Kiron Kountry 200206 Data Base
bullet Brita --- was born in Mar 1833 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1894 to Kiron Kountry from SE. She appeared on the census on 1 Jun 1900 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to -- Westerland before 1870 in Sweden. Children were: Ole Westerland , Christina Westerland.

bullet Brita --- was born in Apr 1832 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1849 to America from SE. She appeared on the census on 1 Jun 1900 in Schaller, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to Peter Challman in 1855 in Illinois. Children were: Frank Challman, Matt Challman, Abner Challman, Lavinna Challman, Jennie L. Challman.

bullet Brita --- died before 1685.

She was married to Per Helgesson before 1663. Children were: Helge Persson , Nils Persson, Johan Persson, Olof Persson, Margareta Persdotter.

bullet Brita K. --- was born on 25 Jan 1829 in Stöde, Medelpad, Y, SE. She immigrated in 1889 to Kiron Kountry from SE. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She died on 26 Mar 1909 in Kiron, Iowa. She was buried after 26 Mar 1909 in Kiron Cemetery, Kiron, Iowa.

She was married to Carl P. Thunstrom before 1858 in Sweden. Children were: Casa J. Thunstrom, Brita Ereka Thunstrom, John Thunstrom.

bullet Brita K. --- was born in Jun 1828 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1889 to Kiron Kountry from SE. She was a Housewife in 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in Jun 1900 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to Carl? Tunberg in 1854 in Sweden. Children were: John Tunberg.

bullet Brita? --- immigrated in Jun 1882 to Odebolt from Helgum.

She was married to Andrew Hallander. Children were: August Hallander , Margaretha Hallander.

bullet Britta --- was born on 10 Sep 1797 in Valinge, Halland, N, SE.

She was married to Sven --- in 1816 in Valinge, Halland, N, SE. Children were: Christina Svensdotter, Alain Svensson.

bullet Britta --- was born in 1856 in Sweden. She immigrated between 1879 and 1883 to Kiron Kountry from SE. She was a Farmwife on 1 Jan 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census on 1 Jan 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to August Johnson before 1877 in Sweden. Children were: Carrie Johnson, Sinder Johnson, Bernice Johnson.

bullet Britta S. --- was born on 2 Sep 1821 in Sweden. She immigrated before 1897 to Iowa from SE. She died on 25 Jun 1898 in Woodbury Co, Iowa. She was buried after 25 Jun 1898 in Concord Swedish Cemetery, Lawton, Iowa.

She was married to C. Erickson Carlson about 1850.

bullet C. --- was born in 1810 in Scotland. She was a housekeeper in 1860 in Union Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1860 in Denison P.O., Union Twp, Crawford Co, Ia.

She was married to Sandy Bell before 1834 in Scotland. Children were: John Bell, Robert Bell, Elliot Bell, Hendric Bell, Andrew Bell, Georg Bell, Mary Bell.

bullet C. E. A. --- was born in 1834 in New York. She was a housekeeper in 1860 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. She appeared on the census in 1860 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia.

She was married to George Cadwell King before 1854 in Boyer River P.O., Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. Children were: J. M. King, Claria K. King, Frank King.

bullet Cage --- was born in Jan 1876 in Illinois. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to John Meggers in 1899 in Iowa. Children were: Rose Meggers.

bullet Carin --- was born about 1825 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1872 to America from SE. She died in America.

She was married to Per Persson about 1845 in Sweden. Children were: Carin Persdotter, Per Persson, Brita Persdotter, Eric Persson, Ingrid Persdotter, Jonas Persson.

bullet Carl --- died on 23 Oct 1860.

He was married to Brita Cajsa Eriksdotter on 13 Jun 1847. Children were: Erik Olof Carlsson, Johan Anton Carlsson, Brita Sara Carlsdotter.

bullet Carl --- was born on 26 Mar 1758 in Rolfstorp, Halland, N, SE. He died in 1831 in Rolfstorp, Halland, N, SE.

Children were: Marta Carlsdotter.

bulletCarl --- was born in Sweden.

He was married to Christina --- before 1865 in Sweden. Children were: Emil Carlson.

bullet Carl --- died on 8 Feb 1870 in Sweden.

He was married to Johanna Lovisa Johansdotter on 26 Feb 1858 in Sweden. Children were: Carl August Carlsson, Augusta Josefina Carlsdotter , Frans Edvard Carlsson, Johanna Sofia Carlsdotter.

bullet Carl --- was born in Sweden.

He was married to -- --- before 1860 in Sweden. Children were: John Paul Carlson, Marie Carlson, Karen Carlson, Carl Edwin Carlson, Johanna Carlson, -- (female) Carlson, -- (female) Carlson.

bullet Carmen ---

She was married to Ralph Skarin. Children were: Ralph Skarin Jr., Ronnie G. Skarin, Candace Skarin, Joel Skarin.

bullet Carmen ---

bulletCarol ---.

She was married to Robert Hansohn ? in ?. Children were: Timothy Hansohn, Jeffrey Hansohn.

bullet Carol ---

She was married to Paul Nevin. Children were: Joy Elizabeth Nevin.

bullet Carol --- was living in 2001 in Des Moines, Iowa.

She was married to Wayne Stanley Wiksell.

bullet Carolina --- was born in 1832 in Sweden. She appeared on the census in Jun 1880 in Wheeler Twp, Sac Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1885 in Wheeler Twp, Sac Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Wheeler Twp, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to Louis John Larson before 1858. Children were: Lawrence Larson, Hilda Larson, Charles O. Larson, Jane (Jennie) Larson, Edward Larson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in 1856 in Sweden. She was a Farmwife on 1 Jan 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census on 1 Jan 1885 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to Kelly Johnson before 1882 in Crawford County, Iowa. Children were: Helma Johnson, Minnie Johnson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Jul 1860 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1892 to Kiron Kountry from SE. She was a housewife in 1900 in Ida Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to Carl J. Skog in 1882 in Sweden. Children were: John A. Skog, Johanna A. Skog, Arthur W. Skog, Oscar Skog, Mary Skog, Emil Skog.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Jan 1843 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1883 to Iowa from SE. She appeared on the census on 1 Jun 1900 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa. She died in 1925 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa area. She was buried in 1925 in Odebolt Cemetery, Odebolt, Iowa.

She was married to Frans F.(Frank) Jacobson in 1863 in Sweden. Children were: -- Jacobson, Emma Jacobson, Ida Jacobson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Sweden.

She was married to Carl Bertel before 1860 in Sweden. Children were: Andrew Gustaf Bertel, Carl Bertel, Mathilda Bertel, John Bertel.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Aug 1866 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1885 to America from SE. She appeared on the census on 1 Jun 1900 in Schaller, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to Harry Swanson in 1888 in Iowa. Children were: Laura Swanson, Herman Swanson, Lillie Swanson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Apr 1860 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1883 to America from SE. She was a Farmwife in 1900 in Clinton Twp, Sac Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census on 1 Jun 1900 in Clinton Twp, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to Peter A. Anderson in 1884 in Iowa. Children were: Charles O. Anderson, Edwin R. Anderson, Walter H. Anderson, Augusta Anderson, John P. Anderson, Amelia P. Anderson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Sweden.

She was married to P. E. Peterson before 1862 in Sweden. Children were: Anna Peterson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Feb 1864 in Pennsylvania. She appeared on the census in Jun 1900 in Sac Twp, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to Isaac Williams in 1886 in Iowa. Children were: Fred Williams, Charles Williams, Ray Williams, Carrie Williams, John Williams.

bullet Carolina --- was unsound mind on 17 Apr 1924 in Crawford County, Iowa.

She was married to John P. Larson. Children were: Arlene Larson.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Jun 1844 in Germany. She immigrated in 1892 to KK from Germany. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1910 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to Martin Petersen in 1867 in Germany. Children were: Max Petersen.

bullet Carolina --- was born in Mar 1855 in Germany. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to Wulf Evers in 1880 in Germany. Children were: Frieda Evers, Charley Evers, Henry Evers, Bertha Evers, Otto Evers, Meta Evers, Minnie Evers.

bullet Carolina --- was born in 1833 in Canada. She was a housekeeper in 1860 in Union Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1860 in Denison P.O., Union Twp, Crawford Co, Ia.

She was married to Eli Clothier before 1854. Children were: J. W. Clothier, Emma Clothier, Andrew Clothier.

bullet Carolina --- was born about 1858 in Sweden. She immigrated before 1876 to Iowa from Sweden. She appeared on the census in 1880 in Floyd township, Woodbury Co., Iowa.

She was married to Christian Gibson before 1877 in Iowa. Children were: Ellen Gibson, Hanna Gibson.

bullet Carolina --- was born about 1838 in Sweden. She immigrated before 1865 to Iowa from Sweden. She appeared on the census in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa. She was a housekeeper in 1880 in Sioux City, Woodbury County, Iowa.

She was married to Peter Hanson before 1865. Children were: Oscar Hanson, Carl A. Hanson, Challes Hanson, Hulda M. Hanson, Hannah Hanson.

bullet Carolina --- was born about 1859 in Sweden. She immigrated before 1873 to Iowa from Sweden. She appeared on the census in 1880 in Fairview, Monona County, Iowa. She was a housekeeper in 1880 in Fairview, Monona County, Iowa.

She was married to Swan Nelson before 1873. Children were: Julia A. Nelson, Fred Nelson, Ellen Nelson, Clara Nelson.

bullet Carolina J. --- was born in Apr 1851 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1886 to Kiron Kountry from SE. She appeared on the census in 1900 in Ida Co, Iowa. She died in 1943 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa area. She was buried in 1943 in Odebolt Cemetery, Odebolt, Iowa.

She was married to Carl O. Charles Johnson in 1886 in Sweden. Children were: Martin Johnson , Elna P. Johnson.

bullet Caroline --- was born in 1860 in Illinois. She appeared on the census in Jun 1880 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to Marion Owen. Children were: Bertha Owen, Nellie Owen.

bullet Caroline --- was born in 1844 in New York. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to -- Carr . Children were: Enos J. Carr.

bullet Caroline --- appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to Wilhelm Bottjen. Children were: Gust Bottjen, Reinhold Bottjen.

bullet Caroline --- was living from Jan 1911 to Mar 1914 in Arthur, Ida Co, Iowa.

She was married to Rev. Herman Bergman in 1903 in Minnesota. Children were: Helen Bergman.

bullet Caroline K. --- (Private).

bulletCaroline Lovisa --- was born in 1828 in New York. She appeared on the census in 1870 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She was living in 1870 in Boyer River P.O., Deloit Village, Crawford Co, Ia. She was a keeping house in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1880 in Milford Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.

She was married to William H. Davis before 1853. Children were: George W. Davis, Fred H. Davis, Sybel E. Davis.

bullet Caroline Mann (Elliott) --- was born on 10 Feb 1808 in England. She died on 23 Dec 1867. She has reference number 447.

She was married to Benjamin Hamilton Kelly on 29 Sep 1840. Children were: Elizabeth Jane Kelly , Joseph Kelly, Caroline Kelly, Hamilton Kelly, Harriet Kelly.

bullet Caroline W. --- (Private).

Children were: Vera D. C. Hollander , Vertus D. E. Hollander, Verna D. M. Hollander, Velma M. Hollander.

bulletCarolyn --- was living in 1999 in Seattle, Washington.

She was married to Donald Eugene Peterson.

bullet Carra --- was born in Sep 1844 in Sweden. She immigrated in 1868 to Iowa from SE. She appeared on the census on 1 Jun 1900 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa.

She was married to Gustav Johnson in 1880 in Odebolt, Sac Co, Iowa. Children were: Oscar W. Johnson .

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