The late Joseph Loughlin Ahern was born (I believe) at Mallow, County Cork, Ireland in the year
1848, as he himself often quoted, "The year forty-eight, when famine was great," for it was the year known
in Irish history as the year of the great potato famine. At the seminary of Mount Melleray he first met the
late Doctor Doyle, then a lad of ten or twelve, and their friendship there begun, was carried on through
their student days at Maynooth, where they were ordained priests, and lasted till the death of Bishop
Doyle some three years ago.
Young Father Ahern, always a brilliant scholar, particularly fond of the classics, and a foremost theologian,
pursued his priestly career for some years in the United States. In 1884 he landed in Australia, and paid a
visit to Armidale to another old college mate, the present Bishop O'Connor, of Armidale. In August, 1885,
there was held in Sydney the first Plenary Council of the Church in Australia, and one of the most honoured
theologians who took part therein was the late venerated parish priest of Casino. Beside here renewing his
boyhood's friendship with Doctors Doyle and O'Connor (then Deans), he also met Dr. Delany, one of his
old professors, who is now happily Archbishop of Hobart.
About the end of that year, Father Ahern came to Lismore, and for some time was associated with Dean
Doyle (as he then was) as assistant priest. One of his most cherished possessions then was a very fine
Guarnarius (violin), and his greatest delight, when occasion allowed, was to play obligatis at the Benediction
services. When, in 1887, Doctor Doyle received his Apostolic Brief, and the new Diocese was founded,
Father Ahern took charge of the Lower Richmond, with Headquarters at Ballina. He was afterwards
transferred to Murwillumbah, but here his health became very unsatisfactory, and he took a trip to his
native Ireland. His health became worse instead of better, and for some time it seemed that he would
leave his bones in the Old Land. We next find him at Auckland, New Zealand, where he remained a
year or sotook another peep at the Rockiesand back to Australia and the North Coast,
which was to be his home till the end almost. He took up duty at Grafton, being transferred from there
to Casino not long after and in succession to the late Dean Walsh. On the death of that Apostle of the
North Coast, the Venerable Abbe Schurr, he became Vicar-General of the Diocese, which position he
held up to a few months ago, when failing health caused him to relinquish its multifarious duties.
Some six or seven years ago he was raised to the dignity of Monsignor, which means a prelate of the Pope's
household. At the banquet held in connection with the dedication ceremonies of St. Carthage's Cathedral in
August, 1907, Monsignor Ahern, Vicar-General of the Diocese, responded to the toast of the clergy. The
late Cardinal Moran was the guest of honour. His Eminence a few days later took the first motor drive of his
life. And amongst those who accompanied him, their objective being Coraki, was the late Monsignor. Of his
work in the Casino parish, the Presbytery alone will stand as a monument for all time, for it is considered to
be one of the finest in the Commonwealth. Few men had realised better than he that the most important
thing in life is to learn how to live. Some men have a purpose in life, and some have none. His aim was to
secure the highest and most harmonious development of his powers to a complete and consistent whole.
His high scholastic attainments placed him head and shoulders above his fellows ; he was simply steeped
in classic lore ; while his theological attainments rightly placed him among the hierarchy of his Church, and
his great heart, and noble, genial nature endeared him to all classes and creeds, to the young as well as to
the old. Clergy and laity alike unite in declaring that we shall not look upon his like again. Culture and
sweetness and light shone all around him. In the words of Shakespeare : "His life was gentle, and the
elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up and say to all the world, 'This was a man !'"
His many friends and faithful, loving parishioners would wish that his bones were laid amongst them, but
by his own wish he sleeps his long sleep at Rookwood, in the company of many more priests and of
thousands of his fellow Catholics. The Solemn Requiem Mass this (Tuesday) morning, at Casino, at
which his Lordship Dr. Carroll will preside, will doubtless be attended very largely by his bereft congregation
and others anxious to do honour to his memory. It is worthy of note that the Diocese of Lismore has lost
three of its priests by the hand of death during the past year, viz., the Venerable Archdeacon Dalton, of
Murwillumbah, Dean Walshe, of Bangalow, and lastly, Casino's Very Rev. Monsignor Ahern. Peace to
their ashes! |