Duncan research files of |
1800 Mifflin Co. PA Census Jack Twp. Pg.470 John Duncan 30010 - 00100 1810 Mifflin Co. PA Census Lewistown Pg. 51 John Duncan 22001 - 20010 1820 Mifflin Co. PA Census No Duncan indexed 1830 Mifflin Co. PA Census Tuscarora Pg.367 John Duncan 1000,1 - 0001 Richard Duncan 0000,01 - 1100,1001 (next to John) Union Pg.467 Daniel Duncan 0010,001 - 1210,01 1840 Mifflin Co. PA Census Granville Pg. 30 Daniel Duncan 0100,001 - 0010,001 1850-1870 Mifflin Co. PA Census No Duncan indexed
Mifflin Co. PA Deed indexes, 1789-1953 (SLC 12/14/2008)
Deeds not on microfilm per FHL catalog 8/2008; have reference to Robert Duncan from Cumberland Co. PA in 1794; quit copying ca 1860
Grantees, A-E, 1790-1953 (FHL film 1,026,092)
Z-239, Duncan, O.P. from Arthur B. Long & wife et al, 1846
Z-649, Duncan, O.P. et al from Reuben C. Hale, 1849
Z-651, Duncan, O.P. et al from James Milliken, 1849
Z-654, Duncan, O.P. et al from Lewis T. Wallson & wf, 1849
Z-655, Duncan, O.P. from Arthur B. Long & wife et al, 1849
Z-767, Duncan, O.P. from Reuben C. Hale, 1849
AA-122, Duncan, O.P. from Henry Snyders Exor, 1848
D-141, Duncan, Robert from Thomas Duncan & wf, 1797
D-226, Duncan, Robert from James Magee, 1797
G-106, Duncan, Robert from George Myrkle, 1803
G-648, Duncan, Robert from James Magee & wf, 1806
B-200, Duncan, Thomas from Samuel Edmiston & wf et al, 1794
D-139, Duncan, Thomas from Robert Callenders Execs, 1797
G-694, Duncan, Thomas from Edward McCarty Sheriff, 1806
D-344, Duncan, Tho. et al from Richard Gonsalus, (blank year)
H-327, Duncan, William from John Wilkins & wf, 1808
Grantors, A-E, 1790-1953 (FHL film 1,026,096)
P-277, Duncan, Daniels Heirs to William Morrison (R), 1823
S-383, Duncan, Ellen to John Stroup, 1830
Q-93, Duncan, Letitia et als atty to John Stewart, 1825
K-489, Duncan, Mathew to John Patterson (R), 1814
AA-192, Duncan, O.P. & wf. to Michael Ruble, 1848
AA-216, Duncan, O.P. & wife to Joseph Kinsel, 1848
AA-340, Duncan, O.P. & wife to Henry Snyder, 1848
C-92, Duncan, Robert to Philip Stroup, 1795
D-590, Duncan, Robert to Daniel Jones, 1799
R-58, Duncan, Roberts Exors to Adam Sigler, 1827
R-368, Duncan, Roberts Exors to Dr. Samuel Smith, 1829
S-176, Duncan, Roberts Exors to James Robb, 1830
U-464, Duncan, Robert to George Myrkel, 1837
Y-327, Duncan, Roberts Exors to Henry Strunk, 1845
AA-68, Duncan, Robert & wife to James Magee, 1848
S-383, Duncan, Roberts Exors to John Stroup, (year blank)
H-391, Duncan, Samuel & wife to Nicholas Clopper, 1809
C-55, Duncan, Thomas & wife to Robert Buchanan, 1795
C-341, Duncan, Thomas & wife to John Culbertson, 1796
D-141, Duncan, Thomas & wife to Robert Duncan, 1797
E-114, Duncan, Thomas to John Culbertson, 1799
Mifflin Co. PA Miscellaneous Index, no. 1, 1790-1931 (FHL film 1,026,102; SLC 2/2009)
MM-420: P/A, Duncan, Jesse and Margaret to Isaac Eshelman, 1865
No other to 1886, quit
E-55: Duncan, Robert et al from Edmund Physick, 1799, P/A
G-527: Duncan, Samuel from John Montgomery, 1805, P/A
L-195: Duncan, Thomas from Jno. Lukens and Jno. Lyttles Esq., 1814, P/A
Z-141: Duncan, O.P. et al from Jno. Sterrett and Jas. Potter, 1846, lease
Z-593: Duncan, O.P. et al from Peter Townsend, 1846, agreement
Next 1888, not copied, quit
Armstrong Co. PA Will (from Harriet Larsen 5/1984 and Neva Fisk 4/1985; extract also in "Your Family Tree" Vol.10 or 11)
Robt. Duncan Esq. of Appleby Farm, will written 5 April 1807; wife Ellenor, ch. Mary (under 21). Exec. brother James of Boro. of Carlisle [Cumberland Co.], brother Samuel of Lewiston, Mifflin Co.; proved 2 May 1807.
Armstrong Co. PA Deeds (SLC 9/15/2012)
10-329/330: Letter of attorney. 12 April 1837, Ellen Duncan of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, appoint John Duncan of Shippensburg, twp., county & state afsd, to be my attorney ... tracts of land in Counties of Mifflin, Huntingdon, Cambria, Bedford, Indiana and Armstrong, and make deeds ... /s/ Ellen Duncan. Ack. in Cumberland Co. PA. Recorded April 25, 1837. (FHL film 861,228)
Cumberland Co. PA Deeds
L-87: 19 June 1794, Deed Poll. Robert Duncan Esq. of Mifflin Co. PA; that Stephen Duncan by will devised three shares of his estate to Robert Duncan; now Robert Duncan for £1,800 deed to Thomas Duncan Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, all my part, shares and proportions of estate of late Stephen Duncan, except the specific bequest of £500, and also any part that may eventually be coming to me on the death of any of the legatees in the will under age and without issue. /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. C. Huston, John Lyon. (FHL film 21,051; Placerville FHC 7/22/2008 to 7/29/2008 on loan)
S-53/55: 5 Dec. 1807, Samuel Robinson of PA, Practitionery of Physic, and wife Mary Serena to James Duncan of Cumberland Co. PA, Attorney at Law, for $1, sell messuage and tract or parcel of land on the River Mississippi at or near the Tunica Village containing 500 acres more or less, being the same premises which Lucetta Pollock of City of Philadelphia and now decd. by her will devised to the said Mary Serena Robinson, and also all other lands etc. within the bounds of the Government of Baton Rouge or other dominions of his Catholic Majesty or within the Mississippi Territory or other Territorial Government of the US, and also all houses, lots of ground and tracts of land situate in the counties of Cumberland, Center, Northumberland, Lycoming, Bedford, Mifflin and Westmoreland in the State of Pennsylvania or in other parts of said state which James Pollock late of Borough of Carlisle devised to afsd Mary Serena and others and whereof a moiety became vested in said Mary Serena on the decease of the afsd Lucetta Pollock ... together with all improvements ... Samuel Robinson and wife Mary ... /s/ Saml. Robinson, Mary S. Robinson. Wit. Craven N. Luckett, James Green, for Samuel Robinson; Arch. Loudon and H.H. Brackenridge for Mary Serena Robinson. Recorded 16 Jan. 1808. (FHL film 21,055; SLC 9/9/2010; edges of pages very dark to very light)
Dauphin Co. PA Deed (SLC 2/2009)
M2-351/353: 20 July 1840, Thomas Duncan and Benjamin S. Duncan to Rebecca H. Duncan, all of Dauphin Co. PA, for $10,000, tract on an island in Dauphin Co. at the meeting of the Juniata River where said Rebecca H. Duncan now resides containing 350 acres. /s/ Thomas Duncan, B. Stiles Duncan. Wit. Thomas Duncan, David H. Huling, C.A. Snyder at the signing of B. Styles Duncan. Ack. 12 July 1840 in Mifflin Co. by Thomas Duncan. Ack. 25 July 1840 in Dauphin Co. by Benjamin S. Duncan. Rec. Dauphin Co. July 28, 1840. (FHL film 21,278)
Franklin Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/3/2011)
6-6: 10 March 1803, Arnold Duncan and Martha his wife of Shippensburgh, Cumberland Co. PA, to Nicholas Clopper of Chambersburg, Franklin Co. PA, grant, bargain, etc. the one undivided tenth part of all the following described tracts as well as his interest as shown in all the real estate and land warrants late the estate of Daniel Duncan late of Shippensburg decd, i?.a, (MAD: "that is") 240 acres more or less adj. lands of Samuel Rippey and others about 2 miles from Shippensburg on the Carlisle road, one tract or parcel about 4 miles from Shippensburgh on the Walnut Bottom road adj. Wm. Maxwell & others containing about 460 acres more or less, one tract or parel about 6 miles from Chambersburg or the amout? thereof as sold to Nagles containing about 250 acres more or less, one or two tracts or parcels of land in Ambersens Valley containing about 250 acres each more or less, one or two tracts or more in Tath? Valley Franklin Co. containing about 250 acres in one and about 90 acres more or less in the other, one tract or parcell in Mifflin Co. about 14 miles from Lewis town on the River Juniatta containing about 700 acres more or less, also all the right whatever to the real estate, lands, land warrants &c in the different counties of the State of PA or any part of the Western Country, also the one tenth of a stone house and two lotts of ground in Shippensburg, being the same in which the said Daniel Duncan deceased did reside in, together with all rights ... etc. to the said Nicholas Cloppen for $1400 paid, warrant title. /s/ Arnd. Duncan, Patty Duncan. Wit. Thos. Foster, J. Brotherton. Signed by Patty Duncan in presence of John Leap?, John Corley. Receipt by Arnd. Duncan 10 March 1803 wit. by Thos. Foster, J. Brotherton. Arnold Duncan and wife Paty appeared 29 March 1803 before John Heap, Esq., JP. Copy taken from the original 28 April 1803. (FHL film 323,797; SLC 6/3/2011)
8-277/278: 1 Jan. 1806, Arnold Duncan and Polly his wife of Cumberland Co. PA to Nicholas Clopper of Franklin Co. PA, for $600 paid, sell all our share or entire part of sundry lands and houses which Francis Campbell and wife Sarah 22 April 1805 sold to said Arnold Duncan in fee simple, it being a one tenth part of the estate of Daniel Duncan decd which fell to said Sarah Campbell one of the daughters of said decd ... one tract of about 450 acres more or less ... also a part of a tract of land in dispute with Chesnut and a storic? House in Shippensburg, all in Cumberland Co., one tract of land in Mifflin Co. on the N side of Juniatta River adj. lands of Thomas Smith, Hamilton & others containing about 700 acres more or less, also a small improved in Zath? Valley adjoining lands of Alexander and others and a tract of land in Ambergeris? Dailey? adj. lands of Clark Selveyor and others of about 400 acres more or less, ... land ... with James Riddle Esq. lying in Huntington Co. with ... and other ... wherever the same may be situated, being the tenth part of all excepting only their share of two general? tracts of land, one in Franklin Co. PA called "Wagles Hatch" a ninth part of which belongs to said Frances and ... sold to the said family and the other in Cumberland Co. adj. lands late of Edwrd & Joseph Shippen and of Alexander Leedes Esq. and William Barr and Samuel Rippen's heirs, together with all the appurtenances ... /s/ Arnold Duncan, Polly Duncan. Wit. John Campbell, John Scott?. They appeared 18 Jan. 1809 before John Scott. Copy taken from the original 27 Feb. 1809. (center of page faded) (FHL film 323,798; SLC 6/3/2011, rechecked SLC 9/28/2011)
Huntingdon Co. PA Deed (SLC 6/2/2011)
K1-313/315: 8 Aug. 1805, Robert Duncan and Ellen his wife of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, to James Watson of Huntingdon Co. PA, for $1,000 paid, a tract or parcel of land in Barrel? Twp. in Huntingdon Co., part of Propietaries appropriated tracts and known by name of Shavers Creek Manor marked in the general plan No.5, beg. by the Warriors Ridge then ... by land conveyed to Robert Stuart, then by land of John Runiston, then partly by same & partly by land conveyed to John McGill and Michael Murrey, then by land of Daniel (blank), ... to the beginning, containing 196 acres and 106 perches more or less, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Robert Duncan, Ellen Duncan. Wit. W. Watson, Saml. Duncan. Mifflin Co., appeared William Watson and Samuel Duncan, subscribing witnesses, 14 Aug. 1805, before Wm. Brown. Copy compared with original 20 Sept. 1805. (FHL film 854,205; SLC 6/2/2011)
Northumberland Co. PA Deeds (FHL film 961,197)
L-725: 5 Oct. 1793, Genl. William Irwin, Frances Reed and Mathias Slough, surviving exors of will of Robert Callendar late of "said" Co., Esq., decd; Robert owned land in Cos. of Northumberland and Mifflin (16 parcels, desc. not copied); deed to Thomas Duncan Esq. 16 tracts of land. Wit. Anne Gibson, Alexander Scott.
L-726: 18 June 1794, Thomas Duncan and wife Martha of Carlisle [Cumberland Co.] to Robert Duncan Esq. of Mifflin Co., by above deed, convey 13 tracts. Wit. John Lyon, G. Huston.
1907 "Americans of Gentle Birth and their Ancestors: a genealogical encyclopedia embracing many authenticated lineages and biographical sketches of the founders of the colonies and their descendants found in all parts of the United States" Vol.I by Hannah D. Pittman (Memphis Public Library book 929.12 P689, from Evelyn Sigler 1982 and Charles A. Duncan 1989)
Pg.226-7: James & William Duncan were brothers, to Ireland; an Andrew Duncan, MD, of this family, m. Elizabeth Knox; physician & professor of Medicine in Edinburg College, Scotland.
James Duncan to Ireland; his son James to America 1770, age 21. James Jr. had bros. Archie, William; sisters Jennie, Sallie, Hattie.
James Duncan m. 1796 Nancy Boty, Miflin, PA. Their children: William, Hugh, James, Alex, Elizabeth, Archibald, John, Robert, Jane m. William Porter, b. 1770 Tyrone, IRE; settled in Philadelphia, PA, Sarah, Margaret, Nancy.
(MAD: see Erie Co. PA)
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