Duncan research files of |
1840 Hamilton Co. TN Census Pg.162 J.J. Duncan 0100,1 - 0100,01 174 Robt. Duncan 2000,01 - 0000,1
1850 Hamilton Co. TN Census
Page numbers without parens are stamped page numbers, within parens are handwritten numbers
Pg.405 (803), #474, Wesley OLIVER 42 TN farmer $0
Elizabeth 40 TN
Amanda 16, James 14, Mary 13 TN
Selina 11, Martha 9, John 8 TN
Matilda 5 TN
Pg.405 (803), #475, Alfred DUNCAN 22 TN farmer $0
Emaline 18 TN
Mary 8/12 TN
Pg.405 (803), #477, Alexander OLIVER 46 VA farmer $0
Nancy 38 TN
Absalom 20, Catherine 14, William 11 TN
Henry 9, Richard 7 TN
Sarah 4, Emaline 2 TN
(MAD: Nancy Duncan? dau. of. John and granddau. of Charles of Washington Co. TN?)
Pg.405 (803), #478, Robert DUNCAN 42 TN farmer $0
Sarah 38 VA
John 19, James 17 TN
Margaret (f) 15, William 13 TN
Sarah 12, Ruth 10 TN
Mathew 9, Rebecca 9 (sic) TN
Martha 1 TN
(MAD: 1860 Tippah Co. MS census; son of John, grandson of Charles of Washington Co.; "Margaret" (f) was actually son Martin age 15)
Pg.409 (811), #528, Robert SIMPSON 35 ENG farmer $1000
Mary 28 ENG
Jane 15, Ephonias 11, Catharine 9 TN
Ann 7, Isabel 5, James 3 TN
(MAD: one Robert Simpson mar. Mary Duncan 12/5/1833 Rhea Co. TN)
Pg.411 (816), #562, Mathew TIMMONS 50 ENG farmer $1500
Rosanna 35 ENG
William 6 TN
(MAD: one Mathew Timmon mar. Rosanna Duncan 2/5/1824 in Knox Co. TN; see Deed E-151)
Pg.430 (854), #824, Hartwell DUNCAN 32 NC overseer $0
Elizabeth 31 NC
John 10, Marcus 7 TN
Lawson 5, Emily 3 TN
Sarah 5/12 GA
(MAD: "Hart" signed petition 1837 in Washington Co. TN; 1860 Roane Co. TN census; 1853 deed in Wilcox Co. GA, of Twiggs Co. GA)
1860 Hamilton Co. TN Census
District 2, P.O. Harrison
Pg.8 (247), #1828-1830, John DUNCAN 35 TN blacksmith -$50
Rebecca 34 TN
Martha 9, Cynthia 2 TN
Pg.8 (248), #1834-1836, Alfred DUNCAN 28 TN farmer -$150
Emaline 26 TN
Mary 10, Elizabeth 8 TN
Jesse 4, Martha 2 TN
(MAD: A.H. Duncan and family in 1870 White Co. TN census)
Pg.24 (222), #1651-1651, A.M. MAGILL (m) 24 TN clerk $0-$100
Margaret 21 TN
Mary 1 TN
(MAD: A.M. Magill mar. Margaret E. Duncan, 2/21/1857, Roane Co. TN)
District 7, P.O. Harrison
Pg.50 (160), #1197-1200, Richard PARKS 34 VA farm laborer -$50
Darthula? (f) 26 TN
Emaline DUNCAN 43 TN
Pg.133 (135), #1029-1029, James DUNCAN 39 TN farming -$300
Martha 39 NC
Thomas 13, Nancy 8 TN
(MAD: 1850 Bradley Co. TN census; 1870 Harrison Co. TX census)
1870 Hamilton Co. TN Census
7th Civil Dist., 42nd Sub Dist., P.O. Harrison, TN
Pg.565, #107-112, LITTLE, Nelson 50 TN grocer $2745-595
Pg.565, #107-113, DUNCAN, Rebecca 31 TN keeping house
Cyntha A. 12, John D. 7, Sarah I. 5 TN
Hamilton Co. TN Marriage Records, Vol.1-3, 1857-1880 (FHL film 1,305,538)
Vol.1, 1857-1863 - good index, no Duncan grooms
Joseph Vaughn to Lucinda Duncan, lic. #450 June 26, 1858, mar. July 1, 1858 by I.J. Browning, J.P., 1-10
Joseph J. Dyer to Mary Caroline Duncan, lic. #794 Oct. 31, 1862, mar. Oct. 22, 1862 by Walter M. McGill J.P., 1-46 (MAD: dates as given in original record)
Chas. C. Thompson to Sarah Duncan, lic. #810 Jan. 22, 1863, mar. Jan. 24 1863 by W.M. McGill J.P., 1-48
Vol.2, 1868-1871, no bride index, did not look at grooms
Vol.3, 1871-1880 - did not look at
Ocoee District TN Land Grants (FHL film 1,013,326)
F-123: 8 July 1840, Grant #3041 to Robert Duncan, in consideration of two entrees No. 2749 and 2750 dated 29 April 1812?, 120 acres in the county of (blank) in said District, in 3rd range west of the basis line, 2nd fract. twp, 4th Sec., being W 1/2 and the NE (corner?) of the NE 1/2, beg. at SW corner of said quarter. (MAD: Hamilton or Bradley Co.?)
Hamilton Co. TN Deeds typed by WPA (FHL film 24,672; good index)
Vol.1, A-B-C, 1791-1838: no Duncan
Vol.D, 1837-1841:
D-175: 4 Dec. 1839, Indent. from Benjamin B. Cannon to Joseph G. Smith, both Hamilton Co. TN, $45, 6 acres in Ocoee Dist., 5th Fract. Twp, N 18 Sec., being NW fractional quarter. Wit. Robert Duncan, Dale Carter.
D-176: 4 Dec. 1839, Robert Duncan to J.S. Yarnell, trustee, both Hamilton Co. TN; Duncan has obtained Benj. B. Cannon as security for two notes, 1 for $300, the other for $75, due 10 April next, payable to R.M. Rawlings; if not paid to be adv. for sale ...; Duncan granted and sold to J.S. Yarnell for $1 two negro boys, Ceaser age 18 and Berry age 13. Wit. A.G.W. Puckett, James L. Reed. Asahel Rawlings, Clerk; J.S. Yarnell, Register. Rec. Dec. 7, 1839, Book D, pg. 170-171.
Book E, Vol.L, 1841-1843:
E-151: Indent. (no date), Robert Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN to Matthew Timmons of Meigs Co. TN, $1200, negro woman and 4 children. Wit. A.G.W. Puckett, Thomas Grayson. Rec. 30 July 1842, Book E, pg. 151-152.
E-152: 3 Oct. 1839, Thomas H. Calloway to Robert Duncan, $650.75; Calloway to transfer to Duncan the Entry Takers Cert. of land to SE 1/4 Sec. 33, Frac. Twp 5, R3W, Ocoee Dist; title bond conveyed by Robert Duncan to Matthew Timmons 30 July 1842 for $500. Wit. A.G.W. Puckett; rec. 30 July 1842.
Book F, 1844-1848:
F-23: Robert Duncan wit. Sheriff's deed 24 July 1844 (not copied).
F-407: 10 Oct. 1846, Thomas Cowin to Thomas Mitts, both Meigs Co. TN, $575, 345 acres beg. SE corner Sec.3 Twp.2 R3W in the Ocoee Dist., crossing Blythe's Ferry Road, corner Michael Hoyle, in Cos. of Hamilton and Meigs and in Sec.3, Fract. Twp. 2N, Range 3W, in Ocoee Dist. "etc."; wit. D.B. Cannon, D.L. Cowin, Robert Duncan; reg. 25 March 1847. (rechecked SLC 3/5/1999 for complete deed).
No later deeds this film.
Hamilton Co. TN Indexes to Deeds (SLC 5/4/2013)
Index to Grantors, D-F, 1799-1929; Duncan on pg.148 (FHL film 1,906,058)
E/5-152: July 30, 1842, July 30, 1842, Duncan, Robert to Matthew Timmons, deed, Ocoee Dist., 220 a Sec.4 T2 R3, WBL
K/11-476: May 7, 1856, May 13, 1856, Duncan, Robert to D.C. Trewhitt, deed, prop. bound on N by W.H. Robeson, Prop. Old 7th Dist.
L/12-393: May 1, 1856, Feb. 20, 1857, Duncan, R. to Nelson Little, 40a Old 7th Dist.
Next 1867, not copied
Index to Grantee, Co-F, 1799-1929; Duncan on pg.106 (FHL film 1,906,159, item 2)
E/5-152: Title bond, July 30, 1842, July 30, 1842, Duncan, Robert from Thomas Calloway, 160a S33 Twp5 R3, WBL
Next 1872, not copied
Deed Index v.1-2, 1799-1887 (FHL film 1,940,113)
D-765/766: 1839, Duncan, Robt. to J.S. Yarnell
K/11-242 or 251: 1855, Duncan, A.H. to Jno. Grayson
K/11-394 or 412: 1856, Duncan, Robt. to M.R. & J.H. Allen
M-586 or 622: 1859, Duncan, Robt. to Robert Simpson
Hamilton Co. TN Deeds (SLC 5/4/2013)
Vol.A-D, 1796-1841 (FHL film 1,906,294)
D-765/766 - not found
Vol.E-G, 1841-1849 (FHL film 1,906,295)
E5-152: 30 July 1842, Robert Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN sold to Matthew Timmons of Meigs Co. TN for $1300 paid, two tracts or parcels of land in Hamilton Co., being the land on which I now live, the NE 1/4 Sec.4 fractional Twp.2S, Range 3W, in Ocoee District, also 60 acres of the NW 1/4 being the NE part of said 1/4 section 4, Fr township 2S and W of the basis line in Ocoee District, containing in all 220 acres, warrant title. /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. A.G.W. Puckett, Jonathan Cox. Ack. by Robert Duncan 30 July 1842. Registered Book E pg.152, 30 July 1842. (FHL film 1,906,295)
E5-152/153: 3 Oct. 1839, Thomas H. Calloway bond to Robert Duncan for $800, that Calloway is to transfer to Robert Duncan the Entry Taker's certificate of land to the SE 1/4 Sec.33 Fractional Twp.5 Range 3W of the basis line in Ocoee District, when Duncan shall pay to Calloway two notes bearing even date, one for $350.25 50 days after date, the other for $100 3 months after date, provided Calloway succeeds in getting this quarter entered, if Calloway complys with the conditions of this bond, then it is null, otherwise to remain in full force. /s/ Thos. H. Calloway. I, Robert Duncan, for $500 paid, sell to Matthew Timmons all the interest I have to the within bond and empower him to apply for and get title ... 30 July 1842, /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. A.G.W. Puckett. Ack. by Robert Duncan 30 July 1842. Registered 30 July 1842, recorded Book E pgs.152 & 153. (FHL film 1,906,295)
Vol.H, J-K, 1849-1856 (FHL film 1,906,296)
K11-242/243: Original Book Page 251. 11 Aug. 1855, Alfred H. Duncan to John Grayson, both of Hamilton Co. TN, for consideration hereafter mentioned, sell corn crop now growing on about 20 or 25 acres of land [that] I the said Duncan have entered from D.N. Bell in 7th Dist. in Hamilton Co. on the TN river, and have this year and ?? time in cultivation, that is, I, A.H. Duncan transfer for said consideration to said Grayson all the interest I have to said crop on said parcel of land, rented from David Bell, but it is understood that on a portion of said land, my brother John W. Duncan has an interest to the crop growing thereon which interest is not hereby sold, ... this transfer is made ... trust, the said A.H. Duncan am indebted to said Grayson $25 and am desirous to make him safe, now if said Duncan pay said debt before 15 Nov. 1855, then this deed is void otherwise to remain in full force and effect and Grayson is to proceed to sell said crop of corn ... /s/ Alfred Duncan. Wit. D.C. Trewhite, Wm. K. Felker. Ack. by Alfred Duncan 11 Aug. 1855. Registered 11 Aug. 1855, recorded Book K pg.251. (FHL film 1,906,296)
K11-394/395: Original Book Page 412. 12 Feb. 1856, Robert Duncan convey to James H. West as trustee for benefit of M.R. & J.H. Allen, property, 3 head of horses, one white cow and calf, (farm animals, wagon, fodder, corn, household furniture, two pair of bed steads) for $1 paid by said West and other considerations; this bill of sale is made for following uses and trust, that I am indebted to said M.R. & J.H. Allen for $103.41 due by note 2 Jan. 1856 and also $40 book account which will fall due 1 March 1856, to secure payment, if I pay said debts by 1 April 1856, then bill of sale and trust to be void, but if not, then the said J.H. West as trustee shall advertise and sell the property. /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. James Clife, Thos. M. McCrary. Ack. by Robert Duncan 12 Feb. 1856. Registered 12 Feb. 1856, in Book K pg.412. (FHL film 1,906,296)
K11-476/477: Original Book Page. 496&7. 6 June 1855, Robert Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN sold to C.C. Trewhite for $260 and gave a bond to make title to the parcel of land I purchased of J.P. Bemgard? (Bungard?) that lies between where I now live, but where John Mathis then lived, and where Wm. H. Robinson southern lines are lying in 7th District in Hamilton Co. TN, bounded on north by lands of W.H. Robison, on W by main top of the ridge, and including the fields in which John Wynice? now lives, the house except? in being the old Williamson House, and running with the main top of the ridge to the marked line ... to Frewhite & lands I sold since to Nelson Little, then ... corner close to the ?? where I now live, then with the line between said tract & A.W. Moon to W.H. Robinson's fence, then ... in which Olds Williamsons house stands, including the fence ... and whereas said Trewhite has paid said consideration agreed to be paid, now I Robert Duncan do convey all said boundary of lands with appurtenances, warrant title. 7 May 1856. /s/ Robert Duncan. Wit. John Wyrone?, John H. Duncan. Ack. by Robert Duncan 10 May 1856. Registered 13 May 1856 and of record in Book K pg.496 & 497. (FHL film 1,906,296)
Vol.L-N, 1856-1861 (FHL film 1,906,297)
L12-393/394: 2 Feb. 1856, for $400 to be paid, one horse a sorrel horse at $137.50 and residue to be paid on quit, May 1856, I Robert Duncan have sold to Nelson Little 40 acres of land, being the S 40 acres once owned by Jno. R. Williamson and adj. D.C. Trewhitt the givon? lands and Anthony M. Moore in 7th Civil District in Hamilton Co. TN & other and such title as I now have or may acquire from Williamson's widow & heirs, said Little is to hold with all appurtenances, and I the said Duncan am as a part of the contract to conr? the new house lay the lower floor in workman like manner and the upper floor. I am to lay down loose line the racks weatherboard the gable end and make one door the same to the said Little Hist? heirs and assignes to have and hold ... 2 Feb. 1856. /s/ Robert (X) Duncan. Wit. D.C. Trewhitt, Saml. C. Cattrell. Proven by D.C. Trewhitt & Saml. Cattrell, the witnesses. Registered 20 Feb. 1857, recorded Book L pages 393 & 394. (FHL film 1,906,297)
M-586/587: Bill of sale. Received of Robert Simpson $1600 for 2 negro slaves named Ellen aged about 14 years and Catharine aged about 18 years, warrent them sound and slaves for life, March 2, 1859, /s/ Wm. A. Hargis, Robert Duncan. Wit. Jno. L. Hopkins, John P. Webb. Proved on oath of Jno. L. Hopkins and John P. Witt, 13 April 1859. Registered 20 Aug. 1859, recorded Book M pg.622. (FHL film 1,906,297)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Alfred H., widow Duncan, Barbara E., minors &c Duncan, Fannie; D 4 Tenn. Cav.; 1877 June 26, Invalid Appl. #238206, Cert. #161867; 1912 Nov. 29, Widow Appl. #997037, Cert. #790145, Tenn; 1930 (blurred), Minors &c Appl. #166342, Cert. #A-5-22-30; remarks XC2631070. (MAD: mustered at Nashville, Davidson Co. TN; ?? see Hamilton Co. TN)
Duncan, Charles P., widow Duncan, Nancy J.; B 6 Tenn. Mtd. Inf.; 1890 Aug. 4, Invalid Appl. #988052, Cert. #796700, IL; 1915 April 16, Widow App. #1045432, Cert. #794485, IL. (MAD: Hamilton Co. TN; Rhea Co. TN & Pope Co. IL)
Duncan, Coleman, widow Duncan, Mary L.; B ? Ind. Inf.; 1869 Nov. 1, Invalid Appl. #149621, Cert. #110148; 1911 Feb. 20, Widow Appl. #958777, Cert. #724174, Tenn. (MAD: Hamilton Co. TN & Lawrence Co. IN)
Duncan, George S.; A 54 PA Inf.; 1905 May 19, Invalid Appl. #1335969, Cert. #1113691, Tenn.; remarks C2498229. (MAD: 1890 Hamilton Co. TN, A Co. 62nd PA Inf; George Duncan in 1900 Hamilton Co. TN census, b.1848 PA, ch. b.1882-1888 TN, mother Gracie b.1825 PA, brother Washington b.1856 PA from 1880 Hamilton Co. TN w/Samuel A. & Gracie; Samuel in 1860 Cambria Co. PA, 1870 Campbell Co. VA; George not identified 1870-1880)
Duncan, James M., widow Duncan, Agnes E.; A 133 & K 3 PA Inf.; 1891 Jan. 8, Invalid Appl. #994388, Cert. #846156, "Tenn."; 1921 Feb. 24, Widow Appl. #1170339, Cert. #912839, PA. (MAD: Butler Co. PA; Hamilton Co. TN 1890)
Duncan, John A.; B 6 Tenn. Mtd. Inf.; 1891 Sept. 22, Invalid Appl. #1059998, Cert. #811738, Ill. (MAD: Hamilton Co. TN; Rhea Co. TN & Jefferson Co. IL)
Duncan, John H., widow Duncan, Rebecca; H 12 Tenn. Cav.; 1866 June 21, Widow Appl. #128662, Cert. #92944. (MAD: Hamilton Co. TN)
Duncan, Landon R., father Duncan, Russell; I 2 Tenn. Inf.; 1890 July 30, Father Appl. #480757, Cert. #372255, Ill. (MAD: Hamilton Co. TN; see Rhea Co. TN & Pope Co. IL)
TN Confederate Pension Applications
Indexed: 7594 Duncan, John E., Hamilton, 3rd (Lillard's) Mtd. Inf.
#7594, Jno. E. Duncan, filed Oct. 30, 1905, allowed Rossville, GA, accepted, Wid. #1883 (MAD: widow Martha Elizabeth Duncan, Hamilton Co. TN); applicant John E. Duncan, native of TN; res. near Chattanooga, Hamilton Co. TN; member Col. Rowan's Regt., wounded Wautauga River near Coittes Sta. by a mine ball striking me just back of left shoulder coming out the front of my right shoulder; born Blount Co. TN 1835; enlisted 1861, Col. Vaughn, 3rd TN Regt., Capt. Moreloen? (Morawin?), Lieut. Grubb; lost use of right arm; paroled Kingston, GA; family consists of wife and 4 children ages 57, 27, 25, 17, 16, all girls; actual resident of TN "18 months"; /s/ 7 Oct. 1905; wit. W.L. Fox. M.J. Roddy, age 73, heard J.E. Duncan say he was paroled just after he came home from Civil War, /s/ 27 Oct. 1905. Statement by Geo. Walker, Madisonville, TN, knew "Jno. E. Duncan (Red John)" before the war, /s/ Aug. 17, 1905. J.R. Russell, Madisonville, TN, knew Jno. E. Duncan, we called him red John and was raised on Fork Creek Monroe Co. TN; /s/ 11 Aug. 1905. (FHL film 969,789)
TN Confederate Pension File (FHL film 969,886)
Pension #6019, Martha Ann, widow of Saml. Virgil Horton; Martha Ann (Duncan), res. Hamilton Co. TN, born 1840 Dallas Co. AL, mar. 9 March 1860 at Columbiana [Shelby Co.] AL to Saml. Virgil Horton, born 1843 in Shelby Co. AL, died 1914 Hamilton Co. TN. (info also in "TN's Confederate Widows and Their Families; Abstracts of 11,190 Confederate Widows Pension Applications" by Edna Wiefering, 1992; FHL book 976.8 M28w; SUTRO book F435 W43 1992, CA State Library, Sutro Branch)
1887 "History of Hamilton, Knox and Shelby Cos. TN" by Goodspeed (FHL book 976.8 H2ha Vol.3)
Pg.973-4, Hamilton Co.: R.J. Moore, a farmer of the 15th Dist., was born March 25, 1818, in Bledsoe Co. and came to Hamilton Co. in 1835 where he has since resided, excepting 3 years when he lived in GA. He is the 4th of 12 children born to Nimrod and Sarah (Jones) Moore. ... In 1842 he married Miss Margaret Jane Pitner, a native of Sevier Co. TN, born December 24, 1828, the daughter of John and Dorathy (Criswell) Pitner .... To our subject and wife were born 13 children: (4) Margaret J. (Mrs. Duncan, formerly Mrs. Gamble), (6) Marina E. (Mrs. Duncan), ...
1893 "Presidents, Soldiers, Statesmen" (H.H. Hardesty Publisher N.Y., Toledo, Chicago 1893) Vol.II (Indiana Edition?) (from Thomas Weisbach 7/2000; also FHL book 973 D3p)
Pg.1221. Corp. Hugh F.L. Smith: Was born in Floyd county, Ind., April 16, 1844, and was a son of Jonathan P. and Lucinda C. (Merriwether) Smith, both deceased; he married Dec. 25, 1870, in New Albany [MAD: Floyd Co.], Ind., Jennie E. Duncan, who was born in Chattanooga [MAD: Hamilton Co.], Tenn., July 3, 1854, of parents, Hartwell S. and Elizabeth (Earp) Duncan, deceased. The union has been blessed with six children: Nina E., Pauline P., Felie T., Hattie B., George J., and Wilbur G. Comrade Smith was previously married Oct., 5, 1865, to Rosa Plice; she passed away in New Albany, Ind., leaving two children: John T. dec. and Carrie B. Comrade Smith was a painter by trade at the time of his enlistment, when a youth of 17 years, Aug. 3, 1863, at New Albany, Ind., for a term of three years he became Corp. of Co. K, 91st Ind. V.I., Army of the Cumberland he was granted an honorable discharge from this enlistment March 23, 1865, at at Washington, D.C., having taken part in the battles of Knoxville, Cumberland Gap, Baptist Gap, Shiloh, Tallahatchee, Chickamauga, Laurel Hill, Lookout Mt., Missionary Ridge, Vicksburg, Raymond, Black River Bridge, Jackson and Atlanta Campaign; he re-enlisted in Co. A, 144th Ind. V.I., as a private; he was injured while in camp at Stevenson Station, Va., in the ankle; he also participated in the March to the Sea, the Carolinas and the Grand Review at Washington, D.C. He was finally honorably discharged Aug. 5, 1865, at Stevenson Station, Va. His brother, Thomas J. served in Co. A, 53 Ind. V.I., and fell at the battle of Tallahatchee for the glorious cause he had upheld. His first wife had four brothers in service; John, Solomon, Philip and Robert; Solomon was wounded in service; his wife's father and two brothers were also in the service, John H. as Capt., was killed near Fredon, Tenn., in March 1865, and Marcus as scout for Gen. Burnside, was killed at Loudon, Tenn., in fall of 1863. Mr. Smith's grandfather, Reuben Smith served in the War of 1812 and fought at New Orleans; he was a minister in the M.E. church for eighty years and died at the good old age of 108. Comrade Smith is P.C. of Sage Port, 581, he is a painter and his address is New Albany, Ind.
Knox Co. TN Deeds (FHL film 503,058)
K3-262: 18 Sept. 1872, James M. Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN to Weaver & Bro. of Knox Co. TN (D.H. and W.H. Weaver), $960, back of Lot #13 in McGhee's Addition to Knoxville; no wife, no wit.
K3-263: 20 Sept. 1872, C.M. McGhee of Knox Co. TN to Jas. M. Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN, $1250, lot #13 in McGhee's addition to Knoxville; wit. E. Washington.
K3-264: 20 Sept. 1872, C.M. McGhee of Knoxville, Knox Co. TN to Agnes J.D.E. Duncan of Hamilton Co. TN, $500, lot #17 in McGhee's Addition; no wit.
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