[Ancestry Unknown] b. ABT 1020, Moutiers-Hubert, Normandy, France ch: *Fulk [Next Generation]
REF AR7. Possibly married a dau. of William FitzAnsculf. b. ABT 1060, Dudley, Worcester, Eng. r. Dudley, Worcester, Eng. lv. 1130 m. Miss FITZWILLIAM ABT 1095 b. ABT 1074, Dudley, Worcester, Eng. daughter of William FITZANSCULF [son of Ansculf] ch: *Ralph [Next Generation]
REF AR7. Possibly married an unamed daughter of Robert de Ferrers who d. 1139. b. ABT 1100, Dudley, Worcester, Eng. r. Dudley, Worcester, Eng. d. BY 1153 m. prob. dau. of Robert de FERRERS daughter of Robert de FERRERS 1st Earl of Derby and Hawise de VITRE ch: *Hawise [Next Generation]
REF AR7. Dau. and in her issue coheir, sister of Gervase Paynel. b. ABT 1129, Dudley, Worcester, Eng. d. 1208/1209 m. Sir John de SOMERY ABT 1150 b. ABT 1125, Little Crawley, Buckingham, Eng. d. BEF 1195 ch: *Ralph de [Next Generation]
REF AR7. Held Dudley and Dinas Powis. b. ABT 1151, Dudley, Worcester, Eng. r. Dudley, Worcester, Eng. d. 1210/1211 m. Margaret MARSHALL [49-36] ABT 1181 daughter of John FITZGILBERT [98-34, 158-36] and Sybil de Salisbury [98-34] ch: Ralph de (1172-), *Roger de [Next Generation], *Joan de (1191-1276) m(1) Thomas "The Observer" de BERKELEY (1170-1243) [See 466-36 below]
b. ABT 1208, of Sedgley, Staffordshire, Eng. r. Dudley, Warwick, Eng. d. BEF 26 Aug 1273, of Dudley, Worcestershire, Eng. m(1) Nicole d' AUBIGNY [49-36, 169-32] ABT 1225, Barrow, Leicestershire, Eng. b. ABT 1206, of Barrow on Soar, Leicester, Eng. d. 1240, Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, Eng. daughter of William d' AUBIGNY Earl of Arundel [49-37, 84-32, 143-34, 192-36, 193-36] and Mabel of_Chester [49-37, 84-32, 143-34, 192-36, 193-36] ch(1) *Joan de [See 49-35 above], *Margaret de [Next Generation], Maud de m(2) Amabilia de CHAUCOMBE BEF 1254 b. ABT 1210 d. 1278 daughter of Sir Robert de CHAUCOMBE [son of Hugh de CHACOMB and Hodierne] and Julian ch(2) *Roger de (1255-1291) m. Agnes (-1308) [See 467-35 below], (Miss) (1257-)
She did not marry Urian de St. Pierre. That is the Margaret who married Ralph Basset of Sapcote. r. Dudley, Worchester, Eng. d. AFT 18 Jun 1293 m(1) Ralph de CROMWELL [49-36] BEF 26 Jan 1270-1 d. BEF 18 Sep 1289 ch(1) *Ralph de [Next Generation] m(2) Ralph BASSET Baron Basset of Drayton d. 4 Aug 1265, Evesham son of Ralph BASSET ch(2) *Ralph (-1299) m. Hawise [See 468-34 below]
d. ABT 2 Mar 1298-9 ch: *Ralph de [Next Generation]
d. 1291-2 m. Joan de_la_Mare d. 9 Aug 1348 ch: *Ralph de [Next Generation]
r. Cromwell r. West Hallam d. BEF 28 Oct 1364 m. Anice de BELLERS [166-28] 1351 daughter of Roger de BELLERS [166-28] ch: *Ralph [Next Generation]
r. Tattershall, Lincoln, Eng. d. 27 Aug 1398 m(1) Margaret DEINCOURT m(2) Maud BERNACKE [22-27, 166-28, 193-29] BEF 20 Jun 1366 d. 10 Apr 1419 daughter of Sir John BERNACKE [166-29] and Joan MARMION [166-29, 180-29] ch(2) *Elizabeth [See 166-27 above], *Maud [Next Generation]
m. Sir William FITZWILLIAM Kt. of the Sepulchre [22-27, 56-29, 166-28] d. 8 Apr 1398 son of Sir John FITZWILLIAM Kt. [22-28, 56-29, 114-27] and Elizabeth CLINTON [22-28, 36-30, 56-29, 114-27] ch: *John [See 22-26 above]