Duncan research files of |
1840 Audrain Co. MO Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Audrain Co. MO Census (no Duncan indexed)
Pg.159, #69-79, Elijah DUNGAN (m) 35 KY farmer
Lucinda 49 KY
Martha A. 18, James 16 KY
Amanda 14, Elija J. (f) 9 KY
(Elijah's age 35 written over)
Pg.159, #70-80, Nancy DUNGAN 53 VA
Delila 26, Charles 19 KY
Mercy 14, Elisha H. 13 KY
Francis (m) 10 KY
1860 Audrain Co. MO Census
Salt River Twp., P.O. Mexico
Pg.714, #741-736, M.Y. DUNCAN (m) 30 MO farmer & Clerk $3500-$4750
Mary 28 MO
Carolin (f) 3 MO
Sarah BASKET 39 MO seamstress
(MAD: Merrit Y. Duncan, 1850 Callaway Co. MO census)
Carver Twp.
Pg.768, #175-184, Jerome DUNCAN 35 KY farmer $600-$400?
Mary 25 KY
Louisa 8, Sintha (f) 5, George 1 MO
(MAD: 1850 Callaway Co. MO census)
1870 Audrain Co. MO Census (also from Margo Thiel 1987)
Cuivre Twp., Hickory Creek P.O.
Pg.480, #60-58, DUNCAN, John R. 27 MO farming $0-$0
Clarinda (f) 17 MO house keeping
(no children)
(MAD: John Duncan mar. Clary Allison 3/15/1869)
Loutre Twp.
Pg.504, #51-45, DUNCAN, Onslow (m) 52 KY farmer $2000-$600
Julia 52 VA keeping house
John 25, Thomas 18 MO working on farm
BROADWATER, Margaret 69 VA knitting
(MAD: 1860 Callaway Co. MO census)
Salt River Twp.
Pg.532, #23-23, BASSFORD, James 25 VA merchant $5000-$200
Kate 36? (26?) (written over) OH keeping house
Homer (m) 9/12 MO b.Sept. at home
DUNCAN, Mary 16 IL house keeper
Pg.538, #154-138, DUNCAN, Harrie (m) 30 KY BLACK works at farming $0-$0
Sallie 52 KY BLACK keeping house
Buriah (m) 22 MO BLACK teamster
Fannie 18 MO BLACK washerwoman
Harriett 17, James 16 MO BLACKS at home
Frank 15, Martha 12 MO BLACKS at home
Lucinda 10 MO BLACK
Margret 8, Mary 6 MO BLACKS
Henry 4, John 2 MO BLACKS
(MAD: Harrie indexed age 38)
Pg.541, #199-176, DUNCAN, Merrit (m) 40 MO lawyer $10,000-$2500
Mary 38 MO keeping house
Pallie? (f) 13 MO at school
Thurston (m) 6 MO
BASKET, Mary 15 MO BLACK domestic servant
Henry 11 MO BLACK works on farm
Pg.556, #429-395, EMMA, Julia 67 PA keeping house $2000-$100
DUNCAN, Perry (m) 36 IN laborer
Nancy 32 IN keeping house
Mary 16 IN at home
Joseph 13, Sarah 9 IN
Levina 3 IN
(MAD: Leroy E. instead of Perry in 1860 Orange Co. IN)
Pg.559, #467-432, DUNCAN, Jerome 49 KY farmer $2000-$300
Mary 36 KY keeping house
Cinthia 13, George 11 MO at home
Nanie (f) 9 MO at home
Sammie (m) 6 MO
Nettie (f) 3, Thomas 1 MO
Salt River Twp., pg.85
Pg.582, #685-630, BRATHER, Joseph, 26 m/w farmer $2000-$0 KY
Kitty 26 f/w keeping house KY
& family
& farm hands, including
DANCAN, Ralph 17 IL m/w farm hand
Audrain Co. MO marriage licenses (partial; from Dorothy Franks 4/1989)
Pg.80: R.W. Griffith of Fulton, Callaway Co. MO, over the age of 21 years; and Cynthia Duncan of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, over the age of 18 yrs; 6th May 1886; Sol. 6 May 1886 at res. of bride; Certificate rec. 10 May 1886. (MAD: one James L. Duncan mar. Mary E. Griffin 7/1/1856 Audrain Co. MO)
Pg.176: Samuel J. Duncan of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, over 21 years; and Mollie L. Kelso of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, who is over 18 yrs; 9th day of May 1887; Sol. 10th May 1887 at Mexico by Frank W. Allen, MG; Recorded 11th May 1887.
Pg.189: Jas. W. Wilson of Howard Co. MO, over 21 yrs; and Nellie Duncan of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, over 18 yrs; Issued 20 Aug, 1887. Sol 20 Aug. 1887 at residence of bride's mother by W.B. Anderson, MG of the Church of Christ; Rec. 30 Aug 1887.
Pg.225: Thurston B. Duncan of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, over 21 yrs old; and Miss Alma C. Crigler of Martinsburg, Audrain Co. MO, over 18 years; 12 Dec. 1888, Sol. 14 Dec. 1888 at Martinsburg.
Pg.294: John W. Duncan of Ralls Co. MO, over 21 yrs; and Ida Belle Key of Audrain Co. MO, over 18 years; 1 Nov. 1888; Sol 1 Nov. 1888 at Mexico by A.A. Wallace MG; rec. 1 Nov. 1888.
Pg.472: Edgar M. Purdy of Audrain Co. MO, over 21 yrs; and Miss Ida C. Duncan of Audrain Co. MO, over 18 yrs; 28th August 1890, Sol. 2 Sept. 1890 at the bride's home by Rev. W.J. Jessee Ordained Minister; rec. 4th Sept, 1890.
Pg.198: Robert Duncan of Audrain Co. MO, over 21 yrs; and Emma Johnson of Audrain, Co. MO, over 18 yrs.; 21st Nov. 1893; Sol 21st Nov. 1893 at John Brown's by R. Davis, MG; rec. 23 Nov. 1893.
Pg.303: C.G. Buckner of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, over 21 years; and E.H. Duncan of St. Louis, St. Louis Co. MO, over 18 years; 21 Nov. 1894; Sol. 22 Nov. 1894 at 3404 Morgan St., St. Louis, by A.A. Wallace, MG; Rec. 22 Nov. 1894.
Audrain Co. MO Probate Document (from Margo Thiel 10/1986)
January term, 1876, Petition to set off Dower, Frances Duncan, plff vs. Danl. E. Shea, Pub. Admr. Catharine Jane Peak, Camfuss Ann [MT: Candis Ann] Peak and her husband Wm. Peak, Mary C. Drie & Thos Drie, Sarah M. Foster & Jos. Foster, John W. Duncan & Wesley Duncan, Defts.
Plaintiff says that she was the wife of John C. Duncan, deceased, at the time of his death and for a long time prior to his death had been living in lawful wedlock with said deceased; that the said John C. Duncan departed this life on the (blank) day of (blank) 1875 and that at his death he was seized & possessed of the following real estate situate in Audrain Co. MO ... 200 acres. She has not relinquished right of dower ... Dated Dec. 13, 1875.
Summons to the defendants to appear in the Probate Court on 2nd Monday of January 1876.
Monroe Co. Sheriff's Return: delivered a copy to C.A. Peak on 5 Jan. 1876; to Mary C. Dry 31 Dec. 1875; to Joseph Foster and Sarah M. Foster on 4 Jan. 1876; by leaving a copy at place of abode of Thomas Dry with a white member of his family over age of 15 on 31 Dec. 1875; leaving a copy (etc.) Wesley Duncan on 31 Dec. 1875, and Wm. Peak on 5 Jan. 1876, and J.W. Duncan 4 Jan. 1876; Catharine Jane Peak not found in Monroe Co. on 5 Jan. 1876.
Audrain Co. MO Deed Indexes; Direct and inverted index v.A-Z 1837-1879 (FHL film 968,964; SLC 5/8/2013)
Dungan not copied
C-92: Duncan, Joseph P/A to T.T. Stone
B-2,3: Duncan, Joseph from T.T. Stone
C-385,386: Duncan, Joseph to T.T.Stone
G-92,93: Duncan, Stephen to N.P. Minor
G-95,96: Duncan and Fish to/from A.H. Fike
F-394: Duncan, M.Y. from James O. Johnson
G-97,98: Duncan, Stephin from Jared D. Tyler
G-99,100,101: Duncan, Stephin from Jared D. Tyler
G-214,215: Duncan, N.Y. from Silas Wilson
G-555: Duncan, N.Y. to John W. Ricketts
H-535,536: Duncan, N.Y. from C.P. Wade
H-536,537: Duncan, N.Y. to John Smith
Audrain Co. MO Deeds (SLC 7/14/2014)
Deeds v. B-C 1841-1851 (FHL film 968,970)
B-2/3: 28 Dec. 1841, Thomas T. Stone and Nancy G. Stone his wife of Audrain Co. MO to Joseph Duncan of Mason Co. KY, for $700 paid, sell tracts or parcels of land in county & state first aforesaid, the NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.51 Range 9, the W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.2 Twp. & Range afsd, also in town of Mexico in county & state first afsd per plat of said town, lots No.1 and 8 of Block No.12, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Thomas T. Stone, Nancy G. Stone. Ack. 28 Dec. 1841 before Joel Haynes, Clerk of Circuit Court of Audrain Co. MO. Filed for record and recorded Dec. 28, 1841. (FHL film 968,970)
C-92: Duncan, Joseph, P/A to T.T. Stone - not found
C-385/386: 27 July 1848, Joseph Duncan and Martha Ann Duncan his wife of Mason Co. KY to Thomas T. Stone of Audrain Co. MO, for $700 paid, sell their interest to that tract or parcel of land in Audrain Co. MO, the NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.51 Range 9W, also half of the NE 1/4 Sec. (too dark) in same Twp. and range and also Lots (too dark) and 8 in Block No.12 in town of Mexico in Audrain Co., does not warrant title but only conveys their interest in the same. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Martha Ann Duncan. Ack. 28 July 1848 before Lewis Collins and A.C. Respess, J.P. for Mason Co. KY. Certification by John Janisky, Clerk of Mason Co. KY Court, for Augustine C. Respess and Lewis Collins. Certification by James Ashers? presiding Justice of County Court of Mason Co. KY for John Janisky, 28 July 1848. Filed April 23, 1850. Recorded April 23, 1850. (FHL film 968,970)
Deeds v. F-G 1855-1857 (FHL film 968,972)
F-394: James O. Johnston and Mary C. Johnston his wife of town of Mexico, Audrain Co. MO, for $410 paid by Meredith Y. Duncan of afsd, have sold to said party of second part the following described lot of ground or real estate in town of Mexico, known as Lot No.1 in Block No.5, with appurtenances, warrant title. 3 April 1855. /s/ James C. Johnston, M.E. Johnston. Ack. before John P. Clark, Clerk of Circuit Court of Audrain Co. MO, 3 April 1855. Filed for record April 7, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
G-92/93: Stephen Duncan and Catharine A. Duncan his wife have appointed N.P. Minor our attorney to prosecute any suits for us for recovery of any real estate which we may have an interest in, in the counties of Pike, Ralls, Lincoln and Audrain in the state of Missouri or to settle by compromise or otherwise any dispute in reference to said real estate and also to sell and dispose of in fee simple any real estate in which we are interested in the above counties and to make to Edwin Philander? and Daniel Draper Jr. a good warentee deed to the following real estate in Pike Co. MO, Sec.20 Twp.54N R1W containing 360 acres more or less as soon as the said Draper shall comply with the terms and agreements entered into at the time of sale or in his discretion may make to said Draper a deed with a clause of mortgage at any time as our said attorney may see fit ... our said attorney is advised and empowered to sell the said (too dark) for such price as he shall think fit ... and make a deed or conveyance ... 28 Nov. 1855. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Cathn. A. Duncan. Wit. Charlotte B. Davis, S.M. Davis. Ack. 17 Dec. 1855 before Robert W. Wood, a Commissioner for Missouri resident in the City of Natches, Adams Co. MS. Filed for record August 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
G-95/96: Stephen Duncan and Catharine Duncan his wife and Elisa Fisk widow of the late Alvarez Fisk dec. and St... Fisk testamentary executor of the late Alvarez with power by last will to sell and convey real estate in consideration of Ansy H. Fike having executed to us a quit claim deed for NE 1/4 23 T52N R5W, we convey to said Ansey H. Fike all the interest we may have to the following ..., to wit, the W 1/2 SE qr Sec.30 also SW qr. Sec. (too dark) and W 1/2 NE qr. Sec.31 Twp.51? (57?) R5W containing 243 acres more or less. 30 Jan. 1856. /s/ Stephen Duncan, Catharine Duncan, Elisa W. Fisk, Stewart N. Fisk, by N.P. Minor their attorney. Certification 1 Feb. 1856, in Pike Co. MO for N.P. Minor by Benj. F. Hegker?, Clerk of Louisiana Co. Court of Pleas, Pike Co. MO. Filed for Record Aug. 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972; center column too dark from tight binding)
G-96/97: Ausey H. Fike and Mary A. Fike of Audrain Co. MO for $1 paid by Stephen Duncan and the legal representatives of Aloasis Fisk, deceased, have quit claimed to said Stephen Duncan and legal reps. of said Alvarez Fisk the following real estate in said Audrain Co., the NE 1/4 Sec.23 T52N R5W containing 160 acres more or less, 15 Feb. 1856. /s/ Ausey H. Fike, Mary Ann Fike. Ack. 15 Feb. 1856 before James Pharr, J.Peace of Audrain Co. MO. Filed for record Aug. 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
G-97/98: Jared D. Fyler of Adams Co. MS for his right in equity and $1 paid by Stephen Duncan of afsd, sell and quit claim to said Stephen Duncan my interest as well as in possession or in expectancy for one undivided third part of following tracts of land with buildings and other improvements, to wit, a tract of land in Ralls Co. MO, being the NE 1/4 and ? E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp. (too dark) N of Range 5W, the same conveyed by (too dark) Herrick and wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed 11 (too dark) 1837 and recorded in Ralls Co. Book C pg.194?; also a tract of land in Pike Co. state last afsd, being a part of fractional Sec.20 Twp.54N Range 1W containing 360 acres and is the same conveyed to Ja(too dark) D. Fyler by Isaac Herrick & wife by deed May 25, 18(too dark) recorded in Pike Co. Book E pg. 123 and 124 and is known as the Jones Farms; also a tract of land in said Pike Co. being the 1/2 of NW 1/4 fractional Sec.20 Twp.54N Range 1 containing 40 acres more or less conveyed to Jared D. Fyler by Herrick & wife by deed Jan. 1, 1836, recorded Pike Co. Book pg 48; also the remaining half of fractional NW 1/4 Sec.20 Twp. (too dark) as will appear by deed by the same to the same recorded Pike Co. Book E pg (blank); also following tracts entered by said Isaac Herrick at land office in Palmyra, MO, by following certificates dated July 19, 1836, to wit, Certificate No.14730 for (too dark) hundred 20 acres, Certificate No.14728 for 2,400 acres, Cert. No. 14731 for 1451-29/100 acres; Certificate No.14729 for 320 acres; certificate No. 14913 for 100 acres; also by certificate dated Aug. 1836 No. (too dark) 240 acres; Certificate No.15167 for ?hundred 69-13/100 acres; all of said lands in said certificates is the same conveyed by afsd Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed August 1836 recorded in said Pike Co. F pg.378, also a tract of land in Lincoln (too dark) state last afsd containing 800 arpens and is the same tract of land conveyed to said Isaac Herrick by James Sims and wife by deed Aug. 8, 1836, recorded in Lincoln Co. Book D pg 189 & 190, also following lots of land in town of Louisianna in said Pike Co., to wit, a lot having a front of 16 feet and depth 120 feet in Block No. 17 said lot being No.94, also 2 lots in said block being No.153 and 154, ...60 feet front and 120 feet deep and is the same conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed March 23, 1837, recorded Pike Co. Book E pg 181 and 182; also tract of land in Pike Co. State of Illinois, to wit, Sec. No.7 Twp.5S Range 4W containing 734.29 acres, the E 1/2 Sec.12 Twp.5S Range 2W of 4th principle meridian being the same land conveyed by Robert W. Taylor and wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed 30 Oct. 1839 recorded in Pike Book No.16 pg 172 & 173. /s/ 22 Feb. 1849, J.D. Fyler. Ack. 21 July 1852 before Samuel Wood, Clerk of Circuit Court of Adams Co. MS. Filed for record Aug. 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
G-99/101: Jared D. Fyler and Sarah wife of said Jared D., residence of Adams Co. MS, have sold to Stephen Duncan of Adams Co. MS and Alvares Fisk of City of New Orleans, State of Louisianna, all our interest to following tracts of land in state of Missouri; tract in Ralls Co., being NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.51N Range 5W, being the same tract conveyed by Isaac Harrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed March 11, 1837, recorded in Ralls Co. Book C pg.194 & 195; another tract in Pike Co., being part of fractional Sec.20 Twp.54N Range 1W containing 360 acres known as the Jones Farm being the same conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed ... 25, 1836, recorded in Pike Co. Book E? pg.123 & 124; another tract in Pike Co., being 1/2 NW 1/4 fractional Sec. (too dark) Twp.54N Range 1W containing 40 acres more or less, being the same conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed Jan. 1, 1836, recorded in Pike Co. Book E? pg.48;
also the remaining half of said fractional NW? 1/4 Sec.20 above described conveyed by Isaac Herrick & wife to said Jared D. Fyler by deed March 7, 1837, recorded in Pike Co. Book (too dark ...) at the land office in Palmyra, MO, as they appear by the following mentioned cert. dated July 19, 1836, to wit, No.14928 for 2,x00 acres; No.14,729, for 320 acres; No.14,730 for 15,020 acres; No.14,731 for 14,051-29/100 acres; No.14913 for 160 acres; certificates dated Aug. 12, 1836 for 240 acres; No.15167 for 169-13/100 acres; all of said lands having been conveyed by said Herrick & wife to said Tyler by deed Aug. 1836, recorded in Pike Co. Book (too dark) pg.378;
excepting from this conveyance the interest of Fyler in the following described tracts embraced in those certificates & situated in Audrain Co., the E 1/2 Sec.24, N 1/2 Sec.27, S 1/2 Sec.9, E 1/2? of SW 1/4 Sec.24, all in Sec.? 26, Twp.52, Range 5; also NE 1/4 Sec.30, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.29, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.31, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.33, N 1/2 Sec.30, S 1/2 Sec.19, and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.30; and this exception made convey to said Duncan & Fisk;
also the interest of said Fyler as afsd to following tracts of land in state of MO, tract of land in Lincoln Co. containing 800 arpens, being conveyed to said Herrick by James Sims & wife by deed Aug. 8, 1836, recorded in Lincoln Co. Book D pg.189 & 190 & by Herrick to Fyler;
also lots in town of Louisianna, Pike Co., to wit, lot having front of 16 feet running back 120 feet, being lot No.94 in Block 17; also lots No.153 & 154 in said block, ..., each a front of 60 feet by a depth of 120 feet, conveyed by said Herrick & wife to said Fyler by deed March 23, 1837, recorded in Pike Co. Book E pg. 181 & 182;
it is declared that the interest herein conveyed is the undivided third part of said tracts of land excepting only those above excepted, the other undivided 2/3 of all of said lands having been previously conveyed to said Duncan & said Fisk by deed from said Fyler to them dated Feb. 22, 1849. Now for $1 paid by said Duncan & Fisk, by quit-claim by said Duncan & Fisk unto Jared D. Fyler Junior and Agness?? H. Fyler, residents of St. Louis Co., MO, all their interest in a tract of land in Pike County, State of IL, Sec.7 Twp.5S Range ? West containing 734-29/100 acres, and E 1/2 & SW 1/4 Sec.12 Twp.5S Range 5W, being the same tract conveyed by Rolin W. ?? & wife to Jared D. Fyler by deed Oct. 30, 1839, recorded in Pike Co. Book 16 pg. 473, the said undivided 2/3 of said tract have been conveyed to said Duncan & Fisk by said Fyler by deed Feb. 22, 1849. 23 June 1852, /s/ J.D. Fyler. Ack. 21 June 1852 before Samuel Wood, Clerk of Adams Co. MS Circuit Court. Filed for record Aug. 29, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
G-214/215: Silas Wilson of Audrain Co. MO for $175 paid by Merritt Y. Duncan of Audrain Co. MO, sell real estate in Audrain Co. MO, Lot No.2 in Block No.5 in original town of Mexico in Audrain Co., warrant title. 3 Nov. 1856. /s/ Silas Wilson. Ack. 3 Nov. 1856 before John P. Clark, Clerk of Circuit Court of Audrain Co. MO. Filed for record November 3, 1856. (FHL film 968,972)
G-555/556: Merritt Y. Duncan and Mary Duncan his wife of Audrain Co. MO for $200 paid by John W. Ricketts of Audrain Co. MO, sell real estate in Audrain Co. MO, part of N 1/2 of NW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.51 Range 9 but better known as commencing at stone at SW corner of the land owned by A.J. Harbison, then west to the line between C.P. Wades land and Paul Abuts land, then with said line 80 yards to a stone, then east to the NW corner of said A.J. Harbison's land, then south 80 yards to point of commencement, containing in all 3 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. 7 Feb. 1857. /s/ M.Y. Duncan, Mary Duncan. Ack. before Silas Wilson, Clerk of Audrain Co. MO Circuit Court, 6 March 1857. Filed for record April 7, 1857. (FHL film 968,972)
Deeds v. H-I 1857-1858 (FHL film 968,973)
H-535/536: Curtis P. Wade and Cordelia C. Wade his wife of Audrain Co. MO for $300 paid by M.Y. Duncan of Audrain Co. state afsd, sell real estate in Audrain Co. MO, part of N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.51 Range 9W, and better described, beg. at a set at No.12 in Survey 546 records of County Survey or Rim?, then W 16.68 chaines to a stone set at 2, then North 80 yards to a stone set at 22, then east 16.50 chains to a stone set at 20, then south 80 yards to point of commencement, containing in all 6 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. 6 Nov. 1857. /s/ Curtis P. Wade, Cordelia C. Wade. Ack. 6 Nov. 1857 before C.R. Ward, J.P. of Audrain Co. MO. Filed for record Nov. 16, 1857. (FHL film 968,973)
H-536/537: M.Y. Duncan and Mary Duncan his wife of Audrain Co. MO for $450 paid, sell to John Smith of Audrain Co. real estate in Audrain Co. MO, part of N 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.26 Twp.51 Range 9W, described as beg. at a stone set at No.12 in Survey No.546 records of county surveyor, then W 16.68 chaines to a stone set at 2, then N 80 yards to a stone set at 22, then east 16.50 chains to a stone set at 20, then south 80 yards to point of commencement containing in all 6 acres more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. 2 Nov. 1857. /s/ M.Y. Duncan, Mary Duncan. Ack. before C.R. Ward, J.P. of Audrain Co. MO, 2 Nov. 1857. Filed for record Nov. 16, 1857. (FHL film 968,973)
1884 "The Bench and Bar of Missouri Cities" by H.C. Cooper Jr. & Co. (from Kit Smith 7/1983)
Pgs.103-104: MERRITT Y. DUNCAN, Mexico. Merritt Young Duncan, a member of the Audrain county bar for twenty years, is a native of this state, and was born in Callaway county, July 18, 1830. His father was Joseph Curd Duncan, a farmer, and a native of Buckingham Co. VA, and his mother was Nancy (Madox) Duncan, born in Prince Edward county, that state. His grandfather, Edward Duncan, was in the continental army, and died the same year with General Washington, 1799. Merritt was educated in part in his native county, and in part at the Eureka College, Illinois, taking a partial course, including the classics. He has wisely kept up part of his studies, and he reads Virgil, Cicero, Caesar, etc., with fluency.
In 1856 Mr. Duncan was elected clerk of Audrain county, and served in that capacity a period of five years, reading law at the same time. He was admitted to practice in October, 1863, and has made an honorable record at the county bar. He is a good advocate, above the average; is well read, not only in law, but in history and general literature, having quite a scholarly turn of mind.
Mr. Duncan was public administrator of the county in 1862-64, the only civil or political office, we understand, that he has ever held. His politics are democratic, though on one or two occasions he has voted the greenback or national ticket. He was president of the Mexico Savings Bank from 1871 to 1876.
Mr. Duncan has been a member of the Christian or Disciple Church since twenty years of age, and is living a life consistent with his profession. He was for years an elder of the church.
He was married October 25, 1854, to Miss Mary Baskett, of Fulton, Callaway county, and they have four children, two daughters and two sons. Sarah Caroline, the older daughter, is the wife of John Frederick Llewellyn, druggist, Mexico, and the older son, Thurston Baskett, is clerk in the same drug store. The other two children, Walter Curd and Mary Edna, are young and attending school.
(MAD: John Frederick Llewellyn married in 1879 to Miss Sarah Caroline Duncan, daughter of Merritt Young Duncan, for 47 years a prominent Audrain County lawyer, editor, banker and realtor; from pg.214, "Centennial History of Audrain Co." (MO) by Herschel Schooley, 1937, FHL book 977.833 H2s and film 1,000,307 item 9)
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