Dada I5068 2-39, 525-40 Dafydd (-1246) I3099 207-36 Dafydd I3522 207-36 Dafydd I3566 208-37, 209-37 Dag I4225 708-60 Dag Dyggvason (403-) I4226 708-62 Dagobert_II I4455 718-51 Dagreid Dagsdottir I4221 708-60 Dairmait MacMael nam Bo (-1072) I3575 779-39 Dalmas_I of_Semur-en-Auxois (-1055) I9714 135-39, 796-40 Dame du Pays d'Anjou I14294 297-40, 563-42 Dangerose de l'Isle Bouchard (1080-1119) I5093 135-36, 411-37, 842-37 Darbforgaill (-1080) I3576 779-39 dau. of Alain_I I4491 546-43 dau. of Alard I4901 97-50, 305-49 dau. of Bernhard of_St.Valerie I5119 274-35 dau. of Conrad_I of_Burgundy I5493 719-45 dau. of Engeltron I5495 719-45 dau. of Louis the Pious I3016 129-47, 361-46 dau. of Rorick de Maine I4615 361-45 dau. of Salomon I5081 546-45 dau. of Yarfrid I5686 405-37 Daughter I3124 2-45 daughter of Kiev I7657 720-41 Daughter von Bihar I7298 261-42 Daughter von Kumanien I7303 261-41 dau_of Duke Haudre I4451 20-48, 718-47 David de Armenters I14108 834-35 David Gwynedd (-1204) I7677 84-35, 208-37, 209-37, 502-37 David_I the_Saint (1080-1153) I3047 79-39, 108-37, 257-39, 320-36, 337-37, 523-38 Demarg I14100 423-39 Denes (Diones) (1449-1530) I14625 971-24 Desideria I2998 97-48 Devorguilla of Galloway (-1242) I8648 78-36 Devorguilla of_Galloway (-1289) I4999 78-35, 143-31, 252-34, 399-31, 428-29, 671-33 Diego I4592 227-41, 795-40 Diego Garcia (1160-) I9306 908-35 Diego Lainez de_Bibar in_Castile (-1058) I4591 227-40, 795-41 Diego Lopez (el Blanco) (-1124) I9254 903-36 Diego Lopez (el Bueno) (-1214) I9234 41-35, 175-33, 903-35 Dietrich I4157 74-45 Dietrich I (1045-1105) I5183 75-39, 82-38, 92-39, 178-38, 250-38, 264-37, 284-38, 290-38 Dietrich_II (1060-1115) I5063 19-39, 27-35, 93-38, 239-38, 284-40 Dimitri Zaviditsch (-1068) I3415 1-36, 81-34 Dionysia I8355 912-38 Dobronega (Maria) of Kiev (1015-) I7990 8-40, 720-40 Dobronega Maria of Kiev (-1087) I13633 81-39 Doda I6288 68-43, 144-39 Doda (586-611) I4889 97-53, 714-52 Doda I5423 716-50 Dolfyn ap Llewelyn Eurdorchog I14184 836-40 Domaldi Visbursson (340-) I4230 708-65 Domar Domaldason (361-) I4228 708-64 Dometi I10321 776-38 Domnall Brecc (-642) I4360 709-54 Domnogart I4364 709-58 Domnus Guigues II (-957) I6827 755-42 Domongart I4359 709-53 Donald I3423 521-32 Donald (-1085) I9445 257-39 Donald III Bane (1033-1094) I3069 257-40, 520-39 Donald_I I3220 709-48 Donald_II I3214 709-45 Donnchad (-1064) I3573 779-40 Donnchad MacMurchada (-1115) I3579 779-37 Donnell More (-1194) I10559 779-36 Dorcas (-1684) I14458 1050-12, 1065-13 Douce of Provence (1095-1127) I4549 3-37, 42-36, 178-36, 223-38, 298-37, 368-35 Dreux (1012-1035) I5334 17-42, 37-39, 308-39, 754-42 Dreux II de Mello I7816 317-37, 570-36, 684-36, 685-35 Dreux III I7240 317-37, 685-34 Driva Snaersdottir (302-) I4233 708-67 Drott Dampsdottir I4229 708-64 Drue I7966 63-40, 215-39, 215-38 Duff I3213 709-44 Dulcia of Barcelona (1152-1198) I3643 3-36, 223-38 Duncan (-1204) I3232 521-34 Duncan I14344 78-40, 256-42, 709-41 Duncan_I Mac Crinan (1001-1040) I3067 79-39, 256-41, 257-40, 519-40, 520-39, 521-39, 709-41 Duncan_II May-Nov (1060-1094) I9443 78-39, 251-38, 257-38, 491-39 Dunlang (-1014) I4249 472-39, 780-39 Duvelina I4393 35-38 Dwywg ap Llywarch I5224 472-53 Dyddgu of_Builth (1060-) I4244 14-39, 208-38, 209-37, 816-38 Dyfnwal ap Asthin I8968 713-47 Dyggi Domarsson (382-) I4227 708-63