[Ancestry Unknown] m. Maud ch: *Thomas [Next Generation]
b. c. 1540, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng. ch: *Thomas [Next Generation]
b. c. 1571, Eng. m. Isabel [971-20] b. ABT 1575, Eng. ch: *John [Next Generation]
REF CAG7 7th signer of the Mayflower Compact. REF GMB. "Many suggestions have been made as to the English origin of John Alden. Alicia Crane Williams has recently examined all the relevant evidence carefully and exhaustively, and comes to the conclusion that, although one or two of the suggested origins are "tempting", all are far from proved. [MD39:111-22, 40:133-5, 41:201]." Anderson shows John Alden's origin as Southampton, as that is where he was hired for passage on the Mayflower, but he does not mean to imply that John Alden was born or raised there. b. c. 1599 r. Southamton, Hampshire, Eng. d. 22 Sep 1687, Duxbury, MA m. Priscilla MULLINS [971-20] BEF 1624 b. c. 1600 d. c. 1680 daughter of William MULLINS [971-21] [son of John MULLENS [971-21] and Frances MOLYNEAU [971-21]] and Alice ATWOOD [971-21] ch: Elizabeth (1624-1717), *Sarah [See 971-19 above], Ruth (1634-1674) m. John BASS (1632-1716)