[daughter of Ethelred II "the Unready" King of England [2-39, 3-41, 14-41, 17-42, 37-40] and Alfflaed (Aelfgifu) [14-41, 17-42]] m. Uchtred Earl of Northumberland [17-42] d. 1016 son of Waltheof Earl of Northumberland ch: *Ealdgyth [Next Generation]
REF [email protected] (Dick Schoenling). E-Mail m. Maldred King of Strathclyde son of Crinan the_Thane Lay Abbot of Dunkeld [son of Duncan Lord/Mormaer of Athole] and Bethoc Princess of Scotland ch: Maldred, *Gospatrick [Next Generation]
[email protected] (Dick Schoenling). Gospatric was not only the First Earl of Dunbar, but also Grandson of Uchtred-Earl of Northumberland, Great Grandson of Ethelred II - King of England, and Father of Aethelreda - wife(and Queen) of Duncan II - King of Scotland. In Gospatric the Earl, the greatest families of Scotland, Pictland, Northumbria, and England were combined. E-Mail b. ABT 1040 d. 1074-5 m. sister_of Edmund ch: *Waltheof [Next Generation], *Althelreda of_Dunbar m. Duncan_II May-Nov (1060-1094) [See 251-38 below]
m. Sigrid ch: *Gunnild of_Dunbar [Next Generation]
m. Uchtred of Galloway d. 1174 son of Fergus of Galloway Lord of Galloway and Elizabeth ch: *Roland of Galloway [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1135 d. Dec 1200 m(1) Eleana de MORVILLE d. 11 Jun 1217 daughter of Richard de_Morville and Avice de Lancaster ch(1) *Alan of Galloway [Next Generation] ch(2) Devorguilla of Galloway (-1242) m. Nicholas de STUTEVILLE (1176-1233)
REF AR7. Named in the Magna Carta, Constable of Scotland, 1215-1234. d. 1234 m(1) dau_of Hugh de LACY daughter of Hugh de LACY Earl of Ulster [62-34] and Lesceline de VERDUN [daughter of Bertram de VERDUN] ch(1) *Helen of Galloway [Next Generation] m(2) Margaret de HUNTINGDON 1209 d. 1228 daughter of David de HUNTINGDON Earl of Huntingdon and Maud of_Chester ch(2) *Devorguilla of_Galloway (-1289) m. John de BALIOL (-1269) [See 252-34 below]
m. Roger de QUINCEY 2nd Earl of Winchester Earl of Winton BEF 1234 b. ABT 1195, of Winchester, Hampshire, Eng. d. 25 Apr 1264 son of Saire de QUINCEY 1st Earl of Winchester [61-35] and Margaret de BEAUMONT [61-35] ch: *Elizabeth de QUINCY [Next Generation], *Margaret de QUINCY (-1280) m. William de FERRERS (1193-1254) [See 253-33 below], *Elena de QUINCY (-1296) m. Alan la ZOUCHE (-1270) [See 254-33 below]
REF AR7. 2nd daughter and coheir. m. Alexander COMYN Earl of Buchan d. 1290 son of William COMYN and Margaret of Buchan Countess of Buchan [daughter of Fergus of Buchan 4th Earl of Buchan] ch: Elizabeth (-1328) m. Gilbert de UMFREVILLE (1244-1307), *Alexander [Next Generation]
REF FarisPA. Of Magna Charta Surety descent and descendant of Charlemagne. r. Buchan m. Joan le LATIMER [38-33] ch: *Alice [Next Generation]
d. BEF 10 Aug 1349 m. Henry de BEAUMONT Kt. Earl of Buchan [38-33, 44-29] BEF 14 Mar 1310 d. 10 Mar 1339-40 son of Louis "d'Acre" de BRIENNE Vicount Beaumont [38-34, 39-33] and Agnes de BEAUMONT Viscountess de Beaumont [38-34] ch: *John de [See 38-32 above], *Isabel de [Next Generation], *Catherine de (-1368) m. David de STRABOLGI III (1309-1335) [See 255-30 below]
ev. Living 24 Mar 1356 d. AFT 1361 m. Henry of_Grosmont Duke of Lancaster [3-27, 38-33, 44-30] ABT 1334 b. ABT 1300 d. 24 Mar 1360/1, Leicester, Eng. son of Henry of_Lancaster 3rd Earl of Lancaster [5-31, 24-29, 38-32, 44-30, 53-30, 61-31, 71-29] and Maud de CHAWORTH [5-31, 24-29, 38-32, 44-30, 61-31, 71-29] ch: Maud of_Lancaster (1335-1362) m. Ralph STAFFORD (-1347), *Blanche of_Lancaster [Next Generation]
b. 25 Mar 1345 b. 1341 d. 12 SEP 1369, Bolingbroke Castle, Lincoln, Eng. m. John of_Gaunt Duke of Lancaster [1-27, 2-28, 3-27, 11-26, 47-26, 51-29] 13 May 1359, Reading b. Mar 1340, Ghent, Flanders d. 3/4 Feb 1398/9, Leicester Castle son of Edward_III King of England [1-27, 2-29, 3-28, 11-26, 12-26, 24-28, 46-27, 52-29] and Philippe de Hainault [1-27, 2-29, 3-28, 11-26, 12-26, 24-28, 25-31, 46-27, 52-29] ch: Philippe of_Lancaster (1360-1415) m. John_I of_Portugal, *Elizabeth of_Lancaster [See 3-26 above], Henry_IV (1366-1413) m(2) Mary de BOHUN, Isabel (1374-)