Duncan research files of |
1840 McDonough Co. IL Census Pg.201 Joseph M. Walker 0101,001 - 0121,11 Alex. Walker 0111,001 - 2210,01 202 Daniel Harris 3001,01 - 0000,01 208 David P. Harris 1000,01 - 1200,01 Alex Harris Jr. 2210,011 - 2000,1 Alex Harris Sr. 0000,0000,01 - 0010,0000,01 209 Quntus Walker 0010,1 - 0100,1 Andrew Walker 2000,01 - 0100,1 210 Winifred Hunter 1001,0001 - 0000,1001 J? H. Rice 1000,010 - 1000,2 P? M. Walker 0000,1 - 0011 212 James Walker 1110,01 - 0000,01 Joseph G. Walker 1001,001 - 2221,01 William B. Walker 0002,1 - 0001,011 213 William Cyrus 0000,01 - 0010,1 215 Thomas Walker 0001,101 - 0 John D. Walker 0010,02 - 2000,1 Abner Walker 1200,011 - 2000,11 216 Hugh Wane (sic) 0012,001 - 0211 217 William Walker 1100,001 - 2000,01 218 John Walker 2110,001 - 0120,01 221 Andrew? Walker 1000,01 - 0110,1 Charles Waddle 0000,2110,1 - 0010,2000,1 222 Charles Marlow 1200,001 - 2000,001 James Harris 2110,01 - 1100,0100,1 223 Crosby Boman 0010,0001 - 0001 224 Joseph Duncan 1210,01 - 1110,1 (MAD: wife was Nancy Harris, dau. of Reubin Harris Sr.) Rubin Harris Sr. 0000,0000,01 - 0000,0000,01 (MAD: Reubin Harris Sr. mar. Mrs. Polly Duncan 1/14/1838) Rubin Harris Jr. 0211,01 - 1011,01 Stephen Dill 0011,0001 - 0101,001 Rubin Dill 2000,1 - 0000,1 225 John Duncan 3210,01 - 0011,01 Henry Isum 2110,01 - 1000,1 226 Joseph Duncan 0000,1 - 2000,1 Elizabeth Duncan 0011 - 1100,01 John Huston 3210,02 - 1100,01 Elijah Macys 2100,01 - 0000,01 William Melvin 0012,1101 - 0010,5001 Joel Duncan 0000,1100,1 - 0000,1 (MAD: from White Co. TN) James Hayly 1111,01 - 1210,01 227 Cyrus Walker 0102,101 - 0011,001
1850 McDonough Co. IL Census (some from Alice Duncan 1978)
Pg.234, #62, J.H. BACEN 34 TN & family
Pg.236, #95, Ralph HARRIS 35 VA Minister OTP
Mary P. 32 KY
6 children 15 to 4 b. KY
1 child 4 mos b. IL
William GILLMIRE 14 IL
B.M. CASIDAY (m) 13 IL
Pg.240, #132, M.C. HARRIS 40 KY farmer $650
S.E.(f) 32 ENG
(& others, & children)
Pg.240, #151, Alexander HARRIS 50 KY farmer $2000
Martha 37 KY
9 children 18 to 8 mos b. IL
Pg.244, #207, William FURGASON 52 KY gunsmith
Ellen 41 KY
R.A. (m) 18, Ruth M.W. 14 KY
Henry 10, Isabel 8 IL
Polly 6, Cyntha 4, William 2 IL
James ISOM 18 IL gunsmith
Pg.245, #216, Isaac DUNCAN 55 PA farmer
Mary 45 PA
Martha 19, James 18, Edward 16 PA
John 14, Margaret 13 PA
Mary A. 10, Martha E. 7 IN
Isaac A. 5, Henry 3 IN
(MAD: 1840 Gibson Co. IN census)
Pg.247, #252, William DUNCAN 45 KY farmer
Amanda 33 KY
Mary 17, Sarah J. 15 KY
Malinda 13, Martha 10, Nancy 9 KY
William H. 7, H.C. (f) 7 IL
Samuel W. 4, Eliza A. 1 IL
(MAD: Emmet Twp, died 1859; mar. Catherine Purdy 10/28/1832 Washington Co. KY; 1840 Marion Co. KY census; wife Amanda Catharine per deeds; dau. Sarah Jane mar. Abraham B. Stickle 8/11/1853)
Pg.250, #289, Joseph DUNCAN 42 NC farmer $2000
Sarah 19, John 17 IL
William 13, Elizabeth 11 IL
Lewis 9, Clarisa 7, June 5 IL
Washington WALKER 14 TN
(MAD: wife was Nancy Harris)
Pg.251, #290, Hyram BELLOW 35 RI farmer $400
Frances (f) 26 NY
Almyra (f) 6, Charles C. 2 IL
Nathaniel DUNLAPP 23 VA farmer
Henry DUNCAN 21 IL (m)
(MAD: definitely "Henry" but this is probably Cosby Duncan, son of Joseph Duncan & Nancy Harris)
Pg.253, #324, Rubin HARRIS 46 TN farmer $1500
Abbey (f) 46 TN
Anderson 16, Sarah 11, Mary 9, Abbey 6, Rubin 4 IL
Pg.253, #326, Zacharia HARIS 24 TN farmer
Mary A. 18 IL
Levi J. 2 IL
Pg.255, #357, Preston ANDERSON 50 KY farmer $2000
Louisa 49 TN
Rebecca 70 NC
Martha 21, John 20, Susan 18 TN
Rebecca 16, Jane 14, Susan 10 TN
James 7, Mary 3 IL
Thomas MELVIN 30 TN farmer $1000
(MAD: Preston Anderson's wife was Lieurana Duncan, dau. of Marshall Duncan of White Co. TN)
Pg.257, #382, Cathrin DUNHAM 34 TN (blank) $1200
Elizabeth 12, Lyda 10 IL
John 8, Caroline 7 IL
(MAD: widow of Joseph Duncan who mar. Catharine Wasson 11/24/1836 Hancock Co. IL)
Pg.257, #397, John DUNCAN 45 VA (sic) farmer
Maragrett A. 45 TN
Charles 18 IL, Elizabeth 21 IL idiotic
William 15, Joel 14, John 12 IL
James 10, Doctor (m) 9 IL
Harison 6, Samuel 4 IL
Pg.258, #398, Thomas DUNCAN 22 TN farmer
Martha A. 18 VA
J.C. WOOSIDE (m) 12 Ioway
(MAD: Thomas Duncan mar. Marthy Ann Woodside 3/1/1849)
Pg.258, #401, Martin SPIKER 31 OH farmer
Martha J. 24 TN
William 4 IL
Twilla (f) 19 OH
(MAD: Per obit for Mary Jane Duncan, she mar. Martin Spiker 4/19/1844)
Pg.259, #420, Peter SHELLY 32 KY farmer
Elizabeth 38 TN
Henderson 10, Preston 8 IL
Avery 6 IA (Iowa)
Amanda J. 5, Joseph 2 IL
Joel DUNCAN 72 TN farmer $2000
Daniel 27 TN
(MAD: Peter Shelley mar. Elizabeth Duncan 12/26/1839, consent of Joel Duncan)
Pg.?514, #423, David BENNETT 27 TN farmer
Rachel 69 VA
Pg.261, #441, Stephen H. GILLEHAN 32 KY farmer $1000
Sarah F. 32 KY
John C. 5, William E. 3 IL
Levi 77 KY farmer
William DUNCAN 18 KY farmer
Pg.279, #690, Claraca DUNCAN (f) 37 KY
William H. 16, Nancy I. 14 IL
Analisa 11, John 8, Emely F. 1 IL
Pg.293, #888, Hugh WARE 60 TN farmer $1000
Sarah 50 TN
Amanda C. 18, Sarah E. 16 IL
Elizabeth LILLARD 8 IL
(MAD: Hugh Weir mar. Sally Duncan 4/6/1813 Washington Co. TN)
Pg.293, #889, Andrew D. WARE 29 TN farmer $1200
Mary 29 VA
Hugh 10, Nancy 8, Martin J. 6 IL
Mary Ann 3, Sarah A. 8/12 IL
Pg.293, #890, Joseph D. WARE 36 TN farmer $1000
Mary D. 32 IN
Perlina 11, Hugh 10, Mahalia 2 IL
Thomas B. LILLARD 14 MO
Pg.293, #891, John WARE 34 TN farmer $1200
Nancy 30 TN
Sarah 9, James 8, A.D.(f) 6 IL
Ellen 3, George W. 5/12 IL
Pg.311, #1145, John PRICE 24 TN blacksmith $700
Sarah 23 OH
Mary E. 4 IL
B.A. DUNCAN (m) 24 PA physician
Benjamin SNODER? 18 OH blacksmith
Desie? REDICK 40 PA merchant
(MAD: Bazil A. Duncan, son of Jonathan Duncan & Letha Swarengen of 1860 Mercer Co. IL census)
1855 McDonough Co. IL State Census (from Alice Duncan) Ages 0-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 (my comma), etc. Twp.4N Range 4W, Lamoine Twp Pg. 8 Joseph Duncan 101 - 001 Twp.5N Range 4W, Dist. #1 Twp Pg. 18 David? Bennett 1001 - 01 Twp.6N Range 4W, Hire Twp (pg. 28-36) Pg. 28 Samuel Hunt, Wesly Count, C.C. Hungate, K.H. Dent, James Williams, James W. Parish, James Watts, J.L. Curtis, T.M. Gilfrey, Alfred Brown, Daniel T. Porter, John Logan, Lyman Stell, Robt. Seybole, Isaac H. Bozarth 201 - 201 Geo. Foster, James York, John Watson, N.J. Hays, John Davidson, Squire Bull, A. Huff Twp.6N Range 2W, Macomb Twp Pg. 44 L. B. Curry 101 - 1101 46 Isaac Duncan 21200,01 - 03201 Twp.6N Range 1W, Mound Twp Pg. 54 ?. L. Anderson 0001 - 001 64 Joseph Melvin 2001 - 1001 Twp.7N Range 1W, Bushnell and Prairie City (pg. 68-73) Pg. ? James Grisby (sic) 101 - 211 Twp.7N Range 2W, Walnut Grove Twp Pg. 74 D. L. Dungan 23101 - 0101 76 Robert Duncan 001 - 001 Twp.6N Range 3W, Emmett Twp Pg. 82 W?.H. Duncan 101 - 001 86 William Duncan 31001 - 0401 Twp.7N Range 3W, Sciota Twp Pg. ? Isah? Duncan 00000,0001 - 00000,0001 Twp.7N Range 4W, Blandinsville Twp Pg.100 John Writht 301 - 001 James Charter, J. N. Charter, Uriah Hungate, Horace Ward, Nathan Hunt, Eli Campbell, Nathan Mustine, J.V.M. Hardesty, Isaac Miller 4001 - 1001 Hiriam Williams, Wm. Berry, Wm. Campbell, Benet Able, Tabitha Griton, John H. Bunger, James McKay, Nathan Grisby, Joseph Deems, John Worrell, Redman Grisby, Will S. Wray, John Grisby, Aaron James, John Duncan 16001 - 00101 John Cotton, Hugh Dary, Absolom Daryl, John P. Rigdon, John L. Gordon, David Seybole 102 Miles Bond, Hiriam Baless, Joseph S. Cumings, Wm. Job, W.A. Ruddle, Wm. Shelly/Shelby, L. Nikle, Thos. J. Dovis, Thos. T---train?, L.S. Hays, Wm. Hamilton, John Taylor, Wm. Metcalf, Will Green, Jesse Booth, John Badger, H. Mayhen, H. Metcalf, Jacob Gauser, Frederick Hanson, A. Nowles, Jasper Markland, John Alexander, Ruben Harris 11000,1 - 03000,1 Wayman Harris 201 - 201 A. Harris 101 - 101 Samuel Whitly, Nancy Lisk, L. Eadle, Mrs. Rav---?, Will W. Moss 104 Geo. Eperson, E.G. Merril, J.B. Love, Henry Bristo, David Rice, James Harnline?, James M. Martin, Clement Gilliahn, C.R. Blanden, Martin Nungister?, R.D. Hammon, John Johnson, Thos. Huddleston, John Rivers, A.R. O'Neal, Pashal McGee, John Poles, E.F. ---?, J.W. Langford, C.R. Hume, John R. Evans, Johnson Yeater, John K. Hanmmon, James S. Haynes, Wm. Gillihan, Alfred Castor, James B. Porter, Len Bristol, Jesse Bristol, Jesse Martin, S.J. Hopper 106 John Hardesty, Jonathan Charter, Wm. Hardesty, Thos. Philips, Dotson Seybole, S.S. Hall, John G. Bouches, Noble Owsley, Margaret Seybole, Hugh Conner, L.G. Carter, John Bagby, James Woodsides 02001 - 10111 Catharine Duncan 01 - 0201 Anna Hutson, Wm. Howard, N.R. Loyd, A.L. Beaver, Geo. B. Givins, B.O. Givins, Lewis Beaston?, Joseph R. Fullerton, Phenias Martin, M---? H---?, James Warner, Charles Duncan 32001 - 22001 Arch Wilson, Gilford Couch, Jonathan Blackharst, Alfred Wright Thomas Duncan 0001 - 001 John Mustain 108 Joseph Haselwood, James Payton, John Hagarty, James L. Stockton, Geo. P. Umbarger, Thos. Melvin 20011 - 101 J.M. Brent, W.H. Huff, W.K. Bowles, Samuel Hooker, John Freeland, Sylvester Ruddle, Geo. Lock, Edward W. ----, John Anderson 201 - 001 James Kirkpatrick, Cooper Nants?, Levi C. ----?, David Hainline, Andrew Huff, Preston Anderson 01000,1 - 13200,1 Jacob Baughman 14001 - 31100,1 Thos. Loch, Israel Allshouse, Cornelius Boyles, Lewis Ball, John Baughman 0101 - 1001 Siles Grigby (sic), Wm. Grigsby, John Young, Wm. Mustine, John Mustine 110 James Young, Geo. Blanden, Geo. Merrill, E.R. Jones, V.M. Harkin?, Thos. R. Hays, James Timons, David Spillman, R. Sheilds, John Martin, U.J. ---?, John ---?, M.C. ---?, Joshua Dunham, N.B. Mayhen, John Sorter, Marion Bond, Elizabeth Freeland, Wm. C. Espe, Julis Taylor, Jacob Johnson, Chas. Dalinger, James Kimball, Henry Gilfrey, Robert Lomax, D. Martin, A--- Woolf, Smith Blanden, Wm. Hays, Hanson Hungate, A.P. Hopper 112 James Price, John Herzogg, Perry Cass, James Huddleston, Benjamin Fowler, John H. Cass, John N. Gleeson, Elisha Ward, Elias Wilson, Alfred Coffman, Phalis? Givens, Gilbert Smith, James Hughs, Wm. Coffman, James R. Ward, John Charter, Henry Spiker, Martin Spiker, James Dunlap, Philip Spiker, Henry Cains, ---- Robinson, T.P. Hill, Robt. Beall, Isaac Morgan, John Levit, Adonijah Hungate, M.B. Rulerts, John Tipton, James T----?, John Mustine, Caroline Gabard? - End of Twp 7N4W Twp.4N Range 3W, Bethel Twp Pg.116 John Scott 34100,1 - 01101 Joseph Russell 0001 - 1001 Thomas Wooten 001 - 00000,1 Margaret Harris 1 - 3101 Twp.5N Range 3W, Chalmers Twp Pg.128 Nath. Scott 001 - 201 John Scott 00000,1 - 00000,1 130 Wm. Dungan 002 - 001 Twp.4N Range 2W, Industry Twp Pg.138 George Bennett 101 - 001 W/H? Smidy 2001 - 2101 Joseph Anderson 1001 - 301 144 Isaac Harris 10000,1 - 001 John Walker 03100,01 - 002 Twp.5N Range 4W, Tennessee Twp (ends page 154) Pg.154 James H. Carnahan, Samuel Morrow, Samuel Knight, John A. Mitchel, Wmoxh? Qwlxh?, H.F. Chase, J. Sulivan, Charles Duncan 02001 - 1101 James Ch--gston or Cl--agston?, John Baldock, Thos. Alison, Andrew Alison, Samuel Cohorn? Twp.4N Range 1W, El Dorado Twp Pg.166 Wm. Walker 1001 - 101 Twp.5N Range 1W, New Salem Twp Pg.190 Wm. B. Wright 1001 - 001
1860 McDonough Co. IL Census (also from Alice Duncan)
New Salem Twp., taken 6/9/1860
Pg.405, #305-307, George DUNCAN 23 PA farmer $0-$350
Mary 21 PA
Nina 1 IL
Macomb Twp., taken 6/19/1860
Pg.502, #979-988, John DUNCAN 24 PA farmer $0-$30
Maria 23 OH (mar/in/year)
(MAD: John M. Duncan mar. Maria Morgan 11/30/1859)
Pg.507, #1024-1030, Benjamin DUNCAN 34 PA shoemaker $100-$100
Mary 25 PA
William 4 PA, James 7/12 IL
Pg.514, #1076-1081, Isaac DUNCAN 65 PA farmer $0-$300
Mary 55 PA
Mary 18, Matilda 16 IN
Isaac A. 14, Henry 12 IN
John JACOBS 17 IN laborer
Macomb City, taken 6/20/1860
Pg.531, #1213-1212, Reuben BROADUS 41 KY merchant clerk $500-$200
Mary 25 KY
Edward 11, Benjamin 4/12 IL
Amanda DUNCAN 16 IL
Emmett Twp
Pg.576, #1557-1541, Samuel DUNCAN 25 KY farmer $840-$250
Ruth 24 IL
Mary 5 MO, George 3, Napoleon 7/12 IL
(MAD: Samuel Duncan mar. Ruth Ferguson 2/1/1855)
(MAD: 1870 Andrew Co. MO census)
Pg.580, #1588-1569, Smith DUNCAN 49 KY farmer $2000-$325
Mary 48 KY
Frances (m) 18, Nathan 17 KY
Peter 14, Minerva 12 KY
Sarah 10, Mary 6, Joseph 4 IL
Douglas 1, Rebecca 1 (twins) IL
(MAD: from Lincoln Co. KY, son of Samuel Duncan)
Pg.583, #1605-1586, Catherine DUNCAN 42 KY farming $400-$250
William 17, James 7, John 6 IL
Angeline (f) 4, Malinda 2 IL
Isabel 19 KY serving
(MAD: W.W. Duncan (m) 52 KY mar. died Nov. from typhoid fever, carpenter, Emmet Twp., from mortality schedule)
Blandinsville Twp., taken 6/23/1860
Pg.591, #1658-1642, Thomas MELVIN 41 TN farmer $3300-$720
Gemima 30 KY
Mary 8, Franklin 6, George 5, Jacob 3, James 1 IL
Pg.591, #1659-1643, James MELVIN 50 TN farmer $1050-$480 (alone)
Blandinsville Twp., taken 6/23/1860
Pg.594, #1680-1664, William DUNCAN 25 IL farmer $750-$325
Ellen 25 KY
Margaret 3, Noah 1 IL
B.L. BURTEN (m) 28 KY
(MAD: William Duncan mar. Ellen Burton 1/17/1856; 1870 Nodaway Co. MO census)
Pg.596, #1699-1685, James MELVIN 39 TN farmer $0-$425
Margaret 40 TN
Ah?ehan (f) 10, William 7, Peter 5, Albert 4 TN
John 1/12 IL
Pg.596, #1701-1685, Catharine DUNCAN 44 TN farmer $2475-$875
John 19, Caroline 16 IL
Phillip YOUNG 17 MO
Pg.599, #1719-1702, John DUNCAN 57 TN farmer $3840-$560
John 22, Francis (m) 21 IL
Benjamin 18 IL ("Ills")
Harrison 16, Samuel 15 IL
Pg.599, #1720-1703, Thomas DUNCAN 31 TN farmer $0-$500
Martha 28 VA
Elizabeth 4, Mary 1 IL
Infant (m) 1/12 IL
Pg.599, #1721-1704, Gilbert P. SMITH 41 TN farmer $2400-$775
Emma 34 KY
Sarah 16 IA ("Iowa")
Roda 14 IL
Adline 13 IA
Mary 11, Albert 5 IL
Joseph 3, Richard 1 IL
Elizabeth DUNCAN 29 TN
Josiah BOND? 31 OH farm laborer
Pg.601, #1730-1713, Joseph MELVIN 72 VA farmer $3000-$300? (ink smear)
Sarah 60 TN
John 33, Joseph 24, Jesse 16, Hannah 25 TN
Evaline 22, Zeneth ?, Lidia 18 TN
Pg.620, #1897-1855, Wayman HARRIS 29 IL farmer $0-$180
Nancy 35 SC
Mary 9, James 7, Reubin 6, Alice 5 IL
Perry 1, Jane 3, Infant (m) 1/12 IL
Pg.620, #1898-1856, Reuben HARRIS 56 NC farmer $2300-$640
Alice 56 TN
Mary 19, Allie 16, Ransom 13 IL
Pg.620, #1899-1857, James ATWATER 34 TN farmer $1400-$1000
Ann 30 ENG
Elizabeth 5, Zelotta (f) 3, Joseph 7?/12 IL
Pg.621, #1900-1858, Andersen HARRIS 26 IL farmer
Mary 30 IL
Emily 7, Laura 5, Pierce 4 IL
William 3, Memory 1 IL
Pg.625, #1931-1889, Martin SPIKER 38 OH (blank) $645-$645
Mary 33 TN
William 12, Albert 7, Louisa 2 IL
Hire Twp., taken 6/27/1860
Pg.638, #2010-1966, John C. PAGET 39 KY farmer $930-$300
Margaret 39 KY
Frances C. (f) 13 KY
Martha A. 7, Tobias A. 2 IL
Davis H. 1/12 IL
Nathan H. DUNCAN 15 (written over 25) KY farm laborer
(MAD: 1870 Bourbon Co. KS census)
Pg.644, #2056-2009, John DUNCAN 25 IL farmer $0-$165
Mayant (Margaret??) 22 OH
Alonzo 1 IL
(MAD: John Duncan mar. Margaret Ann Chapin 3/4/1856; 1870 Hancock Co. IL census)
Pg.661, #2176-2118, Isaac BENNETT 34 KY laborer $0-$735
Ruth 28 KY
Willis 9, Melvin 7, Orin 5 KY
Harley 3 IL
Walnut Grove Twp., taken 7/10/1860
Pg.737, #2725-2644, Robert DUNCAN 30 PA farmer $0-$291
Emaline 27 IL
Clara 4, Alice 2 IL
(MAD: Robert Duncan mar. Emeline Pearce 8/15/1855)
Scioto Twp., taken 7/16/1860
Pg.758, #2864-2784, Jasper A. DUNCAN 23 IN farmer $2000-$668
Elizabeth 22 IL
James WELSH 9 Unknown
Industry Twp., taken 7/21/1860
Pg.813, #3221-3142, Reuben HARRIS 31 OH farmer $400
Jane 22 NY
Francis (m) 9 OH
Mary 3, Duncan (m) 7/12 IL
Industry Twp., taken 7/21/1860
Pg.819, #3259-3181, B.A. DUNCAN (m) 35 PA physician $1000-$400
Julia 30 KY
Jonathan 7, Flutwood (m) 5, William 4 IL
(MAD: B.A. Duncan mar. Julia A. Standard 5/10/1852)
Lamoine Twp, P.O. Cilmer, 7/25
Pg.846, #3462-3377, John H? WEAR 44 E.Tenn farmer $5000-$1000
James 16, Abigail 14, Nancy? E. 12 IL
Elizabeth C?. 5 IL
Pg.847, #3465-3380, Andrew WEAR 39 TN farmer $4200-$1800
Mary A. 40 VA
Hugh 19, Nancy 17, James M. 15 IL
Sarah A. 12, Mary J. 10, Priscilla 8 IL
Joseph 6, Armima (f) 4, Robert 2 IL
Hugh WEAR 70 TN farmer $1640-$50
Lamoine Twp., P.O. Cilmer, taken 7/25/1860
Pg.848, #3471-3386, Joseph DUNCAN 32 TN farmer $4000-$835
Martha 26 IL
Lathean (f) 6, George W.A. 4, Ema J. (f) 3 IL
(MAD: Joseph Duncan 21 mar. Martha Huff over 18 on 12/16/1852 Schuyler Co. IL)
Pg.848, #3473-3388, A.J. DUNCAN (m) 24 TN farmer $1000-$250 (alone)
(MAD: one Andrew J. Duncan mar. Harriet Ralston 12/25/1861)
Pg.849, #3480-3395, Joseph D. WEAR 46 TN farmer $3065-$1155
Mary B. 42 IN
Hugh E. 19, Mahala M. 15, Malichi D. 11 IL
Newton 7, Andrew N. 5 IL
Go to the McDonough Co. IL 1870, 1880 and partial 1900 Census Records
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Tax Records
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Land Records
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Estate Records
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Church Records
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Cemetery Records
Adams Co. IL Deeds
Z-350/353: 22 Sept. 1845, Robert Lemmon of City and County of Baltimore, MD, and Thomas G. McCulloh at the time of executing these presents in the said City of Baltimore, surviving Devisees in Trust as named in the will of Alexander Macdonald late of same place decd, which will bears date 23 July 1836 has been executed and proved and now of record in Office of the Register of Wills for Baltimore Co. afsd in Liber D.M.P. No.16 folio 80 &c, to Margaret S. Duncan of City of Baltimore; that Alexander MacDonald by his will for purpose of ... settling his estate the trustees may sell any part of his estate ... and they convey the lands and premises described for the valuation of $2,977.50, now this indenture ... for $5 paid, Robert Lemmon and Thomas G. McCulloh as surviving devisees in trust ... convey to said Margaret S. Duncan all that parcel of land containing 160 acres in Adams Co. IL, the NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.3S Range 7W granted by US to Thomas Redmond by patent 22 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 recorded at Edwardsville in Book O? page 52; also 160 acres in Schuyler Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.2N Range 1W granted William Clayton by patent 8 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed the same day, recorded at Edwardsville in Book O page 23? &c; also 160 acres in Pike Co. IL, NW 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.5W Range 4W granted to Nicholas Fortune by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed the same day recorded Book 76? (H?) page 390 &c; also 160 acres in McDonough Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.6N Range 2W granted to Joseph Stewart by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 8 Jan. 1818 recorded Book O page 65 &c; also 160 acres in Fulton Co. IL, SE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.7N R3E granted to George Metsinger by patent 17 Jan. 1818 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 19 Jan. same year and recorded Book O page 60 &c; also 160 acres in Knox Co. IL, SW 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.9N Range 2E granted to Andrew Smith by patent 20 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to said Alexander Macdonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 and recorded Book O page 4?xxc?; and also 320 acres in Warren Co. IL, the S of Sec.8 Twp.9N Range 1W granted to John Shoame by patent 24 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed the same day and recorded Book O page 13 &c; together with appurtenances, to hold the 8 parcels above described ... /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson, N?.H?.K?. Foard. Received from Margaret S. Duncan, $5, /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson. Ack. 22 Sept. 1845 before A.R. Levering, Commissioner of Deeds, Baltimore, MD. No.6948, Filed July 17, 1846. (FHL film 967,546)
Hancock Co. IL Marriage Book C (from Alice Duncan)
Duncan, Samuel O., age 40, f. Wm. C. Duncan, m. Elizabeth Hanks, b. McDonough Co.; to Elizabeth C. Fisher, (her second marriage) age 31, f. Franklin Cilomi?, m. Julia Ann DeHaven, b. McDonough Co.; mar. 1 Nov. 1894 by S. Magee MG in McDonough Co.; C-28, #1098
Duncan, Charles, age 24, f. Edward Duncan, m. Anna Howse, b. McDonough Co.; to Anna Morey, age (blank), f. Samuel Morey, m. Anna Vakis, b. in Quincy, IL; mar. 5 Sept. 1901 by Clarence M. Johnson JP at Warsaw, IL; C-70, #2775
Duncan, Alfred, age (blank), f. H.H. Duncan, m. Mahala Hamilton, b. McDonough Co.; to Georgia Eaton, age (blank), f. Cyrus Eaton, m. Mary (blank), b. in N.Y.; mar. 16 Oct. 1901 by George Coulson JP in La Harpe, IL; C-70, #2794
Duncan, Albert, age 26, f. H.H. Duncan, m. Mahala Hamilton, b. McDonough Co.; to Myrtle Tilton, age 23, f. S.H. Tilton, m. Catherine Huston, b. in La Harpe, IL; mar. 15 Dec. 1901 by George Couldon JP in La Harpe, IL; C-71, #2834
Duncan, Clarence, age 25, f. Harry Duncan, m. Mahala Hamilton, b. McDonough Co.; to Nellie May Rhea, age 17, f. Theodore Rhea, m. Sarah Ann Duncan, b. in Hancock Co.; mar. 30 May 1907 by George W. Jones JP at Carthage, IL; C-103
Hancock Co. IL Death Records (from Alice Duncan; and courthouse, Carthage, IL, 10/1979)
A-133: Duncan, Stephen H., age 28 yrs 8 months 13 days, died 22 March 1886 at res. of James Duncan, Fountain Green Twp; born Henderson Co.; burial Scott cemetery, McDonough Co., IL.
A-165: Duncan, Nancy Ann, age 33 yrs 7 mos, b. IL, died 28 March 1888 in Hire twp, McDonough Co., bur. in Grove Neck Cem.; undertaker Spillman Bros. Blandinsville; signed by Dr. J.A. Barr of Fountain Green.
A-231: Duncan, George, age 32, died 5 Oct. 1894 in Illinois; killed by railroad cars, buried at Blandinsville; signed by Dr. P. Hession, Hamilton, IL, who was coroner of Hancock Co. at the time.
Hancock Co. IL Deeds (from Alice Duncan)
K-76: 27 Dec. 1839, Alexander Robinson to Joseph Duncan of McDonough Co., SE 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec. 1, Twp 6N5W, 40 acres.
45-531: 3 Nov. 1840, U.S. to George W. Duncan of McDonough Co., NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec. 1, Twp. 6N5W, 40.99 acres; signed by Martin Van Buren. Rec. 4 Feb. 1857.
Z-301: 24 Dec. 1847, Joseph Duncan of McDonough Co. to Preston Anderson, 20 acres, Twp 6N5W.
Hancock Co. IL Deeds (SLC 12/9/2013)
K-76: No.4569. 27 Dec. 1839, Alexander Robinson and wife Rachel H. of Hancock Co. IL for $650 paid by Joseph Duncan of McDonough Co. IL, sell that lot or parcel of land in Hancock Co. IL, SE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.6N Range 5W containing 40 acres and 97/100 of an acre more or less, also W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.6N Range 5W containing 81 acres and 94/100 of an acre more or less, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Alexander Robinson, Rachel H. Robinson. Wit. L.R. Chaffin, Saml. L. Paine. Ack. before Louis R. Chaffin, J.P., Hancock Co. IL, 27 Dec. 1839. Recorded 5 Feb. 1842. (FHL film 954,599)
Z-301: No.3143?, 24 Dec. 1847, Joseph Duncan of McDonough Co. to Preston Anderson of same place, for $130 paid, sell tract or parcel of land in Hancock Co. IL, 20 acres of North part of W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.6N Range 5W, with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joseph (X) Duncan. Wit. C.R. Hume, J.Y?. Hopper. Ack. 24 Dec. 1847 before John Gardner, J.P., Hancock Co. IL. Recorded Jan. 30, 1851. (FHL film 954,599) (MAD: One Preston Anderson of McDonough Co. IL married Lieurana Duncan, dau. of Marshall Duncan of White Co. TN; 8.3.5. in Sec.III in my book)
45-531 (534): Certificate No.5144. That George W. Duncan of McDonough Co. IL has deposited a certificate in the Gen. Land Office whereby it appears that full payment has been made according to Act of 24 April 1820 for sale of public lands, for NE 1/4 NE 1/4 Sec.1 Twp.6N Range 5W, containing 40 acres and 97/100 of an acre per survey, purchased by said George W. Duncan, now the US grants to said George W. Duncan the above tract and to his heirs, 3 Nov. 1840, City of Washington, /s/ Martin Van Buren by M. Van Buren per? Secy, Jos. S. Wilson Acting Recorder of General Land Office ad interim. Recorded Vol.11 Page 49. (FHL film 954,355)
Henderson Co. IL Deed (Oquawka courthouse, Henderson Co. IL, 10/1979)
9-476: Duncan, Joseph of Morgan Co. from James and wife Elizabeth Dunlap of Morgan Co., and James W. Crane of Tazewell Co. IL, $200, 2/7 of land in Fulton, Warren, McDonough & Hancock Cos., ILL, 160 acres SE 1/4 Sec. 17 5N3E; 160 acres NE 1/4 Sec. 23 8N2E; 160 acres SW 1/4 Sec. 20 6N1E in Fulton Co.; 160 acres SE 1/4 Sec. 20 4N4W in McDonough Co.; 160 acres NE 1/4 Sec. 1 4N7W Hancock Co.; 160 acres SW 1/4 Sec. 10 8N6W in Henderson Co. /s/ James Duncan, Elizabeth Duncan, James Dunlap, atty for James M. Crane. Rec. Morgan Co.
Schuyler Co. IL Deed (SLC 12/13/2013)
M-450/453: 22 Sept. 1845, Robert Lemmon of City and County of Baltimore, MD, and Thomas G. McCulloh at the time he executed these presents in the said City of Baltimore, surviving trustees as named in the will of Alexander MacDonald late of the same place, deceased, which will bears date 23 July 1836, proved and of record in office of Register of Wills for Baltimore Co. afsd, Liber L.M.B.? on 16 folio 802?, to Margaret S. Duncan of City of Baltimore afsd, that said Alexander Macdonald by his will ... trustees should act as they or his heirs deem advisable, they convey to party of second part that part that they have consented to take at the valuation of $5,977.50, now Robert Lemmon and Thomas G. McCulloh as surviving trustees convey to Margaret S. Duncan that parcel of land containing 160 acres in Adams Co. IL, being NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.3S Range 7W granted by US to Thomas Redmond by patent 22 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 recorded at Edwardsville in Book O? page 52&c, also 160 acres in Adams Co. IL, SW 1/4 Sec.9 Twp.2N Range 8W granted to Lazerous Summers by patent 18 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed 31 Jan. 1818 recorded Book O pg.53&c, also 160 acres in Schuyler Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.2S Range 1W granted to William Clayton by patent 8 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed dated same day and recorded Book O page 23&c, also 160 acres in Pike Co. IL, NW 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.5S Range 4W granted to Nicholas Fortune by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander MacDonald by deed dated same day and recorded Book H page 390, and 160 acres in McDonough Co. IL, NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.6N Range 2W granted to Joseph Stewart by patent 9 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed 8 Jan. 1818 recorded Book C page 60, and 160 acres in Fulton Co. IL, SE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.7N Range 3E granted to George Metzerger by patent 17 Jan. 1818 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed 19 Jan. same year and recorded Book C pg.60&c, also 160 acres in Knox Co. IL, SW 1/4 Sec.36 Twp.9N Range 2E granted to Andrew Smith by patent dated 20 Nov. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed dated 31 Jan. 1818 recorded Book C pg.48&c, and 320 acres in Warren Co. IL, S 1/2 Sec.8 Twp.9?N Range 1W granted to John Shoanee? by patent 24 Dec. 1817 and conveyed to Alexander Macdonald by deed dated same day, recorded Book C page 13&c, together with rights and appurtenances. /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson, Geo.? W.K. To??. Received from Margaret S. Duncan, $5 in full, /s/ Robert Lemmon, T.G. McCulloh. Wit. Wm. Stevenson. Ack. before A.R. Loverning?, Commissioner of Deeds, Baltimore City, MD, 22 Sept. 1845. Recorded June 18, 1846. (FHL film 1,311,523)
Warren Co. IL Deed Extracts (from Ronda Berry 3/1995)
2-410: 1836, Roswell Tirrell and Hannah Ann, his wife, of Hancock Co., to Ignatus Howard of McDonough Co. for $125 to grant the following: Warren Co., SE 1/4 of Sec.32 in 8N4W 160 acres on 25 July 1835/1838? (hard to read). Attested by Robert T. Cock, Justice of Peace of Hancock Co. 25 July 1835. Attested to Cock's validity -- Wesley Williams on 24 Aug. 1836.
5-426, #2307. This indenture 13 May 1838 between Ignatius Howard and Mary, his wife, of Des Moines Co. and territory of Wisconsin (of which Des Moines Co. was a part) to Joseph Duncan of McDonough Co. for $300, land in Warren Co. IL, E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Sec.32 in 8N4W. Attested to by John G. Woodside, Justice of the Peace of McDonough Co. on 15 Oct. 1838. (MAD: Other deeds from other people ca 1836 for land in McDonough Co. IL for lands in military boundries in NE 1/4 Sec.8 Twp 5N Range 4W and others, sold to Joseph Duncan of Morgan Co. IL; county where deeds recorded, and book and page, not given)
Warren Co. IL Deed (SLC 12/13/2013)
5-428: #2308. 7 July 1838, Joseph Duncan and Katharine his wife of McDonough Co. IL to Russell Duncan of afsd, for $400 paid, sell parcel of land in Warren Co. IL, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.32 Twp.8N Range ?W (in center fold), with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Joseph Duncan, Catharine Duncan. Wit. John Bowen, John G. Woodside. Ack. 7 July 1838 before John G. Woodside, J.P., McDonough Co. IL; certification by James M. Campbell, Clerk of County Commissioner's Court for McDonough Co. IL for John G. Woodside, 29 Aug. 1838. Recorded 15 Oct. 1838. (FHL film 1,377,881)
Beaver Co. PA Deed (FHL film 863,674; SLC 9/17/2012)
36-369/370: 7 June 1856, Thomas Nicholson of Beaver Co. PA, attorney in fact for Bazel Duncan and Julia his wife, Sarah Ann Duncan intermarried with William McCandless, Tho. K. Duncan and William Duncan, heirs at law of Lethe Duncan decd, to Samuel Swearingen of afsd, for $1,125 paid, sell tract of land in Hanover Twp, Beaver Co. PA, adj. land of Zeckariah Swearingin, John and William Swearingen, Ross Scott, David Beal, John A. Wallace, containing 50 acres strict measure, being the same tract of land bequeath the afsd heirs of Lethe Duncan decd. by their grandfather Bazel Swearingen, late of Beaver Co. PA, decd, in his will Jan. 4, 1849, admitted to probate in Beaver Co. PA on 17 May 1852, together with appurtenances. /s/ Tho. Nicholson, atty for heirs of Lethe Duncan decd. Wit. J.J. Carothers, William Ewing. Recorded Feb. 23, 1857. (MAD: Aletha Swearingen mar. Jonathan Duncan, per 1915 "Genealogical and personal history of western Pennsylvania" by John W. Jordan, and "Historical & Biographical Sketch, One Branch of the Williamson Family, 1745-1906" by Rev. Robert Duncan Williamson for Washington Co. PA; Basil A. Duncan b.1825 PA, per 1878 "History of M'Donough Co. IL" by J.S. Clark)
White Co. TN Deeds
P-380: 22 Feb. 1849, Solomon Duncan of White Co. TN, Robert Howard and his wife Elizabeth Howard formerly Elizabeth Duncan of Van Buren Co. TN, Ignatius Howard and his wife Mary Howard formerly Mary Duncan of the State of Ioway, Preston Anderson and his wife Lurany Anderson formerly Lurany Duncan of the State of Illinois and McDonoe (sic) County of the first part, and Tucker Maldin of the County of White and State of Tennessee of the second part. Witnesseth that the said party of the first part for and in consideration of the sum of $800 ... all ... interest and shares which we may be or are entitled as heirs at law of Marshal Duncan, late of White Co. TN, decd., six parcels of land situate and lying and being in White Co. TN on waters of Cherry Creek and bounded as follows: (1) 80 acres TN grant #5772 to James Chism 30 June 1814 (faint land description) from Chism to Marshal Duncan by deed 30 July 1815; (2) 25 acres more or less TN grant #5773 30 June 1814 to Thomas Turner part of allotment to James Chism by commissioners when dividing sundry tracts between heirs of said Turner and said Chism; (3) 61 acres TN grant #901 to Marshal Duncan, Mountain Dist., 23 Sept. 1828; (4) 50-1/2 acres TN grant #914 to Marshal Duncan 24 Sept. 1828; (5) 50 acres TN grant to Marshal Duncan #4415 26 Nov. 1826; (6) 10 acres TN grant #22466 29 Sept. 1824 to Marshal Duncan. 276-1/2 acres. Wit. W.G. Sims, Lucinda Sims as to Solomon Duncan. (from TN State Library & Archives of pages 380-383; also FHL film 507,910 from Alice Duncan)
R-341: 9 July 1853, from Preston Anderson and Lusanah/Luranah his wife (signed Lurancy or Lurancey) to Solomon Duncan: This indenture made and entered into this 9 July 1853 between Preston Anderson and his wife Luranah Anderson (formerly Luranah Duncan) of McDonough Co. IL of the one part and Solomon Duncan of White Co. TN of the other part witnesseth that for an in consideration of the sum of $200 in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, the said Preston Anderson and his wife Luranah, have this day bargained and sold and by these presence do hereby bargain, sell and convey unto the said Solomon Duncan, his heirs and assigns forever ... all the rights, title and demand they have in and to the lands of which Marshall Duncan, late of the county of White died seized and possessed, being the 1/5 part thereof, which lands are at present occupied by Tucker Maulden and contain by estimation 276 acres, lying on the waters of Cherry Creek in the 12th Civil District of White County and which descended to the said Luranah Anderson as daughter and heir of said Marshall Duncan decd .... /s/ Prest. Anderson, Luraney Anderson. Teste: Dalavan Marlin, Thos. M. Gilfrey. Recorded in McDonough Co. IL, then in White Co. TN. (FHL film 507,911)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Benjamin, widow Duncan, Mary L., minor Jackson, G.W., Gdn.; H 119 Ill Inf.; 1864 Aug. 23, Widow Appl. #62021, Cert. #42129; 1866 Aug. 20, Minor Appl. #132446, Cert. #113125. (MAD: from Bardolph [McDonough Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, Elias; I 11 Ill. Cav.; 1880 March 1, Invalid Appl. #349428, Cert. #364346. (MAD: 1850 McDonough Co. IL; of Blandinsville, per IL Civil War database; Elijah Duncan in same unit)
Duncan, Isaac N., widow Duncan, Mary A.; F 47 Ill. Inf., I 137 Ill. Inf.; 1889 Oct. 7, Invalid Appl. #733133, Cert. #512925, Ill; 1909 April 2, Widow Appl. #916898, Cert. #681126, Ill. (MAD: of Bushnell and Mound [McDonough Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, James E., widow Duncan, Almira M.; H 119 Ill Inf.; 1880 Feb. 17, Invalid Appl. #349422, Cert. #243177; 1885 June 23, Widow Appl. #328135, Cert. #282137, MO. (MAD: 1870 McDonough Co. IL, age 38 b.PA; 1880 Lafayette Co. MO age 48 b.PA)
Duncan, James M., widow Duncan, Mary J.; C 78 Ill. Inf.; 1891 March 19, Invalid Appl. #1003205, Cert. #763174, Kans.; 1904 March 21, Widow Appl. #802432, Cert. #600004, MO. (MAD: of Blandinsville [McDonough Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, James M., minor Duncan, Oriel J., Gdn.; K 11 Ill. Cav.; 1879 Dec. 22, Invalid Appl. #331904, Cert. #293046; 1897 Feb. 12, Minor Appl. #648362, no cert., Ill. (MAD: ? Mason or McDonough Co. IL; of Young America per IL Civil War database; also William Duncan of Young America)
Duncan, John; C 78 Ill. Inf.; 1874 April 27, Invalid Appl. #192382, Cert. #139849. (MAD: of Blandinsville [McDonough Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, John; C 137 Ill. Inf.; 1890 July 25, Invalid Appl. #823017, Cert. #569258, Ill. (MAD: of Tennessee, [McDonough Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Duncan, William H.; I 124 Ill. Inf.; 1879 Nov. 20, Invalid Appl. #321595, Cert. #1117576; remarks C2493444. (MAD: of Colchester [McDonough Co.] IL per IL Civil War database)
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Histories before 1923
Go to the McDonough Co. IL Newspaper Records
Family Bible in Possession of Mrs. Mary Kozel, Media, IL, in 1980 (from Mary Kozel, MAD's extract)
Deaths - page blank, copy not sent
Joel Duncan was born June the 30th A.D. 1779
Married June the 11th A.D. 1800 to Jane Melvin
& Married to Patience Griffith March the 2nd A.D. 1820.
(crossed out:) Joel Duncan died
John Duncan was born April the 10th A.D. 1802
Russel Duncan was born November the 20th A.D. 1803
Charles Duncan was born January the 3rd A.D. 1806
Elizabeth Duncan was born Feb. 9th A.D. 1808
Mary Duncan was born Apr. 14 A.D. 1810
Margaret Duncan was born March the 21st A.D. 1812
Joseph Duncan was born A.D. 1814
Nancy Duncan was born Jan. the 6th A.D. 1821
Daniel Duncan was born Feb. 18th A.D. 1822
Joseph Duncan was born April 28th A.D. 1812
Katharine Duncan was born March 17th A.D. 1816
Elizabeth Duncan was born January 31st A.D. 1838
Lydia Duncan was born April 26th A.D. 1839
John Duncan was born January 28th A.D. 1841
Caroline Duncan was born March 4th A.D. 1844
"Kansas Kin" by Riley Co. KS Genealogical Society, Manhattan, KS; Vol.8, Feb. 1970, pg.6, records submitted by Mrs. Dale Duncan (Los Angeles Public Library magazine section; FHL book 978.128 B2g)
This periodical contains the Bible Record of Elias Duncan, born 5/1/1841 McDonough Co. IL, annotated by Mrs. Dale Duncan. The information has also been included, with permission, in Section II of "Some Duncan Families of Eastern Tennessee Before 1800"
The McDonough Co. IL Genealogical Society has published the census, marriages, cemetery listings, and newspaper abstracts in booklet form. Their newsletters have included a lot of various items from the county, and extracts have been published.
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