[son of Alfonso II Raimundez King of Aragon And Pamplona [3-35] and Sancha de Castile Princess of Castile [3-35]] b. 1176 r. Aragon, Spain d. 13 Sep 1213, Murat, Allier, France m. Marie de Montpellier [3-35, 10-32] b. 1182 d. 1218 daughter of Guillaume VIII de Montpellier Seigneur and Eudoxia Komnena ch: *Jaime I "the Conqueror" de Aragon [Next Generation]
b. 1 Feb 1207/8, Montpellier d. 25 Jul 1276, Valencia bur. Cabret m(2) Yolande Princess of Hungary [1-33, 3-31, 10-32] 8 Sep 1235, Barcelona b. 1213 d. 12 Oct 1251, Huesca, Spain daughter of Andrew_II King of Hungary [1-33, 10-32, 33-34] and Yolande de COURTENAY [1-33, 10-32] ch(2) *Isabelle of_Aragon [See 10-31 above]