Duncan research files of |
1820-1840 Logan Co. OH census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Logan Co. OH Census
McArthur Twp.
Pg.170, #24, Andrew DUNCAN 32 PA farmer $2000
Nancy 24 PA
Sarah J. 1 OH
Ann M. 27 PA
John 12 PA
1860 Logan Co. OH Census
McArthur Twp.
Pg.48, #688-684, Andrew DUNCAN 42 PA farmer $4800-$800
Nancy T. 38 PA
Sarah J. 11, Robert N. 9 OH
Ezemiah (f) 4, Henrietta J. 1 OH
Jas. D. BANE 19 OH farmer
1870 Logan Co. OH Census
No Duncan indexed
Logan Co. OH Probate Records; Administration Dockets (SLC 2/2009)
Vol.A 1818-1830 - no Duncan (FHL film 545,335)
Vol.B-C 1830-1842 - no Duncan (FHL film 545,336)
Vol.D-E 1842-1848 - no Duncan (FHL film 545,337)
Vol.F-G 1848-1852 - no Duncan (FHL film 545,338)
Logan Co. OH Deed Index A-L grantor/grantee 1810-1890 (FHL film 545,340; SLC 2/2009)
MAD: D on pg.381+, copied to ca 1868
T-579: Duncan, Andrew et al from Daniel Vanness, Aug. 18, 1849
W-89: Duncan, Andrew from Jane Savage, June 28, 1851
41-387: Duncan, Andrew to Samuel Stewart, Mar. 28, 1865
36-276: Duncan, Benj. F. from Daniel Whitsett, April 5, 1856
37-508: Duncan, B.F. et al to Lot G. Williams, April 17, 1860
45-499: Duncan, B.F. to A.K. Elliott, Mar. 16, 1868
K-158: Duncan, David to Samuel B. Finley, May 20, 1838
L-145: Duncan, David heirs of from US Bank, May 1, 1838
F-381: Duncan, James from William Dunson, Apr. 24, 1835
H-434: Duncan, James to Benj. M. Piatt, Aug. 2, 1836
MAD: looked for Samuel B. Finley ca 1838
J-131: Finley, Samuel B. to John D. Eliot Jr., April 12, 1838
K-158: Finley, Samuel B. from David Duncan, May 20, 1838
K-159: Finley, Samuel B. from Soloman Ream, May 24, 1838
T-727: Findlay, Samuel from United States, Jan. 27, 1838?
L-270: Findley, Samuel B. to John D. Elbert, June 26, 1840
L-565: Findley, Samuel B. to Job Sharp, May 10, 1841
L-578: Findley, Samuel B. to John Sharp, May 10, 1841
N-113: Findley, Samuel B. to Francis Pugsly, July 2, 1841
S-565, S-578, N-113, Samuel B. Findley to others, 1841 & later; quit
Logan Co. OH Deeds (SLC 2/2009)
F-381: 24 April 1835, William Dunson and wife Margaret of Logan Co. OH to James Duncan of Logan Co. OH, for $1,000, parcel of land, part of survey #4492 entered in name of Jesse Davis, beg. SE corner of Robert Smith's land and NE corner John Hill's land, 100 acres, part of tract deeded by Court of Common Pleas by John Thomas to William Davis and by Davis to Robert Smith. Wit. Isaac Darnall, Henery Hendrickson, Benj. Long, G.W. Long. (FHL film 345,361)
H-234: 2 Aug. 1836, James Duncan and wife Elizabeth (X) of Logan Co. OH to Benjamin M. Piatt of City of Cincinnati, for $950, part of survey #1492 (land in F-381), 100 acres deeded ... by said Smith to William Dunson. Wit. Benjm. Long, E. Randel. (FHL film 545,363)
K-158: 20 May 1838, WHEREAS there are three tracts of land in the State of Ohio entered and claimed as the property of David Duncan decd. by his grandchildren and it is well understood by the contracting parties that that land is incumbered by taxes and other claims and that Samuel B. Findley has this day agreed and undertaken to recover their lands at his own proper costs and charges and after being so recovered by law or otherwise then the said Samuel B. Findley promises to pay to each of the undersigned distributees of David Duncan decd. one dollar for each and every acre of land so recovered by him which may fall to each individual in due proportion and in case after all legal efforts to recover the said Samuel B. Findley should fail to recover any of the lands then we whose names are hereunto subscribed as distributees of the estate of David Duncan decd. will refund to the said Samuel B. Findley our due proportion of his lawful and reasonable costs in the attempt to recover. NOW, we, David Duncan, Samuel Duncan, James Duncan and Robert Duncan have today sold all our right, title, claim and profits in and to all the lands in the State of Ohio belonging or claimed by virtue of an Entry of title papers by our Grandfather David Duncan decd. to Samuel B. Findley for $1 per acre ... we quit claim any and every acre that may fall to us as distributees of the estate of David Duncan in the State of Ohio, to Samuel B. Findley of the State of Kentucky, and in our names to do what is necessary ... /s/ Samuel Duncan, James Duncan, David Duncan, Robert Duncan. Wit: Joshua Steelfin?, Joseph Gruey. Butler Co. (no state), that on 23 May 1838 the above named ... appeared before me and ack. the foregoing instrument, and desire the same may be recorded, /s/ Joshua Steelfin? (receipt), Growley? 28, 1838, we, David Duncan, Samuel Duncan, James Duncan and Robert Duncan have this day recd. cash of a $20 of Samuel B. Findly of the State of KY which we (accept) in full ... Statement by John Sullivan, of Butler Co. PA, 6 July 1838, that Joshua Stootfin? (Stortfin? Stoolfire?) Esquire was JP. (FHL film 545,364)
K-159/161: 24 May 1838, Solomon Ream and Hannah his wife late Hannah Clark daughter of Mary and David Clark and Grand Daughter of David and Margaret Duncan and one of the heirs at law of said David and Margaret Duncan decd; that the said Solomon Ream and Hannah his wife for $30 paid by Samuel B. Findley, quit claim to Samuel B. Findley of Fleming Co. KY our right, interest, ... to certain tracts of land in Union County and Logan County, designated Numbers 3443 and 3444 and the one in Logan County being No.479. /s/ Soloman (X) Ream, Hannah (X) Ream. Wit. M. Kingston, D.S. Seally. Received on date of foregoing, from above named Samuel B. Finley, the sum of $30. Wit. M. Kingston. Ack. Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. PA, 24 May 1838. (FHL film 545,364)
L-145: Patent #479, for 1,000 acres, in consideration of military service by David Holmes, a surgeon for 3 years to the US in the VA Line on Continental Establishment, is granted to the heirs and legal representatives of David Duncan decd, the assignee of said David Holmes, 1,000 acres between the Little Miami and Scioto Rivers NW of the River Ohio by survey 14 Sept. 1799, [being] survey 479 of 1,000 acres of land on part of a military warrant 214, "(the whole thereof being for 3000 acres)" issued in favor of the said David Holmes, on the waters of Darbys Creek, in the line of Lucas Sullivan's survey No.3681 and corner to Richard Stephenson's survey No.3163, and Stephenson's line. 1 May 1838. Recorded Vol.14 pages 366. Recd for record Feb. ?(blotted) 1840, recorded May 5, 1840. (FHL film 545,365)
T-579: 18 Aug. 1849, Daniel Van Ness and wife Elizabeth (X) of Kosciusko, Indiana, for $2,000, to Andrew Duncan and James Duncan of Logan Co. OH, part of Military Survey 10122, 10248 and 10249, beg. corner between afsd surveys and #9881, 9902, 9903, (more not copied), 160 acres. Wit. A.J. Bair, John Hover. Ack. Kosciusko Co. IN. (FHL film 545,369)
W-89: 28 June 1851, Jane Savage of Allegheny Co. PA and Samuel Duncan and Ann Maria Duncan of Washington Co., State afsd, for $500, sell to Andrew Duncan of Logan Co. OH all our interest etc. to tract of land in Macarty Township, Logan Co. OH, 160 acres more or less, bounded by lands of Rev. James Wallce, J. Pollick, James Stewart, and Andrew Greybill. All signed. Wit. W.H. Frazer, S.L. McHenry. Ack. Beaver Co. PA 28 June 1851 before W.H. Frazier, JP. Recd. & recorded Decr. 6, 1851. (FHL film 545,372)
36-276: 5 April 1856, Daniel Whitsel and wife Eliza B. of Macon Co. IL for $450 to Benj. F. Duncan of Ross Co. OH, being equal undivided one half of part of survey 12112 on Military Warrent 6530 for heirs of Elizabeth R. Worthington on waters of Rush Creek in VA Military District, beg. on N. line of survey where the county line between Union and Logan Cos. ... 194 acres 29 poles. Wit. J.F. Miser?, Wm. Prather. Ack. Macon Co. IL. (FHL film 545,380)
36-508: 17 April 1860, B.F. Duncan and wife Amanda J. Duncan, and William Wright and Edward Wright of Ross Co. OH, for $1,040, to Lot G. Williams of Logan Co. OH, part of VA Military Survey 12112 on waters of Rush Creek, line between Logan and Union Cos., (more not copied), 104 acres being lot 1 of Duncan and Wrights subdivision of said survey. All signed. Wit. W.L. Zimmerman, T.J.N. Lindsey. Ack. Ross Co. OH. (FHL film 545,380)
41-387: 28 March 1865, Andrew Duncan and wife Nancy T. Duncan of Logan Co. OH for $7,000 to Samuel Stewart of afsd, premises in Logan Co. OH, being part of Military Survey 10122, 10248, and 10249, beg. corner between the surveys afsd and surveys 9881, 9902, and 9903 (more not copied) line of Stewart's land, ... 160 acres. Wit. James Cassil, Esther Cassil. Ack. Logan Co. OH. (FHL film 545,382)
45-499/500: 16 March 1868, Edward Wright and Lavina R. Wright his wife and Benjamin F. Duncan and Amanda J. Duncan his wife of Ross Co. OH, for $900, to Abner K. Elliott of Logan Co. OH, sell premises in Logan Co. OH, being lot 2 in Duncan & Wright's subdivision of survey 12112, beg. at SW corner of said survey, then ... corner to Lot 1, with line between lots 1 and 2, county line of Logan and Union Co., containing 90 acres; also the right of way ... /s/ Amanda J. Duncan, Edward Wright, Lavina R. Wright, B.F. Duncan. Wit. T.I?.N. Lindsey, James T. Wright. Lavina R. Wright and Amanda J. Duncan examined separate from their husbands. 16 March 1868, T.I.R. Lindsey JP. Rec. Aug. 7, 1868. (FHL film 545,384)
Logan Co. OH Deeds (SLC 6/2009)
J-131: 12 April 1838, Samuel B. Finley of Fleming Co. KY to John D. Ellet? (Elliot?) Jr. of Logan Co. OH, for $12.50, part of military survey #479 entered in name of David Duncan by Lucas Sullivant on waters of Big Darby Creek, corner tract purchased by John D. Ellet? Jr. of Wm. Sullivan, adj. county road, corner Job Hiarp?, containing 2 acres and 35/100 acre. Wit. Job Sharp, John (X) Sharp. Ack. Champaign Co. OH. (FHL film 545,364)
L-270: 26 June 1840, Samuel B. Finley and wife Mary (X) of Fleming Co. KY to John D. Elbert of Champaign Co. OH, $312.25, land in Logan Co. OH, part of #479 entered for David Duncan and patented to his heirs in VA Military District on waters of Big Darby Creek adj. county road from West Liberty to Jose. H. Garwood's saw mill ... land of Lot Sharp, line between Finley and Sullivan, John Sharp's west line, containing 62-1/4 acres. Wit. Delilah (X) Ficklin, Samuel Fossett. Ack. Fleming Co. KY. (FHL film 545,365)
L-565: 27 August 1840, Samuel B. Finley exec. of John Finley late of State of KY decd, per petition filed in Logan Co. OH Court of Common Pleas against Hannah Findley, Margaret Belt, Marsha Peoples, David D. Finley, Betty Ann Farres, Jane Tilton and Hannah Sarah Finley, for authority to complete real estate transaction already entered into by said John Finley for the sale of certain lands ... April term 1840 court issued decree ... Samuel B. Finley to issue deed to Job Sharpe for part of lands in petition, this a deed for 123-2/3 acres. Wit. John Marquis, Anthony Casad. (FHL film 545,365)
L-578: That on 27 Aug. 1840, Samuel B. Finley exec. of John Finley decd. of State of KY decd, per petition filed in Logan Co. OH Court of Common Pleas against Hannah Findley, Margaret Belt, Marsha Peoples, David D. Finley, Betty Ann Farres, Jane Tilton and Hannah Sarah Finley, for authority to complete real estate transaction already entered into by said John Finley for the sale of certain lands ... April term 1840 court issued decree ... Samuel B. Finley to issue deed to John Sharp for 129-1/3 acres, now, 10 May 1841. /s/ Samuel B. Finley, exec. of John Finley. (FHL film 545,365)
N-113: 3 July 1841, Samuel B. Findley and wife Mary (X) of Fleming Co. KY to Francis Pugsly (his) of Logan Co. OH, for $400, 67 acres on waters of Darby, part of an entry #479 of 1000 acres in name of David Duncan. Ack. Fleming Co. KY. (FHL film 545,366)
Delaware Co. OH Deed (SLC 2/2009)
26-418/419: (noted sideways: Del. Jas Eston March 5th 1846) 6 April 1844, Hillery Beall, William M. Beall, Cintine? Beall, Thomas H. Pointer & Margarett Ann Pointer his wife, Stephen G. Adam, William Bell, Robert M. Duncan and Eliza Jane Duncan only heirs at law of Nathaniel Beall deceased of the Revolution of the County of Daviss and State of KY, party of the first part, and James Taylor of County of Campbell, State of KY, party of second part; for $400, lands in VA Military District North of the Indian Boundary line in Logan Co. OH, to wit, all of their interest in Survey No.9971 of 592-1/2? acres patented to said James Taylor and said Nathaniel Beall on 24 Feb. 1835, the interest in said survey of the said parties being 75 acres as will be shown by reference to the patent; also their interest in the undivided half of another survey No.9971 of 150 acres patented to said James Taylor and said Nathaniel Beall by patent 3 April 1832, said patent granting a moity of said survey to each party. The two foregoing surveys both numbered No.9971 are in Logan Co. OH and made on Military Warrants No.5834 for 100 acres and No.5835 for 200 acres, issued to said Taylor and Beall, half to each; also their interest in the undivided half of 100 acres in the US Military District in Co. of Delaware, State of OH, being lot No.20 in Range 16? Twp.7 and Sec.4, being patented to said James Taylor and said Nathaniel Beall half to each by patent 27 Aug. 1824. /s/ Hilliary Beall, W.M. Beall, Cenlius Beall, Thos. H. Pointer, Margaret A. Pointer, Stephen G. Adams, Robert M. Duncan, Eliza Jane Duncan, William Beall. Wit. William B. Head, William Metcalf. Ack. Daviess Co. KY before William Metcalf, Justice of Co. Court of Daviess Co. KY, by Hillery Beall, William M. Beall, Cinllius Beall, Thomas H. Pointer and Margaret Pointer his wife, Stephen G. Adams, Robert M. Duncan and Eliza Jane Duncan his wife, and William Beall, grantors, and P. Margaret Pointer and Eliza Jane Duncan released their dower, 27 June 1844. Rec. 6 Jan. 1846. (FHL film 2,026,560)
Union Co. OH Deed (FHL film 571,799)
7-244: 24 May 1838, Solomon (+) Ream and wife Hannah (+) late Hannah Clark, daughter of Mary and David Clark and granddau. of David and Margaret Duncan decd; for $30, to Samuel B. Findley of Fleming Co. KY; lots in Union Co. OH #3445 and #3444 and one in Logan Co. #479. Wit. M?. Kingston, D.L. Scully. Rec. Allegheny Co. PA.
Washington Co. PA Deed (SLC 2/2009)
3F-449/450: 27 June 1848, Andrew Duncan and wife Nancy Duncan, and Ann Mariah Duncan in consideration of $1,000 paid by Jane Duncan, James Duncan and Samuel Duncan, all being heirs of Robert Duncan decd, do hereby release and quit claim unto the said Jane Duncan, James Duncan and Samuel Duncan our title etc. in land in Washington Co. PA, adj. Huffman & Moore, Mc?hn??, and Jonathan Duncan, containing 156 acres. /s/ Andrew Duncan, Nancy B?. Duncan, Ann M. Duncan. Wit: Rebecca A. Ellers?, John Coulter. Ack. Logan Co. OH, 27 June 1848. Rec. Oct. 5, 1848. (FHL film 863,601)
Washington Co. PA Deed (FHL film 863,602; SLC 9/18/2012)
3I-572/573: 5 April 1851, Andrew Duncan of Logan Co. OH and Nancy his wife and Jane Savage of Allegheny Co. PA and Ann Maria Duncan of Washington Co. PA for $2,500 paid, sell to Samuel Duncan of Washington Co. afsd, their interest to a certain lot in Hanover Twp, Washington Co. PA, containing 156 acres more or less, being the same tract of land formerly owned by Robert Duncan Senior? deceased father of the parties above named, together with appurtenances. /s/ Andrew Duncan, Nancy Y. Duncan, Jane Savage, Ann Maria Duncan. Wit. Jams A. Coulter?, John Coulter, as to A. Duncan & wife, M.H. Fra??, L.J?. McHenry as to Jane Savage and A.M. Duncan. Andrew Duncan and Nancy Duncan his wife ack. deed ? day of April 1851 before John Coulter, J.P., Logan Co. OH. Recorded Aug. 4, 1851. (FHL film 863,602)
"Historical & Biographical Sketch, One Branch of the Williamson Family, 1745-1906" by Rev. Robert Duncan Williamson (Library of Congress book CS71.W729 1906)
Pg.14+: Chapter III. Mother's Ancestry and a Part of Her History. Catherine Duncan Williamson, our mother, was the youngest daughter but one of Andrew Duncan and Anne Smith. She was born in York Co. PA, July 11, 1788, about two miles from Cross Roads and three miles from the old Round Hill Presbyterian Church.
Her grandfather and grandmother, James and Elizabeth Duncan, were natives of Ireland, of Scotch-Irish birth, and came to this country from the North of Ireland about the year 1748 or 1750, locating in the eastern part of PA in what was then known as Lancaster Co. They had four sons and two daughters, James, Robert, John and Andrew, and Mary and Elizabeth.
Andrew Duncan, mother's father was born in York Co. PA March 10, 1750. He was the youngest son of James and Elizabeth Duncan of Chestnut Level, Lancaster Co. PA, near Piquea. James Duncan was no doubt the son of Andrew or William Duncan, who came into the country from Perthshire, Scotland, about 1722 or 1730. Andrew, William and Thomas were sons of William Duncan, and Margaret McMurdo of Dumfries, Scotland. William was a son of Rev. William of Perthshire, a martyr of 1690. The above seems to be our ancestry on mother's side of the house, and until disproved we accept it, and it is an ancestry of which we may well feel proud. Ann Smith, his wife, mother's mother, was born June 7, 1755, and died October 15, 1805, aged 50 years, 4 months and 8 days.
Andrew Duncan and Anne Smith were married June 18, 1772. The first wife died October 15, 1805, when he was married the 2nd time to Elizabeth Andrews, June 27, 1809.
The children of Andrew Duncan and Anne Smith ...
7. Robert, born Jan. 24, 1787, married; he and younger brother Jonathan settled on farm in Washington Co. PA; three sons and two daus. Andrew, oldest, moved to Logan Co. OH, then Mercer, IL, then IA. At last accounts, one other brother and sister occupied the old home; nothing is known of the other two. Robert d. May 28, 1827; no record of wife's death.
9. Jonathan, born November 14, 1791, m. first Aleatha Swearinger; had four boys and one dau: Sarah Anne m. William McCandlass who died in civil war; Bazel, physician in Pinehook, McDonough Co. IL; Thomas, living near Fort Des Moines, IA; 4 and 5 are dead. Jonathan m. 2nd Agnes Harper, had 7 or 8 children, 4 are physicians. One dau. m. and living in TX. Jonathan lived for years near Frankfort, PA, then in 1854 to Sunbeam, IL, about 16 miles north of Monmouth, where he died about 1880.
1922 "History of Oregon" by Charles Henry Carey, pub. by Pioneer Hist. Pub. Co., v.1-3 (FHL fiche 6,046,590, FHL book 979.5 H2cc, from Byron Merrill 10/1987)
Vol.II, pg.123: Samuel Steen Duncan. Educational work in Yamhill Co. is well carried forward by Samuel S. Duncan ... born in Bellefontaine [Logan Co.], OH, Sept. 11, 1861, son of Andrew and Nancy (Steen) Duncan, natives of PA. In an early day the father went to OH until fall 1865, then IL, then IA until 1884, then KS near Osborne until May 1896, to OR. Died Dec. 1896 age 81 and a half years; the mother's demise occurred December 17, 1893, when she was 71 years of age. Samuel S. Duncan reared in IL ..., entered academy at Monmouth [Mercer Co.], graduated class of 1876 ... On the 12th of September 1883 Mr. Duncan was united in marriage to Miss Jennie McNerney, became parents of 8 children: Grace m. N.T. McCoy, James A., Doris m. Charles Bentley, Wilma m. C.A. Evans, Theo Steen, Charles K., Milton Verne, Leland Stewart. ....
"1792 to 1892, the Illustrated Centennial Record of State of KY, containing complete list of Executive, Judicial and Legislative Departments of State ... since 1792" by Sam Carpenter Elliott, 1892 (FHL film 156,890 item 8)
Pg.8: Simon Kenton, pioneer of KY, b. April 13, 1755 in Fauquier Co. VA, father was native of Ireland, mother of Scotch descent, at age 16 he left home on account of difficulty with a neighbor, William Veatch, whom he thought he had killed; to KY, assumed name of Simon Butler which enabled him to escape. Later found he had not killed Veatch. Captured many times by Indians and escaped. Planted first corn raised in Mason Co. KY or north of the KY river. Died at his home in Logan Co. OH 4/29/1836. (MAD: copied because we keep seeing the Simon Kenton name in early KY & OH records)
Notarized Statement 16 Aug. 1940 before Yamhill Co. OR Notary Public (from Byron Merrill 10/1987, permission to post on web 1/2001)
We, Samuel Steen Duncan, born near Bellefontaine, Logan Co. OH, on 11 Sept. 1861, parents Andrew Duncan and Nancy Taylor (Steen) Duncan; and Ann Jane Duncan, b. near Williamsport, Lycoming Co. PA, on 2 May 1862, parents James McNerney and Mary (Cunningham) McNerney; residents of city of McMinnville, married at Council Bluffs, IA, on 12 Sept. 1883, have had 8 children:
Margaret Grace McCoy, dau. now deceased, b. near Clarinda, Page Co. IA, 22 Oct. 1884.
James Arnet Duncan, son b. near Osborne, Osborne Co. KS, 12 Oct. 1886, now resides McMinnville.
Mary Doris Bentley, dau. b. near Osborne, Osborne Co. KS, 7 Oct. 1888, now resides Seattle, WA.
Wilma Elizabeth Evans, dau. b. Carlton, Yamhill Co. OR, 22 April 1891, now resides West Salem, OR.
Theo Steen Murray, dau. b. Dayton, Yamhill Co. OR, 29 May 1896, now resides Portland, OR.
Charles Kenneth Duncan, son b. Dayton, Yamhill Co. OR, 3 Jan. 1899, now resides near Buell, Polk Co. OR.
Milton Verne Duncan, son b. McMinnville, Yamhill Co. OR, 14 Dec. 1901, now resides Lompoc, CA.
Leland Stuart Duncan, son b. Amity, Yamhill Co. OR, 17 March 1904, now resides McMinnville, OR.
Obituary, "Dayton ...", Dayton [Yamhill Co.], OR, Friday, January 1, 1897 (from Byron Merrill 10/1987, permission to post on web 1/2001)
Death of Andrew Duncan. Andrew Duncan was born July 1, 1815, 81 years last July, near Pittsburg [Allegheny Co.], PA, where he lived for 30 years and then removed to OH. Lived there 10 years and moved to IA in 1876, and from IA to KS in 1884, where he resided up to June last, when he came to Dayton, OR. ... died Wednesday evening ... Deceased was the father of Prof. S.S. Duncan, of Dayton.
Some early Duncans in Logan Co. OH:
David Duncan, 1825, on tax list as original proprietor ("Index of the OH 1825 Tax Duplicate" by Gerald M. Petty, 1981, FHL book 977.1 R42p, from Deone Penquite 10/1991)
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