Robert Leroy Clauson (Private). Parents:
Raymond Edward Clauson and Jane E. Abbott.
He was married to Wanda Veryle Swieso on 27 Jun 1954 in Clinton Wisconsin Baptist
Church. Children were: Deborah Kay Clauson, Steven Douglas Clauson, Michael
David Clauson, Robert Allen Clauson, Tawn Linda Clauson.
Harriet Clauson was born on 12 Mar 1901 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
She appeared on the census in 1905 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She
appeared on the census in 1910 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared
on the census in 1920 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She appeared on the
census in 1925 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. She died on 31 May 1984
in Eventide, Denison, Iowa. She was buried on 2 Jun 1984 in Kiron Cemetery,
Kiron, Iowa. Parents: Alfred Johan Clauson and
Maria Charlotta Lottie Anderson.She was married to
John Stehlik Jr. on 6 Mar 1939 in Lemars, Plymouth Co, Iowa.
William Clauson was born on 7 Aug 1915 in Kiron, Iowa. He appeared on the
census in 1920 in Kiron, Crawford Co, Iowa. He was living in 1920 in Orange
Street, Kiron, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Kiron, Crawford Co,
Iowa. He graduated from Kiron High School in 1932 in Kiron, Iowa. He was a
hardware store manager after 1945 in Port Orchard, Washington. He died on 28
Jul 1966 in Port Orchard, Washington. He was buried in Washington. Parents:
Edward E. Clauson and Anna
Othelia Lundberg.He was married to Doris Sederberg
on 25 Jun 1940 in Omaha, Nebraska. Children were: Thomas Dale Clauson,
Richard Allan Clauson, John Wesley Clauson.
William Clauson was born on 16 Nov 1922 in Farmplace, Stockholm Twp, Kiron,
Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1925 in Stockholm Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
He graduated from Kiron High School in 1940 in Kiron, Iowa. He graduated in
May 1940 in Kiron High School, Kiron, Iowa. He graduated in 1949 in Minnesota
Univ.BSEE. He resided at 1003 144th Avenue N.E. in 1985 in Bellevue, Washington
98007. He died on 2 May 1991 in Evergreen Hospice, Kirkland, Washington. He
was buried on 7 May 1991 in Cemetery, Bellevue, Washington. He was an Electronics
Engineer/Mgr in California. Parents: John Eldon Clauson
and Dorothy Florence Greene.He was married to
Marilyn Eloise Malmquist on 30 Dec 1946 in Baptist
Church, Kiron, Iowa. Children were: Dr. William Leonard Clauson, Dawn Ann Clauson,
Nedra Lynn Clauson, John Weston Clauson.
Lynn Clauson Parents: Edward Eugene Clauson and Darlene Elise Ploegman.
Clauson (Private). Parents: John August (Gus) Clauson
and Alfreda M. Lindberg.
Claussen was living.He was married to Kate Kahl
Claussen was born on 27 Feb 1891. She died on 20 Apr 1977.She was married
to Jerome Clarence Slechta on 4 May 1908.
F.? Cleff? was born in 1879 in Iowa. He was a hotel proprietor in 1910 in
Kiron, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1910 in Kiron, Crawford
Co, Iowa. He was living in 1910 in Peach Street, Kiron, Iowa.He was married
to Martha Rusfekofsley? in 1903 in Iowa.
Catherine Cleggett was born in 1904. She died in 1977.She was married
to Philip Oscar Johnson. Children were:
Christine Charlotte Johnson, Jerry Johnson
, Barbara Mary Johnson,
Pauline Johnson, John Johnson,
Edward Johnson, Philip Charles Johnson,
Shirley E. Johnson.
Clements died in Omaha, Douglas Co, Nebraska. He was buried in Omaha, Douglas
Co, Nebraska.He was married to Ruby P. Lilleholm
ClementsShe was married to William Chrismon Lewis on 17 Jul 1994. Children
were: Sarah Clements, Anthony Clements.
Clementsson was born in Kolsjon, Hassela, Hälsingland, X, SE.He was
married in Hassela, Hälsingland, X, SE. Children were:
Martha Jonsdotter.
CleppeHe was married to Della Remrey.
CliffordShe was married to Woodrow Wilson Twyman
. Children were: Woodrow John Twyman.
Cline was living in 1998 in LeMars, Iowa.He was married to Linda Jean
Swanson before 1998.
ClingenpeelHe was married to Tillie Clausen
ClintonHe was married to Aguste Kahl.
Clothier was born in 1859 in Michigan. He appeared on the census in 1860
in Denison P.O., Union Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. Parents:
Eli Clothier and Carolina ---.
Clothier was born in 1833 in Canada. He was a farm laborer in 1860 in Union
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the census in 1860 in Denison P.O., Union
Twp, Crawford Co, Ia.He was married to Carolina ---
before 1854. Children were: J. W. Clothier,
Emma Clothier, Andrew Clothier.
Clothier was born in 1856 in Canada. She appeared on the census in 1860
in Denison P.O., Union Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. Parents:
Eli Clothier and Carolina ---.She was married
to David C. Mason. Children were:
Guy Mason, Dorsey Mason,
Clyde Mason, Hilliam Mason,
-- Mason.
W. Clothier was born in 1854 in Canada. He appeared on the census in 1860
in Denison P.O., Union Twp, Crawford Co, Ia. Parents:
Eli Clothier and Carolina ---.
ClouseHe was married to Edna Wunschel.
Clouse (Private). Parents: Edward Clouse and
Maggie (McAfee?) ---.
Clouse was born in 1867 in Illinois. He appeared on the census in 1895 in
Wheeler Twp, Sac Co, Iowa.He was married to Maggie
(McAfee?) --- before 1891 in Iowa. Children were:
Hazel Clouse, Carrie Clouse,
George Clouse.
Clouse (Private). Parents: Edward Clouse and
Maggie (McAfee?) ---.
Clouse (Private). Parents: Edward Clouse and
Maggie (McAfee?) ---.
James Clune (Private).Children were: Vicki Lynn Clune, Jeffrey Lynn Clune.
B. Coats. He was married to Lillian Hellen
Slechta in 1945.
Cobarn was born about 1875 in Iowa.She was married to
Denton W. Kenyon before 1895 in Iowa. Children were:
Oren Kenyon.
Ellen CobbShe was married to Vernie Emil Hultquist
. Children were: Wanda Kay Hultquist.
CoburnHe was married to May Johnson.
Cochran was born in 1856 in Illinois. He was a school student in 1870 in
Jackson Twp, Boyer River Post Office, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the
census in 1870 in Jackson Twp, Boyer River Post Office, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Cochran (Private). Parents: Walter Cochran
and Ella ---.
Cochran (Private). Parents: Walter Cochran
and Ella ---.
Cochran was born in 1858 in Illinois. He was a school student in 1870 in
Jackson Twp, Boyer River Post Office, Crawford Co, Iowa. He appeared on the
census in 1870 in Jackson Twp, Boyer River Post Office, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Cochran was born in 1867 in Illinois. He appeared on the census in 1895
in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. He attended services of the Methodist in 1895 in
Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa.He was married to Ella ---
before 1891 in Hayes Twp, Ida Co, Iowa. Children were:
Elmer Cochran, Edward Cochran.
Louise Cocks was born on 30 May 1904 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. She
died on 9 Feb 1982 in Horn Memorial Hospital, Ida Grove, Iowa. She was buried
on 11 Feb 1982 in Hayes Twp. Cemetery, Ida Co, Ia.. Her obituary was read on
15 Feb 1982 in Arthur Ev.Free Church, Arthur, Iowa.She was married to
Carl J. Hedum on 3 Feb 1937 in Des Moines, Iowa. Children were:
Carolyn Hedum.
Coder Parents: Donald Duane Anderson and
Mary Margaret Koprek.
Coffield Parents: Kedy Coffield and Leigh Ann
CoffieldHe was married to Leigh Ann Cronin. Children were:
-- Coffield.
Coffin died in 1873 in Montgomery County, Illinois. She was born in North
Carolina.She was married to Charles Alexander Shives
in North Carolina. Children were: William W. Shives
, Charles Shives, Mary
Cohart was born in 1880 in Iowa. She appeared on the census in 1895 in Stockholm
Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Cohrt appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Parents: John Cohrt and
Anna ---.
Cohrt appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Parents: John Cohrt and
Anna ---.
Cohrt appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Parents: John Cohrt and
Anna ---.
Cohrt appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Parents: John Cohrt and
Anna ---.
Cohrt was born in 1853 in Germany. He appeared on the census in 1905 in
Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa. He died in 1930. He was buried in 1930
in Morgan Cemetery, Schleswig, Iowa. He was also known as Johann Cohrt.He
was married to Anna --- before 1889 in Iowa. Children
were: Johnny H. Cohrt,
Maria Cohrt, Emma Cohrt,
Hermann Cohrt, Alvine Cohrt,
Alma Cohrt.
H. Cohrt (Private). Parents: John Cohrt and
Anna ---.He was married to
Dora --- before 1920 in Iowa.
Cohrt appeared on the census in 1905 in Otter Creek Twp, Crawford Co, Iowa.
Parents: John Cohrt and
Anna ---.Back
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