seine, Azeka de      (-1068)     I10330  789-40, 790-42
Bar-sur-Seine, Eustache de   (-1105)     I10273  789-39, 790-42
BARBER, Barbara                          I7373   1004-22
BARBER, Roger                            I7154   1004-23
Barby, Ann                               I1968   991-24
Barcelona, Borrell II Count of
                             (0946-0992) I10868  749-42
Barcelona, Jimena de         (1105-1136) I9639   3-37
Barcelona, Raimund (Ramon) Berenger I Count of
                             (1005-1035) I10792  749-41
Barcelona, Raimund Berenger I (Ii) "el Viejo"
                             (1025-1076) I10766  749-40
Barcelona, Raimund Berenger Ii(Iii) Count of
                             (1055-1082) I10744  178-38, 749-39
Barcelona, Raimund Berenger Iii(Iv) Marquis of
                             (1080-1130) I10721  749-39
Barcelona, Raimund Borrel I Count of
                             (0972-1018) I10834  749-42
Barcelona, Stephanie of      (1045-1092) I10743  71-39, 178-38, 457-37, 749-38
Barden, Abraham              (1674-1729) I2092   935-19
Barden, Agnes de                         I2920   950-28, 966-29
Barden, Ann                  (1677-)     I2094   935-19
Barden, Benjamin             (1681-)     I2098   935-19
Barden, Content              (1679-)     I2095   935-19
Barden, Content              (1685-)     I2101   935-19
Barden, Deborah              (1665-)     I2087   935-19
Barden, John                 (1667-)     I2088   935-19
Barden, John de                          I2921   966-30
Barden, Joseph               (1675-)     I2093   935-19
Barden, Mary                 (1671-)     I2090   935-19
Barden, Mary                 (1682-)     I2099   935-19
Barden, Mercy                (1662-)     I2086   935-19
Barden, Nathaniel            (1681-)     I2097   935-19
Barden, Nathaniel            (1672-)     I2091   935-19
Barden, Nathaniel            (1686-)     I2102   935-19
Barden, Sarah                (1681-1745) I1654   935-18
Barden, Stephen              (1669-1729) I2089   935-19
Barden, Thomas de                        I2924   966-31
Barden, William              (1680-)     I2096   935-19
Barden, William              (1685-)     I2100   935-19
Barden, William              (1633-1692) I2083   935-19
Barden, William              (1661-)     I2085   935-19
Bardolf, Cecily              (-1432)     I6119   76-30, 348-27, 985-29
Bardolf, Hugh                (1259-1304) I10264  76-33, 218-31, 387-31, 649-35
Bardolf, Hugh                (1152-)     I7456   945-36, 946-35
Bardolf, Hugo                (1125-)     I3735   945-37, 946-35
Bardolf, Isolda de           (1182-1246) I5887   48-33, 190-34, 945-35, 946-35
Bardolf, John                (1313-1363) I7859   76-32, 174-29, 218-30
Bardolf, Julian                          I11097  163-32
Bardolf, Thomas              (1282-1328) I9240   16-34, 76-33, 174-29, 218-30, 
Bardolf, William             (1349-1385) I6748   76-31, 174-29, 348-27
Bardolph, Barbara            (1308-)     I14739  936-30
Barentyn, John                           I8617   21-21
Barentyn, Margaret                       I4148   2-23, 21-20, 76-26
Barentyn, William            (1481-1550) I9727   21-21, 76-26
Barker, Andrew               (1578-)     I2155   935-22
Barker, Anna                 (1643-)     I2105   935-20
Barker, Anne                             I9566   935-22
Barker, Deborah              (1639-1722) I2084   935-19
Barker, Deborah                          I1326   998-12
Barker, Elizabeth            (1582-)     I2156   935-22
Barker, George               (1544-1599) I2153   935-22
Barker, George                           I9567   935-22
Barker, Henry                (-1438)     I9738   935-29
Barker, Humphrey                         I9753   935-25
Barker, Isabel                           I9565   935-22
Barker, John                             I9571   935-22
Barker, John                 (1652-1729) I2108   935-20
Barker, John                             I9752   935-26
Barker, John                             I9751   935-27
Barker, John                 (1610-1652) I2103   935-20
Barker, Margaret             (1584-)     I2157   935-22
Barker, Mary                 (1647-)     I2106   935-20, 1012-24
Barker, Richard              (-1608)     I8877   935-24
Barker, Robert               (1580-)     I2129   935-21
Barker, Robert               (1616-1691) I2131   935-21
Barker, Roger le             (-1368)     I9721   935-31
Barker, William              (-1411)     I9731   935-30
Barker, William                          I2168   935-23
Barker, William              (-1590)     I9767   935-24
Barker, William              (-1480)     I9742   935-28
Barker, William le                       I9720   935-32
Barker, Williams             (1651-)     I2107   935-20
Barlow, Abigail              (1590-1669) I2150   7-21, 57-20, 1007-23, 1021-20, 
Barlow, Thomas               (1570-)     I2149   7-21, 1007-23, 1021-20, 1041-20
Barnby, John                             I1969   991-24
Barrell, William                         I1069   1045-13, 1051-13
Barroso, Fernan Perez de     (1252-)     I9224   41-30
Barroso, Pedro Gomez de      (1226-)     I9309   41-30
Barroso, Sancha Fernandez    (1282-)     I9219   41-30, 979-29
Barroso, Urraca              (1189-)     I9303   908-32
Barrow, Mehitable                        I1512   91-20
Barrow, Robert                           I1514   91-20
Bartram, Ertemberge de Bricanbert
                             (-1001)     I8234   315-41, 316-40, 587-40, 774-43, 
Basel, (Miss) von                        I10491  82-36, 878-37
Basing, Joan de              (-1318)     I6234   351-32
Basing, Robert de                        I6264   351-32
Bass, John                   (1632-1716) I1247   971-20, 1020-20
Basset, Alan                 (1155-1233) I7113   121-33, 820-35, 822-34, 897-35
Basset, Alice (Aliva)        (1184-1263) I14798  163-33, 432-32, 820-33, 823-32, 
Basset, Aline (Aliva)        (1246-1281) I5385   31-31, 108-29, 121-32, 166-31, 
       352-32, 353-31, 486-32, 625-31, 822-33
Basset, dau. of Alan                     I14972  428-31
Basset, Eleanor              (1325-1388) I5792   190-29, 539-27, 760-29
Basset, Gilbert              (-1167)     I7339   136-36, 820-36, 825-36, 897-35
Basset, Gilbert              (-1202)     I7335   31-35, 820-35, 897-35
Basset, Hawise                           I7118   822-34
Basset, Isabel               (1176-1224) I4101   108-35, 108-33, 222-38, 821-34
Basset, Joan                             I7224   136-36, 264-35, 820-36, 825-35
Basset, Katherine                        I8673   822-34
Basset, Margaret             (-1336)     I4301   157-29, 168-28, 468-33
Basset, Philip               (-1271)     I5387   121-33, 352-32, 822-33
Basset, Ralph                (-1265)     I4304   194-35, 468-35
Basset, Ralph                (-1299)     I4302   157-29, 194-35, 468-34
Basset, Ralph                (1300-1341) I3765   190-30, 760-29
Basset, Ralph                (-1120)     I9030   821-38, 825-37
Basset, Ralph                (1250-1291) I6189   190-31
Basset, Ralph                            I4306   194-35, 468-36
Basset, Richard              (1273-1314) I3763   190-31
Basset, Richard              (-1200)     I9028   821-36
Basset, Thomas               (-1220)     I3644   163-33, 820-34, 897-35, 905-34
Basset, Thomas               (-1181)     I7717   820-35, 822-34, 825-36, 897-35, 
Basset, Thomas                           I7343   820-36, 821-38, 825-37
Basset, Thurstan             (-1223)     I8998   108-33, 821-35
Basset, Thurstan             (-1175)     I9029   821-37
Basset, Thurston             (-1086)     I10199  821-39
Bassett, Alina                           I8674   822-34
Bassett, Edmond Pynchard                 I14667  997-26
Bassett, Giles                           I14649  997-23
Bassett, Robert                          I14655  997-24
Bassett, Robert                          I14643  997-22
Bassett, Ruth                (1632-1700) I9447   997-19, 1058-18
Bassett, William             (1600-1667) I10535  997-20
Bassett, William                         I14639  997-21
Bastembourg, Anslac (or Aslac) de
                                         I8180   315-41, 774-44
Bastemburg, Hugh I Barbatus de
                             (-1037)     I14418  770-40
Bastemburg, Thurstan (Turstain) de
                             (-1023)     I14420  770-41
Bastinbourg, William de      (-1001)     I9364   413-40
Batchelder, Abigail          (1667-1736) I1773   891-16, 1013-17, 1014-17, 1015-18
Batchelder, Ann              (1601-)     I1795   891-19, 1015-20, 1016-19
Batchelder, Jane             (1670-)     I1785   995-16, 1014-18, 1015-17
Batchelder, Nathaniel        (1590-1645) I1790   1014-18, 1015-19
Batchelder, Nathaniel        (1630-1710) I1783   1013-17, 1014-18, 1015-18
Bate, Andrew                 (-1522)     I855    990-18
Bate, Ann                    (-1623)     I1793   891-19, 1015-20, 1016-19
Bate, Henry                              I858    990-21
Bate, John                   (-1522)     I856    990-19
Bate, John                               I860    990-22
Bate, John                   (-1579)     I853    990-17
Bate, Thomas, James, or John (-1485)     I857    990-20
Batedon, Emma de                         I8312   14-37, 63-39, 215-38
Bates, Abigail                           I212    990-12, 992-12
Bates, Abigail                           I207    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Ambrose                           I203    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Bathsheba                         I220    990-13, 1034-13
Bates, Clement               (1595-1671) I839    990-15
Bates, Elisha                            I214    990-12, 992-12
Bates, Elizabeth                         I213    990-12, 992-12
Bates, Elizabeth                         I221    990-13, 1034-13
Bates, Grace                             I204    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Isaac                 (1708-1787) I223    990-13, 1034-13
Bates, Jacob                             I224    990-13, 1034-13
Bates, James                 (-1614)     I851    990-16
Bates, Joseph                (1628-1706) I225    990-14, 1034-13
Bates, Joshua                (1671-1757) I217    990-13, 992-12, 1034-13
Bates, Joshua 3rd            (1724-1816) I200    1-10, 874-11, 990-11, 992-12
Bates, Joshua Jr.            (1698-1766) I210    874-11, 990-12, 992-12, 1034-13
Bates, Levi                              I202    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Nathaniel                         I215    990-12, 992-12
Bates, Phineas                           I209    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Rachel                            I219    990-13, 1034-13
Bates, Sarah                             I216    990-12, 992-12
Bates, Sarah                 (1752-1833) I194    1-10, 874-10, 990-11, 1032-9
Bates, Solomon                           I222    990-13, 1034-13
Bates, Theophilus                        I208    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Zealous                           I205    874-11, 990-11
Bates, Zibiah                            I206    874-11, 990-11
Baudement, Andre de                      I4551   789-37
Baudement, dau. of Andre de              I9633   789-37
Baudement, Helvide de        (-1165)     I6162   317-35, 804-36
Baugency, Agnes de           (1108-)     I8836   72-35, 129-35, 246-34
Baugency, Raoul I de         (-1130)     I4065   98-38, 129-36
Baux, Cecile des             (-1275)     I8319   71-35
Bavaria, Oda of              (820-)      I11093  248-46, 768-47
Bawdiven, _____                          I819    1008-18
Bayeau, Albreda de                       I5354   622-38, 870-41, 871-40
Bayeux, Berengeve de                     I7946   4-40, 30-36
Bayley, John                 (1640-1686) I1085   1045-13, 1051-14
Bayley, Thomas               (-1681)     I1088   1051-15
Baynard, Joan                (-1399)     I5904   162-26, 189-30
Baynard, Robert                          I5907   162-26, 189-30
Bazougers, Agnes de                      I10323  776-39
Beal, John                   (1588-1688) I1178   874-16, 1032-14, 1035-15
Beal, Sarah                  (1624-1710) I1173   1035-15, 1036-14
Beauchamp, (Miss) de                     I5988   892-36
Beauchamp, Beatrice de       (1107-)     I8835   251-35, 620-34, 646-33, 695-33, 
Beauchamp, Beatrice de       (-1280)     I5413   132-33, 478-33, 539-30, 620-32, 
Beauchamp, Cecilia           (1321-1394) I9125   69-28, 140-29
Beauchamp, Ela               (1230-1266) I8650   478-34, 620-32
Beauchamp, Eleanor           (1282-1341) I9152   69-30, 325-31
Beauchamp, Eleanor           (1328-)     I9117   41-27, 69-27, 140-29, 228-29
Beauchamp, Emme                          I8332   64-35, 339-33
Beauchamp, Giles de          (1283-1361) I14844  163-29
Beauchamp, Guy de            (-1315)     I4094   22-30, 103-28, 108-30, 112-30, 
       160-30, 340-29
Beauchamp, Hugh de           (1087-1141) I8337   339-35, 620-35, 646-34
Beauchamp, Humphrey de       (1250-1316) I9154   69-31, 161-30
Beauchamp, Isabel            (1252-1306) I11722  44-30, 108-29, 121-32, 136-30, 
       160-30, 352-32, 915-29
Beauchamp, Isabel de         (1236-1323) I8733   108-31, 228-31, 620-30
Beauchamp, Joan              (1305-1343) I9133   69-29
Beauchamp, Joane             (-1280)     I8731   108-31, 620-31
Beauchamp, John              (1301-1343) I9124   69-28, 140-29, 228-29
Beauchamp, John              (1330-1361) I9126   69-28, 140-29
Beauchamp, John              (-1297)     I8730   108-31, 620-31
Beauchamp, John de           (1274-1336) I9131   69-29, 140-29, 325-31
Beauchamp, John de           (1249-1283) I9150   69-30, 161-30, 325-31
Beauchamp, Margaret          (1374-1420) I14846  939-31
Beauchamp, Matilda           (-1181)     I8331   64-34, 91-36, 283-35, 339-33
Beauchamp, Maud de           (1335-1402) I14609  67-29, 103-28, 112-28, 331-27, 
Beauchamp, Maud de           (-1273)     I8651   478-34, 620-32
Beauchamp, Maud de           (-1273)     I14396  253-31, 770-32
Beauchamp, Nicholas de                   I5989   892-37
Beauchamp, Olive             (1162-)     I8661   161-33
Beauchamp, Paganus           (1070-1157) I8834   339-35, 620-34, 646-34, 695-33, 
Beauchamp, Philippe de       (-1386)     I3847   12-25, 12-25, 103-27, 112-29, 
       157-27, 187-26, 332-26
Beauchamp, Robert III de     (-1252)     I9187   69-31, 161-31
Beauchamp, Robert IV de      (1231-1281) I9153   69-31, 161-30, 325-31
Beauchamp, Sarah             (-1317)     I8732   108-31, 620-31
Beauchamp, Simon II de       (-1206)     I5415   478-34, 620-33, 646-34
Beauchamp, Thomas de         (1313-1369) I10675  21-29, 22-30, 103-28, 112-29, 
       157-27, 331-27, 439-27
Beauchamp, Thomas de         (1338-1401) I13335  103-28, 112-29
Beauchamp, Walter de                     I8988   64-35, 339-34, 620-35
Beauchamp, Walter de         (1244-1303) I4097   22-32, 35-29, 108-31, 620-31
Beauchamp, William           (1344-)     I10560  4-30, 44-28, 103-28, 112-29
Beauchamp, William de        (1215-1268) I4095   108-31, 160-30, 228-31, 620-31
Beauchamp, William de        (1205-1268) I14401  253-31, 770-32
Beauchamp, William de        (1105-1170) I8990   64-35, 283-35, 339-33
Beauchamp, William de        (1130-1211) I8330   64-35, 339-33
Beauchamp, William de        (1185-1260) I5414   108-31, 478-34, 620-32
Beauchamp, William de        (1237-1298) I11723  22-30, 98-32, 108-30, 112-30, 
       160-30, 340-29, 620-31, 915-29
Beauchamp, William FitzGeoffrey de
                             (1158-1207) I8660   161-33
Beaufoe, Richard de                      I14419  770-39
Beaufort, Joan de            (1375-1440) I10692  1-23, 3-27, 12-24, 47-26, 
       51-29, 157-25, 187-26, 188-25, 464-25
Beaufort, Margaret of_Richmond
                             (-1509)     I4426   12-24, 188-25
Beaufort, Thomas             (1377-)     I4104   3-27
Beaugency, Alice de                      I10295  375-34, 546-36
Beaugency, Jean de           (-1097)     I9995   84-38, 838-37
Beaumeis, Robert de          (1022-)     I3918   889-42
Beaumont, Adeline de                     I7725   98-37, 316-37
Beaumont, Agnes                          I8738   222-40, 318-36
Beaumont, Agnes de                       I4532   38-34, 78-31, 500-34
Beaumont, Amicia de          (-1215)     I7167   316-35, 642-36
Beaumont, Auberie            (-1189)     I7723   98-37, 316-37
Beaumont, Catherine de       (-1368)     I2819   38-33, 78-31, 98-27, 132-28, 
       173-32, 255-30
Beaumont, Constance de                   I4538   22-34, 425-32, 500-36, 663-35
Beaumont, Elizabeth de       (-1488)     I5604   38-29, 134-27
Beaumont, Ermengarde de      (-1233)     I8223   34-34, 320-35, 500-36
Beaumont, Haberga de                     I9620   813-40
Beaumont, Hawise             (1134-1197) I7163   160-32, 168-34, 180-33, 316-36, 
       420-33, 499-37, 662-36
Beaumont, Henry de           (-1229)     I13440  222-39
Beaumont, Henry de           (1340-1369) I5601   38-31, 44-29, 203-31
Beaumont, Henry de           (-1339)     I2820   38-33, 44-29, 78-31, 108-27, 
       132-28, 172-32, 173-32, 255-30, 500-34
Beaumont, Hubert de          (-1095)     I4648   813-39
Beaumont, Isabel de          (-1361)     I3148   3-27, 38-33, 44-30, 78-30, 
       108-27, 172-32
Beaumont, Isabel de          (1100-)     I6441   98-36, 148-37, 158-36, 316-37, 
       321-36, 779-35
Beaumont, Isabel de          (-1188)     I7164   108-36, 108-34, 168-35, 316-36, 
       436-34, 592-35, 895-35
Beaumont, Joan or Elizabeth              I531    862-29
Beaumont, John de            (1361-1396) I5602   38-30, 203-31
Beaumont, John de            (1318-1342) I4275   38-32, 44-29, 78-31, 203-31
Beaumont, Margaret de        (1125-1185) I3939   22-35, 168-35, 316-36, 435-34, 
       591-35, 663-35
Beaumont, Margaret de        (1155-1234) I3946   61-35, 78-34, 253-35, 254-34, 
       316-34, 395-33, 511-34, 512-34, 513-34, 593-33, 691-33
Beaumont, Maud (Mabel or Mabirie) de
                             (1116-1204) I5631   31-33, 413-34, 503-36, 872-37
Beaumont, Raoul_V de                     I7660   813-40
Beaumont, Raoul_VII de       (-1120)     I4655   500-37, 813-38
Beaumont, Raoul_VIII de -au-Maine
                             (-1235)     I4533   38-34, 500-35
Beaumont, Richard                        I532    862-29
Beaumont, Richard_I de       (-1194)     I4536   22-34, 320-35, 500-36, 663-35, 
Beaumont, Robert de          (1135-1190) I3937   168-35, 253-35, 316-35, 434-34
Beaumont, Robert de          (1049-1118) I3654   98-37, 168-35, 222-42, 316-37, 
       321-36, 344-38, 413-36, 490-41, 590-36, 641-37
Beaumont, Robert de                      I11096  316-35
Beaumont, Robert de          (1130-1207) I7397   413-35, 503-36, 590-36, 872-37
Beaumont, Roger de           (1022-1094) I9393   98-37, 222-42, 301-36, 316-38, 
Beaumont, Waleran de         (1104-1166) I5634   98-37, 316-37, 375-33, 413-36, 
       503-36, 590-36, 643-35
Beaupre, Dorothy             (1538-1603) I8696   874-18, 959-17, 984-19
Beaupre, Edward (Edmunde)    (1480-1568) I8690   874-19, 932-20, 984-19
Beaupre, Nicholas            (1465-1513) I8684   874-20, 932-20, 984-19
Beaupre, Nicholas            (1379-1404) I8624   932-23
Beaupre, Richard             (1327-1377) I8435   932-25
Beaupre, Thomas              (1410-1459) I8657   932-22
Beaupre, Thomas              (1437-1541) I8676   874-20, 932-21
Beaupre, Thomas de           (1325-1392) I8459   932-24
Bec, Geoffrey de                         I8100   873-35
Becard, Johanna                          I2927   966-32
Becard, John                             I2928   966-33
Beckeryng, John de           (1386-)     I4797   956-31, 956-30
Beckeryng, Millicent de      (1412-)     I4795   956-31, 956-30
Becket, Mary                 (1590-1676) I932    1042-21, 1044-20
Beckett, Sylvester           (1560-)     I2262   1042-21
Beckett, William             (1530-)     I2264   1042-21
Bedingfield, Catherine       (1567-1603) I8689   874-19, 984-19
Bedingfield, Henry           (1533-)     I8682   874-19, 984-20
Bedingfield, James           (1350-)     I14685  984-24
Bedingfield, John            (1419-)     I8633   984-22
Bedingfield, Philip          (1445-)     I8667   984-21
Bedingfield, Thomas          (1445-)     I14679  984-22
Bedingfield, William         (1385-)     I14682  984-23
Beeston, (Miss)                          I6123   415-26
Beeston, Catherine                       I8995   7-24, 64-25
Beeston, Hugh                            I6129   415-26
Beine, Fulbert de                        I10170  68-41
Beke, Andrew                             I2810   942-36
Beke, Anne                               I2809   942-35
Beke, Elizabeth                          I15044  62-30, 125-28
Beke, Henry de                           I8104   873-33
Beke, John de                            I8108   360-30, 873-31
Beke, Margaret de            (1256-1304) I8295   360-30, 493-35, 873-30
Beke, Walter de                          I8105   873-32
Beke, Walter de                          I8107   873-31
Beke, Walter de                          I8103   873-34
Bekingham, Alice                         I4824   891-23, 955-24
Bekingham, Thomas                        I4827   891-23, 955-24
Belfoi, Richard de                       I5832   48-40
Belford, Edward              (1480-)     I14582  1018-16
Belford, Jane                (1510-)     I14577  1018-16
Belfou, Alice de                         I14417  770-39
Bell, Dorothy                (1572-1641) I8703   874-17, 959-17
Bell, Robert                 (1539-1577) I8697   874-18, 959-17
Bell, Robert                 (1513-)     I8691   874-18, 959-17
Bellaqua, Lucie de                       I9441   14-27
Belleme, Godebelt de                     I6491   813-42
Belleme, William de          (-1026)     I10049  858-40
Belleme, Yves de                         I6677   813-43
Bellers, Anice de                        I5378   166-28, 194-32
Bellers, Roger de            (-1326)     I5379   166-28, 194-32
Bellomont (Blanchmain), Robert
                             (1104-1168) I3935   22-35, 98-37, 108-36, 168-35, 
       316-36, 434-34, 435-34, 436-34, 591-35, 592-35, 662-36
Belmeis, Richard de          (1048-)     I3917   889-41
Belvoir, Adela de                        I7564   4-42, 30-36, 109-39
Berkeley, (Mr.) de                       I8241   913-38
Berkeley, Agnes de           (1180-)     I8133   120-35, 912-36, 913-36
Berkeley, Alexander de                   I14018  913-39
Berkeley, Alianore           (1400-1455) I5252   1-22, 324-27
Berkeley, Alice de           (1133-)     I3583   466-36, 849-37, 856-37
Berkeley, Elizabeth          (-1478)     I14988  324-28
Berkeley, Isabel             (1307-1362) I10672  112-28, 324-30, 330-29, 439-28, 
       462-28, 615-29
Berkeley, John de            (1351-1428) I7884   324-28
Berkeley, Maurice "The Magnanimous"
                             (1271-1326) I9832   324-30, 439-28, 462-29, 488-32, 
Berkeley, Maurice "The Resolute" de
                             (1218-1281) I9825   180-32, 462-31, 466-35, 488-32, 
Berkeley, Maurice de         (1330-1368) I5276   324-30, 462-29
Berkeley, Maurice Fitzrobert Lord of
                             (1120-1190) I10041  466-36, 849-37, 856-37
Berkeley, Rissa Wife of Roger I de
                             (1044-)     I6024   849-40
Berkeley, Roger de                       I8132   913-37
Berkeley, Roger I de         (1040-1093) I12235  849-40
Berkeley, Roger II de        (1073-1131) I12230  849-39
Berkeley, Roger III de       (1105-1170) I10680  849-38, 856-37
Berkeley, Thomas "The Observer" de
                             (1170-1243) I4268   194-37, 462-31, 466-36, 849-36, 
Berkeley, Thomas "The Rich"  (1293-1361) I9836   21-29, 131-29, 324-29, 462-29
Berkeley, Thomas de          (-1321)     I9826   218-33, 254-33, 324-30, 462-30, 
       466-35, 488-32
Berkeley, Walter de          (-1210)     I8131   912-36, 913-37
Berkeley, Wife of Roger      (1109-)     I10683  849-38, 856-37
Berking, Isabella de                     I5942   48-37, 190-36
Bermingham, Eve de           (-1226)     I8471   211-36, 212-33
Bermingham, Robert de                    I8475   211-36, 212-33
Bernacke, John               (1309-1349) I3904   166-29, 194-31
Bernacke, Maud               (-1419)     I3903   22-27, 166-28, 193-29, 194-31, 
Berners, James               (1348-1388) I6641   9-29, 49-29, 953-28
Berners, John                (-1362)     I6645   9-30, 49-29
Berners, John                (-1347)     I6647   9-30, 49-30
Berners, Margery             (1418-1475) I3448   9-27, 12-25, 60-24, 83-26, 
Berners, Richard             (1388-1421) I3450   9-28, 60-24, 953-28
Bertram, Ada de                          I8497   882-35
Bertram, Agnes                           I8504   882-36
Bertram, Agnes                           I2554   56-34, 882-34, 947-33
Bertram, Christian                       I8496   66-35, 605-34, 882-35
Bertram, Isabel              (-1281)     I8495   882-35
Bertram, Roger                           I2556   882-35
Bertram, Roger               (-1241)     I8502   882-36
Bertram, Roger               (-1172)     I8552   882-37
Bertram, Roger               (1224-1273) I2555   56-34, 882-35
Bertram, William             (-1205)     I8550   882-37
Bertram, William                         I13254  882-37
Best, Elizabeth              (1607-1660) I14556  1049-15
Best, John                               I14599  1049-15
Bethuen, Alice de                        I14398  98-34, 322-34
Bethune, Maud de                         I10376  244-35
Betteshorne, Elizabeth       (1353-)     I9837   324-28
Betteshorne, John            (1327-)     I9834   324-28
Betuwe, (Miss) von                       I6833   21-42, 766-46, 767-45
Bickfor, John Sr.            (1580-1625) I14688  1027-19
Bickford, John               (1625-1685) I1712   1027-19, 1055-18
Bickford, John Jr.           (1603-1677) I8464   1027-19
Bickford, Lydia              (-1694)     I1709   1027-18, 1055-18
Biden de Rochford, John de               I9243   161-33
Biden de Rochford, Matilda de(1134-)     I9026   161-33
Bigod, Gunnor                (1093-)     I5180   30-36, 61-39, 109-38, 127-35, 
Bigod, Hugh                  (1099-1176) I7640   30-36, 109-38, 128-35, 318-36, 
       346-37, 418-35, 644-35, 645-34
Bigod, Hugh                  (1214-1266) I8150   98-33, 121-32, 128-33
Bigod, Hugh                  (1156-)     I8740   128-35, 318-36
Bigod, Hugh                  (1178-1224) I11727  98-33, 128-33, 158-32, 160-31
Bigod, Isabel                (1210-1230) I14899  98-32, 108-30, 128-33, 158-32, 
       160-31, 327-31, 328-31, 329-31, 330-31, 394-31, 409-31, 430-30, 431-30, 900-31
Bigod, Jane                              I4379   30-36, 109-37, 126-35, 405-35, 
Bigod, Margaret                          I4089   128-34, 337-34, 360-33, 859-33
Bigod, Matilda (Maud)        (1084-1129) I3509   4-40, 30-35, 96-34
Bigod, Robert                (1015-)     I6283   30-38
Bigod, Roger                 (-1306)     I9179   25-32, 121-32
Bigod, Roger                             I5243   98-33, 128-33, 320-35
Bigod, Roger                 (1060-1107) I7805   4-40, 30-36, 61-39, 109-38, 
       126-35, 127-35, 128-35, 318-36, 345-37, 346-37, 405-35, 645-34
Bigod, Roger                 (1150-1221) I11728  98-33, 128-34, 360-33, 645-34, 
Bigod, Roger                 (1036-)     I7948   30-37, 109-38
Bigod, Simon                 (1218-1242) I8151   98-33, 128-33
Billington, Desire                       I1488   1022-19, 1052-19
Billington, Dorcas                       I1483   1052-20
Billington, Eleanor                      I1490   1022-19, 1052-19
Billington, Elizabeth                    I1477   1052-20
Billington, Francis          (1606-1684) I1474   1022-19, 1052-20
Billington, Isaac            (1644-1709) I1481   91-20, 1022-19, 1052-19
Billington, Isaac                        I1493   1022-19, 1052-19
Billington, John             (1580-1630) I1471   1052-21
Billington, John                         I1473   1052-21
Billington, Joseph                       I1478   1052-20
Billington, Lydia            (1677-1716) I1489   7-17, 91-20, 1022-18, 1052-19
Billington, Martha                       I1479   1052-20
Billington, Mary                         I1491   1022-19, 1052-19
Billington, Mary                         I1480   1052-20
Billington, Mercy                        I1484   1052-20
Billington, Rebecca                      I1482   1052-20
Billington, Seth                         I1492   1022-19, 1052-19
Biset, Albreda               (1250-)     I4339   881-34
Biset, Isabel                            I14439  648-29, 820-32, 823-32, 824-31
Biset, John                  (-1241)     I14789  820-33, 823-32
Bisset, Henry                (1225-)     I13835  881-34
Bissett, Alice                           I602    861-33
Bivar, Rodrigo "El Cid" Dias de
                             (1030-1099) I9697   3-37, 227-40, 659-40, 795-40
Blaatand, (Miss) de          (980-)      I9939   6-42
Blake, Alice                 (1525-)     I5543   1003-21
Blake, Anne                  (1597-)     I5539   1003-19, 1004-19
Blake, Beatrice              (1610-)     I5552   1003-18
Blake, Beatrix               (1595-)     I5538   1003-19, 1004-19
Blake, Bridget               (1600-)     I5550   1003-18
Blake, Deborah               (1652-)     I5515   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Dorothy               (1668-)     I5522   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Elizabeth             (1600-)     I5551   1003-18
Blake, Ellen (Elline)        (1593-)     I5537   1003-19, 1004-19
Blake, Ellie                 (1535-)     I5546   1003-21
Blake, Francis               (1564-)     I5532   1003-20
Blake, Henry                 (1526-)     I5544   1003-21
Blake, Israel                (1654-)     I5516   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Jane                  (1597-)     I5540   1003-19, 1004-19
Blake, Jasper                (1566-1614) I5533   1003-19, 1004-19, 1048-18
Blake, Jasper                (1500-1560) I5541   1003-21
Blake, Jasper                (1592-1673) I5512   1003-18, 1004-19, 1048-18
Blake, Jasper                (1663-1674) I5521   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, John                  (1656-1716) I5517   1003-17, 1048-18, 1064-16
Blake, John                  (1460-)     I5510   1003-22
Blake, John                  (1568-)     I5534   1003-20
Blake, John                  (1541-)     I5547   1003-21
Blake, Joshua                (1675-)     I5525   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Maria                 (1672-)     I5524   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Mary                  (1460-)     I5511   1003-23
Blake, Mehetable             (1701-1778) I1813   995-15, 1003-16, 1064-16
Blake, Milicent              (1600-)     I5549   1003-18
Blake, Peter                 (1540-1570) I5530   1003-20, 1004-19
Blake, Peter                 (1440-)     I5508   1003-23
Blake, Philemon              (1671-)     I5523   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Samuel                (1661-)     I5520   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Sarah                 (1661-)     I5519   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Sarah                 (1659-)     I5518   1003-18, 1048-18
Blake, Thomas                (1530-)     I5545   1003-21
Blake, Thomas                (1570-)     I5535   1003-20
Blake, Timothy               (1649-1718) I5514   1003-18, 1048-18
Blanchville, Robert de                   I8850   933-38
Blanchville, Robert de                   I8851   933-37
Blanchville, Rose de                     I8854   933-36
Bland, Isabella              (1611-1698) I1748   56-18, 982-18
Bland, John (John Smith)     (-1663)     I1749   56-18, 982-19
Blaverhasset, Ellinor or Ellen
                             (1507-)     I8694   959-19
Blaverhasset, John           (1481-)     I8686   959-19
Blieskastel, Hedwig von                  I6180   832-36, 833-37
Blois, Almodis de            (-1097)     I9780   18-40, 85-39, 367-38, 579-38
Blois, William II de         (1134-1159) I2907   2-37, 86-37, 319-35
Blondeville, Randolph de                 I9462   34-35
Blount, (Mr.) le             (1065-)     I9315   334-37
Blount, Anne                 (1386-1415) I9115   41-27, 69-26
Blount, Anne (Agnes)         (1453-)     I3459   41-24, 977-24
Blount, Constance            (-1432)     I9113   41-27, 69-26
Blount, Gilbert (Hubert) le  (1119-1173) I9165   228-34, 334-33, 376-34
Blount, Gilbert le           (1055-)     I9172   228-36, 376-34
Blount, John                 (1343-1424) I9123   228-29
Blount, John le              (1298-1358) I9116   41-27, 69-27, 228-29
Blount, Maria le             (1175-)     I9164   228-33, 334-33
Blount, Robert le            (1197-1288) I9161   228-32, 334-33, 620-30
Blount, Robert le            (1029-1066) I9174   106-39, 228-37, 333-38
Blount, Stephen le           (1163-1198) I9163   228-33, 334-33
Blount, Thomas               (1378-1456) I9114   41-26, 62-26, 69-26
Blount, Thomas               (1420-1468) I3460   41-25, 62-26, 977-24
Blount, Walter               (1348-1403) I9111   41-27, 62-26, 69-26, 228-29
Blount, Walter               (-1322)     I9120   69-27, 228-30, 620-30
Blount, William le           (1087-)     I9169   132-35, 228-35, 376-34
Blount, William le           (1149-)     I9168   228-33, 334-34
Blount, William le           (1036-1066) I9177   106-39, 228-38, 334-38, 497-37
Blount, William le           (-1280)     I9129   108-31, 228-31, 620-30
Blount, William le           (1123-)     I9171   334-35
Blount, William le           (1097-)     I9316   334-36
Blund, Galiena                           I9170   228-35, 376-34
Blund, Hubert                (1165-1188) I14941  888-35
Blund, Rose                  (1217-)     I14939  888-33
Blund, William I                         I14942  888-36
Blund, William II            (1185-1228) I14940  888-34
Blund, William le            (1153-1182) I9167   228-34
Bocland, Hawise de           (-1233)     I8826   160-33, 428-32
Bocland, Hugh de             (-1176)     I8825   160-33, 428-33
Boclande, William de         (-1216)     I8827   160-33, 428-33
Bodin of Dioclea, (Miss) de              I6489   530-37
Bohun, Alianor de            (-1363)     I14883  4-32, 262-30
Bohun, Alianor de            (1366-1399) I3354   1-27, 3-28, 12-26, 52-29, 
       60-25, 103-26, 186-28
Bohun, Alianore de           (-1313)     I3646   4-34, 51-33, 163-29, 218-33, 
       254-32, 611-32
Bohun, Alice de                          I3816   4-35, 22-32, 35-29, 50-34
Bohun, Elizabeth de          (-1385)     I12135  4-30, 44-28, 153-27, 476-31
Bohun, Henry de              (1176-1220) I3817   4-35, 35-31, 63-35, 604-35
Bohun, Henry de              (-1113)     I4862   803-39
Bohun, Henry de                          I4867   803-42
Bohun, Henry de                          I4863   803-40
Bohun, Henry de                          I4866   803-41
Bohun, Humphrey de           (1341-1372) I3428   4-31, 12-26, 44-29, 52-30, 
       61-31, 186-28, 476-31
Bohun, Humphrey de II        (-1129)     I4859   63-37, 803-38
Bohun, Humphrey de III       (1109-1187) I3825   14-37, 63-37, 222-39, 604-35, 
Bohun, Humphrey de IV        (1144-1182) I3826   35-31, 63-36, 604-35, 803-37
Bohun, Humphrey de V         (1208-1275) I3814   4-35, 22-32, 35-30, 50-34, 
       63-35, 611-32
Bohun, Humphrey de VI        (-1265)     I3647   4-34, 35-30, 51-33, 102-31, 
       254-32, 324-33, 408-32, 611-32
Bohun, Humphrey de VII       (1249-1298) I3649   4-33, 21-32, 102-31, 262-30, 
Bohun, Humphrey de VIII      (1276-1321) I14888  4-32, 102-31, 174-32, 262-30, 
Bohun, Margaret de           (1311-1391) I3059   4-32, 141-30, 262-30, 389-30
Bohun, Margery de                        I8999   63-37, 222-39, 803-37
Bohun, Mary de                           I8994   3-27, 52-30, 78-29, 186-28
Bohun, Maud de                           I5404   36-36, 166-35
Bohun, William de            (1310-1360) I12133  4-31, 44-28, 52-30, 186-28, 
       211-32, 262-30, 475-32, 476-31
Bois, Isabel de                          I15089  613-30
Bolbec, Hugh_II de           (-1194)     I5173   61-36, 155-35, 417-32
Bolbec, Isabel de            (1177-1245) I5172   61-36, 155-34, 201-35, 316-33, 
       417-32, 920-33
Bolbec, Osbern de                        I4392   35-38
Bolebec, Beatrice de                     I7852   851-39
Bolebec, Geoffrey de                     I7845   851-40
Boleyn, Thomas of            (1477-1538) I10629  83-26
Bolhay, Amicia               (1280-1335) I7540   976-30
Bolhay, James                (1254-)     I7542   976-30
Bolton, Elizabeth                        I2944   950-31, 975-30
Bolton, William                          I2945   950-31, 975-30
Bonum, Ruth                              I1515   91-20
Booth, Anthony               (1687-1712) I1274   1063-13
Booth, Elizabeth             (1703-)     I1278   1063-13
Booth, John                  (1661-1718) I1272   1045-12, 1063-13
Booth, John                  (1637-1680) I1635   1063-13
Booth, Judith                (1691-1736) I246    1-11, 1045-12, 1046-11, 1059-11, 
Booth, Lydia                 (1701-)     I1277   1063-13
Booth, Mary                  (1698-)     I1276   1063-13
Booth, Mary                              I2116   935-19
Booth, Unice                 (1694-)     I1275   1063-13
Booth, Zerviah               (1707-)     I1279   1063-13
Booth, _____                             I2521   864-33
Boridge, Joane               (1569-)     I1880   1021-22, 1022-21
Bortreaux, Margaret de       (1422-1477) I5076   38-28, 134-27
Bosco, Alice de (Boys)       (1314-1374) I14917  31-28, 962-29
Bosco, Robert de             (1288-1334) I14922  31-28, 962-29
Bosvile, Isabel                          I1970   991-24
Bosvile, Matilda             (-1379)     I2647   727-28
Bosvile, Maude               (-1430)     I2770   942-27, 952-26
Botelea, Elizabeth           (1366-)     I8452   978-24
Boteler, Edelina                         I8043   927-35
Boteler, Emoine le           (1206-)     I14786  251-32
Boteler, Geoffry             (1340-)     I8425   978-25
Boteler, John le                         I7872   251-32
Boteler, Maud le             (1225-1283) I4037   84-31, 207-33, 900-32, 902-31
Boteler, Robert                          I8046   927-35
Boteler, Theobald le         (1242-1285) I14892  98-32, 160-31
Boteler, Theobald le         (-1248)     I14896  900-32
Boteler, _____                           I2513   864-30
Boteler, _____                           I2514   864-30
Botenstein, Adelaide von     (-1106)     I6538   23-37
Botetourt, Sir John                      I8094   167-30
Botetourte, Joan de                      I5694   31-25, 61-28, 190-28, 465-27, 
Botetourte, John de          (1318-1385) I9864   22-30, 22-30, 91-31, 91-30, 
       467-33, 478-31
Botetourte, John de          (-1324)     I5400   262-31, 467-34, 478-32, 539-30, 
Botetourte, John de          (1333-1377) I5692   190-28, 539-28
Botetourte, Joyce de         (1367-1420) I9872   91-29, 467-33
Botetourte, Otto (Otes) de   (-1345)     I5402   478-32, 539-29, 654-31
Botetourte, Thomas de        (-1322)     I9855   91-30, 467-34, 478-31, 539-30
Botiller (Butler), Theobald le
                             (1200-1230) I4038   84-31, 98-31, 900-32, 901-33, 
Botiller, Elizabeth le       (1345-1411) I3632   47-26, 51-30, 236-29
Botiller, William le         (1331-1369) I4041   51-30, 236-30
Botiller, William le                     I4044   236-31
Botiller, William le         (1296-1361) I4043   71-32, 84-29, 236-31
Botreaux, William de         (1388-1462) I5603   38-29, 134-27
Botreaux, William de                     I4273   38-29
Botterell, Hawise                        I8466   37-34, 330-30, 344-33
Botterell, John                          I8511   330-30, 344-33
Bottisham, Alice             (1264-)     I14618  614-30
Bougogne, Sprota (Sprote) de Berengaria or
                             (880-936)   I8232   315-43
Boulers, Baldwin de                      I5739   810-38
Boulers, Hilaire (Hillaria) de
                                         I2305   810-38
Boulers, Margery de                      I9410   810-38
Boulers, Maud de                         I5741   810-37
Boulers, Sibyl de                        I10033  810-38
Boulers, Stephen de                      I10186  810-38
Boulogne "de Tingry", Faramus (Pharamus) de
                             (-1183)     I10217  24-36, 105-35
Boulogne, Ernicule II de (le Brun)
                                         I10051  22-43, 105-42
Boulogne, Maude de                       I9885   22-41, 106-40, 228-40, 228-38
Boulogne, Sibyl de           (-1225)     I10214  24-35, 105-35, 264-34
Boulogne, Thomas de                      I10220  24-36
Boulogne, William de                     I10219  24-36
Boulogne, William de         (1081-1130) I9878   24-37, 426-35
Boun, Catherine                          I5790   939-25
Bourbon, Aimon_II de         (-1120)     I6354   533-36, 784-37
Bourbon, Archambauld_IV de   (-1095)     I6356   784-38
Bourbon, Archambault_III de  (-1078)     I7428   784-39
Bourbon, Archambault_VII de  (-1173)     I5198   262-37, 289-38, 291-35, 533-36, 
Bourbon, Archambault_VIII    (1140-1169) I9764   89-36, 291-35, 317-34, 533-35, 
Bourbon, Archambault_VIII de Dampierre
                             (-1242)     I6163   18-34, 291-33, 317-34
Bourbon, Mahaut de           (-1228)     I6371   291-34, 317-34, 533-35
Bourbon, Marguerite de       (-1256)     I6333   5-31, 18-34, 89-33, 291-32
Bourbourg, Edith de                      I10441  22-43, 105-42
Bourchier, Eleanor           (1417-1474) I10668  12-25, 60-25
Bourchier, Henry 1st                     I3263   12-25, 60-25
Bourchier, Humphrey          (-1471)     I3444   4-26, 9-26, 60-24, 83-26
Bourchier, Joan              (1442-1470) I3449   9-27, 60-24
Bourchier, John              (-1400)     I6225   60-27, 868-27
Bourchier, John              (-1321)     I6228   60-28, 868-27
Bourchier, Robert            (-1349)     I6223   60-27, 351-30, 868-27
Bourchier, William           (-1469)     I3264   12-25, 60-25
Bourchier, William           (-1375)     I6221   12-25, 60-26, 351-30, 868-27
Bourdon, Elizabeth de        (1432-)     I4786   939-29, 956-30
Bourdon, John                (1382-)     I4796   956-30
Bourdon, Nicholas de         (1403-)     I4794   956-30
Bourg, John de                           I4009   15-45, 68-45
Bourgchier, Joan             (-1561)     I3438   2-24, 4-25, 9-25, 21-19
Bourgchier, John             (1467-1532) I3439   2-24, 4-26, 9-25, 83-26
Bourgchier, John             (1415-1474) I3265   9-27, 12-25, 60-24, 83-26
Bourgchier, William          (1374-1420) I3261   9-27, 12-25, 60-25, 351-30
Bourgogne, Adelaide de       (-1273)     I5054   2-33, 3-31, 72-31, 89-33
Bourgogne, Alix de           (-1192)     I9765   89-36, 291-35, 317-34, 533-35
Bourgogne, Beatrice de       (1063-1110) I4573   274-39, 745-39
Bourgogne, Beatrix de                    I14998  131-30, 158-31
Bourgogne, Beatrix de        (1143-1184) I5451   5-35, 19-36, 92-37, 773-34
Bourgogne, Etienne I "Tete-Hardi" de
                             (-1102)     I9614   19-37, 92-41, 92-38, 178-38, 
Bourgogne, Eudes III de      (1166-1218) I3850   72-32, 89-34, 496-39, 783-34
Bourgogne, Eudes_II de       (1118-1162) I5623   18-37, 89-36, 291-36, 533-35
Bourgogne, Guy de            (-1124)     I9358   92-39, 178-38
Bourgogne, Henri de                      I3973   765-41
Bourgogne, Hugh IV de        (1212-1272) I5055   2-33, 18-34, 72-32, 89-33, 
       291-32, 783-34
Bourgogne, Hugues III de     (1148-1192) I8324   71-35, 89-35, 275-34, 291-36, 
Bourgogne, Hugues_II Borel de(1085-1143) I3104   89-36, 274-38, 291-37, 552-37
Bourgogne, Raimond de                    I2964   504-34
Bourgogne, Renaud_III de     (-1148)     I5452   5-35, 19-37, 92-37, 285-40
Bourne, Bartholomew          (1559-1624) I2192   1023-23
Bourne, Elisha                           I1343   1026-15
Bourne, Elizabeth            (1617-1663) I2187   1023-22, 1024-21
Bourne, Elizabeth            (1726-1760) I869    1-11, 874-10, 998-12, 1045-11
Bourne, Ezra                             I1344   1026-15
Bourne, Job                              I1342   1026-15
Bourne, John                 (1527-1610) I2190   1023-24
Bourne, John                             I5165   939-25
Bourne, Margret              (-1683)     I1952   1023-21
Bourne, Melatiah             (1673-1742) I1304   1-12, 998-13, 1026-13
Bourne, Richard              (1610-1682) I1340   1026-15
Bourne, Shearjashub          (1643-1719) I1306   998-13, 1026-14
Bourne, Shearjushub          (1699-1768) I1291   1-12, 998-12, 1026-13, 1045-11
Bourne, Thomas               (1581-1664) I2194   1023-22, 1024-21
Bourne, William                          I1904   1026-15
Bourne, _____                (1560-1624) I2193   1023-23
Bourne?, Hannah                          I1086   1045-13, 1051-14
Bournonville, (Miss) de                  I10436  105-40, 106-37
Bournonville, Alice de                   I10426  105-37
Bournonville, Gerard de      (-1084)     I10433  105-39, 106-37
Bournonville, Gerard? de                 I10439  105-41, 106-37
Bournonville, Guillaume de   (-1071)     I10435  105-40, 106-37
Bournonville, Louis de       (-1126)     I10429  105-38
Boves, Dreux de                          I6459   241-37
Bowet, Elizabeth             (1434-1501) I2213   12-22, 14-25
Bowet, Nicholas              (1408-)     I2217   12-22, 14-26
Boyd, Margery                (1832-)     I582    1068-14
Bozon, Alice                 (1399-)     I5628   973-30
Bozon, Richard                           I14824  973-30
Brabant, Matilda of          (-1267)     I5830   2-35, 25-34, 115-32
Bracebridge, Maud                        I14890  36-32
Bracebridge, Ralph                       I14873  36-32
Braci, Mrs Adulph            (1139-)     I9784   136-33, 388-34
Brackett, Susannah           (1663-)     I5529   1003-18, 1048-18
Bracy, Adulf de              (1120-)     I7553   136-33, 388-34
Bracy, Mascelina de          (1153-)     I7325   136-33, 388-34
Bradbourne, Dionisia                     I2778   942-30
Bradbourne, Thomas                       I2811   942-30
Bradshaw, Cicily                         I2490   963-26
Bradshaw, William                        I2491   963-26
Braine, Agnes de                         I9846   38-37, 789-38
Braiose, Eleanor de          (-1275)     I3648   4-34, 51-33, 102-31, 254-32, 
       324-33, 408-32, 611-32, 639-31
Braiose, Eva de              (-1255)     I3650   136-32, 324-32, 337-33, 390-31, 
       408-32, 493-36
Braiose, Margaret de         (1260-1335) I8014   148-30, 155-31, 929-30
Braiose, Maud de             (1226-1300) I3514   21-30, 84-30, 207-34, 324-33, 
       408-31, 471-33, 610-32
Braiose, Sibyl de            (1150-1227) I7927   64-36, 148-35, 157-32, 218-35, 
       394-33, 407-34, 482-35, 492-38
Braiose, William de          (1204-1230) I3525   4-34, 98-34, 136-32, 207-34, 
       322-34, 324-33, 408-32, 610-32, 611-32, 639-31
Brampton, Amy                            I2372   2-21, 987-22
Brampton, Brian              (1168-)     I8336   64-35
Brampton, John de            (1136-1179) I8335   64-35
Brampton, William                        I2373   2-21, 987-22
Braos, William de            (1200-1210) I14782  34-33, 148-33, 168-33, 420-32, 
Braos, William de            (1220-1291) I14440  34-32, 148-32, 251-30
Braose, Bertha de            (1151-)     I7928   64-36, 148-35
Braose, Joan de              (1275-1324) I14743  34-30, 138-29
Braose, John de              (1197-1232) I7873   34-33, 148-32, 152-32, 251-30, 
Braose, John de              (1232-)     I7880   34-33, 148-32
Braose, Laurette de                      I14977  316-35
Braose, Margaret de          (1177-)     I7883   9-32, 22-33, 98-32, 148-34, 
       158-33, 409-33, 424-32, 425-32, 640-32, 809-34
Braose, Maud de              (1200-)     I7909   148-33
Braose, Maud de                          I3420   64-35, 148-35, 283-35, 339-33
Braose, Phillip de           (1075-1112) I8305   64-36, 148-36, 321-35, 853-36
Braose, Reginald de          (1171-1228) I8297   148-34, 207-35, 324-33, 408-33, 
Braose, Richard de           (1232-1292) I7879   34-33, 148-31, 152-32, 929-30
Braose, William de           (1049-1089) I7957   98-36, 148-37, 321-35, 853-36
Braose, William de           (1144-1211) I7881   64-36, 148-34, 158-33, 207-35, 
       217-35, 408-33, 409-33, 420-32, 809-34
Braose, William de           (1112-1179) I7925   14-37, 63-38, 64-36, 148-35, 
       217-35, 218-35, 339-33, 407-34, 482-35, 809-34, 853-36
Braunschwieg, Bruno von      (960-1016)  I10187  82-41, 311-40
Braunsweig, Ludolf von       (-1038)     I10188  75-41, 311-40, 665-41
Brecanier, George                        I281    1068-13
Bremshot, John                           I4838   891-26
Bremshot, Margaret                       I4831   891-26
Brereton, Felice                         I2669   727-36
Brereton, William                        I2670   727-36
Bretagne, Alianore de                    I7276   911-36
Bretagne, Alianore de                    I7921   34-38
Bretagne, Constance de       (-1184)     I7917   34-37, 122-34
Bretagne, dau. of Erispoe de             I9321   147-44
Bretagne, dau. of Gurvand de             I6430   147-43
Bretagne, Erispoe de                     I9320   147-45
Bretagne, Gurvand de                     I3712   147-44
Bretagne, Hawise de          (-1072)     I4916   84-39, 122-36, 148-39, 267-38, 
       406-38, 546-38, 758-37
Bretagne, Josselin de        (-1074)     I6761   893-38
Bretagne, Nominoe de                     I9635   147-46
Breton, Isabel                           I2699   54-30
Breton, Robert                           I2700   54-30
Brett, Lucy                              I2342   861-30
Brett, Walter                            I2365   861-30
Bretuil, Adele de            (980-1012)  I6559   584-38, 829-39
Brewes, Alice de             (1305-1331) I5324   34-31, 153-30, 183-29, 253-30
Brewes, William de           (1280-1326) I5321   34-31, 153-30, 251-30, 253-30
Brienne, (Miss) de                       I10329  790-43
Brienne, Andre de            (-1189)     I10247  38-37, 789-37
Brienne, Blanche de          (1245-1302) I10231  21-31, 39-31, 85-31, 408-30
Brienne, Erard II de         (-1191)     I10240  38-36, 39-33, 82-34, 789-37
Brienne, Felicite            (-1178)     I10259  789-38
Brienne, Gauthier I          (-1089)     I10272  789-39, 790-42
Brienne, Gauthier III de     (-1205)     I10242  38-36, 82-34
Brienne, Ida de              (-1201)     I10243  38-36, 82-34
Brienne, Jean "d'Acre" de    (1225-1296) I10221  21-31, 38-35, 39-32, 85-31, 
Brienne, Jean de             (1168-1237) I4541   38-35, 39-33, 82-34, 85-31, 
       171-34, 500-34
Brienne, Louis "d'Acre" de   (-1297)     I4531   38-34, 39-33, 78-31, 500-34
Brienne, Marie de            (1225-1275) I10222  38-35, 39-33
Brier, Abbie                 (1843-1885) I178    41-13
Briggs, James                            I1067   1045-13, 1051-13
Briggs, Thimothy                         I4329   940-20
Briole, Artaud de            (-1066)     I10312  762-39
Briole, Geoffroy de          (-1103)     I10306  131-37, 762-38
Briole, Ingelger de                      I10316  762-40
Brioli, Bouchard de                      I10319  762-41
Brioule, Tephanie de         (-1123)     I10292  131-37, 762-37, 776-36
Brittany, Emma of                        I7962   84-39, 148-38, 266-38, 321-35
Brittany, Eudes de           (-1079)     I14414  770-36
Brittany, Maud (Mathilda) de             I14408  770-36
Brittany, Stephen I de       (-1136)     I14410  770-36
Brittany, Stephen of                     I13993  911-36
Briwere, (Miss) de                       I8957   920-36
Briwere, Alice de            (-1233)     I6066   69-33, 429-31
Briwere, Grace de            (1186-1251) I6065   148-34, 324-33, 408-33
Briwere, Henry de                        I6075   920-36
Briwere, Isabel de           (1184-1233) I6027   180-32, 421-32, 867-31
Briwere, Joan de             (1190-1233) I6067   120-35
Briwere, William de          (1145-1226) I6062   69-33, 120-35, 408-33
Briwere, William de                      I6051   421-32
Briwere, William de                      I8958   920-36
Briwerre, Marjorie           (-1237)     I14949  162-32
Briwerre, William de         (-1226)     I14952  162-32
Broc, Edelina                            I5926   921-33, 948-32
Broc, Eve de                             I8943   352-35
Broc, Ranulph le                         I5927   921-34
Brocas, Bernard                          I4849   955-31
Brocas, Bernard                          I4843   955-29
Brocas, Bernard                          I4828   955-26, 968-27
Brocas, Bernard              (-1399)     I4834   955-27, 968-27
Brocas, Bernard                          I4846   955-30
Brocas, Elizabeth                        I4737   891-22, 955-23, 988-22
Brocas, John                 (-1492)     I4738   891-23, 955-23, 988-22
Brocas, John                             I4839   955-28, 968-27
Brocas, William              (-1476)     I4825   955-25
Brocas, William              (-1483)     I4823   891-23, 955-24
Brockwell, Elizabeth         (1573-1612) I14590  1050-15
Bromley,                     (1536-)     I2197   7-22
Bromley, Jane                (1562-)     I2196   7-22
Brooke, Edward                           I7772   21-24
Brooks, Sarah                            I1325   998-12
Broughton, Ellen                         I3773   125-34, 818-33
Brown, John                              I1349   1-13, 38-21
Browne, Susanna              (-1627)     I1990   995-19, 1000-20
Broyes, Elizabeth de         (-1066)     I9360   344-38, 413-38, 641-37
Bruce, Robert of_Annandale               I3371   143-33, 337-35
Brugge, Aganitrude von                   I6639   801-38, 854-37
Bruine, Gilbert de           (-1040)     I5403   35-37, 36-39, 163-38
Bruine, Godfrey de           (953-1015)  I6121   3-41, 36-40
Brun, Juliane                            I8482   960-35
Brun, Roger                              I8486   960-35
Bruno, Duke of the Angrian Saxons
                                         I8185   315-44
Brus, Adam I de              (-1143)     I8469   83-36, 265-37
Brus, Adam II de             (-1185)     I8370   83-36, 120-36, 265-36
Brus, Agnes de               (-1280)     I5734   83-33, 318-33, 417-31, 811-32
Brus, Isabel de              (1160-1230) I5299   83-36, 120-36, 265-35, 912-35
Brus, Peter I de             (-1247)     I5303   83-35, 265-36, 318-33
Brus, Peter_II de            (-1247)     I5736   83-34, 318-33, 417-31
Brus, Robert de                          I14978  320-35, 605-34
Brus, Robert de              (1000-1066) I7961   84-39, 148-38, 321-35
Brus, Robert de                          I3919   83-36, 265-38
Brushett, Crestabel          (-1655)     I996    992-16
Brushett, Edmund                         I2456   992-16
Buci, Baron de                           I8165   588-39
Buci, Eva de                 (1008-1080) I8244   315-40, 588-39, 691-38
Buci, Robert de                          I10204  821-38
Buci, _____ de                           I9031   821-38, 825-37
Bueren, Bertha von                       I7001   724-39, 726-40
Bulkeley, Catherine          (1544-)     I2154   935-22
Bulkeley, Thomas             (1515-1591) I12243  935-22
Bulkley, Rowland                         I2171   935-22
Bulles, Rohais (Roaide) de   (1046-)     I9755   136-38
Bulmer, Bertram de                       I14390  187-33
Bulmer, Emma de              (1144-1208) I14389  187-33
Bumford, David                           I681    176-15
Bumpus, Joseph                           I1510   91-20
Bumpus, Wiborah              (1672-1743) I1509   91-20
Buren, Frederick von         (960-1027)  I7007   16-43, 75-43, 726-41
Bures, Catherine de          (1310-)     I14845  163-29
Bures, Guillaume de Gometz-la-Ferte
                                         I9757   293-39, 804-39, 809-38
Bures, John de               (1276-1350) I11094  163-29
Burgess, Peter                           I801    1018-8, 1019-8
Burgh, Agnes de              (-1120)     I9463   223-42, 589-37
Burgh, Elizabeth de          (-1363)     I11745  1-26, 16-31, 24-28, 182-29
Burgh, Emmeline de                       I5157   62-35, 143-29, 423-33, 428-29, 
Burgh, Hawise de             (1256-1282) I15156  143-30, 428-29
Burgh, Joan de                           I14885  24-31, 329-30
Burgh, John de               (1290-1313) I4073   24-30, 168-30, 174-30, 182-29, 
Burgh, John de               (1180-)     I14449  251-31
Burgh, John de                           I14615  14-27
Burgh, John de               (1210-1275) I13957  143-30, 428-30
Burgh, John de               (-1279)     I8128   62-35, 143-30, 428-29
Burgh, Margaret              (1205-)     I14448  251-31
Burgh, Margaret de                       I14616  14-27
Burgh, Margery de                        I14897  900-32
Burgh, Maud de                           I4299   168-30, 174-31
Burgh, Meggotta de                       I3380   168-31
Burgh, Richard de            (1259-1326) I4076   24-31, 174-30, 329-30, 409-31
Burgh, Richard de            (-1242)     I5246   158-33, 329-31, 409-32
Burgh, Thomas de                         I9459   14-27
Burgh, Walter de             (1230-1271) I4078   24-31, 98-32, 160-31, 329-31, 
Burgh, William de            (1312-1333) I3499   1-26, 24-29, 44-30, 108-28, 
       174-30, 182-29
Burgh, William de            (-1205)     I5248   409-32
Burghersh, Bartholomew de    (-1355)     I15188  98-29
Burgo de Moreton, William de (1084-1140) I8800   223-42, 503-37, 589-37
Burgoyne, Ellen              (-1564)     I4803   1014-20
Burgundy, Adelaide of        (-0999)     I6868   81-42, 506-44, 756-43
Burgundy, Agnes Countess of  (0995-1068) I10749  96-41, 178-40
Burgundy, Alice (Helie) of   (1080-1141) I8886   274-37, 291-38, 319-36, 375-35, 
       546-35, 554-36, 555-36, 631-34, 898-36
Burgundy, Alix Ala de        (1102-)     I14820  860-37
Burgundy, Conrad Duke of     (0858-)     I10950  765-44
Burgundy, Gerberge           (1007-)     I10795  96-41, 178-40, 299-40, 310-39, 
       310-39, 452-39
Burgundy, Gisela of          (-1060)     I6684   262-39, 527-38
Burgundy, Richard Duke of    (0882-0921) I10916  765-44
Burgundy, Waldrada of                    I6873   81-44, 259-43
Burnet, Joanna                           I15090  98-33, 128-33
Burton, Jane                 (1483-)     I14581  1018-17
Burton, William              (1455-)     I14585  1018-18
Busard, John                 (1421-)     I8629   984-21
Busli, Cicely                            I8578   646-31
Busli, Idonea                (1160-1240) I8573   394-32, 646-31
Busli, John                  (1145-1213) I8577   646-31
Busli, Richard de                        I12036  646-31
Busli, William II de                     I3805   646-31
Butler, Cate                             I273    176-13, 1068-12
Butler, James                (1305-1338) I14882  4-32, 262-30
Byron, Anthony                           I2673   727-37
Byron, Thomas                            I2679   727-39
Byron, _____                             I2678   727-39
Byron, _____                             I2672   727-37
Bytton, Maud                             I14664  997-25
