[daughter of William de BRAIOSE 6th Baron de Braiose [4-34, 98-34, 136-32, 207-34, 322-34, 324-33, 408-32, 610-32] and Eve MARSHALL [4-34, 98-34, 136-32, 207-34, 322-34, 324-33, 408-32, 608-33, 610-32]] b. of Huntington in Brecknock d. 1275 m. Sir Humphrey de BOHUN VI Earl of Hereford and Essex [4-34, 35-30, 51-33, 102-31, 254-32, 324-33, 408-32] BY 15 Feb 1247-8 d. 27 Oct 1265 son of Humphrey de BOHUN V 2nd Earl of Hereford and Essex [4-35, 22-32, 35-30, 50-34, 63-35] and Maud D'EU [4-35, 22-32, 35-30, 50-34] ch: *Humphrey de VII [See 4-33 above], *Alianore de [See 51-33 above]