Duncan research files of |
1840 Pulaski Co. IN Census
No Duncan indexed
1850 Pulaski Co. IN Census
Beaver Twp.
Pg.339, #187, Josiah DUNCAN 32 OH farmer $500
Matilda 32 OH
Abraham 12, Elizabeth 9 OH
Isaac 7, John 6 OH
Joseph 1 IN
Pheobe SMITH 35 OH
1860 Pulaski Co. IN Census
Monroe Twp.
Pg.963, #155-155, William KEYS 41 PA farmer $2000-$447
Lettitia A. 33 OH
Thomas M. 12, Mary E. 9 IN
William A. 5 IN
Sarelda A. (f) 1 IN
Eliza KEYS 62 PA
Isaac DUNKIN 17 OH
Indian Creek Twp., Pulaski Town
Pg.1084, #1037-1037, Abraham DUNKIN 23 OH farming $0-$66
Catharine 18 OH (not m/in/yr)
Margaret HARTMAN 39 PA
(MAD: 1870 Cass Co. IN census)
1870 Pulaski Co. IN Census
White Post Twp.
Pg.539, #77-70, BRICK, William 62 OH farmer $5000-$1000
Mary 56 VA keeping house
Monroe (m) 21, Tolbert 18 IN
Caleb B. 16, Marcelle (m) 10 IN
DUNKIN, Francis (f) 8 IN
Pg.539, #78-70, [DUNKIN], Daniel 37 NY farmer
Sarah 30 IN keeping house $0-$400
Pulaski Co. IN Deed Indexes (SLC 10/8/2011)
Deed index, grantor, 1845-1858 (FHL film 1,710,710 item 1)
Dunkin, Isaiah to Phillip Row, Warrantee, Aug. 5, 1852, $40, W 1/2 SW 1/4 8-29-2W (Sec.-Twp-Range), 77.7 acres, Jan. 5, 1853, C-62
Dunkin, Isaiah to Daniel Tillman, Warrantee, July 31, 1852, $350, E 1/2 SE 1/4 15?(13?)-29-3W, June 2, 1854, C-512
Dunkin, William to Jesse Dunkin Jr., Qt Claim, Jan. 18, 1850, $20, E 1/2 NE 1/4 6-31-1W, 85.72 acres, & W 1/2 NW 1/4 & Lot No.5 5-31-1W, 146.85 acres, Oct. 2, 1854, C-570
Dunkin, Saml. H. to Jesse Dunkin Jr., Jan. 19, 1850, $20, (same land), Oct. 2, 1854, C-571
Dunkin, Elizabeth to Jesse Dunkin Jr., Jan. 15, 1850, $260, (same land), Oct. 2, 1854, C-572
Dunkin, John to Jesse Dunkin Jr., Jan. 13, 1850, $20, (same land), Oct. 2, 1854, C-573
Dunkin, Isaiah to Jesse Dunkin Jr., April 18, 1850, $20, (same land), Oct. 2, 1854, C-574
Dixon, Robert to Jesse Dunkin Jr., April 25, 1851, $20, (same land), Oct. 2, 1854, C-575
Dunkin, Jesse to A.E. & E. Dunkin, Qt Claim, Sept. 18, 1854, $800, C-576
Dunkin, Jesse & Eli to David R. Tullis, Warrantee, Jan. 17, 1860, $3400, E 1/2 NE 1/4 6-31-1, 85.72 acres, & Lot No.5 & W 1/2 of NW 5-31-1, 146.85 acres, March 19, 1861, G-520/1.
Deed index, grantee, 1847-1860 (FHL film 1,710,712 item 2)
Dunkin, Isaac from United States, Psatent, July 1, 1845, E 1/2 of NE 1/4 6-31-1W, 85.72 acres, and W 1/2 of NW 1/4 & lot No.5, 5-31-1W, 146.85 acres, Sept. 30, 1854, C-569.
Dunkin, Jesse from (above grantors), C-570 to C-576
Dunkin, A.E. & Eli from Jesse Dunkin, (above grantor, C-576)
Pulaski Co. IN Deeds (SLC 10/8/2011)
C-62: "Sarah Dunkin" deed to Philip Rowe. State of IN, Pulaski Co., Aug. 5, 1852, I, "Sarah Dunkin" for $40 to be paid by Phillip Rowe, sell to said Philip Rowe the tract of land, the W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Sec.8 Twp.29 in Range 2W containing 76 acres and 70/100 more or less, and the said grantors covenant the title is clear ... In witness whereof the said Isiah Dunkin together with his wife Matilday Dunkin who hereby releases her right of dower have set their hand 5 Aug. 1852. /s/ Isaiah Dunkin, Matilday (X) Dunkin. Wit. Marian Reed, William Beaver. Wife of Isaiah Dunkin, I examined Metilday Dunkin separate from her husband and exclamed the contents of this deed to her and she ack. the same, /s/ J.M. Corbin J.P. Filed for record Aug. 9, 1852, recorded Jan. 5, 1853. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-512: No.270. Isaiah Dunkin deed to Daniel Tillman. State of IN, Pulaski Co. 31 July 1852, Isaiah Dunkin for $350 paid by Daniel Tillman, receipt ack., sell to said Daniel Tillman the E 1/2 of SE 1/4 Sec.13 Twp.29 Range 3W, together with appurtenances etc., warrant title. /s/ Isaiah Dunkin. Wit. J.M. Corbin, Sophia Corbin. Isaiah Dunkin appeared 31 July 1852 before J.M. Corbin, Justice of the Peace. Recorded June 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-569: No.343, US Patent to Isaac Dunkin. That Isaac Dunkin of Miami Co. OH has deposited in the General Land Office of the US a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Winamac that full payment was made, for E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec.6 in Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal meridian in district of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre according to survey, which has been purchased by said Isaac Dunkin, now this grant to said Isaac Dunkin the said tract above described. Patent 1 July 1845. Recorded [Patent] Vol.29 Page 240. Recorded Sept. 30, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-569: No.344, US Patent to Isaac Dunkin. That Isaac Dunkin of Miami Co. OH has deposited in the General Land Office of the US a Certificate of the Register of the Land Office at Winamac that full payment was made, for W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot 5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal meridian in district of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre according to survey, which has been purchased by said Isaac Dunkin, now this grant to said Isaac Dunkin the said tract above described. Patent 1 July 1845. Recorded [Patent] Vol.29 Page 241. Recorded Sept. 30, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-570: No.345, William Dunkin Qt. Claim to Jesse Dunkin Jr. 17 Jan. 1850, William Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $20 paid by Jesse Dunkin Jr. of same, remise, release and quit claim to said Jesse Dunkin Jr. my title, interest and estate in premises with appurtenances in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ William Dunkin. Wit. John Hart, Benjamin Irvin. William Dunkin appeared 17 Jan. 1850 before John Hart, J.P., Miami Co. OH. Certification 19 Feb. 1850 by John G. Telford, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Miami Co. OH for John Hart Esq. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-571: No.346. Samuel H. Dunkin Quit Claim to Jesse Dunkin. 19 Jan. 1850, Samuel H. Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $20 paid by Jesse Dunkin of afsd, quit claim to said Jesse Dunkin, my interest in premises with appurtenances in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.(blank) Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ Samuel H. Dunkin. Wit. John Hart, Benjamin Irvin. Samuel H. Dunkin appeared 19 Jan. 1850 before John Hart, J.P., Miami Co. OH. Certification 19 Feb. 1850 by John G. Telford, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Miami Co. OH for John Hart Esq. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-572: No.347. Elizabeth Dunkin Quit Claim to Jesse Dunkin. 15 Jan. 1850, Samuel H. Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $260 paid by Jesse Dunkin Jr. of afsd, quit claim to said Jesse Dunkin Jr., my interest in premises with appurtenances in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ Elizabeth (X) Dunkin. Wit. John Hart, Eli Jenney. Elizabeth Dunkin appeared 15 Jan. 1850 before John Hart, J.P., Miami Co. OH. Certification 19 Feb. 1850 by John G. Telford, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Miami Co. OH for John Hart Esq. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-573: No.348. John Dunkin Quit Claim to Jesse Dunkin Jr. 15 Jan. 1850, John Dunkin and wife Rachel of Miami Co. OH for $20 paid by Jesse Dunkin Jr. of afsd, quit claim to said Jesse Dunkin Jr., our interest in premises with appurtenances in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ John Dunkin, Rachel (X) Dunkin. Wit. John Hart, Eli Jenney. John Dunkin and wife Rachel appeared 15 Jan. 1850 before John Hart, J.P., Miami Co. OH. Certification 19 Feb. 1850 by John G. Telford, Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Miami Co. OH for John Hart Esq. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-574: No.349. Isaiah Dunkin Quit Claim to Jesse Dunkin Jr. 18 April 1850, Isaiah Dunkin and wife Matilda of Pulaski Co. IN to Jesse Dunkin Jr. of Miami Co. OH, for $20 paid, quit claim to said party of 2nd part, our interest in premises with appurtenances in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ Isaiah Dunkin, Matilda (X) Dunkin. Wit. Stephen D. Silence. Isaiah Dunkin and wife Matilda appeared 18 April 1850 before Moses Kelley, Justice of the Peace of Pulaski Co. IN. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-575: No.350. Robert Dixon Qt. Claim to Jesse Dunkin. 25 April 1851, Robert Dixon and wife Rachel of Darke Co. OH for $20 paid by Jesse Dunkin Jr. of afsd (sic), quit claim to said Jesse Dunkin Jr., our interest in premises with appurtenances in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ Robert (X) Dixon, Rachel Dickson. Wit. William Wight, John Gregg. Robert Dixon and wife Rachel appeared 25 April 1851 before John Gregg, J.P., Darke Co. OH. Certification by J.W. Frizell, Clerk of Court of Common Pleas of Darke Co. OH for John Gregg Esq. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
C-576: No.351. Jesse Dunkin Qt. Claim to Amos E. & Eli Dunkin. 18 Sept. 1854, Jesse Dunkin of Miami Co. OH for $800 paid by Amos E. Dunkin & Eli Dunkin, do quit claim to said Amos E. Dunkin & Eli Dunkin all my interest in the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85 acres and 72/100 of an acre, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W ... containing 146 acres and 85/100 of an acre. /s/ "Jesse Duncan, Mary Ann Duncan." Wit. Geo. D. Burgess, W.F. Ross. Jesse Dunkin and wife Mary Ann Dunkin appeared 18 Sept. 1854 before Geo. D. Burgess, Notary Public, Miami Co. OH. Recorded Oct. 2, 1854. (FHL film 1,710,676; SLC 10/8/2011)
G-520/521: Jesse & Eli Duncan to David R. Tullis. 17 Jan. 1860, Jesse and Eli Duncan of Miami Co. OH for $3400 paid by David R. Tullis, sell to said David R. Tullis real estate in Pulaski Co. IN, the E 1/2 of NE 1/4 Sec.6 Twp.31 North of Range 1 West of 2nd principal Meridian in District of lands subject to sale at Winamac, IN, containing 85-72/100 acres, also W 1/2 of NW 1/4 and Lot No.5 of Sec.5 in Twp.31 North of Range 1W in district of lands afsd. containing 146-85/100 acres, together with appurtenances etc., warrant title. In witness whereof, the said Jesse Duncan & Eli Duncan, Mary A. wife of said Jesse and Serena wife of said Eli, who hereby relinquishes their right of dower ... 17 Jan. 1860. /s/ Jesse Duncan, Eli Duncan, Mary Ann Duncan, Serena Duncan. Wit. J.T. Janvier, J.P. Williamson. Jesse Duncan and wife Mary A. and Eli Duncan and wife Serena appeared (blank) Jan. 1860 before J.T. Janvier, Notary Public, Miami Co. OH. Recorded March 19, 1861. (FHL film 1,710,678; SLC 10/8/2011)
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