Duncan research files of |
1790 Union Co. SC Census, 96th Dist. (and from Alice Duncan) Pg. 91 Hundley Vaughn, Benj. Darbey, Wm. Hencock, Wm. Jenkins, Daniel Lake, Alexander Brown, James Caldwell, Jacob Cooper, Perry Evins, John Dunkin 111x3 Joseph Hughey, Abner Spray, George Vosst, Hannah Furlow ..., Robert Gregory, Joseph Howard, John Baeley, Daniel Comer, James Layton, William Lucison, Zachariah Spaks, James Dunkin 112xx John White, James Rogjen, John Stokes, Joseph Hopkins, Robert White, Jonas Little, Drury Murrell ... 1800 Union Co. SC Census Pg.245 James Dunkin 10010 - 00100 1810 Union Co. SC Census Pg.232A William Dunkin 21011 - 00010 (MAD: William the son of Robert Sr.) 235 James Dunkin 01010 - 30010 237 James Dunkin 00001 - 00001 1820 Union Co. SC Census Pg.143 Robt. Dunkin 000001 - 00001 149 James Duncan 000001 - 00010 (MAD: James son of Alex, to Spartanburg Co. SC) 1830 Union Co. SC Census Pg.215 Frederick Patterson, John E. Guyton, James Kennady, Abram Kennedy, Anna Coray, Sarah Patrick, John Patrick, Jesse Duncan 0000,1 - 0010,1 James Lockhart, Lookey Massey, William Massey, Peter Massey 1840 Union Co. SC Census Pg.175 David Harris Jr., John Deavers, Chamer Stevens, John Harris, Hanson Gregory, David S. Jetor?, John F. Rnoull?, Mercer Fuller, John Duncan 1000,1 - 0000,1 George France?, William Sarter, Mrs?. S. Hopson, (pg.176) Mrs. Pheba P?aulk, John F. Smith, George Hawes 178 Thomas C. Jeter, Moses Mardes, Elizabeth Mar?des, Abner Mardes, Henry Mardes, Adam Williams, Lt? John C. Jeter, Revd.? D. Duncan 0000,001 - 0000,001 (MAD: Dabney Duncan) R?ed. Thomas Gleson, Ledford Rogers, James Johnson, Randle Jenkins 202 George Wofford, Rufus? Lancaster, Jonathan Wyatt, George West, Willis West, Joel Weeks, (pg.203) Chris. Willis, William Weaby?, 203 Jessee Duncan 0121,0001 - 0010,01 (MAD: from Spartanburg Co. SC, son of John & Rachel) Jno? P.P. Parham, Hebert Cunningham, Hiram Wofford, Capt. James Mayes, Jesse Carson, Samuel Mayes, Isaac Lindsay 220 Ellis Fowler, Jesse Clark, Jesse Vincent, Nancy Horn, Benjamin Poole, (pg.221) Charles Miles, William Maibin?, 221 Jessee Duncan 0000,01 - 0000,01 William Phillips, Isaac Phillips, Hend? Blanton, Vincent Blanton 226 Robt. Alexander, Ransom Reynolds 1000,2 - 0001,1 Manufacturing Company 0011,1252 - 0001,2 James Service 1012,201 - 1101,001 John Nevis 0201,0001 - 0000,001 Perry Duncan 1000,1 - 1000,1 Isaac Peeler Esq., Nicholas BCarny?, A.J. Peeler?, Thomas Onsby, Phillip Petty, Moses Polly (Potty?), Nancy Dell, Mary Harris
1850 Union Co. SC Census
Pg.52, William Campbell, Jackson Pery? (faint), Berry ?enson?, William Phillip, Jane Mosely, Charles Miles, John Miles,
Pg.52, #774, Jesse DUNCAN 34 SC farmer
Frances (f) 35 VA
Jesse PORTER 16 SC
Amos 13, Joseph 6 SC
(CH & MAD: 1860 Cleveland Co. NC; actual age ca 44)
Pg.52, Bry?son Skadman?, Alexander Abernathy, Francis Parker, Andrew Abernathy, Philson? Sparks
Pg.75, Older Neall, Davis McCullough, Hughes Brown, John Goudelock, Mary Davis, George Brown, Hannah McCullough,
Pg.75, #1109, Perry DUNCAN 35 SC laborer
Adril (f) 40 SC
Robert 12, Mary 10 SC
Joseph 9, Rufus 3 SC
(MAD: P.C. Duncan in 1860 Pontotoc Co. MS, Decatur Duncan in 1870 Pontotoc Co. MS)
Pg.75, George Peaby?, Eleazir Parker, Reese Parker, Elisha Petty
Pg.83, Edward McDaniel, Leland Swink, Jones Swink, Martha Rogers, Isabella Means, Rhody? Mussele, Elijah Tucker, John Boyed, Isaac Bogan?, Charles Bogan?,
Pg.83, #1233, Jesse DUNCAN 59 SC planter $1630
Martha 49 SC
Martha 18, Caroline 7 SC
Harrison WYATT 22 SC
(MAD: Martha in Calhoun Co. AL 1860)
Pg.83, William Hewett, Martha Glenn, Richard Leemaster, Lucy Kennedy, Alexander McDonald, Mary Black, John A. Black, Nancy McBride
1860 Union Co. SC Census
Pg.199, #247-205, John DAVIS (DARIS?) 29 SC mason $0-$600
C.Y. WILLARD (m) 30 SC mason $0-$400
Marriah (f) 30 SC
J.T. DUNCAN (m) 20 SC mason $0-$0
Lilia NORTON 83 SC BLACK cook
Pg.201, #279-233, Thomas EISAN 53 SC farmer $3,000-$8,000
Mary 30 SC
James DUNCAN 24 SC carpenter $0-$0
Isabella 15 SC (not mar. in year)
Josephus EISAN 21 SC farm laborer
James 19 SC farm laborer
Mack (m) 12 SC student
Cahinn (m) 10, Beaty (m) 10 SC students
Mary 4, Elizabeth 8/12 SC
Carry (f) 8/12 SC
(MAD: James M. 33 SC, wife Bell 26 SC, in 1870 Sevier Co. TN census)
Pg.269, #1377-1266, Thomas LITTLE 28 SC carpenter $1000-$0
Frances (f) 37 SC
Hiram "DUNCAS" 33 (35?) SC carpenter
Francis DUNCAN (m) 18 SC carpenter
Pg.295, #1757-1626, John DUNCAN 43 SC farm manager $0-$0
Louis (m) 37 SC laborer $0-$0
Pg.296, #1770-1639, William LITTLE 46 SCT mechanic $50-$1000
Thomas 42 SCT
Sindenes? (m) 23 NC carpenter
Adran DUNCAN 26 NC carpenter
1870 Union Co. SC Census (most from Doris Duncan-Davis 8/2000)
Goshen Hill Twp., P.O. Unionville, 7/24/1870
Pg.413, #161-186, DUNKIN, Dorcy (m) 25 SC farmer $4000-$2200, can't read or write, eligible to vote
Caroline 25 SC keeps house, can't r/w
Mary R. 6/12 SC b.Jan.
Gowdysville Twp, 7/25/1870
Pg.440-441, #326-347, DUNCAN, Aaron (m) 30 SC works on farm $0-$0, can't read or write, eligible to vote
Nancy 33 SC, can't r/w
Miram (f) 6, Ida (f) 4, Mary 2 SC
Louise 49 SC, can't r/w
(MAD: ? 1850 Spartanburg Co. SC census)
Jonesville Twp., P.O. Unionville, 9/24/1870
Pg.472, #226-267, DUNCAN, Noah 21 SC BLACK farmer $0-$0, can't read or write, eligible to vote
GIST, Brooks (m) 39 SC BLACK farm laborer $0-$15, can't read or write, eligible to vote
Hariet (f) 37 SC BLACK farm laborer, can't r/w
James 11, William 10, John 7 SC BLACKS at home
Union Twp., P.O. Unionville, 8/3/1870
Pg.547, #168-182, DUNKAN, Hiram 39 NC farmer $0-$0, can't read or write, eligible to vote
Joicy (f) 38 SC at home, can't r/w
Nannie (f) 8 NC at home
Liza (f) 7, Wilson 2 SC at home
Ellen 4/12 SC b.Feb. at home
LANGSTON, Louise 45 SC (white) farm hand
Hannah 7 SC at home
1880 Union Co. SC Census (from Doris Duncan-Davis 8/2000)
Union Twp., SD.1, ED.150, Pg.38-39, Enumerated June 14, 1880
Pg.410B-411A, #383-393, DUNCAN, William 73 SC BLACK Husband, Farm Laborer,
father b.SC, mother b.VA (ditto from earlier household)
DUNCAN, Caroline 60 (68?) SC BLACK Wife, Farm Laborer SC VA
ROBERSON, Catherine 17 SC MULATTO Granddaughter, Farm Laborer SC SC
Pg.411A, #384-394, NORVIL, Henry 55 SC BLACK Husband, single, (married crossed out), Farm Laborer SC SC
DUNCAN, Lizzie 37 SC BLACK (blank), single, Farm Laborer SC SC
NORVIL, Ben 19 SC BLACK son, single, Farm Laborer SC SC
NORVIL, Caroline 17 SC BLACK Daughter, single, Farm Laborer SC SC
NORVIL, Lavenia 15 SC BLACK Daughter, single, Farm Laborer SC SC
NORVIL, Susan 10 SC BLACK Daughter, single, Farm Laborer SC SC
Union Twp., SD.1, ED.150, Pg.47, Enumerated June 17, 1880
Pg.415A, #464-474, DUNCAN, Alfred 34 SC BLACK Husband, married, Farm Laborer, father b.SC mother b.SC
DUNCAN, Della Ann 26 SC BLACK Wife, married, Farm Laborer SC SC
DUNCAN, Brooks 11 SC BLACK Son, single, Farm Laborer SC SC
DUNCAN, Martha 8 SC BLACK Daughter, single, At Home SC SC
DUNCAN, Amelia 3 SC BLACK Daughter, single, At Home SC SC
DUNCAN, Sophia 7 SC BLACK Daughter, single, At Home SC SC
DUNCAN, Emma 1/12 b.Aprl SC BLACK daughter, single, at home SC SC
Goshen Hill Twp., SD.1, ED.155, Pg.34, Enumerated June 16, 1880
Pg.519B, #214-214, DUNCAN, Stephen 35 SC BLACK, married, farmer, father b.SC mother b.SC
DUNCAN, Netta 32 SC BLACK Wife, married, Works on farm SC SC
DUNCAN, Thomas 15 SC BLACK Son, single, Works on farm SC SC
DUNCAN, Ellen 14 SC BLACK Daughter, single, Works on farm SC SC
DUNCAN, Stephen 12 SC BLACK Son, single, Works on farm SC SC
DUNCAN, Josephine 10 SC BLACK Daughter, single, At home SC SC
DUNCAN, Hattie 8 SC BLACK Daughter, single, At home SC SC
DUNCAN, McDuffie 6 SC BLACK Son, single, SC SC
DUNCAN, Sanford 4 SC BLACK Son, single, SC SC
DUNCAN, Julia 2 SC BLACK Daughter, single, SC SC
DUNCAN, Charley 6/12 b.Dec. SC BLACK Son, SC SC
Goshen Hill Twp., SD.1, ED.153, Pg.3?, Enumerated June 19, 1880
Pg.521B, #248-248, GIST, Mary E. 64? (69?) SC white, widowed, farmer, father b.SC mother b.SC
DUNCAN, Mary 10 SC white, granddaugh., single, at home, father b.VA, mother b.SC
DUNCAN, Caroline 7 SC white, granddaugh., single, at home, father b.VA, mother b.SC
DUNCAN, William H. 5 SC white, grandson, single, at home, father b.VA, mother b.SC
Goshen Hill Twp., SD.1, ED.155, Pg.30, Enumerated June 21, 1880
Pg.522B, #268-268, DUNCAN, D'Arcy (m) 34 VA white, widowed, farmer, father b.IREland, mother b.VA (MAD: alone)
Gowdysville Twp., SD.1, ED.156, Pg.32, Enumerated June 14, 1880
Pg.541B, #294-294, DUNCAN?, Permelia 47 SC white (blank), widowed, keeping house, father b.SC, mother b.SC
DUNCAN, Frisk 20 SC white, son, single, farmer SC SC
DUNCAN, Elizabeth 18 SC white, daughter, single, at home SC SC
DUNCAN, Mildred 16 SC white, daughter, single, at home SC SC
Pg.541B, #295-295, DUNCAN, Louis (m) 25 SC BLACK (blank), married, Farmer, father b.SC mother b.SC
DUNCAN, Naomi 23 SC BLACK, Wife, married, Keeping house SC SC
DUNCAN, Supio? 3 SC BLACK, son, single SC SC
DUNCAN, Mamie? 8 SC BLACK, Niece, single SC SC
Go to the Union Co. SC Land Records
Union Co. SC Will Book (FHL film 255,013?; from Lenox Baker 7/1980)
Vol 2, Bk.B, p.159: 2 Aug. 1825, will of Robert Duncan, District of Union, State of SC, to loving wife Susanna Duncan if the longest lived to have the tract of land whereon I now live containing 346 acres, likewise 15 negroes, namely George Jemima Lida, Delpha William Lewis George Jur. Silas Thos. Landon, melenda, Rorksionna, Hezekiah, Jemima Jur., William Ju.,; ... during life and at her death to will it to whomsoever she may think proper; to my brother William Duncan $1.50; to my sister Mary Kelley $1.50; to my sister Levina Stewart $1.50; to my sister Jane Morrell $1.50; to Saray Massay $1.50; to the heirs of Ann Freeman $1.50; appoint Susanna Duncan my wife & Carey Woodson and Wm. Rountree executors. /s/ Robert Duncan, seal. Wit. Thos. Woodson, ??ane Jones, J. H. Drake. Recorded 4 Oct. 1825, Will Book B, pg. 112.
Union Co, SC Will Book (possibly from Kirby Watkins ca 4/1995, via Charles W. Hite)
A-37-38: Dec 31, 1801, Will of John Bailey, proved 9 Mar 1802, by wife Mary, to Thomas Winn (Wynn?) one dollar, to Wm Winn one dollar, to son Harrison Bailey, daughter Susanna Lawson, and her sons Harrison Bailey and Wm Bailey, my daughter Palatiah Betterton, son-in-law Thomas Betterton to be executor. Wit: William White, Robert White, James Duncan s/o Alex, proved by James Duncan.
Union Co. SC Wills, Transcribed Vol.A-B (FHL film 1,025,417)
B-213: Will of Jane Norvell of Union Dist. SC, being old and infirm; following property be sold at public outcry: negro fellow Jim, negro woman Prudence and her children to wit Sissilly, Wilton, Mariah, Mary Ann & Lucinda with their future increase, also my household furniture; the proceeds be divided into three equal shares, 1/3 be loaned to my son John Norvell for life and then equally divided among the lawful heirs of his body as they may arrive to lawful age, and to my son John Norvell all my interest to the land whereon I formerly lived or the proceeds arising from the sale of my land; loan to my daughter Polly Green 1/3 part for life, then equally divided among the lawful heirs of her body as they arrive at lawful age, and should my daughter purchase any of the aforesaid negroes then that much out of the third part going to her, then the negroes she purchases shall be considered a loan and at her death to be equally divided among her heirs forever; the remaining 1/3 equally divided among the heirs of my decd. daughter Levina Mitchell, to wit, Tarlton Norvell Mitchell, Elizabeth Bird Mitchell, Sally Rice Mitchell, Mary Jane Mitchell and Francis Mitchell as they arrive at lawful age or marry, and the same be put to interest for their benefit under the care and trust of John Rogers as trustee; my daughter Polly Green have all my wearing apparel. Appoint my friends John Norvell, Hugh Green and John Rogers my execs; dated 22 Jan. 1829; /s/ Jane Norvell (X), wit. Sim. Bleskew, Elizabeth Mitchell, Rice Mitchell. Proved 24 Sept. 1834, and qualified Hugh Green exor.; 28 Sept. 1835 qualified John Norvell exor.
Union Co. SC Probate Records 1777-1961 (index on FHL film 255,015)
Box 17, pkg. 28: 25 Feb. 1830, Codicil to will of Susannah (X) Duncan, widdow and relict of Robert Duncan deceased; on 15 Sept. 1828, appt. Kindred Bobo exec., and Bobo departed this life, now appoint William C. Pearsons exec. (FHL film 255,028)
Will of Susannah Duncan offered for probate May 8, 1830 on oath of Wm. B. Murphy, rec. Book B, 148, 149. He saw John W. Cressly? and Jefro? D. Murphy sign their names.
Will of Susannah Duncan, widdow and relict of Robert Duncan, decd, being weak in body, exercise the power and authority given ... me by the last will ... of my dec'd husband the said Robert Duncan; to the children now in being of my beloved nephew Robert Lane and his present wife Unity, namely, Susannah Duncan Lane, Young John Lane, and Nancy Pro.. Lane, Catharine Elizabeth Lane and Delilah Lane "and to all other children which may hereafter come in being between their two bodies together all my estate"; executor to prosecute ... a claim for which I have filed a bill in the Court of Equity of this District against William Rountree, Cary Woodron? and others. Appt. Kindred Bobo Senr. executor. Dated 15 Sept. 1828. Wit. Wm. C. Pearson, Wm. B. Murphy, Chaney B. Hill.
Box 37, pkg. 14: Court of Ordinary, petition of Martha Duncan widow of Jesse Duncan, departed this life intestate on or about the 30th day of January A.D. 1853, leaving your petitioner his widow, Amos Duncan residing in the State of Georgia, Absolum Duncan residing in the State of Mississippi, Emaline Williams formerly Emaline Duncan, John Duncan and Caroline Duncan, heirs at law him surviving ... 21 Feb. 1853. (FHL film 255,040) (MAD: ? 1810-1830 Spartanburg Co. SC, ? son of Jesse Duncan of Greenville Co. SC)
Bond of Martha Duncan and William L. Howell, Union Dist., 14 March 1853.
(MAD: Amos Duncan of 1850 ?? Sumter Co. GA census or Benton Co. AL ??; Martha & Caroline & Permelia Emaline in 1860 Calhoun Co. AL census)
Union Co. SC Equity Court Bills (Index to equity bills 1798-1870 on FHL film 254,980)
Wm. Burton vs. William Duncan, 1812, trespass -- not found
Roll #399, Bill for Partition Filed 14 March 1853. Complaint by oratrix Martha Duncan, widow of Jesse Duncan late of Union Co. SC, decd; that Jesse Duncan was in his lifetime and at his death seised and possessed in fee simple of a certain tract of land on the FairForrest Creek bounded on S and E by lands of Dr. M.A. Moore and Joseph Foster and on the N by lands of Thomson Glenn and on the W by lands of Harvy Lancaster containing about 100 acres; that Jesse Duncan also was seised in fee of two negro slaves named Sam and Tines; that Jesse Duncan died on or about (blank) day of Jany. 1853 intestate, leaving oratrix his widow, Amos Duncan resident of State of GA but now temporarily in this district, Absalom L. Duncan residing in MS, Emaline Williams wife of Zebedee Williams whom she married, John Duncan a minor of the age of 20 years, and Caroline Duncan a minor of the age of 10 years, heirs at law him surviving; that upon his death the lands and negro slaves descended to the oratrix and the said defendants and became subject to partition amongst them, 1/3 to oratrix and the other 2/3 equally amongst the five defendants who are severally seised in fee as tenants in common; that a fair, just and equal partition of the lands and negroes will tend greatly to the advantage of the oratrix and the defendants, and that a writ of partition may be issued to direct a commission to divide and allot the land and negroes amongst the heirs ... or whether it will prove more advantages to all the parties interested to assign the lands and negroes to one or more of the parties on the payment of a sum of money by them to be assessed or that the same be sold at public auction and the proceeds be divided; request the court issue a writ of subpoena to be directed to the said Amos Duncan, Absalom L. Duncan, Zebedee Williams and wife Emaline, John Duncan and Caroline Duncan. (notice published in newspaper, clipping attached to page). (FHL film 254,992; frames 289-291)
The joint and several answers of Amos Duncan, Zebedee Williams and wife Emaline, and of John Duncan and Caroline Duncan infants under the age of 21 years by J.G. McKissick their guardian ad litem defendants to the bill of complaint of Martha Duncan; they agree. 15 June 1853, /s/ Amos S. Dunkin, Zebedon (X) Williams, Permelia E. Williams, J.G. McKissick. Filed 15 June 1853. (frame 292)
To William West Esq., Major Thomson Glenn, Isaac Thomson, James Montgomery and William P?. Howel; whereas Jesse Duncan died about (blank) January 1853 owning land on waters of Fair Forrest Creek adj. S & E by lands belonging to Dr. M.A. Moore and Joseph Foster, N by Thomson Glenn, and W by Harvy Lancaster, 100 acres, and two negro slaves Sam and Tiner; you be commissioners to have the lands surveyed if you deem it necessary to partition the land among the heirs, or if it cannot be divided fairly, return the value; 15 June 1853. (frame 294)
John H. Duncan, one of the heirs at law and distributees of the estate of Jesse Duncan decd, made oath that Absalom L. Duncan, one of the coheirs and distributees of the estate, resides out of and beyond the limits of this state. /s/ John H. Duncan. 4 April 1853.
Bill in Partition; the commissioners per order of the court 25 Oct., after advertising the sale, recommend selling the land on sales day in December next to the highest bidder on a credit of one and two years; proceeded to sell the land, Martha Duncan became purchaser for $2,282 being the highest bidder, she paid the costs of this suit $95.02 & gave bond for payment and interest from 2 Jan. 1854. (frame 300a & 300b)
Union Co. SC Court of Ordinary, Journals & Minutes (index, Vol.A-C, 1802-1840, on FHL film 1,025,429)
Duncan: Robert, Susannah, Jesse, M.B. -- not copied
Union Co. SC Probate Court, Inventories, appraisals & sales
1836-1841 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,025,411)
1843-1846, Book B - no Duncan (FHL film 1,025,411)
1845-1853 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,025,412)
Union Co. SC Probate Court, Misc. Probate Records (Index 1777-1961, on FHL film 255,015)
Box 48, Pkg. 17: Appraisement Bill of the Estate of M.B. Duncan decd, Sept. 1866. Estate includes cows, colt, mares, 1 pair of match mules, 1 mule jack, buggy and harness, wagon, tools, yoke oxen, etc., (no total); appraisers A.S. Goudelock, J.H.L. Wood, R.M. Patrick.
Petition of Pamela A. Dunkan of Union Dist., that M.B. Duncan her late husband died leaving his widow the petitioner and children W.L. Duncan 15 years of age, Beatrice M., Ellen, Eliza, Franklin, Lizzie & Mildred all younger than the first named; that he died in March 1864 leaving in the possession of the petitioner personal property worth $1,000, that the property is liable to be wasted or lost, and petitions the court to grant her letters of administration. /s/ P.A. Duncan. Wit. J.R. Jefferies. (FHL film 255,050; frame 235a & 235b)
Warrant of appraisement to William Jefferies Esq., Adam Goudelock, John Wood, Milton Patrick; to appraise goods & chattels of M.B. Duncan shown to you by Pamela Duncan, admin. with will annexed, and make return by 1 Dec. next; /s/ 22 Sept. 1866; Milton Patrick (/s/ R.M. Patrick), Adam Goudelock (/s/ A.S. Goudelock) and John Woods (/s/ J.H.L. Woods). (frame 236; did not extract all documents.)
(MAD: Will of Marion B. Duncan filed in 1866 in Floyd Co. GA, B-292)
Go to the Union Co. SC Court Records
Union Co. SC Real Estate Books (FHL film 1,025,431)
Book 1835-1868 - no Duncan indexed
Union Co. SC Misc. Records V.1&2, 1785-1800; wills, land records, civil bonds, etc. (FHL film 255,014)
No Duncan indexed
Padgetts Creek Baptist Church Minutes, Union Co. SC (typed) (FHL film 22,733)
Pg.40: On Sunday 20 Feb. 1803, Received Betty Duncan by experience. Wednesday, 23, at the Bridge, recd. Jas. Duncan, Susanna Lawson by experience.
Looked through page by page, quit 1812, no other mention of Duncan found.
Cane Creek Baptist Church Minutes, 1835+ Union Co. SC (FHL film 255,080, item 2)
MAD: only extracted a few minutes; pages mostly not numbered; quite a few references to Brother D. Duncan.
June 17, 1843, (received) by letter, David Duncan. Committee appointed ... John Duncan to report on ...
Saturday before 3rd Lords Day, Dec. 1844; Brother John Dunkin made satisfactory ack.ment to church and was restored to fellowship. (MAD: found no mention between June 1843 and Dec. 1844 of John Duncan's dismissal or exclusion)
Saturday before 3rd Lords Day, Feb. 1845, appointed Brethren D. Dunkin, J.L. Jeter and L. Fant a committee to cite Thompson Gregory and James Dunkin before the church for disorderly conduct.
Saturday, 19 April 1845, charges against Jas. Dunkin and Gustian Peter ...
Saturday, May 17, 1845, Brother D. Dunkin says he saw James Dunkin and conversed with him; they believe he has no wish to remain a member of the church any longer.
Saturday, 15 Nov. 1845, "Brethren D. Dunken, John Dunkin, James Sadlin & their wives granted letters of dismission." (MAD: wives not named)
To Jan. 1848, quit.
Spartanburg Co. SC Deeds
R-116: 1 Aug. 1820, Anthony Foster of Spartanburg Co. SC to James Duncan, son of Alexander, of Union Co. SC, $200, 50 acres. Release by Elizabeth Foster. (FHL film 1,022,822) (MAD: see Union Co. SC)
Deeds looked at but not copied; all James, son of Alexander:
R-200: 4 Jan. 1821, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from John Vice, 168 acres
S-238: 1823, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Wm. W. Smithwick, 1 tract Tygar River
T-80: 1822, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Wm. W. Smithwick, 200 acres Tygar River
T-179: 1819, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Wm. W. Smithwick, 1 tract, receipt for land
T-214: 1825, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to Meadows Harrelson, 54 acres.
U-324: 1825, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Jas. Brannon, 1 tract
V-89: 1832, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to Manly Floyd, 150 acres N. Tygar River.
V-355: 1825, James Duncan, son of Alexander, and Elizabeth Duncan to Meadows, 62 acres Tyger River; 54 acres waters of Tygar River, release of dower.
W-493: 1833, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to Robert Rogers, 57 acres
Quit at book BB
Lincoln Co. NC Deed (FHL film 19,258)
27-521: Deed includes extracts of will of Joseph Barnes of Cecil Co., MD, re negro Syrus & Peter, dated 5 Feb. 1806, Syrus sold by James Sims, exec., to ...; 30 May 1807 sold by William Johnson of Union Dist. SC to James Duncan; 5 Oct. 1808 sold by James Duncan to William Featherton; 11 June 1811 sold by William Featherton to ...; etc. Wit. Frederick Jackson, Z. Gibbs.
Lincoln Co. TN Deed (FHL film 898,359; SLC 5/6/2013)
C-136/137: 1 Dec. 1810, Francis and Sarah Fincher his wife to William Sims Esqr. and James Duncan son of Alexr., all of Union Dist. SC, for $1200 that the sd Wm. Sims Esqr. and James Duncan son of Alexr stand bound to the sd Francis and Sarah Fincher his wife, guardians for the minor children of David Smith Esqr. decd, sell to said Wm. Sims Esqr. and James Duncan son of Alexr. 5 negroes, namely Jos Cabe Rachel Anne Sarah and all their increase mortgage said negroes and sd. Francis and Sarah Fincher his wife warrant them to the above sd Sims and Duncan; as a condition of the above mortgage, Francis and Sarah Fincher to keep Wm. Sims Esqr. and James Duncan son of Alexr free from any payment or damage concerning the estate of David Smith Esqr decd that is in their hands, the sd Francis Fincher and Sarah wife belonging to the minor children, then this mortgage is void. /s/ Frances Fincher, Sarah (X) Fincher. Wit. Isaac Pearson, Timothy P. Fincher. Ack. Union Dist. SC on 11 Oct. 1814 by Isaac Pearson before Bird Murphey, J.P. Recorded Lincoln Co. Nov. 1814, the within Bill of Sale was ack. in open court by Francis Fincher and Sarah Fincher and ordered registered, 7 Nov. 1814. Registered 3 Dec. 1814. (FHL film 898,359)
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Duncan, E.D., Pension 17509, Private, Co.E, 11th Regt. AL, enlisted July 1861 at Lynchburg [Campbell Co.], VA, discharged April 9, 1865; wit. I.M. Noland, C.W. Free.
Duncan, Elisha D., Private, Co.H, 11th AL Inf. Regt, June 11, 1861, Carrollton [Pickens Co.], AL, engagements ... 1862-1864 (not copied); born SC, farmer, P.O. Antioch, age 23, single. Authority: Historical Record Roll dated at Petersburg, Dec. 29, 1864.
Duncan, Elisha Dabna, Private, Co.H, 11th AL, enlisted June 1861 at Carrolton, AL, surrendered and paroled at Appomattox. Authority: Personal statement, Census Tax Assessor, Pickens Co. 1907.
Duncan, Elisha Dabrey (MAD: sic), Private, Co.H, 11th AL, enlisted at Carrollton, AL, June 6, 1861, and served until the close of war in 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse. Born Feb. 25, 1839, Union D.C. SC. Address 1921: Carrollton, Pickens Co. AL, RFD #3. Authority: 1921 Census of Confederate Soldiers.
Duncan, John F., Pension 17507, Pickens Co., Private, Co.H, 11th Reg. AL, enlisted Oct. 1862 at Richmond, VA, discharged April 15, 1865, wounded in leg at Gettysburg, PA, wit. B.F. Ferguson, J.T. Hamiter.
Duncan, John F., Private, 11th Reg. AL Vols., Co.H. Wounded at "Gettusburg" PA on July 2, "186-", "lef amputated." Application from Pickens Co. Authority: Appl. "for the relief of maimed soldiers" No.114, filed Feb. 13, 1879. See auditors files 1879.
Duncan, John F., Co.H, 11th AL. Authority: Personal statement, Census Tax Assessor Pickens Co. 1907.
Duncan, John Francis, Private, Co.H, 11th AL. Enlisted at Carrollton, Pickens Co. AL, 1862 and served until 1863, "Balimore," MD. By parole after loss of leg at Gettysburgh. Born Nov. 25, 1843, Union Dist. SC. Address 1921: McShan, Pickens Co. AL. Authority: 1921 Census of Confederate Soldiers.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, "C.D.", Pickens Co. AL, Private, Co.H, 11th AL. Application 18 June 1903 by E.D. Duncan of Pickens Co. AL, Private in Co.H., 11th AL Reg., enlisted July 1861 at Lynchburg, VA, discharged 9 April 1865; wit. J.M. Noland, C.W. Free. Appl. 25 Feb. 1919, by E.D. Duncan, over 80 years of age, b. Union Dist. SC, Pickens Co. pension #33689. Real estate 230 acres in Pickens Co., 18 June 1903. Appl. 20 June 1911, over 70 years of age, known by H.B. Latham for 40 years. (MAD: all documents refer to him as E.D. Duncan except the heading page.)
DUNCAN, John F., widow Mrs. Zilla B. Duncan, Pickens Co. AL, Private, Co.H, 11th AL. Application 1 Sept. 1936, Pickens Co. AL, by Mrs. Zilla B. Duncan, P.O. McShan, Pension #2677, living alone, born McShan, Pickens Co. AL, July 10, 1866, her father J.T. McShan Sr. died April 13, 1924 McShan, AL; her husband John Francis Duncan, married Dec. 5, 1889, McShan, AL, he died Dec. 12, 1922, McShan, AL, enlisted about 1863 at Carrollton, Pickens Co. AL, Infantry, Private, 11th AL, Col. Sanders, Capt. Moorhead, wounded at Gettysburg, loss of right leg, pension in Pickens Co. Appl. 9 Jan. 1922, Zilla B. Duncan, widow of John F. Duncan who died Dec. 12, 1921 at McShan, Pickens Co. AL, on pension in Pickens Co. #7178; married near McShan, Dec. 5, 1889, she born McShan on 10 July 1866, now age 55 years 6 months, now living with my children; my children's names and post office: Lois M., housekeeper, McShan, AL; Shields D., team foreman, McShan, AL; J. Howard, commissary clerk, Herberger, AL; Francis M., farmer, McShan, AL; Mary E., housewife, McShan, AL; Lottie, teacher, McShan, AL; owns 12-1/2 acres Pickens Co. Appl. 13 May 1889, John F. Duncan, Pickens Co. AL, Private Co.H, 11 Reg. AL Inf., wounded 2 July 1863 at Gettysburgh, PA; he lost his right leg, he in business of physician. (MAD: several applications give his business as doctor.) Appl. 25 May 1887, 24 April 1891, 15 May 1896 at P.O. Beards AL, 1 March 1897, 2 March 1898, 1 Feb. 1898, 28 April 1883, 31 May 1892. Schedule of property 10 June 1911 of John F. Duncan, 12-1/2 acres Pickens Co., 5 room house, pole barn, 8 acres in cultivation. Appl. 10 June 1911, John F. Duncan, now age 68 years. Appl. 17 Feb. 1894. Appl. 4 July 1881, J.F. Duncan received an artificial leg, by reason of its unfitness of same, he received his benefit. Appl. 30 May 1893.
TN Confederate Pension Applications from index (FHL film 969,779)
#5975, J.M. Duncan, filed Jan. 27, 1904, accepted; applicant J.M. Duncan, native of NC, now res. Knoxville, Knox Co. TN; was in Co.H 2nd Engineer Troop; wounded at Manass (2nd) Aug. 30, 1862, and also May 1864 at Petersburg, VA; born Rutherford Co. NC, Oct. 24, 1836; enlisted April 1861, Col. Jenkins afterwards General, Capt. Salter; shell wound of right knee; family consists of 7, myself, wife and 5 children except one son who is not living at home; wife age 60, children 35, 29, 26, 10, adopted daughter; children males except one adopted daughter; lived in TN since 1967; /s/ 9 Dec. 1903; wit. C.W. Duncan, C.S. Sellers. Letter Nov. 1, 1921, from Robt. L. Duncan, the death of my father J.M. Duncan on Oct. 20, 1921, my mother would receive his pension for the ensuing quarter, request widow's pension application. (MAD: widow perhaps ?? Belle Duncan, #7785, widow of James M. Duncan b. 1836 Spartanburg Co. SC, mar. 1858 Union Co. SC, res. 1921 Knox Co. TN)
1920 "History of SC" Vol.V, by Yates Snowden (FHL book 975.7 H2s; typed by Evelyn Sigler)
Pg.17: Col. D'Arcy Paul Duncan. A youthful soldier during the last year of the war between the states, for many years a successful planter, public official of Union Co., a former member of the State Railroad Commission, president of the SC State Fair, these and other positions and services have made Col. D'Arcy P. Duncan of Columbia one of the best known citizens of the state.
He comes of a family in which high and scholarly achievement is a tradition. He is a brother of the late Bishop William W. Duncan of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Another brother was James Armstrong Duncan, also a Methodist minister but best known as president of Randolph-Macon College in Virginia. Another brother was the late Maj. D.R. Duncan of Spartanburg, an ex-Confederate officer, prominent as a lawyer and railway president.
These sons were children of David and Alice Amanda (Piedmont) Duncan. David Duncan was born in County Donegal, Ireland, in 1790, of Scotch parents. He was a graduate of the University of Edinburgh. He served years in the British Navy, and while on a British boat was with the fleet at St. Petersburg when Napoleon and his army read their fate in the flames of Moscow. David Duncan came to American in 1817, and for nearly twenty years was principal of the Norfolk Academy in Virginia, and from 1835 to 1854 was professor of Ancient Languages in Randolph-Macon College. From 1854 to 1881, the year of his death, he was professor of Ancient Languages in Wofford College at Spartanburg, going to that institution the year it was founded. He died at the age of ninety-one. His son William Wallace Duncan had attended the first class of Wofford in 1854, after his graduation filled many pulpits in the Methodist Church and in 1875 was elected to the Chair of Philosophy at Wofford and made financial agent for the college. in 1886, at the General Conference at Richmond, he was elected bishop, a high office he filed with distinction until his death on March 2, 1908. Bishop Duncan is remembered as one of the most gifted, brilliant and scholarly men of the South.
Col. D'Arcy P. Duncan was born in Mecklenburg Co. VA, in 1846, and was eight years old when his parents moved to Spartanburg. In 1864 he was enrolled in the Citadel, the South Carolina Military Academy at Charleston, and with the Charleston Cadets of State Troops he entered the Confederate Army of defense, serving on James Island and vicinity.
In 1867 Col. Duncan married Miss Carrie C. Gist, dau. of former Governor W.H. Gist. After his marriage he moved to a plantation in Union Co ten miles from the Town of Union on Tyger River, near the Laurens Co line. He developed his plantation of 2,100 acres until it became widely known for its successful management and its great productiveness. Col. Duncan was always a pioneer in the introduction of progressive agricultural methods. It was his prominence as a planter that brought him election in 1881 as president of the State Agricultural and Mechanical Society of SC, the incorporation which has had the management of the State Fair. During his term of office the annual fair at Columbia enjoyed every degree of success and prosperity. Since leaving the office of president he has remained as an ex-officio member of the executive committee of the society.
His first important service in public affairs was rendered when he was elected in 1876 as a member of the Board of County Commissioners of Union County. That was just at the period of restored white rule, and as a result of the carpet bag regime the county was heavily burdened with debt. When he left office in 1880 provision had been made for the payment of every dollar of debt, and Col. Duncan was complimented by his fellow citizens in bringing about such a desirable result. In 1882 he was appointed by Gov. Thomson to fill the unexpired term of Governor Jeter as a member of the Board of Railroad Commissioners, and was connected with that board continuously for twenty-three years. He was a member until 1894, and then for eleven years served as secretary of the board.
Col. Duncan has been a resident of Columbia since 1904. After severing his connection with the Railroad Commission he represented some of the local railway companies until 1918, and is now enjoying a well earned retirement, though his interests and enthusiasm in all matters touching the welfare of his state and community are as fresh as ever.
Col. Duncan's first wife died in 1876, and her three living children are Mrs. R.P. Harry, of Union, Mrs. James R. Cogswell, of Darlington, and William Gist Duncan, of Leesville. In 1881 Col. Duncan married Miss Kate Richardson, daughter of the late Congressman John S. Richardson of Sumter. To this marriage were born four children, Mrs. Harry Nelson Eden, Mrs. Leroy Reeves, Mrs. Ed Brennon Jr., and James A. Duncan. The son is a graduate with the class of 1917 from the University of South Carolina and is now assistant tutor of physics in Harvard University.
1920 "History of SC" Vol.IV, by Yates Snowden (FHL film 1,320,649)
Pg.238-9: Hon. Thomas Carey Duncan, present member of the State Senate, built in 1893 the first cotton mill in Union Co. ... Senator Duncan is the only son of the late Bishop William Wallace Duncan. That distinguished scholar and leader in the Methodist Episcopal Church South was born at Boydston, VA, Dec. 20, 1839, at the time of his birth the seat of Randolph-Macon College. He was the son of Professor David and Alice (Piemont) Duncan; David Duncan was a Scotchman, was born at Moville, near Belfast, Ireland, and came to America after a period of service in the British navy. In 1854 he located at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC ... Bishop Duncan was educated at Randolph-Macon College until 1854 and in 1858 graduated from Wofford College ... death in 1908. Bishop Duncan married, March 19, 1861, Medora Rice, of Union Co. SC; her father B.H. Rice, also a native of Union Co., was a prominent planter and during a brief residence in Panola Co. MS, his daughter Dora was born. Thomas Carey Duncan was born in Bogansville Twp, Union Co. SC, July 5, 1862; graduated 1881 ... In 1885 he married Miss Fannie A. Merriman, of Greenwood; their three children are Dora, wife of J.T. Fitten, of Atlanta; Louisa, wife of D.M. Eaves of Union; and Miss Fannie Duncan.
"Who's Who In America" 1901-1902, pub. by Marquis (from Evelyn Sigler 11/1984; FHL book 973 D36w)
DUNCAN, William Wallace, bishop M.E. Ch. South; elected, 1886; born Boydton, VA, Dec. 20, 1839; ed. Randolph-Macon Coll. until 1854; grad. Wofford Coll., Spartanburg, SC, June, 1868; m. March 19, 1861, Medora Rice, Union S.C. Joined VA conf. 1859 and filled stas. in same until 1875, except during Civil war, was chaplain Confederate army; prof. intellectual and moral philosophy Wofford Coll., 1875-86; delegate to Ecumenical conf., London, 1881. Address: Spartanburg, S.C.
According to Leonardo Andrea, SC genealogist, in his "Counties in SC" (FHL film 954,248, and from Louis Boone)
Extinct counties after the Revolution included:
Pinckney County or District. Was formed as a part of Union (In fact most of Union was Pinckney District) and parts of Cherokee, Spartanburg and even Greenville on Tyger rivers. The line was indefinite. Most of the records are in Union.
Some Union Co. SC records have been abstracted and published:
"NC & SC Marriage Records from Earliest Colonial Days to Civil War" by William M. Clemens, 1927 (FHL book 975 V28c; from Evelyn Sigler, Marion H. Duncan and Gladys Johnson)
"SC Marriage Records Vol.III" 1958 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,225)
"Some South Carolina marriages and obituaries and miscellaneous information, 1826-1854, abstracted from early newspapers : the Greenville Republican, the Greenville mountaineer, the Laurensville herald" by Robert F. Simpson & Mrs. Charles R. Barham (FHL book 975.7 B38s)
"NC Land Grants in SC, Anson & Mecklenburg Cos., 1749-1770" Vol.II, by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975 R28h V.2; and from Evelyn Sigler)
"Patent Land Survey 1770-1820 Located in Greenville Co., Laurens Co., Newberry Co., Spartanburg Co., Union Co. (Parts of the Old 96th Dist.)" by Smith & Owens, 1978 (from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984)
"GA Gene. Magazine" #51-54, 1974 (TN Gen. Society Library #1492 from Evelyn Sigler 3/1984)
"Massey-Duncan-Sims File #831" from Leonardo Andrea Collection, SC genealogist (FHL film 954,594 item 1)
"A Collection of Upper SC Genealogical and Family Records" Vol.I, 1979, ed. by James E. Wooley, pub. by Lucas (FHL book 975.7 D2c; and from Evelyn Sigler and Kit Smith)
"The Southern Genealogist Exchange Quarterly" Vol.9, 1968 (from Roy Hall 5/1985)
"Upper SC Records" by Stoddard, 1955 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,223)
"Union Co. SC Minutes of the County Court, 1785-1799" by Brent H. Holcomb, 1979 (FHL book 975.741 P29s; and from Evelyn Sigler and Donna Little)
"Pinckney Dist. SC Common Pleas Minute Book, 1792-1794" abstracts by Lucille Hendrick Gardner (FHL book 975.7 P2pd)
"SC Magazine of Ancestral Research" 1981 to 1983, Vol.IX to XI (from Evelyn Sigler and Lucille Mehrkam); includes Union Dist. Equity Journal, 1828 to 1836, Susannah (Lane) Duncan, widow of Robert Duncan, vs. William Rountree et al.
"SC Magazine of Ancestral Research" (from Evelyn Sigler and Lucille Mehrkam)
"SC Baptists 1670-1805" by Leah Townsend, 1935 (FHL book 975.7 K2t)
"Laurens Co. SC Misc. Records" Nash, 1953 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,217) includes Gist Family Cemetery in Union Co. SC
"Union Co. (SC) cemeteries : epitaphs of 18th and 19th century settlers in Union County, South Carolina and their descendants Cemeteries" also includes cemeteries from the following South Carolina counties: Cherokee (9); Chester (13); Fairfield (1); Laurens (6); Newberry (7); Spartanburg (11); York (1); by Mrs. E.D. Whaley, 1976 (from Evelyn Sigler 12/1984; FHL book 975.741 V3w)
"The Fairforest Story, History of Fairforest (Lower) Baptist Church and Community" (Union Co. SC) (from Donna Little 9/1982)
"Death & Obituary Notices from 'Southern Christian Advocate' 1867-1878" Vol.3 by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975.8 V4h; SUTRO book F208 H62 1993, CA State Library, Sutro Branch)
"Fincher in the United States, 1683-1900" (from Evelyn Sigler 1/1983)
"Genealogy Abstracts Rev. War Veterans Scrip Act 1852" by Margie Brown, 1990 (FHL book 973 R28b; and from Evelyn Sigler 4/1994); includes Application #1569 of heirs of Robert Tompkins in 1830, including Ann D. (Tompkins) Shirley who devised her estate to the children of David R. Duncan and Amanda C. Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC; includes an 1873 power of attorney in Union Co. SC.
"Loyalists in SC" by Leonardo Andrea (FHL film 954,250)
"Union Co. SC Heritage" by Union Co. Heritage Com., 1982 (FHL book 975.741 H2u; and from Evelyn Sigler 1984)
"A History of Union Co. SC" by Mrs. William Rice Feaster, Union Co. Hist. Foundation, 1977 (FHL book 975.741 H2f; and from Evelyn Sigler and Charles Hite)
"Biographical Directory of the SC Senate, 1776-1985" Vol.I, Abbott-Hill, by N. Louise Bailey, Mary L. Morgan, and Carolyn R. Taylor, pgs.433-437 (FHL book 975.7 D3ba; and from Evelyn Sigler); includes sketch of Hiram W. Duncan who d.1872; and Thomas Cary Duncan b.1862 d.1928
"Old Records - 1931" by Cain & Blue & Hollingsworth (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,229)
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