No SurnamesS: Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE

Ancestors of Paul Bailey MCBRIDE


Index of People with Names Beginning with S (No Surnames)

Sadb                                     I3578   779-38
Saint Arnulf                 (582-640)   I11042  97-53, 714-52
Saint_William                            I4413   716-45
Saloman I de Sable                       I14321  757-41
Samuel                       (-1014)     I5449   773-41
Sanan                                    I8955   710-50
Sancha de Aybar                          I10151  496-43, 660-42, 733-40
Sancha de Castile            (1154-1208) I10700  3-35, 43-34, 178-36, 288-34, 
       299-32, 459-35, 506-37
Sancha of Castile            (1100-)     I9670   496-41
Sancha of Castile            (1140-1179) I4546   18-35, 42-36, 68-38, 178-36, 
       179-35, 458-35
Sancha of Navarre                        I9740   227-38
Sancha of Provence                       I12075  3-33, 232-35
Sancha of_Leon               (1013-1067) I4567   380-38, 496-42, 787-42, 788-41
Sancha Sanchez                           I9142   227-47
Sancha Sanchez of Castile    (-1026)     I3406   736-40, 840-39
Sancho                       (-1073)     I4587   227-39, 659-41, 741-40
Sancho Fortun                            I10472  227-39, 659-41
Sancho Garcia                (965-1017)  I10161  496-43, 736-40
Sancho Garcie_III "the Great" of Navarre
                             (990-1035)  I5428   227-44, 496-43, 659-42, 660-42, 
       733-40, 741-40, 787-42
Sancho I Garces of Navarre               I8505   227-47, 731-46
Sancho I of Portugal         (1154-1212) I4559   39-36, 496-39
Sancho II Abarca of Navarre              I9181   227-45
Sancho Lopez                             I13988  910-38
Sancho Ram�rez I de Aragon   (1042-1094) I5110   96-38, 223-40, 223-39, 301-38, 
       302-37, 660-41, 733-40
Sancho Sanchez of Navarre                I13977  903-36
Sancho VII "the Wise" of Navarre
                             (1132-1194) I9693   18-35, 42-36, 68-38, 178-36, 
       179-35, 227-38
Sancho_III                   (1135-1158) I3392   42-36, 68-39, 178-35, 227-37, 
Sandde ap Alcwn                          I5220   472-49
Sara Armenters                           I14109  834-35
Sarah                        (-1706)     I1353   38-22, 999-22
Sarah                                    I509    57-16, 935-17
Sarah                        (-1671)     I1777   1013-18, 1064-17
Sarah                        (1616-1675) I8823   1042-20, 1044-21
Sarolta of Transylvania                  I9323   79-40
Sarrasine                                I6297   151-36, 377-36, 632-35
Sceaf                                    I3195   1-83
Sceldwa                                  I3189   1-77
Schwanhilde of Saxony        (-1014)     I6859   687-43
Sconehilde (Rechilde) of Metz(-995)      I6984   771-42, 772-42
Selyv Sarffgadau                         I8946   710-53
Senegunda de Remy                        I14287  840-40
Senulph                      (1154-1189) I8345   932-30
Seruuel                                  I8945   713-53
Sibel                        (1009-)     I9318   79-39, 256-41, 257-40, 520-39, 
Sibel de Vasto di Savona     (-1146)     I752    288-36, 743-37
Sibilla                                  I6013   957-32
Sibilla                                  I7847   644-36, 851-37
Sibyl                                    I5698   478-32, 539-29
Sibyl                        (1275-)     I14748  936-31
Sibyl                                    I8389   35-33, 66-35, 320-35
Sibyl                                    I6336   37-36, 812-35
Sibyl                        (1405-)     I8643   874-21, 978-22
Sibylle d' Anduse                        I6751   71-35
Sibylle d'Anjou              (1116-1167) I13424  2-36, 27-35, 84-36, 93-38, 
       124-34, 245-35
Sibylle of Chateau-Porcien               I8262   91-38, 558-38
Sibylle of Hainaut           (-1227)     I13380  18-34, 93-37, 245-35
Sida                                     I9214   6-45
Siegfried                    (922-998)   I4716   69-41, 249-42, 263-41, 508-42, 
       509-42, 510-41, 524-44, 667-41
Siegfried II                 (965-1037)  I6911   793-43
Siegfried im Pustertal       (-1065)     I13599  782-40
Siegfried of Lucca and Lombardy
                                         I14147  526-41
Sieghard                                 I14163  726-43
Sieghard (Sizzo)             (930-987)   I7096   726-42
Sigebert_I "The Lame"                    I4898   97-58
Sigelgaita                   (1031-)     I10768  178-38, 749-39, 749-39
Sigillin                     (-962)      I6397   2-45
Sigrid                                   I4628   78-38, 238-36
Sigrid (Sigrith) Storrada    (950-1013)  I2963   1-43, 6-42, 8-42, 711-41, 
Sigris                                   I3880   1-57, 3-56
Sigulf                       (-1030)     I10485  820-41
Sigurd                                   I4639   22-38, 108-39
Sigurd "Fofnersbane"                     I3852   1-48
Sigurd "Snake-in-Eye" Ragnarson
                                         I7793   1-48
Sigurd Hiort                             I5498   28-47
Sigurd Hundasson                         I7761   5-47
Sigurd Ring                  (710-)      I7782   1-49, 4-48
Sigurd Sow Halfdansson       (-1018)     I8099   5-42, 8-39
Sigurd_II                                I2739   1-48, 6-47
Sihtric of the Silken Beard  (-1042)     I4250   779-41, 780-40
Sikelgaita of Salerno                    I14296  798-42
Sikilgaita of Salerno        (1025-1090) I9645   3-39, 41-38, 736-38, 798-39
Silvian                                  I7019   366-39, 528-38
Silvie                       (-1126)     I10430  105-38
Simon d'Oisy                 (-1171)     I13411  752-38
Simon_I of_Upper_Lorraine    (-1138)     I5454   19-38, 92-37
sister_of Edmund                         I4625   78-39, 251-38, 257-38
Siward (Aldred)              (-1038)     I9432   257-40
Skjalf Frostasdottir         (428-)      I4224   708-61
Skjold                       (237-)      I3180   1-68
Skogul-Tosti                 (909-)      I7620   8-42
Skuli Tostisson                          I7268   15-40
Slani                                    I4251   779-41, 780-40
Snaer                                    I4234   708-67
Solveig Hafdannsdottir       (684-)      I4206   3-50
Solveig Halfdansdottir                   I4204   3-49
Sophia (Agnes) of Austria    (1043-)     I10726  178-36, 296-39, 506-38, 561-38
Sophia of Hungary            (-1095)     I8748   5-38, 15-39, 81-38, 261-37
Sophia of Loos                           I13634  81-37
Sophia of Verdun                         I9193   96-37, 280-38
Sophia of_Bar                (1018-1093) I5190   75-39, 82-39, 250-38, 290-38, 
       724-38, 772-40
Sprote de Bretagne           (911-)      I6292   3-42
St. Begga of_Landen          (613-)      I11036  97-52, 714-52
St. Clodulf                              I4890   97-53
St. Gondolfus                            I4893   97-55
St. Olaf_II                  (995-)      I5503   5-40, 28-43, 687-40
St. Olga                                 I5241   58-43
St. Vladimir                 (-1015)     I5235   8-40, 58-41
St._Margaret of_Scotland     (1045-1093) I3043   2-38, 79-39, 108-37, 238-38, 
       257-39, 337-37, 522-38, 523-38
Stephanie of Carcassonne, Foix
                             (-1066)     I9746   496-43, 659-42, 731-41, 733-41, 
Stephen I of Brittany        (-1135)     I5581   34-38, 69-37, 122-34, 149-37, 
Stephen Longespee            (1216-1260) I8124   62-34, 211-34, 213-35, 226-35, 
       477-34, 555-34
Stephen of_Aumale            (1070-1127) I5704   83-37, 265-36, 400-38
Stephen of_Blois             (1095-1154) I2908   2-37, 18-38, 27-34, 86-37, 
       144-37, 319-35
Stephen_I de Gevaudan                    I5264   309-43, 361-40
Stephen_I of Hungary         (975-1038)  I3101   79-40
Stephen_II of Champagne      (1015-1047) I9777   18-40, 83-39, 367-38, 400-38
Stephen_III of_Blois         (1046-1101) I7233   2-37, 18-38, 86-37, 87-37, 
       88-37, 144-37, 781-37
Stephen_V                    (-1272)     I3594   1-31, 278-32
Stylianus Zautzes                        I8978   129-43, 748-44
Styrbiorn Olafsson           (956-)      I4146   1-41, 6-41
Suain de Essex               (-1086)     I7887   61-40, 127-35, 644-34
Suanehild Billung                        I7439   687-43
Sudislav                                 I7750   720-41
Sunifred I de Urgel                      I9669   732-46, 735-45
Sunifred II de Urgel         (-914)      I13303  732-46, 735-45
Sunifredo II                             I10492  274-39, 736-40
Sunyer de Besalu                         I13302  732-45, 736-42, 738-44
Susan                                    I9352   1025-17
Susan R.                     (1804-1870) I485    7-13
Susanna of Gwynedd                       I7679   207-38, 208-36, 209-38, 472-37
Suzanna (Rozela)             (950-1003)  I6784   15-42, 31-40, 145-39, 146-41, 
       258-42, 263-40
Svatislav_I                              I5238   58-42
Svegdi Fjolnarsson           (277-)      I4235   708-68
Svend II of Denmark Estridsen(1019-1076) I7989   5-40, 8-39
Sveyn I Forkbeard Haraldsson (-1014)     I7619   6-42, 33-40, 144-39
Sviataslav                               I7751   720-41
Svyatoslav I Suitislaus of Kiev
                             (942-)      I7668   720-42
Svyatoslav II of Kiev        (1029-)     I7997   8-40, 720-40
Swanhilde                    (-1132)     I9763   19-39, 93-38
Swanhilde                                I6909   793-44
Swanhilde                    (-1075)     I6178   286-36, 831-37
Sweno                                    I2736   7-46
Swjatopolk II Michael        (1050-1113) I6587   81-36
Sybil                                    I3389   238-38, 522-38
Sybil de Salisbury           (1120-)     I8669   98-34, 194-37, 322-35, 606-34, 
       898-37, 899-36, 916-34
Sybilla                      (-1122)     I7199   79-39, 238-38, 257-39
Sybille de Barcelona         (1035-1074) I4081   135-39, 274-39, 288-38, 291-38, 
       496-40, 551-38, 736-40, 745-39
Symphorienne of Lorraine, Hainault
                             (-924)      I10123  20-44, 91-43, 94-43, 364-45, 
