Duncan research files of |
1790 Charleston Dist. SC Census, St.Phillips & St.Michaels Par. Pg. 39 Robert Given, William Wood, Marsaline Perry, Robert Smithers, James Duncan 221-x4 Mathew Cozzens, John Taylor, Sarah Wayne, Mary Kendle ... 41 Thomas Harris, Christian Mintzeng, Joseph Douglass, George Mills, Paterick Duncan 200-11 John Smith, Christian Hahnbaum, John R. Switzer, Alexander Cameran 42 William Cartmell, Ralph Atmore, John Carnes, Joseph Badger, Thomas Duncan 321-xx William Burt, Thomas Rice, Adenus Burk, John Ruberry ... 1800 Charleston Co. SC Census Charleston Neck Pg.107 Patrick Duncan 00040 - 00000 117 John Duncan 00210 - 10010 St.Phillips Parish Pg.152 Archibald Duncan 02010 - 00010 (MAD: one Archibald Duncan mar. Peggy Spiers 12/5/1796; one Archibald Duncan d. 3/13/1804) 1810 Charleston Co. SC Census Pg.190 Alexander Duncan 10310 - 10100 (MAD: one Alexander Duncan mar. Ann Catherine Disher 6/7/1807; one Alexander Duncan's funeral was held 8/7/1817) 201 John Duncan 01001 - 00111 204 Patrick Duncan 00102 - 00000 1820 Charleston Co. SC Census Charleston City Pg. 45 Duncan, Bob 000000 - 00000 (free colored) Charleston Neck Pg. 73A Dunkin, Benj. F. 000100 - 00200 77A Duncan, John 000001 - 00000 81 Duncan, Patrick 000002 - 00000 St.James Goose Creek Pg. 97 Duncan, Patrick 100010 - 00000 1830 Charleston Co. SC Census Pg. 8 Rebecca Duncan free colored 61 Phillis Duncan free colored 1840 Charleston Co. SC Census Pg. 26 M. Duncan free colored Charleston Neck Pg.101 Joe Duncan free colored 127 B. F. Dunkin 0001,001 - 0011,01
1850 Charleston Co. SC Census
St. Phillips Parish
Pg.180, #326-364, Archibald DUNKIN 37 SCT blacksmith
Mary 35 SCT
John 16, Wm. 13 SCT
Archibald 4 (sic), Alexander 9 SCT
James 7 SCT
Margaret 4, Sarah 3 SC
Mary 8/12 SC
Catherine RYAN 28 IRE
Pg.265, #733-753, American Hotel
I.W. KING (m) 38 SC hotelkeeper
G.W. (m) 33 RI
F.M. (f) 22 RI
L.C. DUNCAN (m) 28 RI clerk
Mary 32 GA
Elizabeth ROBERTS 45 ENG
Tho. W. McWILLIE 25 IRE clerk
(MAD: Langdon C. Duncan mar. Mary A. Guedron 10/1/1840 Richmond Co. GA; 1846 Macon or Montgomery Co. AL in Mexican War as surgeon; Langdon Duncan in 1870 New York City, NY, Ward 15, 5th E.D., census; Langdon C. Duncan in 1880 Washington, DC census pg.242A, 58 SC SC SC, wife Mary A. 56 GA NY NY, dau. Mary L. 21 GA SC GA; 1906 Pension Appl. in New York; son of Willis J. Duncan d.1841 Barnwell Co. SC)
Pg.294, #16-16, B.F. DUNKIN (m) 56 PA Chancellor $90,000
W.S. (f) 48 SC
Alfred H. 27 SC Attorney at Law $4,000
A.W. ALSTON (m) 23 SC attorney at law
1860 Charleston Co. SC Census
City of Charleston
Ward 2
Pg.223, #111-111, John DUNCAN 25 SC mechanic $0-$0 (alone)
Ward 3
Pg.252, #107-100, Andrew DUNCAN 54 SCT blacksmith $600-$200
Jane 39 SCT
John 25 SCT boilermaker
William 23 SCT clerk
Archd. 21 SCT gas fitter
Alexander 20 SCT apprentice
James 16 SC telegraph operator
Margaret 14, Mary 10 SC
Jane 6 SC
Elizth 3, Donnald 4/12 SC
Ward 5
Pg.371, #---, Citadel Academy (many students)
W.H. DUNCAN (m) 18 SC student
Pg.394, #450-506, Robert DUNCAN 38 SC MULATTO porter $0-$0
Rosetta BARNWELL 35 SC MULATTO seamstress
James MURRAY 21, Martin 16 SC MULATTOES
Ward 6
Pg.433, #376-371, Albert H. DUNKIN 31 SC attorney $8000-$7000
Eliza H. 37 SC
E. Washington (m) 7, Eliza H. 2 SC
Kate SLATTERY 30 IRE nurse
Pg.439, #456-447, Benjamin F. DUNKIN 68 MASS judge $0-$0
Washington S. (f) 64 SC
Go to the Charleston Co. SC 1870 Census
Charleston Co. SC Wills (typed)
1793-1800, Vol.26, pg.610; also Book C, pg.411: Will of William Dounken (Dunkan) of the vicinity of Charleston, dated 16 Aug. 1797, prob. 20 Sept. 1797. Wife: Sarah, to have use of plantation in Back Country during her widowhood. Sons: John and James, under age, my plantation in the back Country. Dau: Sarah, now living in Kingdom of Ireland. Mentions: house where I now live being on leased ground for term of 14 years to be sold to highest bidder, the lease to be obtained as soon as possible for benefit of wife and sons; sons to be educated to fit them "to do common Business." Exors: Benjamin Boyd of Charleston; Thomas Niely of the Back Country. Wit: Richard McMillan; John Clark; William Smith, his mark. (from pg.376-377, "Abstracts of Wills of Charleston Dist. SC, and other wills recorded in the districts, 1783-1800" by Caroline T. Moore; FHL book 975.79 S2m, and from Evelyn Sigler 7/1983)
1800-1807, Vol.27 pg.747/8: 14 Sept. 1803, will of Archibald (X) Duncan of City of Charleston, weak in body; all my estate both real and personal to my dearly beloved wife Margaret Duncan, her heirs and assigns forever; appoint my said wife executrix and my father-in-law James Spears executor. Wit. Christopher Jeannerett, Jane Spears, Oliver Cromwell; proved 21 Dec. 1804; recorded Book D, pg.521. (FHL film 23,481)
1826-1834, Vol.37, pg.351/3: 29 June 1827, will of John Duncan of City of Charleston; all my estate to my executors in trust; to apply rents etc. in equal portions to maintenance of my daughter Ann Rose during her lifetime, and to maintenance and education of my granddaughter Ann Duncan Rose free from contracts, control or intermeddling of the husband of my said daughter; in trust to apply the whole ... income after the death of my said daughter to the sole and separate use of my said granddather free from ... her father or future husband. Appoint friends Mitchell King, Dr. Henry Glover and Samuel G. Barker executors. ... Dr. Alexander J.H. Duncan shall not in any wise or upon any consideration be permitted to become or to act as trustee, executor or administrator of my estate as he has the means of doing injury and has lost my confidence altogether ... Wit. S. Elliott Jun, Wm. Robinson, Fras. Henderson Jun. Proved 1 Feb. 1828; Henry G. Glover executor; renunciation of S.G. Barker and W. King as executors filed with original will. Recorded in Orig. Will Book G, pg.193. (FHL film 23,485) (MAD: this will indexed in Bucks Co. PA; Alexander J.H. Duncan in 1830 Montgomery Co. PA census)
1839-1845, Vol.42, pg.103/18: 19 March 1838, will of Patrick Duncan, late of Charleston SC in North America but now residing at No. 1 John Street Barkley Square in the County of Middlesex England; all my monies ... in USA (except my shares in the Stock of the Bank of US and the Planters & Mechanics Bank in Charleston) to John Fraser of Charleston, James Adger of Charleston, and Joseph Johnson late president of said Bank of US at Charleston, in trust; to sell my estate in the USA; send the proceeds to Great Britain; to James Scott Smith and George Smith both of White Chapel Road in Co. of Middlesex in trust; mentions the expense of proving will in Great Britain or elsewhere out of the said US; trust to be paid to my great nephew Patrick Duncan now aged 11 years or thereabouts, the second son of my nephew John Duncan of Stonehaven and now belonging to Christs Hospital London and at present at Hartford, when Patrick attains age of 21; also in trust for great nephew Andrew Duncan now aged 8 years or thereabout the 3rd son of my said nephew John Duncan when age 21; also in trust for my great nephew Charles Duncan now aged about 13 years, the eldest son of my said nephew John Duncan, when age 21; to my two nephews Angus Duncan and Charles Duncan of Token House Yard London merchants. Wit. Geo. Humphry, Edwd. Scott, Stephen Chilton; proved 19 Feb. 1840. Recorded in Will Book I&J, pg.49. (MAD: apparently a lot of money involved) (FHL film 23,488)
Charleston Co. SC Wills (listed in "Abstract of Wills of SC 1760-1784" by Caroline T. Moore as Book TT)
Vol.1774-1779, pg.252-253: Craven Co. SC, 21 Nov. 1773, will of Hennery Dixon, being just about to leave this earthly world; body buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my executors; Appoint Hugh Johnson my lawful attorney and whole executor; to my beloved friend Philip Lanhair one brown mare with a small star in her forehead and one saddle and one bridle, the said Lanhair living in Lanchester town saddler. To my beloved friend Hugh Johnson all my goods and chattels and debts in the foresaid province as follows: Nelson Dunkin note, Joseph Wright note, William Kelly note being security for Michael Murrel, widow Spraggins note, at Little River John Johnson, Major Collwel, John Ridgdels note to asn? of shoes & cash, William Wests Senr, Chas. Banks Junr, James Williams, one young cow at Jacob Vansants, Archibald Dunbar, David Dunlaps note, 2 pair of stocking at the widow Johnson, making of one pair of Breeches at Mary Neels, 2 deerskins at Young William Wests, Thos. Clark ditto, Gipson ditto, and all my working tools at Capt. West, which I give to the said Hugh Johnson and his heirs & assigns forever. Wit. John Pope, Nealson Dunkin. (FHL film 23,461) (MAD: see Edgefield Co. SC)
Charleston Co. SC Probate Records; Inventories
Inventories, 1751-1753 (Vol.R1) (FHL film 194,633)
R(1)-31/32: Good and Chattels of John Dunam (sic) decd appraised by appraisers appointed 6 June 1751, incl. 4 chairs, 4 old guns, furniture, 2 beds, 64 head cattle, horse, negro man Harford, etc.; appraisers George Pawley, Lech? Brazier, Henry Bessard. (Indexed as John Duncan)
Inventories 1758-1761 (Vol.T) (FHL film 194,634)
T-583/4: Inventory of estate of George Duncan decd, incl. negro wench Amey, 18 head neat cattle, 5 horses and mares, animals, 2 beds, 2 bedsteads & cott, old book, 10 gallons rum, 6 gallons wine; 3 April 1761, appraised by Andrew McCartney, Joseph Foyd, Isaac Deedery.
Inventories 1771-1774 (Vol.Z) (FHL film 194,636)
Z-137: Inventory of estate of Samuel Dunkin decd, incl. 4 cows, 5 head of young (cows), waggon & gear complete, horses, filleys, old mare, sundry plantation tools, 2 guns and a barrel, 1 rifle gun, sundry household goods, 2 spinning wheels, carpenters tools, woman's saddle, beds & furniture, a saddle, bridle & saddle bags, 1 old negro man, looking glass, bed, flour, etc. The above is a just and true inventory of the goods and chattels shewed us by Sarah Dunkin and appraised; 13 July 1771, /s/ Jacob Brooks Jurat, Wm. Gillum (X). (MAD: see Old Berkeley Co. SC)
Go to Part 1 of the Charleston Co. SC Court Records
Go to Part 2 of the Charleston Co. SC Court Records
Magnolia Cemetery, Charleston, SC (from Norma Middleton Armstrong 8/2002)
One plot, all stones have dark grey granite base and are pure white up top. BFD and WSD's info is on a double white headstone towards the back of the plot.
Benjamin F. Dunkin / Born / Dec 3rd, 1792 / Died Dec. 5th, 1874 / Father.
Washington S. Dunkin / Born / Nov. 1, 1800 / Died Jan. 16, 1870 / Mother. Inscription: They Have Left Us With Precious Memories
To the left of their headstones is a long flat slab stone on the ground. Another one is to the right of their headstone. It too is flat and on the ground.
Aiken Simons / Eldest son of / T. Grange Simons, MD / Born Sep 17, 1880 / Died Nov 28, 1939 / Major / General Staff / American Expeditionary / Forces 1917-1919 / Valiant in action / Steadfast in adversity.
Eunice Hollingsworth / dau. of / William Aiken Martin / wife of / William Huger Dunkin / born Apr 12, 1866 / died Oct. 15, 1932 / "Nothing of her that doth fade."
A regular size white stone in front of BFD and WSP for:
Anna Washington / Wife of Charles Alston Jr. / Born Jan 24, 1829 / Died Jul 22, 1878
To the left of Anna is another of those long white slabs that lays on the ground. Another stone to the right of her.
Eliza Huger Kammerer / Dau of / William H. and Eunice H Dunkin / Born May 25, 1890 / Died Oct 20, 1962 / "To Sleep - perchance to dream"
William Huger Dunkin / born Mar 24, 1861 / died Jan 20, 1937 / "A good name is rather to be chosen than/ great riches"
In front of those stones are more stones:
Charles L. Simons / born Feb 21, 1849 / died July 11, 1893 "To live in hearts of those we love, is not to die"
Washington Dunkin / wife of / Charles L. Simons / born Nov. 14, 1852 / died March 20, 1928. She so lived / so loved / so served that when the summons came / she passed with perfect trust into her father's presence.
Eliza Huger Dunkin / wife of / Mercer P. Logan / DD of Coochland Co., Va. / Born July 9, 1858 / died Dec 14, 1938. They serve God well who serve his creatures.
Eliza H Huger / wife of / Alfred H. Dunkin / born Oct. 19, 1828 / died Aug 31, 1910 - The Gospel of a life like hers is more than books or scrolls.
Alfred H. Dunkin / born Dec. 29, 1822 / died Dec 29, 1906 - At Rest.
In front of and to the right were two small stones. The first I could not make out a name but think it just said BABY / dau of AH and EH Dunkin.
Benjamin Faneiul II / son of Alfred H. and Eliza H. Dunkin / b 13 Jan 1855 / d 17 Apr 1856.
The next plot over was full of Hugers:
Dr. Benjamin Huger (large flat concrete slab with no inscription) He was father of Eliza H Huger that married Alfred H. Dunkin.
More Hugers:
William Harleston Huger MD 1826-1906
Savina H. Huger, 1840-1921, wife of above, dau of Charles T. Lowndes
Alfred Huger (1788? - 1872?) hard to read
Sarah H. Huger 1785 - 1813? Hard to read, wife of Alfred Huger
Elizabeth Pinckney Huger, Jan 18, 1804 - Jan 4, 1882
Francis Kinloch Huger d Feb 1835 age 81
Francis Huger (last name could not read) Dec. 12, 1811: - Jan 6, 1819? (could not read dates)
Harriett Huger Ravenel, Jun 7, 1857 - Aug 7 1912? Hard to read
Susan E. Alston, wife of Cleland Kinloch Huger 20 Dec 1830 - 4 Sep 1880
Cleland Kinloch Huger, Oct 1818? Hard to read, d 14 Apr 1892
Childs stone: Cleland Huger, son of Christopher and Fanny Huger FitzSimons / B May 12, 1894, d 1895.
Cleland Kinloch Huger Jr. 1843-64, stone says more - can't read.
Margaret Campbell Huger 1856-57
Mitchell King Huger 1860-68
Alfred Huger 1864-65
Arthur Middleton Huger 1851-1937
Daniel Eliott Huger 1847-76
Mitchell King Huger 1848-58
Charles Lowndes Huger 1849-58
Kirkwood King Huger 1854-1915
At a different location quite a ways from those found these:
Frances Motte Huger, dau of Cleland Kinloch Huger and Mary Augusta Dunkin, wife of Christopher FitzSimons. Jan 10, 1863 - Nov 14, 1937.
And Christopher Fitz Simons, son of Dr. Christopher Fitz Simons & Susan Barker, Jan 26, 1856 - Oct 7, 1925.
And in still another section of the cemetery I find these:
Benjamin Faneuil Alston, born All Saits Parish, Waccamaw, Dec 27, 1849, died Jan 18, 1929
Caroline Simmonton Alston, dau. Of Charles Henry and Ella Glover Simonton, wife of Benjamin Faneuil Alston, b Feb 16, 1853, d Jun 20, 1943
Thomas Glover Alston, son of Benjamin Faneuil and Caroline Simonton Alston, Feb 1, 1881 - Sep 7, 1957
A headstone of exact same design in line with the 3 above for: Ellen Heffron, Mar 15, 1850, d Mar 20, 1917, A native of Ireland.
Caroline Simmonton Alston, b May 26, 1888, d Jan 13, 1969
(Huge Tomb)
Charles H. Simonton, b Jul 11, 1829, d Apr 25, 1904 / U. S. District & Circuit Judge 1886-1904 / Jurist - Statesman - Soldier - Scholar - Patriot / Devoted Citizen - Steadfast Friend / Col. Of 25th regiment South Carolina Volunteers / Confederate States Army / Speaker of SC House of Representatives
Ella S, wife of Charles H. Simonton, b Mar 6, 1833, d Mar 18, 1905
Louisa Glover Simonton, 16 Apr 1891, dau of Charles H and Ella Simonton
"SC Troops in Confederate Service" Vol.I (1st Regiment, S.C.V.), by A.S. Salley, pub. by R.L. Bryan 1913-1930 (FHL film 982,339; MAD: the record of each company is given, including location and battles during the war)
First (Gregg's) Regiment, S.C.V.
Pg.398: Company L., known as the Carolina Light Infantry Volunteers, of Charleston, joined for service at Charleston, Aug. 27, 1861, the men enlisting "for and during the war now existing between the Confederate States of America & the United States"; was mustered into Confederate service at Lightwood Knot Springs, near Columbia, Sept. 3, 1861, by John L. Black, Captain, Provisional Army of Confederate States, Mustering Officer, and departed for Virginia the same day.
The following muster rolls of the company are available; from them the succeeding roster has been compiled: Sept. 3 and Dec. 31, 1861; Feb. 28, Oct. 31 and Dec. 31, 1862; Feb. 28, April 30, June 30, Aug. 31, Oct. 31 and Dec. 31, 1863; Feb. 29, April 30, Aug. 31, Oct. 31 and Dec. 31, 1864.
Pg.410: Private: Duncan, L., enlisted at Columbia, Jan. 22, 1864 (credited to Spartanburg Dist. by the unofficial compilation), reported on muster rolls of Aug. 31, Oct. 31 and Dec. 31, 1864, as "absent sick."
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Duncan, Alexander, Pike Co., Pension 17796; Corp. in Co.C, 27th Regt, S.C.V. (Union Light), C.S.A., Hagood's Brigade, SC; enlisted Feb. 1862 at Charleston, SC, discharged April 1865, wounded at Sessionsville, James Island SC; wit. Dennis Cerniday, A.J. Jolly Jr.
Duncan, Alexander, Corporal, Co."?", SC 27th; enlisted at Charleston, SC, Feb. 1862 and served until the surrender; born May 1843, Glasgo, Scotland; address 1921: Troy, AL, RFD 8, Box 3. Authority: 1921 Census of Confederate Soldiers.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNCAN, Alexander, Pike Co. AL, Corporal, Co.C, 22nd SC. Application 8 July 1913, served in Infantry Branch C.S.A., Co.C, 27th Regt Hagood's Brigade, Corporal. Statement 2 April 1912 by Dennis Cassedy of Charleston, SC. Notice 15 April 1912, listed in Roster of Co.C (Union Light Infantry), 27th Reg. S.C.V. Provisional Army of Confed. States.
Case Files of Applications from Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons ("Amnesty Papers") 1865-1867; roll 1, Name Index to Pardon Application Files; Group I, Pardon Applications Submitted by Persons from the South.
Petition of Alfred H. Duncan, resident of City of Charleston, for pardon. That prior to the evacuation of Charleston he was engaged in collecting Confederate Taxes for that part of Charleston lying west of Meeting St., that the petitioner being within the age of conscription was conscripted and upon application of the State Collector of War Tax, was detailed by War Department for said local collection of taxes. 9 June 1865. (Roll 44, South Carolina, Ad-Du; FHL film 1,758,782; SLC 6/16/2008)
Case Files of Applications from Former Confederates for Presidential Pardons ("Amnesty Papers") 1865-1867; roll 1, Name Index to Pardon Application Files; Group I, Pardon Applications Submitted by Persons from the South.
Petition of B.F. Dunkin, Cheraw, SC, 8 Aug. 1865, Benjamin F. Dunkin, permanent resident of City of Charleston, SC, though temporarily sojourning in Cheraw, is 72 years of age, and is the presiding Judge of the Court of Appeals of the said State. He took the oath of allegiance. (page 23-26 are James Dunlap, Kershaw Dist. SC, not copied here) (Roll 44, South Carolina, Ad-Du; FHL film 1,758,782; SLC 6/16/2008)
Bucks Co. PA Deed (FHL film 859,680)
51-664: 6 Sept. 1825, Ann Rose of Bucks Co. to James Blevins of same twp? and John Duncan of Charleston, SC; Ann Rose for love of her dau. Ann S. Rose, trust until dau. reaches 26?. not copied.
Bucks Co. PA Misc. Books (FHL film 927,217; from deed index as Misc. Docket)
6-216: 6 Feb. 1824, Agreement between John Merideth of Daylortown Twp, Bucks Co. PA, farmer, lease James Bearing, agent and attorney for John Duncan of City of Charleston, SC, 200 acres for $50 per acre, on banks of Neshamany in Daylertown twp, Bucks Co., now in the tenure of Jacob Rapp and Thomas Cove (terms of payment not copied). Wit. P.J. Wittlohn (sic), John Weaver.
MAD: John Duncan of City of Charleston, SC, 1831, Administration #6217, indexed in "Index of Bucks Co. PA Wills and Admin. Records 1684-1850" author not given; from Louis Boone 5/1984; not found on film.
Chester Co. SC Deed (FHL film 23,326)
R-109: 22 Nov. 1775, George Duncan of Charleston, SC, to Alexander Turner of Camden Dist. SC, for £100, 200 acres to be laid off adj. Jane Brown, David Grimbs, Josias Millerby, from 400 acre grant 10? June 1775 to George Duncan in Camden Dist. on Rockey Creek, adj. Jno?. Knox & Jane Brown, David Grimbs, Josias Miller, Jno?. Henderson, David McQuistons. Wit. Arthur Stafford, Thos. Hanscome. Reg. on oath of Thomas Hanscome 1 May 1815. (next deed from Alexander Turner's heirs, referring to his will)
Anderson and Pendleton Co. SC Deeds
E-88: 27 April 1799, Michael Barrett of Charleston, attorney at law, to Patrick Duncan of Charleston, £100, 2,000 (sic) acres in Pendleton Co. on Little George's Creek. Wit. John Nicholson, Thomas Devine. (FHL film 22,839) ("Pendleton District SC Deeds 1790-1806" by Willie, FHL Book 975.72 R2w, pg.213, gave wit. as Thomas Duncan, 200 acres)
F-172: 5 March? 1793, Sheriff of Washington Dist. to Patrick Duncan of Charleston, sold land of David Bate? to highest bidder, 400 acres on both sides Conners Creek, Keowee River, formerly 96 District. (FHL film 22,839)
H-201: 5 March 1793?, Thomas Farrar, Sheriff of Washington Dist., to Patrick Duncan of City of Charleston, ref. Court of Common Pleas, estate of Davis, suit, Ephraim Mitchell; land sold to highest bidder, £35 sterling, 640 acres on both sides of Georges Creek. (FHL film 22,840)
Mecklenburg Co. NC Deeds (FHL film 484,177)
2-79: 6 Jan. 1831, Samuel G. Barker of Charleston, SC, now of Charlotte, Mecklenburg Co. NC, to Benjamin F. Dunkin, also of City of Charleston, SC, $750, subject to the lease hereinafter mentioned, 1/4 part undivided of tract in Lincoln Co. NC on NW side Catawba River formerly known as the property of John Oliver and adj. Oliver Mines, bounded by the following lines: on the River bank, the courses of the Oliver Mines tract, to another corner of the Oliver Mines tract, passing a spring, containing 64 acres more or less, also all said Barker's undivided 1/4 interest in another tract of 15 acres more or less in the neighborhood of the last described, known as Lewin's fishery?, bounded by lines on the River bank formerly of Justice Black's ... both of which tracts are now under lease to the Chesalise? Vincent De Riverfewole? and his Lucu? S.G. Barkers, 1/4 part of the lease ... articles of agreement setting forth the terms are hereby assigned to the said Benjamin F. Dunkin. /s/ Samuel G. Barker; wit. T.H. Bessell, J.H. Darnall. Rec. 13 March 1846 on oath of E.H. Bissell to handwriting of J.H. Bissell. (MAD: these deeds should probably have been recorded in Lincoln Co. NC where the land was.)
2-80: 6 Jan. 1831, Samuel G. Barker of Charleston, SC, now in Charlotte of Mecklenburg Co. NC, to Benjamin F. Dunkin also of City of Charleston SC, for $3,000, subject to the lease hereinafter mentioned, 1/4 part undivided of a tract in Lincoln Co. NC on northwest side of Catawba River formerly known as the property of John Oliver and by the leases of Oliver Mines, containing 95 acres more or less, adj. the river bank and meanders of the river, which land is now under lease to the Chisalin? Viscount? Du Rivafiwoli? and his heirs, the said Samuel G. Barker 1/4 part of the said lease and rents and of the articles of agreement setting forth the terms and conditions thereof are herewith assigned to the said Benjamin F. Dunkin .... /s/ Samuel G. Barker; wit. J.H. Bissell, J.H. Damall (Darnall?); Jan. 1846 court, recorded on oath of E.H. Bissell who proved the signature of J.H. Bissell.
Go to the Marion Co. MO Court Records Part 2
ROSE v. BATES; Supreme Court of Missouri; 12 Mo. 30; July, 1848, Decided. (MAD: see also Bucks Co. PA and Charleston Co. SC)
"Gazetteer of Grafton County, N.H., 1709-1886" by Hamilton Child; pub. Syracuse, N.Y.: H. Child, 1886, 1130 pgs. (LH8920, HeritageQuest images 5/2007 & 7/2007; FHL film 547,180 and 1,000,200 item 3)
Pg.80: Hanover. ... William H. Duncan, was of Scotch-Irish blood, a native of Candia. He graduated from the college in 1830, with the highest honors, and read law at Charleston S.C. He practiced at Haverhill a year or two, and came to Hanover in 1837. He died in 1883, aged 75 years. He had the advantage of a graceful manner, scholarly talker, ready wit, extraordinary power of expression, and attractive social qualities. (MAD: Candia, Rockingham Co. NH)
"History of Haverhill, N.H." (Grafton Co.) by J.Q. Bittinger; pub. Haverhill, N.H.: Printed at Cohos Steam Press, 1888, 449 pgs. (LH9238, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL film 1,033,777 item 3)
Pg.271-274: Lawyers. WILLIAM H. DUNCAN. This gifted person was born in Candia, then a part of Londonderry, in 1807, and was an only child. His father, William D., and his mother whose maiden name was Mary McMurphy, were both Scotch Irish. His early years were passed in his father's store, for which, however, he had little taste and soon after he entered Pinkerton Academy, Derry, to fit for college. He graduated from Dartmouth in 1830, being amongst the more mature members of his class, and having for his commencement part the valedictory. Three years later he gave the master's oration. (MAD: Candia, Rockingham Co. NH)
Mr. Duncan's fascinating manners and brilliant talents made him a favorite with the young ladies of Hanover, one of whose most beautiful and accomplished belles, Sarah Olcott, daughter of Mills Olcott, a distinguished citizen and lawyer of that place, he afterwards married. Two of Mr. Olcott's daughters were already married, one to Rufus Choate and another to Joseph Bell, ...
After leaving college Mr. Duncan went South and engaged in teaching school for some years. Meantime he studied law, and was admitted to the bar in Charleston, S.C. He returned to New Hampshire in 1834 and was married to Sarah Olcott, and began the practice of the law at Haverhill, but in a few years, on account of Mr. Olcott's failing health, he returned to Hanover to assist his father-in-law in his multiplied business. The large practice which he soon acquired was interrupted by the health of his wife, which made it necessary for him to pass the winters in the South, and this professional interruption was greatly aggravated by the settlement of Mr. Olcott's large estate as well as that of Mrs. Olcott, the former dying in 1845, the latter in 1848. Mrs. Duncan died in 1850, which greatly broke him up, and in a measure he withdrew from very active participation ... He led meantime a quiet and lonely life in Hanover for thirty years. ... boarding at the hotel. ... In politics a conservative Democrat, in religion a most devout Episcopalian. He died in 1883 and was buried at Hanover. (MAD: nothing said of children.)
"Norwich University, 1819-1911 : her history, her graduates, her roll of honor" (Norwich University, Northfield, Washington Co. VT) by William Arba Ellis, ca 1911; v.2 sketches of trustees, etc. (FHL book 974.34/N2 J2e v.2)
Vol.2, pg.5: HON. WILLIAM HENRY DUNCAN, A.M. William H. Duncan, son of William and Mary (McMurphy) Duncan, was born in Candia, N.H., September 26, 1807, and died in Hanover, N.H., March 29, 1883. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1830, and later received the degree of A.M. from that Institution. He studied law with Chancellor Benjamin Fanueil Duncan of Charlestown, S.C., and was admitted to the bar in that state. He practiced his profession in Hanover, 1834-70. He was an active friend of "N.U.," (MAD: Norwich University) serving as trustee during 1840-49. He was married June 25, 1834, to Sarah Murdock, daughter of the Hon. Mills Olcott of Hanover. (MAD: Candia, Rockingham Co. NH; Hanover, Grafton Co. NH)
"The bench and bar of New Hampshire : including biographical notices of deceased judges of the highest court, and lawyers of the province and state and a list of names of those now living" by Charles H. Bell; pub. Boston : Houghton, Mifflin and Co., 1894 (FHL book 974.2 U2b)
Pg.325-326, Deceased Lawyers: WILLIAM HENRY DUNCAN, son of William and Mary (McMurphy) Duncan; born, Candia, September 26, 1807; Dartmouth College, 1830; practiced, Haverhill and Hanover; died, Hanover, March 29, 1883.
Mr. Duncan was of Scotch-Irish descent, and prided himself upon it, not a little. His father kept a country store, and was in easy circumstances. The son had a taste for study, and completed his preparatory course at Phillips Exeter Academy. He graduated from college with the honor of the valedictory address, which was assigned to him, one of the three best scholars of his class, it is said on account of his graceful manner and oratorical powers. He was also selected to deliver the Master's oration three years later.
He chose the law for his profession, on which, or some other account, his father refused to do anything further for his support, and he was compelled to resort to teaching. He pursued that occupation in Charleston, South Carolina, for about four years, at the same time studying law under the direction of Benjamin F. Dunkin, and there was called to the bar. Returning to New Hampshire, he began to practice at Haverhill, but in a little time was induced by the failing health of his father-in-law, Mills Olcott, who required his aid to manage his extensive concerns, to settle in Hanover. There he passed the residue of his life. His practice at one period was somewhat extensive, but as his wife's delicate health rendered it necessary for him to accompany her every winter for many years to Florida, his law business naturally fell off, and towards the close of his life occupied but little of his time. Still he loved his profession, and as long as his health and strength permitted, attended the sessions of the courts. He was well versed in the learning of the law, but he had no relish for the rude contests of the country forum. He had a certain fastidious taste that held him aloof from all that was ostentatious, aggressive, or discourteous. Hence his practice in court was necessarily limited. But on those rare occasions when he was called on to make a public address, he charmed all his hearers by his captivating manner, his fitly chosen language, and the dignity and appropriateness of his sentiments. On one occasion when he was a member of the legislature, a speech that he made attracted so much attention and commendation, that it was quite in his power to have made it a stepping-stone to political prominence, if he had wished. But he had no taste for political strife.
In private life Mr. Duncan was most estimable: a good citizen, a model husband, a true friend, and a delightful companion. He had enjoyed the advantages of the most cultivated society, and the friendship of many able and distinguished men. His manners were courtly, and based upon a kindly heart. He conversed with fluency and elegance, and his memory was stored with an abundance of anecdotes, which he related with admirable zest and point. The lack of ambition, the easy pecuniary circumstances which his marriage brought him, as well as his dislike for publicity and contention, prevented him from exerting his best powers in his profession or in letters. He was content with being a scholar and a gentleman.
In 1851 he was made a lonely man by the death of his childless wife. After that he became almost a recluse in his chambers in a public block in Hanover. For the last year or two of his life his health was very feeble. His death was deeply regretted by those who best knew his amiable qualities and the trials he had undergone.
His marriage with Sarah M. Olcott was solemnized at Hanover, June 25, 1834. (MAD: Candia, Rockingham Co. NH; Hanover, Grafton Co. NH)
"Biographical Directory of the SC House of Representatives" Vol.V, 1816-1828; ed. by Alexander Moore, 1992 (FHL book 975.7 D34b v.5)
MAD: Pages 76-78 give an extensive biography, with sources, for Benjamin Faneuil Dunkin, b. 2 Dec. 1792 in Philadelphia, PA, son of Edward Dunkin of Bushfoot, Co. Antrim, Ireland, and Susan Bethune, died 8 Dec. 1874), cousin of Benjamin Faneuil Hunt of Charleston, SC; was in the War of 1812 in SC; married Washington Sala Prentiss 18 Jan. 1820, had one son Alfred Huger Dunkin (1822-1906) and a daughter. This source gives much more about the life of Benjamin Faneuil Dunkin, of Charleston SC and Georgetown Co. SC.
Early St.Phillips Parish Marriages have been published:
"St. Philip's Parish (SC) 1754-1810" author not given, includes Benjamin Duncan's marriage to Elizabeth Thomson on 7/21/1782; and three Duncan brides (from Kit Smith 8/1983)
"SC Marriages 1688-1799" author not given (from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"NC & SC Marriage Records from Earliest Colonial Days to Civil War" by Clemens (from Gladys Johnson 2/17/1987; FHL book 975 V28c, and from Gladys Johnson 2/1987)
Other Charleston Co. SC marriages have been published:
"SC Magazine of Ancestral Research" 1980, Vol.VIII, includes the marriages performed by Rev. Basil Manly Sr., pastor of First Baptist Church in Charleston until 1837, register preserved in Tuscaloosa, AL, where he moved; includes the marriage of Miss Catherine Duncan to Frederick Beaufort or Beauford on 10/13/1830. (from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983 and Lucille Mehrkam 3/1984)
Register of Church of Charleston includes the marriage of Ann Duncan to Helman Hutchins 5/19/1812, without detailed source, from "21 Southern Families, Notes & Genealogies" by Elizabeth Pryor Harper, compiled & edited by Patricia Freeman, 1985 (from Margo Thiel 9/1985)
"SC Marriges from DAR Lineages" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,235)
"SC Marriage Records Vol.III" 1958 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,225)
"Marriage & Death Notices from the (Charleston) Times 1800-1821" by Brent H. Holcomb (from Brenda Furches 8/1986)
"Marriage and Death Notices from the Southern Patriot, 1815-1830" Vol.I, by Theresa E. Wilson & Janice L. Grimes, 1982 (FHL book 975.7915 V2w; from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984)
"Marriage & Death Notices from the Southern Christian Advocate" Vol.1, 1837-1860, by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975 B38h; SUTRO book F208 H62? 1993, CA State Library, Sutro Branch; and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1984 and Marion H. Duncan 3/1983)
Charleston Dist. SC Estate Records have been abstracted and published:
"Abstracts of Wills of Charleston Dist. SC, and other wills recorded in the districts, 1783-1800" by Caroline T. Moore (FHL book 975.79 S2m, and from Evelyn Sigler 7/1983)
"Abstracts of the Wills of SC, 1740-1760" Vol.2, by Caroline T. Moore (FHL book 975.7 P2m)
"Abstracts of Wills of SC 1760-1784" Vol.3, by Caroline T. Moore (FHL book 975.7 P2m)
"Probate Records of SC, Vol.1, Index to Inventories 1746-1785" Records available at SC Archives; by Brent Holcomb, 1977 (SUTRO book F268 H6 V.1, CA State Library, Sutro Branch; and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"Probate Records of SC" Vol.2, by Brent H. Holcomb; includes Journal of the Court of Ordinary 1771-1775, Abstracts of letters of administration, Vol.00, 1775-1785, and Abstracts of letters of administration with the will annexed, vol.K, 1778-1821; abstracts from Vol.00 includes (Holcomb's pg.178 and 203) letters issued 24 Nov. 1781 to James Duncan of St. Phillips Parish, blacksmith, admr. of William Duncan, late of St.Thomas Parish, overseer; and (Holcomb's pg.193) letters issued on 9 June 1784 to Benjamin Moodie of St. Michaels Parish, merchant, admr. of George Duncan, late of St. Michael's Parish, wine merchant. (Holcomb's pg.256) Vol.K includes Thomas Winstanley esq. of Charlestown, admr. of the will annexed of Archibald Duncan, late of Charlestown, blacksmith, who appointed Margaret Duncan and James Spears exec.; both renounced said Ex., 21 Dec. 1804. (FHL book 975.7 P2p and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983 and Brenda Furches 8/1986)
"Probate Records of SC; Journal of the Court of Ordinary 1764-1771" Vol.3, by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975.7 P2p v.3)
MAD: other Duncans are included in all of the above volumes.
"National Genealogical Society Quarterly" Vol.68, 1980, pg.45, American Administration and Probate Acts in the Prerogative Court of Cantebury, 1781-1790, includes May, 1784, George Duncan of Charlestown SC, bachelor; mother Mary Duncan widow; and sister Margaret Bradly. (from Evelyn Sigler 5/1983) (MAD: Compare Bradley mention in Randolph Co. MO & Scott Co. KY)
"A Collection of Upper SC Genealogical & Family Records" Vol.II, by James E. Wooley, pg.64-65, includes the will of William Cruikshanks dated 17 Aug. 1829 which mentions among others an Elspeth Duncan and her children, now residing in Scotland. (FHL book 975.7 D2c)
Early Charleston Co. SC deeds have been abstracted and published:
"SC Deed Abstracts 1719-1772" by Clara A. Langley, ca 1983; Vol.I, Deed Books A to T, 1719-1740; Vol.II, Deed Books V to PP, 1740-1755; Vol.III, Deed Books QQ to H3, 1755-1768; Vol.IV, Deed Books I3 to E4, 1767-1773 and misc. dates (FHL book 975.7 R2L Vol.1-4)
"SC Deed Abstracts 1773-1778, [Charleston Co. SC] Books F4 through X4" by Brent H. Holcomb (FHL book 975.7 R28h)
Records of Duncans in Charlestown, SC, have been published in these and other books or periodicals:
"Abstract of Records of the Secretary of the Province, 1692-1721 (SC)" by Caroline T. Moore, lists on pg.124 George Duncan of Island of Barbados who appointed John Garvey Mariner his attorney to receive money from Wm. Smith of Charles Towne, Carolina, 7 Apr. 1693. (FHL book ; and from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"First Settlers of SC 1670-1700" by Agnes Leland Baldwin, pg.77, refers to the above book (from Brenda Furches 8/1986)
"Passenger and Immigration Lists Index" by Filby
"A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the USA" by Donald Whyte, Vol.1, pg.102, refers to James Duncan before 1855 (FHL book 973 W2w, and from Evelyn Sigler 4/1981)
"The Carolina Genealogist" P1 Court Records 96 Dist., includes on pg.12, Naturalizations, George Duncan in 1799 and James Duncan in 1829 (from Marion H. Duncan 3/1983)
"SC Historical Magazine" index and issues of magazine, including marriage and death notices from newspapers (from Evelyn Sigler 1983)
"Gen. Abstracts from the SC Gazette 1732-1735" (from Evelyn Sigler 10/1988)
"The Jury Lists of SC 1778-1779" by Hendrix & Lindsay
"Some SC County Records" Vol.1 (from Evelyn Sigler 6/1983)
"Loyalists of the American Rev. War" by Lorenzo Sabine (from Louis Boone 5/1984)
"Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution" by Palmer, 1984 (CA State Univ., Sacramento, library book E277 P24; and from Evelyn Sigler 11/1986)
"SC Hist. & Gene. Magazine" 1952 (from Evelyn Sigler 7/1983)
"Roster of SC Patriots in the American Revolution" by Bobby Gilmer Moss, 1983 (FHL book 975.7 M2m; from Evelyn Sigler 2/1983 and Donna Little 3/1983)
"Probate Court Records, Baptism and Marriage Records, Naturalization Records, Charleston SC" 1942 (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,213)
"German St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, 1763-1787, Charleston SC" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,213)
"Charleston Co. SC School Records 1889-1912" (SC DAR Records) (FHL film 855,213)
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