Duncans in Indiana Co. PA Land Records


Duncan research files of
Mary Ann (Duncan) Dobson
the Genealogy Bug

Last revised December 7, 2011


Indiana Co. PA Grantor Deed Index 1803-1928, v.C-D, Du on pg.100, 146, 177, 244, 299, 339, 355, 375 (FHL film 861,256; SLC 6/13/2008; copied to mid-1850s)
      Deed book & page, Grantor, to grantee, location?, date of deed, date of recording (MAD: "location of record" - deed book & page, was given after the name of the grantee, I moved it to beginning of entry)
      MAD: "Duncan, vir" would be the wife's name; "Duncan, al" would be "and others", "Duncan, ux" would be the husband's name and the deed was also from his wife)
      2-674: Duncan, vir Elizabeth to George Armstrong, Washington (twp?), Dec. 15, 1815, (blank)
      7-190: Duncan, vir Catherine A. to George A. Lyon, letter of atty, Nov. 1828, June 14, 1830
      7-274: Duncan, al Catharine by atty to Francis Hughes, Green, Sept. 29, 1830, Sept. 29, 1830
      7-292: Duncan, al Catharine A. by atty to Thomas Barr, Green, Oct. 6, 1830, Nov. 1, 1830
      7-677: Duncan, al Catharine A. by atty to John Over, (blank), Oct. 20, 1831, Apr. 13, 1832
      7-681: Duncan, al Catharine A. by atty to Simon Dick, Green, Oct. 20, 1831, Apr. 13, 1832
      7-679: Duncan, al Catharine A. by atty to John Dick, Jefferson Co. "AL", Oct. 20, 1831, Apr. 13, 1832
      7-695: Duncan, vir Catherine A. by atty to David Brown, Green, May 16, 1832, May 22, 1832
      8-9: Duncan, vir Ann to William Duncan, Wheatfield, Dec. 14, 1832, Dec. 15, 1832
      11-195: Duncan, vir Catharine A. by atty to James Lydick, Green, May 18, 1832, June 23, 1840
      13-664: Duncan, al Anne to Sophia Riveley, Strongstown, Aug. 30, 1845, Sept. 25, 1845
      18-575: Duncan, vir Catharine A. by atty to Jacob Putt, Green, Oct. 18, 1830, Feb. 1, 1853
      20-49: Duncan, al Catharine A. by atty to Thomas Barr, Green, May 18, 1832, Apr. 8, 1854
      1-7: Duncan, vir Dorcas to John Long, (blank), Jan. 24, 1806, Mar. 10, 1807
      1-14: Duncan, David est to Hugh Weir, (blank), Jan. 29, 1807, June 2, 1807
      10-167: Duncan, al David to William Logan Fisher, Green, Dec. 25, 1838, Dec. 27, 1838
      13-542: Duncan, vir Elizabeth to Margaret Matthews al, Conemaugh, May 25, 1839, May 16, 1845
      16-93: Duncan, al Elizabeth to Caleb Juman or Inman, Saltsburg, June 7, 1848, Apr. 14, 1849
      (MAD: 22-167, 1854-1856, and later not copied for Elizabeth)
      2-674: Duncan, ux James to George Armstrong, Washington, Dec. 16, 1815, (blank)
      16-611: Duncan, al Joseph M. to John Duncan, (blank), June 21, 1850, blank
      2-210: Duncan, al John admr to Paul Busti agent al, (blank), Sept. 10, 1811, Sept. 16, 1812
      4-185: Duncan, James to George Armstrong, Washington, Sept. 26, 1815, Dec. 16, 1819
      4-185: Duncan, James to John McKee, assignment, Dec. 16, 1819, Dec. 16, 1819
      5-61: Duncan, al John to Jonathan S. Findlay, Wheatfield, Aug. 10, 1822, Aug. 10, 1822
      5-479: Duncan, James to Stephen Duncan, (blank), Aug. 13, 1824, Aug. 27, 1824
      6-573: Duncan, James to Stephen Duncan, (blank), Oct. 16, 1826, Sept. 27, 1828
      8-8: Duncan, vir Jane to John Duncan, Wheatfield, Dec. 14, 1832, Dec. 15, 1832
      8-9: Duncan, ux John to William Duncan, Wheatfield, Dec. 14, 1832, Dec. 15, 1832
      9-365: Duncan, al John exr. to Edmund Burke, proof of contract, (blank), Dec. 28, 1836
      9-610: Duncan, al John exr. to Edmund Burke, Strongstown, Apr. 10, 1837, Dec. 23, 1837
      12-600: Duncan, vir Lettice to Andrew Farran ux John/Armstrong, Apr. 15, 1843, Apr. 26, 1843
      13-542: Duncan, ux James to Margaret Matthews al, Conemaugh, May 25, 1839, March 16, 1845
      13-664: Duncan, al Jane to Sophia Reveley al John/Strongstown, Aug. 30, 1845, Sept. 25, 1845
      14-108: Duncan, vir Jane to John Duncan vir Jane/assignment, Brushvalley, May 13, 1846, June 8, 1846
      15-352: Duncan, vir Jane to John Burton, Saltsburg, Aug. 12, 1848, Aug. 19, 1848
      16-93: Duncan, al James to Caleb Juman or Inman, Saltsburg, June 7, 1848, Apr. 14, 1849
      17-205: Duncan, vir Jane to Henry Portser, Saltsburg, Oct. 12, 1850, March 24, 1851
      (quit on J names, many in 1853)
      4-169: Duncan, vir Martha to Arthur P. Hayne, (blank), Aug. 23, 1819, Nov. 1, 1819
      10-167: Duncan, al Moses to William Logan Fisher, Green, Dec. 25, 1838, Dec. 27, 1838
      Pro O S&T 3-55: Duncan, Samuel by Shff to John Earhart, Saltsburg, Apr. 5, 1859, (blank)
      7-190: Duncan, ux Stephen to George A. Lyons, letter of atty, Nov. 1828, June 14, 1830
      7-274: Duncan, al Stephen by atty to Francis Hughes, Green, Sept. 29, 1830, Sept. 29, 1830
      7-292: Duncan, al Stephen by atty to Thomas Barr, Green, Oct. 6, 1830, Nov. 1, 1830
      7-677: Duncan, al Stephen by atty to John Over, (blank), Oct. 20, 1831, Apr. 13, 1832
      7-679: Duncan, al Stephen by atty to John Dick, Jefferson Co. "AL", Oct. 20, 1830, Apr. 13, 1832
      7-681: Duncan, al Stephen to Simon Dick, Green, Oct. 20, 1831, Apr. 13, 1832
      7-695: Duncan, ux Stephen by atty to David Brown, Green, May 16, 1832, May 22, 1832
      9-140: Duncan, al Samuel exr to Nicholas McGahey al, Center al, June 24, 1835, Feb. 23, 1836
      11-195: Duncan, ux Stephen by atty to James Lydick, Green, May 18, 1832, June 23, 1840
      13-664: Duncan, al Sarah to Soffia Riveley, Strongstown, Aug. 30, 1845, Sept. 25, 1845
      15-352: Duncan, ux Samuel to John Burton, Saltsburg, Aug. 12, 1848, Aug. 19, 1848
      17-205: Duncan, ux Samuel to Henry Portser, Saltsburg, Oct. 12, 1850, Mar. 24, 1851
      18-575: Duncan, ux Stephen by atty to Jacob Putt, Green, Oct. 18, 1830, Feb. 1, 1853
      20-10: Duncan, vir Rachel M. to William Duncan Sr., Pine, Apr. 2, 1853, Mar. 28, 1854
      20-49: Duncan, al Stephen by atty. to Thomas Barr, Green, May 18, 1832, Apr. 8, 1854
      20-458: Duncan, vir Sarah J. to James Duncan, Wheatfield, Dec. 6, 1854, Dec. 25, 1854
      20-589: Duncan, ux Samuel to William S. Jackson, Saltsburg, March 3, 1855, March 5, 1855
      20-589: Duncan, vir Sarah to William S. Jackson, Saltsburg, March 3, 1855, March 5, 1855
      Quit on S names
      1-7: Duncan, ux Thomas to John Long, (blank), Jan. 24, 1806, March 10, 1807
      4-169: Duncan, ux Thomas to Arthur P. Hayne, (blank), Aug. 23, 1819, Nov. 1, 1819
      25-22: Duncan, ux Thomas to James W. George, Armstrong, Dec. 30, 1859, Jan. 3, 1860
      5-61: Duncan, al William to Jonnathan S. Findley, Wheatfield, Aug. 10, 1822, Aug. 10, 1822
      8-8: Duncan, ux William to John Duncan, Wheatfield, Dec. 14, 1832, Dec. 15, 1832
      13-664: Duncan, al William to Soffia Riveley, Strongstown, Aug. 30, 1845, Sept. 25, 1845
      14-108: Duncan, ux William to John Duncan, assignment, Brushvalley, May 13, 1846, June 8, 1846
      18-664: Duncan, ux William to James McFeeters, Pine, Feb. 28, 1853, Mar. 29, 1853
      Next W was 1854-1855, quit

Indiana Co. PA Grantee Deed Index 1803-1928, v.A-D, Du on pg.80, 100, 115, 156x2, 177, 196, 205, 219 (FHL film 859,936; SLC 6/13/2008; copied to mid-1850s)
      Deed book & page, Grantee, from grantor, location, date of deed, date of recording (MAD: "location of record" - deed book & page, actually was given after the name of the grantee, I moved it to beginning of entry)
      11-192: Duncan, Alexander from Joseph Walkinshaw ux, Saltsburg, Aug. 9, 1836, June 22, 1840
      11-296: Duncan, Alexander from Thomas Simpson, agreement, Apr. 13, 1837, Nov. 23, 1840
      11-299: Duncan, Alexander from Thomas Simpson est., Center, Nov. 24, 1840, Nov. 28, 1840
      16-388: Duncan, Alexander from Elizabeth B. Drum al, Saltsburg, Feb. 1, 1850, Feb. 13, 1850
      1-14: Duncan, David from Robert Lowers, (blank), July 9, 1784, June 2, 1807
      10-157: Duncan, David al from William Logan Fisher ux, Green, Nov. 22, 1838, Dec. 26, 1838
      24-106: Duncan, David from John McKeown ux, Conemaugh, Nov. 3, 1851, Dec. 17, 1858
      24-107: Duncan, David from John Drummond ux, Conemaugh, Dec. 24, 1857, Dec. 17, 1858
      B#33-526: Duncan, George D. from William J. Duncan ux, White, May 8, 1855, Apr. 24, 1867
      (MAD: 1849 and 1854 deeds filed 1900 and 1922, not copied)
      Pro O S&T 1-156: Duncan, al John from William McKelvey Shff, Wheatfield, Sept. 30, 1836, (blank)
      16-611: Duncan, John from David Snyder al, (blank), June 21, 1850, (blank)
      2-650: Duncan, James from John Bell ux, Washington, Dec. 27, 1814, Oct. 19, 1815
      2-717: Duncan, James from Moses Gamble ux, Washington, Apr. 13, 1816, Apr. 14, 1816
      5-27: Duncan, James from Arthur P. Hayne, (blank), Aug. 14, 1821, June 20, 1822
      5-60: Duncan, John al from Jonnathan S. Findlay ux, Wheatfield, May 1, 1820, Aug. 10, 1822
      5-481: Duncan, James from Paul Busti, Jefferson Co. (does not give state), Dec. 6, 1816, Aug. 27, 1824
      7-804: Duncan, John from John Graham Sr., Wheatfield, Mar. 6, 1832, Oct. 12, 1832
      8-2: Duncan, John from William W. Taylor ux, Wheatfield, Nov. 4, 1831, Dec. 6, 1832
      8-8: Duncan, John from William Duncan ux, Wheatfield, Dec. 14, 1832, Dec. 15, 1832
      9-361: Duncan, al John from Joseph McCartney ux, Brushvalley, Dec. 16, 1836, Dec. 28, 1836
      9-634: Duncan or Dunken, John from George Mordas, (blank), Dec. 29, 1837, Feb. 6, 1838
      11-117: Duncan, John from Margaret McKelvey vir, Wheatfield, Oct. 16, 1839, Apr. 6, 1840
      11-451: Duncan, al John from John Wilson, (blank), June 15, 1841, June 28, 1841
      13-543: Duncan, James from Jane Mathews al, Conemaugh, May 25, 1839, May 16, 1845
      13-544: Duncan, James from Margaret Mathews al, Conemaugh, May 25, 1839, May 16, 1845
      14-106: Duncan, al John from William McKelvey, Shff, Wheatfield, Sept. 27, 1836, June 8, 1846
      14-108: Duncan, John from William Duncan ux, Brushvalley & assignment, May 13, 1846, June 8, 1846
      16-314: Duncan, al John from James C. Fisher Est al, Brushvalley al, Jan. 18, 1849, Dec. 24, 1849
      Many deeds in 1850's not copied
      19-347: Duncan, Joseph from John Wakefield ux, Brushvalley, Apr. 11, 1839, Nov. 7, 1853
      24-636: Duncan, James from Robert Oliver, Conemaugh, Dec. 9, 1847, Dec. 28, 1849
      10-157: Duncan, Moses al from William Logan Fisher ux, Green, Nov. 22, 1838, Dec. 26, 1838
      5-479: Duncan, Stephen from James Duncan, (blank), Aug. 13, 1824, Aug. 27, 1824
      6-573: Duncan, Stephen from James Duncan ux, (blank), Oct. 16, 1826, Sept. 27, 1828
      7-575: Duncan, Stephen from Simon Dick, (blank), Oct. 20, 1831, Oct. 21, 1831
      7-577: Duncan, Stephen from John Dick, Green, Oct. 20, 1831, Oct. 21, 1831
      7-579: Duncan, Stephen from John Over or Ober, (blank), Oct. 20, 1831, Oct. 21, 1831
      11-97: Duncan, Samuel from James C. Fisher al, (blank), Dec. 3, 1838, March 25, 1840
      15-56: Duncan, Samuel from James R. Daughterty ux, Saltsburg, Nov. 20, 1847, Dec. 28, 1847
      15-59: Duncan, Samuel from James R. Daughterty ux, Saltsburg, Nov. 20, 1847, Dec. 28, 1847
      15-366: Duncan, Samuel from Marshall Shields ux, Saltsburg, Aug. 12, 1848, Aug. 28, 1848
      15-603: Duncan, Samuel from William Stewart ux, Saltsburg, May 19, 1849, Aug. 9, 1849
      16-534: Duncan, al Samuel from Andrew F. Boggs, Saltsburg, May 1, 1850, June 1, 1850
      18-11: Duncan, Samuel from Joseph Cribbs ux, Conemaugh, Apr. 5, 1851, Dec. 23, 1851
      quit on S names
      1-214: Duncan, Thomas from Richard Penn by atty al, (blank), March 30, 1803, (blank)
      5-482: Duncan, Thomas from Paul Busti, Jefferson Co. (does not give state), Dec. 2, 1816, Aug. 27, 1824
      9-462: Duncan, Thomas from James Gibson ux, Center, March 23, 1837, May 1, 1837
      19-270: Duncan, Thomas from Isaac Stahl ux, Armstrong, Apr. 11, 1853, Sept. 12, 1853
      Pro O S&T 1-156: Duncan, al William from William McKelvey by Shff, Wheatfield, Sept. 30, 1836, (blank)
      5-60: Duncan, al William from Jonnathan S. Findlay ux, Wheatfield, May 1, 1820, Aug. 10, 1822
      8-9: Duncan, William from John Duncan ux, Wheatfield, Dec. 14, 1832, Dec. 15, 1832
      9-361: Duncan, al William from Joseph McCartney ux, Brushvalley, Dec. 16, 1836, Dec. 28, 1836
      11-451: Duncan, al William from John Wilson, (blank), June 15, 1841, June 28, 1841
      11-549: Duncan, William from Thomas H. Bracken ux, (blank), Dec. 29, 1840, Sept. 27, 1841
      14-106: Duncan, al William from William McKelvey by Shff, Wheatfield, Sept. 27, 1836, June 8, 1846
      16-266: Duncan, William from John Campbell ux, Pine & Wheatfield, Apr. 17, 1849, Oct. 30, 1849
      16-314: Duncan, al William from James C. Fisher est., Brushvalley al, Jan. 18, 1849, Dec. 24, 1849
      Many more Williams in 1850's & later, not copied

Indiana Co. PA Deeds (SLC 6/13/2008, 6/19/2009, and 6/20/2009 and later)
      1-7/8: 24 Jan. 1806, Thomas Duncan of Conemaugh Twp., Indiana Co. PA, and wife Dorcas, to John Long of Indiana Co. PA, for $682, a messuage of land called St.Thomas on the waters of Black Legs Creek in Indiana Co., adj. corner of James Wilson's land, land of John Mifflin, land of James Wallace, land of George Gray, land of James McConnel, 137 acres and 3/4, which tract was surveyed pursuant to a warrant to Thomas Grier dated 26 Feb. 1774 and the Comms. of Westmoreland Co. having sold the same for taxes by deed 14 July 1787 conveyed the same to John Nesbitt who obtained a patent dated 6 Oct. 1787 and conveyed the same to John Stuart by deed 23 June 1801 who willed the same to Thomas Duncan. /s/ Thomas Duncan, Dorcas (X) Duncan; wit. John Pattison, James Smith. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Recorded March 10, 1807. (FHL film 862,678)
      1-14: 9 July 1784, Robert Lowers of Mt. Pleasant Twp. in Westmoreland Co. PA, yeoman, to David Duncan of Ausburgh, Westmoreland Co., for 25 pounds, the plantation between Blacklick and Conemaugh Rivers on south side of Blacklick River adj. on the south, lands of Moses Stewart, containing 300 acres, which was surveyed on a location in the name of Andrew Lowers No.1189. /s/ Robert Lowers, wit. George Thompson, Andrew Stuart. Ack. July 9, 1784. Recorded 2 June 1807. (FHL film 862,678)
      1-14/15: 29 Jan. 1807, Abraham Kirkpatrick and George Wallace, two of the executors of David Duncan decd, of Allegheny Co. PA, to Hugh Weir of Indiana Co. PA, have agreed, that the said Abraham Kirkpatrick and George Wallace as executors have for 50 pounds sold to Hugh Weir all the right, title & interest that said David Duncan had in a tract of land in Indiana Co. containing 156 and 1/2 acres, surveyed on 5 June 1769 for Andrew Lowers by location in his name dated 3 April 1769 numbered 1189, whose devisee Robert Lowers by his deed 9 July 1784 granted to the said David Duncan. /s/ A. Kirkpatrick, wit. by Henry Hazlet & Steele Semple, and /s/ Geo. Wallace, wit. by Jno. McDowel. Receipt of payment ack. before Steele Semple, Henry Hazlet, ack. in Allegheny Co. PA, 29 Jan. 1807. Recorded 2 June 1807. (FHL film 862,678)
      1-214/215: Deed Poll, 30 March 1803, John Penn & Richard Penn ... by their attorney John R. Coates Esqr. by letter of attorney 27 Nov. 1800, to Thomas Duncan of borrough of Carlisle in Cumberland Co. PA, Esq., that for 481 pounds in specie paid John R. Coates for the use of his constituents, they sell to Thomas Duncan a tract of land being the manner called "Cherry Hill" on the waters of Twolick Creek about 7 miles easterly of the Two licks and on the path leading from Frankstown to the Killanning in Twp, in County of Westmoreland "(now Indiana)", adj. land of John Brown, Thomas Canbey, and John Martin, and vacant land, 1,202 acres and 1/2 acre, which in pursuance of a warrant dated 13 Oct. 1760, was surveyed on 23 July 1773 for use of late Proprietaries of PA .... Ack. by John A. Coats in City of Philadelphia on 30 March 1803. (FHL film 862,678)
      2-210/211: 10 Sept. 1811. Release, Ebenezer Campbell and others to Paul Burk & Marm Jan Kurdekooper??. We, Ebenezer Campbell of Hopewell Twp, Cumberland Co. PA, Yeoman, Doctor John Simpson and John Duncan administrators of the estate of Francis Campbell late of Shippensburgh in said County & State decd, and John Calhoun of Chambersburgh & William Rippey in Franklin Co. PA with Benjamin Reynolds, David Mahon Junr. & Thomas Jacobs all of Cumberland Co. PA, guardians of estate and heirs of Francis Campbell aforesaid; whereas Samuel McKnight, John McKnight, Francis Campbell and Ebenezar Campbell made an agreement with Paul Burk and Harm Jan Kuidekooper? for the Holland company to purchase sundry tracts of land in PA on the waters of the Allegany River on the East side, for which a certain sum was paid by said Samuel & John McKnight and Francis and Ebinezer Campbell, and another agreement was entered (between the same people) ... and Samuel & John McKnight assigned all their claim to Ebenezar Campbell whereby said Ebenezer Campbell is entitled to five sixths of all purchases and said Francis Campbell to one sixth, and the said Francis and his wife both being dead, now we the said Ebenezer Campbell for himself, Doctor John Simpson and John Duncan administrators as aforesaid, John Calhoun, William Rippy, Benjamin Reynolds, David Mahon Junior, and Thomas Jacobs guardians of the heirs of the said Francis Campbell, for relinquishment of all money now due from the agreements, and the further sum of $1, they quit claim interest in the land to the Holland Company on the waters of Allegany River or elsewhere. All signed. Recorded 16 Sept. 1812. (FHL film 862,678)
      2-650/651: 27 Dec. 1814, John Bell and wife Elizabeth of Washington Twp., Indiana Co., to James Duncan of same, for $886.67, tract adj. land of John Todd, land of Samuel Simpson, land of Caleb Gough, land of Samuel F. Bradford and Thomas Bradford Junr, and surveyed land, containing 410 acres and 4 perches, on the waters of Plumb Creek, Washington Twp., Indiana Co., surveyed on a warrant granted to Richard Andrews July 3, 1784? and patented to George Hocker 1 Dec. 1795, the title by sundry conveyances vested in the said John Bell and wife Elizabeth. /s/ John Bell, Elizabeth (X) Bell. Wit. Samuel Bell, John Bell Jur. Recorded Oct. 19, 1815. (FHL film 862,678)
      2-674/675: 16 Dec. 1815, James Duncan and wife Elizabeth of Town of Indiana, Indiana Co. PA, for $1,000, to George Armstrong Esq. of Borough of Greensburgh, Westmoreland Co. PA, tract of land adj. John Todd?, land of Samuel Simpson, lands of Caleb Gaugh, land of Samuel F. Bradford and Thomas Bradford, containing 410 acres and 4 perches on the waters of Plumb Creek, Washington Twp, Indiana Co., surveyed on warrant granted to Richard Andrews dated July 3, 1784, and patented to George Hocker 1 Dec. 1795, the title to which by sundry conveyances has been vested in said James Duncan and wife Elizabeth. /s/ James Duncan, Elizabeth Duncan. Wit. James Couster, James McKnight. Ack. Indiana Co. 16 Dec. 1815. (recording date not given) (FHL film 862,678)
      2-717/718: 13 April 1816, Moses Gamble and wife Margaret of Washington Twp., Indiana Co., to James Duncan of county afsd, for $500, tract of land in Washington Twp. adj. lands in names of Peter, John Bram? & Thomas Cauley? or John Martin, containing 395 acres and 1/4 of an acre, surveyed on a warrant granted to Elizabeth Harbridge on 29 July 1802, being the same tract whereon said Moses now lives. /s/ Moses Gamble, Margaret (X) Gamble. Wit. James McKnight, J.P. Recorded 14 April 1816. (FHL film 862,678)
      4-169/171: 23 Aug. 1819, Thomas Duncan of City and County of Philadelphia and wife Martha to Arthur P. Hayne and Frances his wife, for $7,200, tract of land being the Manor called "Cherry Hill" on the waters of two Lick Creek about seven miles easterly of the two licks and on the path leading from Frankstown to the Kittanning in (blank) Township in Westmoreland Co., adj. vacant land, and land of John Brown, Thomas Canbey and John Martin, containing 1,202 acres and 1/2 acre, which tract per warrant dated 13 Oct. 1769 was surveyed on 23 July 1773, together with buildings, etc. /s/ Thos. Duncan, Martha Duncan. Wit. John D. Mahan, David N. Makon. Receipt wit. by David N. Mahan, Jno. D. Mahan. Ack. Cumberland Co. PA 23 Aug. 1819. Rec. 1 Nov. 1819. (FHL film 862,679)
      4-185: Articles of Agreement 26 Sept. 1815 between James Duncan of Town of Indiana and George Armstrong Esqr. of Borough of Greensburgh, that James Duncan sells to George Armstrong Esq. all the tract of land in Washington Twp. in Indiana Co. surveyed and returned on a warrant in name of Richard Andrews containing 410 acres upon the following conditions: that said Armstrong agrees to pay said Duncan $500 by next December Court in Indiana and $500 by December Court in Indiana in the year 1816, to be applied by Armstrong to the payment of judgments on record against said Duncan. Said Duncan binds himself to make a deed of conveyance in fee simple clear of all incumbrances to said Armstrong by said first December Court in Indiana. /s/ James Duncan, Geo. Armstrong. Wit. James McKnight, Dan Stanard. Receipt by James Duncan who received from Geo. Armstrong $500 which was applied to William Beards judgm. against me in Indiana Co., /s/ James Duncan, wit. James McKnight. Proved by oath of witnesses in Indiana Co. 16 Dec. 1819. 16 Dec. 1819, Assign the ballance of monies due on the within article of agreement ot John McKee for value received, /s/ James Duncan, wit. John Taylor. Rec. 16 Dec. 1819. (FHL film 862,679)
      5-27: 14 Aug. 1821, Arthur P. Hayne of State of Alabama, Esqr, to James Duncan of Harrisburg, PA, Esquire, for $3,500, sell to James Duncan tract of land being the mannor called "Cherry Hill on the waters of two Lick Creek about 7 miles eastwardly of two licks and on the path leading from Franktown to the Kittaning in (blank) Township formerly Westmoreland Co. now in Indiana Co. PA, adj. vacant land, by land of John Brown, Thomas Canbey and John Martin, by vacant land, containing 1,202 acres and 1/2 acre, being the same premises which John Penn & Richard Penn by their attorney John R. Coates by indenture 30 March 1803 rec. Indiana Co. Book 1 pg.224 granted to Thomas Duncan of Carlisle in the County of Cumberland Esqr, which the said Thomas Duncan and wife Martha on 23 Aug. 1819 rec. Book 4 pg.169 conveyed to said Arthur P. Hayne and wife Frances; that said Francis Hayne has since departed this life whereby the said premises became vested in said Arthur P. Hayne by right of survivorship, together with buildings, etc. /s/ A.P. Hayne, wit. J.D. Mahon, Archibald Ramsay. Ack. Cumberland Co. PA. Filed 11 June 1822, rec. 20 June 1822. (FHL film 862,680) (MAD: See Montgomery Co. AL deed B-218)
      5-60/61: #294. 1 May 1820, deed poll by Jonathan S. Findlay of Chariton, in Territory of Missoury, and Henrieta C.D. Findley his wife, to John Duncan and William Duncan of Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co. PA, for $1,500, sell tract where said John and William now reside in Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co. PA, which was surveyed on warrant in name of James? Findley and adj. lands in name of Caspar Wesp? and others, containing 300 acres, together with buildings, etc. /s/ Jonnathan S. Findlay, Henrietta C.D. Findlay, at Chariton, MO, wit. Wm. Beaty, David Todd, Anna Reed. Statement in Teritory of Missoury, North Western Circuit, that on 1 May 1820 appeared before Judge of the Circuit composed of counties of Cooper, Howard, Montgomery, Lincoln & Pike, Henrieta C.D. Findlay the wife of Jonnathan S. Findlay the grantors and ack. her signature ..., 20 May appeared Jonnathan S. Findlay and ack. deed, Rec. Aug. 10, 1822. (FHL film 862,680)
      5-61/62: #295, Mortgage, 10 August 1822, John Duncan and William Duncan of Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co. PA, to Jonnathan S. Findlay of State of Missouri, that John Duncan and William Duncan by three writings obligatory bearing even date herewith are bound to Jonnathan Findley for $455, by one for $200 on 28 June 1823, by one other for $200 on or before 28 June 1824, and by the other for $55 on or before 28 June 1825, NOW John Duncan and William Duncan in consideration of the afforesaid debt or sum of $455, to secure payment to said Jonnathan S. Findley, and for $1, sell to said Jonnathan S. Findley the tract in Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co., adj. by vacant land, land of Caspar Hick?, containing 268 acres and 80 perches, surveyed per warrant 14 Aug. 1773 granted to Samuel Findlay which by sundry devises became vested in said John & William Duncan to whom a pattent was granted 29 April 1822, rec. Patent Book H vol.20 follio 113, provided if the Duncans pay the debt of $455, this present indenture shall cease, /s/ John Duncan, William Duncan, wit. John Douglass. Note in margin: Ack. payment of the several obligations, Adam Stanard, atty in fact of J.D. Findlay. (no date) /s/ John Duncan, William Duncan. Wit. John Douglass, Indiana Co. JP. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 10 Aug. 1822. (FHL film 862,680)
      5-479/481: #620, James Duncan to Stephen Duncan. 13 Aug. 1824, James Duncan of Cumberland Co. PA to Stephen Duncan of State of Mississippi, that afsd James Duncan by two bonds bearing even date stands bound to the said Stephen Duncan for $16,000 conditioned for the payment of $8,000, by one obligation for payment of $2,000 with interest from 1 Jan. next and by one other of said obligations for payment of $6,000 with interest from the same 1 Jan. next, NOW this indenture that said James Duncan in consideration of aforesaid debt or sum of $8,000 to secure payment with interest to said Stephen Duncan, and $1, sell three tracts of land, one in the Co. of Indiana, PA, containing 1202 acres and a half surveyed 23 July 1773, title vested in said James Duncan, two other tracts of land in the Counties of Jefferson and Venango in said State of PA, each containing 1000 acres, one in Jefferson Co. surveyed per warrant dated 13 Dec. 1792 granted to Herman L. Roy and John Sinklair, #3201 and patented to Paul Fuste 20 Oct. 1813, and the other tract in Venango Co. surveyed on warrant granted to Williem? (Wilhem?) Willent & others dated 13 Dec. 1792 and numbered 2780 for which patent issued 20 Sept. 1802, for which last mentioned tracts conveyances were executed by said James Duncan 2 Dec. 1816. Provided the debt be paid to said Stephen Duncan by first day of January next, the present indenture shall cease. /s/ James Duncan. Wit. Tho. Duncan, David N?. Mahon. James Duncan ack. before Thomas Duncan Esq. one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court for PA, 13 Aug. 1824. Recorded 27 Aug. 1824. (FHL film 862,680)
      5-481/482: #621, 2 Dec. 1816, Paul Buste of Blocking's? Retreat? in Philadelphia Co. PA, to James Duncan of (blank), for $1,000, tract of land in Sixth District commonly called Broahead's District in Jefferson Co. PA, surveyed per warrant to Herman S. Roy and John Sinklain? (Sinklaire?) dated 13 Dec. 1792, being Number 3201 but which is numbered on Holland Land Company's maps and books no. 231, which has been patented to Paul Busti by date 20 Oct. 1813 enrolled in Book 11, containing 1,000 acres. /s/ Paul Busti, wit. F.Y. Flanders, Kemp. A. De Frances. Ack. 2 Dec. 1816 in City of Philadelphia. Rec. 27 Aug. 1824. (FHL film 862,680)
      5-482/483: Paul Busti #622 to Thomas Duncan. 2 Dec. 1816, Paul Busti of Blockley's Retreat in Philadelphia Co. PA, to Thomas Duncan of Carlisle in Cumberland Co. PA, for $4,000, 4 tracts of land in the Sixth District, commonly called Brodhead's District, in Jefferson Co. PA, surveyed per four warrants to Herman LeRey and John Lineklean dated 13 Dec. 1792, numbered As follows: Number 3157, 3202, 3196, and 3041, but which are numbered on the Holland Land Company Maps and Books as 230, 236, 237 & 238 (258?), patented to said Paul Busti, Tract 230 on 27 Oct., tract 236, 237 & 258 on 19 Oct., all 1813, containing together 4,000 acres. /s/ Paul Busti, wit. Y.Y?. Fander? (Flander?), Kemp. A. de Frances. Ack. 2 Dec. 1816 Philadelphia, PA, Rec. 27 Aug. 1824. (FHL film 862,680)
      6-573/575: 16 Oct. 1826, James Duncan of Cumberland Co. PA to Doctor Stephen Duncan of Natches, Mississippi, for $17,000, sell following lots, to wit, 90 acres of out lots in Borough of Carlisle lying North of said Borough and adj. heirs of Robert Blaine decd and others, a lot of ground on the Conedoginuette? Creek in North Middleton Twp. containing 10 acres purchased of the late David Williamson, an undivided moiety or half part of a tract in North & South Middleton Twp. &c lying on both sides of the Turnpike road about two miles from Carlisle containing in the whole 225 acres, sometimes called "Duffs's" tract, one town lot with a small tenement thereon in the Borough of Carlisle on the old College Alley, a lot of Woodland on the North Mountain adj. Nicholas Ulrick & others purchased of the late Dr. James Gustine? (Gartine?) containing 10 acres, one other lot of Woodland in Hopewell Twp. purchased of Walter Bell containing 35 acres, and a tract in Indiana Co. containing 1,600 acres purchased of Colonel Arthur P. Hayne, a tract of land in Venango County containing 1,000 acres and one other tract in Jefferson Co. containing 1,000 acres, both tracts purchased of the Holland Company, the first being distinguished as tract Number 91 and the latter as tract no. 281, together with buildings etc. /s/ James Duncan (no wife). Wit. John F. Benjamin, Robert F. Dunbar. Statement by John D. Mahan who knows the witnesses that he is also acquainted with the handwriting of James Duncan, 8 Dec. 1826. Rec. 27 Sept. 1828. (FHL film 862,680)
      7-190/192: Letter of Attorney, #411, (blank) day of August 1828, Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. Duncan of Adams Co. MS appoint George A. Lyon Esqr. of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, to be our attorney to convey real estate in state of PA, and make deed and receive sums of money, to pay our debts, etc. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Catharine A. Duncan, ack. Adams Co. MS (blank) day of November 1828. Rec. 14 June 1830. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-274/276: Dr. Stephen Duncan & wife to Frances Hughes. 29 Sept. 1830, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natchez, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A. by James H. Devor? Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney, to Francis Hughes of Derry Twp, Westmoreland Co. PA, that James Duncan Esquire late of borough of Carlisle in Cumberland Co. PA by deed 16 Oct. 1826 recorded in Indiana Record Book 4? page 573, for consideration mentioned therein, conveyed to afsd Doctor Stephen Duncan a parcel of land containing 1,502 acres in Green Twp in Indiana Co. PA called "Cherry hill manor" and Doctor Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. his wife by letter or power of attorney (blank) day of August 1828 recorded in Indiana Co. Record Book 7 pg.190 &c appointed George Lyon Esquire of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney to sell and dispose of their land in PA and make deed, and said George Lyon on 21 Aug. 1830 ack. and recorded Indiana Co. appointed the said James H. Devor to convey for him etc. all the lands of the said Doctor Stephen Duncan in Counties of Indiana, Jefferson and Venango in PA, now the said Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. his wife for $892.25 paid, sell to Francis Hughes the tract of land part of aforesaid larger tract beg. in a line of land of John Evans Esq., and by the same ... thence by part of the original tract, to ... the beginning, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Catharine Duncan by their attorney in fact James H. Devor Esqr. Wit. William Leard, Wm. Rinter. James H. Devor Esqr. attorney in fact for Doctor Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. Duncan, appeared 29 Sept. 1830 before Garvin? Sutton. Recorded Nov. 1, 1830. (FHL film 862,681; SLC 6/19/2009, rechecked SLC 5/30/2011 and 9/28/2011)
      7-292/294: 6 Oct. 1830, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natches, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A., by James H. Devore attorney, Esq., of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, to Thomas Barr of Green Twp., Indiana Co. PA, that James Duncan Esq. late of borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, by deed 16 Oct. 1826 recorded in Indiana Co. PA Record Book No.5 page 573 granted afsd Doctor Stephen Duncan a parcel of land containing 1202-1/2 acres in Green Township, Indiana Co. PA, called Cherryhill Manor, and said Doctor Stephen Duncan and Catharine his wife by letter or power of attorney dated (blank) August 1828 recorded Indiana Co. Record Book No.7, page 400&, appointed George Lyon Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney to sell all their lands in PA and make deeds, and said George Lyon by letter or power of attorney 21 Aug. 1830 recorded Indiana Co. PA, appointed James H. Devor to sell and convey all the lands of the said Doctor Stephen Duncan in counties of Indiana, Jefferson and Venango, in PA, and make deeds, now for $392.25 paid, this a deed to Thomas Barr for part of a larger tract, beg. ... by land of William Stevens, then ... heirs of Charles Gibson?, then ... to the beginning, containing 112 acres and 11 perches, warrant title. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Catharine A. Duncan, by their attorney Jas. H. Devor. Wit. Samuel Gibson, Josias Lee. James H. Devor Esquire appeared 6 Oct. 1830 before Thos?. Morgan, J.P., Indiana Co. Recorded Nov. 1, 1830. (FHL film 862,681; SLC 6/19/2009, rechecked SLC 5/30/2011)
      7-575/577: Mortgage, #723. 20 Oct. 1831, Simon Dick of Green Twp., Indiana Co. PA to Dr. Stephen Duncan of City of Natches, Adams Co. MS, mortgage, $630 for payment of $315 (terms not copied), for land in Green Twp, Indiana Co. PA, adj. lands of Jacob Hitt? and John Over, corner of lands of James Lydick, corner of land of John Dick, corner of land of David Brown, containing 112 acres and 11 perches, deeded to said Simon Dick by Dr. Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. by their attorney James H. Devor. /s/ Simon Dick, wit. Benjamin Ober, Thomas Barre. Rec. Oct. 21, 1831. Mortgage satisfied. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-577/579: Mortgage, #724. 20 Oct. 1831, John Dick of Green Twp., Indiana Co. PA, to Dr. Stephen Duncan of City of Natches, Adams Co. MS, mortgage, $630 for payment of $315 (terms not copied), for land in Green Twp, Indiana Co. PA, adj. lands of James Lydick, David Brown, Simon Dick, James Hydick, containing 112 acres and 11 perches, deeded to said John Dick by Dr. Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. by their attorney James H. Devor. /s/ John Dick, wit. Meek Kelly, John Evans. Rec. Oct. 21, 1831. Mortgage satisfied. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-579/580: Mortgage, #725. 20 Oct. 1831, John Over of Bedford Co. PA to Dr. Stephen Duncan of City of Natches, Adams Co. MS, mortgage, $967.50 for payment of $483.75 (terms not copied), land in Indiana Co. PA adj. corner of lands Francis Hughes, lands of Jacob Hitt, land of Simon and John Dick, containing 172 acres which Dr. Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. deeded said John Over. wit. Thomas Barr, Benjamin Ober. /s/ Tossomer? Ober. (perhaps German signature, but called "John Over" in the body of the deed) Rec. Oct. 21, 1831. Mortgage satisfied. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-677/679: #813. 20 Oct. 1831, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natches, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A., by James H. Devore Esquire of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney, to John Over of (blank) Township, Bedford Co. PA; that James Duncan Esqr. late of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, by deed 15 Oct. 1826, recorded Indiana Co. PA Book 6 pg.573, deeded tract of 1202 acres in Green Twp., Indiana Co. PA, called Cherry hill manor; and said Doctor Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. his wife by power of attorney (blank) August 1828 recorded Indiana Co. Record Book Vol. page appointed George Lyon Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney to sell all their lands in PA and make deeds, and said George Lyon by letter or power of attorney 21 Aug. 1830 recorded Indiana Co. PA, appointed James H. Devor to sell and convey all the lands of the said Doctor Stephen Duncan in counties of Indiana, Jefferson and Venango, in PA, and make deeds; now for $645 paid, sell to John Over a tract or parcel of land part of aforesaid larger tract, beg. at corner of land now of Francis Hughes, formerly part of the same larger tract, then to ... corner of land now of Jacob Patt formerly part of the same tract, then ... land of Simon and John Duck also formerly part of the same tract and by the same and part of lot No.5 ... corner of land of the afsd Francis Hughes, then ... to the beginning, containing 172 acres, warrant title. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Catharine A. Duncan, by their attorney Jas. H. Devor. Wit. John Evans, Meed Rally. James H. Devor Esquire appeared 6 Oct. 1830 before Thos?. Morgan, J.P., Indiana Co. Recorded Nov. 1, 1830. (FHL film 862,681; SLC 6/19/2009, rechecked SLC 5/30/2011)
      7-679: 20 Oct. 1831, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natchez, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A., by James H. Devor Esq. of Borough of Carlisle in Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney, to Simon Dick of Green Twp, Indiana Co. PA; that James Duncan Esq. late of borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, by deed on 16 Oct. 1826 recorded in Book 6 pg.573, conveyed to said Dr. Stephen Duncan 1202 acres in Green Twp. in Indiana Co. PA, and Dr. Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A., by power of attorney Aug. 1828 recorded Book 7 pg.190, appointed George A. Lyon Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, who appointed ... lands of Doctor Stephen Duncan in the counties of Indiana, Jefferson and Venango; now Dr. Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine for $420, deed to Simon Dick land part of a larger tract, adj. lands of Jacob Patt, John Over, James Lydick, John Dick, 112 acres 11 pence. /s/ by Attorney. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-681/683: Deed #815. 20 Oct. 1831, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natchez, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A., by James H. Devor Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, to Simon Dick of Green Twp., Indiana Co. PA; that James Duncan Esq. late of borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, by deed 16 Oct. 1826 rec. Book 6 pg.573 conveyed to Doctor Stephen Duncan a tract containing 1202 acres in Greene Twp., Indiana Co. PA, called Cherryhill manor, and Duncans appointed attorney (more not copied), sell for $420 land adj. Jacob Hitt formerly part of the same larger tract, land of John Dodd?, line of David Brown, containing 150? acres and 11 perches. rec. Apr. 13, 1832. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-695/697: Deed #828? 16 May 1832, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natchez, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A., by James H. Devore Esqr. of borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney, to David Brown of Woodbury Twp, Bedford Co. PA, (same land title as 7-681 deed), sell to David Brown a tract part of the larger tract, adj. land now of Benjamin Over formerly part of the same tract, by lands of Thomas Barr, land of Gibsons heirs, corner of land of John Jicks?, and by land of Simon Dick, land of Jacob Putt?, containing 112 and 16?/160 acres. Rec. May 22, 1832. (FHL film 862,681)
      7-804/806: Deed, #914. 6 March 1832, John Graham Senr of Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co. PA, to John Duncan of same twp., for $100, sell tract of land, 289 acres in Twp. & co. afsd where John Graham Jr. now lives with his family, being part of a larger tract surveyed to Polly Webb and the residue of the tract after laying off 50 acres part of the same tract that I this day conveyed by deed to William Graham, to be held by said John Duncan in trust for the children and heirs at law of said John Graham Junr., Duncan to apply the profits to the maintenance & support of said John Graham Jr. and his family, during the life of the said John, and at his decease the children and heirs at law of said John shall be entitled to the premises aforesaid, subject nevertheless to the payment of 1/3 of the annual profits to the widow of said John if his present wife should survive him, so long as she shall remain his widow, and the said John Duncan is directed to apply the annual profits of said tract and premises together with all the buildings, improvements, (etc.), to hold the same for the uses aforesaid. Wit. Wm. Lucas JP. Recorded 12 Oct. 1832. (FHL film 862,681, faint; SLC 6/19/2009; rechecked SLC 8/31/2010)
      8-2/3: Deed, William W. Taylor & wife #933 to John Duncan. 4 Nov. 1831, William W. Taylor of City of Baltimore, Baltimore Co. MD, and wife Maria Taylor, to John Duncan of Wheatfield Twp., Indiana Co. PA, for $1,000, tract of 278 acres surveyed per warrant in name of (too faint) Girasp?? dated 14 Aug. 1773, in Wheatfield Twp, Indiana Co. PA, adj. lands of Samuel Findley and others, being the same land which by indenture 24 May 1817 rec. Book 3 pg.66? was conveyed by Jonathan S. Findley & wife to the above William W. Taylor, together with buildings, etc. /s/ W.W. Taylor, Maria Taylor. Wit. Solomon Etting?/Etling?. Ack. 4 Nov. 1831 Baltimore, MD. Rec. 6 Dec. 1832. (FHL film 862,681)
      8-8/9: William Duncan & wife #939 to John Duncan. 14 Dec. 1832, William Duncan of Indiana Co. PA and wife Jane to John Duncan of Co. & State afsd, for $5, messuage of land adj. corner on the old line, containing 9 acres, adj. lands of the said William & John Duncan, being a part of a tract in Wheatfield Twp. surveyed on warrant in name of Samuel Findley and conveyed by Jonathan Findley & Henrietta his wife to John & William Duncan by deed 1 May 1820 containing 300 acres, and the said tract of land being released to William Duncan of the right of John Duncan and Ann his wife, and [now] the said William Duncan & Jane his wife on their part grant to John Duncan. /s/ William Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan. Wit. James Elliott. Recorded 15 Dec. 1832. (FHL film 862,681)
      8-9/10: John Duncan & wife #940 to William Duncan, Release. 14 Dec. 1832, John Duncan and wife Ann of Indiana Co. PA, for $5, release and quit claim to William Duncan, their right to tract of land in Wheatfield Twp., being the land conveyed by Jonathan S. Findley and Henrietta his wife to John Duncan and William Duncan by deed 1 May 1820, which was surveyed on a warrant in the name of Samuel Findley adj. lands of Casper Wisp? & others, containing 300 acres. /s/ John Duncan, Ann (X) Duncan. Wit. James Elliott. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 15 Dec. 1832. (FHL film 862,681)
      9-140/141: Deed No.6. The Commonwealth of PA by patent dated 9 Jan. 1816, enrolled in Book H Vol.11 pg.131 granted to Samuel Kyle Esq. late of Huntington Co. a tract partly in Centre Township and partly in Armstrong Township Indiana Co., beg. at a ? thence by land of John Eaton N 28 deg. W 64 perches to a post (more not copied), thence by land of Andrew McLain W 4 perches ... by land of Thomas Patterson and Mary Patton S 20 deg. W ... to the beginning containing 300 acres and 40 perches & allowances etc., and whereas said Samuel Kyle Esq. is since deceased, having made a will whereby he appointed Jennet? Kyle, George Buchanan and Samuel Duncan Executors, and granting them authority to sell the lands, and the said Jennet Kyle is since declined whereby the execution of the will devolved upon George Buchanan and Samuel Duncan; now George Buchanan and Samuel Duncan, executors of Samuel Kyle Esq. for $1,000 paid by Nicholas McGahey and James McGahey, have sold to the said Nicholas McGahey and James McGahey the tract of land, 24 June 1835. /s/ George Buchanan, Saml. Duncan. Wit. Jno. M. Giboney, S. Smith. Recorded Feb. 23, 1836. (FHL film 862,682; SLC 8/31/2010)
      9-361/362: Deed No.234, Joseph McCartney & wife to John & William Duncan. 16 Dec. 1836, Joseph McCartney and wife Jane of Brushvalley Twp, Indiana Co. PA, to John and William Duncan of place aforesaid, for $1,000, tract in Brushvalley Twp., Indiana Co., on which a saw mill is erected on the waters of Black Lick Creek, by land of Joseph Wisp (Wish?), land of Joseph Nixon, land of Robert L. Hooper, vacant hills, containing 302 and 1/2 acres, which was surveyed per warrant dated 13 March 1832 to said Joseph McCartney and by patent dated 7 June 1832 granted said Joseph McCartney, enrolled in Patent Book H vol.32 Pg.117, together with buildings, etc. /s/ Joseph McCartney, Jane McCartney. Wit. Nathaniel Bryon, Joseph Bryon. Ack. Indiana Co. Rec. Dec. 28, 1836. (FHL film 862,682)
      9-365/366: No.239, Petition of John Duncan & William Graham exrs of John Graham, decd, for leave to make proof of parol contract between said decd. and E. Burke. Petition to Judges of Court of Common Pleas of Indiana Co. now composing an Orphans Court for said county, the petition of John Duncan and William Graham executors of will of John Graham late of Brushvalley Twp. in said county decd; that John Graham in his lifetime, on 9 July 1835, was seized in his demesne in two certain lots of ground in Town of Strongstown Numbers 21 and 22, and contracted by parol to sell them to Edmund Burke for $23 to be paid in December in the year aforesaid, that Edmund Burke has made valuable improvements on said lots by grubing, clearing and fencing them and has had possession since 9 July when the contract was made, and now offers to pay the said consideration upon receiving a good title. That said John Graham died without having executed any deed or making any provision by his will. Petitioners ask the court to receive proof of the contract in order to complete title. /s/ William Graham, John Duncan. ... in month of July, 1835, ... /s/ James L.A. ?? Statement dated 28 Dec. 1836. Rec. Dec. 28, 1836. (FHL film 862,682)
      9-462/463: Deed No.349, James Gibson & wife to Thomas Duncan. 23 March 1837, James Gibson of Centre Twp, Indiana Co. PA, and wife Martha, to Thomas Duncan of Westmoreland Co., Derry Twp, for $441, tract in Twp. & Co. afsd, (no neighbors' names given), containing 55 acres and 25 perches, part of a tract surveyed per warrant 28 March 1786 granted to Moses Chambers who by deed 23 Feb. 1790 rec. Westmoreland Book 1 pg.440 conveyed to Solomon Chambers who died owning it, who by will 24 Nov. 1808 rec. Indiana Co., devised the same to Rebeca Chambers his relict and the said Rebeca Chambers by deed 7 Sept. 1812 rec. Indiana Co. Book 2 pg.198&c conveyed part of the larger tract embracing the hereby granted premises to the said James Gibson party hereto, and pattented to said James Gibson by pattent dated 23 Aug. 1831, together with buildings, etc. /s/ James Gibson, Martha Gibson. Wit. Wm. H. Dickie. Ack. Indiana Co., 24 March 1837, rec. May 1, 1837. (FHL film 862,682)
      9-610: Deed No. 530, John Graham's Execrs to Edmund Burke. 10 April 1837, John Duncan and William Graham, execs of will of John Graham late of Brushvalley Twp, Indiana Co. PA, to Edmund Burke of afsd, that John Graham owned two lots in Town of Strongstown, numbers 21 and 22, and in July 1835 entered a contract with Edmund Burke for the sale of the two lots for $23 to be paid in December, but John Graham did not comply with the contract in his lifetime, and the said contract was proved in the Orphans Court of Indiana Co. on 28 Dec. 1836 and recorded in Deed Book 9 pages 364 & 65, and the court on 28 March 1837 considered the petition and evidence of the contract and decided that John Duncan & William Graham executors should make the deed, NOW the said John Duncan and William Graham, executors, for $20, deed to Edmund Burke, the two lots No.21 and 22 in Town of Strongston, Brushvalley Twp. /s/ John Duncan, William Graham. Wit. James Hill. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. Dec. 23, 1837. (FHL film 862,682)
      9-634: Deed No.561, George Mordas to John Duncan. 29 Dec. 1837, George Mordas of Brushvalley Twp., Indiana Co. PA, to John "Dunken" of state & county afsd, for $54, land (meets & bounds not copied) bounded by Samuel Finley's tract out of the John Nicksion Tract where George Mordise now resides on, (acreage not given), together with buildings, etc. /s/ George (X) Mordas. Wit. James Hill, Michael Bennett. Ack. Indiana Co. Rec. Feb. 6, 1838. (FHL film 862,682)
      10-157: Deed No.835, Wm. Logan Fisher to Moses & David Duncan. 22 Nov. 1838, William Logan Fisher and wife Sarah of Philadelphia Co. PA to "Mosses" and David Duncan of Indiana Co. state afsd, for $903.60, parcel of land in Green Twp., Indiana Co. PA, part of a larger tract surveyed in name of John Palmer and patented 25 June 1806 and recorded Book 52 pg.414 and conveyed to said William Logan Fisher by sundry deeds, corner to land of John Bessinger, containing 150 acres and 6/10 of an acre. /s/ Wm. Logan Fisher, Sarah Fisher. Wit. Thokune? & John Deprefontaine. Ack. Philadelphia Co. 22 Nov. 1838, rec. Dec. 26, 1838. (FHL film 862,682)
      10-167/168: Mortgage No.848, Moses & David Duncan to Wm. Logan Fisher. 25 Dec. 1838, Moses and David Duncan of Indiana Co. PA to Wm. Logan Fisher of Philadelphia Co., they owe said Wm. Logan Fisher $1716, for payment of $858, deed for tract in Green Twp., adj. John Berringer, containing 150 acres and 6/10 which Wm. Logan Fisher and wife Sarah deeded on 22 Nov. 1835 to said Moses & David Duncan. /s/ David Duncan, Moses Duncan. Wit. Benjamin Pitman, John Berringer. Rec. Dec. 27, 1838. Assignment by Edw. Shoemaker, atty for W.L. Fisher, to Bank of Germantown, Dec. 28, 1842. Received money in full of mortgage, June 27, 1854. (FHL film 862,682; rechecked SLC 8/31/2010)
      11-97/98: Deed No.137. 3 Dec. 1838, James C. Fisher of City of Philadelphia, Esq., and Ann his wife, of 1st part, the said James C. Fisher Parks? in behalf of Henry Drinker? (Doniker?), George Roberts, Joseph Swift, and Samuel W. Fisher and their respective heirs and assigns, of 2nd part, and Samuel Duncan of Indiana Co., PA, of third part; that by diverse letters pattent the said James C. Fisher became seized in fee of sundry tracts of land in PA, of which the premises hereinafter are part, as to four undivided eighteenth parts in his own right and the remaining 14 undivided eighteenth parts in trust for the said Henry Dricker, George Roberts and Samuel W. Fisher and heirs per deed of trust May 26, 1796, between the said James of the one part and the said Henry, George, Joseph & Samuel W. of the other part, recorded in Indiana Co. in Book 10, pg.35, 36 & 37 et seq., NOW the parties of the first and second part for $158.85 paid by said Samuel Duncan, sell to said Samuel Duncan the tract of land in (blank) Township, Indiana Co. PA, on western boundry line of a large tract surveyed per warrant granted John Farrer, containing 115 acres 85 perches, part of three large tracts called Cornhill Whittingham and Tonmeth?? surveyed per warrant dated May 3, 1793 granted to John Dunwoody, the said John Farrer and John Funks who by deeds dated June 24, 1793, Dec. 10, 1793 and Dec. 9, 1793, conveyed their rights to said James C. Fisher to whom they were patented Oct. 3, 1830, Sept. 24, 1800 enrolled in Patent Book 36, p.139, 40 & 48. /s/ James C. Fisher, Ann Fisher. Wit. James C. Fisher Jr., John R. Nogdes. Ack. City of Philadelphia. Rec. March 25, 1840. (FHL film 862,683)
      11-117/118: Release No.145, Wm. McKelvey & wife to John Duncan. 16 Oct. 1839, William McKelvey and wife Margaret of Westmoreland Co., Fairfield Twp, PA; that Ephraim Wallace of Indiana Co. PA died owning tracts in Wheatfield Twp, Indiana Co. PA, bounded by Blacklick Creek, James Ribben, Daniel Reynolds and others, and by will bequeathed to his daughter Margaret intermarried with said William McKelvey a certain part of the aforementioned tract, NOW, William McKelvey and wife Margaret for $425 to John Duncan of Brushvalley Twp, Indiana Co. PA, quit claim their interest to the land. /s/ William McKelvey, Margaret McKelvey. Wit. Ephraim W. McKelvey, John Caldwell. Ack. Westmoreland Co. PA, 16 Oct. 1839. Rec. April 6, 1840. (FHL film 862,683)
      11-192/193: Deed No.215. 8 Aug. 1836, Joseph Walkinshaw and wife Margaret of Indiana Co. PA, to Alexander Duncan of afsd, for $225, lot in town of Saltsburg fronting on Point Street and running back 180 feet to Market and numbered 80. /s/ Joseph Walkinshaw, Margaret B. Walkinshaw. Wit. Edward Carlton, Samuel Davis. Ack. Indiana Co., 21 Dec. 1836. Rec. 22 June 1840. (FHL film 862,683)
      11-195/196: Deed No.218. 18 May 1832, Doctor Stephen Duncan of City of Natchez, Adams Co. MS, and wife Catharine A., by James H. Dever of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney, to James Lydick of Given? Twp., Indiana Co. PA; that James Duncan Esq. late of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, by deed 16 Oct. 1826, rec. Indiana Co. Record Book 6, pg.573, conveyed to said Doctor Stephen Duncan land containing 1202 acres in Green Twp, Indiana Co. PA, called Cherryhill Maner, and the said Doctor Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine by their letter of attorney dated (blank) August 1828 recorded Book 7 pg.190, appointed George A. Lyon Esq. of Borough of Carlisle, Cumberland Co. PA, their attorney to sell and dispose of their lands in PA and make deeds, and that George A. Lyons by his letter of attorney dated 21 Aug. 1830 appointed said James H. Devor to sell the lands of said Doctor Stephen Duncan in the counties of Indiana, Jefferson & Venango in PA; NOW the said Stephen Duncan and wife Catharine A. for $448.28 sell to James Lydick the tract beg. at a post corner of land of John Dick and Simon Dick and John Over and Frances Hughes and Thomas Barr and Simpsons heirs, containing 112 and 11/160 acres, together with buildings, etc. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Catharine A. Duncan, by their attorney in fact Jas. H. Dever. Wit. John Barr, Simon Dick. Ack. Indiana Co. PA by James H. Devor, Esquire, 18 May 1832. Rec. 23 June 1840. (FHL film 862,683)
      11-296: Article of Agreement 316, Thomas Simpson to Alexander Duncan. April 13, 1837, on the payment of $150 and giving notes for $382.52-1/2, amounting to $532.52-1/2 by Alexander Duncan for 66 acres and 96 perches of land which he purchased from me, I engage to make him the said Dunken an undisputable title on or before the first day of April next for said land. /s/ Thomas Simpson. Wit. John Evans. Rec. 23 Nov. 1840. (FHL film 862,683)
      11-299: Deed No.320, James Simpson admr of Thomas Simpson Decd. to Alexander Duncan. 24 Nov. 1840, James Simpson, administrator of goods etc. of Thomas Simpson late of Indiana Co. PA at the time of his death who died intestate, to Alexander Duncan of the place afsd; that said Thomas Simpson in his lifetime on 13 April 1837 became lawfully seized in his demise to a parcel of land in Centre Twp., Co. & state afsd, adj. lands of Lowry Barcly, Thomas Hamilton, John Shevedow and other land of said Thomas Simpson, containing 66 acres and 96 perches with a cabin house and barn and about 25 acres cleared thereon, and did on 13 April 1837 intered a contract for the sale of the 66 acres and 96 perches to Alexander Duncan for $532.52-1/2, part of which was paid to the said Thomas Simpson in his lifetime, and Alexander Duncan desires to pay the balance of the purchase money and receive a deed, and said Thomas Simpson did not make a deed for the land to Alexander Duncan (more not copied) NOW this is a deed to Alexander Duncan for the land. /s/ James Simpson. Wit. William McCrackin, W. Banks. Rec. Nov. 28, 1840. (part of deed very faint) (FHL film 862,683)
      11-451/452: Deed No.460. 15 June 1841, John Wilson of Indiana Co. PA to John and William Duncan of same, for $16, messuage of land in Jackson Twp., Cardena? Co. (does not look like Indiana), adj. land of said John & William Duncan on which they erected a saw mill, (acreage not given). /s/ John Wilson. Wit. A. Elliott, James Elliott. Rec. 28 June 1841. (FHL film 862,683)
      11-549/550: Deed Poll No.542. 29 Dec. 1840, Thomas H. Bracken and wife Elizabeth of Indiana Co. PA to William Duncan of same place, for $100, tract of land warranted in name of William Crawford Sept. 30, 1786, being par[t] of the track that Thomas H. Bracken Senior (MAD: part omitted?) adj. William Duncan and Thomas Davis, containing 84 acres 45 perches. /s/ Thomas H. Bracken, Elisabeth (X) Bracken. Wit. James Stewart, Ann Duncan. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 27 Sept. 1841. (FHL film 862,683)
      12-600/601: Deed No.129. 15 April 1843, John Dunken of Armstrong Twp., Indiana Co. PA, and Lettes his wife, to Andrew Farren of same, for $(blank money), parcel in Armstrong Twp, Indiana Co. PA, adj. lands warrented in name of Benjamine Henry??? (Lowery?), land now owned by Charles Farren, Jacob Keener, containing 86 acres and 64 perches, being part of a larger tract surveyed to John Turren by warrant dated 2 April 1788 and patent issued to said Furran dated Dec. 20, 1811, and James Farrans interest being one of the heirs, was sold to Anthony Montgomery by James Gordon late Sheriff of Indiana Co. by his deed Jan. 1, 1831, and conveyed by said Montgomery and wife to Andrew Farran by deed 8 Jan. 1839, and being the same piece of land that afsd James Farran had conveyed to afsd Andrew Farran 12 Dec. 1820 rec. Book 4, pg.391, Dec. 14, 1820, which was conveyed to said John Dunken by Andrew Farran and wife 1? May 1839, together with buildings, etc. /s/ John Duncan, Lettice Duncan. Wit. Charles Farran, James Smith. Receipt for $504.70. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 26 April 1843. (FHL film 862,683)
      13-542/543: No.648, Release, James Duncan & wife to Jane Matthews and Margaret Matthews. 25 May 1839, Whereas John Matthews late of Conemaugh Twp, Indiana Co. PA, by will dated 4 Aug. 1808 gave to Elizabeth Matthews since intermarried with James Duncan, Jane Matthews and Margaret Matthews a certain parcel of land in Conemaugh Twp, adj. Saml. & Henry Kirkpatrick, James Elder, Robert Wilson and land of which this is a part, containing 254 acres and 108 perches; NOW we the said James Duncan and wife Elizabeth formerly Elizabeth Matthews as well for good reasons and $50 paid by Jane Matthews and Margret Matthews, quit claim to Jane Matthews and Margret Matthews our interest in the lands adj. land of Thos? D?. Kerr, containing 154 acres and 112 perches. /s/ James Duncan, Elizabeth Duncan. Wit. Saml. Templeton, Scott Marshall. Ack. Indiana Co., PA. Rec. 16 May 1845. (FHL film 862,684)
      13-543/544: No.649 Release, Jane Matthews & Margaret Matthews to James Duncan. 25 May 1839, that John Matthews late of Conemaugh Twp, Indiana Co. PA, by will dated 4 Aug. 1808 gave to Elizabeth Matthews since intermarried with James Duncan, Jane Matthews and Margaret Matthews a certain parcel of land in Conemaugh Twp, adj. Saml. & Henry Kirkpatrick, James Elder, Robert Wilson and land of which this is a part, containing 254 acres and 108 perches; NOW we the said Jane Matthews and Margret Matthews for $200, deed to James Duncan part of the aforementioned land, adj. Thos. B. Cera?, containing 99 acres and 156 perches. /s/ Jane Mathews, Margaret Matthews. Wit. Saml. Templeton, Scott Marshall. Ack. Indiana Co. Rec. 16 May 1845. (FHL film 862,684)
      13-544/545: No.650, Release, Jane Matthews and Margaret Matthews to James Duncan. 25 May 1839, that Elizabeth Mathews since intermarried with James Duncan, Jane Mathews and Margret Mathews by deed from Thomas Walker and wife dated 20 April 1818 became seised of a parcel of land in Kerring Town? in Conemaugh Twp, Indiana Co., within the bounds of afsd Thineas? Watkens land, next to school house, containing 3 acres, NOW we the said Jane Mathews and Margret Mathews for $30 paid by afsd James Duncan, quit claim to said James Duncan the afsd piece of land. /w/ Jane Mathews, Margaret Matthews. Wit. Saml. Templeton, Scott Marshall. Rec. 16 May 1834 (1845 written above). (FHL film 862,684)
      13-664/665: No.742, Deed, William Duncan & wife et al to Saffia? (Laffia?) Riveley. 30 Aug. 1845, the heirs of John Graham decd. now as follows: William Duncan and wife Jane, Robert Woodside and wife Ann, Samuel Graham and wife Elisabeth, Hugh Cameron and wife Miriam, James Graham and John Graham, Rebecca Graham, Mary Jane Graham, John Duncan and wife Ann, Samuel Graham Sr.? and wife Mary, John Stewart and wife Sarah Jane, James Stewart, John Louimase??? (Lorimenes?? Laminou??) and wife Margaret, William Graham and wife Mary, and Sarah Duncan, all of Brushvalley Twp, Indiana Co. PA, to Saffia Rively, for $22, lot in town lately laid out by said James Hill and James Strong in Indiana Co. named Strongstown, lot #10, corner lot 9, corner of Strong alley, being part of a larger tract of land warrant to Freadrick and Adam Flinchbaugh which by sundry conveyances became vested in said James Hill and sold to said John Graham by deed 6 Dec. 1825, rec. Book 6 pg.79&80, and also the right of said William Duncan and wife Jane, Robert Woodside? and wife Ann, Hugh Cameron and wife Miriam, James Graham, Samuel Graham and wife Elizabeth Graham, John Graham, Rebecca Graham, Mary Jane Graham, John Duncan and wife Ann, Samuel Graham and wife Mary, John Stewart and wife Sarah Jane, James Stewart, John Lourmace? (Laminou?) and wife Margret, William Graham and wife Mary, and Sarah Duncan. All signed: Hugh Cameron, Meriam Cameron, John Graham, Rebeccah Graham, Mary Jane Graham, John Duncan, Anne Duncan, John Lemncon?, Margret (X) Tennron??, William Graham, Mary Graham, William Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan, Robert Woodside, "An" Woodside, Samuel Graham, Elizabeth Graham, Samuel Graham, Mary (X) Graham, John Stewart, Sarah J. Stewart, James Stewart Jr., Sarah (X) Duncan. Wit. James Hill and James Stewart for John Duncan and William Graham, Manager for the heirs. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 25 Sept. 1845. (FHL film 862,684)
      14-106/107: No.890, Deed, Joseph Loughry Shff to John Duncan & William Duncan. 27 Sept. 1836, Joseph Loughry Esqr, High Sheriff of Indiana Co. PA; whereas Daniel Stewart lately in our County Court of Common Pleas of Indiana Co. against William McKelvey and the sum of $125 and $1.12-1/2, which said Daniel Stewart? was adjudged for costs, and by writ 3 Oct. 1835? Joseph Laughry Shff was commanded to sell lands of said William McKelvey?, premises unsold for want of buyers, then by writ 31 March 1836, was sold at public sale, 27 June 1836 to John and William Duncan, highest bidder, for $425, deed for land in Wheatfield Twp, Indiana Co. PA, containing 154 acres unimproved, adj. lands of Samuel McKelvey, William Clark and others. Ack. 30 Sept. 1836, Indiana Co. PA, Rec. 8 June 1846. (FHL film 862,684)
      14-108: No.891, Assignment, William Duncan to John Duncan. 13 May 1846, William Duncan and wife Jane assign the whole of our claim to the within deed for $447.56 paid by John Duncan. /s/ William Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan. Wit. James Stewart, James Duncan. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 8 June 1846. (FHL film 862,684)
      14-108: No.892, Deed, William Duncan & wife to John Duncan. 13 May 1846, William Duncan and wife Jane of Brushvalley Twp, Indiana Co. PA, to John Duncan of same place, for $436.50, tract in Brush Valley Twp, Indiana Co., adj. lands of Casper Nisp? and John Nyson with a saw mill erected and run leading into Bluck? Creek, by lands of Gasper Wisp, containing 145 and 1/2 acres and adj. land of John Duncan and the heirs of Joseph Mardis and George McCartney and others. /s/ William Duncan, Jane (X) Duncan. Wit. James Stewart, James Duncan. Ack. Indiana Co. PA. Rec. 8 June 1846. (FHL film 862,684)

Indiana Co. PA Mortgage index 1803-1969; mortgagors C-E (FHL film 863,912; SLC 6/17/2008)
      Pg.64, 82, 99, 110, 196, 223, 147, 161, 171; did not copy 1888, 1956, 1891, 1888; Original format: Sat[isfied], Mortgagor, mortgagee, Vol-pg., record date, amount, location
      My format below: Vol-pg, Mortgagor, to mortgagee, record date, amount, location, Satisfied?
      10-167: Duncan, al David, mtg. to William L. Fisher, Dec. 27, 1838, $858, Green
      1-447: Duncan, al George D. and William D., mtg to Barbara Stuchall, May 6, 1854, $200, White, Satisfied
      5-61: Duncan, al John and William, mtg. to Jonnathan S. Findlay, Aug. 10, 1822, $455, Wheatfield
      5-479: Duncan, James, mtg. to Stephen Duncan, Aug. 27, 1824, $8,000, -Indiana, Venango & Jefferson Cos.
      next name 1852, not copied

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