[son of Henry_I Beauclerc King of England [25-38, 62-38, 79-39, 84-35, 96-34, 122-35, 144-38, 238-38, 257-39, 401-37, 498-37] and Unknown Mistress [122-35, 144-38, 238-38, 498-37]] REF AR7. Natural son of Henry I by an unknown mistress. b. 1100, Caen, France d. 31 Oct 1147, Bristol, Gloucester, Eng. bur. Tewkesbury, Eng. m. Maud FITZHAMON [143-35, 168-34, 238-38] 1119 d. 1157 daughter of Robert FITZHAMON Lord of Thoringni and Sybil de MONTGOMERY ch: *Maud of Gloucester [Next Generation], *William FitzRobert (1121-1183) m. Hawise BEAUMONT (1134-1197) [See 662-36 below], Mabira de CAEN
b. ABT 1120, of Gloucestershire, Eng. d. 29 Jul 1189 d. 29 Jul 1189 m. Radnulf de GERNON 2nd Earl Chester [143-35] 1141 b. BEF 1100, Castle of Gernon, Normandy, France d. 16 Dec 1153 son of Ranulph_III le MESCHIN de_Briquessart Earl of Chester [143-36, 226-41, 393-35, 420-35] and Lucy [143-36, 393-35, 420-35] [daughter of Thorold Sheriff [143-36, 420-35]] ch: *Hugh of_Kevelioc [See 143-34 above], Beatrix de