2/15/1894 We went to A. Phebe's to luncheon. 2/16 Sunday - I went to Church in the evening, had a hard walk home. Snow in the morn. 2/20 Thursday - Carrie & I went to Pa's & spent the day. Annie & Mrs. Amberman were there. 2/27/1896 Thursday - Abe went to New York. 2/29 Saturday - Blank. 2/30 Sunday - I went to Church in the morn. 3/1 Tuesday - Annie Gulick was married to John R. Cox. 3/4 Wed. - Went to the Miss. meeting. 3/8 Sunday - I went to Church in the morn. Abe & I went to U. Frank Lott's funeral. 3/9 Monday - I went to N.Y. & bought a b'lk satin dress for Sarah's wedding. 3/12 Thursday - I went & staid with Ma while Sarah & Elouise went to N.Y. to get Sarah's wedding dress. 3/14 Saturday - Bessie Lott was here. I took my dress to Edith Petty's to be made. 3/16 A heavy fall of snow. 3/17 Tuesday - St. Patrick's Day. Wash day. 3/22 Sunday - Stormy all day, had to stay home. 3/29 Sunday - Stormy. Abe went to Pa's to supper. 3/30 Monday - I went to Annie's in the aft. 4/1 Wednesday - Carrie & I went to the Miss. meeting, Mrs. Horton spoke, had refreshments. 4/2 Abe went to N.Y. & got Sarah's wedding present, 1 dozen tea spoons. 4/5 Easter Sunday - I went to Church morn & eve. Carrie went to Pa's from S.S. & I went there before Church in eve. 4/7 Tuesday - Election Day. 4/9 Thursday - Carrie & I went to the Baptist Church in eve. had views of Bible. called over home. 4/10 Friday - I went to E. Petty's to have my dress fitted. called at home, rec. a letter. Abe went to the city. 4/12 Sunday - Went to Church morn & eve. Mr. Hobbs preached in morn. called at home. Lillie Ramsen & Irv. & Meyers Blair were there. 4/13 Monday - Lillie Ramsen & Elouise were here to supper. Sarah was sick & couldn't come. Rec. iniv. to Sarah's wedding the 21. 4/14 Tuesday - Grandma W. went to Bklyn. I went to prayer meeting. called at home, E. Petty was there. 4/16 Thurs. - Carrie called over home. We went to the Baptist Church in eve., pictures were fine. I went to E. Petty's for my dress, but she wanted more jet. 4/17 Friday - I went to N.Y. to get jet for mine & Sarah's dress, got my hat. stopped at home & Carrie came home with me. 4/18 Sat. - Took our presents to Sarah. 4/19 Sunday - We went to Church. 4/20 Mon. - Went to E.P. & got my dress. I went home all day to help for the wedding. I went to Bklyn for Sarah's cake. 4/21 Tuesday - Sarah's wedding day. All went well, they went to Florida. 4/22 Wed. - Elouise has the measles. Lillie Remsen called here & told me. 4/23 Thurs. - I went over home, Elouise is getting better. I took my dress back to be shortened. Ma got a letter from Sarah from Charleston. 4/25 Sat. - Carrie & I went to U. Ulpian's & spent the day. called at home. 4/26 Sun. - I went to Church alone. Abe, Carrie & I went to Pres. Anniversary. 4/27 Mon. - Abe went to N.Y., was home to supper. U. Ulpian was here. 4/28 Tuesday - I went over home, all well. I called on Mame Sault. 4/29 Mrs. Holein came to wash. Elouise called. 4/30 Rec. inv. to Harry Nostrand's 20 wedding anniversary. 5/1 Friday - I felt badly all day. rec. a letter from Sarah from Florida & one from Neil D. 5/3 Sun. - Wrote to Sarah. Staid home all day. Abe went to U. Ulpian's. 5/4 Mon. - U. Ulpian called. Mother went to A. Maria & A. Phebe's. Bessie Lott called. Carrie rec. a letter from Sarah. she staid over home. 5/5 Tues. - showery. Carrie staid over home. 5/6 Wed. - I went to the Miss. meeting. Went over home to supper. Elouise, Carrie & I went to an Old Folks Concert at Baptist Church. 5/7 Miss Hayward called. 5/8 Elouise called. 5/10 Sun. - Sarah & Irving returned from their wedding trip. We went to Church, called over home. Myers, Wall & Allie were there. 5/11 Mon. - Mother & I went in a coach to Phebe Nostrand's 20 wedding anniv., had a grand time. 5/12 Tues. - Went over home. Annie was there. 5/19 Rec. a note of thanks from P. Nostrand. 5/20 Wed. - I went & staid with Ma while Sarah & Elouise went out all day. I went to Neil D. 5/21 Rainy. Carrie staid at home. Abe went to L.I. City. 5/22 Fri. - I went to the C.E. meeting. Carrie staid over home. 5/23 Sat. - Abe took the flowers out doors. 5/24 Sun. - I went to Church alone. Abe went to Bath Beach. 5/25 We called at P. Nostrand's but she was not home. 5/26 Phebe N. called here. Bessie Lott has a little sister. 5/28 Thurs. - The Juniors had an entertainment. Carrie spoke. We all went. 5/30 Decoration Day. U. Ulpian was here to dinner. We all went to the dedication of the soldier's monument. In the eve. we went to a concert in Town Hall. 5/31 Sun. - We went to Church. Sarah & Irv. were here to supper. 6/1 Mother & I called on Phebe Nostrand. I collected the Mission money & called over home. 6/2 I went to prayer meeting. 6/3 Wed. - Pa & Ma were here to dinner. Annie called. I went to the missionary meeting. Abe is on the jury at L.I. City. 6/5 May Amberman was here to supper. 6/6 Sat. - Went to Church in aft., preparatory service. 4 babies baptised. Kate Burke called. 6/7 Sun. - Rainy in morning. I went to Church alone. Frank Woodruff was here to supper. Abe went there to dinner. Frank gave us his picture. 6/8 Sadie Suydam called. 6/9 Tue. - We went to a luncheon at P. Nostrand's, quite a company. A. Phebe stopped here on her way home. Abe & I went to J. Monigle's & spent the eve. 6/10 Wed. - I went over home to see Ida & Merrill who have arrived from Florida. 6/11 Thur. - Abe was on jury at L.I. City all night. 6/12 Fri. - I went over home. Sarah was there. Carrie staid there all night. 6/14 Sun. - Rained hard all day. Our S.S. Anniv. but we couldn't go. We all staid home. 6/16 Tues. - Elouise brought Merrill here & I walked back with them. Carrie & I staid there to supper. Abe went to a fireman's parade at Freeport. 6/17 Rained all day. 6/19 Elouise, Carrie & I went to Bklyn in aft. Had C. pictures taken. Called at A. Phebe's, she wasn't home. Called on Sarah at 207 Clinton St. 6/20 Very warm. 6/21 Sun. - Very warm. We went to Church. Carrie went to Pa's to dinner. Abe went to U. Ulpian's. 6/23 Tues. - Ma, Eliouse, Ida & Merrill spent the day here, Lillie Remsen also & Mrs. R. callws. U. Ulp. was here. I went to Junior meeting. 6/24 Wed. - Rained so we could not go to L. Clerke's wedding, Abe went. 6/25 Rainy. 6/26 Fri. - I went over home, Sarah was there. Carrie staid there. Warrie called here. 6/27 Sat. - Rec. a letter from Neil D. & answered it. 6/28 Sun. - Rained all day. Abe went to Pa's to supper, Sarah & Irv. were there. 6/29 Mon. - Bessie Lott came on a visit. Abe went to N.J. 6/30 Tues. - Bessie, Carrie & I went to Annie's & to Woodhaven to see Sadie graduate. 7/1 Wed. - Bessie & Carrie went over home & Elouise & Merrill walked back with them. 7/2 Bessie, C., Elouise, Ida, Merrill & I went to Bergen Beach. Bessie went home. 7/3 Fri. - Wash day. U. Ulpian was here. 7/4 Sat. 4th July - Pa, Ma, Ida & Merrill spent the day here. Carrie & I walked back with them & took her fireworks. 7/5 Sun. - Showery & warm. I went to Church alone. Mr. VanPelt preached. The car ran in Mr. & Mrs. Gulick in carriage. 7/6 Mon. - Abe took Carrie to Dr. Flynn's. 7/7 Carrie & I went over home. Sarah was there. 7/8 Mrs. Holein washed. 7/9 Thurs. - Elouise & Jennie Suydam, Carrie & I went to Bklyn. Called on Sarah & got Carrie's pictures. I got a black dress skirt. 7/10 Carrie went over home & staid all night. U. Ulpian was here. 7/12 Sun. - Very warm. Mother & I went to Church. Frank Woodruff was here. 7/13 I took Carrie to Dr.'s the Abe took her to U. Ulpian's to stay. Mr. Tilton called. 7/14 I went over home. 7/15 Wed. - Mother went to Bklyn. 7/17 Wash day. 7/18 Sat. - U. Ulpian brought Carrie home. 7/19 Sun. - We all went to Church in morn. Charlie Wyckoff preached. I went in eve. Abe went to Annie's. 7/20 Mon. - Mrs. Cooper called & Elouise. Mother went to Bklyn. 7/21 Tues. - Elouise was here, she wanted Carrie to go to Sarah's, but she couldn't. I went to prayer meeting. 7/23 Thurs. - I rec. a letter from Neil D. inv. me there next week. 7/24 Fri. - I ans. Neil's letter. Mr. & Mrs. Cooper came in to say good-by. 7/25 Sat. - Abe took Carrie to Dr. Flynn's. Elouise called. 7/26 Sun. - I went to Church alone. Carrie went over home to dinner & she & Grandma went to U. Ulp's. I went home & to Church Union meeting. 7/27 Mon. - Carrie & Grandma W. started for Liberty Falls. Abe took them to the train. Pa called & Lillie Heyward. A very heavy shower in eve. 7/28 I called on Mrs. Smith. I wrote to Carrie. 7/29 Wed. - I went home in aft. Sarah & Annie were there. 7/30 I went to Neil D.'s in the morn. In the aft. Neil took us to North Beach, had a heavy shower there. I got a letter from Carrie & answered it. 8/1 Sat. - Abe & I got a letter from Carrie. Pa came & picked some blackberries. H. Woodruff died. 8/2 Sun. - I went to Church & went over home to dinner. Annie C. came there. 8/3 Mon. - Annie, Sarah, Elouise, Ida & Merrill, Jennie & Anna & I went to Rockaway. 8/4 Got a letter from Carrie. Abe & I went to Henry Woodruff's funeral, rode to Greenwood. I wrote a letter to Carrie. Very warm. 8/5 Wed. - Very warm. Ida & Merrill came over on a visit. Abe went to the S. Coterie. 8/6 Thur. - Ma, Sarah & Elouise spent the day here. I got a letter from Carrie & ans. it. 8/7 Fri. - Ida & I picked berries & made jelly. The weather is extremely warm. 8/8 Sat. - Ida & Merrill went back to Pa's. I walked back with them in eve. 8/9 Sat. - Hot, hotter, hottest. We did not go out all day, until eve. I went to Methodist Church. I wrote to Carrie. 8/10 Mon. - I went over home awhile. Elouise called. Mrs. Morrell was buried. Rec. a letter from Neil D. 8/11 Tue. - I got a letter from Carrie & ans. it. Went to meeting. Got a letter from Mrs. Cooper & ans. it. 8/12 Wash day. I went home in aft., stopped to Dr.'s for Ma. Very warm, many deaths from heat. 8/13 Thurs. - Went to Annie's in aft. Got 2 letters from Carrie & ans. them. Sent her a paper. 8/14 Fri. - Went over home in aft. Elouise is sick. I staid to supper. Abe went to U. Ulp's. Cooler, rain. 8/15 Sat. - Went over home. Elouise is better. 8/16 Sun. - Abe went to Newtown, so I went over home from Church, staid all day. Went to Pres. C. at night with Pa & Elouise. heavy shower. 8/17 Mon. - Went to U. Ulpian's in aft. Stopped at home, stopped at Dr.'s for Ma. wrote to Carrie. 8/18 Tues. - Got a letter from Carrie. Had a VERY bad night. 8/19 Wed. - I went to A. Phebe's, she gave me some clothes. Did some shopping for Ida. Abe went to John Suydam's. 8/20 Thurs. - Wrote to Carrie. Went over home. Ma is not well. Took two waists for Ida to fix. 8/21 Fri. - Sarah called in morn. She just got back from Pokeepsie. 8/22 Sat. - Got 2 letters from Carrie. I had the Heyward children here in aft. Rainy. 8/23 Sun. - I went to Church in morn. Mr. Stewart preached. Irv. & Sarah called. Abe & I wrote to Carrie. 8/24 Mon. - Abe started a team in park. I wrote to Neil D. A bad night. 8/25 Tues. - I went over home & to prayer meeting. 8/26 Wed. - I picked berries & took some home. Annie & Mrs. Dodd were there. Abe got a letter from Carrie. 8/27 Thur. - I got a letter from Carrie & ans. it. 8/28 Fri. - Abe went to N.Y. Washed. In aft. I walked to Hollis to Sarah's. Called at A. Anna's, A. & J. Eldert. 8/29 Sat. - Abe & I went to Manhattan in eve., saw the fireworks. 8/30 Sun. - I went to Church in morn. Mr. Phraner preached. After supper I went over home & went to Pres. Church with Elouise. 8/31 Mon. - I went to Brooklyn to shop for Ida, took the things to Pa's for her. Rained in aft. Wrote to Carrie. 9/1 Tue. - Sarah & I went to the boat with Ida & Merrill. They went home to Florida. Irv. came home with us. Went to meeting. 9/2 Wed. - Ma, Elouise & I went to Sarah's at Hollis, took the train home. I went for missionary money. 9/3 Thurs. - Had a very heavy shower at night. 9/4 Fri. - Carrie & Grandma came home. Abe went to meet them. Carrie & I went over home awhile. Mrs. Johnson called. 9/5 Sat. - U. Ulp. called. Carrie & Grandma went to U. U., rained so they staid all night, so I was all alone. 9/6 Sun. - They came home in morn. Rained all day. Mr. Tilton's fifth Anniv. 9/7 Mon. - Labor Day. I took Carrie to Dr. Flynn's. She went to Pa's to dinner & Ma & Elouise walked back with her. 9/8 Tues. - Carrie started to school. Abe went to city. I went to prayer meeting. 9/9 Wed. - U. Ulp. was here. 9/10 Thurs. - Mrs. H. sent another woman to wash. I went to the Dr.'s. 9/11 Fri. - U. Ulp. was here. Mrs. Cooper called. bad. 9/12 Sat. - I went to Church, prepatory. Carrie & Elouise went to Sarah's. 9/13 Sun. - Rainy, all staid home. Carrie had fever. 9/14 Mon. - Abe went for Dr. Flynn for Carrie. Elouise & Miss Heyward called. 9/15 Tues. - Stormy. Abe went to the funeral of Susie Bailey. Abe sat up with Mr. Heyward all night. 9/16 Wed. - I rec. a letter from Neil D. from Catskill. 9/17 Thurs. - Mrs. Perry washed. I took Carrie to the Dr.'s. 9/18 Fri. - Carrie & I went over home. They had gone to Sarah's but got back. We went in Mrs. Amberman's. 9/19 Sat. - U. Ulp. called. Heavy showers at night. 9/20 Sun. - Mother, Carrie & I went to Church & to S.S. It was rallying day. 9/21 Mon. - Ma spent the day here & I went home with her. Sarah & Elouise went to Bklyn. Convention, Republican. 9/22 Tue. - Rainy. 9/23 Wed. - We all went to fair at Mineola. Had a nice time. Very cold. 9/24 Thurs. - Carrie & I went to Dr.'s & then went & staid with Ma. Elouise went to Fair. Abe went to Fair. 9/25 Fri. - A fine day. 4 A.M. 9/26 Sat. - U. Ulp. called. 9/27 Sun. - Abe & I went to Church in morn. Abe sat up with Mr. Heyward. 9/28 Mon. - Mr. Heyward died 9 A.M. Rec. a letter from Ida. 9/29 Tues. - We all went to Mr. H's funeral in eve. Dreadful storm in night. Lillie H. & Capt. Cooper slept here. 9/30 Wed. - I took Carrie to Dr.'s. In aft. we went over home, Carrie staid all night. 10/1 Thurs. - Carrie came home. I went to Miss. meeting. Sewed for a box. 10/2 Fri. - Elouise, Carrie & I went to Frank Lott's. Carrie staid all night. We called at Sarah's. 10/3 Sat. - Elouise called & brought me a sofa pillow. Rained in aft. Abe went to Bayside, clam bake. 10/4 Sun. - Stormy. We all staid home. Bessie Lott brought Carrie home. 10/5 Mon. - Stormy. 10/6 Tues. - Carrie rode with U. Ike to Sarah's. I went in aft. on train, rode home with Frank Lott. 10/7 Wed. - Carrie came home from Sarah's, they went to U. Abe's & came home with Allie Lott. 10/8 Thurs. - Wash day. U. Ulp. drove up after Carrie & at 6 o'clock we rec. tel. that he was sick, so mother & I went to Everitt's & got a coach & drove down there. I brought Carrie back & Mother staid. 10/9 Fri. - Abe went to U. Ulp. & staid all night. 10/22 Thurs. - I went to Bklyn, got Carrie dominoes. 10/23 Fri. - Abe went to U. U., came back & told us he was worse, so he went back & staid. 10/24 Sat. - Mr. Dodd called. Mother went to U. U., staid all night. 10/25 Sun. - Carrie's birthday. 14 years old. She & I went to Church in aft. Abe went to U. U. & drove Mother back. He is better. I went to Church in eve. 10/26 Mon. - I took Carrie to Dr. 10/27 Tues. - Carrie went to Junior meeting. I went to prayer meeting. Wash day. 10/28 Wed. - We went to Sarah's in Hollis & spent the day. 10/29 Thurs. - Carrie & I went to U. U. I wrote to Neil D. 10/30 Fri. - Carrie went to her Grandpa's & staid all night. 10/31 Sat. - Frank Woodruff came on his wheel. Mrs. Cooper called. Very warm. 11/1 Sun. - Cloudy. I went to Church alone. Abe went to U. U., came back to supper. 11/2 Mon. - Went to the funeral of Mrs. Clerke, then went over home awhile. 11/15 Sun. - Warm. Carrie & I went to Church in morn. I went to Pres. C. in eve. Abe went to U. U. in aft. 11/16 Mon. - Sarah & Elouise went to N.Y. so Ma came here & A. Allie Betts came to dinner. 11/17 Tues. - Warm. I went to prayer meeting. Called at Heyward's. 11/18 Wed. - Carrie went to Sarah's with Ma & Elouise. I took my hat to Miss Cornell's to be trimmed. Warm. 11/19 Thurs. - Mrs. Heyward & Lillie came to say goodby as they move to Bklyn. I made a cake for a social at Mr. Tilton's. Carrie took it. We couldn't go. 11/20 Fri. - Elouise called. Abe went to U. U. 11/21 Sat. - Rainy. I went to Miss Cornell's for hat & called over home. Sarah was there. 11/22 Sun. - Very pleasant. We went to Church in morn. 11/23 Mon. - Elouise, Carrie & I went to N.Y. I got shoes, scrap book for Carrie. 11/24 Tues. - I went to prayer meeting. Abe went to U. U. Wash day. 11/25 Wed. - Mrs. Cooper called. I rec. a letter from Ida. 11/26 Thurs. - Thanksgiving Day. Pa & Ma were here. Abe went for U. Ulp. but he could not come. Abe drove up & Carrie went back with him to U. U. & staid all night. 11/27 Fri. - Abe brought Carrie home. We all went to the dedication of the new school. Very nice. 11/30 Sun. - Stormy. Snowed at night. All staid at home. 12/1 Mon. - I rec. a letter from Neil D. 12/2 Tues. - I took Carrie to Dr.'s. We went over home in aft. Sarah is staying home. I met Angie Cox. 12/3 Wed. - VERY COLD. Carrie & Grandma went to Bklyn. I went to Miss. meeting & called at home & collected. 12/5 Fri. - Carrie & Grandma went to Bklyn. Sarah spent the day here. Lillie Heyward called. Bad. 12/6 Sun. - We went to Church. Communion. 22 taken in Church. I went in eve. Abe went to U. Ulp's. 12/7 Mon, - Sarah & Elouise went to Bklyn, I went & staid with Ma. Carrie went to school in the new school. 12/8 Tues. - Carrie went to school. Wash day. 12/10 Thurs. - Elouise went to Bklyn. 12/11 Fri. - Abe rec. appointment as Fish & Game inspector. 12/12 Sat. - Carrie went to Edith Bell's. Sarah & Elouise called. Abe went to N.Y. 12/13 Sun. - We went to Church. Abe went to U. U. 12/14 Mon. - Carrie & I went over home. Packed a box to send Jimmie for Xmas. Abe went to Staten I. all night. 12/23 Wed. - Snow storm. Very cold. Sarah called. 12/24 Thurs. - We all went to S.S. Christmas festival in chapel. 12/25 Christmas Day. We all went to U. U., he gave me a feather boa. Called at Heyward's in eve. 12/27 Sun. - We went to Church. Very cold. Irv., Sarah & Elouise called. 12/28 Mon. - Carrie & I went to Annie's in aft. In eve. we went to Methodist chapel S.S. entertainment. 12/30 We all went in a coach to the funeral of Williamson Rapelyea. 1/1/1897 New Years. We all went to Pa's to spend the day. Had a nice time. Irv. & Sarah, Sadie & Jennie were there. 1/3 Rec. a letter from Ida. I wrote to Neil D. |