Duncan research files of |
1800 Lycoming Co. PA Census Pg.560 Stephen Duncan 00100 - 00000 Pine Creek 1810 Lycoming Co. PA Census Pg.822 Stephen Duncan 11030 - 31200 Pine 1830 Lycoming Co. PA Census Pg.254 James Dunkin 2100,01 - 0100,101 Clinton 1840 Lycoming Co. PA Census Pg.136 James Duncan 1121,001 - 1100,101 Clinton
1850 Lycoming Co. PA Census
Pg.376, #18, Abraham HILEMAN 29 PA farmer $3000
Sarah 25 PA
John W. 3 PA
Adam BUSS 28 PA blacksmith
Samuel DUNCAN 13 PA
Pg.378, #45, James HAMILTON 52 PA laborer
Maria? (Kosia?) 41 PA
Sarah 22, Wm. 19 PA
John 17, Jane 14 PA
Franklin 8, James 5 PA
Wm. DUNCAN 21 PA laborer
Pg.381, #96, Jacob BOWER 50 PA farmer $2000
Christiann 53 PA
John 21 PA
Elisabeth HOUSE? 20 PA
Elisabeth DUNCAN 12 PA
Catharine BOWER 67 PA
Pg.383, #129, James DUCAN 55 PA laborer $100
Maria 18, Mary 9 PA
1860 Lycoming Co. PA Census
Clinton Twp.
Pg.122, #1662-1629, Wm. DUNCAN 28 PA laborer $0-$60
Deborah 22 PA
Emma 2/12 PA
John PHILLIPS 57 PA basket maker $0-$60
Margery E. 18, Benjamin E. 14 PA
Loyalsock Twp.
Pg.399, #2037-2098, Geo. THOMPSON 30 NJ lumberman $0-$1800
Elizabeth 28 PA
W.H. (m) 9, Anna E. 5 PA
John 3 PA
Elizh. DUNCAN (f) 20 PA domestic
John STRUAB 25 BADEN laborer
Muncy Twp.
Pg.518, #1076-1063, Edward WHITICRE 52 PA farmer $11000-$1000
Sarah 49 PA
Catharine 27, Mary E. 26 PA
Alfred 19, Henry P. 16 PA
Edwin 13, Sarah E. 11 PA
Robt. H. 9 PA
James DUNCAN 25 PA laborer
Williamsport East Ward
Pg.847-8, #1309-1330, Garret TINSMAN (m) 47 PA lumberman $30000-$10000
Margaret 37 NJ
Peter 20, Andrew 19 NJ
Elizabeth 12, Emaline 13 NJ
Garret (m) 9 NJ (MAD: ages as given)
Mary DUNCAN 18 PA domestic
Williamsport West Ward
Pg.872, #1497-1517, Davis DUNCAN 39 PA innkeeper $0-$1800
Harriet 31 PA
George 8, Emma 6 PA
& servants & others "Duncans Hotel"
1870 Lycoming Co. PA Census
Clinton Twp.
Pg.53, #76-76, DUNCAN, William 38 PA repairing R.R. $800-$100
Debra 34 PA keeping house
Emma 10, Lauretta (f) 7 PA
John 5, Cora 1 PA
CROW, Jane? (Laurie?) (f) 64 PA domestic servent
Loyalsock Twp.
Pg.182, #86-86, QUICK, Edw. 40 NJ horse trainer $0-$0
Amelia 28? (23?) PA keepg. house
Helen 14 PA at home
GILLSON, Henrietta 18 NY
Lycoming Co. Order Book, Docket B, pg.35; from "DUNCAN FOLDER," Heber G. Gearhart Collection, Genealogical Society of PA; reference for this item given as "HGG Note Bk 14, p.82-83" (FHL film 525,548; This collection has a lot of material on Duncans in PA; MAD's extract)
B-35: Jan. 31, 1815. Petition of Wm. Wray, guardian of Thomas & William Duncan, minor children of Matthew Duncan late of City of Phila. decd. by his atty. Loetitia Duncan, sets forth that by will of decd., minors became seized of a tract in Mincy Twp. surveyed Oct. 26 & 7, 1773 patented to Margaret Duncan. Asks order for sale (Thomas O. Duncan, & William F. Duncan).
Lycoming Co. PA Mortgage Book A, 1825-1840, 1853 (FHL film 1,023,980; SLC 6/17/2008)
Pg.28, Duncan, Thomas to Julian Nocklin
Pg.89, Duncan, Mary L. to John D. Ross
Pg.447, Duncan, E. Jesse to Ellen Duncan
A-28: 12 May 1826, Thomas Duncan of city of Philadelphia, Esq., to Juliana Nicklin of same, gentlewoman; Duncan by obligation 6 April 1826 owes Nicklin $10,000 (ten thousand) in one year, mortgage for $5,000, 326 acres in W end of Nippenon valley formerly Berks Co. now Lycoming Co. PA (history of title given, not copied, assigned Michael Gray) and another adj. the same (acres not given) and 282 acres and 120 perches adj. above (title given, not copied), in the whole 808 acres and 120 perches, Michael Gray deeded 14 March 1771, recorded Northumberland Co. PA Deed Book C, pg.421, conveyed to (omitted some links) ... 6 Feb. 1794 from Robert Milligan, recorded Deed Book P, pg.329, conveyed said three tracts to Thomas Duncan. /s/ Thos. Duncan. Wit. Geo. W. Kline, Wm. Folghman. Satisfied 18 Sept. 1834. (FHL film 1,023,980)
A-89: 17 July 1828, Mary Louisa Duncan of Carlisle, PA, to John D. Ross of Northumberland Co. PA, owes him (tape) hundred dollars due 1 July 1831, satisfied, owes $200, mortgage messuage in undivided 1/6 part in Pine Oak Twp., Lycoming Co. PA now occupied by Leonard Pfoutz adj. West branch of Susquehannah, lands late of James McClure and Hugh White decd, and lands of George Crawford, Margaret Simmons, Rev. John H. Crier, and Robert Hamilton Esq., containing in the whole about 400 acres. Wit. A. Bellas Geortlartin. (FHL film 1,023,980) (MAD: Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA)
A-447: 7 May 1838, Jesse E. Duncan of Norfolk, VA, to Ellen Duncan of Carlisle, PA; Jesse E. owed Ellen $600, $300 due 15 May next, mortgage messuage and tract of land in Pine Creek Twp., Lycoming Co. PA, late the estate of Stephen Duncan decd, Jesse being one of heirs, adj. lands of Robert Hamilton, William Gallaher, George Myers, Margaret Simmons, George Crawford, McClure & White, and the West Branch of the River Susquehanna, containing 320 acres. Wit. Mary H. Duncan, Robert Snodgrass. (FHL film 1,023,980) (MAD: Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA)
Armstrong Co. PA Deeds (SLC 9/15/2012)
3-249/250: 25 Aug. 1817, John Elliott of Pine Creek Twp, Lycoming Co., to Ann Ellen Duncan, dau. of Stephen & Harriett Duncan of said twp, that Robert Elliott, father of said John Elliott, died intestate owning a parcel of land in Armstrong Co. about 6 miles from the town of Kittanning containing 400 acres more or less, usually called Mahoning old town, at or near the mouth of Mahoning Creek, the said Robert died leaving a widow & ten children, whereby said John Elliott became entitled to one equal & undivided tenth part of said tract, NOW this indenture, the said John Elliott for $400 paid and advanced to him by Stephen Duncan, father of said Ann Ellen, and for $1 now in hand paid by said Ann Ellen Duncan, sell to Ann Ellen Duncan the one equal & undivided tenth of all that tract of land containing 400 acres more or less called the Mahoning old town in Armstrong Co., together with appurtenances. /s/ John Elliott. Wit. Stephen Duncan, Harriet Duncan, Ja. Duncan. Ack. Cumberland Co. PA by James Duncan, one of the witnesses, 15 Jan. 1818. Recorded 26 Jan. 1818. (FHL film 861,225)
13-309/310: 30 Dec. 1797, Thomas Duncan of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, Esq., to Thomas Stewardson of city of Philadelphia, PA, merchant, for $657.12-1/2 paid, sell nine tracts of land contiguous to and adj. each other in Lycoming Co. PA surveyed on warrants granted Samuel Wallis Esq. numbered No.4140, 4141, 4142, 4143, 4144, 4145, 4147, 4148 and 4149, which contain in the whole together 8,89 acres and 1/2, which Samuel Wallis Esq. and wife by deed on 27 Feb. last past recorded in Lycoming Co. conveyed to Thomas Duncan, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thos. Duncan. Wit. Benjn. Lay, P. Thornson. Ack. consideration, /s/ Thos. Duncan, wit. Benj. Lay, P. Thomson. Ack. 30 Dec. 1797 before Hon. Thomas Smith, Esq., one of Judges of Supreme Court of PA. Recorded 19 May 1843. (FHL film 861,230)
Cumberland Co. PA Deed
S-53/55: 5 Dec. 1807, Samuel Robinson of PA, Practitionery of Physic, and wife Mary Serena to James Duncan of Cumberland Co. PA, Attorney at Law, for $1, sell messuage and tract or parcel of land on the River Mississippi at or near the Tunica Village containing 500 acres more or less, being the same premises which Lucetta Pollock of City of Philadelphia and now decd. by her will devised to the said Mary Serena Robinson, and also all other lands etc. within the bounds of the Government of Baton Rouge or other dominions of his Catholic Majesty or within the Mississippi Territory or other Territorial Government of the US, and also all houses, lots of ground and tracts of land situate in the counties of Cumberland, Center, Northumberland, Lycoming, Bedford, Mifflin and Westmoreland in the State of Pennsylvania or in other parts of said state which James Pollock late of Borough of Carlisle devised to afsd Mary Serena and others and whereof a moiety became vested in said Mary Serena on the decease of the afsd Lucetta Pollock ... together with all improvements ... Samuel Robinson and wife Mary ... /s/ Saml. Robinson, Mary S. Robinson. Wit. Craven N. Luckett, James Green, for Samuel Robinson; Arch. Loudon and H.H. Brackenridge for Mary Serena Robinson. Recorded 16 Jan. 1808. (FHL film 21,055; SLC 9/9/2010; edges of pages very dark to very light)
Philadelphia Co. PA Will (FHL film 21,731)
1-26 to 34, #110: 5 Dec. 1801, will of Margaret Duncan of City of Phila., widow, (lots of religious terms). .... (See Philadelphia Co. for more) ... To my grandsons Isaac McKim and William McKim, sons of my dau. Margaret McKim decd, 4 tracts of land in Lycoming Co. called Venice, Valona, ??itby (tape on margin), and Warwick, containing 1180 acres per deeds and patents. To my grandson David Telfair Duncan son of my son Matthew Duncan, land in Lycoming Co. called Lough Darrach, 476 acres by deed and patent. To my son Matthew Duncan in trust two tracts in Lycoming Co. called Duncans Palace and Edenburgh, 653 acres per patents. To my grandson John Mason Duncan, son of my son Matthew, land in Lycoming Co. called Dublin, 178-1/4 acres per patent. ... Appoint son Matthew Duncan and son in law William Bailey as executors. Wit. Peter Lohra, Silas E. Writ?, Jas. Humphreys Jr. Rec. Dec. 1, 1820.
1880 "The History of Peoria County, Illinois : containing a history of the Northwest, history of Illinois, history of the county, its early settlement, growth, development, resources, etc., etc., a sketch of its cities and towns, their improvements, industries, manufactories, churches, schools, etc., etc., a war record of its volunteers in the late rebellion, general and local statistics, biographical sketches, portraits of early settlers and prominent men, map of Peoria County, Constitution of the United States, miscellaneous matters, tables, etc., etc." pub. Chicago: Johnson & Co. (HeritageQuest image 2/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 8174; FHL book 977.352 H2h and film 1,000,509 item 1)
Pg.786, Limestone Township: AWL, CHARLES S., farmer, Sec.5, P.O. Peoria, was born in Northumberland county, Penn., 1st Aug., 1808, his parents being Samuel and Mary Awl, nee McClay. At the age of seventeen, he was apprenticed for three years to the trade of a hatter, at the expiration of which he traveled several years as a journeyman. The 1st Nov., 1832, he married Lucy, daughter of Stephen Duncan, born in Lycoming county, Penn., 5th Sept., 1812. In 1833 they came to Peoria and remained two years and a half. On the 1st Aug., 1836, moved to a tract of land he had entered of government, in Sec.22, and in 1845, located on his present farm. He was among the first settlers in this township, and attended the first school meeting ever held, and has been prominently identified with the affairs of the township since. He served as constable two years and a half, and filled the office of justice of the peace for twenty years, besides filling other local offices. He has had nine children: Ann Ellen, born 24th Aug., 1833, married to Thomas Bohanan; Lucy D., 16th Feb. 1835, married Wm. H. Bohanan; George Washington, 29th May, 1837, married Eliza Elliott; Martha Jane, 24th July, 1839, married George Andrews; Mary McClay, 1st ---, 1841, died 22d Dec., 1858; Harriet Louisa, 23d Oct., 1843, married James Nicholas; Charles Samuel, 31st Jan., 1845; William McClay, 16th March, 1847; Robert Harris, 27th Dec. 1853, married Lucinda Jones. Mr. Awl is a Democrat, and in religion a Free Thinker.
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