Duncan research files of |
1830 Decatur Co. IN Census Pg.399 Allen Duncan 1100,01 - 0010,01 1840 Decatur Co. IN Census Pg.177 Martin Duncan 0000,1000,1 - 0000,101 Salt Creek 199 Burris, Elijah H. 0001,1010,001 - 0001,001 Rev. Pensioner Edward Duncan age 83 239 Allen Duncan 0011,001 - 0000,101 Mixed Twp 240 Frances Duncan 0011,1 - 0011,101
1850 Decatur Co. IN Census
Fucit Twp.
Pg.82, #322, Martin DUNCAN 72 PA farmer $3200
Mary A. 60 KY
(MAD: mar. Mary Ann Henry ca 12/2/1810 in Fleming Co. KY; from Mason Co. KY)
Washington Twp.
Pg.167, #41-43, James M. DUNCAN 20 KY farmer $500
Nancy 29 KY
William H. 7 IN
(MAD: son of Fanny Duncan; James M. Duncan mar. Nancy Hart 8/16/1842, mar. 2nd Lourinda T. Baxter 6/28/1892; son William Henry Duncan mar. Catherine Cook 9/28/1867, in Co.D, 134th IN Vol.Inf., had uncle John Duncan of Decatur Co. IN age 57 in 1886 who lived in Boone Co. IN 1865 to 1870, from pension record from Linda Tillman 11/1992)
Pg.167, #42-44, Fanny (f) 46 KY
Narcissa AMERINAN? 25 KY
William H. 3, James W. 1 IN
(MAD: Fanny has no last name or ditto marks; Frances Loyd, widow of John Duncan, mar. 9/8/1815 Madison Co. KY; one Merit Duncan, minor heir of John Duncan decd, had guardian James Loyd appointed 7/8/1830, in Probate Order Book A-174; from pg.16, "Court Records of Decatur Co. IN 1822-1848" by Maurice Holmes; FHL book 977.216 P2c)
Pg.168, #58-60, James MORGAN 48 KY farmer $7200
Eliza S. 48 KY
Nancy E. 19, Eliza E. 17 KY
Henry A. 15, Lucretia A. 13 KY
Conway LANHAM (m) 20 KY laborer
John DUNCAN 22 IN laborer
Pg.172, #119, Allen DUNCAN 55 NC farmer $9000
Elizabeth 55 KY
Anderson 29, Thomas 24 KY
(MAD: from Shelby Co. KY 1818)
1860 Decatur Co. IN Census (pg.674 also from Linda Tillman 11/1992)
Washington Twp.
Pg.674, #449-449, James M. DUNCAN 39 KY farmer $3500-$1000
Nancy 38 KY
William H. 16 IN
Pg.694, #451-451, John DUNCAN 31 IN farming $0-$250
Mary 25 IN
George M. 7, James M. 6 IN
John A. 3 IN
(MAD: mar. Mary Williams 2/10/1852)
Pg.708, #553-553, Anderson DUNCAN 39 KY farmer $9,850-$1,625
Margaret A. 25 IN
Thomas J. 2 IN
Pg.731, #718-718, Allen DUNCAN 63 VA farmer $20,220-$4,200
Elizabeth 63 KY
Thomas 32 KY (blank) $0-$700
1870 Decatur Co. IN Census
Washington Twp. (names written first name first)
Pg.185, #157-157, Wm. CROUCH 23 TN blacksmith $0-$0
Nancy CROUCH 20 KY house keeper
Martha A. 20 TN
Margt. A. DUNCAN 16 KY
James HENRY 18 KY com. labor
Pg.210, #563-563, John DUNCAN 40 IN farmer $0-$0
Mary E. 36 IN housekeeper
Geo. W. 18, James 16, John A. 13 IN
Thos. J. 9, Wm. 4 IN
Pg.211, #586-586, J.M. DUNCAN (m) 50 KY (white) farmer $7000-$500
Nancy 48 KY H.
Henry 27 IN farmer
Catherine 25 IN house keeper
John E. 1 IN
Pg.215, #644-644, Allen DUNCAN 75 VA farmer $20,000-$1000
Elizabeth 76 KY
Thos. 23 KY
Decatur Co. IN Wills (Index on FHL film 1,516,994)
2-500: Duncan, Allen, will dated 8 July 1875, probate 11 Dec. 1876, wit. Thomas Hamilton, Nathan R. Moulton.
3-136: Duncan, Jane, 19 Aug. 1871, 17 May 1882, wit. Samuel H. and Mary T. Weed
Decatur Co. IN Wills
2-500: 8 July 1875, Allen Duncan of Decatur Co. IN, advanced age; to son Thomas M. Duncan all land owned by me and not otherwise disposed of in S 1/2 Sec. 14 Twp 10N Range 9E; balance of real and personal estate to wife Elizabeth Duncan and son Thomas M. Duncan jointly; administrator to give of money or effects [to] Eliza Ann Updike and Anderson Duncan, two of my beloved children, $100 each. Wit. Thomas Hamilton, N.R. Moulton, L.R. Perry. (no executor or administrator named) 21 July 1875, Anderson Duncan, one of heirs of Allen Duncan who died (blank) day of July 1875, said that Allen Duncan was not of sound mind, but was debilitated by age and disease. 9 Aug. 1875, Nathan Moulton and Leonard R. Perry said that Allen Duncan was of sound mind when he signed the will. Recorded 11 Dec. 1876. (FHL film 1,521,206)
3-136: 19 Aug. 1871, Marion Twp, Boon (sic) Co., Jennet Duncan commonly known as Jane Duncan, at present date of Marion Twp. Boon Co. IN, advanced in age; all to United Presbyterian Church (two individual $500 bequests and also residue). Appoint friend Andrew G. Weed of Marion Twp. Boon Co. IN executor. Wit. Samuel H. Weed, Mary T. Weed. Proved in Decatur Co. IN court 12 May 1882. (FHL film 1,521,207)
Decatur Co. IN Estates Index 1855-1913 by box # (FHL film 1,516,993 item 3)
(MAD: copied even though boxes aren't filmed. Martin was living in 1858)
Duncan, Elizabeth, Box 7, ?- March 1871, "C.P." Court
Duncan, Jane, Box 6, Feb. 1884, Circuit Court
Duncan, Elizabeth, Box 25, Sept. 1877
Duncan, Allen, Box 25, Sept. 1877
Duncan, Thomas M., Box 28 (no date)
Duncan, Jane, (no box or date) "30-176"
Duncan, Anderson, Box 29, Sept. 1891
(None earlier, several later not copied)
Decatur Co. IN Partition index 1839-1918 (FHL film 1,517,217 item 2)
Duncan, Mary vs. Thomas Duncan, Box 209, "no record of" (ca or after 1900)
No others
Decatur Co. IN Deed Indexes
Grantors 1822-1845 (FHL film 1,522,176)
A-36: Duncan, Allen to James H. Holmes, 13 Jan. 1840, $325, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 35 T11 R11, 80a
I/J-529: Duncan, Allen to Addison Morrison, receipt, 25 Aug. 1840
K-53: Duncan, Martin to William Duncan, 24 Aug. 1841, $1000, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 33 T12 R10, 80a
M-19: Duncan, William to Enos P. Crawford, warranty, 20 March 1844, L$700, N 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 33 T12 R10, 80a
M-148: Duncan, James M. to Henry M. Clemmons, 26 Oct. 1844, $53, part E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 20a
Grantors, 1845-1857 (FHL film 1,522,176)
N-598: Duncan, Wm. & others to Palmer & Simmons, 9 May 1846, $50, part NE 1/4 Sec. 31 T12 R10, 2a
S-81: Duncan, James M. to Wm. D. Roszelle, Dec. 1850, $110, SE of NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 40a
S-83: Duncan, John to Tillman Baily, Jan. 1850, $75, part E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 20a
T-267: Duncan, Harvey to John S. Mourice, March 1852, $100, 43.46a, square 22 in Milford
T-305: Duncan, Allen to Joseph Ketchen, May 1852, $466, part S 1/2 Sec 14 T10 R9, 46.96a
T-401: Duncan, Anderson to Allen Duncan, Sept. 1852, $250, SE of SW 1/4 Sec. 35 T11 R10, 40a
U-446: Duncan, Allen to Anderson Duncan, Aug. 1852, $2320, part SW 1/4 Sec. 14 T10 R9, 149.38a
V-4: Duncan, James M. to E.D. Hart, Dec. 1853, $200, N 1/2 E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 40a
V-90: Duncan, James M. to Peter Wilkinson, Jan. 1854, $475, SW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 11 T10 R (illeg.), 40a
V-300: Duncan, Anderson to Richard Wright, March 1854, $1200 ($200?), SW of NE 1/4 Sec. 19 T10 R9, 40a
W-402: Duncan, Anderson to F. Vandelbur, May 1855, $600, SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec 4 T9 R9, 40a
X-545: Duncan, Jas. M. to John Saunders, Sept. 12, 1856, $100, W 1/2 NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 20a
U/Y-399: Duncan, Anderson to Linus Waminer, 1 Nov. 1855, $1000, part lot #47 in Greensburg
Y-562: Duncan, William to Michael & Wm. Cline, Aug. 24, 1857, $775, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 35 T10 R10, 40a, and 15a
Grantors 1857-1864, Vol.3 (FHL film 1,522,176)
No Duncan "heirs" or similar wording
Z-74: Duncan, Anderson to Daniel Denham, Nov. 5, 1857, $667, in sec., Sec. 23 T10 R9, 6.75a
Z-374: Duncan, Allen to Eliza A. Updike, 16 Feb. 1856, $2000, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10 40a; and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 36 T11 R10 40a; and NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10 40a
1-330: Duncan, Martin to Thos. D. Henry, 27 Aug. 1857, $500, part SE 1/4 Sec. 34 T12 R10, 103.68a
1-429: Duncan, Allen to George Fletcher, 7 Feb. 1852, $600, part SE 1/4 Sec. 14 T10 R9, 56.45a
1-640: Duncan, Martin to William Duncan, 27 Aug. 1858, $2700, in sec., Sec. 34, T12 R10, 62.34a
3-178: Duncan, Anderson to Lewis H. Sammons, 17 Nov. 1860, $3000, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 30 T10 R10, 75a
5-180: Duncan, Allen to Anderson Duncan, 15 Jan. 1863, $1, part SW 1/4 Sec. 14 T10 R9, 149.38a
Quit on grantors
Grantor index 1864-1873, Vol.4 (FHL film 1,522,176)
No Duncan "heirs" or similar wording
Grantees 1822-1845 (FHL film 1,522,177; see above for Duncan grantors)
A-111: Duncan, Martin from Jesse Cain, 11 Oct. 1824, $600, SE 1/4 Sec. 34 T12 R10 (no acres)
A-316: Duncan, Allen from Jacob Underwood, 6 May 1826, $200, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 34 T11 R10, 80a
E-520: Duncan, Martin from Lyon & Morrow, 10 Sept. 1836, $550, E NE 1/4 Sec. 33 T12 R10, 80a
Grantees 1845-1857 (FHL film 1,522,178)
O-306: Duncan, Allen from John H. Holmes, 2 Aug. 1847, $300, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec. 35 T11 R10, 80a
R-210: Duncan, James M. from Rufus King, June 1850, $200, N 1/2 E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 40a
S-80: Duncan, James M. from James M. Smith, Oct. 1840 (sic), $65, SE of NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 40a
S-82: Duncan, John from H.M. Clemmens, Sept. 1849, $75, part E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 20a
S-127: Duncan, Allen from Henry J. Sallee?, Dec. 1850, $195, NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 36 T11 R10, 40a
S-509: Duncan, Harvey from J.D. Hanks, Nov. 1851, $100, 43.46a Milford
S-517: Duncan, Allen from Joseph Dodds, April 1850, $3200, S 1/2 Sec. 14 T10 R9
T-395: Duncan, Anderson from Samuel Vanhorn, Sept. 1852, $800, N 1/2 W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 23 T10 R9 (no acres)
V-3: Duncan, Anderson from John Simpson, Nov. 1852, $1000, SW of NE 1/4 Sec. 14 T10 R9, 40a
V-91: Duncan, James M. from E.D. Gart, Jan. 1854, $200, SE of NE 1/4 Sec. 15 T10 R10, 30 (sic) acres
V-104: Duncan, Allen from Henry Starks, Oct. 1853, $350, NE of SW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10, 40a
W-103: Duncan, Allen from J.H. Perkins, Dec. 1854, $1250, NW of NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10 and SW of SW 1/4 Sec 35 T11 R10, 83.33a
W-395: Duncan, Anderson from Jno. Burk, Dec. 1855, $478, SE of SE 1/4 Sec. 4 T9 R9, 40a
W-401: Duncan, Anderson from F. Vanderbur, May 1855, $1200, part lot 47 in Greensburg
W-686: Duncan, Anderson from Thomas Kitchen, Nov. 1855, $494, part E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec 23 T10 R9, 6-3/4a
W-687: Duncan, Anderson from D.F. Blackmore, Dec. 1855, $160, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 30 T10 R10, 72a
X-225: Duncan, Wm. from Elias Conwell, Sept. 1855, $500, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 16 T9 R10, 40a
X-437: Duncan, Wm. from Alexr. W. McClanahan, 9 June 1856, $3000, part NE 1/4 Sec. 36 T12 R10, 91.75a
Quit on James M. Duncan
Y-561: Duncan, William from E. Conwell (sic), 24 Nov. 1856, $1000, SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 35 T10 R10, 40a and 15a
Grantees 1857-1864 (FHL film 1,522,178)
Did not copy James M. Duncan
4-434: Duncan, Anderson from sheriff; sheriff's sale of land of Truman Higgs, 15 May 1862, $100, undivided 1/3 of SE 1/2 SE 1/2 Sec. 14 T9 R8, 40a
5-114: Duncan, Allen from Jas. R. and Robt. Morrow, 30 Dec. 1862, $1100, NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10, 43.22a; and SE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10, 10a; and NE 1/4 SE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10 R10, 10a
Decatur Co. IN Deeds
K-53: 24 Aug. 1841, Martin Duncan and wife Mary Ann to William Duncan, both Decatur Co. IN, $1000, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 33, Twp 12N Range 10E, 80 acres. Wit. Nathan Brison. (FHL film 1,521,685)
M-19: 20 March 1844, William Duncan of Rush Co. IN to Enos P. Crawford of Decatur Co. IN, $700, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 33, T12N, R10E, 80 acres. /s/ William Duncan, Rosanna P. Duncan. Wit. Cyrus Henry. (FHL film 1,521,686)
N-597: 9 May 1846, David C. Mitchell and wife Nancy S. and William Duncan and wife Rosannah P., to Fenner W. Palmer and Rials Simmons of Rush Co. IN, $50, NE corner Sec. 31 T12 R10, 2 acres. (FHL film 1,521,686)
S-83: 1 Jan. 1850, John Duncan of Decatur Co. IN to Tighlman Baily of same, $75, NE corner E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 22 T10 R10, 20 acres. Wit. Richard C. Talbott. No wife. (FHL film 1,521,688)
S-84: 3 April 1850, Tilghman (X) Baily and wife Martha (X) to William D. Roszell, all Decatur Co. IN, $85, above land. (FHL film 1,521,688)
S-509: 3 Nov. 1851, Jeptha D. Hauks to Harvey Duncan, both Decatur Co. IN, $100, lots 43 and 46 in block 22 in town of Milford. (FHL film 1,521,689)
T-267: 15 March 1852, Harvey Duncan and wife Mary Ellen to John L. Mourie, $100, lots 43 and 46 in block 22 in town of Milford. (FHL film 1,521,689)
T-401: 30 Sept. 1852, Anderson Duncan (no wife) to Allen Duncan, both Decatur Co. IN, $250, SE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 35 T11N R10E, 40 acres. No wit.
U-446: 13 Aug. 1852, Allen Duncan to Anderson Duncan, $2320, part of SW 1/4 Sec. 14 T10N R9E in SW corner, 149.38 acres. No wife, no wit. (FHL film 1,521,690)
V-4: 26 Dec. 1853, James M. (X) Duncan and wife Nancy (X) of Decatur Co. IN to E.D. Hart of same, $190, N 1/2 E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec. 22 Twp 10 Range 10. Wit. Joel (C) Colson, Robert (C) Flour. (FHL film 1,521,690)
Z-374: 16 Feb. 1856, Allen Duncan and wife Elizabeth to Eliza Ann Updike, $2000, NW 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10N R10E; and NW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 36 T11N R10E, 40 acres; and NE 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec. 2 T10N R10E, 40 acres, and right of a cart way from SE corner of above land to corner of the lot of 3 acres now occupied as a steam mill. (FHL film 1,521,691)
1-330: 27 Aug. 1858, Martin Duncan to Thomas D. Henry, $4,500.00, at SW corner of SE 1/4 Sec. 34, T12N R10E, corner William Duncan's bearing tree, 103.68 acres. No wife, no wit. (FHL film 1,521,691)
1-640: 27 Aug. 1858, Martin Duncan to William Duncan, $2,700.00, NW corner SE 1/4 Sec. 34 T12N R10E, 62.34 acres. No wife, no wit. (FHL film 1,521,691)
EDWARD DUNKAN, Rev. Pension Application S-7384 (S-17268), MD, NC, IN (FHL film 970,867; National Archives Roll 867)
Applied 23 Oct. 1832, age 73, in Decatur Co. IN; b. 1759 in Frederick Co. MD; drafted for 3 months in spring 1778 in Rowan Co. NC under Capt. Joseph Craig, Col. Francis Lock/Lick, Gen. Rutherford; drafted for 3 months in spring 1781 in Rowan Co. near Salisbury where he then lived under Capt. Thorp, Gen. Davison; witnesses James Loyed, Jesse McPherson and Hardin Loyd of Decatur Co. IN.
(MAD: one Edward Duncan mar. Bethena Tomlinson 12/14/1829; Bethany Duncan sued for divorce because he abandoned her having sold much of the personal property belonging to her; granted 4/1831; in Complete Record Book B-293; from pg.410, "Court Records of Decatur Co. IN 1822-1848" by Maurice Holmes; FHL book 977.216 P2c)
Click here for more from the pension application file.
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Henry, alias Duncan, William H., widow Duncan, Catherine A.; D 134 Ind. Inf.; 1885 Oct. 10, Invalid Appl. #551655, Cert. #444502; 1910 Jan. 12, Widow Appl. #933641, Cert. #696454, Ind. (MAD: 1850 Decatur Co. IN census)
Boone Co. IN Deeds (FHL film 1,320,078)
1-273: 24 Jan. 1857, George W. (X) Williams and wife Drucilla to John Duncan, all Boone Co. IN, quit claim for $155, 30 acres off E. end S 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.33 T19 R1E.
1-273: 28 Feb. 1857, John Duncan and wife Mary Elizabeth (X) of Decatur Co. IN to John Williams of Boone Co. IN, quit claim for $190, 30 acres off E. end S 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.33 T19 R1E.
Rush Co. IN Deeds 1822-1853
C-547: 10 Dec. 1830, James Halsey and wife Elizabeth of Franklin Co. IN to Martin Duncan of Decatur Co. IN, $400, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.26 T12 R10 in Brookville Dist., being 80 acres. Wit. Daniel Pushey?, Urban Edgeston (FHL film 1,617,342)
K-541: 13 Dec. 1840, Martin Duncan and wife Mary Ann of Decatur Co. IN to Gilbert McCreary of Decatur Co. IN, $1500, 80 acres, being W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.26 T12 R10. Wit. Samuel Huston, Jack Hite. (FHL film 1,617,345)
M-242: 8 Feb. 1842, Gilbert McCrery and wife Mary Ann of Rush Co. IN to Martin Duncan of Decatur Co. IN, $1500, W 1/2 SW 1/4, being the same more or less (Sec.26 T12 R10, 80 acres given in index but not in deed). Wit. Henry Graham, Joseph? White. (FHL film 1,617,346)
N-140: 23 Sept. 1833, Stephen Sharp and wife Rebecca of Rush Co. IN to William Duncan of Decatur Co. IN, $1896, 158 acres, being E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.29 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.28, both T12 R10 in District of Brookside. Wit. Jacob Hite, David Munns?. (FHL film 1,617,347)
O-352: 15 Jan. 1845, Martin Duncan and wife Mary Ann of Decatur Co. IN to James A. Stephenson of Rush Co. IN, $1000, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.26 T12 R10, being 80 acres. Wit. David C. Mitchell, Samuel Henry. (FHL film 1,617,347)
Wabash Co. IN Deeds
B-232: 21 Nov. 1836, William Duncan of Decatur Co. IN to William Henry of Fleming Co. KY, for $400, SE 1/4 Sec.11 Twp.26N Range 7E, ... deed of lands sold at Fort Wayne, IN, ... containing 160 acres. (no wife). Wit: Samuel Bryan, Nathaniel Patton. (FHL film 2,367,853)
I-108: 25 Oct. 1843, Martin Duncan of Decatur Co. IN to Robert Davis of Rush Co. IN, $200, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.26N Range 8E. /s/ Martin Duncan, Mary Ann Duncan. Ack. Decatur Co. IN. (FHL film 626,447)
Linn Co. IA Deeds
K-403: 1 Nov. 1855, Lewis Warriner to Anderson Duncan, no localities, $1000 (ten hundred dollars), NW 1/4 Sec.17 T83N R8W, 160 acres; no wit.; Warriner appeared Decatur Co. IN. (FHL film 984,696) (MAD: indexed 1854, Andrew Dunkin)
L-289: 29 Dec. 1855, Anderson Duncan of Decatur Co. IN to David F. Blackmore of Decatur Co. IN, for $1200 (twelve hundred dollars), NW 1/4 Sec.17 T83N R8W, 160 acres; no wife; wit. Cortez Ewing; Duncan appeared before Putnam Ewing; recorded Decatur Co. IN. (FHL film 984,697)
Jasper Co. IL Deeds
G-528: "Edward" E. Smith to "Samuel" Duncan, crossed out, to "Daniel" Duncan. 20 April 1856, Edmund (later Edward) E. Smith and wife Rebeca P. Smith of Jasper Co. IL to Daniel Duncan of Decatur Co. IN, for $30, lot in Jasper Co. IL in town of New Liberty, lot 28. /s/ E.E. Smith, R.P. Smith. Wit. Thomas Neal JP. Recorded 25 April 1856, said "Edward" E. Smith. (FHL film 1,311,827)
Fleming Co. KY Deeds
P-509: 2 March 1830, John Cash of Fleming Co. KY and George Cash of Mason Co. KY to Martin Duncan of Decatur Co. IN, $1, 75 acres on Flat fork of Johnson, line of Hugh & William Campbells heir to Robert Campbell assignee of William H. (tight binding), line of Ambrose Waldon's 1,333-1/3 acre survey, John Waldon's survey; promissory note for $750 in gold or silver paid yearly 1831 to 1836. No wives. Wit. James Morris, Joseph Duncan, James R. Rungan. Rec. on oaths of James Morris and Joseph Duncan. (FHL film 343,980)
Q-261: 25 Oct. 1830, Martin Duncan and wife Mary Ann of Decatur Co. IN, to John Cash of Fleming Co. KY and George Cash of Mason Co. KY, $1,500, 75 acres on Johnson fork of Licking, the above land. Rec. in Decatur Co. IN. (FHL film 343,981)
Mason Co. KY Deed (FHL film 281,800)
37-128/132: 14 Nov. 1831, Martin Duncan and Mary Ann Duncan his wife of Decatur Co. IN to Joseph Duncan of Mason Co. KY, for $100 paid, sold to said Joseph Duncan all his interest, which is 1/9 undivided part of a tract of land in Mason Co. KY on the waters of Johnsons Fork of Licking containing 178 acres and 27 poles and bounded beginning near the corner of David Duncan's orchard then south 38-1/2? degrees east 138 and 40 poles to a stake corner to John Prod? (Road?), then ... 351? poles to ... in William Dyer's lane, then ... to the beginning, which was conveyed to David Duncan by Thomas Bodly and wife by deed 3 Oct. 1820 which is on record in Mason Co. KY for 200 acres formerly purchased by David Duncan from Arthur Fox out of Jacob Johnsons settlement and whereon the said Joseph Duncan now lives and which interest or undivided ninth part the said Martin Duncan is entitled to as heir and devisee of the said David Duncan now deceased, ... containing all the said Martin Duncan's interest in the same to him the said Joseph Duncan, the said Martin Duncan does not warrant title but only conveys his interest. /s/ Martin Duncan, Mary Ann Duncan. State of Indiana, Decatur Co., Henry H. Tabbott, Clerk of Decatur Co. certified that Samuel Bryan and William Fowler Esquires before whom the foregoing deed of conveyance appear to have been acknowledged and who has certified the same. Decatur Co. IN, 14 Nov. 1831, appeared before two Justices of the Peace of said county, the within named Martin Duncan and Mary Ann Duncan his wife ... and acknowledged the signing of the same to be their acts, and the said Mary Ann Duncan wife of the said Martin Duncan released her dower. /s/ 14 November 1831, /s/ William Fowler, Samuel Bryan, Justices of the Peace, attest William Fowler. State of Indiana, Decatur Co., Clerk of Decatur Circuit Court certification re Samuel Bryan and William Fowler Esquires, 14 Nov. 1831. Mason Co. KY, Marshall Key, Clerk of the County Court, received the conveyance from Martin Duncan and Mary Ann his wife to Joseph Duncan for record and was recorded 3 April 1832. (FHL film 281,800)
Shelby Co. KY Deed (FHL film 259,243)
O2-119: 1 Oct. 1849, Allen Duncan and wife Elizabeth of Decatur Co. IN to Allen Miner of Shelby Co. KY, for $700 paid and $500 due 4/15/1849, 32 acres on Gists Creek allotted to said Elizabeth Duncan late Elizabeth Minor in division of her father Thos. Miner's land, being lot #6 adj. Thompson, Hanna. Wit. G.H. Dunn (Judge), A.R. Forsyth.
1888 "History of Rush County, Indiana, from the earliest time to the present : with biographical sketches, notes, etc., together with a short history of the northwest, the Indiana Territory, and the state of Indiana" pub. by Brant & Fuller (FHL book 977.261 H2h)
Pg.355-6, Anderson Township: WILLIAM DUNCAN was born in Fleming Co. KY, June 28th, 1815, son of Martin and Mary (Henry) Duncan, and is of Scotch-Irish lineage. The father of our subject, was born October 17, 1777, in Pennsylvania and died in Decatur Co. IN, in 1857. He was the son of David Duncan, who after coming to America, first settled in Pennsylvania in 1765 and afterward, in 1791 removed to Marion Co. KY, where he died in 1827. The mother of our subject was born in Pennsylvania in 1791 and died in Rush Co. IN in the spring of 1855. The Duncan family came to Indiana in 1824 and settled in what is now Decatur County. In 1843 the subject of this sketch came to Rush County and located where he now resides. Mr. Duncan owns 160 acres of good land, which was entered by Stephen Sharp in 1821. Our subject's first marriage occured in May, 1842, the bride being Miss Rosanna Mitchell, a native of Ohio. Mrs. Duncan died in 1865 and in 1867 Mr. Duncan was married to Miss Martha A. Ruddell, a native of Decatur County, born in 1826, a daughter of William and Delilah (Cain) Ruddell. Mr. Duncan was formerly a Whig, but he is now a Republican and for many years has been a faithful member of the United Presbyterian Church. Mrs. Duncan is a member of the Methodist Church. (MAD: Mason Co. KY, not Marion Co.)
1879 "Atlas of Rush Co. IN" by Beers (FHL film 812,507 item 1)
Pg.77: Anderson Township:
Duncan, William, P.O. Spring Hill, Decatur Co.; Sec.28, farmer & stock raiser, born Fleming Co. KY, settled in county 1824.
Duncan, Martha A., Mrs., P.O. Spring Hill, Decatur Co.; Sec.28, born Decatur Co. IN, settled in county 1867.
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