[Ancestry Unknown] ch: *Kilvert [Next Generation]
ch: *Lulelph [Next Generation]
m. Aldgyth [817-38] daughter of Aldred Earl of Northumberland [817-39] [son of Uchtred Earl of Northumberland [817-40] and Ecgfrida of Chester [817-40]] ch: *Osbert de LUMLEY [See 817-37 above], *Adam [Next Generation], William de LUMLEY (1175-)
r. Aldithley, Normandy, France ch: *Lilulph de ALDITHLEY [Next Generation]
d. 1130 ch: *Adam de [Next Generation]
m. Mabella STANLEY DE STONELEY b. of Stoneley and Balterley, Staffordshire, Eng. daughter of Henry STANLEY DE STONELEY ch: *Adam de AUDLEY [Next Generation]
b. 1149, Eng. b. ABT 1145, Eng. d. BET 1203-11 m. Emma FITZORM [125-33, 397-32] 1170 b. 1153, Eng. daughter of Radulphus FITZORM ch: *(Miss) de [Next Generation], *Henry de (1175-1246) m. Bertrea MAINWARING (1197-1249) [See 819-33 below], William de ALDITHLEY
m. Stephen de PESHALE [125-33, 359-32] son of William de PESHALL [125-34] and Ellen BROUGHTON [125-34] ch: *Eleanor de [See 125-32 above]