St. James Parish, Goose Creek Church, South Carolina Tri-County Genealogy
Genealogy information for the genealogical researcher. Research centered in Berkeley, Charleston and Dorchester Counties of South Carolina. Research includes census reports, cemetery reports, will abstracts, genealogy helps and more.
St. James Parish, Goose Creek Church & Cemetery
Berkeley County, SC | Charleston County, SC | Dorchester County, SC |
Copyright � 2002 SCTC. All Rights Reserved
In Association with The Genealogy Attic
This church is located in Goose Creek on Vestry Ln. We could not go into the church to photograph because the caretaker was not available, but hope to in the future. The first half of this page is the information from inside the church transcribed by the DAR. The second half is the cemetery both inside and outside the brick wall with pictures of each headstone.
Click on Image for a larger view:
Cememtery Gate & Dedication Placques
The following tablets are within the church.
(At left of chancel):
St. James Parish Goose Creek
estiblished by act of assembly
November 30th 1706
organized April 14th 1707
First church built about 1707
Present church built about 1713
Church consecrated April 17th 1745
Rev. Francis Le Jau D.D. |
1707-1717 |
Rev. Richard Ludinm A.M. |
1723-1728 |
Rev. Timothy Millechamp A.M. |
1732-1748 |
Rev. Robert Stone A.M. |
1749-1751 |
Rev. James Harrison A.M. |
1752-1774 |
Rev. Edward Ellington A.M. |
1775-1793 |
Rev. Milward Pogson |
1796-1806 |
Rev. John Thompson |
1806-1808 |
(At right of chancel):
- Under this lyes the late Coll John Gibbes who deceased on ye 17th of August 1711, aged 40 years
- Near this place lyes ye body of Jane Gibbes; late wife of Mr. Benjm. Gibbes who departed this life ye 19th of August 1717 aged 35 yrs.
- In memory of The Rev. Samuel Thomas of Bally???, England 1672-1706. First Missionary sent to South Carolina by the Society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign parts. His ministry to the people on Cooper River and at Goose Creek, 1702-1706 invigorated the infant church in this part of the colony and established its foundations. Erected 1905 mainly by churches of the diocese of South Carolina. Laus deo.
- To the Memory of Peter Taylor, Esq., who lies intered hour this place. He adorn'd the several relations and stations of life he past thro' with a conduct worthy the Christian & Gentleman. He departed this life October 1st 1765 aged 67 years and by him lyes his first wife Mrs. Amerontia Taylor and their son Joseph.
(In North Wall near door):
To perpetuate the Memory of:
Edward Middleton Esq.
who arrived in the Province of South Carolina in the year 1678, settled at the "Oaks" near this church, was of the Grand Council of Carolina and died in 1685.
And of his son
The Hon. Arthur Middleton
for many years President of His Majesty's Council in, and Commander in Chief of the Province of South Carolina. Born in South Carolina in 1681 - Died 7th Sept'r 1737.
And of the latter's son
The Hon. Henry Middleton
a member of His Majesty's Council and thereafter a President of the first Continental Congress in 1774, a member of the Council of Safety and President of the Provincial Congress in South Carolina in 1775-1776. Born in 1717 - Died 13th June 1784
And of his son
Thomas Middletone, Esq.
a member of the Commons House of Assembly of the Province and thereafter of the Provincial Congress. Born 26th July 1753 - Died 19th August 1797. The last three of whom were residents of this Parish, and each for many years of the Vestry of this church; and rest as to their earthly part without the eastern wall of this church adjacent to the chancel.
"Memoria nostra Durabit, si vita meruimus."
(In Floor in front of chancel):
- Here lyeth the body of the Revd Francis Lejau Doctor in Divinity of Trinity College Dublin who came to this province October 1706 and was one of the first Missionaries sent by the Honourable Society to this Province and was the first Rector of St. James Goose Creek. Obit 15 September 1717 AEtat 52. To whole Memory this stone is fixed by his only son Francis Lejan.
(On wall to left of chancel):
- Rev. Richard Ludlam A.M. elected rector of this parish August 31st, died in 1728
(On south wall near door.)
- Under this window, on the outside of this wall, lie the remains of The Honourable Ralph Izard of the Parish of St. James, Goose Creek. He was born on the 23d of January 1742 and departed this life on the 30th of May 1804. (The epitaph speaks of "his conjugal and parental vitues".)
Grave stones in yard of church.
The Gravestones and remains of the members of the Moultrie Family were archaeologically recovered from the Family Cemetery at Windsor Hill Plantation in 1977 by the Institure of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of South Carolina. The remains of Major General William Moultrie have been reinterred at Fort Moultrie with a new stone. The old stone (erected in 1955 at Windsor Hill by US Army) has been moved to this churchyard as a memorial.
Members of the Moultrie Family reinterred here are: The General's Wife, Hannah Lynch Moultrie, The General's Son, Major William Moultrie Jr., The Major's Wife, Hannah Ainslie Moultrie, The General's Grandson, William Ainslie Moultrie, The General's Great Grandson, Edward Ainslie Brailsford, The General's Great Grandson, Edward de St. Julien Brailsford, and two unknown persons.
View Moultrie Monument
Major General William Moultrie South Carolina Major General Continental Army December 4, 1930 September 27, 1805 Thanks of Congress |
Major William Moultrie Sacred to the memory of Major Wilm Moultrie who departed this life Dec 10, 1796, 44 years old. He was a man of ???? Worth whose ???? of manner and uniform ???? throughout life Sacred to him, the esteem & Admiration of all who knew him. View Footstone |
Edward Ainslie Brailsford Sacred to the memory of EDW Ainslie Brailsford died Oct 19, 1805 age 4mo, 3 days, Best Loved Babe. Wait till the mighty ill then be unchanged and be an angel still. |
William Ainslie Moultrie Underneath are deposited the remains of William Ainslie Moultrie, Esq. who departed this life on the 29th of August 1811. He lived in the anxious pursuit of TRUTH & JUSTICE and in the constance observance of the social and manly virtues. He Died (Alas How Soon!) with the Piety & Resignation of a Christian. His inconsolable sister a dedicated friend. ????? this tablet. To His Worth & Their Affection. "He was of Soul Sincere" "In Action Faithful & In Honor Clear." |
Smith (On top of brick vault inside brick wall)
- Here lies the body of Elizabeth Ann Smith the amiable and deservedly beloved wife of Captain Benjamin Smith who died the 26 March 1769 aged 27 years, also their daughter Mary Smith who died September 9th 1758 aged 3 years 5 Ms and 8 days.
View Smith Vault View Smith Inscription
- Sacred to the memory of William Sinkler, son of William and Eliza A. Sinkler who died on the 17th of July 1814, aged 3 weeks.
View Sinkler Stone View Sinkler Footstone
- Margaret M. Hopkins, wife of James Hopkins who departed this life February 2nd 1825 aged 27 years and 8 months, also
- James Hopkins who departed this life February 4th 1826 aged 41 years 11 months and 15 days. Erected by James Albert Hopkins as a tribute to the memory of his father and stepmother.
View Hopkins Vault View Inscription for Margaret View Inscription for James
- Sacred to the memory of Archibald McKewn Esq. who died on the 14th of October 1829 aged 63 years. As a husband affectionate. As a father Indulgent. As a master humane. Marks the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace.
Jesus can make a dying bed feel soft as downey pillows are. While on his breast I lean my head and breath my life out sweetly there.
- Sacred to the memory of Mrs Mary McKewn who was born 30th May 1801 and departed this life the 6th February 1847 aged 46 years 9 months and 21 days. Mother rest from sin and sorrow, death is all and life is won. (2 more lines that I couldn't read)
View Archibald's Stone View Mary's Stone
View Archibald's Footstone View Mary's Footstone
- Mary Jane Elfe wife of George Elfe and Daughter of Stephen and Mary Mazyck who departed this life on the 15th day of December .... aged Forty .... years 3 months and Ten Days.
View Elfe Stone
- Sacred to the memory of Mrs. Mary Mazyck wife of Stephen Mazyck deceased who departed this life on the 29th of May 1813 aged 82 years. Lord let me die the death of the righteous and let my ????? be like her.
- Mrs Ann Mazyck, 1785
- Mrs. Ann Mazyck wife of Lieu. Stephen Mayzck and Daughter of Mr. Walter Easton of Newport Rhode Island merchant who departed this life June 27 A.D. 1785 aged 23 years, also... (stone to deep to read)
View Ann Mazyck Stone View Mary Mazyck Stone View Ann Mazyck 1785
- Charles L. Desel, Born in Charleston July 13th 1795 Died July 1st 1855 aged 59 years 11 months & 18 days.
View Desel Stone Read Stone Read Stone Cont.
- In Memory of William Stitt son of William and Elizabeth Stitt who died February 1st 1801 aged 24 years 11 months and 8 days.
View Stitt Stone
Cambridge (Table Stone with coat of arms.)
- Sacred To the memory of Tobias Cambridge who departed this life on Friday the 23d day of September Anno Domini 1808 aged 51 years and 27 days. Words could not exprefs to much in favor of this man. He has left an affectionate wife and eight children to ?ament his lot of an affectionate husband and fond father. Near him lies six of his children.
View Cambridge Stone
- Sacred to the memory of Ann Glover, amiable consort of Charles Glover who departed this life on the 28th of October 1791 in the 25th years of her age, and of Sarah their daughter who died the 1st of August 1791 being in her third 3d year.
View Glover Stone View Glover Footstone
- In memory of Mrs. Francis Withers wife of John Withers Senr. who departed this life September 29, 1805 aged 49 years.
View Withers Stone View Withers Footstone
- In Memory of Jane Pennington who departed this life 26th December 1813 aged 52 years.
View Pennington Stone View Pennington Footstone
- Sacred to the memory of Henry Middleton Parker who died Nov17th 1849, aged 50 years and 6 months.
The next names appear on a monument: There was only one monument inside the brick wall. The other monument is for the surname Simons and the dates are from the 1900's.
- Side One: This monument and the one beside it were moved in 1952 for preservation from the Parker Burial Ground at Hayes Plantation in this parish.
Verus Fider
- Side Two: John Parker Born June 24, 1769, Died April 20, 1832. His wife Susannah Middletone, Born January 1760, Died August 20, 1834.
The Path of the Just is as the Shinning Light.
A member of the old congress that met from 1774 to 1789.
- Side Three: John Parker Born October 31, 1787, Died September 3, 1819. His wife, Emily S. Rutledge, Born June 2, 1797, Died October 10, 1827.
Honor Thy Father and Thy Mother
At Bottom: John Parker
- Side Four: To Emily Smith Rutledge, Our Mother, We render this tribute of reverence and love for her memory.
Her children rise up and call her blessed.
At Bottom: Bonis Omnibus Probatus
View Henry's Stone
Side One Side Two Side Three Side Four
- Sacred to the memory of Benjamin Coachman, Esq., and Rebecca Smith, his consort departed this life the 7th January 1814, aged 62 years and 1 month. Also their son Benjamin. Not lost blefsed thought, but only gone before.
View Coachman Vault View Inscription
- Margaret McBride departed this life December 13, 1896 aged 69.
View McBride Headstone View McBride Footstone
- John Hesley who departed this life 9th October 1850 aged 33 years, also of
- John Hesley who departed this life 13th September 1830 aged 5 years 15 days.
View Hesley Stone View Hesley Footstone
- Sacred to the memory of Mrs Ann Collins who departed this life 15th March 1827 in the 64th year of her age. Also to the memory of her son:
- William John Collins who departed this life 15th January 1828 in the 32nd year of his life
View Collins Stone
- In Memory of Dr. Robert Broun, Esq. Who departed this life the 25th Nov 1757, aged 43 years.
View Broun Stone
(This first stone, inscribed in Latin, does not mark the grave of Thomas Bromley who was buried at "Steepbrook", 1765, but was placed here at a much later date.)
- Thomas Bromley ........ (Born in London, an attorney in the Court of King's Bench and barrister of the High Court of Chancery in England, and clerk to the Commons House of Assembly in the Province of South Carolina. He died .......... in the years of Grace August 22nd, 1765, at the age of 35.)
View Bromley Stone
Graves Outside Brick Wall
- Archibald Henry Parker, June 7, 1928, Feburary 7, 1984, In Ever Loving Memory
View Stone View Inscription
- Ferdinanda Legare Waring, December 4, 1895, January 9, 1985, Wife of Joseph Ioor Waring, M.D.
- Joseph Ioor Waring, September 4, 1897, December 21, 1977, A True Physician
View Ferdinanda's Stone View Ferdinanda's Inscription
View Joseph's Stone View Joseph's Inscription
- William Gaston Raoul of Lookout Mountain, Tennessee, May 2, 1911, November 1, 1997, Scholar Conservationist Benefactor
- Louisa P. Raoul, 1919-2000
View Stone View Inscription View Louisa Marker
- Christopher Oliv Moltke-Hansen, A Beloved Boy, Died August 15, 1968, Age 15 years, 11 months, 3 days.
View Stone View Inscription
- Kenneth Merrill Lynch Jr., April 28, 1917, Feburary 10, 1974
- Kenneth Merrill Lynch III, May 9, 1955, December 16, 1995
- Yvone Winters Lynch, July 24, 1918, March 7, 1991
View Kenneth Jr. Stone View Kenneth III Stone View Yvone Stone
- Samuel Gaillard Stoney, August 29, 1891, July 30, 1968, Si Monumentum Requiris Circumspice
View Stone View Inscription
- Harold Thomas Jr., June 28, 1912, August 13, 1969. Life is real, life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal, Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul. Longfellow, A Psalm of Life.
- Helen Cheatham Thomas, August 11, 1921, August 23, 1972. Yesterday is but a dream, and tomorrow is only a vision. But today well lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness and every tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well therefore to this day. Marion W.M. Lane
View Thomas' Stone View Thomas' Inscription
View Helen's Stone View Helen's Inscription
- Robert N.S. Whitelaw, February 11, 1905, April 19, 1974
- Patti Foos Whitelaw, October 10, 1906, November 9, 1998
View Robert's Stone View Patti's Stone
- Albert Simons Jr., November 20, 1918, January 7, 1998. Lawyer, Soldier, Public Servant, This stone is erected by his wife and children in loving memory of his gentleness, compassion and humor.
- Caroline Pinckney Mitchell Simons, January 28, 1928, September 2, 1999, Daughter of Julian Mitchell Jr. and Marion Brawley Robertson. Wife of Albert Simons Jr. She confronted both life and death with strength and dignity, her sense of place, family and values were a model for her children.
View Monument Front View Albert's Side View Caroline's Side
Photographed and Transcribed by Ginny Magee and Sue Snodgrass, November 2002
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