[daughter of Theobald le BOTILLER (BUTLER) [84-31, 98-31, 900-32, 901-33] and Rohese de VERDUN [84-31, 98-31, 98-31, 900-32]] d. 27 Nov 1283 b. ABT 1225, of Lincoln, Lincolnshire, Eng. d. 27 Nov 1283 m. John FITZALAN Earl of Arundel [84-31, 192-36, 207-33, 900-32] b. May 1223, Arundel, Essex, Eng. d. BEF 10 Nov 1267 son of John FITZALAN Lord of Clun and Oswestry, Salop [49-37, 84-32, 192-36] and Isabel d' AUBIGNY [49-37, 84-32, 192-36, 396-33] ch: *John [See 84-30 above]