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- Volturno Manifest: finally a list of 463 persons on board Volturno's last trip from the ship's manifest!
- Rotterdam Moves: exhibition on Ellis Island: a background article on emigration through the port of Rotterdam to the New World.
- Two articles from "The Independent" from October 23, 1913 sent to me by Henning Pfeifer.
This site is compiled from sources and information by individuals, who kindly gave me permission for publication on the Internet here.
What's new? - Update history
- Photo of crewmembers
- The Philadelphia Inquirer - newspaper articles from October 1913 sent to me by Arnold Graboyes
- Fire at Sea: The Saga of the Volturno, an article by Cary Ginell, whose great aunt (now 95 years old) was on board of the last trip of the Volturno.
- Information on the ships
- Updated Crewlist of the nine rescuing ships sent to me by Tony Jones.
- Gold Medal: description and picture of the gold life saving medal awarded to Max Spangenberg, captain of the Grosser Kurfürst.
- translations of information compiled by a Dutch researcher of the family history of crewmember Neeltje Graauw. Information reflects current status of research and does not claim to be complete.
- translations of Dutch newspaper articles of October 1913
For questions, reactions or contributions, please send an email to Jan Daamen or write an entry in the guestbook on this page.
Contents Last updated Description Newspaper articles May 25th, 2001 Translation from Dutch into English of newspaper articles of October 1913 List of names September 22, 2000 Alphabetical list of names of persons, ships, locations mentioned in the newspaper articles Research information on Volturno November 6, 2000 Information on the Volturno and its last trip Survey of rescuing ships September 22, 2000 Table with names of rescuing ships, captains, owners and number of survivors Survey of crewmembers September 22, 2000 Table with names of crewmen, rank, nationality and survivor status Survey of Dutchmen September 22, 2000 Table with names of Dutchmen on board, their age, crewman or passenger and survivor status Survey of cargo September 22, 2000 Table of cargo on board with name of importer Photo of several crewmembers on board the Volturno September 23, 2002 Photo with genealogical details about Neeltje Graauw, crewmember on board the Volturno A Tragedy on the High Seas November 6, 2000 Article from "The Independent", October 23, 1913 The Triumph of Wireless November 6, 2000 Article from "The Independent", October 23, 1913 Crew list rescuing ships May 25, 2001 List of crew of the nine rescuing ships Rotterdam Moves May 13, 2001 Article from KLM's inflight magazine "Holland Herald" of May 2001 on history of emigration through the port of Rotterdam to the New World Volturno Manifest May 20, 2001 A list of 463 people on board the Volturno's last trip from Rotterdam to New York Gold Medal May 24, 2001 description and picture of the gold life saving medal awarded to Max Spangenberg, captain of the Grosser Kurfürst Information on the ships June 22, 2001 description and pictures of Volturno and rescuing ships Fire at Sea: The Saga of the Volturno November 1, 2001 article by Cary Ginell The Philadelphia Inquirer November 3, 2001 newspaper articles submitted by Arnold Graboyes Link page June 22, 2001 Links to other sites in which references to Volturno, rescuing ships and the disaster appear
Volturno Guest Book Old Volturno Guest Book
Entries till March 31, 2001Old Volturno Guest Book 2
March 31, 2001 to August 23, 2002