Duncan research files of |
1830 Franklin Co. MO Census Boles Twp. Pg.143 Richard Duncan 1220,001 - 2011,01 Elijah Duncan 0110,01 - 3010,01 Pg.145 David Duncan 2100,2 - 0101,1001 Calvy Twp. Pg.147 Robert Duncan 0120,101 - 1101,001 Marshal Duncan 0000,1 - 1001 1840 Franklin Co. MO Census Cabrey Twp. Pg.232 Marshal Duncan 1000,01 - 2200,1 Richard Duncan 0112,0001 - 0020,001 (MAD: 1850 Jefferson Co. MO census) Pg.233 Elijah Duncan 1101,101 - 1211,001 (MAD: 1850 Holt Co. MO census) Pg.234 Robert Duncan 0001,1001 - 0120,0001 John Duncan 1000,01 - 0000,1 (MAD: John Duncan mar. Elizabeth Duncan, 10/18/1837, both of age; 1850 Jefferson Co. MO census)
1850 Franklin Co. MO Census
Pg.29, #120, Stephen COLE 35 MO farmer $0
Nancy 31 MO
Louisa J. 8, William D. 7 MO
Mary E. 4, James L. 2 MO
(MAD: one Hamble Euriah Fitzwater mar. Nancy C. Cole 12/12/1852, present John Duncan and Marteal Duncan; one Humble Fitzwater in 1860 Crawford Co. MO census)
Pg.29, #121, William DUNCAN 32 MO farmer $1000
Martha A. 25 MO
Mary E. 1 (ditto)
Robert DUNCAN 67 (Ditto) farmer $0
Nancy 67 (Ditto)
James M. GRAY 5 (ditto)
(MAD: Robert and Nancy born NC, although ditto marks used on census; William R. Duncan 1817-1887 mar. Martha Ann Wade, dau. of John & Mary E. Wade, who had mar. 1st 12/26/1843 to William J. Gray, from info of David N. Duncan 1995)
Pg.40, #292, Marshall DUNCAN 45 KY farmer $0
Sarah 37 MO
Phoebe 20, Martha 15 MO
William 13, Fidelia 12 MO
Mary E. 10, John M. 8 MO
Susan 5, Benjamin 2 MO
(MAD: Marshall Duncan mar. Sally King 1/4/1829; Phebe Ann Duncan mar. Larkin Musick 5/18/1851; Martha Duncan mar. Samuel J. Woody 2/8/1856 at house of Marshall Duncan)
Pg.40, #295, Martin A. DUNCAN 30 MO farmer $0
Rhody 27 MO
Stephen 5, John R. 3 MO
Minerva 1 MO
(MAD: Martin Duncan mar. Rhoda Withinton 9/4/1842; 1857 Gasconade Co. MO deed; 1870 Pulaski Co. MO census)
Pg.40, #296, John DUNCAN 32 TN farmer $160
Eliza 21 MO
James 5, Elias 3 MO
(MAD: John Duncan mar. Eliza Woodland 4/27/1842, her parents being present; one John Duncan said to have mar. Mrs. Nancy Caldwell 8/13/1848, not identified)
Pg.58, #601, Catharine QUINLISS? (TURNLESS?) 47 IRE (blank) $0
Jeremiah 14 NY, Mary 5 MO
Jeremiah DUNCAN 30 IRE farmer $0
Pg.61, #646, Thomas DUNCAN 30 MO farmer $150
Jane 22 MO
Lavinia 11, Rhody (f) 7 MO
William 5, Lewis 3 MO
Sarah 2, Samuel 5/12 MO
(MAD: 1860-1870 Holt Co. MO census; Thomas Duncan mar. Nancy Musick 10/11/1838, present Robert Duncan and Wm. Cole; Thomas Duncan mar. Jane Willson 3/13/1845)
Pg.115, #1590, Henry DUNCAN 27 MO farmer $600 (alone)
1860 Franklin Co. MO Census (pg.120 & 148 also from David N. Duncan 1995)
Bueoff Twp.
Pg.2, #9-9, Thos. CRAWFORD 26 KY farmer $0-$800
Nancy 33 IL
Chas. DUNKER 27 GERMany laborer
Calvey Twp.
Pg.120, #12-12, William DUNCAN 40 MO farmer $2000-$1000
Marth (f) 33 MO
Mary (May?) 12, Henery 9 MO
Tayler (m) 6, John 3 MO
Elen SHIRT (f) 16 MO
Nancy DUNCAN 74 NC
Pg.122, #22-22, John DUNCAN 43 TN laborer $2000-$1000
Ellin 33 TN
James 15, Elnae (f) 13 TN
Lousa (f) 8, Mary 10 MO
Thom. (?) JOHNS (m) 18 MO
(MAD: 1870 Colusa Co. CA census, James & Elias (m) both born MO)
Pg.138, #132-132, N. DUNCAN (m) 35 MO farmer $800-$550
Sarah 32 MO
John 13, Samul (m) 12 MO
William 10 MO
Th?iden (m) 8, Mary 4 MO
(MAD: Jonathan Newman Duncan 1831-1897, wife Sarah McCourtney 1828-1856 dau. of John McCourtney and Elizabeth Bay, from info of Geraldine L. Whitter 1999; son John Ashley Duncan mar. Martha W. Hampton 6/19/1866 Moniteau Co. MO; son William Duncan mar. Rachael Lelt 9/25/1874 Audrain Co. MO; dau. Mary Frances Duncan mar. John Couch 12/10/1874 Jefferson Co. MO)
Pg.148, #197-197, M. DUNCAN (m) 46 MO farmer $250-$200
Ellen 42 MO
Riae (m) 17, Sarah 16 MO
William 14, Susan 10 MO
Mary 8, Stephen 6 MO
Ruth 4, Lousa (f) 2 MO
Calvey Twp., P.O. Calvey, pg.32
Pg.151 (153?), #216-216, M. DUNCAN (m) 56 NC farmer $0-$100
San (m) 22 MO
Sarah 23 MO
Will 18 MO
Meramec Twp, P.O. Stanton, pg.87
Pg.205/208, #602-602, R.T. THORSHELL? (m) 22 IL laborer $0-$50
J.W. DUNCEN (m) 27 IL laborer
L.A. RUFAS (RAFAS?) (m) 42 IL laborer
Prairie Twp., P.O. Grubville, pg.136
Pg.254 (257?), #975-975, M. DUNCAN (DUNEEN?) (m) 56 KY farmer $400
W. MOODY (f) 27 MO
S. (m) 6, M. (f) 4 MO
(MAD: indexed as M. Duncan, M. Koody & Koody children; I copied as "Moody" but was probably Woody; Samuel J. Woody mar. Martha Duncan in 1856 at house of Marshall Duncan)
Boles Twp.
Pg.272, #118-118, Henry DUNCAN 37 MO grocer $200-$300
Eliza 34 MO
Mary J. 7, Chas. W. 3 MO
Bertha A. 9/12 MO
(MAD: Henry Duncan mar. Eliza Wade 9/1/1850)
1870 Franklin Co. MO Census (pg.368 also from Kathy Cawley 2/2002; pg.153, 158, 280 also from David N. Duncan 1995)
Boeuff Twp.
Pg.8, #118-109, DUNCAN, Perry (m) 21 MO BLACK laborer $0-$0
Margrette (f) 17 MO BLACK keeping house
Pg.11, #174-157, DUNCAN, Richard 46 VA BLACK farmer $0-$100
Maria 87 MO BLACK keeping house (not age 37)
Sarah A. 18 MO BLACK domestic
Eve 13, Martha 12 MO BLACKS
Missouri (f) 7 MO BLACK
Boles Twp.
Pg.73, #12-12, DUNCAN, Henry 47 MO retd. merchant $1000-$4000
Elisa 44 KY keeping house
Mary 16, Chas. W. 12, Sarah 8 MO
PRENTIS, Sally 34 KY
Nathy (f) 10 MO
Pg.137, #875-860, DUNKAN, Petries (m) 32 IRE L.R.R. $0-$800, parents of foreign birth
Mary A. 27 IRE, parents of foreign birth
Ph. (m) 4, Em. (f) 2 MO, parents of foreign birth
ROGERS, John 38 IRE L.R.R., parents of foreign birth
MURPHY, Jas. 47 IRE L.R.R., parents of foreign birth
DAVIDSON, Pat. 28 IRE L.R.R., parents of foreign birth
MERLLAN?, Chas. 19 MO L.R.R., parents of foreign birth
Calvey Twp.
Pg.153, #208-197, DUNCAN, Wm. 41 MO farmer $1200-$720
Alice 37 MO keeping house
Emma 15 MO
Frank 12, Matilda 10 MO at school
Augusta (f) 8, Lucy 6 MO
Pg.158, #286-273, DUNCAN, Jno. 47 VA "F." (farmer) $1000-$1500
Susan 46 VA
Eliza 22, Benj. 20 MO
Central Twp.
Pg.184, #250-241, DUNCAN, John 25 "Hesse Cassel" farmer $1000-$320, parents of foreign birth
Frances (f) 24 PRUssia keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Peter L. 3, Amanda 6/12 b.Dec. MO, parents of foreign birth
Prairie Twp.
Pg.280, #250-245, DUNCAN, Wm. 32 KY "F." (farmer) $1000-$1000
Edna 30 MO
Wm. 6, Geo. 4 MO
Washington Twp.
Pg.327, #126-126, DUNCAN, Julius 37 PRUssia school teacher $0-$200, parents of foreign birth
Paula (f) 20 MO keeping house, parents of foreign birth
Paula 4/12 MO b.Feb, father of foreign birth
Pg.368, #831-775, BREHE, Conrad (m) 70 "Lippe Detmold" farmer $12000-$2320, parents of foreign birth
DUNCAN, John 24 " (ditto birthplace) laborer, parents of foreign birth
Mary 22 " (ditto birthplace) keeping house, parents of foreign birth
1870 Census, Calvey, Franklin County, Missouri (from Kathy Cawley 10/2009)
Page 155, 230-217
Laf'y, age 28, male, farmer, $500./$250., Missouri
Fidelle, age 28, female, Missouri (on 1880 census Fidelia is age 42)
DUCK, Hy. B., age 22, male, "L"(aborer), Missouri
(KDC: I am quite certain, given the mangling of the other names, that this is Henry B. DUNCAN. On the 1880 census, Robertsville but it is really Calvey Twp., Franklin Co., MO., page 1 of 1 (no page # given) they are enumerated as Lafayette & Fidelia Manning.)
Missouri State Census, 1876, Calvey, Franklin County, Missouri (from Kathy Cawley 10/2009)
Benjamin DUNCAN household
age 29 male, age 30 female, age 4 male, age 2 male
1880 Census, Saint Clair, Franklin County, Missouri (from Kathy Cawley 10/2009)
S.D.# 3, E.D.# 72, Page 126A, Image# 3 of 5
KDC: Indexed on Ancestry.com by first names and last name as Benjamin!
Benjamin, w/m, age 32, Head, laborer, MO./MO./MO.
Frances, w/f, age 33, Wife, keeping house, MO./TN./VA.
Robert, w/m, age 7, Son, MO./MO./MO.
Fidelia, w/f, age 5, Daughter, MO./MO./MO.
Henry, w/m, age 3, Son, MO./MO./MO.
Oscar, w/m, age 1, Son, MO./MO./MO.
(KDC: Benjamin Henry Duncan, 1900 Washington Co. MO, 1910-1920 St.Francois Co. MO)
1880 Franklin Co. MO Census, partial (from David N. Duncan 9/1995; page number from 1880 census CD)
Calvey Twp.
Pg.117D, #?, William DUNCAN 62 MO NC NC
Martha Ann 54 MO KY KY
John 23 MO MO MO son
Samuel 19 MO MO MO son
Annie 20 MO MO MO dau-in-law
(MAD: 1880 census on CD shows Martha instead of Martha Ann as wife)
Franklin Co. MO Marriages; partial (index on FHL film 940,986)
A-101: S(t)anford Whitworth to Vineal? (Veny) Dunkin, married 10 Dec. 1836. (MAD: Lavina Duncan, b.1816 TN, d. 1853, said to be dau. of Elijah Duncan & Sarah Tinney of 1850 Holt Co. MO, from info of Jacqueline Whitworth 1991)
A-138: State of MO, County of Franklin. Be it remembered that on this 11th day of October 1838, Thomas Duncan and Nancy Musick was joined together by me the undersigned Justice of the Peace in Holy Matrimony according to Law in presence of Robert Duncan, William Cole and others this the 11th day of October 1838. James G. Murphy, Justice of the Peace. Rec. Oct. 19, 1838. (from Alice Duncan 10/1983)
A-223: Berry Keeno(u)n to Sally Duncan, married 20 Sept. 1843. (MAD: 1850 Holt Co. MO census)
A-233: John H. Woody to Lavina Duncan, married 8 Dec. 1844.
B-6: James S. Duncan to Polly Farmer of St. Louis Co., married 12 Jan. 1845. (MAD: 1860 Wyandotte Co. KS)
B-69: William Duncan to Margaret Jones, married 23 April 1848. (MAD: 1850 Holt Co. MO census, 1860 Brown Co. KS census, 1870 Jackson Co. MO census, 1880 Madison Co. AR census)
B-120: James Wade to Flavilla C. Duncan, married 5 July 1850 by Thos. Boyd, JP of Coley Twp, parents of both being present. (FHL film 940,979) (MAD: bride's name given as Priscilla E. Duncan in "Marriage Records of Franklin Co. MO Vol. A-B, 1819-1858" by Audrey Lee Wagner Woodruff, FHL book 977.863 V25w and film 873,790 item 2)
B-201: John Harst to Mary Ednonson Duncan, married 21 Dec. 1853.
B-352: Andrew Jackson Henson to Sarah Duncan, married 19 Oct. 1857.
Franklin Co. MO Probate Record (from Louis Boone to Alice Duncan 1979 to MAD 1983)
Thos. J. Duncan Guardian, May 1852, to Rhody A. and Lovisa J. Duncan, his minor children.
Franklin Co. MO Wills
Book A, 1819-1854 - no Duncan (FHL film 944,543)
Book B, 1843-1868 - no Duncan
Book C, 1868-1883 (FHL film 944,544)
C-639: 24 Oct. 1881; will of William (X) Dunken of Franklin Co.; to my dau. Josephine Rockman/Rinkman $1; residue to wife Lizzie and son Frank Dunken share and share alike. Wit. J. Phill Taylor, Theodore Newkun, Ernest Burbege?, J. Phil Taylor, J.J. Brown. Proved 17 Nov. 1881; cert. of probate 31 Jan. 1882; no mention admin. or exec.
Franklin Co. MO Land Grant (from Alice Duncan 1983)
Cert. #14,560; 1 July 1848, to Thomas Duncan of Franklin Co. MO, 41 and 9/10 acres in SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 27, Twp. 42, Range 2E, in the Dist. of lands subject to sale at St. Louis, MO.
Franklin Co. MO Deeds (no general index)
Book A, 1819-1830 - no Duncan (FHL film 941,164)
Book B, 1830-1837 (FHL film 941,164)
B-405: 11 Nov. 1835, Cary K. Duncan and wife Margaret of Lincoln Co. MO to William Roundlett of Franklin Co. MO, $1600, NE frac. 1/4 Sec. 21 T41N R1E in Dist. of St. Louis, 154+ acres.
Book C, 1837-1839 (index faint; FHL film 941,165)
C-41: 14 Feb. 1837, Richard (+) Dunkin & wife Polly (X) to Noah Fitswater, all of Franklin Co., $250, SE (NE?) 1/4 NE frac. of Sec. -3?, T42?, R1E (2E?), 52? acres.
Book D, 1839-1843 (no grantee index; did not check otherwise; FHL film 941,165)
D-118: 25 Feb. 1840, Martin A. Duncan to John Duncan, all Franklin Co. MO, $75, lot #2, NE 1/4 Sec. 2 Twp 42 R2E, 41 acres. No wife.
D-265: 5 Dec. 1840, Elija (X) Dunkin and wife Sally (X) to Joseph A. MacCluer, $75, 40 acres, SW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 34 T43 R2E. (2 orig. copies to Louis Boone, one for Colleen Nelson)
D-450: 23 March 1842, James L. Duncan of Franklin Co. MO to William North of same, $88, mortgage, 40 acres, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 35 T43 R2E, 10% interest, due 1 Jan. 1843.
D-555: 6 Sept. 1842, Richard (X) Duncan and wife Mary to William North, both Franklin Co. MO, $500, NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T43 R?W, 85+ acres.
Book E, 1843-1847 (cannot read most page numbers in index; FHL film 941,166)
E-361: 12 May 1845, John Duncan and wife Elizabeth to William Duncan, all Franklin Co. MO, $150, NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 21 T42 R2E, 41+ acres.
Book F, 1847-1848 (cannot read "D" page in index; FHL film 941,166)
Book G, 1849-1851 (no x-index; did not check otherwise; FHL film 941,167)
G-298: 4 Oct. 1848, Thomas Hustin Duncan and wife Elizabeth of Jefferson Co. MO to Isaac Alexander of Franklin Co. MO, $150, 40 acres, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 21 T43N R2E. Both signed, rec. Jefferson Co. (FHL film 941,167) Thomas H. Duncan purchased land from Martin Duncan and wife Rhoda on Dec. 14, 1843; recorded 21 April 1860. (MAD: from Louis Boone 1984, deed reference not given)
G-480: 21 May 1850, Robert (X) Duncan to William Duncan, for love to my son, SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 9 Twp 42 R2E, 41 acres; and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 9, Twp 42, R2E, 82 acres; sorrel horse, sorrel mare, yoke oxen, etc.
G-481: 21 May 1850, William Duncan of Franklin Co. MO to Robert Duncan of same, $1, to support and maintain said Robert Duncan my father and my mother Nancy Duncan for their lives; also to support my sister Flarilla G. Duncan until she becomes of lawful age, then to give her the sorrell mare mentioned in the deed of gift referred to above and one white cow with her calf, unless she dies first; also to pay to Robert Duncan the note that Benj. Tindall holds against said Robert.
G-545: 8 June 1850, John Duncan (also signed by Eliza Duncan) of Franklin Co. MO to Edward Monin of same, $160, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 23 T42 R2E, 42+ acres.
G-602: 1 Nov. 1850, William Duncan and wife Martha Ann to Robert Duncan, both Franklin Co., $5, reference to property in deed of Robert Duncan 21 May 1850, recorded G-480; reinstate to Robert Duncan as though the deed never conveyed property.
Book H, 1851-1853 (FHL film 941,167)
H-113: 1 Nov. 1850, Robert (X) Duncan discharge William Duncan from his bond of 21 May 1850 to support myself and wife, recorded G-481.
H-121: 13 Dec. 1850, Henry Duncan and wife Eliza to Josiah Seal, both Franklin Co., $150, land on Coley Creek, NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 17 Twp 42N R2E.
H-399: 19 April 1852, Robert Duncan to Thomas Duncan, son of said Robert; Robert old and infirm in body, provision to support himself and wife; all personal property, horses, cattle, furniture etc. It being expressly understood that the wife of said Duncan shall have no benefit of this conveyance unless she will remain with her husband and be under the control & management of the said Thomas Duncan. /s/ Robert Duncan, Thomas T. Duncan.
H-420: 19 Feb. 1850, John Duncan and wife Eliza to Samuel Johnson, all Franklin Co., $160, NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 2, Twp 42, R2E, 41 acres. Wit. William Peek.
H-611: 15 April 1852, Robert Duncan and wife Nancy to James N. Courtney, all Franklin Co., $500, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 9 Twp 42N R2E, 82+ acres; and SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 9 Twp 42 R2E, 41+ acres. Wit. Edward J. Roberts, Thomas T. Duncan. (Nancy did not sign.)
Gasconade Co. MO Deed (FHL film 944,560)
M-432: 1 Aug. 1858, Thomas H. Duncan (signed T.H.) and wife Elizabeth Catharine, of Gasconade Co. MO, to John Duncan of Franklin Co. MO, $150, Lot #3 NE 1/4 Sec. 5 Twp 41; also W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 32 Twp 42 R4W, 121+ acres. No wit.
Holt Co. MO Deed (SLC 2/2009)
C-318: 31 March 1852, John Duncan and wife Eliza of Franklin Co. MO to Francis M. Pirtchet of afsd, $255, land in Holt Co. MO, E 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.29 T61 R39W, 160 acres. Both signed. Ack. Franklin Co. MO. (FHL film 1,005,319)
Phelps Co. MO Deed (SLC 7/17/2014; have JPG images)
F-125/126: 24 April 1867, Jackson D. Duncan and Pruda Duncan his wife of Franklin Co. MO to Thomas B. Duncan of Phelps Co. MO, for $500 paid, release and quit claim the undivided 1/5 of SE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.25 and NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.38 Range 10W, also SW fract. 1/4 (west of Gasconade River) of Sec.30 in Twp.38 Range 9W, 68-28/100 acres, also E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.25 Twp.38 Range 10W and also SE fract. 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.36 in Twp.38 Range 10W, 38-9/100 acres, with appurtenances. /s/ J.D. Duncan, Pruda (X) Duncan. Wit. James N. Inge?. Ack. 6 May 1867 before James N. Inge?, Notary Public, Franklin Co. MO. Filed March 30, 1869, Recorded May 21, 1869. (FHL film 914,738)
Franklin Co. MO (no source) (from index cards of Kit Smith 8/1983)
Bethel Cemetery, Franklin Co. MO, Hwy T., west of Labadie, across road from Bethel Church:
Eliza A. Duncan, w/o late Henry, b. 12 Dec. 1825 Warren Co. MO, d. 17 July 1887. (Identical stone face down).
Mt. Olive United Methodist Church Cemetery, Calvey Township, Franklin Co. MO, located on Hiway N between Lonedell, MO, and Robertsville, MO. (from David N. Duncan 9/1995)
William R. Duncan, Born Nov. 20, 1817, Died July 26, 1887, aged 70 years.
Prospect Baptist Church Cemetery, Prairie Township, Franklin Co. MO, located on Rye Creek Road near intersection of Yellow Dog Road, south of Hiway 47. (from David N. Duncan 9/1995)
Annie Duncan, 1826 - 1917 (DND: Martha Ann "Annie" (Wade/Gray) Duncan, wife of William R. Duncan)
Mary E. Coon, Feb. 10, 1849 - July 5, 1921 (DND: Mary Elizabeth (Duncan) Coon, buried beside her mother Annie Duncan)
1819-1820 Franklin Co. MO Tax Lists (part from Louis Boone to Alice Duncan to MAD; part from Vol.9, 12/1970, "MO Pioneers," FHL book 977.8 D2h, from several researchers; part from "MO Taxpayers 1819-1826" by Lois Stanley, 1979, Los Angeles Public Library Book R977.8 S788-1, FHL book 977.8 R4s)
1819 Gasconade Township: John Duncan Senr, John Duncan Junr, Samuel Duncan, William Dodds, James Harrison, William E. Hawkins, George Pointer ...
1819 Merimack Township: Robert Duncan, Thomas Johns, ...
1820 South Gasconade Twp.: John Duncan, Jr., John Duncan, Sr., William Duncan
1820 Merrimack Twp.: Robert Duncan
1823, 1824, 1825 combined: Bowles W. Duncan, David Duncan (poll tax only), John Duncan (poll tax only), Robert Duncan
Go to the Franklin Co. MO Military Records
1888 "History of Franklin, Jefferson, Washington, Crawford, & Gasconade Cos. MO" by Goodspeed (Los Angeles Public Library book 977.8 H67295; FHL book 977.86 H2h, Pt.2; some also from Donald Duncan 1991 and from David N. Duncan 9/1995)
No Duncan indexed in biographical appendix
Franklin Co.:
Pg.187: On Feb. 20, 1826, a majority of the justices of the peace of the county convened at Newport, and designated Hugh Arbuckle, Armstrong Hart, Robert Duncan and Thomas Blair to serve as justices of the county court for the ensuing year, who, upon taking their seats, elected Hugh Arbuckle, president.
Pg. not given: Formation of Townships. July 12, 1819, the report of the commissioners dividing the county into townships was received. ... divided into St.Johns Township, Meramec Township, Beff Township and Gasconade Township. ... April 23, 1821, it was ordered by the county court that all that part of Meramec Township lying east of the middle of Range 1, east of the 5th Principal Meridian, should be formed into a distinct township, to be called and known by the name of Calvey Township.
Pg.219-220: Jeffries' Letter. ... letter by C.S. Jeffries to G.O. Hardeman, of Gray's Summit, who read a historical sketch of Franklin Co. at the centennial anniversary, at Pacific, July 4, 1876. ... Mr. Jeffries' letter was, in part, as follows: My recollections of the history of Franklin County, when we immigrated to Missouri, now about 56 years ago, and being then a boy, must necessarily be very imperfect. In 1819, ... The old settlers of the county, so far as I can now recollect names, were the Ridenhours, Calvins, Reeds, Robersons, Steeles, Zumalts, Bells, Deckers, Pursleys, Groffs, Coles, Henrys, Boles, Fullertons, Crowes, Duncans, Edwards, Farrars, Andersons, Caldwells, Sappingtons, McDonalds, Baileys, Maupins, Sullins, Heatherlys, Browns, Greenstreets, Heasleys and many others, not necessary to mention. ...
Pgs.221-222: Early Spanish Surveys: ... Survey No. 98, to ..., 400 arpents or 340.28 acres, .... (no Duncan)
Pg.222-3: First settlers - no Duncan.
Pg.335: (St. Clair town) Secret Societies ... Excelsior Lodge No. 399, A.O.U.W., was organized September 24, 1887, ... charter officers were ... J.P. Johnson, A.T. Duncan, and J.A. Stahlmann, trustees, ....
Pg.356: Methodist Churches. Mount Olive Methodist Episcopal Church, first called "Little Calvey" was organized about 1837, in which year a church was built, 20x30 feet in size. Some of the original members were Martin Alexander, class leader; Mathew Cole, Thomas Boyd, Noah Fitzwaters, William Wilson, Caleb Johns, Samuel Pepper, M.E. Kinsey, John Duncan, John Wade, and their wives. ... (David N. Duncan: Mathew Cole's wife was Sarah (Johns); Thomas Boyd's wife was Mary (Johns) per biographical sketch on pg.839 of Isaiah Wall who mar. Martha Boyd in 1860, dau. of Thomas & Mary (Johns) Boyd; Noah Fitzwater's wife and Caleb Johns' wife are unknown; John Duncan's wife was Elizabeth (Duncan); and John Wade's wife was Mary Elizabeth (----).)
Pg.717, Franklin Co.: Mathew Bay, farmer and stock raiser, was born in the locality where he now resides in 1839; he was reared on the farm, which occupation he has since followed, and received his education in the common schools of the county. He was the eldest in the family of twelve children born to James M. and Ann (Cole) Bay, natives, respectively, of St.Louis and Franklin Cos., MO. James M. Bay served 8 years as justice of the peace in Franklin Co., and when Calvey postoffice, which was established in 1850, was moved to its present location in 1861, he was appointed postmaster, in which capacity he has since served; he was a son of Samuel and Sallie (Musick) Bay who settled in St.Louis Co. MO, about 1808, ... Mrs. Ann Bay, mother of our subject, was a daughter of Mathew and Sarah (Johns) Cole, natives of KY, the latter a daughter of John and Lydia Johns. Mathew Cole was a son of Eleven and Sarah Cole, natives of KY. Eleven Cole and John Johns served in the British army during the Revolution. (MAD: more on Matthew Bay) (David N. Duncan 9/1995: Sarah (Johns), wife of Mathew Cole, could be the widow of Marshall Duncan; Marshall Duncan mar. Sally Johns, daughter of Thomas Johns, bond 4/6/1799 in Shelby Co. KY; Robert Duncan b.1783, of Franklin Co. MO 1850, mar. Nancy Johns, dau. of John & Lidda Johns, bond 10/15/1801 in Shelby Co. KY.)
1878 "Atlas Map of Franklin Co. MO" pub. by St.Louis Atlas Pub. Co. (from David N. Duncan 9/1995)
(Pg. number not given) Calvey Township. The name "Calvey" was that of an early settler, and was applied first to a creek traversing the township. Among the pioneers we have been enabled to gather the following names: Robert Bay, John McCourtney, John Johns, Sen., Plato and Matthew Cole, Robert Duncan, Samuel Whitworth, Garland Hardin, Wm. Hooper, John M. Young, Jonathan Potts, Uel Musick and Ambrose Twitty. These came principally before 1819. Later came Samuel B. Rucker, Wm. Mathew and Vespasian Cole; Thomas Roberts arrived in 1831. ... Lead was mined near the old Robert Duncan farm and is known to exist in several localities, ... (DND: Note families of Johns, Cole and Duncan.)
Patrons of Atlas: H. Duncan, P.O. Boles, b. Franklin Co. MO, year to Franklin Co. 1823.
"Compendium of History and Biography of Linn Co. MO" by H. Taylor, ca 1912 (FHL book 977.824 D3c; also from Louis Boone 10/1984)
Pg.736-7: J.W. DUNCAN of Bucklin Township ... native of this State, born in Franklin Co. on February 16, 1844. .... His parents, Thomas J. and Margaret (Nelson) Duncan were also natives of that county and the mother died there in 1849 when her son J.W. was but 5 years old. .... In 1859 the father moved to MO and located in Jackson Co. There he died in 1903. (LB: dates are wrong) His father Elijah Duncan came to MO from TN and after a residence of some years in this state died in Holt Co. .... Mr. Duncan was first married in 1869 and by that union became the father of 10 children, all of whom are living. Their mother died in 1893, and in 1894 the father married a second wife, joining himself with Mrs. Crippen, a widow of this county. Have three children of whom two are living.
1925 "Centennial Biographical Directory of Franklin Co. MO" by Herman Gottlieb Kiel (FHL book 977.863 D3k and films 1,000,289 item 2 and 1,303,034; also many other sources)
Pgs.13-14, include George K. Duncan of P.O. Mt.Hope or Mounthope, as homesteader for land in Sec.21, Twp.41, Range 1E, entry 4 Sept. 1824.
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