[Ancestry Unknown] ch: *Bedwig [Next Generation]
ch: *Hwala [Next Generation]
ch: *Hathra [Next Generation]
ch: *Itermon [Next Generation]
ch: *Heremod [Next Generation]
ch: *Sceldwa [Next Generation]
ch: *Beaw [Next Generation]
ch: *Taetwa [Next Generation]
ch: *Geata [Next Generation]
ch: *Godwulf [Next Generation]
ch: *Finn [Next Generation]
ch: *Froethelaf [Next Generation]
REF RFC. Gives father as Finn, but Roots-l Royal92 GEDCOM gives father as Frithuwald, son of Finn. ch: *Frithuwald (Bor) [Next Generation]
b. c. 190 m. Beltsea of_Asgard b. c. 194-5 ch: *Odin [Next Generation]
b. c. 215 r. Asgard, Asia m(1) Frigg b. c. 219 daughter of Cadwalladr ch(1) *Skjold [Next Generation] ch(2) *Beldig of_Scandinavia [See 2-68 below]
b. c. 237 r. Hleithra, Denmark m. Gefion b. c. 241 ch: *Fridlief Skjoldsson [Next Generation]
r. Hleithra, Denmark ch: *Frodi Fridleifsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 281 r. Hleithra, Denmark ch: *Fridleif Frodason [Next Generation]
b. c. 303 r. Hleithra, Denmark ch: *Havar Fridleifsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 325 r. Denmark ch: *Frodi Havarsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 347 r. Denmark ch: *Vermund Frodason [Next Generation]
b. c. 366 r. Denmark ch(1) *Olaf Vermundsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 391 r. Denmark ch: *Frodi Olafsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 433 r. Denmark ch: *Fridleif Frodason [Next Generation]
b. c. 456 r. Denmark ch: *Frodi Fridleifsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 479 r. Denmark ch: *Halfdan Frodason of_Denmark [Next Generation]
b. c. 503, Denmark m. Sigris ch: *Hroar Halfdansson [Next Generation], *Helgi Hafldansdottir (528-) m. Olaf "the Mighty" (540-) [See 3-56 below]
b. c. 526, Denmark m. Ogne b. c. 530, Northumberland daughter of Norbril King of Northumbria ch: *Valdar Hroarsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 547, Denmark m. Hildis Princess of Vandals d. c. 572 ch: *Harold Valdarsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 568, Jutland, Denmark ch: *Hafldan Haroldsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 590, Jutland, Denmark m. Maolda ch: *Ivar Halfdansson [Next Generation]
REF RC. Woden-born King of Uppsala in Sweden, by conquest. b. c. 612, Denmark ch: *Audr Ivarsdottir of_Am [Next Generation]
REF Halldor Arnason ([email protected]). Son means son and is never used for daughters. Daughters have -dottir instead of -son (or -sdottir instead of -sson, the s is the genitive ending of the father's name). It is however quite common to see people not familiar with the patronymic system, mix this up. The name Audr (the r is a nominative case ending that I like to keep but most people don't) could both be used as a woman's and a man's name and maybe there is some confusion because of that. In later time it became exclusively female. There is a male Audr in the Norse mythology, but a female one was one of the settlers of Iceland around 900. She came from Ireland, so maybe she had an Irish name that sounded somewhat similar to Audr, so Audr was used for her even though it was male. I don't know about that, just wondering. There is a Audr Ivarsdottir mentioned in the poem Hyndluljod as mother of Haraldr hilditonn Hraereksson and Randver Radbardsson. That poem is written in Iceland in the twelfth century, so the poet might not have any better idea of who Audr was than we do. He even uses the nickname "djupudga" (deepminded) for her, but that was the nickname of the Icelandic settler. I don't know who got it from whom. E-Mail b. ABT 633 r. Denmark m. Radbard of Russia King of Garderidge (Russia) b. ABT 638 ch: *Randver Radbardsson [Next Generation]
d. 770, Bravik ch: *Sigurd Ring [Next Generation]
b. ABT 710 d. 812 m. Alfhild Gandoldottier ch: *Ragnar Lodbrock [Next Generation], *Halfdan "the Old" [See 4-48 below]
See Snorre's Saga and the Icelandic Landnamobok (Book of Settlment). Many historians regard much of the genealogy at this point to be purely legendary, or even mythical. b. ABT 750 d. 845, Northumbria, Eng. m(1) Aslaug Sigurdsdottir b. ABT 755 daughter of Sigurd "Fofnersbane" ch(1) Sigurd "Snake-in-Eye" Ragnarson, Ivar "the Boneless" Ragnarsson, Halfdan "White Shirt" Ragnarsson, *Bjorn "Ironside" Ragnarson [Next Generation], Ragnhildir Ragnardottir, *Alof Ragnarsdottir m. Hunda-Steinar of England [See 5-47 below], Ubbe Ragnarsson ch(2) *Sigurd_II [See 6-47 below], *Eric [See 7-47 below]
REF RFC. He led the great Viking raid around Spain into the Mediterranean, 859. ch: *Erik Bjornsson [Next Generation]
b. c. 814 ch: *Edmund Eriksson of Birka [Next Generation]
Swedish King at Birka See Europaisch Stammtafeln Bund II tafel 77. b. ABT 832, Sweden ch: *Erik Edmundsson [Next Generation], Ingeborg Emundsdottir
REF RFC. King of part of Norway for a time, which he lost to Harold "the fair-haired". Lord of Finland, Eastland, and Kurkland b. c. 849 d. 906 d. ABT 900 ch(1) *Bjorn "a Haugi" the Old of Sweden [Next Generation]
b. 868 d. ABT 956 d. ABT 950 ch: *Olaf of Sweden Bjornsson [Next Generation], *Erik "Segersall" "the Victorious" Bjonrsson (935-994) m. Sigrid (Sigrith) Storrada (950-1013) [See 8-42 below]
d. 964 m. Ingelberg daughter of Jarl Thraud of_Sula ch: *Styrbiorn Olafsson [Next Generation]
REF RFC. Leader of the Jomsborg Vikings. b. ABT 956 b. ABT 959 d. 985 d. 986, battle m. Thyra of Denmark b. BEF 1000 d. 18 Sep 1000 daughter of Harold III "Blaatand" (Bluetooth) King of Denmark and Gyrid Olafsdottir [daughter of Olaf King of Sweden] ch: Bjorn Styrbjornsson, *Jarl Thorkill "Sprakalaeg" [Next Generation]
REF RFC. A follower of Knut, King of England. Possibly not the father of Gytha. Born before his parents! Warrants investigation. b. ABT 936 ch: *Gytha [Next Generation], Eilaf, Ulf (Wolf) Thorkilsson (967-1027) m. Estritha (Margaret) of Denmark (967-)
REF RFC. Her great-great-grandfather was Gorm. m. Godwine Earldorman of Wessex Earl of Wessex and Kent 1019-20 b. ABT 987 d. 15 Apr 1053 son of Wulfnoth (Cied) of_Sussex ch: Tostig of Northumbria Godwinsson (-1066) m(1) Judith of_Flanders (-1094), *Harold_II [Next Generation]
Crowned 5 Jan 1066. b. ABT 1022 d. 14 Oct 1066, Battle of Hastings, Eng. m(1) Edith Swan-neck (Ealdgyth) ABT 1064 b. of Mercia d. AFT 1086 daughter of Aelfgar Earl of Mercia and Aelfgifu ch(1) *Gytha of_Wessex [Next Generation]
b. of Wessex, Eng. d. 1 May 1107 m. Vladimir_II "Monomachos" Grand Prince of Kiev ABT 1070 b. 1053, Kiev, Ukraine, Russia d. 19 May 1125 son of Wsevolod_I Grand Prince of Kiev Prince of Perejaslaw Grand Duke of Kiev and Maria Theodora Monomacha [daughter of Constantine IX Monomachus Emperor of the East and Argyra Skleraina] ch: *Harold (Mstislas II) [Next Generation], Yuri I (1091-1157), Evfimiya (Euphemia) of Chernigov & Kiev (1095-1139), Agafiya Vladimirovna of KIEV (1097-)
REF RC. Grand Prince of Kiev 1125. Grand Prince of Novgorod 1181. b. 1076, Kiev, Ukraine, Russia d. 15 Apr 1132 m(1) Ljubava SAWIDITSCH 1122 b. Novogorod, Novogorod, Russia d. 1168 daughter of Dimitri Zaviditsch Possednik of Novgorod ch(1) *Euphrosyne Mstislawna of_Kiev [Next Generation] m(2) Christina Princess of Sweden 1110 d. 18 Jan 1122 daughter of Inge I King of Sweden and Christina ch(2) Vsevolod Gavriil (1102-1135), Isjaslav (1096-1154), Rotislav (-1168)
b. 1130, of Kiev, Ukraine, Russia r. Kiev, Ukraine, Russia d. 1175-6 d. 1186 m. Geza_II King of Hungary b. c. 1130 d. 3 May 1162 son of Bela_II the Blind King of Hungary and Helen of Serbia ch: Elizabeth of Hungary (-1190) m. Friedrich of Bohemia (1142-1189), Helen of Hungary (-1199), *Bela_III [Next Generation]
b. 1148, Esztergom, Hungary d. 18 Apr 1196 d. 23 Apr 1196 m(1) Ciromaria Comnene 1163 m(2) Agnes de_Chatillon 1168, Constantinople b. 1153, Versailles, Seine, France d. ABT 1184 daughter of Renaud de_Chatillon Prince of Antioch and Constance of Antioch ch(2) *Andrew_II [Next Generation], Constantia of Hungary (1180-1240), *Margareta of Hungary (-1223) m. Nicolas I (-1217) [See 9-33 below] m(3) Theodora Komnene 1185 m(4) Marguerite of France 1188 b. ABT 1158 d. 1197, Acre, Palestine daughter of Louis_VII the_Younger King of France and Constance of Castile
REF Weis1. King of Hungary 1205-1235. Forced to issue the Golden Bull "Magna Charta of Hungary" in 1222. b. 1176 d. 21 Sep 1235 m(1) Gertrude of_Meran c. 1171 d. 1213-4 daughter of Berthold_IV Duke of Meran ch(1) *Bela_IV [Next Generation], Elizabeth of_Hungary (-1231) m(2) Yolande de COURTENAY 1215 daughter of Peter de COURTENAY Emperor of Constantinople and Yolande of Hainaut Countess of Namur ch(2) *Yolande (1213-1251) m. Jaime I "the Conqueror" de Aragon (1207-1276) [See 10-32 below] m(3) Beatrice von ESTE 14 May 1234 d. 1245
REF Weis1. King of Hungary 1235-1270 d. c. 1275 m. Marie Laskarina daughter of Theodore Lascaris_I Emperor ch: *Stephen_V [Next Generation]
REF Weis1. King of Hungary 1270-1272. d. 1 Aug 1272 m. Elizabeth daughter of Kuthen Prince of Kumans ch: *Marie of_Hungary [Next Generation]
d. Mar 1323 m. Charles_II King of Naples d. c. 6 May 1309 son of Charles_I of_Anjou King of Naples and Sicily and Beatrix de Provence ch: *Margaret of_Naples [Next Generation]
m. Charles de_Valois Count of Valois b. 1270, Fontainebleau,France d. 1325 son of Philip_III the_Bold King of France and Isabelle of_Aragon ch: *Jeanne of_Valois [Next Generation]
d. ABT 1352 m. William_III d'Avesnes Count of Hainaut & Holland 19 May 1305 b. ABT 1286, Hainaut, Belgium d. 7 Jun 1337, Valenciennes son of Jean_II d'Avesnes Count of Hainaut & Holland and Philippa of_Luxemburg [daughter of Henry_II "the_Blond" Count of Luxemburg] ch: *Philippe de Hainault [Next Generation]
b. 24 JUN 1311, Valenciennes d. 14 AUG 1369, Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire, Eng. bur. Westminster Abbey, London, Eng. m. Edward_III King of England b. 13 Nov 1312, Windsor Castle, Berkshire, Eng. d. 21 Jun 1377 son of Edward_II King of England and Isabella of_France ch: *Lionel of Antwerp [Next Generation], Edward of_England "the Black Prince" (1330-1376) m. Joan "the Fair Maid of Kent" (1328-1385), Isabella of England (1332-1379) m. Enguerrand VII (-1398), Joan (Joanna) (1335-1348), William of_Hatfield (1337-1337), *John of_Gaunt (1340-1398) m(1) Blanche of_Lancaster (1345-1369) [See 11-26 below], Edmund of_Langley (1344-1402) m(1) Isabella of Castile (-1393), Blanche (1342-1342), Mary (1344-1361), Margaret (1346-1361), William of_Windsor (1348-1348), *Thomas of_Woodstock (1354-1397) m. Alianor de BOHUN (1366-1399) [See 12-26 below]
b. 29 Nov 1338, Antwerp, Belgium d. 10 Dec 1363, Dublin, Ireland m. Elizabeth de BURGH Lady d. 10 DEC 1363, Dublin daughter of William de BURGH 4th Earl of Ulster and Maud of_Lancaster ch: *Philippe of_Clarence [Next Generation]
d. 1382 m. Edmund de MORTIMER 3rd Earl of March d. 1381 son of Roger MORTIMER 2nd Earl of March and Philippa de MONTAGU ch: *Elizabeth [Next Generation], Roger (-1398) m. Eleanor HOLLAND (-1405), Edmund (-1409), Philippe (1375-1401) m. Richard FITZALAN (1346-1397)
b. 12 Feb 1370/1, Usk, Monmouth, Eng. m(1) Henry "Hotspur" PERCY K.G. BEF 10 Dec 1379 b. 20 May 1364 d. 21 Jul 1403, Shrewsbury son of Henry de PERCY K.G. 1st Earl of Northumberland and Margaret de NEVILLE ch(1) *Henry [Next Generation], Elizabeth de (-1437) m(1) John de CLIFFORD (1388-1421) m(2) Thomas Lord Camoys
REF Weis1. Warden of the Marches of Scotland. REF FarisPA. 5th Lord Percy. b. 3 Feb 1392/3 d. 22 May 1455 m. Eleanor NEVILLE d. 1463 daughter of Ralph de NEVILLE K.G. 1st Earl of Westmoreland and Joan de BEAUFORT ch: *Henry [Next Generation]
REF FarisPA. 6th Lord Percy. b. 25 Jul 1421 d. 29 Mar 1461 bur. St. Denis', York, Eng. m. Eleanor POYNINGS Baroness Poynings BEF 25 Jun 1435 b. ABT 1422 d. Feb 1483-4 daughter of Richard POYNINGS Lord [son of Robert POYNINGS Lord] and Alianore BERKELEY ch: *Margaret [Next Generation], Anne m. Thomas HUNGERFORD
REF YorkshireP. 22nd in descent from Charlemagne, 8th from Henry III, King of England. m. Sir William GASCOIGNE Kt. d. 4 Mar/May 1486-7 son of Sir William GASCOIGNE Kt. and Joan (Jane) NEVILLE Lady ch: Elizabeth m. George TALBOYS (1477-1538), *Dorothy [Next Generation]
m. Sir Ninian MARKENFIELD Kt. d. 25 Mar 1527/8 son of Thomas MARKENFIELD Kt. and Alianor CONYERS [daughter of John CONYERS K.G.] ch: *Alice [Next Generation]
d. BET 4 AND 7 Mar 1552/3 m. Robert MAULEVERER 1 Dec 1524 d. BEF 31 Jan 1540/1 son of Sir William MAULEVERER and Jane CONYERS [daughter of John CONYERS Kt.] ch: *Dorothy [Next Generation]
b. ABT 1528 m. John KAYE Esq. 21 Jan 1542/3, Bardsay b. ABT 1528 d. AFT 1585 son of Arthur KAYE Esq. and Beatrice WENTWORTH ch: *Robert [Next Generation], Matthew (-1612)
REF YorkshireP. Living 1612. J.P. and treasurer for lame soldiers 36-40 Elizabeth I, 1593-1597. r. Woodsome, York, Eng. d. AFT 1612 m. Anne FLOWER daughter of John FLOWER and Margery COLLEY [daughter of Anthony COLLEY Esq. and Edith WESTON] ch: *Grace [Next Generation]
d. BEF Apr 1630 m. Sir Richard SALTONSTALL Kt. b. BEF 4 Apr 1586 d. AFT 1658 son of Samuel SALTONSTALL Mr. and Anne RAMSDEN ch: *Richard [Next Generation]
REF WatertownG. He arrived 12 Jun 1630 at Salem MA on the "Arabella" with his father. Freeman 18 May 1631 at Watertown MA. He returned to England 23 Nov 1631. He returned to America in 1635 with his wife. He made several other trips back and forth to England in c. 1649, 1672. b. 1610, Woodsome, Eng. r. 1635, Ipswich, MA r. 1683, Eng. d. 29 Apr 1694, Hulme, Lancaster, Eng. m. Muriel GURDON Jun 1633 b. ABT 1613 daughter of Brampton GURDON and Muriel SEDLEY ch: Meriell (1634-), *Nathaniel [Next Generation]
Magistrate of Haverhill, MA. REF FarisPA. Refused to serve in witchcraft trials. b. ABT 1639, Ipswich, MA r. Haverhill, MA d. 21 May 1707 m. Elizabeth WARD 28 Dec 1663 b. 9 Apr 1647 d. 29 Apr 1741 daughter of Rev. John WARD and Alice EDMUNDS ch: Gurdon (1666-1724), *Elizabeth [Next Generation]
REF NEHGR1:165. She was the daughter of Col. N. Saltonstall, and the sister of Gov. G. Saltonstall. REF NEHGR7:305. "Boston, Saturday, July 9, 1726. Yesterday morning deceased here, after a short illness of a fever, and this evening is decently interred, Mrs. Elizabeth Cotton, only daughter to the late Hon. Col. Nathaniel Saltonstall, Esq., of Haverhill, and sister to the late Hon. Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq., of Connecticut, Governor." She was born 15 Sept. 1668; m. 1. Rev. Mr. John Denison of Ipswich, who d. Sept. 1689, by whom she had the late Col. John Denison, Esq. of the same town; 2. Rev. Mr. Roland Cotton of Sandwich, who died in March, 1721-2. By him she left ten children, (five of whom were sons,) who followed her to the grave. On the demise of her husband, she moved to Boston, where she resided till her death. "She was known to be a person of very superior wit, knowledge and virtue, from her youth up." b. 15 Sep 1668, Boston, MA d. 8 Jul 1726, Boston, MA m(1) Rev. John DENISON d. Sep 1689 ch(1) John (b. 20 Mar 1689/90) Note: John was the only child of Elizabeth and John Denison. Ruth Denison (1685-1779) and Hannah Denison who m. Nathaniel KINGSBURY were from an unrelated family that lived in Ipswich at the same time. Corrected 6/8/09. m(2) Rolland COTTON Reverend 1689 b. 27 Dec 1667 d. 29 Mar 1721-2, Sandwich, MA son of Rev. John COTTON and Joanna ROSSITER ch(2) John (1690-1757), Joanna (1691-) m. John BROWN, Elizabeth (1693-), Sarah (1696-), Nathaniel (1697-1729), *Abigail [Next Generation], Maria (1700-), Roland (1701-1725), Josiah (1703-), Ruth (1710-)
b. 1699 d. 17 May 1732, Scituate, MA m. Rev. Shearjushub BOURNE 16 Jun 1725, Boston, MA b. 12 Dec 1699, Sandwich, MA d. 14 Aug 1768, West Roxbury, MA son of Melatiah BOURNE and Desire CHIPMAN ch: *Elizabeth [Next Generation]
REF NEHGR July 1902. This reply to a query gives miscellaneous information from church and probate records about Elizabeth Bourne being the daughter of Rev. Shearjashub Bourn, and the wife of Amasa Bailey. The primary reference is to the 1768 will of Rev. Shearjashub Bourn in the Suffolk Probate Records, Vol 67, p. 130, which mentions "Marcy" as the daughter of his daughter Elizabeth and Amasa Bailey. b. 11 Jul 1726, Scituate, MA d. BEF 14 Feb 1760 m. Amasa BAILEY 19 Oct 1748, Scituate, MA b. Scituate, MA son of William BAILEY and Judith BOOTH ch: Amasa, *Abner [Next Generation], Job, Abigail (1753-), Mercy (1755-1826), Judith (1757-)
REF CAG6. Veteran of American Revolution. b. BEF 4 Aug 1751, Scituate, MA d. 7 Feb 1803 m. Sarah BATES 20 Jun 1772 b. 30 Jun 1752 d. 17 Jun 1833 daughter of Joshua BATES 3rd and Grace LINCOLN ch: Sally (1773-1802) m. Solon NASH (1772-1801), Elizabeth (1774-), *Abner Jr. [Next Generation], Hepsibah (1784-1809), Becky (1789-), Rowland (1792-1829)
REF Scituate1 Removed eastward. b. 4 Aug 1776, Scituate, MA bp. 4 Aug 1776, Scituate, MA m. Polley OTIS 25 Oct 1798, Scituate, MA b. 16 Feb 1776, Scituate, MA daughter of David OTIS and Mary VINAL ch: Rufus Clapp (1799-), Martin (1801-), *Polley Otis [Next Generation], Samuel Hatch (1805-), George Little (1809-)
b. 6 Aug 1802, Scituate, MA d. 21 May 1838, ME m. Paul HAYES b. 29 Jan 1800, Alton, NH d. 7 Sep 1872, Belfast, ME son of Nathaniel HAYES and Sarah HAYES ch: John Ayre (1829-1850), Thomas Otis (1830-1914) m. Mary A. RICE (1844-), Sarah Ann (1832-1922), Abner Bailey (1834-1910), *George Nathaniel [Next Generation]
George N. Hayes ran a leather factory in the Portland Maine area before he moved his family to Peabody MA. There he ran another leather factory on Sutton Street. b. 17 Aug 1836, ME r. 1869, Portland, ME r. 1873, Portland, ME r. 1875, Portland, ME r. 1875, Portland, ME d. 2 May 1913, MA m. Eliza Ann LEAVITT 17 Jun 1862, Portland, ME b. 5 Aug 1843 d. 1927, Beverly, MA daughter of John F. LEAVITT and Mary Ann DINSMORE ch: *George Edwin [Next Generation], John Albia (1863-1934), Frederic (1865-), May (Molly,Polly,Mary) L. (1868-) m. Ozro Miller FIELD (-1935), Grace B. (1872-1918) m. Ozro Miller FIELD (-1935), Abner Bailey (1874-1881), Alice (1874-), Eddie, John
J. Albian Hayes, his brother George E. Hayes and his family lived in South America while setting up a leather factory there. b. 30 Mar 1862, Portland, ME r. Portland, ME r. Before 1877, Portland, ME r. 1877, Portland, ME r. North Yarmouth, ME r. Peabody, MA d. 15 Nov 1934, Peabody, MA bur. Salem, MA m(1) Elizabeth C., Lizzie GETCHELL d. 1887 daughter of George Francis GETCHELL and Martha A. PARSONS [daughter of Jonathan PARSONS and Mary HOWE] ch(1) *Dora Lizzie [Next Generation] m(2) Kate H. PITMAN b. 23 November daughter of _____ PITMAN and Catherine CARAWAY
b. 9 Apr 1886 d. 22 Nov 1977, Peabody, MA m(1) Ralph Osgood RUSSELL 20 April 1911 b. 27 Dec 1885, Auburn, ME d. 5 Oct 1940, Boston, MA son of Frederick Major RUSSELL and Nellie Eliza YORK m(2) Frank E. PATTERSON b. 25 July 1886 d. Mar 1984, Peabody, MA son of _____ PATTERSON