Duncans in Spartanburg Co. SC Land Records


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised August 16, 2001


Index to SC Land Grants 1784-1800
      Name, page, Volume, Class if any, year, district
      Duncan, William, 519, V.30, 02, 1793, 96th (Spartanburg)

SC Land Grants (from Mildred Hofer 5/1982, from SC State Archives and Columbiana Library)
      Grantee, District, Date
      Duncan, John, Spartan, June 4, 1810
      Duncan, William, Spartan, April 6, 1807

Index to SC Land Grants, Class 2 (FHL film 22,531)
      Index 1822-1824, Vol.77-86
      John Duncan, 50a Spartanburg, 4 June 1810, 55-217
      Samuel Duncan, 165a Spartanburg, 12 Jan. 1837, 82-220

SC Royal Land Grants
      11-108: Grant 30 May 1763, to John Millhouse, 300 acres on S.fork Tyger River bounded to southward part on land laid out to William Hendricks and part on vacant land, and on all other sides by vacant land; plat by Egerton Leigh, 23 Nov. 1763. (FHL film 22,587) (MAD: Charleston Dist. SC deed V5-492, 1777, John Milhouse of Craven Co., Camden Dist., to William Duncan of Berkeley Co., 96th Dist., this land; Spartanburg Co. SC deed F-309, 1790, William Duncan heir of William Duncan decd to Moses Brown, this land)

Charleston Dist. SC Deeds
      V5-492/3: Lease & release, 2/3 Nov. 1777, John Milhouse of Craven Co., Camden Dist., SC, millwright, to William Duncan of Berkeley Co., 96th Dist., 300 acres on S.fork Tyger River adj. on SW by land laid out to William H. (blank), all other sides vacant, incl. houses etc., to enable William Duncan to receive a grant; wit. Jesse Hayes, Wm. Teat, James Teat; rec. "36" Jan. 1787. Release for £300, land granted 30 May 1763 to John Milhouse of 300 acres in Berkly Co. on S.Fork Tyger River adj. SW on land laid out to William Hendricks, other sides vacant, rec. Book XX pg.108. (FHL film 23,567) (MAD: see Spartanburg Co. SC)
      X5-19: Lease, 26 June 1765, John Duncan of Duncan's Creek of Craven Co. SC, planter, to William Hendricks of same, millwright, John Duncan Senr. lease 200 acres on S.fork Tyger "Creek" in Berkly Co., all sides vacant land, incl. houses etc.; wit. John Odel, Thomas "Hill"; reg. 28 March 1787. (FHL film 23,562)
      X5-22: Release, 27 June 1765, John Duncan Senr. of Duncan's Creek in Craven Co. SC, planter, to William Hendricks of same, millwright, 200 acres in Berkeley Co. in the fork between Broad and Saludy Rivers on S.fork Tyger Creek, all sides vacant, according to plat with the grant recorded in Book X, pg. 47; John Duncan and Elizabeth (x) his wife release for £200 ...; wit. John Odell, Thomas "Will"; rec. 28 March 1787. (FHL film 23,562) (MAD: there were a lot of grantee deeds here to William Hendricks, land adj. Brazel Prater, Joseph Witmore, etc., not copied; see Newberry Co. SC)

SC Land Grants
      Land grants begin with Vol. 1 through 22; then apparently all or most were recorded in a second series, "Class 2" starting again with Vol. 1 and are identical in the 2nd series.
      CLASS 2 GRANTS (2nd set of volumes)
      30-519: 3 June 1793, to William Duncan, 79 acres surveyed 13 May 1788 in Dist. 96, branch of Tiger River, bounded line SW by Hergers? (Hugens?) land, SE and SW by Wm. Hendricks, NE by Wm. Duncans, NW by Thos. Dodgs (sic), others vacant. (FHL film 22,556) (MAD: Spartanburg Co. SC)
      46-228: 6 Jan. 1800, to Bartholomew Stovall, 150 acres surveyed for him 31 Dec. 1799 in Spartanburg Co. including the place called the Pidgeon Tooth(?) on some small branch of Pacolet emptying on the N.side thereof, bounding by a "laine" running NE by McBees land, SE by William Pooles, NW vacant, all other sides by Robert Thompsons. (FHL film 22,561) (MAD: see Deed M-143, 1809, Bartholomew Stovall sold 210a adj. Rachal Duncan & others, part of grant to Stovall and part of grant to William Poole.)
      54-12: 6 April 1807, to William Duncan, 158 acres surveyed for him 19 March 1803 in Spartanburg Dist. on branches of Tyger River, running SW & NW with William Duncan's land and SE & NE with Alexander's land and SW with Cowens land. (FHL film 22,564; located by date of grant) (MAD: sold Spartanburg Co. SC deed M-191, 10/1809, wife Ruth)
      55-217: 4 June 1810, grant to John Duncan, 50 acres surveyed for him 25 Oct. 1809 in Spartanburg Dist. on branches of Tygar River, adj. old line, William Allen, Joseph Allen, Lean's land, Crook's land. (FHL film 22,565)
      82-220: 12 Jan. 1837, grant to Samuel Duncan, 165 acres surveyed for him 7 Dec. 1836 in Spartanburg Dist. on branch waters of south side of South Tygar River. (FHL film 22,576)

Greenville Co. SC Land Grants, Surveys, etc., from 96th Dist.; early years include Laurens & other counties formed from 96th Dist.; Survey Book D, 1788-1799 (FHL film 292,482; plats showing borders of land)
      D-32: Pursuant to a warrant from Comr. of Lands dated 10? May 1788, I have laid out to William Duncan 79 acres in 96th Dist. on a branch of Tygar River, adj. SW Hagers land, SE & SW by William Henderick's land, NE by Wm. Duncan's land, NW by Thomas Douge's? land, all other sides vacant; surveyed 13 May 1788, Jas. Wofford D.S., rec. 8? Aug. 1788. (MAD: Spartanburg Co. SC)

Spartanburg Co. SC Deed Index (FHL film 1,022,754 grantor; FHL film 1,022,804 grantee)
      MAD: no grantor deed for James Duncan or James M. Duncan (bought land in 1852 from Wiley D. Wood and gave mortgages); no later deeds from Wiley D. Wood found (grantor index on FHL film 1,022,800).
      MAD: no grantor deeds ca 1848 for J.E. or Milly Brown (Milly the widow of Charles C. Duncan)
      Q-282: 1818, Chas. C. Duncan to John Clark, 150a, Lawson's Fork
      R-6: 1819, Chas. C. Duncan to Christopher Golightly, 275a
      S-209: 1823, Chas. C. Duncan to John Dodd, 200a
      T-214: 1825, James Duncan to Meadows Harrelson, 54a
      T-368: 1826, John Duncan to Samuel Duncan, 200a
      V-89: 1832, James Duncan to Manly Floyd, 150a N. Tygar River
      V-231: 1833, Milly Duncan to Lewis Peeples, 140a Buck Creek
      V-355: 1825, James & Elizabeth Duncan to Meadows, 62a Tyger River; 54a Waters of Tygar River, release of dower
      W-493: 1833, James Duncan to Robert Rogers, 57a
      BB-397: 1848, Milly Duncan to Permelia A. Wilkins, 25a & 230a N. Pacolet River
      CC-140: 1852, Chas. Dunkin to J. W. Tucker, 1 lot Church Street
      CC-225: 1852, C. Dunkin to Landon C. Nesbitt, 1 lot Church Street
      CC-612: 1853, C. Dunkin to Jefferson Choice, 2, Main St.
      CC-614: 1853, C. Dunkin to William Walker, 4, City
      CC-621: 1852, James Duncan to Wiley D. Wood, 48-1/2a
      CC-622: 1852, Jas. M. Duncan to Wiley D. Wood, 50-1/4a Wards Creek
      CC-636: 1852, Charles Duncan to Fielden Cantrell, 2-1/2a Main Street
      DD-154: 1854, Charles Duncan to J.M. Elford, 3 lots Marion, NC
      DD-442: 1852, M.B. Duncan to J. Griffin, 10-1/4a
      GG-130: 1860, Sarah Duncan to John M. Lister, 11-1/4a
      II-633: 1871, J. Duncan, Leroy Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Ry. Co., right of way (two deeds, same page)
      II-635: 1871, Sarah Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Ry. Co., right of way
      II-642: 1871, Berry Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Ry. Co., right of way
      KK-231: 1872, David Duncan to DeArcy P. Duncan, 1 lot City, 1 lot Public Square
      KK-255: 1872, Andrew Duncan to Wm. Bright, 96a
      KK-256: 1870, Andrew Duncan to William Elmore, 88-1/2a
      KK-265: (blank document year, recorded 1872) Jefferson Duncan to Thomas A. McCarley, 1a Spartanburg-Greenville Road
      LL-204: 1874, D.P. Duncan to David R. Duncan, 300a Union Road
      LL-391: 1874, L. Duncan to T.J. Wood, 1 tract Buck Creek
      LL-453: 1872, Elizabeth Duncan to Joseph D. Wofford, 247-1/2a Ferguson Creek & Buncomb Road
      MM-97: 1875, Jefferson Duncan to A.H. Dean, 80a Maple Creek & Greenville Road
      MM-218: 1875, D.R. Duncan to E.H. Bobo, 85a assignment
      MM-272: 1875, L. Duncan to A.H. Dean, 4-3/4a Duncan Cross Road
      MM-294: 1875, L. Duncan to M.M. Miller, 1a Duncan Cross Road (more L. Duncan grantor deeds)
      NN-592: 1875, John D. Duncan, Martha E. Duncan, Wm. S. Duncan, et al to Berry Duncan, 100a
      Quit copying Grantor Index

      P-254: 1807, C. C. Duncan from Wm. Morgan, 1 tract Obeds Creek
      Q-8: 1818, John Duncan from William Crain, 200a
      R-116: 1820, James Duncan from A. Foster, 50a
      R-200: 1821, James Duncan from John Vice, 168a
      R-327: 1819, Charles C. Duncan from Richard Cunningham, 436a
      S-238: 1823, James Duncan from Wm. W. Smithwick, 1 tract Tygar River
      T-80: 1822, James Duncan from Wm. W. Smithwick, 200a Tygar River
      T-179: 1819, James Duncan from W.W. Smithwick, 1 tract, Receipt for land
      T-368: 1826, Samuel Duncan from J. B. Shields, 90a
      T-368: 1826, Samuel Duncan from John Duncan, 200a
      U-53: 1818, John Duncan from Leonard Sparks, 100a
      U-324: 1825, James Duncan from Jas. Brannon, 1 tract
      U-484: 1828, Samuel Duncan from Esquiller Burns, 144a Tyger River
      V-72: 1831, Samuel Duncan from Esquiller Burns, 133a
      V-224: 1828, Milly Duncan from William Mince, 140a Buck Creek
      W-129: 1834, Samuel Duncan from Isaac Snoddy Jr., 205a Frohawk Creek
      W-464: 1838, Milly Duncan from William Cantrell, 230a N. Pacolet River
      Z-158: 1844, Milly Duncan from John W. Mince, 70a Buck Creek
      Z-159: 1840, Mildred Duncan from Isaiah Strickland, 25a N. Pacolet River
      AA-477: 1848, Milly Duncan from John E. Brown, agreement
      BB-410: 1848, Marion B. & R. L. Duncan from Earle Clark, 91a
      BB-417: 1850, M. B. Duncan from E. Webster, 127-1/2a
      CC-224: 1852, Chas. Dunkin from J. W. Tucker, 1 lot Church St.
      DD-40: 1852, Jas. M. Duncan from Wiley D. Wood, 58-1/4a Wards Creek
      DD-39: 1853, James Duncan from Wiley D. Wood, 48-1/2a
      FF-390: 1859, David R. Duncan from M. L. Patterson et al, 175-3/4a, Union Road 1-1/2 miles of Ci.
      GG-30: 1860, David R. Duncan from Mary J. Patterson, dower
      (deed between GG-30 and GG-53, 1860, at bottom of page, too dark to read, incl. 1 lot public square, probably to David Duncan.)
      (grantee deeds indexed to David R. Duncan or D'Arcy (P.) Duncan)
      GG-519: 1862, Mary S. Duncan from Bennett Wilson, 47-1/2a Abners Creek
      GG-521: 1862, Leroy Duncan from Bennett Wilson, 37-1/2a Abners Crek
      HH-289: 1865, Andrew Duncan from J.A. Reinhardt, 184-1/2a Greenville Road
      HH-618: 1868, Andrew Duncan from Isham K. Robinson, 91-1/2a near town
      LL-262: 1874, Leroy Duncan from John Wheeler, 158a Saluda Gap Road
      LL-548: 1874, Jefferson Duncan from Benj. Wofford, J.P.C., 113a Middle Tygar River.
      MM-93: 1875, Andrew Duncan from Robt. E. Cleveland, 150a
      MM-487: 1875, Geo. W. Duncan from Elisha Hendrix, 35-3/10a
      MM-664: 1875, W.J. Duncan from Samuel Jefferies, 1 lot Gaffney
      MM-768: 1876, Leroy Duncan from L. Twitty, Exor, 69-1/4a S. Tyger River
      NN-321: 1877, Harriet Duncan from J.L. Green, 24-1/2a David Smith Land
      NN-401: 1875, Leroy Duncan from L. Twitty, Exor, 47-1/2a Middle Tyger River
      OO-622: 1877, Rosa Duncan from J.S.R. Thomson (Assne), several tracts.
      PP-464: 1879, Berry Duncan from Mary W. Duncan, 100a Wards Creek.
      (Quit copying grantee deeds)      

Spartanburg Co. SC Deeds
      B-183: Sept. 16, 1788, William (X) Allen (Spartanburg Co. SC) to Daniel Allen (same); for £100 sterling sold 320 acres; East half of grant Dec. 3, 1787, Gov. Thomas Pinckney to William Allen on branches of Forgerson's Cr of Tyger R; border: S an old line, E Henry Middleton, and others vacant. Wit. Thomas Grant, William Duncan, and John Duncan. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      B-437: Nov. 16, 1790, William Calwell (Newberry Co) to Martha McCrory (Sparting Co.): for £10.5 sold 100 acres on Jamey's Cr; grant Aug. 11, 1774, Lt. Gov. William Bull to John Dunkin (or Duncan) who sold to William Calwell Jan. 19 & 20, 1787; when granted border: W Marting Livingstone, E "an old survey", and others vacant. Wit. Phebe French, John Rodgers, and Andrew Thomson. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      D-225: Feb. 23, 1795, Anthony Wilson and wife Jean (x) (Spartanburg) to Thomas Price (same); for £50 sterling sold 100 acres on Jamie's Cr of Tygar R; grant Aug. 11, 1774, Gov. William Bull to Johnn Dunkins in Craven Co. who sold Jan. 19 & 20, 1787, to William Caldwell who sold Nov. 16 & 17, 1790, to Marth McCrorey who bequeathed by will Oct. 2, 1793, to Anthony Wilson. Wit. Nicholas Keating and Andrew Thomson. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      D-387: Feb. 26, 1796, Catey (x) Johnson (Spartanburgh) to Betsy Dunkin and Polly Dunkin (same); for $25 sold 3 cattle: a black cow, a two year old hiefer, moild and pyded(?), and a yearling heifer pyded, a bed and furniture, a pot, a dutch oven and a skillet, a pewter bason, 9 plates, 6 earthen plates, a set of knives and forks, 4 chairs, and all goods and household stuff. Wit. William Duncan, Ruth Duncan, and Drury McDaniel. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      D-462: 18 July 1796, John Jackson, Thomas Jackson, Robert White, Samuel Kelso, and William and Joanna Kelso, heirs of Samuel Jackson Sr., decd, of Spartanburg Co. SC, to John Jackson of same, $250, land on N.side N.fork of Pacolate River, being part of land conveyed by Jabez Evans to Saml. Jackson Sr., 1793, total 250 acres, on Nathaniel Henderson's line, to include 100 acres; wit. John M. Gough, Hugh Stephenson Jr., James Anderson. (FHL film 1,022,817; see deed M-143)
      F-260: 13 Nov. 1798, William Baghtor of Spartanburgh to William Duncan of same; for love and affection give (until Dec. 25, 1799) all his Negroes: Rachal, Isham, Ned, Harrey, Lewis and Isham (sic); whereever they may be found. Wit. Thornton McDaniel, Drury McDaniel, and John Cooper. /s/ William Baghtor's mark. Wit. oath Nov. 23, 1798, Drury McDaniel to Thos. Moore. Rec. Apr. 20, 1799. (FHL film 1,022,818)
      F-309: 9 Feb. 1790, William Duncan (B his mark) the right heir of William Duncan decd of Spartanburg, to Moses Boiter of same, per grant to John Milhous 7 May 1763 (tract) on Tyger River and by lawful right made to William Duncan decd, it being 300 acres granted said Millhouse, now the said William Duncan the right heir of William Duncan decd, for £100 paid by said Moses Boiter, sell etc. (per lease to the land now in Boiter's possession), the above tract on the N.side Tyger River beg. on the river where William Hendricks land crosses the river, ... adj. the River, including the centre of the river and including all in that above mentioned bounds for 100 acres of land, more or less. /s/ William (B his mark) Duncan; wit. John (J his mark) Duncan, James Wofford, William (X) Boiter. Received of Moses Boiter the sum of £100, being the full consideration, 9 Feb. 1790, /s/ Wm. (B his mark) Duncan. Registered on oath of John Duncan 20 March 1799, Spartanburg Co. SC, before Druay? McDaniel, JP. (FHL film 1,022,818)
      F-386: 5 Oct. 1799, William (handwritten cap. S on side) Duncan to Daniel Allen, £100, 88 acres on south side Tiger River, corner made by James Crook & William Duncan, John Massey and Daniel Allen. Wit. John Durham, Elijah Thompson, Drury W. Daniel. (FHL film 1,022,818) (MAD: wife Ruth, next to John Duncan, 1800 census pg.182)
      G-152: 27 Dec. 1800, William Duncan to John Massey, $340, 60 acres on south Tigar River, Thomas Stones line, William Duncans land. /s/ William (&) Duncan, Ruth (+) Duncan (wife examined). Wit. David Anderson, James Duncan, Rosanah (+) Brodway. (FHL film 1,022,818)
      H-1: 18 March 1801, William Hammett to John Duncan, $100, 100 acres except 5 acres reserved for Mary McBee where she now lives, part of a grant to Hammett, on Peters Creek, a branch of Pacolet River. Wit. William (W) Rich, Rachel (X) McAbee. (FHL film 1,022,819) (MAD: 1800 census pg.183)
      H-203: Feb. 5, 1802, William Dunkin (Spartanburgh) to John Jordan (same); money not mentioned, sold a white horse known as Bull, a colt named Whisler, all his cows and yearlings with their calves, a quantity of corn, all "goods" household stuff, implements and furniture therein, 5 hogs in the pen at the "above" property; delivered in presence of David Jordan and Henry Gray. Wit. David Jordan and Henry Gray. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      I-140: 24 Oct. 1803, William (X) Duncan and Ruth (X) Duncan, to John Duncan, $300, 80 acres on south side Tiger River, John Massey line, Thomas Stones line. Wit. James Duncan, Daniel (X) Davere, David (X) Brooke?. (FHL film 1,022,819)
      I-145: 19 Jan. 1803, John (X) Odle to John Duncan, $50, 25 acres on south fork Tiger River. Wit. George (X) Massy, Wm. (X) Massey, James Wofford. (FHL film 1,022,819)
      I-179: Mar. 31, 1803, John Odel (Spartanburgh) to James Vernon (same); for $1,000 sold 275 acres on both sides S fork Tygar R; part of 300 acre grant to John Duncan and sold by Robert Starkes, sheriff (6 Dist), to Wm Hendricks and then to daughter Rebecah Hendricks wife of John Odell. Wit. Thomas Hendricks and John Jordan. /s/ John Odell's mark. "acknowledged before James Jordan" (not dated). Rec. Nov. 9, 1803. Dower renounced (Newberry Co.) Rebeca Odell to Levi Casey Apr. 22, 1803. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      I-273: 25 Feb. 1804, James Wofford (Spartanburgh) to Manley Ford (same), $250, 350 acres on branches of Rockeyfield and Maple Swamp Creeks of Enoree and Tygar Rivers; wit. Isham Hendrick and Jacob Perington (MAD: Pennington). (FHL film 1,022,819; definitely "Hendrick" and not "Kendrick", "K" was written distinctively on other documents) (MAD: Manley Ford a neighbor to Wm. Dunkin, p.181, 1800 census)
      K-311: 21 Jan. 1800, William (+) Duncan to David Duncan, $194, 50 acres on south Tygar River, Moses Backes line, road from William Duncans. Wit. Joseph Massey, James McDaniel. (FHL film 1,022,819) (MAD: See ?? David Duncan of Hickman Co. TN ??)
      K-460: 2 Dec. 1805, John Duncan to Daniel David, $8, 6 acres on branch of Tygar River. Wit. Thomas (+) Stone, James (X) David, James Wofford. (FHL film 1,022,819)
      M-60: Spartanburg Dist. SC; 25 March 1809, John (upsidedown V) Duncan of Newberry Dist. SC to James Vernon of State and Co. afsd., $100, 79 acres in Spartanburg Dist. SC, on south fork, a branch of Tygar River, corner Hughes land, William Hendricks, William Duncan, Thomas Doegs. Wit. Isaac Crow, Saml. Miller. (FHL film 1,022,820) (MAD: next to William Duncan, 1800 census pg.182)
      M-123: 26 Sept. 1809, Nathaniel (+) Wright to John Dunkin, $50, 65 acres on waters of Fairrest (Fairrut) Creek, corner James Hurt, Francis Mason, John Golightly, William Baber. Wit. Henry Hurt, Elizabeth Hurt. (FHL film 1,022,820) (MAD: 1810 census pg.198a)
      M-129: 21 Feb. 1805, William (W) Allen and Rachel (X) Allen to John Duncan, $120, 100 acres on the mile branch, waters of Tyger River, bounded north by John Duncan, east by Thomas Stone, south by big survey, west by Samuel Jamison. Wit. James Crook Junr, Randolph Johnson, Thomas Stone. (MAD: next to William Duncan 1800 census pg.182)
      M-135: 6 Nov. 1809, Wm. Kelso to John W. Carroll, $50, 25 acres, part of grant to said Wm. Kelso on 4 Dec. 1797, on Ann Hoopers Creek a branch of North Pacolate River; wit. Robert Millican, William Millican, Henry Hutchison. (FHL film 1,022,820)
      M-143: May 9, 1809, Bartholomew Stovall of Spartanburgh Co. SC to Samuel Kelso of same, $90, 210 acres on N.side Pacolate River of Broad River, adj. on NE by McBee, SW by Pacolate River, N & NW by Jane Reid, William Spencer, and Rachal Duncan, and on other sides by Robert Thomson and Holemes Branch and branch that George Poole formerly settled, being grant to Bartholomew Stovall and part of grant to William Poole who sold to George Poole who sold to John Brown who sold to Bartholomew Stovall; wit. Christ. Golightly and James Poole; release of dower by Keziah Stovall. (FHL film 1,022,820)
      M-145: 16 Oct. 1809, John Duncan (printed JOHN DUNCAN) and "Mary Duncan" (exam. by witnesses - John Snoddy - he saw John Duncan and "Sarah Duncan") to Samuel Snoddy, $850, 370 acres on south side of south fork of Tygar River, corner Samuel Jameson, William Allen, Leary's land. Wit. John Snoddy, Jas. Wofford, John Wofford. (FHL film 1,022,820) (MAD: next to William Duncan 1800 census pg.182)
      M-190: 8 Sept. 1809, William (D) Duncan to Daniel McKie, $600, 204 acre grant to John Millhouse 13 May 1763 and by him by lease to William Duncan bearing date 3 Nov. 1777, and by him to William Duncan Junr, where William Duncan Junr now lives, north side of south fork of Tygar River. Wit. Labon P. Poole, James Duncan. Plot plan shows Moses Batoms land. Exam. of Ruth (circles) Duncan, wife of the within named William Duncan, releases all her interest and also her dower right and claim. (FHL film 1,022,820)
      M-191: (blank) Oct. 1809, William (circles) Duncan to Daniel McKee, $158, 158 acres on branches of Tygar River, line of William Duncan, Alexander's land, Cowen's land, orig. grant to William Duncan Junr. 16 April 1807. Exam. of Ruth (circles) Duncan, wife of within William Duncan. Wit. Labon P. Poole, Asa (X) Mitchel, Lowery? McDaniel. (FHL film 1,022,820) (MAD: James Cowen, 1800 census pg.183, John Duncan)
      M-253: 26 April 1810, William Kelso of Spartanburg Co. SC to Thomas Jackson of same, $115, 92 acres, the mill and mill race excepted; no wife; wit. Mary W. Kelso, Jenny Kelso, Wm. Jackson. (FHL film 1,022,820)
      M-254: 26 Jan. 1808, William Kelso to William Jackson, $1, land on Ann Hoopers Creek near the mill and mill house (no acres, only about 100 poles long); wit. Thomas Divine (X), Jane (X) Kelso; proved on oath of Jane Kelso 5 May 1810. (FHL film 1,022,820)
      M-262: 25 Dec. 1809, Rachal Duncan (R her mark) of Spartanburgh Co. SC to son Jesse Duncan, for love and affection, give a mare and colt, a cow and calf, 4 hogs, "what corn and fodder I have", a feather bed and furniture, a side saddle, a walnut table, 2 spinning wheels and plantation tools and "what pewter I have" and all household furniture; wit. William Gore and Rachal Gore (X); proved by oath of William Gore, 14 Feb. 1810. (FHL film 1,022,820)
      N-6: 25 Oct. 1810, John Duncan to James Cook, $200, 85 acres on Fords Creek, waters of Torres River, lands of Silas Williams, Frances Mason from George Wright to said Duncan. Wit. Elizabeth Olly, Philip Olley. (FHL film 1,022,820) (MAD: 1810 census pg.198a)
      N-296: Oct. 18, 1810, John Stone (Caldwell Co. KY) to John Thornton (Spartanburgh); for $200 sold 100 acres on Jamies Cr of Tygar R; grant Gov. William Bull to John Dunkin who sold to William Caldwell who sold to Martha McCrory and by her will to Anthony Wilson who sold to Thomas Price who sold to John Stone. Wit. John Lancaster and John Huckabey. Rec. May 20, 1813. (from "Spartanburg Co./Dist. SC Deed Abstracts, Books A-T, 1785-1827 (1752-1827)" by Albert Bruce Pruitt; FHL book 975.7 R28p)
      N-305: 4 May 1813, John Shippy to Drury Wood, $280, 165 acres on Sheltons Creek of Thickoty, adj. Peter W. Johnson's line; wit. George Wood, Margaret Camp; release of dower by Polly Shippy (X). (FHL film 1,022,820)
      P-41: 9 April 1808, Charles McAbee to Jesse Maltby (?Malthy?), both Spartanburg Co. SC, $117, 120 acres on South side Pacolett River on the Hurrican branch in Spart. Dist., more or less, being the west end off a tract of 621 acres granted to Henry McCray 3 Oct. 1791, adj. said Hurrican branch, Robinsons Spring Branch; also a part of another tract granted said McAbee running from the above beginning on the line of the other tract; wit. Elisha McAbee, William McAbee Junr, William Cannon. (FHL film 1,022,821)
      P-254: 27 March 1817, Wm. Morgan to C.C. Duncan, $150, land on Obed's Creek in fork of Pocoteet River (no acreage). Wit. Wm. J?. Morgan, James Trevilion?. (FHL film 1,022,821)
      P-309: 27 Sept. 1816, John Ridings to Joseph Kelso, both SC, $50, (acres not given) land on William Kelso's line on N.side North Pacolette River on its bank, corner adj. the grave yard; wit. William Kelso, John Blackwell Jr.; release of dower by Elizabeth Ridings. (FHL film 1,022,821) (MAD: looking for more on Samuel Kelso who bought land in 1809 from Stovall which adj. Rachel Duncan)
      P-309 (2nd): 28 Sept. 1816, Joseph Kelso to William Kelso Jr., above land; wit. William Kelso, Jane F. Kelso; release by wife Martha Kelso. (FHL film 1,022,821)
      Q-8: 28 Feb. (no year), William Crain of Greenville Dist. to John Duncan of Spartanburg Dist., $200, 200 acres laid out for said Crain 10 Feb. 1791, lines of Thomas Potter, John Rufson, vacant land, Thomas, unknown. Recorded 14 March 1818. (FHL film 1,022,821; John Duncan definitely of Spartanburg Dist.) (MAD: see deed T-368)
      Q-196: 13 Oct. 1812, Charles McAbee of Spartanburgh Dist. SC to Elizabeth Mathis of same, $75 (sic), land on waters of Packolett River on the hurricane branch adj. Lindsey's line & Jesse Matthews land, Quals land, waggon road, 350 acres (sic) more or less; wit. John H. Low, Wm. McAbee. Reg. 12 Jan. 1819. (FHL film 1,022,821)
      Q-282: 26 Sept. 1818, Charles C. Duncan to John Clark, $300, 150 acres on both sides Lawson Fork, corner Frickes? land, Fosters line, Night's land. Wit. P.E. Duncan, Wm. Morgan. (FHL film 1,022,821)
      R-6: 21 Jan. 1819, Charles C. Duncan (/s/ C.C. Duncan) merchant to Christopher Golightly, planter, $552, 225 acres corner Golightly's land, Jno. McClures line. Wit. Clarimont Rutlington, William Golightly. (FHL film 1,022,822)
      R-116: 1 Aug. 1820, Anthony Foster to James Duncan, son of Alexander, $200, 50 acres. Release by Elizabeth Foster. (FHL film 1,022,822) (MAD: see Union Co. SC)
      R-200: 4 Jan. 1821, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from John Vice, 168 acres (FHL film 1,022,822; looked at, not copied)
      R-327: 19 Jan. 1819, Richard Cunningham to Charles C. Duncan, $872, 436 acres, bounded by ... Jesse Douglas, Henry Morgan, Christopher Golightly, Armistead Boman. Wit. John G. Brown, Wilson Nesbitt. (FHL film 1,022,822)
      S-209: 16 April 1823, Charles C. Duncan to John Dodd, $1250, 200 acres on south Pocotate River, adj. Kutty? Golightly, Armistead Boman. Wit. Herbert Hawkins, Christopher Golightly, Robert W. McDowell. Release by Milly Duncan, wife of C.C. Duncan, of her dower. (FHL film 1,022,822)
      S-238: 1823, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Wm. W. Smithwick, 1 tract Tygar River (FHL film 1,022,822; looked at, not copied)
      T-80: 1822, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Wm. W. Smithwick, 200 acres Tygar River (FHL film 1,022,822; looked at, not copied)
      T-179: 1819, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Wm. W. Smithwick, 1 tract, receipt for land (FHL film 1,022,822; looked at, not copied)
      T-214: 1825, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to Meadows Harrelson, 54 acres. (FHL film 1,022,822; looked at, not copied)
      T-368: 1 April 1826, John (X) Duncan to Samuel Duncan, $200, 200 acres whereon I now live, land laid out for William Crow 10 Feb. 1791. Wit. John Wood, Walker Morgan. Rec. on oath of Walker Morgan. (FHL film 1,022,822) (MAD: see Q-8)
      T-368: 28 Oct. 1826, James B. Shields to Samuel Duncan, $150, 90 acres where Wm. Farmer formerly lived now occupied by James Duncan, corner Philips line, Joel Farmer, Wm. Crane. Wit. Reason Hilburn, Bowan Griffin. (FHL film 1,022,822)
      U-53: 6 Feb. 1818, Leonard Sparks of Union Dist. to John Duncan of Spartanburg, $110, 100 acres corner Charles Littlejohn, Samuel Shippey, Henry Littlejohn, William Quinn. Wit. Henry Littlejohn, John Woods. (FHL film 1,022,823)
      U-324: 1825, James Duncan, son of Alexander, from Jas. Brannon, 1 tract (FHL film 1,022,823; looked at, not copied)
      U-484: 12 Jan. 1828, Equiller Burns to Samuel Duncan, $300, 144 acres on south side Tyger River. Wit. Jesse Foster, Abraham Burnes. (FHL film 1,022,823)
      V-72: 28 May 1832, Equiller Burns to Samuel Duncan, $200, 133 acres. Wit. Nathaniel Smith, William Smith. (FHL film 1,022,823)
      V-89: 1832, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to Manly Floyd, 150 acres N. Tygar River. (FHL film 1,022,823; looked at, not copied)
      V-224: 23 Dec. 1828, William Mince to Milly (her) Duncan, $280, 140 acres on Buck Creek on Nelson's branch. Wit. William Cantrell Jun., Williamtrele (sic) Cantrell, Catherine Jones. (FHL film 1,022,823)
      V-231: 16 Feb. 1833, Milly Duncan (signed) to Lewis Peeples, $250, 140 acres corner Jinny Nelson. Wit. Charles S. Patterson, Enoch Chapman. (FHL film 1,022,823)
      V-355: 1825, James Duncan, son of Alexander, and Elizabeth Duncan to Meadows, 62 acres Tyger River; 54 acres waters of Tygar River, release of dower. (FHL film 1,022,823; looked at, not copied)
      V-613: 19 Nov. 1835, Samuel Shippy for $614 to be paid to William Shippy by William Allen, deed to William Allen part of a grant to said Samuel Shippy adj. John Lipscomb Senr's corner, Samuel Shippey's line, 230 acres; wit. Elijah Shippy, John Duncan; proved by Elijah Shippy 5 Dec. 1835; release of dower by Sarah Shippy. (FHL film 1,022,823)
      W-129: 25 Aug. 1834, Isaac Snoddy Junr. to Samuel Duncan, $350, 205 acres both sides Frohawk Creek, south Tyger River, corner Daniel Robertson, John Green, and James & Daniel Atkins. Wit. James A. Miller, John Moore. (FHL film 1,022,824)
      W-464: 16 June 1838, William Cantrell to Milly Duncan, $500, 230 acres on North Pacolet River. Wit. Wm. Wilkins, W.L. Wilkins. (FHL film 1,022,824)
      W-493: 1833, James Duncan, son of Alexander, to Robert Rogers, 57 acres (FHL film 1,022,824; looked at, not copied)
      Z-158: 1 March 1844, John M. Mince of Henderson Co. NC for $100 paid to William Mince my father, to Milly Duncan of Spartanburg, 70 acres on south side Buck Creek, Nelson's branch; wit. M.B. Duncan, William Mince. (FHL film 1,022,825)
      Z-159: 16 Dec. 1840, Josiah Strickling to Mildred Duncan, $75, 25 acres north side of Pacolet, Wm. Camps corner. Wit. Chesterd. McKinney, W.B. Duncan. (FHL film 1,022,825)
      AA-477: 13 Nov. 1848, agreement, John E. Brown of Hall Co. GA, being now in Spartanburg Dist., "now about to join in wedlock with Milly Duncan, widow" and whereas said Milly has several children and is also possessed of sundry property ... she has consented to become my lawful wife ... allow her to retain in her own right (slaves). (FHL film 1,022,826)
      BB-397: 13 Nov. 1848, deed of gift, Milly Duncan, divide certain property amongst my several children ... to (sic) tracts of land to my daughter Permelia A. Wilkins ... 230 acres (I now live) and 25 acres, North Pacolet River. Wit. W.A. Hawkins, G. Cannon. (FHL film 1,022,826; no other deeds on pages near pg.397 for Milly Duncan, no index in deed book)
      BB-410: 26 Dec. 1848, Earle Clark to Marion B. and R.L. Duncan, $265, 91 acres on Pacolet River. Wit. Felix W. Littlejohn, Wm. M. Wilkins. (FHL film 1,022,826) (MAD: R.L. Duncan in 1850 Hall Co. GA census; sons of Charles C. Duncan & Milly; grandsons of Robert Duncan & Hannah Carr)
      BB-417: 27 Dec. 1850, E. Webster to Marion B. Duncan, $675, land in Spartanburg and Union Dist., Duncan's corner, Sala..tuel (blotted) Littlejohn's line, 127 acres except 1/2 acre (graves which belongs to Henry Littlejohn). Wit. R.G?. Duncan, W.A. Hawkins. (FHL film 1,022,826)
      CC-140: 10 May 1852, Charles Dunken to J.W. Tucker, note for $1,000 due 12 months, mortgage lot on Church Street in town of Spartanburg adj. lots of H. Mitchell and said Tucker this day purchased by me of Tucker for $1,000; wit. Jefferson Choice, Dr. R.E. Cleveland. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      CC-224: 30 Sept. 1852, J.W. Tucker of town of Spartanburg to Charles Duncan of same, $1,000, lot nearly 1 acre on Church Street opposite present site of Methodist Church adj. Hiram Mitchell; wit. P.M. Wallace, B. Wallace; release of dower by Emily A. Tucker. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      CC-225: 20 Dec. 1852, Charles Dunkin of town of Spartanburg to Landon C. Nesbit, M.D., of same, for $1,802, lot on Church Street opposite present site of Methodist Church adj. J.W. Tucker; release of dower by wife Sarah P. Dunkin. (FHL film 1,022,827) (MAD: 1850 see McDowell Co. NC census, 1860 Henderson Co. NC census; Charles Duncan & Sarah Whitesides)
      CC-612: 1 Oct. 1853, Charles Duncan to Jefferson Choice, for $182.85 due by notes 8 Jan. 1853 and 1 Oct. 1853, mortgage lot in town of Spartanburg known as mansion house, purchased by me from Fieldin Cantrell, where I now live. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      CC-614: 1 Oct. 1853, Charles Dunkin to William Walker (W.H. Walker), Dunkin owes Walker $1,032.22 by several notes, mortgage land and mansion house in town of Spartanburg, 4 acres, and furniture etc.; wit. Felix Clayton, J.P. Reed. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      CC-621: 9 Oct. 1852, James Duncan (X) of Spartanburg Co. SC to Wiley D. Wood, for $169.75 due, mortgage 48-1/2 acres on branch of Wards Creek of S. Tyger River, beg. at old Indian boundary; wit. James F. Dickson, James M. Duncan. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      CC-622: 9 Oct. 1852, James M. Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC to Wiley D. Wood, for $175.87-1/2, mortgage 50-1/4 acres on both sides Wards Creek of South Tygar River on the old Indian boundary; wit. James F?. Dickson, John J. Ellis. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      CC-623: 9 Oct. 1852, John J. Ellis to John D. Wood, for $172.37-1/2, mortgage 49-1/4 acres on branch of Wards branch of South Tyger River, adj. the old line; wit. James F. Dickson, James M. Duncan. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      DD-39: 9 Oct. 1852, Wiley D. Wood (no wife) to James Duncan, $169.75, 48-1/2 acres on branch of Wards Creek of S. Tyger River, beg. at old Indian boundary; wit. James F. Dickson, James M. Duncan. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      DD-40: 9 Oct. 1852, Wiley D. Wood (no wife) to James M. Duncan, $175.87-1/2, 50-1/4 acres on both sides Wards Creek of South Tygar River on the old Indian boundary; wit. James F?. Dickson, John J. Ellis. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      DD-41: 9 Oct. 1852, Wiley D. Wood (no wife) to John J. Ellis, $172.37-1/2, 49-1/4 acres on branch of Wards branch of South Tyger River, adj. the old line; wit. James F. Dickson, James M. Duncan. (FHL film 1,022,827) (MAD: see Nancy Duncan, wife of John J. Ellis, 1827-1891, buried Oconee (then Clarke) Co. GA)
      DD-441: Whereas Jesse Mathis of Spart. Dist. SC died about 1819 leaving two tracts of land, one conveyed to him 9 April 1808 by Charles Macobe for 120 acres more or less and the other tract conveyed to him by John Duncan on 16 January 1809 for 80 acres more or less and on which no legal proceeding has ever been had, know all men by these presents that I, Tilman Mathis of said state & dist., a son of Jesse Mathis afsd, being one of nine children to and among whom the said two tracts are to be equally divided, for $500 paid and secured to be paid by Ignacious Griffin of Dist. & State afsd, grant etc. & release to said Ignacious Griffin all my right, being 1/9 of the lands afsd and also the 1/9 part of said 200 acres conveyed to me by Larkin Marthis 1825, and also 1/9 part of the said 200 acres conveyed to me by Elijah Mathis 1826, Edward Mathis 1832, and also 1/9 part of said 200 acres conveyed to me by ---- (line drawn, no name), making in all 4/9 of the entire landed estate of 200 acres more or less; Wit. Mathew Matis, A.C. Edwards. (FHL film 1,022,827) (MAD: One John Duncan was deeded 80a in 1803 by William & Ruth Duncan, Deed 1-140, on South side Tiger River, John Massey's line, Thomas Stone's line.)
      DD-442: 22 Nov. 1852, M.B. Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC to Ignatious Griffin of same, $75, 10-1/4 acres on waters of Pacolet River near the junction of the branches adj. Ignatious Griffin and M.B. Duncan; wit. J.A. Rowland, R.L. Duncan; proved 6 June 1854 by Jas. A. Rowland. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      DD-443: 4 Aug. 1854, whereas Jesse Mathis of Spartanburg Co. SC died about 1819 leaving two tracts, one sold him 9 April 1808 by Charles Macobe for 120 acres and the other conveyed to him by John Duncan on 16 Jan. 1809 for 80 acres and one which no legal proceeding has ever been had, now I, Allen Mathis of said state and county, son of said Jesse Mathis, being one of nine children among whom the land is to be equally divided, for $300, and also 1/9 part of said 200 acres conveyed to me by James Hammet on 2 Oct. 1827, and 1/9 part of 200 acres conveyed to me by Matida Bagwell 5 Dec. 1844, making in all 3/9 of the entire landed estate of 200 acres more or less; wit. Wm. K. Brown, M. Bishop. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      DD-445: 5 Aug. 1854, "Deed of Conveyance" M.T. Briant and Jemima Briant to Ignacious Griffin, all Spart. Co. SC, for $35, to be paid out of my note of this date for $300 due 25 Dec. 1856, with interest; M.T. Briant and Jemima Briant to deliver all the plantation on 15 Sept. next, and on payment of this note for $200 and the corn field and on 25 Dec. next the cotton planted, then this obligation shall be void; wit. Edward Lipscomb, Thomas H. Littlejohn. Reg. 5 Feb. 1855. (FHL film 1,022,827)
      FF-220: 15 Sept. 1857, John J. Ellis of Spartanburg Co. SC to J.C. Waddle of same, $275, 49-1/4 acres on branch of Wards Creek waters of South Tyger River, on head of a branch; wit. J.W. Wood, W.D. Wood; release of dower by wife Nancy (X) on 19 Aug. 1858; recorded on oath of W.D. Wood. (FHL film 1,022,828)
      GG-130: 13 Feb. 1860, Sarah Duncan (X) of Spartanburg Co. SC to John M. Lister, $112.50, 11-1/4 acres part of land where I now live, on branch waters of South Tyger River, adj. lands of said John M. Lister, W.S. Turbyfield, and myself; wit. James K. Dickson, William Smith; rec. on oath of James K. Dickson. (FHL film 1,022,829)
      GG-519: 16 Dec. 1862, Bennett (X) Willson of Spartanburg Co. SC for $237-1/2, accountable for by Mary S. Duncan, wife of Leroy Duncan, in the division of my estate after my death, grant and give to my dau. Mary S. Duncan a parcel of land on Abner's Creek waters of Enoree River incl. my homestead where I now live, 47-1/2 acres, but not to have any claim or possession so long as I may live, to her and heirs of her body; wit. Wm. T. Brockman, Thos. T. Pearson; proved on oath of Thos. T. Pearson 23 Dec. 1862. (FHL film 1,022,829)
      GG-521: (blank day & month) 1862, Bennett (X) Wilson for $225 paid by Leroy Duncan, both of Spartanburg Co. SC, 37-1/2 acres adj. Edwards corner, Abners Creek; wit. J.W. Wood, T.J?. Pearson; proved on oath of Thos. T?. Pearson 23 Dec. 1862. (FHL film 1,022,829)
      II-633: 27 April 1871, J. Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Railway, for $5 and future benefit, transfer right of way of 100 feet wide on each side from the middle of the track, on land I now live on, on the waters of South Tyger River adj. lands of Sarah Duncan, Gilbert Mason and others; wit. F.A. McCarly, G. Cannon. (FHL film 1,022,830)
      II-633 (2nd): 10 March 1871, L. Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Railway, for $5 and future benefit, transfer right of way of 100 feet wide on each side from the middle of the track, on land called the K?endrix place, bought by me of H. Gross, on waters of Tyger River adj. lands of T.W. Wins, L.H. Fleming, and others; wit. L.H. Fleming, G. Cannon. Recorded on oath of witnesses who saw Leroy Duncan sign. (FHL film 1,022,830)
      II-635: 27 April 1871, Lucinda (X) Smith to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Railway, for $5 and future benefit, transfer right of way of 100 feet wide on each side from the middle of the track, on land where I formerly lived from which I am now moving, on waters of South Tyger, adj. lands of Mrs. Smith, Mary Burns, and others; wit. David Smith, G. Gannon. (FHL film 1,022,830)
      II-635 (2nd): 27 April 1871, Sarah (X) Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Railway, for $5 and future benefit, transfer right of way of 100 feet wide on each side from the middle of the track, on land on waters of South Tyger River adj. Wm. Smith, Jefferson Duncan and others; wit. Sallie (X) Duncan, G. Cannon. (FHL film 1,022,830)
      II-636 (2nd): 27 April 1871, Wm. Smith to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Railway, for $5 and future benefit, transfer right of way of 100 feet wide on each side from the middle of the track, on land on South Tyger adj. Lucinda Smith, widow Duncan and others; wit. David Smith, G. Cannon. (MAD: also other rights of way recorded from other people) (FHL film 1,022,830)
      II-642: 27 April 1871, Berry Duncan to Atlanta & Richmond Airline Railway, for $5 and future benefit, transfer right of way of 100 feet wide on each side from the middle of the track, on land on waters of S. Tyger adj. Gilford Mason, Wm. James and others; wit. Gilford Mason, G. Cannon. (FHL film 1,022,830)
      LL-391: 17 March 1874, Leroy Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC to T.J. Wood of same, $48, (acres not given), part of the place owned by said Leroy Duncan known as Kendrick tract on Ga Creek road; wit. M.M. Miller, J.M. Roberson; release of dower by Mary Duncan. (FHL film 1,022,831)
      LL-453: 19 Jan. 1872, Elizabeth (X) Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC for $990 to Thomas D. Wofford of same, my interest as bequeathed to me said Elizabeth Duncan in will of Ira Wofford decd. in tract of land on Buncomb road and Ferguson's Creek, adj. A.D. Chamlin, B.H. Wofford, and others, and is included in the division of land between Ira Wofford and B.H. Wofford, containing 247-1/2 acres; wit. N.B. Davis, W.T. Garrett, B.H. Wofford. (MAD: apparently unmarried in 1870) (FHL film 1,022,831)
      NN-315: 8 Feb. 1877, Sallie L. Shippy and Mary P. Shippy to Mallissa N. Smith, both Spartanburg Co. SC, $545, 60-3/4 acres adj. lot #1, #4, and #6 of Shippey land and lands of Roberson Littlejohn and others, known as Lot 3 of said real estate; wit. D.G. Finley, R.L. Shippey. (FHL film 1,023,381)
      NN-316: 8 Jan. 1879, assignment by J.J. Shippey to W.N. Shippey for $550, my interest as one of the heirs of Elijah Shippy decd; wit. P.L. Henry, Geo. W.H. Leggs. (MAD: Juday Duncan was dau. of Samuel Shippy d.1836, wanted more on land; not much found.) (FHL film 1,023,381)
      NN-592: 14 July 1875, William S. Duncan, John D. Duncan (X) and Martha E. Duncan (X), of Spartanburg Co. SC, for $100, to our father Barry Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC, sell to the "said Berry Scott" our interest to land given to us by will of our grandfather William Smith decd, adj. lands of Guilford Mason?, William James and others, 100 acres, our interest being 1/4 each; wit. W.C. Bailey, Jacob Rittsertrand. (FHL film 1,023,381)
      OO-622: 17 Dec. 1877, J.S.R. Thomson of Spartanburg Co. SC, assignee of estate of A.H. Dean, Bankrupt; that A.H. Dean on 23 May 1877 filed petition in District Court of US for SC District, for benefits of bankruptcy act of 2 March 1867; Thomson was appointed assignee of and had assigned to him the estate and effects of the bankrupt, the judge ordered the real estate sold, public auction, bid by Rosa Duncan for $160 on 5 Nov. 1877; now this a deed for $160 paid or secured, to Rosa Duncan, the interest that A.H. Dean had on 23 May 1877 to tract #3 or the "Jeff Duncan Tract", being composed of three smaller tracts, of 18-3/4 acres and 4-1/3 acres and a third which adj. lands of Sarah Duncan's estate and contained 8-1/2 acres, total 31 acres, adj. L.W. Turbybill, Sarah Duncan tract, Aioline Railroad. Crops reserved, possession not to be taken before 1 Jan. 1878. Wit. Eliza Duncan, H.F. Scaife. (FHL film 1,023,382)
      PP-464: 2 Dec. 1879, Mary M. Duncan of Spartanburg Co. SC to Berry Duncan, my interest, being undivided 1/4 of land willed me by my grandfather William Smith, adj. Gilford Marow?, Wm. James, Thos. Littlefield and others; wit. H?.F. Evans, Charles C. Bomar. (FHL film 1,023,383)
      RR-287: 18 Jan. 1881, G.A. Smith, Dexter Shippey, Johnson J. Shippy, M.M. Smith, W.N. Shippey and Sallie Kitchens, heirs of Elijah Shippey decd, to Miss M.P. Shippy, $735, parts of lots 1 and 6 adj. Lots 2, 7 and land of Wm. Wilkins, and cornering on lands now owned by John R. Allen, 74 acres; wit. M.D. Thompson, T.C. (X) Kitchens; release of dower by Margaret E. Shippey (does not name her husband) (FHL film 1,023,385)
      RR-289: Similar to RR-287; to Sallie Kitchen, 74 acres, the other half, for $735, /s/ G.A. Smith, Dexter Shippey, Johnson J. Shippey, M.N. Smith, W.N. Shippey, M.A. Shippey; wit. W.D. Thompson, L. Mitchell; release of dower by Margaret E. Shippey wife of Dexter Shippy. (Miss M.P. Shippey and Sallie Kitchen each were deeded 74 acres, half of 148 acres.) (FHL film 1,023,385)


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