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S | Sona, Oliver | Varnod, the widow |
Sabin, Charles | Sons of Liberty | Villepontoux, ________ |
Sage, Ann | Sothel, Gov. Seth | Villepontoux Branch |
St. Augustine, Florida | South Carolina Railway | Villepontoux, Zachariah |
St. George's Church, Dorchester | Southeastern Water Corp. | Von Aarsens, Franciscus |
St. James Academy | Southern Railway | Vose, Capt. Carston William |
St. James Episcopal Church Goose Creek | Spain, threat of invasion by | W |
St. James Parish, Goose Creek | Spring Grove | Wade Family |
St. John, Dr. Stephen | Stamp Act | Wagner, Capt. |
St. Julien, Elizabeth de | Stanyarne, James | Walker, Clancy |
St. Julien, Peter | State Road | Walker, Richard |
St. Luke's Eposcopal Church Charleston | Steepbrook Plantation | Wallace, Rev. C. |
St. Michael's Episcopal Church Charleston | Stepehnson | Walling, Don |
St. Paul's Cathedral, London | Stevens, Lamb, a free negro | Walpole, Horace |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Stono | Stevens, Mrs. Mary S. | Walter, Elizabeth |
St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Summerville | Stevens, Norman | Walter, Thomas |
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church Charleston | Stevens, Robert | Walter, William |
Salley, Alexander S. Jr. | Stevens, Rev. Robert | Wando Indians |
Salley, Elizabeth | Stevens Plantation | Wando River |
Salter, Mrs. | Stevenson, Capt. James | Wapensaw, an Indian term |
Samson, a runaway slave | Stewart, John | Waring, Benjamin |
Sanders, John | Stitt, Elizabeth | Waring, Maj. Benjamin |
Sanders, Capt. John | Stitt, William | Waring, Dr. Joseph, Ioor |
Sanders, William | Stock, Law of | Waring, Samuel Gaillard |
Sanders, Wilson | Stone Fleet | Waring, Thomas R. |
Santee Canal | Stone, John | Warner, Samuel |
Santee Canal Company | Stone Landing, SC | Warnock, Capt. S. C. |
Santee Indians | Stone, Rev. Robert | Washing,, President George |
Santee Settlement | Stoney, Arthur Jervey | Wassamassaw Baptist Church |
Sanute, Indian chief | Stoney, Dwight | Wassamassaw Cavalry |
Sarraw Indians | Stoney, Isaac Dwight | Wassamassaw Causeway |
Saso, Frank Sr. | Stoney, Lt. Isaac Dwight | Wassamassaw Chapel of Ease, St. James Church |
Saunders, Capt. James | Stoney, Louisa Cheves | Wassamassaw Mounted Club |
Saunders, John | Stoney, P.G. | Wassamassaw Road |
Sayle, Gov. | Stoney, Peter Gailliard | Wassamassaw School |
Scarborough, Mrs. | Stoney, S. Procher | Wassamassaw, SC |
Schnecking(h), Benjamin | Stoney, Samuel G. | Wassamassaw Swamp |
Scotland | Stoney, Samuel Gaillard | Wateree Indians |
Scott, William | Stoney, T. S. | Waterland, William |
Secession | Stoney, Thomas Procher | Watkins, Mrs. Hilma |
Secession Convention | Stoney, Capt. William Edmund | Watson, Dr. John |
Secession, Ordinance of | Strawberry Democratic Club | Watson, Livinia |
Second S.C. Regiment C.S.A. | Strawberry Ferry | Webb, Edward |
Sedgefield | Strawberry Landing | Webster, Daniel |
Seed, Polly | Strawberry Plantation | Webster, David |
Seigniories, Established | Strawberry Station | Webster, Lt. Col. |
Senkler, Elizabeth | Streator, James | Weekly, Edward |
Senkler, William | Streator's Plantation | West, Gov. Joseph |
Sequestered Estates | Strohecker, J. L. | West Virginia Development Co |
Sewee Indians | Sugar, planted on Barbados | Westfield, Capt. |
Shadow, A Race Horse | Sugar, imported | Westo Indian War |
Shay's Rebellion | Sugar Act. | Westo Indians |
Shepard, _________ | Sullivan's Island, SC | Weston, William |
Sherman, Gen | Sully, Elizabeth | Whaley, William |
Shingler, John N. | Summerville, SC | Whatley, C.W. |
Shingler, S. | Sumter, Gen. | White House Plantation |
Shingleton, Richard | Swint, Dr. John Hendrick | White, William |
Shipley, William | T | Whitesville, SC |
Shiver, Lagette | Tamplet, Peter | Whitney, Eli |
Shringler, G. W. | Tares' Estate | Wiggins, Dr. J. B. |
Shuler, John | Targate, SC | Wiggins, Dr. T. |
Silk Hope Plantation | Target, SC | Wiggins, T. W. |
Simms, William Gilmore | Tarhill, SC | Wigton Plantation |
Sims, Rev. A. G. | Tarrif of 1828 | William, King of England |
Sineath, Lloyd (E) | Tarkiln, SC | Williams, Capt. |
Singleberry, Richard | Tarleton, Lt. Col. Banastre | Williams, Jane |
Singleton, Benjamin | Tartar, a racehorse | Williams, Dr. John |
Singleton, Capt. Benjamin | Taylor, Amerentia | Williams, Rev. Stephen |
Singleton, Col. Benjamin | Taylor, Rev. J. W. | Williams, W. |
Singleton, Col. | Taylor, Joseph | Williams, West |
Singleton Family (negro) | Taylor, Peter | Williams, Rev. West |
Singleton, James | Taylor, Capt. Peter | Williams, William |
Singleton, Rebecca | Taylor, Lt. Peter | Williamson,, Rev Atkin |
Singleton, Richard | Taylor, Mr. | Willoughby, Mrs. |
Singleton, Richard | Ten Mile House Tavern | Wilson, Dr. J. |
Singleton, Lt. Richard | Tennent, Dr. Charles | Wilson, John |
Singleton, Thomas | Tennent, Mrs. | Wilson, Marion |
Siouen Language | 30th Infantry Division, WWI | Wilson, Moses |
Siri, Andrew | Thomas, Col. John P. | Wilson, Rev. Robert |
Six Mile House | Thomas, Rev. Samuel | Wilson's Estate |
Skene, Alexander | Thomas, W. B. | Windsor Hill Plantation |
Smith, Amarinthia | Thomasen, Anne | Winlock, James |
Smith, Benjamin | Thomason Blvd. | Winter, Capt. Hugh Strain |
Smith, Capt. Benjamin | Thomason, Orven | Winter, T.H. |
Smith, Maj. Benjamin | Thomason's Store | Winyah Indian War |
Smith, Bishop | Thomson, Rev. John | Withers, William |
Smith, Elizabeth Ann | Thorin, Capt. George M. | Withers, Mrs. Francis |
Smith, G. | Thornley, Maj. Robert | Withers, James |
Smith, G. C. | Thoroughgood Plantation | Withers, John |
Smith, G. H. | Tobacco | Withers, John Sr. |
Smith, Goerge | Tookerman, Richard | Withers, Richard |
Smith, Dr. George | Tories: see Loyalists | Withers, Capt. Richard |
Smith, George C. | Townsend, Mrs. Hepzibah | Withers, W. |
Smith, George Henry | Townshend Act | Wolf's Castle Plantation |
Smith, Henry | The Treasure of Pierre Gaillard, a novel | Wood, Ben |
Smith, Mrs. Henry | Trinity College, Dublin | Wood, Robert |
Smith, Henry A. M. | Trouillort, Philip | Wood, William |
Smith, Henry Middleton | Turkish Spy, a novel | Woode, M. E. |
Smith, J. | Turner, Fredrick Jackson | Woodlawn Heights Subdivision |
Smith, James | Turner, Hattie | Woods, E. Calvin |
Smith, Lt. James | Turner, Hattie V. | Woods, Vivian A. |
Smith, Jane | Turner, L. C. | Woodstock Plantation |
Smith, John | Turner, Weyman | Woorams, John |
Smith, Mary | Tuscarora Indians | Worley, Richard a pirate |
Smith, Mrs. | Tustian, Rev. | Wragg, Henrietta |
Smith, Peter | Twenty-three Mile House | Wren, W. R. |
Smith, Rebecca | Tyner, R. Harold | Wright, E. G. |
Smith, Mrs. Sabina | U | Wright, John |
Smith, T. H. | Union & States Rights Party | Wright Capt. John |
Smith, T. Henry | Union College, Schenectady, NY | Wright, T. |
Smith, Thomas | Union Party | Wright, Thomas |
Smith, Col. Thomas | V | Y |
Smith, (Gov.) Landgrave Thomas | Van Arrsens, Jan | Yeaman's Creek |
Smith, Thomas Jr. | Vance, Maj. William | Yeamans Hall Plantation |
Smith, Thomas Sr. | Vanderdussen, Col. Alexander | Yeamans, Sir John |
Smith, Thomas Henry | Vanderdussen, Mrs. | Yeamans, Lady Margaret |
Smith, William | Vanderdussen's Estate | Yemassee Indian War |
Smithfield tract | Van Kleek, Loring E. | Yemassee Indians |
Snow, Jacob | Varner, Dr. I. B. | "Yeowee", an Indian Term |
Snow, James | Varner, J. | Yeshoe Plantation |
Snow, Nathaniel | Varner School | Yon, Oliver |
Snow, Dr. Nathaniel | Stoney, Pierre Gaillard |
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