William CLAY - William CLEMENT
Ancestors of William CLAY
/-Charles CLAY
/-Henry CLAY
| \-Hannah WILSON
/-William Mitchell CLAY
| \-Mary Hannah MITCHELL
William CLAY
\-Martha RUNYON
Ancestors of William CLAY
/-Charles CLAY
/-Henry CLAY
| \-Hannah WILSON
/-William Mitchell CLAY
| \-Mary Hannah MITCHELL
William CLAY
\-Martha RUNYON
Ancestors of William Jefferson CLAY
/-Jesse CLAY
/-Greenberry CLAY
| \- JANE
William Jefferson CLAY
\-Lucinda Elizabeth WILLIAMS
- Partnership with: Martha RUNYON
Marriage: 1729, Henrico Co, VA
- Child: William CLAY Birth: 1730, Henrico Co, VA
- Child: William CLAY Birth: 1733
- Child: Judith CLAY Birth: 1734, Chesterfield, VA
- Child: Elizabeth CLAY Birth: ABT 1734, Chesterfield Co, VA
- Child: Mitchell CLAY Birth: 1735, Henrico Co, VA
- Child: Pearce CLAY Birth: 1737
- Child: Ezekiel CLAY Birth: 1739, Henrico Co, VA
- Child: Obediah CLAY Birth: 1739
- Child: David CLAY Birth: ABT 1740
- Child: Meredith CLAY Birth: ABT 1742, Henrico Co, VA
- Child: Hanna CLAY Birth: 1743
- Child: Jesse CLAY Birth: ABT 1745, Goochland Co, VA
- Child: Nancy CLAY Birth: 1747
- Partnership with: Martha Anne LEWIS
Ancestors of William Mitchell CLAY
/-John CLAY
/-Charles CLAY
/-Henry CLAY
| \-Hannah WILSON
William Mitchell CLAY
\-Mary Hannah MITCHELL
Descendants of William Mitchell CLAY
1 William Mitchell CLAY
=Martha RUNYON Marriage: 1729, Henrico Co, VA
2 William CLAY
2 William CLAY
2 Judith CLAY
=Thomas FARLEY Marriage: 1754, Chesterfield Co, VA
2 Elizabeth CLAY
=Daniel TUCKER , Sr
3 Martha TUCKER
3 Sally TUCKER
3 Pascal TUCKER
=Mary PENNINGTON Marriage: 21 NOV 1783
3 Elizabeth TUCKER
=William GREEN Marriage: 1776
3 Daniel TUCKER , Jr
3 Nancy TUCKER
3 William TUCKER
3 Joseph TUCKER
3 Rebecca TUCKER
3 Pleasant TUCKER
=Mary HILLARD Marriage: 28 SEP 1804
3 Mason Fowler TUCKER
=Isham Isom BELCHER Marriage: 2 JUL 1759, Chesterfield Co, VA
2 Mitchell CLAY
=Phoebe BELCHER Marriage: 1760
2 Pearce CLAY
2 Ezekiel CLAY
2 Obediah CLAY
2 David CLAY
2 Meredith CLAY
2 Hanna CLAY
2 Jesse CLAY
=Miriam ROYAL Marriage: ABT 1765
3 Royal CLAY
3 Nathaniel CLAY
=Mary Ann KILGORE Marriage: ABT 1787, Greene Co, GA?
3 Marian CLAY
=Michael W. WRIGHT Marriage: 9 DEC 1794, Oglethorpe Co, GA
3 Thomas Jefferson CLAY
3 Tabitha CLAY
=Samuel CLAY Marriage: 20 AUG 1798, Oglethorpe Co, GA
3 Samuel CLAY
3 Samuel CLAY
2 Nancy CLAY
=Martha Anne LEWIS
Ancestors of William W. CLAY
/-Abia CLAY
/-Samuel CLAY
/-William Wiley CLAY
| | /-Jesse CLAY
| \-Tabitha CLAY
| \-Miriam ROYAL
William W. CLAY
- Partnership with: Susan JAMES
Marriage: 1 NOV 1832, Perry Co, AL
- Partnership with: Lucinda
Marriage: ABT 1836, Perry Co, AL?
Ancestors of William Wiley CLAY
/-Abia CLAY
/-Samuel CLAY
William Wiley CLAY
| /-William Mitchell CLAY
| /-Jesse CLAY
| | \-Martha RUNYON
\-Tabitha CLAY
\-Miriam ROYAL
Descendants of William Wiley CLAY
1 William Wiley CLAY
=Susan JAMES Marriage: 1 NOV 1832, Perry Co, AL
2 Lavenia L. CLAY
=Lucinda Marriage: ABT 1836, Perry Co, AL?
2 Frances M. CLAY
2 William W. CLAY
2 Samuel CLAY
2 Lucinda CLAY
2 Martha U CLAY
2 Mary M. CLAY
Descendants of John D. CLAYLAND
=Juliann ANSLEY Marriage: 22 AUG 1866, Butler Co, AL
Descendants of CLAYTON
=Cabille ANSLEY Marriage: ABT 1900, TX?
Ancestors of Arthur Ulmount CLAYTON
/-Thomas CLAYTON , Sr
Arthur Ulmount CLAYTON
| /-John Fannin BROWN
| /-Charles Robert Ernest BROWN
| | \-Louisa Eugenia WILSON
\-Mattie Vaudell BROWN
\-Mattie HOOPER
- Birth: 24 AUG 1857
- Death: 6 MAY 1909
- Burial: MAY 1909, Davistown Cem, Jackson Co, AL
Descendants of Elizabeth Ann CLAYTON
1 Elizabeth Ann CLAYTON
=Absolem C. DAVIS Marriage: 6 FEB 1881, Jackson Co, AL
Descendants of H. F. CLAYTON
Ancestors of Marian Lee CLAYTON
/-Thomas CLAYTON , Sr
Marian Lee CLAYTON
| /-John Fannin BROWN
| /-Charles Robert Ernest BROWN
| | \-Louisa Eugenia WILSON
\-Mattie Vaudell BROWN
\-Mattie HOOPER
Ancestors of Robert CLAYTON
/-Thomas CLAYTON , Sr
| /-John Fannin BROWN
| /-Charles Robert Ernest BROWN
| | \-Louisa Eugenia WILSON
\-Mattie Vaudell BROWN
\-Mattie HOOPER
- Birth: 1849
- Death: 20 DEC 1926
- Burial: Sand Springs Presby Cem, Orwood, LAfayette Co, MS
- Partnership with: John Wood GRAY
Marriage: 6 DEC 1870, Lafayette Co, MS
Descendants of Sarah Elizabeth Lizzie CLAYTON
1 Sarah Elizabeth Lizzie CLAYTON
=John Wood GRAY Marriage: 6 DEC 1870, Lafayette Co, MS
Ancestors of Thomas CLAYTON , Jr
/-Thomas CLAYTON , Sr
Thomas CLAYTON , Jr
| /-John Fannin BROWN
| /-Charles Robert Ernest BROWN
| | \-Louisa Eugenia WILSON
\-Mattie Vaudell BROWN
\-Mattie HOOPER
Descendants of Thomas CLAYTON , Sr
1 Thomas CLAYTON , Sr
=Mattie Vaudell BROWN
2 Arthur Ulmount CLAYTON
2 Robert CLAYTON
2 Thomas CLAYTON , Jr
2 Marian Lee CLAYTON
Descendants of James CLEGG
1 James CLEGG
=Amanda Jane HARALSON Marriage: 30 APR 1846, Troup Co, GA
Descendants of Nancy CLEGHORN
=Daniel N. POUNCEY Marriage: 25 JUN 1835, Montgomery Co, AL
2 John Albert POUNCEY
2 George M. POUNCEY
- Father: William CLEMENT
- Birth: 1700, King William Co, VA
- Death: BEF 18 APR 1780
Ancestors of Benjamin CLEMENT
/-William CLEMENT
Benjamin CLEMENT
Descendants of Benjamin CLEMENT
1 Benjamin CLEMENT
=Susannah HILL
2 Susannah CLEMENTS
=William B. EVANS
3 John EVANS
=Sarah CLAIBORNE Marriage: ABT 1800
=Elizabeth MORTON Marriage: 30 DEC 1801, Wilkes Co, GA
3 James EVANS
=Sarah Elizabeth Sallie BENNETT
3 William EVANS
=Elizabeth Combs HAMMOCK Marriage: BEF 1797, Wilkes Co, GA
3 Susanna EVANS
=Daniel Kellis SLATON Marriage: 29 DEC 1807, Wilkes Co, GA
3 Anna EVANS
=Philip Jones STARKE Marriage: 1792, Wilkes Co, GA
3 Stephen EVANS
=Elizabeth BENNETT Marriage: BEF 1803
3 Arden S-O Wm B. EVANS
=Elizabeth CARMICHAEL Marriage: 15 JAN 1805, Greene Co, GA
3 Sarah EVANS
=Samuel SLATON Marriage: ABT 1807
=William COMBS Marriage: 24 OCT 1823
3 Joseph M. EVANS
=Susannah C. CUNNINGHAM Marriage: 10 DEC 1824, Wilkes Co, GA
- Partnership with: (Unknown)
Descendants of William CLEMENT
1 William CLEMENT
2 Benjamin CLEMENT
=Susannah HILL
3 Susannah CLEMENTS
=William B. EVANS