Surnames C: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Surnames Beginning with C

Caen, Mabira de                          I7655   499-37, 692-36
Caen, Walter de                          I6034   924-38
Caignard, Alain                          I9107   34-39
Cailar, Rostaing de Sabran And
                             (1124-)     I10711  299-33, 879-34
Cailly, Adam de              (1303-)     I14908  193-34
Cailly, Margaret             (1280-)     I14907  193-33
Cailor, Raines (Rainon) de   (1098-)     I10729  299-33, 879-34
Caley, Agnes                 (1370-)     I8438   874-24
Caley, William               (1344-)     I8408   874-24
Calthorp, Bartholomew        (1292-)     I8371   874-25
Calthorp, Bartholomew        (1318-)     I8394   874-25
Calthorp, Catherine          (1344-)     I8409   874-25
Calverhall, Randulph de                  I9702   935-37
Calverhall, Randulph de                  I9719   935-33
Calverhall, William de                   I9713   935-34
Calverhall, William de                   I9709   935-35
Calverhall, William Fitz-Ralph de
                                         I9703   935-36
Calverley, Elizabeth                     I439    862-28, 944-27
Calverley, William                       I440    862-28, 944-27
Cambrai, Raoul I de                      I5342   308-43, 363-44
Camoys, Alianora (Eleanor, Alice)
                             (1409-1479) I14710  34-26, 936-26, 937-25
Camoys, John de              (1310-1383) I14732  34-29, 138-29
Camoys, John de              (1246-1298) I14749  138-31, 917-31
Camoys, Ralph de             (1272-1336) I14740  34-29, 138-30, 917-31
Camoys, Ralph de             (1188-1259) I14768  917-33
Camoys, Ralph de             (1214-1276) I14757  138-31, 917-32
Camoys, Richard de           (1396-1421) I14715  34-27, 936-26
Camoys, Thomas               (1351-1421) I14723  34-28, 138-29
Campo Bello, Robert de                   I9027   161-32
Camville, Gerard de          (-1212)     I9018   934-37
Camville, Gerard de          (-1139)     I9022   934-38
Camville, Idoine de                      I4070   213-34, 397-31
Camville, Millicent (Isabel) de
                             (1152-1192) I4911   222-39, 588-35, 691-35, 884-34, 
Camville, Richard de         (-1190)     I9011   588-35, 691-35, 934-36
Camville, Richard de                     I4071   213-34, 397-31
Camville, Richard de         (-1191)     I9016   934-37
Camville, William de         (-1205)     I9019   934-37
Candos, Maud de              (1146-1213) I7561   894-34
Canney, Mary                 (1637-1706) I14487  1054-13
Canney, Thomas               (1609-1678) I14492  1054-14
Canney, William              (1593-)     I1601   1054-15
Cantaloupe, William de       (1154-1251) I9033   136-33, 388-34
Cantelou, Eupheme                        I5270   61-37, 418-34
Cantelou, Joan de            (-1271)     I4267   136-31, 324-32, 337-33, 535-31
Cantelou, William de         (1216-1254) I9822   136-32, 324-32, 337-33, 388-33, 
       390-31, 493-36
Cantilupe, Isabel            (1184-)     I9035   388-34
Cantilupe, John                          I7323   136-33, 388-33
Cantilupe, Millicent de      (1250-1298) I14620  136-32, 226-37, 324-31, 360-29, 
       390-31, 462-29, 493-36, 612-30, 613-30, 614-30, 657-35, 658-35
Cantilupe, Mrs Walter        (1104-)     I9782   388-36
Cantilupe, Mrs Walter        (1129-)     I9794   388-35
Cantilupe, Walter            (1128-1182) I9796   388-35
Cantilupe, Walter            (1102-)     I9783   388-36
Capet, Hugh                  (939-996)   I2969   18-41, 21-41, 31-41, 97-41, 
       129-39, 130-40, 131-40, 132-40, 146-41, 297-39, 307-39, 312-40, 313-40, 505-44
Caraway, Catherine                       I7306   1-6
Carcassonne, Adelaide Countess of
                             (0949-)     I10863  749-43, 749-43
Carcassonne, Ermensinde de   (0975-)     I10835  749-42
Carcassonne, Roger I Count of(0935-1012) I10862  749-43
Carew, Elizabeth             (1372-1410) I14720  936-28, 953-28
Carew, John                  (1346-)     I14731  936-28, 953-28
Carew, Otho de               (-1204)     I6260   210-37
Carinthia, Arnulf of                     I2957   248-46, 768-47
Carpenter, Alexander                     I1868   939-24
Carpenter, Juliana           (1584-1664) I1584   939-24, 940-23
Carr, Mary                   (1678-)     I1744   56-16, 891-15
Carrillo, Garcia Gomez de    (1256-)     I9285   41-29, 979-30
Carrillo, Juana Garcia                   I9221   41-29, 979-30
Carter, Edward                           I409    41-20
Carter, Elizabeth                        I626    176-17
Carter, Susannah                         I406    41-20
Cary, Alice de               (-1212)     I7534   887-36
Carye, Elizabeth                         I1889   1021-23
Castile, Elvira of           (-1135)     I9671   39-39, 496-41, 526-37
Castile, Sancha Sanchez de   (1006-1026) I10793  749-41
Castro, Aldonza de           (-1207)     I9259   41-35, 903-36
Castro, Rodrigo Fernandez (el Calvo)
                                         I9260   903-37
Caswell, Elizabeth                       I1068   1045-13, 1051-13
Catchman, Alexander          (1005-)     I6438   812-40
Catchman, Jane               (1030-)     I6436   812-39
Cate, Edward                 (1655-1732) I1696   1039-17
Cate, James                  (1634-1677) I1698   1039-17
Cate, Sarah                  (1739-1813) I1693   41-17, 41-14, 177-16, 1039-16
Cate, William                (-1783)     I1694   177-16, 1039-17
Cauntelo, Agnes de           (1202-)     I5654   136-33, 219-33, 388-33, 389-32, 
       636-32, 906-32
Cauntelo, Juliane de         (1219-1285) I7319   37-33, 111-31, 136-33, 388-32
Cauntelo, William II de      (1180-1251) I7317   37-33, 136-33, 324-32, 388-33, 
       389-32, 636-32, 906-32
Caunton, Isabel              (1335-)     I4790   956-32
Caunton, John de                         I4793   956-32
Cauz, Emma de                            I5884   48-33, 894-32, 945-34
Cauz, Roger de                           I7453   48-34, 945-34
Cauz, Roger de                           I7458   48-34, 945-34
Cavanez, Adelaide (Adelais)  (1030-)     I10832  299-38
Cavanez, Guy Count of        (1004-)     I10866  299-38
Cavieres, Maria              (1256-)     I9284   979-31
Ceva, Giorgio di             (-1268)     I8198   71-33, 896-34
Chacomb, Hugh de             (1149-)     I14815  194-36, 824-33
Chalon, Mahaut de            (-1016)     I10014  796-40
Chalons, Maud (Mathilda) de  (0946-1005) I10833  310-41
Chamber, Winefrede           (1575-)     I14703  1032-14
Chamberlayne, Richard        (1492-1439) I15172  31-25, 190-27
Chamond, John                            I6658   9-28, 936-27, 953-29
Chamond, Margaret            (1376-)     I3453   9-28, 936-27, 953-29
Champagne, Beatrix de        (1242-1295) I10185  18-34, 89-33, 291-32
Champagne, Henri II of       (1166-1197) I9512   18-36, 135-34
Champagne, Marie de          (1128-1190) I7431   18-37, 89-36, 291-36, 533-35, 
Champagne, Thibaut III de    (1179-1201) I6082   18-35, 68-37, 135-34, 291-32
Champaigne, Oliver           (1847-1911) I474    176-14
Champion, Ruth               (1785-1875) I455    56-13
Chapel, Muriel de                        I9065   852-35
Chapman, James W.                        I689    176-15
Charleton, Edward                        I14990  324-28
Charlton, Alan de            (-1360)     I9984   62-32, 826-31
Chartres, Bertha of          (-1085)     I9779   18-40, 34-40, 84-39, 148-39, 
       266-38, 267-38, 367-38, 406-38, 546-38
Chartrress, Emmeline         (938-983)   I11114  584-38, 829-39
Chateau-du-Loire, Maud de    (-1099)     I7784   27-36, 84-37, 838-37
Chateau-Gontier, Gervase de              I10334  546-37, 758-38, 763-41
Chateau-Renaud, Petronille de(-1078)     I10347  85-38, 563-39, 579-39, 764-39
Chateaudun, Clemence de                  I10237  85-32, 373-33
Chateaudun, Geoffrey V de    (-1249)     I10235  39-32, 85-32, 131-34, 373-33
Chateaudun, Geoffroy IV de   (-1218)     I10256  85-33, 373-33, 563-35
Chateaudun, Jeanne de        (-1265)     I10233  21-31, 39-32, 85-31, 373-33
Chateaudun, Mahaut de        (-1130)     I10298  85-38, 579-38, 682-37
Chatillon, Elizabeth de      (-1183)     I6498   769-36
Chatillon, Gauthier II de    (-1148)     I13412  769-36
Chaucombe, Amabilia de       (1210-1278) I14442  194-36, 467-35, 824-33
Chaucombe, Robert de         (1180-)     I14811  194-36, 824-33
Chauve, Manasses de                      I6220   304-37, 571-36, 684-36
Chaworth, Elizabeth                      I2829   22-24, 67-27
Chaworth, Maud de            (1282-1317) I11720  5-31, 24-29, 38-32, 44-30, 
       61-31, 71-29, 78-30, 108-28, 153-29, 181-29, 182-29, 183-29, 184-29, 341-27, 
       342-27, 343-27, 915-29
Chaworth, Patrick de                     I13959  898-37, 915-36
Chaworth, Patrick de         (1052-1133) I8926   898-37, 915-35, 916-34
Chaworth, Patrick de         (-1198)     I14363  915-32
Chaworth, Patrick de         (-1155)     I14364  915-34
Chaworth, Patrick de         (-1283)     I11721  44-30, 108-29, 915-29
Chaworth, Patrick de         (-1258)     I4090   108-29, 915-30
Chaworth, Payn de            (-1237)     I9373   915-31
Chaworth, Payn de            (-1170)     I14365  915-33
Chaworth, Sibilla de         (1082-1147) I5140   246-35, 322-35, 555-36, 898-37, 
       899-36, 915-35, 916-34
Chaworth, Thomas                         I2831   22-24, 67-27
Chedworth, John                          I3443   4-27, 9-25
Chedworth, Margaret          (-1494)     I3442   4-27, 9-25
Chenduit, Joan               (-1327)     I9132   69-29, 140-29
Cheney, Anne                             I6822   76-29, 121-25, 985-30
Cheney, Elizabeth            (-1473)     I3447   9-26, 83-27, 162-24
Cheney, Laurence             (1393-1461) I5716   83-28, 162-24
Cheney, Matilda de                       I6628   656-33
Cheney, Maud (Amabil)                    I8939   352-35
Cheney, Nicholas             (-1435)     I6120   76-29, 121-25, 985-30
Cherleton, John                          I14958  21-29, 131-29
Cherleton, John              (-1374)     I11695  157-28, 168-28
Chesnei, Walter de                       I8942   352-35
Chesney de Norwich, William de
                             (-1174)     I8450   109-35, 810-35, 924-36, 925-35
Chesney, Margaret (Margery) de
                             (-1214)     I8448   14-35, 109-35, 348-34, 638-31, 
Chesney, Richard de          (-1086)     I6035   924-37
Chesney, Sarah de            (-1222)     I8451   810-35, 924-36, 925-35
Chesney, Sibyl de                        I8454   924-37
Chevereuse, Dame du                      I9198   804-40
Cheyney, Alice de                        I5867   162-32
Cheyney, John                            I5721   83-29
Cheyney, John de                         I5875   162-32
Cheyney, William             (-1394)     I5719   83-29
Chievres, Ida (Domnison) de  (-1176)     I10379  21-37, 118-35, 230-36, 241-36, 
Chievres, Rasso IV zu        (-1190)     I10389  230-36, 241-36
Chipman, Desire              (1673-1705) I1305   1-12, 998-13, 1026-13
Chipman, John                (1613-1708) I1308   998-14, 1026-13
Chipman, Thomas                          I1892   998-14, 1026-13
Chittenden, Israel                       I1242   1059-14
Chittenden, Mary                         I244    1059-11
Chubbuck, Deborah                        I1043   874-15
Chubbuck, Hannah                         I1044   874-15
Chubbuck, John                           I1041   874-15
Chubbuck, Mary                           I1042   874-15
Chubbuck, Nathaniel                      I1039   874-15
Chubbuck, Rebecca            (1641-1686) I1026   874-14, 1008-13, 1033-14
Chubbuck, Sarah                          I1040   874-15
Chubbuck, Thomas             (-1676)     I1037   874-15, 1033-14
Church, Ellinor or Ellenour At_
                             (1364-)     I8627   959-23
Clapp, Abigail               (1679-1753) I1055   1045-13, 1051-13
Clare, Adeliza (Alice) de    (1092-1163) I8161   61-39, 61-37, 109-36, 128-35, 
       158-36, 160-34, 418-35, 620-34, 644-35, 645-34, 646-34, 684-35, 697-34, 698-34
Clare, Adeliza de                        I7812   35-37, 36-38
Clare, Agnes (Rose) de       (1252-1316) I8385   168-31, 253-32
Clare, Agnes de                          I5941   98-36, 148-37, 321-35, 853-36
Clare, Alice de              (1118-)     I7643   393-35, 420-35
Clare, Aveline de            (1172-1225) I7599   69-32, 98-32, 132-33, 160-32, 
       323-33, 420-34, 429-31, 478-33, 647-33
Clare, Avice de                          I7813   35-37, 36-38, 157-36, 164-37, 
       344-39, 621-38
Clare, Avoye de                          I7811   35-37, 36-38
Clare, Baldwin FitzGilbert de(1104-)     I6069   158-36, 421-35, 648-34, 684-35
Clare, Eleanor de            (1292-1337) I12033  61-31, 91-31, 108-29, 168-30, 
Clare, Elizabeth de          (1295-1360) I4074   24-30, 76-32, 98-29, 168-30, 
       174-30, 182-29, 353-29, 440-29
Clare, Gilbert "the Red" de  (1243-1295) I11701  24-30, 91-31, 98-29, 151-33, 
       168-30, 174-31, 213-31, 253-32, 377-31, 440-29
Clare, Gilbert de            (1100-1147) I3665   98-36, 148-37, 158-36, 321-36, 
       419-35, 684-35, 779-35
Clare, Gilbert de                        I3407   393-35, 420-35
Clare, Gilbert de            (-1241)     I3378   320-35
Clare, Gilbert de            (1180-1230) I11704  98-34, 168-32, 253-32, 322-33, 
Clare, Gilbert de                        I4298   168-30, 174-31
Clare, Gilbert FitzRichard de(1066-1114) I7202   35-37, 36-38, 98-36, 158-36, 
       165-37, 321-36, 322-35, 393-35, 417-35, 418-35, 419-35, 420-35, 421-35, 422-35, 
       570-36, 644-35, 684-35, 899-36
Clare, Gilbert FitzRichard de            I3738   98-35, 779-35
Clare, Hawise de                         I5847   35-34, 162-35
Clare, Isabel de             (1226-1264) I5993   168-32, 322-33
Clare, Isabel de             (1173-1220) I3581   98-34, 128-33, 132-32, 168-32, 
       218-33, 253-33, 322-34, 323-33, 324-33, 325-33, 326-33, 408-32, 607-33, 608-33, 
       609-33, 779-35
Clare, Mabel de              (-1203)     I7600   420-34
Clare, Margaret de           (1292-1342) I11700  157-28, 168-29, 174-31, 213-31
Clare, Margaret de                       I3669   158-36, 417-35, 684-35
Clare, Margaret de                       I9399   168-31, 253-32
Clare, Margaret de           (1280-1333) I3953   4-31, 14-31, 21-28, 203-32, 
       211-32, 439-30, 475-32, 476-31, 653-31
Clare, Maud (Matilda) de     (1175-1213) I14783  34-33, 148-33, 168-33, 253-33, 
       347-34, 420-32, 437-32
Clare, Maud de               (1279-1326) I3854   71-30, 211-33, 330-29, 439-29, 
       462-28, 474-32, 617-28
Clare, Richard (Strongbow) de(1130-1176) I8237   98-35, 321-36, 322-34, 779-35
Clare, Richard de            (1222-1262) I11702  168-31, 174-31, 211-33, 253-32, 
       322-33, 438-30, 439-30, 514-31, 770-31
Clare, Richard de            (1153-1217) I11705  148-33, 168-33, 322-33, 347-34, 
       420-33, 437-32
Clare, Richard FitzGilbert de(1035-1090) I4386   35-37, 36-38, 156-36, 157-36, 
       158-36, 159-36, 164-37, 165-37, 336-36, 621-38, 684-35
Clare, Richard FitzGilbert de(1090-1136) I7448   143-36, 158-36, 393-35, 420-35, 
       637-34, 684-35
Clare, Roese de              (-1316)     I14394  153-30, 168-31, 253-31, 438-30, 
Clare, Roesia de                         I3811   646-31
Clare, Roger de              (1116-1173) I7597   132-33, 160-32, 168-33, 393-35, 
       420-34, 637-34, 647-33
Clare, Rohaise de            (1055-1121) I8842   35-36, 36-38, 132-36, 159-36, 
Clare, Thomas de             (1245-1287) I3960   168-31, 211-33, 253-32, 330-29, 
       439-30, 474-32, 475-32, 514-31
Clare, William de            (1228-1258) I5995   168-32, 322-33
Clarell, Elizabeth           (1415-1503) I2360   7-26, 56-26, 66-29, 861-25, 
Clarell, Galfrid                         I2417   843-39
Clarell, Galfrid                         I2423   843-35
Clarell, Johanna                         I2424   55-31, 195-32, 843-32
Clarell, John                            I2427   843-34
Clarell, Margaret                        I2444   7-28, 22-25, 47-23, 55-27, 
Clarell, Radulphus                       I2400   843-37
Clarell, Thomas              (1394-1430) I2366   7-27, 55-28, 56-26, 66-29
Clarell, Thomas              (-1442)     I2440   7-28, 22-25, 55-28, 66-29, 
       844-29, 950-27
Clarell, Thomas              (-1363)     I2435   55-30, 195-31, 844-29
Clarell, Walter              (1100-1136) I2399   843-38
Clarell, William                         I2418   843-36
Clarell, William             (-1383)     I2438   7-28, 55-29, 844-29
Clarell, William             (-1285)     I2428   195-32, 843-33
Clarell, William                         I2416   843-40
Clarell, William             (-1332)     I2425   55-31, 195-31, 843-32
Clark, Mary                  (1585-1681) I14705  1032-15
Clarke, John                 (-1720)     I863    1008-14
Clarke, Martha               (-1786)     I861    990-13, 1034-13
Clavering, Euphemia de                   I3740   187-29, 348-32, 408-28, 624-31
Clavering, Eve de            (1305-1369) I15133  348-30
Clavering, John fitz Robert de
                             (1266-1331) I15130  348-31
Clere, Agatha de             (-1261)     I8019   148-31
Clere, Elizabeth             (1612-1712) I14588  1050-14
Clere, John                  (1580-)     I14591  1050-14
Clere, Roger de                          I8074   148-31
Clerieu, Willa de                        I7020   366-39, 528-38
Clermont, Ermengardis de                 I9550   570-36, 684-37
Clermont, Ermentrude de      (1051-)     I9548   37-37, 68-42, 125-38, 225-41, 
       570-36, 684-36, 686-35, 705-35
Clermont, Renaud I de        (-1087)     I7828   570-36, 684-37
Clermont, Richilde de                    I9547   317-37, 570-36, 684-36, 685-35, 
Clifford, Idoine de          (1303-1365) I3682   71-30, 184-29, 187-27, 237-29, 
       330-28, 439-29
Clifford, John de            (1388-1421) I14604  1-24, 67-29, 71-27, 112-27
Clifford, Joyce              (1062-)     I6434   812-38
Clifford, Katherine de       (1369-1413) I7953   112-28, 439-27
Clifford, Lucy                           I3895   91-35, 170-35, 200-37, 344-36
Clifford, Margaret de        (-1382)     I8462   330-29, 439-29
Clifford, Maud                           I7117   22-23, 67-28, 112-27, 862-30, 
Clifford, Maud de            (1238-1282) I7877   34-33, 213-34
Clifford, Robert                         I6437   812-38
Clifford, Robert de          (1274-1314) I3853   71-30, 211-33, 330-29, 344-32, 
       439-29, 462-28, 617-28
Clifford, Robert de                      I5080   330-29, 439-29
Clifford, Robert de          (1305-1344) I8463   112-28, 324-30, 330-29, 439-28, 
       462-28, 617-28
Clifford, Robert de                      I5086   439-28, 462-28
Clifford, Roger de           (1205-1285) I5329   37-34, 330-30, 344-33
Clifford, Roger de           (1242-1282) I5313   330-30, 344-32, 439-29
Clifford, Roger de           (1333-1389) I14603  67-29, 103-28, 112-28, 439-27, 
Clifford, Roger de           (1168-1231) I5328   37-34, 344-34
Clifford, Rosamond                       I7188   84-34, 170-36, 344-36, 443-35, 
Clifford, Thomas             (1363-1391) I2453   67-29, 112-27, 439-27, 863-29
Clifford, Walter             (1110-1190) I8282   22-37, 84-34, 170-36, 200-37, 
       344-36, 442-35, 443-35, 623-35
Clifford, Walter de          (1136-)     I8284   37-34, 170-36, 344-35, 442-35
Clifford, Walter III de      (1168-1223) I8513   34-33, 344-35
Clifford, Walter IV          (1194-1263) I7876   34-33
Clifton, Adam de             (1306-1366) I14904  193-32
Clifton, Adam de             (1308-1366) I2912   193-31
Clifton, Catherine           (-1435)     I2432   7-26, 56-27
Clifton, Constantine         (1372-1395) I3757   31-26, 166-26, 190-27, 193-29
Clifton, Constantine de      (1329-1372) I7165   166-27, 193-30
Clifton, Elizabeth                       I3755   31-25, 166-26, 190-27
Clifton, John                            I2431   7-26, 56-27
Clifton, John de             (1353-1388) I3898   31-26, 166-27, 193-29
Clifton, Roger de            (1280-1331) I14906  193-33
Clinton, Alionore            (1250-)     I4305   157-30, 468-33
Clinton, Elizabeth                       I2527   22-28, 36-30, 56-29, 114-27, 
       194-30, 415-24
Clinton, Geoffery de                     I7924   222-40, 318-36
Clinton, John                (1300-)     I6312   22-29, 36-31
Clinton, John de             (1258-1310) I11726  36-32
Clinton, Osbert (Osborn) de              I8290   36-32
Clinton, Thomas de                       I14891  36-32
Clinton, William             (1304-1354) I9199   22-29, 36-30, 56-29
Clivedon, John               (1287-1373) I9830   324-29
Clivedon, Katharine          (1310-1385) I9835   324-29
Clothier, Ruth                           I1070   1051-13
Clough, Elizabeth            (1642-1707) I346    177-19, 446-18, 447-18, 1053-18
Clough, Evelyn                           I462    176-12, 1068-12
Clough, John                 (1613-1691) I1572   177-19, 1053-18
Clough, Olive                            I459    176-12, 1068-12
Cobb,                                    I675    446-16
Cobb, Alexander              (1480-1541) I1859   980-23
Cobb, Ebenezer               (1671-1752) I918    980-19
Cobb, Edmond                 (1380-)     I1864   980-27
Cobb, Edward                 (1633-)     I1379   980-20
Cobb, Edward                 (1360-)     I1865   980-28
Cobb, Eleazer                (1648-)     I1385   980-20
Cobb, Elisha                 (1679-)     I1366   980-19
Cobb, Elizabeth              (1690-)     I499    980-18, 1043-19
Cobb, Elizabeth              (1664-)     I915    980-19
Cobb, Experience             (1671-)     I1396   980-20
Cobb, Gershom                (1645-1675) I1384   980-20
Cobb, Hannah                 (1639-1728) I1382   980-20
Cobb, Henry                  (1596-1679) I1377   980-20
Cobb, Henry                  (1665-)     I1394   980-20
Cobb, Henry                  (1561-1617) I1856   980-21
Cobb, Israel                 (1666-)     I916    980-19
Cobb, James                  (1634-)     I1380   980-20
Cobb, James                  (1696-)     I502    980-18, 1043-19
Cobb, James                  (1682-)     I1367   980-19
Cobb, John                   (1632-)     I912    980-19, 1043-19
Cobb, John                   (1421-1482) I1862   980-25
Cobb, John                   (1324-)     I1867   980-30
Cobb, John                   (1689-)     I498    980-18, 1043-19
Cobb, John                   (1662-1727) I496    971-17, 980-18, 1042-20, 1043-19
Cobb, Jonathan               (1660-1728) I1392   980-20
Cobb, Martha                 (1691-)     I500    980-18, 1043-19
Cobb, Mary                   (1637-)     I1381   980-20
Cobb, Mehitable              (1667-)     I1395   980-20
Cobb, Mehitable              (1652-1653) I1389   980-20
Cobb, Patience               (1668-)     I917    980-19
Cobb, Patience               (1693-)     I501    980-18, 1043-19
Cobb, Patience               (1641-1727) I1383   980-20
Cobb, Rachel                 (1702-1769) I104    57-17, 971-17, 972-16, 980-17, 
       997-16, 1043-19
Cobb, Richard                (1338-)     I1866   980-29
Cobb, Richard                (-1582)     I1857   980-22
Cobb, Samuel                 (1663-)     I914    980-19
Cobb, Samuel                 (1654-)     I1390   980-20
Cobb, Sarah                  (1658-1658) I1391   980-20
Cobb, Sarah                  (1663-)     I1393   980-20
Cobb, Thomas                 (1401-)     I1863   980-26
Cobb, Thomas                             I1861   980-24
Cobham, Elizabeth            (1302-)     I7484   141-28, 976-29
Cobham, James de             (-1270)     I7541   976-31
Cobham, John                 (1270-1335) I7539   976-30
Cobham, John de                          I13943  69-29
Coe, Matthew                 (1620-1670) I14548  1031-13
Coe, Sarah                   (1651-1713) I14543  1031-13, 1049-12
Coffin, Joanna               (1598-1632) I14690  1027-20
Cogan, Henry                 (-1612)     I1879   1021-22, 1022-21
Cogan, Henry                             I1888   1021-23
Cogan, John de               (-1278)     I8472   211-35, 212-34, 901-31
Cogan, John de               (1243-1275) I8474   212-34, 901-31
Cogan, Judith                (1594-1661) I1878   7-20, 1021-21
Cogan, Juliana de                        I8429   211-35, 212-33, 477-33, 901-31
Cogan, Mary                  (1595-)     I1716   1021-22, 1022-21
Cogan, Richard de            (-1238)     I8514   62-36, 212-35, 901-31
Cogan, William de                        I13997  212-35, 901-31
Cogeshall, John                          I8344   930-30
Cogeshall, John                          I8340   930-31
Cogeshall, Richard           (1333-)     I13953  930-25
Coggeshall, Alice            (1382-1422) I13945  930-24, 931-23
Coggeshall, Blanche          (1380-1460) I8605   874-22, 930-23
Coggeshall, William          (1359-)     I13948  930-24, 931-23
Cogshall, John                           I8348   930-29
Cogshall, John                           I8364   930-28
Cogshall, Thomas (William)   (1307-)     I8401   930-26
Cogshall, William (Henry)    (1281-)     I8383   930-27
Coigniers, Adam                          I5774   952-30
Coigniers, Egbertus                      I5780   952-31
Coigniers, Roger                         I5777   952-31
Cokayne, Elizabeth                       I5717   83-28, 162-24
Cokayne, John                (-1427)     I5718   83-28, 162-24
Colcord, Edward              (1615-1681) I1992   1000-20
Cole, Everett                            I158    7-13
Cole, Margaret                           I2029   1009-19
Colekirke, Alicia de         (1065-)     I9173   228-36, 376-34
Coleman, Anne                (-1537)     I2379   987-24
Coleman, John                            I2380   987-24
Coleville, Philip de         (-1270)     I8057   929-34
Coleville, Roger de          (-1227)     I8053   929-32
Coleville, Walter de         (-1277)     I8015   148-30, 929-31
Coleville, William de        (-1230)     I8055   929-33
Colley, Anthony                          I2865   1-17, 974-18
Colley, Margery                          I2469   1-17, 974-18
Collins, Joan                            I1983   992-20
Columbaris, Georgia          (-1253)     I7463   894-34
Columbers, Alan de           (1177-)     I11107  214-34
Columbers, Cecily de         (1201-)     I11103  214-34
Columbers, William de                    I11110  214-34
Columbieres, Henry de                    I7557   894-34
Columbieres, Philip I de     (-1186)     I7560   894-34
Colvile, Joane                           I2747   778-23, 964-23
Colville, Alice              (1286-)     I8011   148-29, 155-31, 414-29, 929-30
Colville, Roger de           (1251-1288) I8013   148-30, 155-31, 929-30
Combe, John                  (-1592)     I2017   999-24
Combe, Thomas                (-1559)     I4316   999-24
Combe, _____                             I2016   999-24
Comminges, Arnaud I Count of (0898-0898) I10902  749-44
Comminges, Arsenda de        (-986)      I9977   129-40, 298-40, 369-39, 733-43, 
Comminges, Arsinde Countess of
                             (0902-0902) I10903  749-44
Comyn, Alexander             (-1290)     I12178  78-33, 520-35
Comyn, Alexander                         I4276   38-33, 78-32, 520-35
Comyn, Alice                 (-1349)     I4274   38-33, 44-29, 78-31, 108-27, 
       132-28, 172-32, 173-32, 255-30
Comyn, Elizabeth             (1299-)     I15149  132-30, 399-29
Comyn, Elizabeth             (-1328)     I12179  78-33, 520-35
Comyn, Joane                 (-1326)     I2822   132-29, 173-32, 399-29, 521-31
Comyn, John                  (-1273)     I5292   399-30, 671-34
Comyn, John                  (-1306)     I2823   132-30, 399-29, 521-31, 671-33
Comyn, John                              I4287   890-39
Comyn, John                  (-1314)     I2825   132-30, 399-29
Comyn, John                  (-1303)     I5288   132-30, 143-31, 399-30, 671-33
Comyn, Richard               (-1176)     I3241   520-37, 890-37
Comyn, Richard               (-1244)     I4284   520-36, 671-35
Comyn, Robert                            I4288   890-40
Comyn, William                           I4286   520-37, 890-38
Comyn, William               (-1233)     I15083  78-33, 520-36, 671-35, 890-37
Conches, Roger_I de          (990-1040)  I6558   109-40, 157-36, 344-39, 621-38, 
       622-38, 641-37, 736-41, 740-40, 870-40
Conde, Isabel de             (1210-)     I10223  4-33, 21-32, 24-34, 39-31, 
       73-32, 102-32
Conde, Jacques de            (-1258)     I10226  21-33, 73-32, 102-32
Conde, Nicholas de           (-1230)     I10229  21-34, 73-32
Conde, Nicolas II de         (-1293)     I10228  21-33, 73-32
Conde, Roger de              (1150-1200) I10395  21-35
Conder, Henry de Strakunxla              I639    177-22
Constable, Agnes                         I5761   939-28
Constable, John                          I5762   939-28
Conteville, Emma de          (1029-)     I9570   30-39, 68-42, 125-38, 143-37, 
       224-41, 225-41, 226-41, 357-37, 358-37, 686-35, 785-37
Conteville, Herluin de       (-1087)     I9416   68-43, 125-38, 223-42, 589-37, 
Conteville, Jean de                      I9415   15-45, 68-44, 222-43
Conteville, Muriel de                    I6286   68-43
Conteville, Oda              (994-)      I8787   68-44, 222-43, 316-38
Conyers, Alianor                         I6545   1-20
Conyers, Elizabeth                       I2759   778-26, 941-26
Conyers, Galfridus                       I2900   778-31
Conyers, Henry                           I2898   778-29
Conyers, Jane                            I2743   1-19, 778-20
Conyers, Joan                            I8529   64-28
Conyers, John                            I2899   778-30
Conyers, John                            I6552   1-20
Conyers, John                            I2897   778-28
Conyers, John                            I2760   778-27, 941-26
Conyers, John                            I6551   1-19, 778-20
Conyers, Roger                           I2905   778-35
Conyers, Roger                           I2903   778-33
Conyers, Roger                           I2902   778-32
Conyers, Roger                           I2904   778-34
Conyers, _____                           I2871   974-20
Cooke, Francis               (1577-1663) I1464   1038-20
Cooke, Jacob                 (1618-1675) I1466   1023-19, 1038-20
Cooke, Jacob                 (1653-1747) I1462   7-18, 1023-19, 1038-19
Cooke, Lydia                 (1685-1738) I1461   7-18, 91-19, 1023-18, 1038-19
Cooksley, Joan               (-1636)     I1233   1045-15
Coombs, Elizabeth            (1662-1723) I1928   1012-22, 1024-19, 1047-22
Coombs, Emma F.              (1847-)     I182    41-13
Coombs, Francis              (1635-1682) I2144   935-20, 1012-24
Coombs, John                 (-1668)     I1931   1012-23, 1047-22
Coombs, John                 (-1646)     I1938   1012-24
Coop, Joan                   (-1549)     I2035   1009-22
Cooper, John                             I1548   1062-19
Corbeau (Corbet), Hugh                   I7348   88-36, 238-38
Corbeil, Gilbert de                      I5974   125-37, 785-38
Corbeil, Robert FitzGilbert de
                                         I5971   68-42, 125-37, 785-37, 817-36
Corbet, Alice                            I6042   157-31, 415-30, 421-30, 875-31
Corbet, Emma                 (1224-1284) I6043   875-32
Corbet, Margaret                         I6085   875-33
Corbet, Margaret                         I9883   91-27, 996-26
Corbet, Margarey                         I2817   22-29, 36-31
Corbet, Peter                (-1300)     I6041   875-32
Corbet, Robert               (-1222)     I6083   875-33
Corbet, Robert               (-1121)     I7349   88-36, 238-38
Corbet, Roger                            I9061   875-36
Corbet, Sibyl                (-1157)     I7198   14-36, 88-36, 238-38, 503-37
Corbet, Simon                (-1155)     I6088   875-35
Corbet, Simon                            I6087   875-34
Corbet, Thomas               (1184-1274) I6039   157-31, 875-32
Corbet, Thomas                           I9876   91-27, 996-26
Corbet, William                          I12132  22-29, 36-31
Corbett, Alice                           I8278   360-29
Corbuceo, Emma               (1159-)     I14868  938-38
Corbuceo, Peter              (1133-)     I14870  938-38
Cormeilles, Beatrice de                  I6674   835-34
Cornwall, Joan de            (1285-1341) I14921  962-30
Cornwall, Margaret           (1280-)     I7538   976-29
Cornwall, Richard de John    (1259-)     I14926  962-30
Cornwall, Walter             (1254-)     I7545   976-29
Corson, Abbie Susan          (1870-1930) I707    176-13
Corson, Frank Rust           (1871-1924) I702    176-13
Cotton, Abigail              (1699-1732) I1292   1-12, 38-21, 998-12, 1045-11
Cotton, Ann                  (1400-)     I7478   977-26
Cotton, Blanche              (1475-)     I4985   933-27
Cotton, Clement              (1475-)     I4976   38-26, 933-26
Cotton, Clement              (1445-)     I4975   38-26, 933-27
Cotton, Edmond               (1425-)     I4962   933-29
Cotton, Edmundus             (1325-)     I7128   977-28
Cotton, Eleanor              (1400-1460) I6754   41-24, 977-25
Cotton, Elizabeth            (1693-)     I1297   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Elizabeth                        I1695   177-16, 1039-17, 1040-18
Cotton, Elizabeth            (1395-)     I7391   977-26
Cotton, George               (1525-1559) I4981   38-25, 933-26
Cotton, Gregory              (1470-)     I4984   933-27
Cotton, Henry                (1250-)     I4964   954-34
Cotton, Humphrey             (1300-)     I4968   933-32, 954-32
Cotton, Jane                 (1505-)     I4978   38-26, 933-26
Cotton, Joanna               (1691-)     I1296   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Jocosa (Iscosa or Joyce)
                             (1400-)     I7464   977-26
Cotton, Johanna              (1400-)     I7392   977-26
Cotton, John                 (1640-1699) I1350   1-13, 38-22, 999-22
Cotton, John                 (1690-1757) I1295   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, John                 (1365-1393) I4951   933-30
Cotton, John                 (1585-1652) I1354   38-23, 999-22
Cotton, John                 (1305-)     I4969   954-33
Cotton, John                 (1652-1714) I1722   1039-18, 1040-19
Cotton, John                 (1661-1706) I1352   38-22, 999-22
Cotton, John                 (1485-)     I4983   933-27
Cotton, Josiah               (1703-)     I1302   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Margaret             (1400-)     I7424   977-26
Cotton, Maria                (1700-)     I1300   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Mary                 (1583-)     I4945   38-24
Cotton, Nathaniel            (1697-1729) I1299   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Robert               (1315-1375) I7418   977-27
Cotton, Robert               (1395-)     I6857   977-26
Cotton, Robt                 (1340-)     I4971   933-32, 954-32
Cotton, Roger                (1505-)     I4979   38-26, 933-26
Cotton, Roland               (1701-1725) I1301   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Roland               (1587-)     I4946   38-24
Cotton, Rolland              (1667-1721) I1293   1-13, 38-21, 998-12, 999-22
Cotton, Rowland              (1550-1604) I4943   38-24
Cotton, Ruth                 (1710-)     I1303   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Sarah                (1696-)     I1298   1-13, 38-21
Cotton, Simon de             (1198-1295) I13955  977-31
Cotton, Solomon              (-1755)     I1718   1039-18, 1040-18
Cotton, Tho                  (1515-)     I4980   38-26, 933-26
Cotton, Thomas               (1395-1453) I6906   977-26
Cotton, Thomas               (1390-1434) I4954   933-30
Cotton, Thomas               (1335-)     I4949   933-31, 954-32
Cotton, Thomas               (1550-)     I4989   38-25
Cotton, Thomas               (1594-)     I4947   38-24
Cotton, Thomas               (1348-)     I14130  977-26
Cotton, Thomas               (1275-)     I4966   933-32, 954-33
Cotton, Thomas               (1425-)     I4961   933-29
Cotton, Tymodthy             (1545-)     I4990   38-25
Cotton, Walter               (1425-)     I4959   933-28
Cotton, Walter               (1389-1445) I4955   933-29
Cotton, Willemus de          (1154-1287) I8421   977-32
Cotton, William              (1420-1453) I4958   933-29
Cotton, William              (1405-1458) I4110   977-26
Cotton, William              (1265-)     I14131  977-29
Cotton, William              (1613-1678) I1725   1040-20
Cotton, William              (1370-)     I4952   933-31
Cotton, William de           (1230-)     I7414   977-30
Cotton, Willmus              (1295-)     I13949  977-28
Cotton, _____                (1425-)     I4960   933-29
Coucy, Adele de                          I6506   241-37
Coucy, Alix de                           I4093   24-32, 129-32, 329-30
Coucy, Beatrice de           (-1156)     I8910   241-37
Coucy, Enguerrand_I          (1052-1116) I8907   241-37
Coucy, Enguerrand_II de      (1110-1148) I8905   72-35, 129-35, 246-34
Coucy, Enguerrand_III de     (-1243)     I4524   24-32, 39-32, 129-33, 246-34
Coucy, Mary de               (-1251)     I10234  38-35, 39-32, 129-33
Coucy, Melesinde de                      I8906   136-34, 387-35
Coucy, Raoul_I de            (-1191)     I5565   72-35, 129-34, 246-34, 504-34
Coucy, Thomas de             (1082-1129) I8903   72-38, 118-38, 129-35, 241-37, 
Coucy, Yolande de            (-1222)     I5566   72-34, 129-34, 151-34, 504-34
Courci, Aufric de            (1245-)     I14857  938-34, 939-35
Courcy, Hawise de            (1135-1219) I5644   31-34, 413-33
Courcy, Joan de              (1422-)     I14712  34-25, 937-26
Courcy, William de           (1090-)     I5645   31-34
Courtenai, Agnes de          (1133-)     I14875  27-36
Courtenay, Alice de          (1160-1205) I3300   137-34, 180-33, 262-34, 377-32, 
       391-33, 498-34
Courtenay, Athon de          (985-)      I14805  31-36, 805-38
Courtenay, Egelina (Evelina) de
                             (1279-1335) I14914  31-30, 121-31, 888-29
Courtenay, Egeline de                    I7237   31-35, 820-35, 897-35
Courtenay, Eleanor de        (-1301)     I8078   31-31, 121-30, 139-30, 231-30
Courtenay, Elizabeth de      (1127-1205) I7211   31-35, 137-34, 199-37, 245-34, 
       262-35, 391-33, 498-34
Courtenay, Hawise de         (1222-1269) I14759  31-33, 138-32, 413-33, 917-31
Courtenay, Hugh de           (1303-1377) I14367  4-32, 141-30, 262-30, 389-30
Courtenay, Hugh de           (1325-)     I15103  203-32, 475-31
Courtenay, Hugh de           (1275-1340) I5624   31-31, 121-31, 141-30, 191-29, 
       219-33, 355-30, 389-30
Courtenay, Hugh de           (1248-1291) I5626   31-31, 121-31, 139-30, 140-30, 
       141-30, 202-34, 219-32, 231-30, 354-30, 355-30, 389-30
Courtenay, Isabel                        I7404   31-31, 69-28, 121-31, 140-30, 
       219-32, 354-30
Courtenay, Jocelin de        (1030-1161) I8867   31-36, 804-39, 805-38
Courtenay, John de           (-1274)     I5627   31-32, 61-35, 121-31, 202-34, 
Courtenay, Margaret                      I3992   633-34
Courtenay, Margaret de       (1342-1422) I5618   134-28, 141-28, 191-29, 976-28
Courtenay, Miles de          (1069-1127) I14797  31-36, 805-37
Courtenay, Muriel            (1339-1369) I7429   141-29, 191-29
Courtenay, Peter de          (1155-1218) I4643   1-33, 93-37, 137-33, 245-34, 
Courtenay, Philip de         (1404-1463) I9628   134-28, 141-27
Courtenay, Renaud (Reginald) (1100-1190) I4654   31-35, 137-34, 262-35, 805-37
Courtenay, Renaud (Reginald) de
                             (1125-1194) I14778  31-34, 413-33
Courtenay, Robert de         (1183-1242) I14770  31-33, 138-32, 202-34, 413-33
Courtenay, Thomas de         (1322-1356) I5619   141-29, 191-29, 389-30, 976-28
Courtenay, Yolande de                    I3413   1-33, 10-32, 43-33, 137-32, 
Covile, Philip                           I2762   778-26, 941-27
Covile, Philip                           I2766   941-29
Covile, Robert                           I2758   778-26, 941-26
Covile, William                          I2755   778-25, 941-26
Covile, William                          I2765   941-28
Covile, William                          I2752   778-24, 964-23
Crabbe, _____                            I1373   992-17
Craon, Amaury I de           (1198-1226) I5587   131-33, 149-33, 590-34
Craon, Hawise de             (-1230)     I10263  590-35
Craon, Hugues de                         I14038  131-33, 590-35
Craon, Isabel de                         I5586   131-32, 149-33, 151-32, 590-34
Crecy, Adelaide de           (-1104)     I9391   808-38
Crecy, Elizabeth de          (0961-)     I14810  804-41
Crecy, Guy de                            I8837   129-35, 387-35
Crecy, Melisende de          (-1147)     I8904   129-35, 387-35
Creke, Bartholomew de                    I5920   845-37
Creke, Isabella de                       I5917   189-35, 845-35
Creke, Margery               (-1274)     I5914   189-34, 845-35
Creke, Robert de                         I5918   189-35, 845-36
Creke, Robert de             (-1190)     I5915   189-35, 845-35
Crepon, Osbern de                        I7672   622-38, 870-41, 871-40
Crepon, Woerta de            (942-)      I9411   316-40, 589-39
Cressy, Elizabeth de         (1378-)     I4788   956-31
Cressy, Hugh de              (-1189)     I6025   924-35
Cressy, Roger de                         I5764   956-31
Crestarie, Anne                          I2841   981-29
Cricklade, Elizabeth                     I4807   988-24, 989-23
Cricklade, Thomas            (1360-1454) I4809   988-25
Criketot, Eve                (1254-)     I14936  888-32
Cripps, Anne                             I2652   727-30
Cripps, Henry                            I2653   727-30
Crispin, Elise               (-1072)     I7822   36-39, 163-38
Crispin, Hesilia                         I9160   163-36
Croade, Elizabeth            (-1671)     I1046   874-14, 1033-15
croade, Richard                          I14866  1033-16
croade, Richard                          I14871  1033-17
Cromwell, Elizabeth          (-1393)     I3899   31-26, 166-27, 193-29, 194-31
Cromwell, Maud                           I3838   22-27, 166-28, 194-30, 433-27
Cromwell, Ralph              (-1398)     I3840   22-27, 166-28, 193-29, 194-31, 
Cromwell, Ralph de           (-1298)     I5382   194-34
Cromwell, Ralph de           (-1289)     I5383   49-36, 194-35
Cromwell, Ralph de           (-1364)     I5377   166-28, 194-32
Cromwell, Ralph de           (-1291)     I5380   194-33
Crosse, Elizabeth            (1377-)     I7624   14-28
Crosse, William              (1351-)     I9455   14-28
Crykkelade, Nicholas                     I4811   988-25
Cuiseaux, Hugh                           I6698   528-34, 850-35
Cuiseaux, Matilda de         (-1137)     I6467   303-33, 528-34, 850-34
Cuiseaux, Pons I de                      I6702   850-36
Cukeney, Isabel de                       I6018   848-33
Cukeney, Thomas de                       I6019   848-33
Culcheth, Gilbert de                     I2511   864-29
Culcheth, Margaret de        (-1349)     I2510   864-29
Culpeper, Joyce                          I15105  83-26
Culwen, Alan vel Curwen                  I2517   864-31
Culwen, _____                            I2516   864-31
Cundi, Agnes de                          I9965   34-33, 344-35
Curli, Joane de                          I6001   125-30, 923-31
Curli, William de                        I6004   125-30, 923-31
Curtis, Thomas                           I1053   1045-12, 1063-12
Cuseau, Pons I Seigneur de   (1086-)     I10740  232-38, 233-37
Cushman, Eleazer             (1656-1723) I1927   1012-22, 1024-19, 1047-22
Cushman, Elizabeth (Betsy)               I1624   57-16, 935-16
Cushman, Lydia               (1687-1771) I1646   940-20, 1012-21, 1024-19, 1047-22
Cushman, Mary                            I1469   1023-18
Cushman, Robert              (1577-1625) I1934   1047-24
Cushman, Thomas              (1607-1691) I1932   1012-22, 1047-23
Cushman, Thomas                          I4770   1047-25
Cutt, Judith                 (-1744)     I1720   1040-18
Cysoing, Catherine de                    I10421  230-38, 759-39
