[Ancestry Unknown] b. ABT 1046 m. Ebria TRIVERS [646-33] b. ABT 1051 ch: *Ada de ENGAYNE [Next Generation]
b. 1081 r. Burgh-By-Sands, Cumberland, Eng. m. Simon de MORVILLE [646-33] b. ABT 1079 ch: *Hugh de MOREVILLE [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1105 r. Burgh-By-Sands, Cumberland, Eng. d. 1162 m. Beatrice de BEAUCHAMP [251-35, 620-34, 646-33, 695-33] b. ABT 1107 daughter of Paganus BEAUCHAMP [339-35, 620-34, 646-34, 695-33] and Rohese de VERE [35-35, 160-34, 339-35, 418-35, 428-33, 620-34, 644-35, 646-34, 695-33, 698-34] ch: *Maude de [See 646-32 above], *Ada de MORVILLE [Next Generation]
r. Burgh-By-Sands, Cumberland, Eng. m. Richard de LUCY [251-35, 646-33] 1200 d. 1213 son of Reynold de LUCY [251-36] and Amabel [251-36, 491-39] ch: *Amabel de [See 251-34 above]