[son of Henry_I Beauclerc King of England [25-38, 62-38, 79-39, 84-35, 96-34, 122-35, 144-38, 238-38, 257-39, 401-37, 498-37, 499-37, 500-37, 501-37, 502-37] and Sibyl CORBET [14-36, 88-36, 238-38]] REF AR7. Natural son of Henry I and Sibyl Corbet. REF AR7. Sheriff of Devon. Parents were not married. Earl of Cornwall, Sheriff of Devon d. 1 Jul 1175, Chertsey, Eng. d. 1 Jul 1175 bur. Reading, Eng. m(1) Mabel [238-38, 413-35] d. BY 1162 daughter of William FitzRichard Lord of Cardinan, Cornwall [413-35] ch(1) *Maude de DUNSTANVILLE [Next Generation] m(2) Beatrice de MORTAIN daughter of William de BURGO DE MORETON 2nd Earl Cornwall [223-42] and Isabel FITZRICHARD [223-42] [daughter of William FitzRichard] ch(2) Hawise (Denise, Dionesia) DUNSTANVILLE, Sarah de DUNSTANVILLE, Hawise (Denise,Dionesia) DUNSTANVILLE, Sarah de DUNSTANVILLE
b. ABT 1143, Dunstanville, Kent, Eng. m. Sir Robert de BEAUMONT Count of Meulan [413-35] 1165, Cornwall, Wales b. ABT 1130 d. Oct 1207, Palestine son of Waleran de BEAUMONT Count de Meulan, Earl of Worcester [98-37, 316-37, 375-33, 413-36] and Agnes de MONTFORT [98-37, 316-37, 375-33, 413-36] ch: Jeanne de MEULLENT m(1) Robert II (-1212), *Maud (Mabel or Mabirie) de [See 413-34 above]