Duncan research files of |
1830-1840 Cass Co. IN Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Cass Co. IN Census (and from Lucille Mehrkam 1/1984)
Deer Creek
Pg.473, #77-69, Benjamin M. DUNCAN 39 IN farmer $1000
Susan 20 IN
William 8/12 IN
Lewis BLASSIER 21 OH laborer
(MAD: son of Peter of 1820 Franklin Co. IN census, 1830 Carroll Co. IN census; mar. 1st Susan Payton 8/24/1848, mar. 2nd Jane Rhine per Sheila Tryk; age 39 plainly written)
Pg.473, #78-70, Wm. DUNCAN 30 IN farmer $1600
Hannah 29 IN
John 7, Peter 5, Franklin 4 IN
(MAD: William Dunkin mar. Hannah Payton 2/10/1841 Carroll Co. IN)
Eel Twp.
Pg.516, #179-188, James A. TAYLOR 30 OH physician $4000
Caroline 22 SC
Judson C. 1/12 IN
Victor 22 OH medical student
Sylvester DUNCAN 20 IN medical student
Lucinda HOLCOMB 16 OH
1860 Cass Co. IN Census
Deer Creek Twp.
Pg.697, #1299-1275, William DUNKIN 41 Franklin Co. IN farmer $5000-$1145
Hannah 29 Nicholes Co. KY
John 18 Cass Co. IN
Peter 16 Cass Co. IN
Franklin (m) 13 Cass Co. IN
Leonidas 8 Cass Co. IN
Mary J. 6 Cass Co. IN
Angeline 2 Cass Co. IN
Emeline 2 Cass Co. IN
Pg.697, #1300-1276, Benjamin M. DUNKIN 39 Franklin Co. IN farmer $2500-$1100
Jane 30 Gallia Co. OH
William 10 Cass Co. IN
Sylvanus (m) 9 Cass Co. IN
Elizabeth M. 3 Cass Co. IN
Mary E. 1 Cass Co. IN
William DOUGLAS 20 Grant Co. IN farm hand
1870 Cass Co. IN Census
Boone Twp.
Pg.30, #57-57, DUNKIN, Abraham 32 OH farmer $600-$300
Catharine 27 OH keeps house
George 5, Matilda 4, Horatio (m) 3? (2?) IN
Matilda 51 OH
(MAD: 1860 Pulaski Co. IN census)
Deer Creek Twp.
Pg.74, #117-117, DUNCAN, Benj. 49 IN farmer $3500-$1000
Jane 40 OH keeps house
Sylvanus (m) 19, Maria 13, Mary E. 11 IN at home
Rebecca 9, Benj. F. 7, Emma 5, Ida M. (f) 1 IN
Pg.74, #118-118, DUNCAN, William 53 IN farmer $8000-$1000
Hannah 48 KY keeps house
Peter 26 IN farmer $0-$250
Leonidus (m) 19 IN at home
Mary J. 17, Emma 12, Anna 12 (sic) IN at home
ROACH, Alex 15 IN farm laborer
Logansport, 4th Ward (page VERY faint)
Pg.222, #1097?, Another family (too faint to read)
DUNCAN, Ellen 50?? ENG (last digit of age is 0)
Logansport, 5th Ward
Pg.235, #199-195, DUNCAN, Jesse 42 OH carpenter $0-$400
Mary A. 25 OH keeping house $1200-$300
George W. 16, Alfred D. 14, Eli P. 11 OH
Jessie A. (f) 9, Louisa J. 5 OH
Elizabeth 2 IN
(MAD: 1860 Miami Co. OH census)
Tipton Twp.
Pg.279, #?48-48, DUNCAN?, James 42 VA laborer $0-$0
Elizabeth 35 IN keeps house
Sarah O. 9 IN
Charles H?. (M?.) 5?/12 IN b.Feb.
Cass Co. IN General index to deeds, 1830-1859 (FHL Film 1,994,843; SLC 6/4/2011; copied by CVD)
Includes kind of deed, date of deed, consideration, description of lots or land, date recorded
F-84: Duncan, R.B. Com. to Elizabeth Jackson, C.D. (Comr.Deed?), Apr. 20, 1842, pt. E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.29 Twp.27 R.3E, 38 acres, April 12, 1845
G-472: Dunkin, Samuel to George Brown, W (Warranty deed), Jan. 27, 1848, $375, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.26 R.1E, 71.34 acres, Aug. 18, 1848
K-20: Dunkin, Samuel from United States, Pat., Mar. 20, 1837, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.26 R.1E, 71.34 acres, Oct. 27, 1851
Cass Co. IN General index to deeds, 1859-1868 (FHL film 1,994,844; SLC 10/4/2011)
S-38: Duncan, Richard to John N. Poundstone, 1859
S-239: Duncan, Richard to Lenon Bennett, 1859
Cass Co. IN Deeds (SLC 10/4/2011)
Deed records, vol.D-E 1840-1845, Deed records, vol.F (to p.285) 1845-1847 (FHL film 1,995,082)
F-84/86: #2590. Robert B. Duncan to Elizabeth Jackson, Commissioner's Deed. That on 4 April 1840, Elizabeth Jackson, Joseph Jackson, William J. Jackson, Polly Ann Jackson, Sarah Jackson, and Eli Jackson, infants within the age of 21 years, by Zadock Jackson, their Guardian and next friend, filed in the Marion Circuit Court their bill of complaint for assignment of dower and partition against Charles Allen and Celia Allen his wife showing their father Eli Jackson was seized in fee of tracts and parcels of land, the W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.16 Twp.14N Range 2E and N 1/2 SE 1/4 same section, twp. & range, both tracts in Marion Co. IN, and also E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.29 Twp.27N Range 3E, the E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.18 Twp.27N Range 2E and E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.7 Twp.27 Range 2E, the last 3 tracts in Cass Co. IN, and said Eli Jackson about the "__" day of Dec. 1834 died intestate leaving Celia Jackson now Celia Allen his widow and said petitioners his children and only heirs, ... they petition for a division of the land. (more not copied) Robert B. Duncan was appointed by the Marion Circuit Court a Commissioner to convey the premises and estate in the report. This indenture 25 April 1842 from Robert B. Duncan Commissioner to Elizabeth Jackson, convey the said land divided to her, all that part of E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.29 Twp.27N Range 3E in Cass Co. IN (more not copied), containing 38 acres more or less. /s/ Robert B. Duncan, Commissioner, 20 April 1842. Wit. Calvin F. Rooker, Jas. M. Sharpe. Robert B. Duncan appeared 25 April 1842 before Joshua Stevens, Justice of the Peace of Marion Co. Certification by Robert B. Duncan, Clerk of the Marion Circuit Court. Recorded Apr. 12, 1845. (FHL film 1,995,082; SLC 10/4/2011)
Deed records, vol.F (from p. 285) 1845-1847, Deed records, vol.G-H 1847-1850 (no vol.I) (FHL film 1,995,083)
G-472: 27 Jan. 1848, Samuel Dunkin and wife Susana Dunkin of Moultree Co. IL to George Brown of Cass Co. IN, for $375 paid, sell the piece or parcel of land, the East 1/2 North East 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.26 North of Range 1 East, containing 71 acres and 34/100 of an acre, more or less, warrant title. They appeared 27 Jan. 1848 before John A. Freeland, Clerk of County Court of Moultrie Co. IL. Recorded Aug. 18, 1848. (FHL film 1,995,083; SLC 10/4/2011)
Deed records, vol.J-K 1850-1853 (FHL film 1,995,084)
K-20: United States Pattent to Samuel Dunkin, Certificate No.25,027. The United States of America, ... that Samuel Dunkin of Fountain Co. IN has deposited in the General Land Office of the US a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Crawfordsville, full payment has been made, (more not copied), for the E 1/2 North East 1/4 Sec.14 in Twp.26 North of Range 1 East in District of Lands subject to sale at Crawfordsville, IN, containing 71 acres and 34/100 of an acre according to official survey, which tract was purchased by said Samuel Dunkin, Now ... grant to said Samuel Dunkin the said tract. 20 March 1837. Recorded Oct. 27, 1851. (FHL film 1,995,084; SLC 10/4/2011)
Deed records, vol.S (FHL film 2,020,209)
S-38/39: 9 Feb. 1859, Richard Dunkin and wife Lydia Dunkin for $120 paid, sell to John N. Poundstone, real estate in Cass Co. IN, the North 1/2 of North East 1/4 of South East 1/4 of Sec.36 Twp.25 Range 1 West containing 20 acres more or less, together with all appurtenances to the same belonging, warrant title. /s/ Richard Dunkin, Lydia Dunkin. They appeared 9 Feb. 1859 before Geo. Smith, Justice of the Peace, Cass Co. IN. Recorded Aug. 30, 1859. (FHL film 2,020,209; SLC 10/4/2011)
S-239: 9 Nov. 1839, Richard Duncan and wife Lydia Duncan for $125 paid, sell to Bennett Lennon, real estate in Cass Co. IN, South 1/2 of North East 1/4 of South East 1/4 of Sec.36 Twp.25 North of Range 1 East containing 20 acres more or less, together with appurtenances, warrant title. /s/ Richard Dunkin, Lydia Dunkin. They appeared before William Cernyl? Justice of the Peace, Cass Co. IN. Recorded Dec. 30, 1839. (FHL film 2,020,209; SLC 10/4/2011)
1886 "History of Cass Co. IN From the Earliest Time to The Present" ed. by Thomas B. Helm, pub. by Brant & Fuller (FHL book 977.286 H2h)
Pg.738, Deer Creek Township: WILLIAM DUNKIN, born Franklin Co. this state, Dec. 5, 1819, his father, Peter Dunkin, was born June 10, 1792, near Pittsburgh [Allegheny Co.], PA, from where his parents removed to KY and later to OH. October 29, 1815, he was united in marriage to Mary Martin, a native of OH; a short time subsequent they commenced life together in Franklin Co., this State, living there until 1830, when they removed to Carroll Co., of which they remained residents until their death, Mr. Dunkin dying June 11, 1863. (MAD: no date given for Mary's death) Our immediate subject was reared on the farm, early education limited, age 21 began life for himself and worked by the month on a farm; Feb. 10, 1841, mar. Hannah Payton, dau. of John and Margaret Payton, natives of KY, and respectively of German and English descent; eight Dunkin children: John, Peter, Frank, Leonadeth, Mary J., Emma and Anne, all now living, except John and an infant unnamed; members Christian Church, Republican. He entered 160 acres in Sec. 25, this township, farmed.
BENJAMIN M. DUNKIN, next younger brother of William Dunkin, was born in Franklin Co., this State, Nov. 23, 1820, was 10 years of age when his parents came to Carroll Co., age 25 began life on his own, cleared the farm on which he now resides, which he entered in 1844. August 28, 1848, he mar. Susan Payton, dau. of John and Margaret Payton; two children: Wm. born Sept. 29, 1849, and Sylvenice born March 27, 1851. April 24, 1851, Susan, the wife of Mr. Dunkin, was called away. Mr. Dunkin continued to run his farm, and June 29, 1856, he was again married to Jane Rhine, dau. of John and Margaret Rhine, natives of OH, she born Oct. 29, 1829 in Gallia Co. OH. Six children: Elizabeth M. born June 5, 1857; Mary E. born December 12, 1858; Rebecca A. born April 15, 1861; Benjamin F. born March 3, 1863; Emma J. born January 7, 1865; Ida M. born June 13, 1869; all now living. Mr. Dunkin member of I.O.O.F., Republican.
(MAD: see Montgomery Co. OH, John Duncan and wife Elizabeth Sutherland)
"History of Cass County, Indiana : from its earliest settlement to the present time, with biographical sketches and reference to biographies previously compiled" by Mr. Guthrie; ed. by Jehu Z. Powell; pub. Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1913, 1300 pgs. (LH6240, HeritageQuest images 5/2007; FHL book 977.286 H2p and film 934,899 items 2-3)
Pg.142-143: Twentieth Indiana Regiment. Company F, Privates: Duncan, Richard.
Pg.617: Jefferson Twp. In 1831 came Robert and Alexander Gray ... Robert was born in Pennsylvania in 1796 ... Alexander Gray was born in Washington Co. PA ... James Gray, another brother, was born in Pennsylvania in 1802, married Katharine Duncan in Pennsylvania in 1828, came to Jefferson township in 1839, and was a prominent pioneer farmer until his death. His children were: John, James D., Thomas, Alexander, Hamilton and Martha, all of whom are now dead except the latter, now the wife of Lemuel Powell, of Bethlehem township. (MAD: Pittsburgh, Allegheny Co. PA)
Vol.II, pg.971-972: LEMUEL POWELL, a pioneer farmer of Bethlehem township, was born in Jefferson county, Ohio, on October 24, 1834. He came to Cass county with his parents, Josiah and Margaret (Mugg) Powell, when he was two years old ... Mr. Powell was married on February 7, 1864, to Sarah A. Roberts, who died on November 15, 1866, leaving one son, Choral G., born May 13, 1865. ... On December 5, 1872, Lemuel Powell married a second time, when Mary Martha Gray became his wife. ... Mrs. Powell is a native of Jefferson township, Cass county, where she was born July 9, 1839. She is the youngest of six children and the only daughter born to James and Catharine (Duncan) Gray, and is the only survivor of the family. ...
Pg.1086-1087: D.C. BARNETT, M.D. ... was born in Georgetown, Cass County, February 14, 1839, a son of Joshua and Jane (Voorhees) Barnett. ... Dr. Barnett was married in 1861 to Miss Virginia Stewart, a daughter of Edward and Elizabeth (Williamson) Stewart. The six children born of their marriage are as follows: Mrs. Carrie Duncan, who is the mother of six children; Frank, who married Margaret Vance, and who has seven children; Lola, who is married and has one child named Olive; Harry, who married Nora Garr ...; Fred, who married Elizabeth Williams; Edward, who married Dora Alexander ...
1888 "Portrait and biographical album of Sedgwick County, Kansas : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent... citizens of the county.." pub. by Chapman Bros. (CA State Library, Sutro Branch)
Pg.453-4: SYLVANUS DUNKIN, Co. Clerk of Sedgwick Co., resident of Wichita, native of IN, born in Cass Co. IN March 27, 1851. His father, Benjamin Dunkin, born in PA, removed with parents to IN when a young, they being pioneers of Cass Co. In due time he married Miss Elizabeth Peyton, native of KY, settled on father's homestead where still lives. Mother of subject died in 1851 leaving 2 children: William H. & subject, then an infant. Father married (2) Jane Rhine, had 5 daughters & one son. Subject reared by paternal grandparents, his mother's parents taking charge of his brother. When subject age 14, his grandparents died, and he returned to home of his father. To Kansas age 20; returned to IN April 1872, soon after married Miss Salome Spence, born near Dayton [Montgomery Co.] OH on Feb. 11, 1850, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Spence who were pioneers of Cass Co. IN. Soon returned to KS. Four children: May, Daisy, Earl and Mabel. Republican.
Pg. 512: WILLIAM H. DUNKIN, early pioneer Waco Twp; native of Cass Co. IN, born Sept. 29, 1849, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Peyton) Dunkin (see above sketch). Reared on farm of grandfather Peyton after mother's death; with brother Sylvanus to KS; returned to IN and married Miss Margaret C. Coin, native of Cass Co. and dau. of S.R. and Ellen Coin; remained IN two years, then returned to KS; 1885 to Clark Co. for 2 years. Seven children: Cora, Daisy A., Bruce, William L., Mary Susie, Samuel C., and Grace.
1910 "History of Wichita and Sedgwick County, Kansas : past and present, including an account of the cities, towns and villages of the county" edited by Orsemus Hills Bentley; pub. Chicago: C.F. Cooper & Co., 1910 (HeritageQuest image 3/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 1793; FHL book 978.186 H2h and films 962,505 and 1,000,040 items 1 and 2)
Pg.722-723: GEORGE L. BLOOD, a prosperous farmer and stock raiser of Sedgwick county, Kansas, was born in Peoria county, Illinois, on January 17, 1858. His parents were Gillman and Ellen (Almaroad) Blood. The father of Gillman Blood was Leonard Blood, who was born December 17, 1789, and died March 7, 1847. His mother was born August 15, 1809, and died August 20, 1856. George L. Blood came to Kansas with his father in 1871 and remained at home until about 28 years old. In 1883 he bought 80 acres of land in section 33, Waco township .. added to original purchase ... Waco and Salem townships. On January 25, 1887, Mr. Blood was married to Miss Emma J. Dunkin, who was born in Cass county, Indiana, on January 7, 1865. Mrs. Blood was a daughter of Benjamin and Jane (Rhine) Dunkin. Her father was born in Virginia and her mother in Ohio. They were married in Indiana, where Mr. Dunkin had pre-empted a homestead, on which he died on August 12, 1895. His widow died July 16, 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Blood have four children, viz: Bessie B., born May 22, 1888; Ethel M., born November 14, 1890; Harold D., born January 26, 1894, and Frank E., born December 26, 1903. ... member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
"Pastime sketches : scenes and events at 'The Mouth of Eel' on the historic Wabash : with papers read before the Cass County, Indiana, Historical Society at its spring meetings, 1907" by W. Swift Wright; pub. Logansport, Ind.?: unknown, 1907, 220 pgs. (LH10922, HeritageQuest images 5/2007)
Pg.123: ... stone was ordered at a meeting of the regiment held at Rochester, Indiana, in 1905. ... W.H. Duncan and George Clinger, of Cass county, were later added to the committee.
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