Duncan research files of |
1800-1840 Campbell Co. VA Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Campbell Co. VA Census
Pg.106, #479-491, Henry A. HYMAN 34 VA wagon maker $6,000
Angeline 31 VA
Roda E. 8 VA
(MAD: mar. 12/27/1849 to Angeline, widow of William Duncan)
not Lynchburg?
Pg.141, #183, L. DUNCAN (m) 43 Fluvanna VA overseer
Mary 33 Goochland VA
Mary J. 14, John 12, Josiah 10 Goochland VA
Wertley V. (f) 8 Cumberland VA
William O. 4, Betsy 11/12 Campbell VA
(MAD: Littlebury Duncan; 1860 Roanoke Co. VA; Josiah C. d. 1911 Knox Co. TN)
Pg.219, #1328, Robert DUNCAN 25 VA overseer
Elizabeth 23 VA
1860 Campbell Co. VA census
No Duncan indexed
1870 Campbell Co. VA Census
Brookville Twp., Western Dist.
Pg.445, #463-641, DUNCAN, L.A. (m) 52 PA (white) works at Rolling M. $0-$300
Gracey (f) 32 PA keeping house
Washington 20 PA works at Rolling M.
Jordan (m) 13, Thomas 11 PA at school
MALLAN, Mary 10 PA at school
(MAD: Samuel Duncan, 1860 Cambria Co. PA census; definitely "L" instead of "S" here)
Lynch Ward, City of Lynchburg
Pg.519, #212-212, RICE, Molly 19 VA (white) keeping house $0-$0
DUNCAN, A. (f) 19 NC (white) no occupation
Eastern Division
Pg.57, #787-828, DUNCAN, Mary 34 VA (white) maneter?maker $0-$0
CALDWELL, Martha 33 VA (white) seamstress
DUNCAN, Alice 14 VA (white) seamstress
Charley (m) 9 VA attending school
Katie 5 VA at home
Henrietta 15 VA nurse
THORNTON, Bettie (f) 13 VA BLACK nurse
Campbell Co. VA Probate Records (from Louis Boone 1987 with permission to share with others)
1810-1827 - no Duncan (FHL film 31,016)
1827-1841 - no Duncan (FHL film 31,017)
Campbell Co. VA Will Index 1782-1947 (FHL film 31,015)
No Duncan
Campbell Co. VA Circuit Court Deed Book 1, 1809-1886 (FHL film 31,037 item 2)
No Duncan
Campbell Co. VA Deeds (index 1782-1896, grantor on FHL film 31,020; grantee on FHL film 31,021)
27-450: 21 June 1849, agreement, Thomas Martin and Robert Duncan of corporation (town) of Lynchberg; Martin to build on lot of Duncan adj. lot of John Boisseau and lot occupied by Miss Angelina Duncan, a wooden building, for $200. Wit. Wm. T. Yancey, William R. Pugh. (FHL film 31,034)
29-344: 7 Oct. 1853, Littleberry Duncan to Hector Harris, mortgage of Duncan's part of the crop on the estate of Col. Alexander this year; Duncan owes Thos. S. Richardson? the amount of two executions under judgements, William Jenks vs. said Duncan; this is to protect the crop of Robt. J. Davis, admr. of Col. Gerrard? Alexander; Davis paid the judgements for Duncan. (FHL film 31,035)
No others
GABRIEL DUNCAN, Rev. Pension Application S-10588 (FHL film 970,863)
Applied 3 Aug. 1832, age 74, in Madison Co. KY; enlisted for 3 months in spring 1777? in Bedford Co. VA under Col. James Dixon; (immediately?) enlisted for 6 months under Capt. Isaac Shelby; then enlisted for 2 months in Prince Edward Co. VA ca 1780 under Capt. Allen, Gen. Lauson; witnesses (neighbors) Jacob Dooley and Richard Oldhouse of Madison Co. KY who knew Gabriel 30-40 years; Gabriel b. 24 Aug. 1758 in Bedford Co. VA; after Rev. lived in Prince Edward Co. VA until he moved to Madison Co. KY 30-40 years ago.
Click here for more from the pension application file.
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Duncan, E.D., Pension 17509, Private, Co.E, 11th Regt. AL, enlisted July 1861 at Lynchburg [Campbell Co.], VA, discharged April 9, 1865; wit. I.M. Noland, C.W. Free.
Duncan, Elisha D., Private, Co.H, 11th AL Inf. Regt, June 11, 1861, Carrollton [Pickens Co.], AL, engagements ... 1862-1864 (not copied); born SC, farmer, P.O. Antioch, age 23, single. Authority: Historical Record Roll dated at Petersburg, Dec. 29, 1864.
Duncan, Elisha Dabna, Private, Co.H, 11th AL, enlisted June 1861 at Carrolton, AL, surrendered and paroled at Appomattox. Authority: Personal statement, Census Tax Assessor, Pickens Co. 1907.
Duncan, Elisha Dabrey (MAD: sic), Private, Co.H, 11th AL, enlisted at Carrollton, AL, June 6, 1861, and served until the close of war in 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse. Born Feb. 25, 1839, Union D.C. SC. Address 1921: Carrollton, Pickens Co. AL, RFD #3. Authority: 1921 Census of Confederate Soldiers.
"Records of Louisiana Confederate Soldiers and Louisiana Confederate Commands" by Andrew B. Booth, 1920, Vol.2, B-G (FHL film 1,305,384 and 1,685,400; also from Evelyn Sigler 3/1985, and pgs.712-714 from Florence Dyess 1987 & 1990)
Duncan, Benjamin, Pvt. Capt. Miller's Indpt. Co. (Mtd. Rifles LA). Enlisted Dec. 1, 1862, Lynchburg [Campbell Co.], VA. Present on Roll to Dec. 31, 1862.
Duncan, W., Sergt. Robinson's Co. 1st LA Cav. Enlisted Dec. 1, 1862, Lynchburg [Campbell Co.], VA. Roll for March 1 to June 30, 1863, Present. Transfd. from Wild Cats.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, George S.; A 54 PA Inf.; 1905 May 19, Invalid Appl. #1335969, Cert. #1113691, Tenn.; remarks C2498229. (MAD: 1890 Hamilton Co. TN, A Co. 62nd PA Inf; George Duncan in 1900 Hamilton Co. TN census, b.1848 PA, ch. b.1882-1888 TN, mother Gracie b.1825 PA, brother Washington b.1856 PA from 1880 Hamilton Co. TN w/Samuel A. & Gracie; Samuel in 1860 Cambria Co. PA, 1870 Campbell Co. VA; George not identified 1870-1880)
1916 "History of TX and Texans" by Frank W. Johnson, Vol.1-5 (film 69 reel 2 & 3; CA State Library, Sutro Branch)
V.4 p.1705: JOHN A. DUNCAN, in service of Southern Pacific Railway, foreman of the roundhouse at Glidden [Colorado Co.]; had his home in TX almost 40 years. Of old VA family & ancestry, John A. Duncan was born in Montgomery, AL, December 29, 1858, son of George W. and Mary (Caldwell) Duncan who had moved to AL only a short time previously. His father, who was born at town of Fluvanna, Faquier (sic) Co. VA, self-educated, son of a slave-holding farmer. The old planter and the grandfather was James Duncan who married a Miss Sneed, representing another old family of VA; among the children of this old couple were: George W.; Robert who died in TN; Howell, the oldest son who spent his life in Roanoke, VA; Valentine whose life was passed in Faquier [MAD: Fluvanna] Co.; Mrs. Mary Waldrip of Hanover; Nannie who married a planter named Pettit and lived near Fluvanna; Lucinda who was married and spent her life in her native country, and German, of Fluvanna. After his marriage, George W. Duncan spent several years on farm of his mother and about 1855 left VA, to Montgomery, AL where engaged in planting, enrolled for service in Confederate Army, was captured at Agar's Station, MS, paroled two weeks later, returned home a year before close of war; an agent for General Allen, and later for Charles Moulton an extensive farmer near Montgomery, AL, in whose service he died March 3, 1868. George W. Duncan was married in Campbell Co. VA on November 15, 1853, to Mary A. Caldwell, born November 16, 1844, dau. of Watson and Mary (Winfrey) Caldwell; they belonged to old VA families and Mr. Caldwell was extensive tobacco grower with slave labor; lost his money because of Civil War; (more on Caldwell family not copied here). Children of George W. and Mary Duncan were: Alice who married Whitaker (no second name) and died at Spout Springs, VA; John Archer; Charles of Denta, VA; George Freney, who died in childhood; and Kate who died unmarried. John A. Duncan grew up in old VA, his mother having returned there after the death of the father, and in 1878 came direct from Lynchburg, VA, to LaGrange, TX, by railroad ... The first time Mr. Duncan revisited his old home in VA was after an absence of 14 years and soon after his own marriage. He was married at Halletsville, TX on November 26, 1884, to Mrs. Lydia Overbay, whose father, Charles Keykendall, was an early settler in Lavaca Co. The children of Mr. & Mrs. Duncan are: John C., an employee of the Southern Pacific at Glidden; Miss Ethel; Leslie, freight clerk at Glidden; and Miss Kyle, attending school at Columbus. (MAD: Denta, VA, as given in history; Dante, VA, as given by Terry Duncan, a descendant, 12/2001)
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