[son of Amaury III MONTFORT Seigneur de Montfort Count of Evreux [72-38, 118-38, 154-38, 413-37, 590-36] and Agnes de GARLANDE [413-37, 590-36]] Count of Evreux d. 12 OR 13 Mar 1181 d. 1180-1 m. Maud [143-34, 413-37] d. 1168 ch: Simon IV de (1117-1181) m. Amicia de BEAUMONT (-1215), *Bertrade de [Next Generation]
b. 1155, of Montfort, Eure, France d. 1227 m. Hugh of_Kevelioc Earl of Chester, Viscount Avranches [49-37, 143-34, 218-34, 253-34, 337-35, 394-33, 395-33, 396-33, 397-33, 499-36] 1169 b. 1147, Kevelioc, Monmouth, Eng. d. 30 Jun 1181, Leeke, Stafford, Eng. son of Radnulf de GERNON 2nd Earl Chester [143-35, 499-36] and Maud of Gloucester [143-35, 499-36] ch: *Maud of_Chester [See 143-33 above], Ranulf of Chester, (Miss) de MESCHINES, *Agnes of Chester [See 394-33 above], *Hawise of Chester [See 395-33 above], *Mabel of_Chester [See 396-33 above], *Amicia de MESCHINES [See 397-33 above], Tanglust KEVELIOC (1170-)