Duncan research files of |
1840-1860 Linn Co. IA Census
No Duncan indexed
1860 Linn Co. IA Census (partial; from Budd L. Duncan 1988)
Pg.160, #?, Joseph DUNGAN 29 OH -$200
Elizabeth 30 OH
Mary E. 10, Benj. F. 7 OH
William 3, Margaret 7/12 IA
Isaac 66 OH $4000-$715
William S. 23 OH -$200
Margaret 3/12 IA
Pg.160, #?, James DUNGAN 41 OH -$100
Esther 16, Isaac N. 14, John W. 12 OH
Rachel 10, Catherine 7, David 5 OH
Pg.172, #?, John DUNGAN 39 OH -$200
Catherine 28 PA
Eli 16, William S. 14, Huldah 12 OH
Jonathan 10, Margaret 8 OH
Isaac 3 IA
(BLD: 1850 Darke Co. OH census)
1870 Linn Co. IA Census
Cedar Rapids, Ward 1, pg.23
Pg.127, #180-190, STEVANS, John W. 33 PA principal seminary $2000-$2300
& family and students, including
DUNCAN, Chas. J. 21 NJ at school
Linn Co. IA Marriage Index
Vol.1, 1840-1855 - no bride index; scanned groom index; no Duncan/Dungan spotted (FHL film 984,046)
Vol.2, 1855-1869 (FHL film 984,047)
Dungan, William S. to Mary Ann Smyth, m. May 1, 1859 by Simeon Bloget, JP
Dungan, William, age 23, to Emily Bliss, age 23, m. Jan. 1, 1862 by W.B. Winston, MG
Theodore H. Rolph, age 21, to Hester Dungan, age 19, m. March 24, 1862, by R.W. Knowles?, JP.
Dungan, Isaac age 68 to Lydia Leach, 63, m. Jan. 24, 1864 by Sheldon D. Logan, JP
Dungan, Huldah age 19 to Peasley? Buick?, age 22, m. Feb. 9, 1867 by R.W. Knowles, JP
Dungan, Rachael, age 17 to Saml. Linsley?, age 24, m. March 9, 1867 by R.W. Knowles JP.
Vol.3, 1869-1884 (FHL film 984,047)
Dungan, Mary E. to George W. Hall, 24 Dec. 1869, wit. C.N. Hall, m. by A. Snyder, min., 25 Dec. 1869.
Dungan, Stewart to Dean, Rebecca, 22 Dec. 1870, wit. P. Brink, m. by M. Ballin, JP, 22 Dec. 1870.
Dungan, Margaret to Asa P. Knapp, 16 Feb. 1871, wit. Catharine Noll, m. by C.J. Jones, MG, 19 Feb. 1871.
Dungan, John W. to Mary Tripp, 8 June 1871, wit. Isaac A. Dungan, m. by H.J. Harvey JP, 8 June 1871.
Dungan, Michael to Mary McGram, 25 Sept. 1871, wit. James Dungan. No mar. return.
Dungan, Catharine to Samuel M. Elrod, 15 June 1872, wit. F?.M. Hile, m. by James Knox, MG, 20 June 1872.
Duncan, Isaac N. to Hannah E. Elrod, 15 June 1872, wit. F?.M. Hile m. by James Knox, MG, 20 June 1872 (same as Catharine Dungan to Samuel Elrod)
Dungan, Jonathan to Josephine Hensley, 5 Oct. 1872, wit. P.H. Bring, m. by R.W. Knowles, JP, 6 Oct. 1872.
Quit early 1873
Linn Co. IA Probate Index (FHL film 984,671)
Vol.1, 1840-1900
#1934: Estate of John C. Dungan decd; bond/letter 8-157, appt. 29-524, 581; personal estate 29-581, 626; final report 32-78
#1969: Estate of William Dongan, decd; bond/letter 8-173, appt. 30-182, 183; final report 31-576.
#1147: Guardian of Ida M. Dongan, et al, minor heirs of Wm. Dongan decd; bond 9-78, 481; appt. 31-81; prog. reports 32-541, 36-31, 38-173+, 41-380+, 43-607+, 46-587+, 48-386:; final reports 43-607+
No others
Bonds and letters to Vol. 3, 1873-95, on film
Probate records to Vol. 21-22, 1884-1886, on film
Estate packets not on film
Linn Co. IA Deeds
Index 1841-1851 - no Duncan/Dungan (FHL film 984,687)
Index 1854-1856 (FHL film 984,687 item 2)
K-403: 1 Nov. 1855, Lewis Warriner to Anderson Duncan, no localities, $1000 (ten hundred dollars), NW 1/4 Sec.17 T83N R8W, 160 acres; no wit.; Warriner appeared Decatur Co. IN. (FHL film 984,696) (MAD: indexed 1854, Andrew Dunkin)
L-289: 29 Dec. 1855, Anderson Duncan of Decatur Co. IN to David F. Blackmore of Decatur Co. IN, for $1200 (twelve hundred dollars), NW 1/4 Sec.17 T83N R8W, 160 acres; no wife; wit. Cortez Ewing; Duncan appeared before Putnam Ewing; recorded Decatur Co. IN. (FHL film 984,697)
H?-220: W.J. Barnes & wf. to Benj. E. Dungan, 11/17/1853, W 1/2 & NE 31-85-5, 465a
M-94: 17 Jan. 1855, James Davidson of Linn Co. IA to Isaac Dungan of same, $300, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 29 & SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 20 Twp 83N Range 6W, 120 acres. Wit. Isaac Whittam. (FHL film 984,698)
Lib.2-99: Duncan, Joseph to State treasurer, 10/2/1854, mort., NE 25-86-8
H-545/595: Dungan, Joseph to E. & E. Harrison, 5/20/1855, NE 1/4 25-86-8
Vol.3, 1856-1863 (FHL film 984,688)
N-27: Dungan, Benj. & wife to J.D. Stone, 5/2/1856, NE 31-85-5
N-392: 28 April 1857, Jesse Turner & wife Hannah (X) of Linn Co. IA to Isaac Dungan of same, $275 ($375?), NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 33 Twp. 83N R6W. Wit. B?.S. Stephens. (FHL film 984,699)
P-145: 29 May 1858, Isaac Dungan & wife Elizabeth (X) to George Platt, both Linn Co. IA, $1600, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec. 29 & SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 20 Twp. 83N R6W 120 acres, and NW 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 33, same Twp & Range, 40 acres. Wit. James Bliss (JP). (FHL film 984,700)
Vol.4, 1863-1866
V-276: B?. Ellis Dungan & wf to Lewis Davis, 4/30/1864, NW pt 1/4 Sec. 31 85-5.
W-81: Same to Elisha C. Haines, 12/22/1864, SW pt. 1/4 Sec. 31 85-5
U-393: Frederick Nutch/Hatch? & wife to Michael Dunegan, 10/31/1863, NW NE & E 1/3 NE NW 10 (more not copied)
Vol.5, 1866-1870 (FHL film 984,689)
AA-534: 26 Dec. 1865, Isaac Dungan & wife Lydia (X) of Linn Co. IA to Benjamin F. Hall, of Linn Co. IA, $3650.36, SW frac. 1/4 Sec. 30, & NW frac. 1/4 NW frac. 1/4 Sec. 31, & lot 6 in Sec. 28, & lot 5 in Sec. 20 of Twp 86N, R6W. (FHL film 984,706)
4-225: Geo. Platt to Isaac Dungan, 9/27/1862, (correc.?), SW 30 & NW NW 31, & lot 6, Sec. 28, & lot 5, Sec. 20 -86-6. (MAD: deed not found on film; books 1-22 were town lots, FHL film 984,993)
DD-195: N. Yeager & wife to Wm. Duncan, 8/11/1869, NE NW 2-82-8
Vol.6, 1870-1875
HH-547: Wm. Duncan & wife to E.M. Green, 5/20/1873, NE NW 2-82-8
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Eli J.; I 10 Iowa Inf.; 1879 July 24, Invalid Appl. #299948, Cert. #228142. (MAD: enlisted 28 August 1861, Private, age 23, Union; Resided in Newton, Jasper Co. IA; ? 1860 Linn Co. IA)
Duncan, James, widow Duncan, Agnes E.; I 42 Wis. Inf.; 1880 Oct. 7, Invalid Appl. #411355, Cert. #709848, Wis.; 1909 Dec. 27, Widow Appl. #932766, Cert. #696575, Iowa. (MAD: ?? Agnes Duncan b.1849 WI indexed in 1910 Linn Co. IA with son William A. b.1876 WI)
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