Duncan research files of |
1870 Sedgwick Co. KS Census
Rockford Twp.
Pg.60, #53-52, DUNCAN, Frank 23 IN farmer $0-$0
BROWN, A.J. (m) 22 OH farmer
BUNDY, A.F. (m) 22 IN farmer
(MAD: 1860 ? Cass Co. IN census)
Pg.60, #58-57, SMITH, I.O. (m) 24 PA farmer $0-$1500
DUNKIN, W.H. (m) 21 IN farmer $0-$250
(MAD: 1860 ? Cass Co. IN census)
Wichita Twp.
Pg.68, #65-65, DUNCAN, Robert 47 OH farmer $200-$0
Rachel 47 OH keeping house
Charles A. 23, John 21 WI farm laborers
Emma 18, Warren R. (m) 16 WI without occupations
Edward W. 13 MN without occupation
David B. 7 MN at home
SWAIN, John 25 ENG carpenter, parents of foreign birth
(MAD: 1860 Sibley Co. MN census)
The transcribed 1870 and 1880 US Census and the 1875 State Census for Sedgwick Co. KS are available on the Midwest Historical and Genealogical Society website (address from Helen Cook 6/16/2001)
1880 CENSUS, PARK TWP., SEDGWICK COUNTY, KANSAS (partial; from Kathy Cawley 12/2005)
S.D.# 2, E.D.# 218, PAGE 324C, IMAGE 7 OF 9
C.A., W/M, AGE 33, HEAD, WI./OH./OH.
(KDC: see 1900 Barber Co. KS census for Charles A. Duncan)
(KDC: children of C.A. Duncan & Frances E. Duncan, do not list where their parents were born)
Sumner Co. KS (no source; from index cards of Kit Smith 8/1983 with permission to share)
Unnamed Cemetery, 1 mile north, two miles west, 1/4 mile No. of Town of Corbin, Sumner Co. KS:
Charles G. Duncan, d. 10 Oct. 1885, age 85 y., 9 m. 25 d.
(MAD: see Sedgwick Co. KS)
Pension Index Card File, alphabetical; of the Veterans Administrative Contact and Administration Services, Admin. Operations Services, 1861-1934; Duff to A-J Duncan (negative FHL film 540,888, some cards very faint); Joseph Duncan to Dunn (positive FHL film 540,889, some cards very dark)
Cataloged under Civil War, 1861-1865, pensions, indexes; does not say if Confederate or Federal, but probably Federal. Negative film, some cards much too faint or dark to read, some cards blurred or faded, particularly the service unit and the dates of application. Most of the very faint or dark cards were in a slightly different format, with space for years enlisted and discharged which were sometimes filled in. Many of these were for service in later years, although one or two were for service ca 1866.
Name of soldier, alias, name of dependent widow or minor, service (military unit or units), date of filing, class (invalid or widow or minor or other), Application #, Certificate #, state from which filed (sometimes blank), attorney (sometimes blank, MAD: did not usually copy), remarks. Sometimes the "Invalid" or "Widow" class had an "s" added to it before the application #; occasionally the area for the service information included a circled "S". The minor's name was frequently that of the guardian rather than the minor.
The military unit was frequently the Company Letter, the Regiment Number, sometimes US Vet Vol Inf. (US Veteran Volunteer Infantry), L.A. (Light Artillery), H.A. (Heavy Artillery), US C Inf (US Colored? Infantry), Cav. (Cavalry), Mil. Guards, V.R.C. (?Volunteer Reserve Corps?), etc. Sometimes there were several service units given.
Cards appear to be arranged by the last name, first name, middle initial if any, and state (including "US") of service.
Duncan, Charles A., minor Duncan, Clara A., Gdn.; D. Hatches Battln. Minn. Cav.; 1891 June 26, Invalid Appl. #1034235, Cert. #720506, Kans.; 1908 Sept. 14, Minor Appl. #904319, Cert. #732983, Cal. (MAD: 1860 Sibley Co. MN census; Sedgwick Co. KS; Placer Co. CA)
1888 "Portrait and biographical album of Sedgwick County, Kansas : containing full page portraits and biographical sketches of prominent... citizens of the county ..." pub. by Chapman Bros. (CA State Library, Sutro Branch; FHL book 978.186 D3p and film 1,000,039 item 2)
Pg.453-4: SYLVANUS DUNKIN, Co. Clerk of Sedgwick Co., resident of Wichita, native of IN, born in Cass Co. IN March 27, 1851. His father, Benjamin Dunkin, born in PA, removed with parents to IN when a young, they being pioneers of Cass Co. In due time he married Miss Elizabeth Peyton, native of KY, settled on father's homestead where still lives. Mother of subject died in 1851 leaving 2 children: William H. & subject, then an infant. Father married (2) Jane Rhine, had 5 daughters & one son. Subject reared by paternal grandparents, his mother's parents taking charge of his brother. When subject age 14, his grandparents died, and he returned to home of his father. To Kansas age 20; returned to IN April 1872, soon after married Miss Salome Spence, born near Dayton [Montgomery Co.] OH on Feb. 11, 1850, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Spence who were pioneers of Cass Co. IN. Soon returned to KS. Four children: May, Daisy, Earl and Mabel. Republican.
Pg.512: WILLIAM H. DUNKIN, early pioneer Waco Twp; native of Cass Co. IN, born Sept. 29, 1849, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Peyton) Dunkin (see above sketch). Reared on farm of grandfather Peyton after mother's death; with brother Sylvanus to KS; returned to IN and married Miss Margaret C. Coin, native of Cass Co. and dau. of S.R. and Ellen Coin; remained IN two years, then returned to KS; 1885 to Clark Co. for 2 years. Seven children: Cora, Daisy A., Bruce, William L., Mary Susie, Samuel C., and Grace.
Pg.819-20: CHARLES A. DUNCAN, one of Co. Commissioners; boyhood spent in Iowa Co. WI, where he was born 10 June 1847; his parents Robert and Rachel (Gard) Duncan were natives of IN & IL, the former a resident of Wichita and the latter deceased. Charles A. age 8 when family moved to Sibley Co. MN; in 1868 Robert Duncan to KS, first to Pottawatomie Co., then Feb. 1870 to this Co., Park Twp. Charles A. married Miss Kate Ackerman on 30 Oct. 1871; she b. Anamosa, Jones Co. IA, Oct. 17, 1853, dau. of Erastus B. and Annis (Bennett) Ackerman who moved to Sibley Co. MN. Seven children: Estella May, Emma, Clara, Laura, Charles, Robert and Lee, all living. Charles A. enlisted 27 Feb. 1863 in Co. D, Independent Battalion, MN Cavalry, mustered out 11 June 1865. Democrat, Universalist.
Pg.878-9: ROBERT DUNCAN, citizen of Wichita; to Wichita 1880. Grandfather was born among the Highlands "land of the thistle"; to US at early day; settled Allegheny River in PA; not many years later he turned his face to the further West, but after reaching Ohio was never more heard from. It is supposed he was murdered by Indians or ... Robert Duncan left his family in PA, and among his sons was Charles C., father of our subject, born in 1800, age 2 when father left home. Age 19 engaged as raftsman on Allegheny River, and in Ohio; entered tract of land in Washington Co. 5 miles from Marietta, there met & married Miss Charity Gard, native of VA, born 1798. Seven children: Mary A., Robert, Julia, Elias, Elizabeth, Charity, Nancy. In 1831 to Hamilton Co. IN for a few years, then IL, then WI; Mother had died at her home in IN in Jan., 1839; Charles C. Duncan subsequently married Miss Elizabeth Perie, had 4 more children: Frank, Delmer, Henry and Rachel. Charles C. died Sumner Co. KS, Oct. 12, 1886, age 86. Subject Robert Duncan was born Washington Co. OH on Jan. 8, 1823, age 8 when family to IN, age 20 when family to WI. He worked lead mines of Grant Co. for 15 years, age 24, in 1847, married Miss Rachel Gard, born March 7, 1823 in Washington Co. OH, dau. of John and Amy Gard, natives of VA and of German and Irish descent. Charles C. & Rachel were parents of 7 children: Charles A., Olive, John G., Warren R., Emily, Wellington and Byron D., all living, married, residents of this state. Mrs. Duncan died 6 Dec. 1873 on visit to brother's residence in Pottawatomie Co. KS; Mr. Duncan on 6 June 1875 married Mrs. Rebecca Stevens, dau. of David Gard; she a niece of his former wife. In 1855 Mr. Duncan to MN on land purchased from government; in 1867 to Pottawatomie Co. KS; in 1870 to Sedgwick Co. Republican.
1910 "History of Wichita and Sedgwick County, Kansas : past and present, including an account of the cities, towns and villages of the county" edited by Orsemus Hills Bentley; pub. Chicago: C.F. Cooper & Co., 1910 (HeritageQuest image 3/2007, Local History Reel/Fiche Number 1793; FHL book 978.186 H2h and films 962,505 and 1,000,040 items 1 and 2)
Pg.722-723: GEORGE L. BLOOD, a prosperous farmer and stock raiser of Sedgwick county, Kansas, was born in Peoria county, Illinois, on January 17, 1858. His parents were Gillman and Ellen (Almaroad) Blood. The father of Gillman Blood was Leonard Blood, who was born December 17, 1789, and died March 7, 1847. His mother was born August 15, 1809, and died August 20, 1856. George L. Blood came to Kansas with his father in 1871 and remained at home until about 28 years old. In 1883 he bought 80 acres of land in section 33, Waco township .. added to original purchase ... Waco and Salem townships. On January 25, 1887, Mr. Blood was married to Miss Emma J. Dunkin, who was born in Cass county, Indiana, on January 7, 1865. Mrs. Blood was a daughter of Benjamin and Jane (Rhine) Dunkin. Her father was born in Virginia and her mother in Ohio. They were married in Indiana, where Mr. Dunkin had pre-empted a homestead, on which he died on August 12, 1895. His widow died July 16, 1906. Mr. and Mrs. Blood have four children, viz: Bessie B., born May 22, 1888; Ethel M., born November 14, 1890; Harold D., born January 26, 1894, and Frank E., born December 26, 1903. ... member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen.
Pg.767-768: SHELBY P. DUNCAN, attorney, of Wichita, Kan., is a native of Kentucky, where he was born in Fayette county on March 2, 1856. His parents were Harvey and Mary (Bowden) Duncan, natives of Kentucky, where they resided until the Civil War broke out, when they removed to Evansville [MAD: Vanderburgh Co.], Ind., where the father died. Mrs. Duncan died at Evansville, Ind. She was a sister of the late Judge Bowden, of the Supreme Court of Kentucky. Shelby P. Duncan was educated at the Canton (Ill.) High School and at the Peru (Neb.) Normal School. He taught in the public schools of Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, and read law while teaching and afterwards in the office of his uncle, the late Judge James H. Bowden, of Kentucky. He was later law clerk to George Gillhan, in Memphis, Tenn., having been admitted to the Russellville (Ky.) bar in 1875 and in Tennesse in 1876. Mr. Duncan opened an office at Fairview, Fulton county, Illinois, in connection with Charles H. Robinson, and there practiced law until 1884, when he moved to Kansas, locating in the village of Nescatunga, Comanche county, which was at that time a rival county seat. In 1888 Mr. Duncan removed to Coldwater in the same county, where he ... May 31, 1898, Mr. Duncan moved to Wichita, and after a time again took up the practice of law, which he has since continued. He was married in 1881 to Miss Kunegunda Kuehn, of Fulton county, Illinois. Two children have been born of this union, Nellie B. and Flora K. Fraternally Mr. Duncan is a member of the Knights of Pythias.
1883 "History of the State of Kansas : containing a full account of its growth from an uninhabited territory to a wealthy and important state; of its early settlements; a supplementary history and description of its counties, cities, towns and villages, their advantages, industries and commerce, to which are added biographical sketches and portraits of prominent men and early settlers" ed. by William G. Cutler, A.T. Andreas; pub. Chicago : A.T. Andreas (FHL book 978.1 H2hi 1976 & v.2; FHL film 982,248 items 1-2)
Pg.1410: Sedgwick Co., Park Twp. C.L. DUNCAN, farmer, Section 13, P.O. Wichita, was born in Wisconsin, in 1847. Is a son of Robert and Rachael (Gard) Duncan. Was married in 1870, to Miss Kate Ackerman, daughter of E.B. and Annie Ackerman. Has five children -- Estella M., Emma, Laura, Clara and Charles. Came to Kansas in 1867. Located in Pottawatomie County. After two years removed to Wabaunsee County. Subsequently removed to Sedgwick County, and located on the farm on which he now resides. Owns 160 acres of land; has 80 acres under cultivation, and is engaged in farming and stock raising. His farm is finely located on bottom land, between the Big and Little Arkansas rivers. The soil is of a rich sandy loam. Principal crop is corn, with an average yield of forty bushels per acre. Was in the War of the Rebellion. Enlisted in 1863, in the Independent Battalion, Minnesota Cavalry, Company D. Assigned to the department of the Northwest. Principal service in Dakota and Minnesota. Was mustered out in 1865. Is a member of the Universalist Church, and of the Masonic Fraternity, A.F. & A.M., Wichita Lodge, No. 99, and of the Old Settlers' Association of Sedgwick County. Is Trustee of Park Township. Was first elected in 1878 and 1879, and re-elected in 1882 and 1883. Has been Clerk and Treasurer of the township, and member of the School Board. (MAD: ?? see Charles A. Duncan in 1850 Grant Co. WI census with Robert Duncan)
Pg.1411: Sedgwick Co., Salem Twp. S. DUNKIN, farmer and merchant, Section 6, P.O. Haysville; was born in Indiana in 1851; son of B.M. and Elizabeth Peyton Dunkin. He was married in 1873 to Miss Salome Sence, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Sence. He has two children -- May and Daisie. He came to Kansas in 1871, and located on his farm in Section 6. Has also twenty acres in Section 5, with a residence and a store, which he built in 1882, 20x40 feet, and carries a general assortment of goods. He commenced mercandising (MAD: as spelled) in 1879 as a successor to Mr. Fuller. The business has increased from $7,000 in 1879 to $18,000 in 1883. In 1880 he was engaged in taking the census of Salem Township. He was Trustee of Salem Township in 1878. Is Deputy Postmaster of Haysville. Is a member of the I.O.O.F. (MAD: 1860 Carroll Co. IN census)
1888 "KY, a History of the State" 7th Edition (Volume), by Perrin, Battle & Kniffin (FHL book 976.9 D3wt and Evelyn Sigler 7/1982)
Pg.54 (pg.788). PROF. PASCHEL HICKMAN DUNCAN, of Glencoe, native of Gallatin Co. KY, born Nov. 13, 1845. His father, Benjamin Duncan, native of Harrison Co. KY, was born in 1807, and was well-to-do farmer; he settled on farm in Gallatin Co. in 1818, near Warsaw, KY, until his death on April 27, 1887. Baptist Church for many years, but at death was prominent member of the Christian Church. He married Miss M. Ellis, born near Richmond, Henrico Co. VA, a dau. of James Adams Ellis, also a native of Henrico Co. VA. Six sons and four daughters were born to their union, of whom the subject of this sketch is the 9th child. James Duncan, the paternal grandfather of P.H. Duncan, a native of Harrison Co. KY and a farmer, removed to farm near Danville, Vermillion Co. IL, where he died. The maternal grandfather of our subject, a native of VA, came to KY early in the present century, and settled near Warsaw, Gallatin Co., where he died; he took an active part in the war of 1812. Prof. Paschal Hickman Duncan lived on the farm until age 19, when he entered college; taught for several years; in 1880 he was appointed State Sunday-school evangelist by KY Christian Sunday-school Assn ... July 25, 1883, he married Sallie Orr, of Columbia, Adair Co. KY, a graduate of Ghent College, Ghent, KY, and a dau. of Vernon and Mary C. (Botts) Orr. Mrs. Duncan died Oct. 3, 1887, at Corinth, KY. Democrat, Christian Church. He owns property in Wichita [Sedgwick Co.], KS.
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