Duncan research files of |
1830 Tuscaloosa Co. AL Census Southern Pg.336 Wm. Dunkin 0121,1001 - 0110,01 1840 Tuscaloosa Co. AL Census (semi-alphabetic) Pg.202 Duncan, James W. 0000,01 - 0001 214 Harper, Robert 0000,0000,001 - 0010,001 (MAD: d. 1842, had dau. Rachel the wife of James Duncan, see James Duncan b.1787 TN with wife Rachel b. 1789 VA of 1850 Pickens Co. AL census adj. Tuscaloosa Co.) City of Tuscaloosa Pg.254 Duncan, Washington P. 0000,0001 - 0
1850 Tuscaloosa Co. AL Census
No Duncans indexed
District #1
Pg.145, #85, Hope H. HARGROVE 44 GA farmer $2500
Mary 43 GA
Tenidas A. (m) 22, John M. 19 AL
William D. 17, Daniel I. 13, James W. 11 AL
Rufus C. 7, Arthur F. 5 AL
(MAD: Hope Hull Hargrove mar. Mary Duncan 3/15/1827)
Pg.145, #106, Isaac COLE 42 SC farmer $5000
Sarah 40 GA
William D. 21, Martha A. 19, Nancy J. 17 AL
Mary E. 16, Sarah 15, Henry 10, Elizabeth 8 AL
James P. 6, Emily P. 4, John S. 2, Andrew 2/12 AL
(MAD: Isaac Cole mar. Sarah Duncan 12/24/1827)
1860 Tuscaloosa Co. AL Census
(Marcus "Duner" indexed Plum Twp pg.749; NOT Duncan)
Pg.437, #2, Francis DUNCAN (m) 43 Bremin? Prussia? coffee house $1000-$2200
Rhodian (f) 25 AL
Virginia 6, Alabama 4, Frank 2/12 AL
(MAD: Francis Duncan mar. Roda Sanders 5/12/1852 Marengo Co. AL; 1850 Marengo Co. AL census)
1870 Tuscaloosa Co. AL Census
Precinct #7, North River, taken by M. Duncan, Marshall (faint page)
Pg.268, #130-133, PREWITT, Reaner (m) 36 AL BLACK farming
Rachel 18 AL BLACK works on farm
Matthew 14 AL MULATTO works on farm
Polly 13 AL BLACK works on farm
Elage (m) 6, Etta 4, Emma 4 AL BLACK at home
Larkin (m) 1 AL MULATTO at home
DUNCAN, James 50 AL (white) farming $0-$100
Pg.268, #131-132, Lucretia (f) 29 AL (white) farming $0-$100
Chelsey L. (m) 9 AL at home
Samuel L. 4 AL at home
COOPER, Margaret 13? (23?) AL BLACK work on farm
(MAD: household numbers appear to be off a line)
(MAD: James H. Duncan mar. Lucretia A. Cooper 7/18/1859 at res. of Robert Cooper by James H. Freeman JP, both of age, Tuscaloosa Co. AL)
Precinct #14, P.O. Kennedale
Pg.337, #33-34, MITCHELL, Isaac J. 51 AL farmer & family (whites)
DUNCAN, Alfred 21 AL BLACK works on farm
Pg.338, #49-50, DUNCAN, Richard 35 AL BLACK works on farm $0-$150
Francis (f) 25 AL BLACK keeping house
Caleb (m) 6, Harriet 4, William 1 AL BLACKS at home
Pg.342, #97-98, DUNCAN, Levi 40 MS BLACK works on farm $0-$0
Caroline 38 AL BLACK keeping house
Samuel 17 AL BLACK works on farm
Pg.342, #98-99, DUNCAN, Ruth 30 AL BLACK keeping house
Levi Jr. 7 AL BLACK at home
Precinct #16, Tuscaloosa
Pg.361, #432-451, DUNCAN, Robert 32 AL BLACK works on farm
Ellen 21 AL BLACK keeping house
Pg.363, #470-488, DUNCAN, Charlie 37 AL BLACK works on farm
Frances (f) 34 AL BLACK keeping house
Curtis (m) 3, Noah 1 AL BLACKS at home
Pg.366, #535-564, DUNCAN, Henry 27 AL BLACK works on farm
Catharine 22 AL BLACK keeps house
C.William (m) 17, George 15, Washington (m) 13 AL BLACKS
Hart (m) 11, Martha (f) 5, Virginia (f) 1 AL BLACKS
Pg.367, #557-576, WEDGEWORTH, Jefferson 42 AL MULATTO works on farm $0-$0
Ann Eliza 25 AL BLACK keeping house
Carlina? (f) 1 AL BLACK
DUNCAN, Robert 10 AL BLACK at home
Amanda 5 AL BLACK at home
RICHINTH?, John 14 AL BLACK at home
Pg.374, #698-713, DUNCAN, Frances (m) 54 Prussia (white) Retail Grocery $0-$0, parents of foreign birth
Rhoda (f) 37 AL keeping house
Virginia (f) 16 AL at school
Alabama (f) 14, Florida (f) 12 AL
Frank (m) 10, Georgia (f) 6 AL
Lousiana (f) 4, California (f) 2 AL
City of Tuscaloosa, Ward 3
Pg.409, #118-130, DUNCAN, Noah 51 VA BLACK carpenter $0-$0
Louisa 33 VA BLACK
Susannah 13, John 10 VA BLACKS
Lewis 6, George 5 AL BLACKS
Precinct #19
Pg.445, #22-20, DUNCAN, Benjamin 25 AL BLACK works on farm
Mary (f) 18 AL BLACK works on farm
Precinct #22, Fosters Beat
Pg.474, #153-148, DUNCAN, Gradent (m) 21 GA works on farm $0-$0
Virginia E. 21 VA keeping house
Alice R. (f) 11/12 AL b.Aug.
Benjamin 15 GA works on farm
Margaret M. 32 SC at home
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Deeds, general index 1818-1844 and 1845-1871 (FHL film 1,631,866)
J-88: Wilson Wheatley to Wm. Duncan
J-224: Jno. Penn to Wm. Duncan
J-249: Wm. Duncan to John Aulson?
J-265: James Baker to Wm. Duncan
K-159: C. Perkins to Wm. Duncan
K-175: James Baker to W. Duncan
K-231: W. Duncan to Moses Collins
O-538: Robt. Ellyson to James Duncan
P-461: Wm. Duncan to James Duncan et al
P-462: E.W. Russell to Duncan & Tardy
Q-197: James M. Duncan to Wm. M. Duncan
Q-198: Wm. M. Duncan to Jas. M. Duncan
Q-198: Thomas H. Duncan to J.W. & M.W. Duncan
Q-494: Thomas H. Duncan to N. Hendrix
Q-445: W. Braly Sheriff to T.F?. Duncan
1845-1860 (Book 6)
V-93: James W. Duncan to William Weatherford
(MAD: no other Duncans found)
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Deeds
H-319: 3 Oct. 1826, Alexander Sloan, State of SC, Greenville Dist., by Spartan Goodlet, Ordinary of Greenville Dist., to Bayles J. Earl, Esq., and Perry Duncan. Whereas Mr. Alexander Sloan late of said district, dec'd, lately died intestate, having whilst he lived and at the time of his death divers goods, rights and credits within the dist. aforesaid. Power of attorney to Bayles J. Early & Perry E. Duncan. Filed in Tuskaloosa Co. 30 Sept. 1831. (from pg.80; Vol.9, "Tuscaloosa Co. AL Records" by Pauline Gandrud)
J-88: 9 April 1833, Wilson Whatley of 1st part, Abel Pennington of 2nd part, and William Duncan of 3rd part; Whatley owes Duncan $322 by note due 15 Jan. next, mortgage to Pennington a negro woman Winny age about 18 and her child Jesse about 2 years; /s/ by all three; wit. Moses McGuire. (FHL film 1,631,868)
J-224: 10 Oct. 1833, John Penn to William Duncan, $1900, W 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.11 and E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.11 and W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.11 and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.11 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.3, all Twp.25 R6E, total about 400 acres; wit. James W. Duncan, Moses McGuire. (FHL film 1,631,869)
J-249: 27 Nov. 1833, William Duncan and wife Nancy (X) to John Neilson, $5350, E 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.21, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.21, E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.22, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.22, E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.22, W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.22 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.22, all Twp.21 R9W, total about 559.60 acres; wit. Moses McGuire. (FHL film 1,631,869 item 1) (MAD: probably not to Lowndes Co. MS where William Duncan mar. Elizabeth Hendricks Jan. 1834)
J-265: 23 Oct. 1833, James Baker and wife Jane (X) to William Duncan, $950, E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.10 and E 1/2 NW 1/4 Sec.10, both Twp.24 R6, total 159.08 acres; wit. Robt. S. Foster, Moses McGuire. (FHL film 1,631,869 item 1)
K-159: 20 Nov. 1834, Constantine Perkins and wife Eliza Ann to William Duncan, both Tuscaloosa Co. AL, $3865, W 1/2 Sec. 14 Twp.24 R6E and E 1/2 Sec.15 Twp.24 R6E, and 5 acres part of W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.14 Twp.24 R6E; no wit. (FHL film 1,631,869 item 2)
K-175: 17 Dec. 1834, James Baker and wife Jenny to William Duncan, $450, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.24 R6E, containing 79.94 acres; no wit. (FHL film 1,631,869)
K-231: 22 April 1834, William Duncan and wife Sarah to Moses Collins, $400, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.23 Twp.21 R9W of 79.72 acres, and E 1/2 NW 1/4 same Sec., Twp & Range, 79.72 acres; wit. Moses McGuire, clerk of court. (FHL film 1,631,869) (MAD: to Pontotoc Co. MS)
O-538: 1 Jan. 1839, Robert Ellyson to James Duncan, $600, W 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.15 Twp.24 R6E and E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.24 R6E and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.10 Twp.24 R6E; wit. Moses McGuire. (FHL film 1,631,870)
P-461: 31 Dec. 1838, William Duncan to James M?. Duncan, Thomas H. Duncan and William M. Duncan, for $1500, the NE 1/4 Sec.10; and part of SE 1/4 Sec.10, a very small part on N. end; and NW 1/4 Sec.11, part of SW 1/4 Sec.11 to be taken off N end; and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.3; and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.11; and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.2, all in Twp.24 R6E; also signed by Sarah Duncan; wit. Moses McGuire, Jeremiah Duncan. (FHL film 1,631,870; James M. or James W., the initial is not distinctly a "W" or an "M" as in other words)
P-462: 4 July 1839, Ephaim W. Russell to James W. Duncan and Joseph B. Tardy; Duncan and Tardy have endorsed for Russell a note for $1000 due 1 May 1838, in order to secure payment, mortgage to them a negro man Hubert about 35 and negro girl Harriett about 2 years old; all signed; wit. J.D. Duncan, A. Russell. (FHL film 1,631,870)
Q-197: 7 Nov. 1839, James W. Duncan and wife Eliza Ann of Tuscaloosa Co. AL to William M. Duncan for $1,000, their interest in and expectancy of lot NE 1/4 Sec.10, and part of SE 1/4 Sec.10 on N. end, and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.3, all Twp.24 R6E; wit. Thomas H. Duncan. (FHL film 1,631,870)
Q-198: 7 Nov. 1839, William M. Duncan Jn. (MAD: sic) to James W. Duncan, for $1400, his interest and expectancy of lot NE 1/4 Sec.11, and part of SW 1/4 Sec.11 off N end, and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.11 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.2, all Twp.24 R6E. (FHL film 1,631,870)
Q-198 (2nd): 6 Nov. 1839, Thomas H. Duncan to James W. Duncan and William Duncan, for $800, 1/3 part of NE 1/4 Sec.10, and part of SE 1/4 Sec.10 off NE 1/4?, and NW 1/4 Sec.11, and part of SW 1/4 Sec.11 to be taken off N end, and E 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.3, and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.11 and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.2, all Twp.24 R6E; no wit. (FHL film 1,631,870)
Q-445: 6 April 1840, William Braley, Sheriff, per writ of execution from Tuscaloosa Co. Court 29 Feb. 1840, seized the property of Epraim W. Russell to satisfy the execution which Robert Spiller, Indorsee, had recovered, and sold on 12 Feb. 1840 to highest bidder, Thomas H. Duncan, for $712, the E 1/2 SW 1/4 Sec.21? (tight binding) Twp.22 R9W; and E 1/2 SW 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.22 R9W; and W 1/2 SE 1/4 Sec.21 Twp.22 R9W; and NE 1/4 NW 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.22 R9W; and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.22 R9W; no wit. (FHL film 1,631,870)
Q-494: 11 April 1840, Thomas H. Duncan to Nimrod Hendrix, $150, W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.28 Twp.22 R9W; wit. Moses McGuire. (FHL film 1,631,870)
V-93: 21 Oct. 1841, James W. Duncan to William Wetherford, $1650, NW 1/4 Sec.11, and part of SW 1/4 Sec.11 off N end, and W 1/2 NE 1/4 Sec.11, and SW 1/4 SE 1/4 Sec.2, all Twp.24 R6E; /s/ James W. Duncan, Eliza A. Duncan; wit. William M. Duncan, A.T. Lewis. (FHL film 1,631,872)
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Guardian Records (FHL film 1,636,676 items 2 & 3)
1830-1842 - no Duncan
1857-1868 - no index
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Probate Estate Papers
Dearing, Alexander B. to Durrett, Wilds (FHL film 1,614,403)
MAD: Following looked at but not copied, late dates
Duncan, Henry, 1912, widow Augusta
Duncan, J.D.'s minor heirs, 1901: Kathleen Duncan, William Duncan and Jack Duncan; petition by A.C. Carpenter, their grandfather
Duncan, Jack, 1914, decd. by 1911, mentions Kathleen Duncan, Chas. W. Carpenter.
Duncan, Wm. A.; Kathleen and Jack, 1897-1911
Dunkin, J.M., 1926-1927
Duncan, Margaret C., guardian, Pauline S., Geo. W., Pearl, Lonie, Coleman & Jessie, minors, 1913
Will of Mrs. S.L. Duncan, 1917
Duncan, Wash, 1915, son of Hart Duncan.
Hampton to Herring (FHL film 1,643,314)
No Robert Harper, ca 1842 (Robert H. Duncan security, an heir was Rachel wife of James Duncan)
Hobson to Jerdine (FHL film 1,643,691)
No John Holloway ca 1837 (will, execs. Joseph B. Tardy, Wm. & James W. Duncan)
McAlpine to McWilliams (FHL film 1,643,821)
No David McGee, 1857 (dau. Jane Duncan, ?? wife of Wm. 1833 to Lowndes Co. MS?, she & son Jesse McGee Duncan in Bethel Baptist Church register 1832)
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Inventory Books
Inventory Book 1837-1842 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,636,672 item 2)
Inventory Book 1830-1836 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,636,672 item 3)
Inventory Book v.7, 1840-1848 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,636,672 item 4)
Inventory Book v.8, 1841-1850 - no Duncan (FHL films 1,636,672 item 5 & 1,636,673 item 1)
Inventory Book 1852-1854 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,636,673)
Inventory Book 1853-1856 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,636,673 item 2)
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Probate Court Minutes, some books incorrectly labeled "Orphans Court"
Minutes, 1824-1831 - no Duncan indexed (FHL film 1,631,966 item 2)
Minutes, 1831-1838 - no Duncan indexed (FHL film 1,631,966 item 3)
Pg.257: May 12, 1837, will of John Holloway produced in court, proven by testimoney of Joseph B. Tardy, William Duncan and James W. Duncan, exec. William H. Ogburn, bond of $40,000, security Joseph B. Tardy and James W. Duncan; appraisers to be William Duncan, Joseph B. Tardy, Nimrod Kendria, James W. Duncan and George Cobb.
(MAD: Will 1-102: 3 Jan. 1837, 12 May 1837, will of John Holloway; dau. Augusta Jane Jones, dau. Elizabeth Caroline McCullen, dau. Mary Emeline Ogbun, son-in-law John McCullom, granddau. Margaret Jane Shibly; execs. Joseph B. Tardy, Wm. Duncan, James W. Duncan. From pg.60, Vol.7, Will Extracts, in "Tuscaloosa Co. AL Records" by Pauline Gandrud)
Pg.257: May 12, 1837, Joseph B. Tardy applied for letters of administration on estate of Allen Rochester decd, bond by Joseph B. Tardy of $1600, securities James W. Duncan and William H. Ogburn; appraisers to be John Countess, Luke Foster, William Foster, John Hewett and John Baugh.
Minutes Vol.2, 1838-1843 - no Duncan, Holloway, Harper (FHL film 1,631,967)
Minutes Vol.3, 1843-1846 - no Duncan; Harper on pg.38, 48, 67 (FHL film 1,631,967)
Pg.67-68: Nov. 1843, Final settlement of estate of Robert Harper; heirs Sarah Harper widow, Rachel Duncan dau., John P. Harper son, Mary Webb dau., "Margara Webb wife of said decedent", Josiah Harper son, Thomas P. Harper son, William Harper son, Lucinda Pollatt dau.
(MAD: Orphans Court 2-171: 8 Feb. 1842, Robert Harper, deceased; Sarah Harper, the widow, and Thomas P. Harper apply for Letters of Administration; securities Robert H. Duncan, Barry Webb; George M. Hardwick, Robert P. Frierson, Samuel Wilson, L.H. Estes and John Miller to appraise property. Heirs petition to sell land; heirs Sarah Harper the widow; Rachel wife of James Duncan; John R. Harper; Mary wife of James Webb; Margery wife of Berry Webb; Thomas P. Harper; William Harper, Lucinda Harper, all of age except Lucinda. From pg.86-7, Vol.7, Will Extracts, in "Tuscaloosa Co. AL Records" by Pauline Gandrud)
Minutes Vol.4, 1846-1850 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,631,967)
Minutes Vol.5, 1850-1853 - no Duncan (FHL film 1,631,967)
Tuscaloosa Co. AL Wills 1821-1855 (FHL film 1,290,757)
Vol.1, 1821-1855, no Duncan, John Holloway will on pg.101 (no Duncan heir)
Vol.2, 1821-1855, same John Holloway will on pg.119-120
"AL State Militia 1820-1865" alphabetical card file in AL State Archives, Clyde - D (FHL film 1,462,799; mostly in alphabetic order, Dunkin cards found later in file)
Duncan, Wm., AL State Militia 1820-1860, Quartermaster, 17th Regt. 5th Brig. 2nd Div.; removed; Sampson Darden appointed to fill the vacancy. Certificate of appointment, Tuscaloosa Co., May 10, 1842, H.H. Hargrove, Colonel Commandant.
Duncan, William M., Quartermaster, 2nd Div. 5th Brig. 17th Regt.; Com. Aug. 19, 1839, Vice None. Authority: Military State Register, 1832, 1844.
AL Confederate Service Records, 1861-1865, cards in AL State Archives; Driver to Elich (FHL film 1,462,918)
MAD: most items were small typed cards, 3x5; some items were very blurred in the filming and were double images and hard to read. Cards had name and rank in upper left corner, service unit usually in upper right corner, notation if Home Guard, details from source were given in center of card, and the "Authority" as the last line on the card. The service record from the Historical Record Roll frequently listed several engagements he served in, dates wounded, absent, present, etc., and I usually did not copy all the details.
Dunkin, Henry P., Pension 6480, Tuscaloosa Co., pensioner Nancy E. Dunkin, widow of Henry P. Dunkin, Private, Co.K, 28th Regt. AL Inf., wit. W.J. Hughey, John Howell Dunkin.
Dunkin, H.P., Private, Co.K, 28th AL Inf. Reg. March 29, 1862, Perryville, AL. At home on sick furlough since June 1, 1862. Authority: Payroll at Knoxville, TN, Oct. 31, 1862.
Duncan, Isaac, Private, Co.G, 26th AL Inf. Regt. Authority: Walter Guild, Tuscaloosa, AL, April 5, 1904. (MAD: one Isaac W. Duncan (Dunkin on bond) mar. Margarett Barksdale (Barkesdile on bond) 10/17/1860 at res. of Wm. Duncan by Robert Lacy JP, Wm. B. (X) Dunkin bondsman)
Duncan, J., Private, Co.K, 20th AL Inf. Regt., Tuscaloosa, AL, 1861. Authority: Newspaper reference and U.C.V. notes.
Duncan, J.W., Co.K, 20th AL Inf. Buried in Confederate Cemetery in E. Knoxville, TN. Authority: Cavalcade, The Knoxville Journal, Sept. 19, 1943. (MAD: no rank shown)
Duncan, James H., Private, age 41, Co.G, 41st AL Inf. Regt., Tuscaloosa Co. Authority: Muster in roll dated Tuscaloosa, May 29, 1862.
Duncan, Wm., Private, Co.C, 41st AL Inf. Regt. Pickensville, AL. Authority: Copied from the West Alabamian, March 12, 1902.
Duncan, Wm., Private, Co.C, 41st AL Inf. Regt. Enlisted Pickensville, AL. Authority: Original muster in roll, March 25, 1862.
Duncan, Wm., Private, age 35, Co.C, 41st AL Inf. Regt. Pickens Co. Mustered in by Capt. Nash, March 31. Authority: Muster in roll (?one word?) Tuscaloosa, May 30, 1862.
AL Confederate Pension Applications, in AL State Archives, Duke - Dunn (FHL film 1,502,781)
MAD: Did not extract all pension applications for the same person if they gave no other genealogy information. Documents were extracted in order on film. Did not usually copy reason for pension request, which was frequently old age or rheumatism or feebleness; did not always copy witnesses names, which sometimes only said they knew the applicant was of good character and in need of the pension. "Cavalry" was frequently abbreviated "Calv" and spelled "Calvary." Did not usually copy the schedule of property unless it listed land. The complete pension papers should be rechecked individually, following is very brief extract of contents.
DUNKIN, Henry P., widow Nancy E. Dunkin, Perry Co. AL, Private, Co.K, 28th Regt. Application 14 April 1894, Henry (X) P. Dunkin, Perry Co. AL, Private, Co.K, 28th Regt. AL Inf., now 70 years of age, sickness and old age, farmer. Appl. 12 Feb. 1896, Henry (X) P. Dunkin, Perry Co. AL, Private Co.K 28th Regt. AL Inf., wounded Corinth, MS, served 4 years, now age 72, P.O. Sewerts, Perry Co. AL, farming, owns 40 acres. Appl. 13 Jan. 1916 by Nancy E. Dunkin, Tuscaloosa Co. AL, widow of H.P. Dunkin, she age 74 years, 5 (6? written over) mos., 8 days; married 14 Feb. 1857; witness J.M. Dunkin (X); no land, 13 May 1899. Appl. 27 April 1915, Nancy E. Dunkin, res. Tuscaloosa Co. AL, P.O. Ralf, widow of H.P. Dunkin, private, she born Sprotts, Perry Co. AL, 5 June 1842, now age 73, on Tuscaloosa Pension Roll #6480. Appl. 7 June 1921 by Nancy Elendar Dunkin, P.O. Perry Co. AL, living with W.J.W.? Nichols, she born Perry Co. AL, June 5, 1841, her father Allen Orr died Perry Co. AL; her husband Henry Dunkin, married Perry Co. AL (no date), he died Perry Co. AL Sept. 15, 1901; she also married J.A. Dunkin on 14 Feb. 1855; she also has been on pension rolls of Tuscaloosa Co. 1920; her husband enlisted Perry Co. AL, Co.K, Colonel Eli George, drew pension in Perry Co. AL. Appl. 16 Aug. 1897, Nancy E. Dunkin, widow of Henry P. Dunkin, Private, Co.K, 28th AL Inf., P.O. Severts. Appl. 27 May 1898. Appl. 13 May 1899, husband Henry P. Dunkin died 15 Sept. 1896; Witness W.J. Hughey, John Howell Dunkin. Appl. 6 Feb. 1922, Perry Co. AL, Nancy E. Dunkin, P.O. Knott, Perry Co. AL, #2 on pension roll, living with Wm. Nichols; she born Knott, Perry Co. AL, June 5, 1841; her father Allen Orr died Perry Co. AL; her husband Henry Dunkin, married Perry Co. (no date), died March 10, 1901; she married also to Jacob Alexander Dunkin, Feb. 14, 1855; she also on Tuscalloosa Co. 1920 pension rolls; her husband a soldier in Co.K, Colonel Eli George?. (MAD: see also application of John Howell Dunkin and William L. Dunkin, Perry Co. AL)
Elbert Co. GA Deeds
Y-113: 25 Feb. 1839, William Duncan of Tuscaloosa Co. AL in the right of my wife Sarah Duncan, to William Horton of Elbert Co. GA, for $62, 1/8 part of 2 tracts of land whereon Thomas Horton deceased family lived, to have and to hold all that 8th part of the above mentioned premises after the death of my mother Elizabeth Horton. Wit. Jeremiah T. Horton, Edwin Kinnechsew. Proved on oath of witness Edwin Kinnchew(?) 18 Oct. 1839. (copy from Pat Bankhead to Gwen Pryor 3/3/1987)
AA-193: 26 Feb. 1839, William Duncan of Tuscaloosa Co. AL by his attorney in fact James H. Duncan, to Henry Duncan of Elbert Co. GA, $25, all my right and title in and to 200 acres of land in Elbert Co. GA on north Beaverdam Creek joining on E. by Moses Duncan, N by said Henry Duncan, W. by William Moss, N. by William C. Rays; quit claim to Henry Duncan. Wit. A. Johnson, Asa J. Hayns. Rec. on oath of wit. 6 Aug. 1850. (FHL film 209,434)
Pontotoc Co. MS record; will of William Duncan; typed; from AR, LA, TX Gen. Society (FHL film 370,328 item 9; MAD's extract)
William Duncan of Pontotoc Co. MS; wife Sarah during her natural life that part of Sec. 12, Twp. 8, R. 10E now belonging to me and 100 acres off W. side Sec. 7, Twp 8, Range 10E, Chickasaw survey, MS, being about 300 acres so as to include my present dwelling house; also as many of my negroes as she shall choose to select and as much stock and farming implements during her life, then to descend as below. All my property, subject to above request, to my children Nancy Hardy, Elizabeth Davis, Polly Heargrove, James Duncan, Sally Cole, William M. Duncan, Ivey H. Duncan, Andrew J. Duncan, Malinda Cobb, Sucinder Collims (sic), to be equally divided; if any of them be deceased, then the children to receive share of deceased parent. Except Mrs. Hardy, Mr. Hardy has had an advance of $1020, this amount first to be deducted from interest of the children of said Mrs. Hardy then all to share and share alike. Appoint my said sons or such as be living at time of my death, to be executors. Dated 13 Sept. 1850; Wit. Shelton R. White, C.G. Mitchell, J.A. McNeil; proved 1st Monday Nov. 1850 by witnesses. (MAD: "Ivey" H. Duncan is Jeremiah H. Duncan; Isaac Cole mar. Sarah Duncan 12/24/1827, Benjamin Collins mar. Lucinda Duncan 1/31/1829; Edward Davis mar. Elizabeth Duncan 11/11/1823; Hope H. Hargrove mar. "Nancy" Duncan 3/15/1827, "Mary" b. Elbert Co. GA 11/13/1806 per cemetery, pg.59, Vol.168, "Tuscaloosa Co. AL Records" by Pauline Gandrud; Joseph B. Tardy mar. Nancy Duncan 8/28/1823; John S. Cobb mar. Malinda Duncan 11/5/1837; all Tuscaloosa Co. AL)
1904 "Notable Men of AL; Personal & Genealogical with Portraits" by Joel Campbell DuBose (FHL book 976.1 D3no and film 1,026,263 items 1-2; and from Donna Little 8/1982 from Duncan Family Files at AL State Archives)
Vol.1, pg.66-7: DR. THOMAS DUNCAN, physician, Fleta [Montgomery Co.], AL, was born in Crenshaw Co. AL Aug. 16, 1866. He is the son of John A. and Catherine (Norman) Duncan; father native of Tuscaloosa Co. AL, and the mother of Wilmington, NC. The Duncan family were early settlers of Alabama. John A. Duncan died at the age of 81 years. He was a farmer. He was a private in the Confederate service during the entire Civil war. There were, of his family, ten children, seven of whom are living. Dr. Thomas Duncan is the second youngest of the family. He was reared on the farm, receiving his early education in the common schools, with two years at Ft. Deposit, Ala. .... He was married, Sept. 7, 1892, to Zererah Sellers, a native of Montgomery Co. AL. .... (MAD: John A. Duncan mar. Catherine J. Norman 2/6/1848 Lowndes Co. AL)
"Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1891/92" (University of TX Library; from Jean Walker 7/1984)
Pg.130-131: North Alabama Conference, 1891: Daniel Duncan (preacher died during past year) was born in Shippenburg [Cumberland Co.], Penn., May 11, 1803; professed religion and joined the Methodist Church at Taylor's Springs Camp Ground, Va., in 1820. He was licensed to preach by the Quarterly Conference of Lafayette Circuit, Alabama Conference, in 1845. Two years after this, January, 1847, at Tuscaloosa, Ala., he was admitted on trial into the AL Conference. In 1850 he was ordained deacon and in 1852 was ordained elder. ... He fell on sleep October 28, 1891, ... It became necessary for Brother Duncan, a few months ago, to leave his old home in Talladega and go to Birmingham to live with his daughter, Mrs. J. Morgan Smith, ... (MAD: 1850 Marengo Co. AL census)
The old Grants Creek Cemetery at Foster, Tuscaloosa Co. AL, has been inventoried by Jim Foster and the information is on the AL USGenWeb site (information from Jim Foster 11/2003)
"The Story of Thomas Duncan and His Six Sons" by Katherine Duncan Smith, 1928, (Los Angeles Public Library book R929.2 D911)
See this book for information about descendants of Thomas Duncan, wife Jane, who died in 1776 at Carlisle, Hopewell Twp., Cumberland Co. PA, including Daniel Duncan, b. 11 May 1803 Shippensburg, PA; mar. Rachel Harrington 3 Dec. 1835; d. 28 Oct. 1891 Birmingham [Jefferson Co.], AL.
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